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Practice 1. vocabulary practice. Match the picture with the sentence



Label the pictures.

6carbon dioxide/ 2heart/ 3oxygen/1blood/ 5arteries/4lungs/veins

Practice 2. Listen and fill in the blanks

The movement of your blood through your heart and around your body is called
circulation. The process of circulation is fast! It takes less than a ………. to pump
blood to every port of your body.
When you breathe in, ………… goes into your lungs.
Blood from your lungs fills with oxygen and moves into the ………… side of your
The left side of your heart pumps the blood with oxygen in it out through tubes
called ……….. Arteries carry blood away from your heart to your body.
Your body takes the oxygen out of the blood and uses it to stay ………. and strong.
We need oxygen for everything we do: moving, growing, speaking and thinking. If
we do not have oxygen, we cannot live.
When your body uses the oxygen from your …………, it makes carbon dioxide. Your
body doesn't need this, so the blood takes it away, Other tubes, called, carry the
blood with carbon dioxide in it back to your heart. The blood from body goes in to
the right side of your heart'
The right side of your ………. pumps this blood into your lungs. Your lungs ……….
the carbon dioxide from the blood.
When you breathe out, the carbon dioxide goes back into the air.
All this happens in about a minute, and all you have to do is breathe!

Practice 3. Listen, Read and fill in the blanks

Protects, straight, efficient, remembers, fall ill, defense, prevent,

organisms, immune, divided

Our body has a powerful army that 1. ………. it from various types of
threats. This personal army is called the 2. ………………………….system.
Every day we encounter a huge number of bacteria, viruses and other
disease-causing 3. ……………………... However, we don’t 4.
……………………..every other day. Which is due to our immune system.
The immune system can be broadly 5. ………………………..into two parts –
innate and adaptive immunity. Innate immunity is the body’s first
natural 6. ………………….to any intruder. Its main goal is to 7.
…………………………any intruder from entering the body.
There is also the adaptive immunity. This system is more 8.
……………………….., as it can differentiate between different types of
The job of the immune system is to fight these pathogens and get them
out of the body. What’s so incredible about the immune system is that
it 9. …………………………how to fight the infection, so if the pathogen

comes back for round two, the body can beat it off 10.
6 Tips to boost your immune system audio https://english-

Practice 4. Listen and choose the best answer

1. Eat …. foods

a. Fast b.Low calorie c. Antioxidant

2. Take more …

a. Iron b.Selenium c. Zinc

3…… adequately

a.Eat b.Sleep c.Move

4. Get yourself out in the …

a. Sun b.Sea c.Air

5. Eat more …

a.Onions b.Parsley c.Garlic

6. Laugh with your…

a.Mouth b.Head c.Heart


Practice 5. Listen again and answer the questions.

1. What is the best antioxidant food?

2. What are the benefits of taking zinc?
3. Why sleep is so important?
4. How much time should you spend in the sun for vitamin D?
5. What is the benefit of garlic?
6. Why do they say laughter is the best medicine?

Simple Present Tense
Means: general truth, and habitual or everyday activity.
S + V1 (s/es) + O
+ She works everyday in Surya Company. Dewi eats
S + doesn’t/ don’t
breakfast + V1 + O

+ They write a memo for the Boss. You eat breakfast

- He doesn’t write an application letter
- They don’t understand the Boss’ instructions
- He/she/name/It : doesn’t….. They/we/I/you don’t
+ She is a secretary. She is very beautiful. I am a student
S + is, am, are + adjective
+ I am the manager of Bank Indonesia. I am so clever
S + is, am, are + not + adj
+ They are students. They are diligent. We are happy

She/he/it/ nanda: verb s/es . doesn’t, is

They/ we/ i/ you: verb 1. Don’t
They/you/ we: are
I am
Adjective: smart, rich, poor, nice, calm, humble
To Be: is/ are/am
Practice 1. Use appropriate simple present tense
1. Mike ______ a student. But, he ___________to school now. (to be, go)
2. Water _____ of hydrogen and oxygen (consist)
3. I ____ he is a kind man. (think)
4. A piano ___ heavy. It ____ a lot. (be, weigh)
5. Mr. Thomson ____ a big help. He ____ many troubles. (be not, make)

Practice 2. Underline the sentence which is simple present tense. Then, mark S (subject) and V
Mr. Brown is my boss. He always comes to the office earlier because his house is near from the

Subject to be S V

company. He has 200 employees. Last year, the company exported organic food in Thailand.


