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DESSON OU Revision of verbs DIALOGUE: I’ve got to go to Madrid on business SONG: You needn’t come, if you don’t want to John, are you all right? Maria: Jo%o, estés bem? John: No, | feel terrible. Jogo: N&o, me sinto muito mal. Mary: You shouldn’t go to work if you Maria: N&o deverias ir trabalhar se néo don't feel well. te sentes bem. John: \'ve got to go. Jodo: —Tenho que ir. Mary: Would you like me to call a taxi? Maria: Queres que eu chame um taxi? John: No, you needn't do that. I'll be Jodo: No, nfo 6 preciso que facas “able to find one in the High isso. Encontrarei um em High Street. Street. WOES Nesta ligiio vamos repassar vérios verbos auxiliares que se empregam, segundo vimos em ligdes recen- tes, para formar frases que designam obrigagSo, capacidade, conselho e stiplica. Estes verbos sto: Ligdes 68 e 69. Must/mustn’t, seus equivalentes have/has to e have/has got to, e as formas que substituem must nos tempos passado e futuro: had to e will have to. Ligdo 77, Would like to. Ligéio 86. Should, shouldn‘t. Ligdo 93. Able to, para substituir can nos tempos em que este verbo nao é usado. Ligdo 94, Mustn’t e needn't. 97/769 YIALOQUE I’ve got to go to Madrid on business (Nigel chega a sua casa, Bérbara, sua mulher, sai a recebé-lo) Barbara: Nigel: Nigel: Nigel: Nigel: Nigel: Nigel: 97/770 Barbara: Barbara: Barbara: Barbara: Barbara: Barbara: oe de Lat a a ‘ OIALORDE Nigel: Barbara: Nigel: Barbara: Nigel: Barbara: Nigel: 97/772 Yes. Yes and | think | should come. Why? "ll be able to give you a hand. Give me a hand? Yes. You don't speak Span- ish. That's true. So if | come, I'll be able to help you. Yes. O.K. Well, if you want Barbara: Nigel: Barbara: Nigel: Barbara: Nigel: Barbara: Nigel: Barbara: Nigel: Barbara: Nigel: to come, you must pack right away and you needn't We'll only be away for a week. O.K. Would you like me to pack your camera? pack a lot. | won't be able to take photographs. |'ll have to work. I'm going on business. Oh ... camera well, | must take my and | mustn’t forget my sun-glasses. It's not a holiday, you know. I'll have to work. Yes, Nigel. Now-—camera, sun-glasses, passport, phrase- book ... Phrasebook? Just a minute, Barbara— Yes? You're coming to Spain, so that you can help me— Yes. -because | don't speak Spanish. Yes. But you don't speak Spanish either. (ae) ORAS (=) Lesson ninety-seven. Drill one Listen to the examples: Don't go now. Don't leave now. Now you go on! Don't go now. Don't leave now. Don't read now. Don'tsleep now. Don't get up now. Lesson ninety-seven. Drill two Listen to the examples: Will he be able to come? Will she be able to help? Now you go on: Will he be able to come? Will she be able to help? — Will he be able to take photos? Will she be able to leave early? Will he be able to play tennis"? Lesson ninety-seven. Drill three Listen to the examples: You don’t have to work, you know. You don't have to get up, you know. ‘Now you go on: You don’t have to work, You don't have to get up, You don't have to go, you know. You don't have to talk, you know. You don’t have to leave, you know. you know. you know. Lesson ninety-seven. Drill four Listen to the examptes: I've got to go now. I've got to leave now. I've got to go now. I"ve got to leave now. I've got to read now. I've got to sleep now. ve got to get up now. Oh yes. He'll be able to come. Oh yes. She'll be able to help. Oh yes. He'll be able to come. Oh yes. She'll be able to help. ‘Oh yes. He'll be able to take photos. Oh yes. She'll be able to leave early. Oh yes. He'll be able to play tennis. "tenis. Yes. If you don’t want to work, you don’t have to. Yes. If you don’t want to get up, you don’t have to. « Yes. Bes Yee Yes. Yes. Yes. If you don’t want to work, you don’t have to. If you don’t want to get up, you don’t have to. If you don’t want to go, you don’t have to. If you don’t want to talk, you don’t have to. If you don’t want to leave, you don’t have to. Do you want to come? Do you want to eat? Now you go on Do you want to come? Do you want to eat? Do you want to swim? Do you want to play? If you want to come, you must get up. If you want to eat, you must get up. If you want to come, you must get up. __... Ifyou want to eat, you must get up, If you want to swim, you must get up. If you want to play, you must get up. 97/773 WORDS 3 PHRASES on business em viagem de negécios what a good idea! que boa idéia! right away em seguida, imediatamente away fora de casa camera maquina fotogréfica take photographs fazer fotografias, fotografar sun-glasses 6culos de sol, éculos escuros phrasebook manual de conversado you don’t speak Spanish either tu tampouco falas espanol 97/774 SUBREIS3S | 1, Sem olhar 0 didlogo desta ligio, preen- cha os espagos vazios com o verbo auxiliar adequado: Nigel (1) ... go to Madrid on business, and he (2) ... leave today. Barbara (3) ... go with him. She thinks she (4) ... go, because she (5) ... give him a hand. They'll only be away for a week, so they (6) ... pack a lot. Nigel (7) ... take Photos, because he (8) ... work. Barba- ra thinks it’s going to bea holiday. 