Lesson 1 Activities - Module 3

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Lesson 1 Activities
First Cry of Revolution
In this lesson, we will identify the issue regarding the site of the First Cry of Revolution. Using
Dr. Jim Richardson’s work titled Notes on the “Cry” of August 1896, we will examine the
testaments of the primary witnesses of the First Cry.

Name 5 notable heroes of the Philippine Revolution

1. Jose Rizal 4. Marcelo H. Del Pilar

2. Melchora Aquino 5. Gregoria De Jesus
3. Andress Bonifacio

What I Can Do?

Create a table summarizing the statements of the Katipunero witnesses regarding the site of
the first cry

Name of the Site of the First Cry Date of the First Cry
theKatipunero According to the Witness
1. Guillermo Masangkay Balintawak at the house of August 26, 1896
Apolonio Samson
2. Pio Valenzuela Pugad Lawin, Pasong August 26, 1986
3. Gregoria De Jesus Caloocan August 25, 1896
4. Santiago Alvarez Sampalukan, barrio of August 24,1896
Bahay Toro
5. Captain Olegario Diaz Balintawak August 25, 1896



Write an essay regarding the controversy of the site of the “Cry of Revolution” by answering
these guide questions:


1. State YOUR conclusion on the topic discussed. What factors caused the differences in
the testaments of the witnesses when they were all narrating the same event?

In my own conclusion, the dates are the part of eyewitness stories that are the most difficult to
understand, but I think this is because they lack a tool that would immediately tell them what
time or day it is. I think they'll recall what went on or happened, but not the exact day it
happened. Since we won't have been present when the Cry actually happened, we will have to
rely on witness accounts to determine whether it happened during the day or night. It's also
possible that the witnesses will be aware of the day of the week. I think it will be easy to trace
where the true Cry happened, but time will be challenging. Nonetheless, I believe that
eyewitness reports matter and that learning their revolution memoirs is more significant than
learning other history books because their memoirs books are the primary sources, even if they
differ in time, date, and location.

2. Indicate which version do you think is more credible/ possible and Why?

I think Dr. Pio Valenzuela's contentious book "The Cry of Pugad Lawin" is more credible
and more realistic, and probable. One of the surviving witnesses of the event is Pio Valenzuela, a
Katipunero who joined the revolution at the age of 23. Guillermo Masangkay, a fellow
Katipunan member, also corroborated it. Dr. Pio Valenzuela, a friend of Dr. Jose Rizal, is the
only doctor participating in the cry. Additionally, he was a friend of Andres Bonifacio, the
Katipunan leader who instigated the cedula rip-off as a sign of the group's hostility to Spanish
colonial rule.



3. What did you learn/ contribution to your understanding on this specific event in
Philippine History?

The significance and my learning of this historical event, "The Cry of Pugad Lawin, the first
cry of the Philippine Revolution, revitalized the Filipino people's solidarity and sparked a "thirst"
for independence. The Cry of Pugad Lawin signaled the commencement of the Philippine
Revolution in 1896, which culminated in the Philippines' independence in 1898. This historical
event inspired the Filipino people to fight for our freedom and independence, demonstrating that
they are genuinely free people. This also demonstrates the Filipino people's bravery and courage;
their courageous act of ripping their cedulas and screams of "Long live in the Philippines"
encourages future generations.

● Dr. Jim Richardson’s work titled Notes on the “Cry” of August 1896



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