There were so many good comments for the products. Now, his Company also exports organic


and un-organic food to all the countries around the world. In addition, the food is non- toxic.

S Vauxiliary

People consume healthy food and his company got an award for the best-seller healthy organic


and un-organic food.

Practice 3. Fill in the space using the words in the box. Use simple present tense
Brush comb dry eat get dressed get up Wake up
Go have make pick up put on rings Wear

Every morning I _____ as soon as my alarm ____ After 10 minutes I _________________ and go
to the bathroom. I _________, ______ my teeth and ________ my hair. After my shower I
__________ myself with a big towel and go back to the bedroom. In the bedroom I ________ my
make up and ____________. I sometimes _____________ trousers and a blouse or top with
sandals or shoes. Next I usually go to the kitchen and _____________ myself a cup of tea,
although I sometimes drink coffee instead of tea. For breakfast I often ________ cornflakes, toast
and marmalade and a piece of fruit. After breakfast I _________ my car keys and ___________ to

Practice 4. Mark (I) incorrect sentence and (C) correct sentence in simple present tense!
1. _____ Every morning the sun shines in my bedroom and wakes me up
2. _____ Diane washes her hair every other day or so.
3. _____ Do you always lock the door before you leave?
4. _____ Kathy usually sits down in front of the window.
5. _____ The world is round

Please describe yourself using simple present

8 sentences (minimum)
I am a hard worker. I work in sampoerna. Every day I come to my office at 7 a.m.

Homework for next week: individual presentation

1. Describe one of public services near your place
2. For example: public health center, etc
3. Talk about: the services, the program, etc
4. Use simple present in 2 paragraphs. One paragraph has 5 sentences
5. Example:

Public health centre in Keputih is usually crowded every day. There are many people visit
this place. They consult the health, BPJS, and other things. One of the interesting program is
stunting. All the doctors try to avoid stunting in new baby born, or for toddler.

I. Present Continuous 9a.m 10a.m 11a.m

Means: the activity is still in progress (sedang berlangsung)

S + is / am/ are + Ving + O

He is sleeping

1. I need an umbrella because it is raining
2. John and Mary are talking on the phone.
3. He is writing a business letter

Feel the difference between Simple Present and Present Continuous

1. I don’t talk about a woman who is wearing the blue shirt.
2. Every day I write a letter to my mother in Chicago. But, I am still waiting for her reply.
3. Liu Shirley eats a sandwich every morning. Right now she is eating a bowl of soup.

Practice 1. Mark (I) incorrect sentence and (C) correct sentence in Present Continuous!
1. _____ I am sitting in class right now.
2. _____ The teacher are correcting papers at her desk.
3. _____ Sally is in her room. She was listened to the music.
4. _____ Right now I am looking around the class. Yoko is writing. Carlos drawing a map.
5. _____ Look! It is snowing in Alaska.
Practice 2. Underline the sentence whether it is Present Continuous (PC) or Present Tense(PT)!
Johnson & Johnson is a famous baby product. It sells many kinds of soap, lotion, and
powder. In the product, anyone can see the directions of use. While the baby is sleeping, a
mother spread the oil lotion as body therapy. The mother can use milk soap for her baby when he
is taking a bath.

Practice 3. Use appropriate Present Pontinuous or Present Tense!

1. Diane can’t come to the phone because she ___________________ (wash) her hair.
2. Please be quiet. I ________________________ (try) to concentrate.
3. I _________________ (no, own) an umbrella. I ______________ (wear) a waterproof hat.
4. There’s a book on my desk, but it ________________________ (no, belong) to me.
5. Barbara ___________________________ (often, tutor) other students in math class. This
afternoon she ______________________ (help) Steve with his math assignment because

he __________________________ (no, understand) the material he _______________________

(work) on in the class.

Study the preposition!

1. On 6 June 8. At 11.45

2. In the evening 9. On Christmas Day

3. On Wednesday 10. In Christmas

4. In 1997 11. In the morning

5. In September 12. On Friday morning

6. On 23 August 13. On Saturday night

Practice 4. Use appropriate preposition!