2. Utilize estas idéias para completar a conversagao telefénica abaixo: A) 90 to the theatre? have dinner with me? come and see my Japanese books? B) work late visit uncle Jim wash my hair Fred: Would you like to ...? (A) Jill; \'d love to, but | can’t, I’ve got to... (B) FS Fred: But you had to ... (B) last night too. vill: Yes. It’s terrible, isn’t it? Fred: So | won't be able to see you again. I’ve got to go to Tokyo tomorrow—on business. Jill: Bye! ANSWERS TO THE EXERCISES IN THE PREVIOUS LESSON 97/775 SONG You needn't come, if you don’t want to (] I've got to go to Athens" on business, I'll be gone for a day or two, I've got to leave today— Do you want to stay? Or would you like to come too? (Estribitho) You needn't come, if you don’t want to, If you'd like to stay at home, you can stay, You needn't come (but you can if you And if you want to come, [want to), You must pack right away. You needn't put a lot in your cases, We'll only be away for a week, But you mustn't forget your passport {and your camera, And a phrasebook in English and Greek2, (Estribitho) (ae) T Atenas, * grego. 97/776 DESSON 3 It looks/feels/smells/sounds like ... DIALOGUE: That cigar looks very expensive sone: He looks e a clown, she looks like a queen John: Do you like this picture? | painted Jogo: Gostas deste quadro? Pintei-o it this morning. esta manha. Mary: Yes, it looks very nice on that Maria: Sim. Parece muito bonito nessa wall. What is it? A cake on a parede, Que 6? Uma torta numa plate? bandeja? John: No, it's a cloud in the sky! Joo: Nao, 6 uma nuvem no oéu. Mary: Oh, sorry! It looks like a cake on Maria: Oh, perdao! Parece uma torta a plate. numa bandeja. Oras Nesta ligdo veremos o uso dos verbos look, feel, smell e sound para desorever @ aparéncia das coisas. Jé vimos alguns exemplos em licées anteriores: Liggo 55. It looks like a lawn-mower, _Parece com um cortador de arama. Liggo 68. It sounds terrible. Parece horr{vel. Soa muito mal, Liggo 76, That looks very good. ss parece muito bom. Estes verbos podem ser usados de dois modos diferent 1, Sequidos de um adjetivo, Eis aqui alguns exempl Esta sopa parece deliciose, e tem também um cheiro delicioso. This jacket feels very comfortable. Esta jaqueta 6 muito confortével Johns playing the guitar again: it sounds terrible, John esté tocando de novo violéo: soa muito mal. 2, Seguidos de like. Eis aqui alguns exemplos: That man looks like my doctor. Este homem se parece com meu médico. What's that? It smells like Bernard's soup. Que é isso? Cheira como a sopa de Bernard. What's that in your pocket? It feels like a brick. Que é isso em teu bolso? Parece um tijolo. | like that music, it sounds like Beethoven, Gosto dessa missica. Soa como Beethoven. Lembre-se de que na li¢do 85 vimos uma expresso similar: What's he like? Como é? 98/777 ‘DIALOaDR That cigar looks very expensive (Alan e Brenda esto jantando num restaurante) [$2] Lesson ninety-eight: Alan and Brenda see a famous person Alan: Brenda: Alan: Brenda: Alan: Brenda: Alan: Brenda: Alan: Brenda: Alan: Brenda: Alan: 98/778 That looks good. Yes, it is. It's very good. | know a lot about food ... and that looks very good. Yes, it is good. It smells good too. It smells like ... Italian fish. No, it’s ice-cream. Oh. Oh yes. Who's that? Who? . Brenda! That man! On, that man at the table near the door? Yes. | know his face. He looks like your bank man- ager. No, no, no, no, no. It's not my That looks very expensive, and that bank manager. cigar suit looks expensive too. He Brenda: Alan: Brenda: Alan: Brenda: Alan: Brenda: Alan: Man: Alan: Alan: Man: Alan: looks like ... um ... what's his name? Er... Who? You know. He looks like that film star ... what's his name? He isn't a film star. Yes, he is. I'm going to get. his autograph. His autograph! Just a minute. Alan! (Alan se dirige para 0 homem.) Excuse me ... er... can | have your autograph? My autograph? Yes. All right. (Escreve um autégrato.) I+ know your face, but I can’t remember your name. There you are. (Dé-/ho.) Thank you. (Léa assinatura.) Man: Brenda: Alan: Brenda: Alan: “Jack Green.” Yes, | know the name now. You're a film star, aren't you? No. I’m your postman. (Alan retorna a sua mesa.) Did you get his autograph? Yes. Was he a film star? No ... but he looked like a film star. His suit looked smart, his cigar looked expensive, Brenda: Alan: Brenda: Alan: Brenda: Alan: Brenda: and when he talked, he sound- ed like a film star. Who was it? The postman. Oh. ... AlantWho’s that? Who? That man. Where? Don’t look now. O.K., O.K., you can look now. That man near the window. Isn't he a 98/779 DIALOGS Alan: Brenda: Alan: Brenda: Alan: Brenda: Alan: Brenda: Alan: Waiter: Alan: Waiter: Alan: 98/780 famous writer? A famous writer? Really? Yes, he looks like that famous writer ... um ... oh, what's his name? You know ... what's his name? Well, his jacket looks very fashionable— and he’s holding a piece of paper. Yes. He does look like a famous writer. | must get his auto- graph. Ah! He's coming this way. Oh yes, he’s coming this way. He's coming to our table. A famous writer ... and he’s coming to our table. Yes, Alan. Here he is. (Ao senor.) Would you like to join us, Mr.— Your bill, sir. Pardon? Your bill, sir. Oh! (A Brenda, que esté rindo.) Well, he looked like a famous writer. DRILLS E> Lesson ninety-eight. Drill one Listen to the examples: Well, it looks comfortable. Well, it looks good. Do you think that hotel's comfortable? Do you think the food's good? Now you go on: Do you think that hotel's comfortable? - Do you think the food's good? L Do you think that ring is expensive? Well, it looks comfortable. Well, it looks good. Well, it looks expensive. Well, it looks old ‘Well, it looks cold. Do you think that church’ is old? Do you think that water's cold? Lesson ninety-* ight. Drill two Listen to the examples: | think he’s a film star. He doesn't look like a film star. | think she’s a waitress*. She doesn’t look like a waitress. Now you go on: I think he's a film star. He doesn’t look like a film star. I think she’s a waitress. | think he’s an Englishman®. | think she’s a writer. __. | think he’s a policeman. ____ She doesn’t look like a waitress. He doesn’t look like an Englishman. She doesn't look like a writer. He doesn’t look like a policeman. Lesson ninety-eight. Drill three Listen to the examples: It looks good, but what does it taste like? _It tastes good too. It looks good, but what does it sound like? _It sounds good too. Now you go on: It looks good, but what does it taste like? __ It tastes good too. It looks good, but what does it sound like? .....