1. Do you work ____ Saturday? 7. Did you go out ___ Tuesday?

2. Where were you ____ 28 February? 8. Did you go out ___Tuesday evening?

3. I got up ___ 7 o’clock this morning. 9. Do you often go out ___ the evening?

4. I like getting up early ___ the morning. 10. Let’s meet ___ 7.30 tomorrow evening.

5. my sister got married ____ May

6. Diane and I first met ____ 2003


Description Examples
1)To express a prediction ( will / be going to is used)  According to the weather report, it will be
(tomorrow, next year, six years later, four months cloudy tomorrow.
later, a week later)  According to the weather report, it is
going to be cloudy tomorrow.
2) To express a prior plan (be going to is used)  A: Why did you buy this paint?
Pattern: S + be going to + V1 B: I’m going to paint my bedroom
S + be going to + be + adjective tomorrow.
I am going to be clever if I study in Malaysia
be: is, am, are
3) To express willingness (will is used); to express  A: The phone’s ringing
something happened in the future plan. B: I’ll get it
I will be clever if I study in Malaysia
I will go to Bali next year
She will study in Malaysia next two years
Pattern: S + will + V1
S + will + be + adjective

Practice 1. Use will /be going to.

1. A: It’s cold here

B: I agree. I _____ the heater on
A: That’s a good idea.
2. I’ll get home around six. When I get home, I ______ Sharon.
3. I ______ watch a TV program at nine. Before I watch that program, I ______ write a
letter to my parents.
4. I _____ to bed after I finish my work
5. A: Are you busy this evening?
B: Yes. I ________ Jack at the library at seven.

Practice 2. Study Preposition after Verbs!

learn about ask for wait for think of think about enquire into tell about
laugh at agree with agree on point at care for wonder at hear of
believe in good at take care of rely on depend on count on instead of
object to

1. The workers’ rights will be given by the employers, so it depends___________ the authority.
2. I am good _____________ Math.
3. Instead ________ giving money, I will give a lesson for the children who live under the bridge.
4. Don’t laugh ____________ me! It is not funny for me.
5. I will agree _____________Anne. She is a good leader.
6. We arrived _________ the restaurant in time for lunch.

7. If you don't stop laughing _________ me, I'm going home.

8. The boss disagreed _________ me.
9. The land belongs _________ a rich man.
10. Are you listening ___________me?
11. Don’t worry _____________a thing!
12. I'm thinking ___________buying a new printer.
13. Can I speak __________ Jane, please?
14. Please don’t shout ___________ me!
15. My friend is good _______________ playing volleyball.

Study Singular/Plural Verb!

Verb- s Noun- s
John works => singular Sing > sings toy > toys
The students work => plural Work > works book > books
Verb- es Noun- es
Friends are important => plural Wash > washes baby > babies
Friend is important => singular Watch > watches box > boxes
Cry > cries class > classes
Mix > mixes Quiz > quizzes

Practice 1. Discuss the exercise below. Revise the verb by adding s/es.

1. I have two pen (pens: a plural noun)

2. Tom work hard every day.
3. A dog need fresh water every day.
4. Butterfly are beautiful.
5. Martha watch TV every evening.
6. The earth rotate around the sun.

Practice 2. Add s/es for the following words.

1. talk ___ 6. Ash ___

2. tray__ 7. Passenger ___

3. pray___ 8. Hate ___

4. face___ 9. Catch ___

5. enemy ___ 10. Page ___


Irregular noun
Man Men Practice 3. Write the plural form.
Woman Women
Child Children 1. Zero ____________
Ox Oxen
Mouse Mice 2. Monkey. _______________
Foot Feet
Tooth Teeth 3. Industry. ___________________
Calf Calves
hero Heroes 4. Fox. _______________________
Knife Knives
5. Belief. _____________________
Leaf Leaves
Life Lives
6. Leaf. ______________________
Self Selves
Shelf Shelves 7. Ox. ________________________
Wolf Wolves
thief thieves 8. Sheep. ________________________

9. Fish.____________________

10. Deer _______________


Describing a picture

Conversation Practice

1. Find a picture from a book or magazine.

2. Describe the picture to your partner.

For example:

In this picture, there are two boys.