__ It sounds good too. It looks good, but what does it feel like? Itfeels goodtoo. | It smells good too. (a It looks good, but what does it smell like? = igreja. 2 criada, camareira, inglés. 98/781 WORDS & PUASES yy Dan epee J Eo be eo Sf. por hy Cube Daw aK peters FS ee writer smell cheirar, ter odor I know a lot about food ice-cream sorvete sou muito entendido em comidas autograph autégrafo hold manter, suster writer escritor he does look like’... se parece com... really? deveras? would you like to join us? fashionable na moda teria a amabilidade de sentar-se conosco? 98/782 — RGRGIS35 © ae VG OMFG Crenny |, Responda a estas perguntas relativas ~ + Fy I> 15H be 20 didlogo: Koy a Wu oe iF De IE | 1, What did the food smell like? ; Alan thought. 2. Who did the first man look like? cme le Lappy oA tems fy mrote os enee se br oe een Brenda thought .. ky wt Ver Jens — 7 Seg oY 3, What was the man’s cigar like? Alan thought .. WS Jose le eel stn 4, What was the man’s suit like? a “ Ragetis mee aoa Tyo Pk oo | Alan thought ... tee ee 9b 5, Was the man famous? So care Alan thought .. a ORs) i o =e ie > 6. What was the second man’s jacket ? pts : : like? Alan thought .... ai 2. A imitagao do modelo, responda a estas autograph perguntas acerca do homem da can- cao: 1. Are his ties expensive? No, but they look expensive. 2, Is he a businessman? Is he the manager of a big hotel? E acerca da mulher: 4, Are her rings gold? es $ 5. _ Is her perfume expensive? ice-cream 6. _Isshea film star? ... ANSWERS TO THE EXERCISES IN THE PREVIOUS LESSON 1, 1. has got to. 2. has got to. 3. would like to, 4. should. 5. will be able to. 6. needn't. 7. won't be able to. 8. will have to. 10 uso do does dé mais énfase 4 frase. 98/783 SONG) a He looks like a clown, she looks like a queen (ee) The suits he wears are always new, His jackets look smart (and his trousers too), His shirts feel soft’ and comfortable, His ties look expensive and feshionable, And you can see your face in kis shoes. When he talks, he sounds like a businessman2, When he smiles, he looks like a clown’, He looks like the manager of a big hotel, He's the best-dressed* bank-clerk in town. The dresses she wears are never old, The rings on her fingers look like gold®, Her hair looks soft and beautiful, Her perfume ® smells expensive and fashionable, Her voice sounds polite, but her smile looks [cold. When she talks, she sounds like a film star, When she smiles, she looks like a queen, She looks like someone you see on T.V., She's the best-dressed bank-clerk you've ever [seen. Tuave. ? homem de negécios. $ palhago, “mais bem vestido, Souro. * perfume. 98/784 La9sUu YO i Could you say that again? piALoGuE: I didn’t catch that SONG: Could you say that once again? Mary: — John, could you bring me six Maria: Joo, podes trazer-me seis pregos, nails, a large hammer, a step- um martelo grande, uma escada de ladder, a black pencil, a green mao, um ldpis preto, uma pena pen, five cups of tea, and a to- verde, cinco chavenas de ché e um mato sandwich? sanduiche de tomate? John: — Sorry, | didn’t catch that. Could Jodo: —Desculpe, nao captei isso bem. you say it again? Podes dizé-Io novamente? ors ‘Ainda que seus conhecimentos atuais de inglés jé sejam muito importantes, ocorrerd as vezes ndo entender algo de uma conversagao sobre 0 que necessitara de mais explicagdies, seja para traduzir uma palavra desconhecida ou o sentido geral de toda uma frase. Lembre: ; ‘Se no ouviu perfeitamente algo, pediré que o repitam assim: Pardon? Como diz? Sorry=I didn’t hear what you sai Desculpe, néo ouvi o que disse, Sorry—I didn’t catch that. Desculpe, néo captei isso. Se nao entendeu perfeitamente algo, pediré que o repitam assim: Sorry—I don’t undestand the word... . Desculpe, néo entendo a palavra.. . / : didn’t quite understand eet ea i No (0) entendi completamente o que disse. (you) Se se deseja que repitam algo, pode dizer: Could you say that again? Pode diz8-lo outra vez? Would you mind saying that again? Far-me-ia 0 favor de dizer isso novamente? Could you say that a little more slowly? Pade diz8-lo um pouto: mais devagar? Para dar a entender que compreendeu uma explicagdo, ndo se esqueca de dizer: Oh, | see! No didlogo seguinte um personagem simula ndo entender o que é dito, e isso Ihe dé ocasido de usar todas estas férmulas que acabamnos de ver. 99/785 WIALOaUE | didn’t catch that (Mr. Phillips visita 0 diretor de seu banco para que lhe empreste dinheiro) | Lesson ninety-nine: Bank-managers never understand you Secretary: The manager can see you Mr. Phillips, sir. now, Mr. Phillips. | Manager: Thank you, Miss Smith. Mr. Phillips: Oh, thank you | Please sit down, Mr. Phil- Secretary: This way.(Entram no escri- lips torio do gerente.) | Mr. Phillips: Thank you. 99/786 Manager: Mr. Phillips: Manager: Mr. Phillips: Manager: Mr. Phillips: Manager: Mr. Phillips: Manager: Mr. Phillips: Manager: Mr. Phillips: Manager: Mr. Phillips: Manager: Now, what can | do for you? I'd like to borrow some money. Pardon? ''d like to borrow some money. Sorry, | didn’t hear you. (Mais alto.) \'d like to bor- row some money. \'m sorry. Could you say that again? i= You see, | didn’t under- stand you. Oh... er... yes. I'd like to borrow some money. Sorry. Would you mind saying it once again? I'd like to borrow some money. Ah! I'm... I'm terribly sor- ry. Could you say it a little more slowly? More slowly? All right. I'd like ... to borrow ... some money. Buy some honey. You Mr. Phillips: Manager: want to buy.some honey. No, No, = 'm sorry. We don't sell honey. This isn’t a gro- cer's. It’s a bank. 99/787 Mr. Phillips: Manager: Mr. Phillips: Manager: Mr. Phillips: Manager: Mr. Phillips: Manager: 99/788 No, not honey. Money. I'm sorry. | didn’t catch that. Money. | want to borrow some money. Pardon? | want to borrow some money. Borrow. Yes. Borrow some mo- ney. You want to borrow some money. Mr. Phillips: Manager: Mr. Phillips: Manager: Mr. Phillips: Manager: Secretary: Manager: Secretary: Mr. Phillips: Manager: Yes. Borrow. Hmm, Borrow. Borrow. ies I'm sorry. | don't under- stand that word. Borrow. I'd like to— (Chamando.) Miss Smith! Yes, sir? Mr. Phillips is leaving. Yes, sir. But I-I- Good-bye, Mr. Phillips! Manager: Wife: Manager: Wife: Manager: Wife: Manager: Wife: Manager: Wife: Manager: Wife: Manager: Wife: Manager: Wife: (Na cena seguinte, o gerente esté em casa com sua muther, e dese- jaria que ela Ihe preparasse uma chavena de cha.) Alice! Alice! Yes, Geoffrey? Bring me a cup of tea. Pardon? A cup of tea. | want a cup of tea. Sorry. | didn’t hear you. | want you to make me some tea. I'm sorry. Could you say that again? | want you— You see, | didn’t understand you. Eh? Oh... | want some tea. Sorry. Would you mind saying it once again? | want some tea. I'm terribly sorry. Could you say it a little more slowly? More slowly! Ah! |... want... some ... tea. Watch T.V.? You want to watch T.V. Manager: Wife: Manager: Wife: Manager: Wife: Manager: Wife: No, | don’t want to— We haven't gota T.V. No, no, no, no, no. NotT.V. Tea. I'm sorry. | didn’t catch that. Tea. | want you to make some tea! Sorry. | still can’t understand you. | want... I'd like a cup of tea... please. Tea? Certainly, Why didn’t you ask before? Geoffrey. 99/789 . Drill one Lesson ninety~ Listen to the examples: Can you tell me where the hotel is? _ I'm sorry. Could you say that again? Can you help me, please? I'm lost. I'm sorry. Could you say that again? Now you go on: Can you tell me where the hotel is? _....__I'm sorry, Could you say that again? Can you help me, please? I'm lost... I'm sorry. Could you say that again? Can you tell me where the cinema is? I'm sorry. Could you say that again? Can you help me, plesse? I'm ill. I'm sorry, Could you sey that again? | Can you tell me where the police station is? I'm sorry. Could you say that again? Lesson ninety-nine. Drill two Listen to the examples’ Vd like to buy that hat, How much is it? Sorry, | didn’t understand. Would you mind saying that again? "1d like to have a cup of tea, please. Oh, sorry, didn’t understand. Would you mind saying that again? Now you goon: I'd like to buy that hat. How much isit? Sorry, | didn’t understand. Would you mind saying that again? I'dlike to have a cup of tea, please. Oh, sorry, | didn’t understand. Would you mind saying that again? I'd like to buy that dress. How much is it? Sorry, | didn’t understand. Would you mind saying that again? I'd like to have lunch, please. Sorry, I didn’t understand. Would you mind saying that again? I'dlike to buy that car. How much is it? Sorry, I didn’t understand. Would you mind saying that again? Lesson ninety-nine. Drill three Listen to the examples: How about going to Rome? —_—_ Sorry, | didn’t catch that, Could you say it a little more slowly? Doyouwantteaorcofiee? Sorry, | didn’t catch that. Could you say it a little more slowly? Now you go on: How about going to Rame? Sorry, | didn’t catch that. Could,you say it a little more slowly? Do you want tea or coffee? Sorry, | didn't catch that. Could you say it a little more slowly? How about going shopping? Sorry, | didn't catch that. Could you say ita little more slowly? Do you want to stay or go on? Sorry, I didn't catch that. Could you say it alittle more slowly? Hew about going to the cinema? Sorry, I didn't catch that. Could you say it a little more slowly? 99/790 ROS’ EXERCISES) Que diria vocé nestas situagdes? 1. A um dependente que usasse a palavra receipt (recibo), que vocé jamais ouviu. 2. A alguém cujas palavras no péde ouvir por causa de um ruido. 3. Se ouviu quase tudo, exceto umas poucas palavras. 4. Se quer que seu interlocutor repita o que acaba de dizer. 5. A alguém que fala demasiadamente depressa. ANSWERS TO THE EXERCISES - IN THE PREVIOUS LESSON 1. Alan thought it smelt like Italian fish. 2. Brenda thought he looked like Alan’s bank-manager. 3. Alan thought it looked expensive. 4. Alan thought it looked expensive (and smart). 5. Alan thought he looked like a film star. 6. Alan thought it looked fashionable. honey . 2. 2. No, but he looks like a business- man. 3. No, but he looks like the man- ‘this way por aqui ager of a big hotel. 4. No, but they I'm terribly sorry sinto muitfssimo jGok ike Gold 5 No, but. it-emells honey mel expensive. 