They are running after a dog.

I think they will go swimming in the lake.

For example:

On the right side of the room, there is a small table.

On top of the table, there are some books.

Next to the table, there is a tall lamp.

3. Ask questions about a picture or drawing.

For example,

What are these people doing?

I think they're having a picnic.

What is (that) (next to the tree)?

It looks like a cow.


Present tense: S + V1(s)

He sings a song

She has long blonde hair

He is young

A dialogue with the midwife

Patient : Good afternoon, midwife!

Midwife : Good afternoon, ma’am. What can I do for you?

Patient : I want to have my pregnancy examined.

Midwife : Is it your first pregnancy?

Patient : Yes, it’s the first pregnancy. I had two months of pregnancy.

Midwife : Okay. Now, what’s your name?

Patient : I am Ratih.

Midwife : Do you have any problem with your present pregnancy?

Patient : Yes. I have stomachache, nausea, and a headache. I can’t eat anything.

Midwife : How many days do you feel it?

Patient : I think it is two days ma’am.

Midwife : This is not good for your digestion. You’re pale and sick.

Patient : Really? Will my pregnancy be okay?

Midwife : Don’t worry! Now i will do physical assessment starting from your general health
check from head to toe.

Patient : Alright, please.

Midwife : Well, it’s done. You may sit here. I will tell you about the result. Now your baby
is fine, but you’re limp, because you don’t eat anything. I’m going to give some
medicine for you. This is medication to prevent nausea.

Midwife : This is your medicine. You should take one tablet one a day.

Patient : I hope i’ll be okay.

Midwife : I’m sure you’ll get well soon.

Patient : Thank you very much.

Midwife : You’re welcome.



Practice 1. Fill in the blanks spaces with one of the following words!

A. Performance D. Similar G. Master J. Investigate

B. Value E. Strong H. Relieve
C. Common F. Considered I. Survive

1. The ability to speak was of a great ........

2. Tears ......... anger and tension naturally
3. The detective tried to ……. the causes of a murder in a small town.
4. After World War I, automobiles, buses, and trucks became the most .......
5. Ludwing Van Beethoven is of the greatest composers
6. Venus and Earth are ….. in size. However, the surface temperature of Venus is 600
degrees Fahrenheit
7. People go to the Course, study English, and practice to speak everyday in order
to …….. it.
8. Ballet dancers, same as actors, must spend many hours a day practicing before
a ............
9. The low level class in a society needs a leader who has a ………… personality to raise
the life.
10. How can you ……… in this world if you don’t work?

Practice 2. Match the words with the synonym and the antonym!

No Words Synonym Antonym

1 Create a. unit k. make u. consider
2 Connect b. unusual l. until now v. make someone
do something
3 Broad c. quiet m. common w. not yet
4 Fascinating d. wide n. interesting x. join together
5 Ordinary e. actual o. forbid
6 Tiny f. uncomplicated p. small
7 Calm g. narrow q. separate
8 Complex h. balance r. boring
9 Force i. excited s. huge
10 So far j. destroy t. complicated

Practice 3. Complete the following sentences with the suitable words provided in the box!

Laptop printer keyboard software

Mouse database monitor screen

CD-Rom communicate eradicated

1. If you want to check whether data is correctly processed you can see it on the ______
2. A small device that allows you to operate the programs in a computer with speed, instead of
typing the command is called _________
3. __________ looks like a typewriter which has a function to do the input central processing and
4. When you need an output data you will need a _____ to print the data
5. ______ is an instrument that can store the data of hundreds of megabytes so it is also ideal for
storing pictures and sound.
6. All the systems of a computer are called_______
7. ________ is very convenient. Since it is a portable computer, it is practical for a traveling
8. Some viruses have _______ my computer programs from this disk.
9. With a modem in a computer, one can _______ to another via a telephone line.
10. Now that more information is stored in a digital form, making a perfect _______ is both easy
and cheap.