6. No, but she looks like a certainly, Geoffrey Feces Claro que sim, Geoffrey 99/791 Sowa Could you say that once again? () (Girl) ( i Hello, how are you today? \é Would you like a cup of tea? I'm going to make some right away Would you like to have one with me? (Man) I'm sorry, | didn't understand you, Could you say that once again? | really didn’t understand you- Would you mind saying that once again? (Girl) (Man) | still don’t understand you, I'm trying as hard as | can." Could you say it a little more slowly? Then I'll be able to understand. (Girl) (Man) Ah! Now it’s all very clear? A cup of tea: what a nice idea! | dil | + estou tentando tanto quanto posso - ® esta tudo muito claro. 99/792 DESSON 190 & Saying “Good-bye” DIALOGU SONG: This song is Number 100 We'll see you again soon John: | really must go now, It's Jodo: Agora, realmente, tenho de ir getting very late. 7 embora, Esta ficando muito tarde. 0.K., John. Yes. Bye for now. See you soon. De acordo, Jodo. Até logo. Sim. Adeus por ora. Adeus! Bye! OVES Nesta ligo vamos ver algumas maneiras de dizer adeus em inglés. Umas jd as conhecemos; outras so novas. 1. So freqiientes estas quatro possibilidades: Good-Bye! _E 2 maneira mais freqiiente e aceitivel de dizer adeus. Bye! Forma contra(da da anterior. E mais familiar Cheeriol Estas duas formas séo coloquizis. Cheers! 2. Para indicar que 0 adeus ndo é ainda o fim, voc8 pode usar estas frases: a) Corretas tanto na linguagem falada como na escrita: Good-bye for now. Adeus por hora. We'll see you again soon, Ver-nos-emos logo. We'll be seeing you (soon). —_Voltaremos a ver-nos logo. b) Coloquiais, abreviacdes das frases anteriores: Bye for now. — Adeus por ora See you soon, —_Até logo. See you. Até logo. Be seeing you. Voltaremos a ver-nos logo. 100/793 DYAWO GUE We'll see you again soon (George e Janet despedem-se de seu amigo Robert, depois de haverem passado 0 serao com ele) $=) Lesson one-hundred: How to say “Good-bye” Robert: Janet: Robert: Robert: Janet: Robert: Robert: Janet: Robert: Janet: 100/794 George: George: George: George: George: George: George: George: Thank you, Robert. It was a lovely evening. Well, it was nice to see you. Thank you, Robert. Bye! Bye, Janet! Bye, George! It was really lovely. Good. I'm glad you came. A really lovely evening. Come on, George. Yes, it was a really lovely even- ing. But we must go now. Right. Bye! We'll see you again soon. Right. It's getting late, so we'll say “Good-bye!” Come on, George. Yes. Right. Cheerio! Bye, George! Bye, Janet! We'll be seeing you. Come on, George. It's nearly George: Janet: George: Robert: George: Robert: George: Robert: Ro- | bert! | midnight. Good-night, Nearly midnight! Is it really? Yes, itis. Doesn't time fly! Nearly mid- night! Well, good-bye! Good-bye, George! We really must go. O.K.! It was a lovely evening. Thank you once again. My pleasure. George: Janet: George: Robert: Janet: George: Janet: George: Janet; We really enjoyed it. Didn't we, Janet? Come on, George. Yes, it's time to go now. Look at that! Midnight! We really must go. Bye! Come on, George Thanks once again. George! It was lovely. George! 100/795 DIALOGUE Robert: 100/796 (Uma hora depois, a campainha desperta Robert, que jé estava dor- mindo.) Who's that? ... What time is it? ... One o'clock! Oh, all right! ... All right! I'm coming. I'm coming. (Abre a porta.) Yes? George: Robert; Janet: George: Robert: Ah, Robert! George! I'm sorry about this, Robert. Robert-l had to come back and thank you once again. It really was a lovely evening. It was my pleasure, George. George: Robert: George: Robert: George: Janet: George: Janet: George: Good-night! Really lovely. Yes. Right. We'll say “Good-night!” Good-night, George! We'll see you again soon. Yes. Bye for now. Come on, George. Cheerio! George! Bye! Janet: George: Janet: George: Janet: George: Robert: George: Janet: George! See you soon! George! We must go. George! Good-night, Robert! Good-night, George! (Fecha a porta.) Oh! (AJanet.) Robert goes to bed very early, doesn’t he? (a) ia) Come on, George. 100/797 WORDS B it was a lovely evening PHRASES foi um serao agradével a lovely evening glad contente, agradecido I'm glad you came alegro-me de que tenhas vindo doesn’t time fly! como passa o tempo! my pleasure © prazer foi meu I'm sorry about this sinto muito tudo isso QUALLS Coie Lesson one-hundred. Drill one Lesson one-hundred. Drill three Listen to the examples: Listen to the examples: Bye, George! Bye! Bye, Jane! See you, bye! Bye, Jane! Bye! Bye, George! _See you, bye! | Now you answer: Now you go on | Bye, George! Byel Bye, Jane! See you, bye! Bye, Jane! Bye! Bye, George! See you, bye! Bye, Robert! Bye! Bye, Robert! See you, bye! Bye, Sue! Bye! Bye, Sue! See you, bye! | Bye, Peter! Bye! Bye, Sam! See you, bye! Lesson one-hundred. Drill two Listen to the examples: Good-bye, Mr. Smith! Good-bye, Mrs. Smith! Now you go on: Good-bye, Mr. Smith! Good-bye, Mrs. Smith! Good-bye! Thank you very much. Good-bye! Thank you very much. Good-bye! Thank you very much. Good-bye! Thank you very much Good-bye, Mr. Jones! Good-bye, Mrs, Jones! Good-bye, Mr. Brown! 100/798 Good-bye! Thank you very much. Good-bye! Thank you very much. Good-bye! Thank you very much. EWERD) SEOm Como diria vocé adeus a estas pessoas? Eleja a melhor maneira (a, b ou c) em cada grupo: 1. A um homem de negécios que voo8 no tornard a ver: a) Cheers! b) Good-bye, Mr, Johnson. c) Bye for now, darling! 2. A alguns bons amigos que passaram o serdo em sua casa: a) Good-bye, sir. b) I'll be seeing you again soon. c) See you soon. 3. A um policial que o fez parar porque voc’ dirigia com excessiva velocidade: | a) Good-night, officer. | b) See you soon, dear. c) Bye, policeman! € | ANSWERS TO THE EXERCISES IN THE PREVIOUS LESSON 1. Sorry-l don’t understand the word “receipt”. 2. Pardon?/Sorry-l didn’t hear what you said./Sorry| didn’t catch that. 3. | didn’t quite understand (you)./I didn’t quite understand what you said. 4. Could you say that again?/Would you mind saying that (once) again? 5. Could you say thata little more slowly? 100/799 SONG This song is Number 100 ae) This song is Number One Hundred, We've sung a hundred songs for you, We started at Number One, And we've had a lot of fun, And we hope you've enjoyed them too. This song is Number One Hundred, It’s just after’ Number Ninety-Nine, In Number One we said “Hello!”, And now it’s time to go, So it's time to say “Good-bye!” Good-bye, friends, good-bye, good-bye, Good-bye, friends, good-bye, Good-bye, friends, it’s so sad to leave Good-bye, friends, good-bye. [you, Fy * logo depois. 100/800 uasson Ol & Uses of the (1) piALoGuE: This is our first visit to England soNnG: I’ve always loved life ors Uma des maiores dificuldades do inglés consiste em saber quando se deve user o artigo definido the ¢ quando se deve ‘omitislo, Como vocd certamente sabe, the se emprega com substantives quando falamos de uma coisa ou de uma pessoa determinada: The man who came here yesterday. 0 homem que veio ontem. Omite-se the quando falamos de certas classes de substantivos em sentido geral’. Em compensagao, quando estes substantivos so definidos ou se empregam de forma particular, usamos the. Estas classes de substantivos assim se classifica: 1, Plurais, Determinado: | love the flowers in your garden, Adoro as flores de teu jardim. Geral: | love flowers. Adoro as flores, ¥ 2. Incontéveis. Isto é, palavras ante as quais néo se pode por um numero, como water, butter. Determinado: The milk in this cup is warm.O leite desta x(cara esta quente. Geral: Milk is white. O lelte é branco, Hé muitos substantivos que podem ser empregados come contévels ou como incontéveis, ¢ seu significado pode variar em conseqiléncia: Light. Luz. A light. Uma luz, Drink. Bebida. A drink, Uma bebida. 3, Substantivos abstratos. Determinado: The life of Mr. Smith is difficult, A vida de Mr. Smith ¢ difici Life isn’t all business. Nao tudo na vida € negécio. Geral 4. Comidas. Omite-se também the ante os nomes de comidas quando néo nos referimos a uma comida determinada. Determinado: | enjoyed the dinner he gave us, Gostei do jantar que nos deu. Geral: We had a drink before dinner. Tomamos uma bebida antes do jantar. 5. Nacionaliciadle. Observe-se também que quando nos referimos a nacionalidade das pessoas sem fazer uso da palavra people, pocemos empregar o artigo: The English love forming queues. Os ingleses gostam de fazer filas, Néo obstante, quando falemos do idioma ndo empregamos o artigo: He speaks Spanish. Ele fala espanhol. She only knows Italian. Ele s6 sabe italiano. Eis aqui alguns verbos irregulares presente pretérito pret. perfeito to think I think I thought Uhave thought to feel \ feel I felt U have felt to stand stand I stood Uhave stood toget I get I got Thave got 1 Embora este regra néo tenha equivaléncie em portugués, convém prest particular tengo. 101/801 This is our first visit to England [2] Lesson one-hundred and one Harry and Barbara Sallis are on their way to England where Harry wishes to sell an invention of his. They are also going to visit their son, Peter, who is at London University. Here they are on the cross-channel steamer, which is just approaching the English coast. Barbara: Harry: Barbara: Harry: Barbara: Harry: Barbara: 101/802 | saw the white cliffs of Do- ver from the boat deck. What did they look like? Wonderful! You can see them clearly. You should go and see them yourself! Oh, cliffs are the same every- where! | think I'll go down and fetch the suitcases from the cabin before the ship arrives. Oh, darling. Life isn’t just bus- iness and organising things. This is our first visit to Eng- land! We must see every- thing we can! | expect the fog will pre- vent us from seeing anything. Oh, don't be silly! Fog Harry: Barbara: Harry: Barbara: Harry: Barbara: Harry: doesn’t cover England the whole time as some people think. Anyway, | feel like a drink. I'm going to the bar.” But you can have a drink at any time. Have one before dinner when we get to Lon- don. But | feel like one now. When do we arrive? Im about half an hour. Oh, all right. I'll go and see the cliffs. crowd on the stairs! Why But look at the on earth are they standing there? They're queueing. Queueing? What for? Barbara: Hany: Barbara: To get off the ship. But you said there was still half an hour— Yes, but the English love forming queues. Apparently it's one of their national char- acteristics. Harry: Extraordinary! Well, | can't get through all those people! So | shan't be able to see the We'll drink in the bar and then I'll white cliffs. have a go down and fetch the suit- cases. WORDS & PULASES apparently aparentemente blind cego boat deck coberta (do navio) cabin camarote cliff penhasco, rochedo characteristic caracteristica cover cobrir deck coberta extraordinary extraordindrio form formar hospitality hospitalidade organise organizar prevent (from) _impedir queue fila, esperar na fila suitcases suitcase mala de mo, maleta, valisa what did they look like? que aspecto tinham? | feel like! tenho vontade de why on earth?? por que diabos? to get off (a train, etc.) apear-se, saltar (de um trem, etc.) ‘to get through (a crowd, etc.) atravessar (uma multidao, etc.) * Este modismo pode ser empregado para expressar um desejo ou apeténcia de algo. Observese que pode ir seguido de um substantivo ou de um gerdndio, ? Depois de palavras interrogativas como who, what, why @ how, a expresso on earth dé énfase singuler & per- gunta. Este modismo € empregado especialmente quando estamos desgostosos, impacientes ou surpresos. 