Reading Comprehension


Menopause is defined as the state of an absence of menstrual periods

for 12 months. The menopausal transition starts with varying menstrual
cycle length and ends with the final menstrual period. Perimenopause
means "the time around menopause" and is often used to refer to the
menopausal transitional period. It is not officially a medical term, but is
sometimes used to explain certain aspects of the menopause transition in lay
terms. Postmenopause is the entire period of time that comes after the last
menstrual period.
Menopause is the time in a woman's life when the function of the ovaries ceases. The ovary
(female gonad), is one of a pair of reproductive glands in women. They are located in the pelvis,
one on each side of the uterus. Each ovary is about the size and shape of an almond. The ovaries
produce eggs (ova) and female hormones such as estrogen. During each monthly menstrual cycle,
an egg is released from one ovary. The egg travels from the ovary through a Fallopian tube to the
uterus. The ovaries are the main source of female hormones, which control the development of
female body characteristics such as the breasts, body shape, and body hair. The hormones also
regulate the menstrual cycle and pregnancy. Estrogens also protect the bone. Therefore, a woman
can develop osteoporosis (thinning of bone) later in life when her ovaries do not produce adequate
Perimenopause is different for each woman. Scientists are still trying to identify all the
factors that initiate and influence this transition period. At what age does a woman typically reach
menopause? The average age of menopause is 51 years old. But there is no way to predict when
an individual woman will enter menopause. The age at which a woman starts having menstrual
periods is also not related to the age of menopause onset. Most women reach menopause between
the ages of 45 and 55, but menopause may occur as earlier as the 30s or 40s or may not occur until
a woman reaches her 60s. As a rough "rule of thumb," women tend to undergo menopause at an
age similar to that of their mothers. Perimenopause, often accompanied by irregularities in the
menstrual cycle along with the typical symptoms of early menopause, can begin up to 10 years
prior to the last menstrual period.
Living a healthy lifestyle is important throughout a woman's life. And, it's not too late to
start at menopause. Get a checkup that includes measuring your blood pressure, cholesterol, and
blood sugar and make appointments for routine screenings such as mammograms. Menopause is
also a great time to upgrade your diet, physical activity, and stress management skills -- your doctor
can give you pointers as you work together to plan for a healthy menopause.

Exercise 1. Answers these questions based on the reading passage above!

1. Explain about Perimenopause! _________________________________________________

2. What is Postmenopause? ______________________________________________________

3. The reproductive glands in women is ________________ which located in ___________

4. What can be produced in ovary? _______________________________________________

5. What are the functions of the ovaries? ___________________________________________

6. What do the Estrogens for? ___________________________________________________

7. Is it true that the scientists easily predict at what age women reach menopause? Prove your
answer! ____________________________________________________________________

8. At what age commonly women reach menopause? ________________________________

9. What are the treatments for the women who got their menopause?

10. Based on your opinion, what are the symptoms of menopause?


Read the text carefully and answer the question 2. In line 8, the phrase “outer tissue” is closest in
by marking (X) meaning to ____

Passage I (A) outside force

(B) outlying area
Although a few protozoan are (C) shell
multicellular, the simplest are unicellular (D) cell
organisms, such as amoebas, bacteria, sarcodina,
ciliates, flagellates, and sporozoans, which can be 3. In line 10, the word “it” refers to ___
amorphous in shape and smaller than .001 inch.
(A) the cell
Cytoplasm fills the cell membrane that encloses it (B) any compound
and functions as a barrier between cells. The (C) the membrane
membrane serves as the outer tissue, and any (D) the cytoplasm
compound that may destroy the cell has to
penetrate it to reach the cytoplasm. 4. It can be inferred from the passage that a cell
serves as ___
Some types of organisms are termed
colonial because they represent loosely assembled (A) a partition of organism functions
(B) the smallest colonial group
groups of structurally similar and unifunctional
(C) the smallest genetic unit
cells. Colonial organisms maintain a symbiotic (D) a flagellate reproductive organ
relationship within their particular environements.
5. In line 12, the word “loosely” is closest in
Unlike colonial organisms, almost all meaning to ___
species of animals and plants are multicellular and
include various types of speciliazed or somatic cells, (A) lively
each with its own nucleus, genetic code, and RNA. (B) naturally
The overall size of a multicellular body is contingent (C) freely
(D) feebly
on the total number of cells that comprise it, not
the size of individual cells. The simplest
6. In line 14, the word “symbiotic” is closest in
multicellular animals are hydras, sponges, and meaning to ____
jellyfish, which have well-defined tissues, a cellular
nucleus, and an element of cell functions. Sponges (A) mutually dependent
have a few specialized cells but largely resemble (B) mutually exclusive
colonial organisms that can readily form a new (C) mutually hostile
(D) mutually resistant
individual group. If the cells of a sponge are
separated, they rejoin and continue as a newly 7. The author of the passage implies that large
formed colonial organism. animals and plants have ___

1. How many cells do the simplest organisms (A) larger cell sizes than amoebas and protozoans
contain? (B) larger quantities of protoplasm than smaller
(A) One (C) stronger cellular membranes than flagellates
(B) One hundred (D) a greater number of cells than smaller life-
(C) Many forms
(D) An unknown number

Reading. Cigarette Smoking and Health

The most dangerous substance in cigarette smoke is nicotine.

In large amounts, nicotine can kill a person almost instantly. A cigarette
contains only a small amount of nicotine. Even in small amounts,
however, nicotine affects the body. It speeds up the heartbeat. It
narrows the blood vessels, which raises blood pressure. Nicotine also
affects the nervous system.
Cigarette smoke also contains a gas called carbon monoxide. When a person inhales cigarettes
smoke, carbon monoxide enters the lungs. This carbon monoxide prevents oxygen from reaching the
cells of your body.
Recall that oxygen is carried from the lungs to all of your cells by red blood cells. Hemoglobin
in the red blood cells attaches to oxygen, carries it through the body, and releases it where it is needed.
However, carbon monoxide can attach to hemoglobin even more easily than oxygen can. As Figure 1
shows, carbon monoxide then reaches the cells instead of oxygen. Cells cannot use carbon monoxide
and, without oxygen, cells cannot survive.
The filter of an unsmoked cigarette is white. After only a few puffs of the cigarette, though, the
filter turns dark brown. The substance that causes this color change is tar. Tar is a yellowish, sticky
substance made of many different chemicals. The cigarette filter absorbs some tar but not all of it. The
tar that is not absorbed by the filter enters the lungs.
Many studies have shown that chemicals in tar from cigarette smoke cause lung cancer. In one
study, mice were placed in a smoking machine that kept the air filled with tobacco smoke. After several
months many of the mice died from lung cancer. Mice from the same family that were not placed in a
smoking machine did not develop lung cancer. Many other experiments using other kinds of animals
have shown similar results.
Experiments have also proven that tar causes cells in the lining of the bronchial tubes and air
sacs to grow rapidly and form tumors. These tumors may develop into cancer. Tumors may block the
bronchial tubes, which causes difficulty in obtaining air. Some of the cells in these tumors may even
enter the bloodstream, here they are carried to other organs. Once inside the other organs, cancer cells
grow rapidly and form more tumors. Cancer can spread throughout the body in this way. From these
experiments, scientists have concluded that heavy smokers have a greater chance of developing lung
cancer than do nonsmokers
Scientists have also identified a link between smoking and
other respiratory diseases. These diseases include emphysema,
bronchitis, and influenza. Each of these diseases affects the breathing
tubes and lungs. These diseases are more common in smokers than in
nonsmokers. These diseases also become worse as a person continues
to smoke

Exercise 1. Answer the questions based on the reading text above!

1. Describe three substances in cigarette smoke that are hazardous to human health?


2. How does carbon monoxide interfere with breathing? ________________________________


3. What is a tumor? _____________________________________________________________


4. A substance in the environment that causes cancer is _________________________________

5. What are some effects of air pollutants on the structure and function of the respiratory system?


6. Name some things you can do to protect the health of your respiratory system?


Building Vocabulary. Write the term from the list that best matches each description.
Emphysema, mucus, cancer, tar

a) This disease is characterized by the uncontrolled growth of cells. __________________

b) A moist, sticky substance that traps dust and bacteria from the air. _________________

c) Substance in tobacco smoke causes lung cancer. ____________________

d) This lung disease results in the breakdown of the walls of the alveoli. __________________

8. Which of the following is not an air pollutant?

a. asbestos c. carbon monoxide
b. sulfur dioxide d. oxygen

Reading Passage.