101/804 boat deck GLAS Lesson 101. Drill 1 Cakes are cheap. Cakes are cheap. c Cliffs are wonderful. : People are extraordinary. Suitcases are expensive. The cakes we saw yesterday weren't cheap. The cakes we saw yesterday weren't cheap. The cliffs we saw yesterday weren't wonderful. The people we saw yesterday weren't extraordinary. The suitcases we saw yesterday weren't expensive. Lesson 101. Drill 2 What do cakes cost? What do cakes cost? What does a cake cost? What does a sandwich cost? What do sandwiches cost? Lesson 101. Drill 3 The cakes | bought cost fivepence. Lesson 101. Drill 4 Look at the fog outside! | don’t like Look at the fog outside! Try the milk in that jug! Taste the bread on that plate! Smell the perfume in that bottle! Lesson 101. Drill 5 What does Barbara want for breakfast? What does Barbara want for breakfast? What does Harry want for lunch? What does that girl want for supper? What does that man want for dinner? The cakes | bought cost fivepence. The cake | bought cost fivepence. The sandwich | bought cost fivepence. The sandwiches | bought cost fivepence. The cakes | bought cost ten pence. The cakes | bought cost ten pence. The cake | bought cost ten pence. The sandwich | bought cost ten pence. The sandwiches | bought cost ten pence. Cakes usually cost more. Cakes usually cost more. A cake usually costs more. ‘A sandwich usually costs more Sandwiches usually cost more. fog. | don’t like fog. I don't like milk. | don’t like bread. | don’t like perfume. She never eats breakfast. _.. She never eats breakfast. a He never eats lunch. __. She never eats supper. He never eats dinner. 101/806 SONG I've always loved life &) I've always liked flowers, But the flowers in our garden Are special to me. The flowers in our garden Are for you and me. I've always liked summer, But the summer that we shared Was special to me. The summer that we shared Was for you and me. Flowers, sun and music Are things I've always had In my life. Now we are together, These things are a special Part of my life Because of you. I've always loved music, But the music that you play Is special to me. Because the music that you play, You play for me. I've always loved life, But the life we share together Is special to me. The life we share together Is for you and me. The life we share together _ is for you and me. (=) 101/807 SASREISES 1, Nos seguintes grupos de frases, uma deve levar artigo @ outra no. Acrescente the quando for necessério, Exemplo 4) ... languages are necessary. Resposta: Languages are necessary. b) ... language of Spaniards is Spanish, Resposta: The language of Spaniards is Spanish. 1, ) ... work is often very unpleasant. b) Is this... work you did yesterday? 2. a) The street is crowded with ... cars. b) Look at ... aeroplanes in the sky. 3. a) | don’t know ... people you are talking about. b) ... women often talk a lot. 4, a) Windows are often made of ... glass. b) He didn’t see ... glass on the table, 8. a) Give me ... bread, please. b) ... bread is the food of millions. 6. a) ... paper burns easily. b) Have you finished reading ... paper? 7, a) Are those ... flowers that John sent you? b) A lady is always happy to receive ... flo- wers. 8. 2) ... children love animals, b) ... children | took to the farm loved .. cows in... fields. 2. Acrescente o artigo the onde for necessério. 1. _.., French enjoy good food. 2, I can't eat ... eggs. They make me ill. 3. She loves... sea. 4, She likes writing ... letters to him, 5. There were many flowers in ... gardens that we saw, My son knows ... German. 7, Please come back and eat us, 8, There are ... houses on both sides of the street. lunch with 3. Diga em voz alta dez frases compostas a base das listas seguintes: He [me going They prevented | her leaving She us from J tking ‘My father him rom 9 singing The teacher | stopped | my sister setting on “The policeman Tom getting off Exemplo: He prevented me from going. manager tea suitcases fetch doctor Seer tea cake beds Exemplo: I'll go and fetch the manager. 4, Traduza para o inglés: 1. Ele tem o melhor camarote do navio. 2, Seu (deles) c&o esté cego porque 6 muito velho. 3. Tive vontade de ir tomar um trago. 4, Quando o trem parou nos apeamos. 5. E impossivel passar entre a multidéo na coberta. 6. Nao pude subir a mala por essa escada. 7. Por que diabos Ihe deste (a ele) flores (dela)? 8. Que aspecto tém os penhascos brancos de Dover? 9. Os sdbados @ noite a gente faz freqiiente- mente fila a porta (ou em frente) dos cinemas, 10. A névoa no é comum na Itélia. 11, Muitos pafses tém festas nacionais. 12, Uma das caracteristicas dos espanhéis é sua hospitalidade, 13. Por favor, traze-me uma bebida do bar. 14, Nao podes impedir (nos) de falarmos, 1. Dir-te-ei tudo depois de comer. ANSWERS TO THE EXERCISES. IN THE PREVIOUS LESSON 1. b. Good-bye, Mr. Johnson. 2. c. See you soon. 3. a. Good-night, officer. 