Every person with a computer dreams of a simple operating system. We always want it versatile,
complete, high performing and of course, affordable.

Ubuntu is all of the above. It is versatile as you may use it in your school or office for whatever purpose.
It is so simple that even a 7-year old may use it. Its contents are limited to those that are actually useful. It
already has OpenOffice 2, photo editing software, mind mapping software, database creation and management
tools, content management tools, graphics creation and drawing software. Music enthusiasts and radio stations
alike will enjoy its audio editing and software and hardware mixing. There is no need for separate installation
for each.

Its high performance is guaranteed by Linux. It will not crash on you when you are in the middle of
something important. The most fascinating thing about Ubuntu is that it is totally free and requires minimal
maintenance requirements.


"Old habits don't die", they say. What would make an old Windows-user migrate and be an Ubuntu convert?
The following are among Ubuntu's salient selling points:

- Ubuntu is way much easier to install. You can run it directly from the CD and right away try it without
losing the previously installed programs and stored files. In fact, you can browse the internet, chat, or play
a game while installing the same. There is also a selection of applications and services from which you
choose to install in just one click. Windows does not afford such kind of convenience as its installation
always involves several separate procedures.

- It has an auto-update system. You will never be left behind as it automatically installs for you anything that
is new. Windows does not offer the same features.

- It comes with a highly reliable Ubuntu guide which aids you in case you forget a command line syntax.

- Ubuntu has Open Office, firefox and the gimp as standard programs and are already installed for you. They
also run much faster as they require smaller memory spaces and processor time. In Windows, installing the
same programs will cost you so much time.

- It gains you instant access to over 21,000 software packages for free.

The best part is that it is free. It will save you or your company from those costly licensing fees that the
Windows system entails. This alone will propel the switch to Ubuntu.

V. Answer the following questions based on the reading text above!

1. What are the differences between UBuntu and Window? (3 differences)


2. What software are installed in UBuntu?


3. Why is installing UBuntu much easier than installing window?


4. What does ‘auto-up date system’ (line 21) mean?


5. What are the fascinating facts about UBuntu?


VI. Translate the sentences below.

1. Ubuntu is way much easier to install. You can run it directly from the CD and right away try it without
losing the previously installed programs and stored files.


2. The most fascinating thing about Ubuntu is that it is totally free and requires minimal maintenance


Nokia N73 Pay As You Go: Go With Handset for Entertainment by Jack Mitchelson

The Nokia N73 is a smart phone. The global mobile giant Nokia described it as a "mini computer". The N-
series model of the Nokia, the N73 is encumbered with full package of software applications, that includes contacts,
messaging, music player, an IM client, a WAP browser and with some more excited games. The various network
providers are offering Nokia N73 with pay as you go mobile phone deal.

Nokia N73 is a stylish and advanced featured mobile phone. With the weight of 116 grams and dimensions of
110 x 49 x 19mm, Nokia N73 can easily slide into the pocket and is handy to use. It is available in many colors
like, silver grey, deep plum, Frost white, metallic Red and black.

There are other features, which distinguishes the N73 pay as you go from the other Nokia products like N or
'E' series. The main and distinguishing difference that lies between the Nokia N73 mobile phones is the 3.2
megapixel autofocus camera. The N73 model does not support Wi-Fi connectivity still the phone is better in usage.

Nokia N73 comes with latest technologies like Bluetooth, lrDA, USB support, HSCSD, EDGE, 3G, infrared
and many more. It comes with 42MB user memory including 64 MB SDRAM, ARM 9 220 MHz processor. Nokia
N73 also includes quick office document viewer for word, excel and power point and has a PDF reader. One can
use this mobile for accessing the internet with WAP 2.0 support. Now you can easily avail the stylish handset that
too at best cheapest pay as you go mobile phone deal.

Nokia N73 is available with many lucrative deals provided by the well known network providers in the UK.
They provide the handset with the most sought after pay as you go mobile phone deal. It helps the users in
checking their bills. The best thing with Nokia N73 pay as you deal is that you can go with any network provider.
The Mobile phone lover can buy Nokia N73 with the deal along with lots of free offers like free mobile accessories

VII. Answer the question from the reading passage!

1. What technologies support Nokia N73?


2. Why is N73 called as ‘mini computer’?


3. What makes N73 is different from other N or E series?


4. Describe the performances of N73 as computer?



5. What is the best thing of N73?


6. Translate the sentences in paragraph 1 and 2 into bahasa.


IV. Listening Comprehension

9. 9
1. (A) She has a very good health (
(B) She is very sick 9.
(C) She has sore throat
(A) It is a good idea to swim together with friends
(D) She is homesick along
(B) It is a bad idea to swim in a high wave
2. (A) To buy fuel while stopping at the gas station
(C) It is a good idea to swim in the summer
(B) To buy snack while stopping at the gas station (D) It is a bad idea to swim in a bad weather
(C) To buy a drink while stopping at the gas station
(D) To buy reference books needed for the class 10.
(A) The man can open the door
3. (A) It was a very serious quite situation
(B) The door is unlocked
(B) The president is so angry (C) The key is new
(C) the students are afraid of the president (D) The man has the wrong key for the door
(D) The president and the students are in the
exhibition hall 11.
(A) There is only a laptop on woman’s bag
4. (A) The man has headache (B) The woman’s bag is full of things
(B) The man has a disease (C) The woman’s bag should not be brought at campus
(C) The man is emotional to the woman
(D) The man wants to help the woman carrying her bag
(D) The woman feels sorry to the man
5. (A) The plants have already cleaned yesterday (A) The dog was being took care of by someone
(B) The plants water by the man yesterday
(B) The dog is barking when the man is out of town
(C) Mark remembers to water the plants daily
(C) The dog is at home alone
(D) Mark had already watered the plants (D) The man really misses his dog
6. (A) The printer must be put at the service centre 13.
(B) The printer is broken so it is important to fix (A) He really misses his mother
by the man
(B) He really wants to go to the village with the woman
(C) The computer should have been fixed (C) The man got confused because of the woman
(D) as soon as possible (D) He really misses his hometown
(D) The computer at the service centre is new
7. (A) The film will be ready before 4 (A) The woman thinks that the history class is
(b) The film will be ready at 4 interesting
(C) The film will be ready today
(B) The man thinks that the history class is interesting
(D) The film will be ready as soon as the man comes (C) All students in the history class submit the task
(D) Both of them think that the history class is so
8. (A) The man should drink tea after the meal boring
(B) The man should drink tea with the woman
(C) The man should drink tea at the cafe 15.
(D) The man should drink tea after it gets colder (A) David is good singer and composer
(B) David is a good music producer
(C) David is a good musician
(D) David has concert tonight


1. What is the mother name?
2. What is the father name?
3. What are the names of the sons?
4. What is the mother doing in the airplane?
5. What is the father doing in airplane?
6. What are the sons doing in airplane?
7. Where do they have vacation?
8. Where do they stay in Thailand?
9. What is the first son find in the refrigerator?
10. What does the sons get as the present?
11. What does the mother get as the present?
12. What are the father and the sons doing in the beach?
13. Describe how the sea water/ Tsunami happened!
14. What happened when the sea strike them?
15. How does the mother save her life from the overflow of sea water?
16. What does the mother see when she climbs the tree?
17. How does the mother save her son from the sea water?
18. What are the kinds of injuries that the mother has?
19. How does she overcome her pain on her chest?
20. How does she overcome her pain on her leg?
21. What do they hear?
22. Who is the blond hair kid?
23. How does Lucas help his mother to climb the tree?
24. How do local people help the mother?
25. Where is the mother relocated and cured?
26. How does Lucas help another people in hospital?

27. Why does Lucas cry?

28. How does she find her mother?
29. What kinds of medicine that the mother needs?
30. Is the mother’s pain getting worse or not?
31. What does the doctor decide to do for the mother?
32. Why does the father leave the two sons?
33. Whom does the father call?
34. Where does the father go to find his wife?
35. How does Lucas find his brothers?
36. How does the kids meet their father?
37. Is the mother surgery succeed?
38. Try to memorize! What kinds of medical equipment that you see from the movie? Mention
39. What is the moral value from the movie?
40. What can you learn from the tragedy of disaster on this movie?
41. Summarize the story of the movie using your own words in 1 paragraph.

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