101/808 Lasso WO2 Uses of the (2) DIALOGUE: We must keep some control soNG: Would you mind opening your suitcase, NOES) Quando pensamos numa estagdo ou num perfodo do ano determinados, empregamos: the: | was here in the spring of 1958, Estive aqui na primavera de 1988. Entretanto, quando falamos das estacBes em geral ou como circunstncia climatolégica, omite-se the. Summer is my favourite season. O veréo 6 minha estagio favorita, Com palavras como school, church, home, bed, etc., empregamos the quando nos referimos a elas como um lugar, edificio ou objeto determinados, de preferéncia & atividade geral que ali se desenrola: The school is very near the church, © colégio est4 muito perto da igreja, The bed is broken. A cama esté quebrada. Porém se estamos mais interessados em seu emprego normal ou geral, omitimos the: | learnt history at school, Aprendi histéria no colégio, We go to church every Sunday. Vamos a igreja todos os domingos. Omitese the com a maioria dos substantivos préprios e com os nomes de cidades e parses: London is a large city. Londres é uma grande cidade. Nao obstante, hd algumas excegdes. Emprega-se geralmente the com certos paises, rios, mares, oceanos, lagos ¢ cordilheiras, ‘The United States. Os Estados Unidos. The Atlantic. O Atlantic, The Soviet Union, A Unio Soviétice. The Channel, 0 Canal (da Mancha). The Netherlands, Os Pafses Baixos, The Mediterranean, Mediterréneo. ‘The Tagus runs through Spain Tejo corre através da Espanha ‘The Alpes. Os Alpes. and Portugal, @ Portugal. The Himalayas. Himalaia. The Rhine is a broad river. O Reno é um rio largo. The Pyrenees, Os Pireneus. Eis aqui alguns verbos irregulares: presente pretérito pret, perfeito to hear thear I heard Uhave heard to understand {understand | understood t have understood to make {make | made Thave made to keep I keep U kept Uhave kept to know I know I knew U have known, 102/809 DY AWO GUE We must keep some control [2] Lesson one-hundred and two Harry and Barbara are now being interviewed by the Immigration Officer. = a \waghbxcty N aes a ae mas em compensagio se diz: We never saw him last month, © més passado no o vimos (nunca). Empregamos do mesmo modo o presente perfeito quando just expressa a idéia de algo que acaba de termins | have just taken away the umbrella. cabo de tirar-the o guarda-chuva Eis aqui alguns verbos irregulares: presente pretérito pret.perfeito to leave eave Heft | have left to let Het Het have let to lose Hose Host have lost to self I sell Isold I have sold to take | take 1 took I have taken to buy I buy I bought | have bought to fall I fall I fell I have fallen to read Tread I read I have read tosit Isit Isat I have sat to speak | speak I spoke I have spoken 5 Aqui corresponde perfeitamente ao pretérito perfeito portugués, 2 due pode carresponder so pretérte indefinide ou 20 pretérito imperfeito portugulés. Observe-se 0 uso em portugués do mais que perfeito para traduzir o presente inglés nesta acepedo. Efetivamente, se dlsésseros ""Nunce vi um... "no permaneceria implicita a idéia de "até egore'” que se contém na expresso ingles. 103/818 DIADOGUE It’s an inflatable umbrella [2] Lesson one-hundred and three Harry and Barbara are talking to the customs officer at Dover. Harry talks about his invention: an inflatable umbrella which can be carried like a small envelope in the pocket and then automatically inflated by pressure on a button. Harry feels that this invention should be a great success in rainy England. Customs Officer: __|s this all your luggage, sir? Harry: Yes, Four bags. C. Offic: Have you anything to decla- re? Any presents for people in this country? Have you got any spirits or tobacco? Harry: No. But I've brought my in- vention. | only completed it a couple of months ago. C. Offic.: Your invention, sir? Harry: Yes, I've come to England to sell it. I've been working on it for a long time and now | hope it will bring me the reward | deserve. C. Offic.: What is it? May | have a look at it, please? Harry: Here it is, in this box. 103/819 plwoas = C. Offic.: Barbara: C. Offic.: Harry: C. Offic.: Harry: C. Offic.: Harry: C. Offic.: Harry: C. Offic.: 103/820 (Abre-a.) There you are! But it’s just an envelope. That's right. But look what's inside the envelope. It’s an inflatable umbrella! An inflatable umbrella? That's right! You just press this button and it opens over your head. It looks like a great rubber mushroom. That's right; isn’t it wonder- ful! And it all fits into one small envelope. | see. Well, I'm afraid I'll have to ask you to leave the umbrella with us for the moment, sir. But why? When can I have it back? I'm sorry, but | can’t tell you that now, sir. Really, this is most incon- venient. | understand and | regret the inconvenience, but there's nothing | can do about it. Harry: ee et SOG 8 We'll let you know our deci- sion as soon as possible. Oh no. I've only been in En- gland for twenty minutes and I've already had two argu- ments. You can't take my tS 5) Ee DS & PalaASES accident acidente argument discusséo button botéo complete completar confiscate confiscar declare declarar decorative decorativo deserve merecer ‘envelope capa, invélucro, envelope frankly francamente furious furioso inconvenient inconveniente inconvenience contrariedade inflatable inflavel invention invento luggage bagagem maybe talvez mushroom cogumelo possesion propriedads umbrella away! . i precious precioso C. Offic.: \'m very sorry, sir, but I've press apertar, comprimir just done so! regret lamentar Harry: You've confiscated my most | reward recompensa precious possession. Frankly, | rubber caucho it makes me furious! [HE] | spirits bebidas alcodlicas 103/821 WORDS 8 PHRASES to have something to declare (at the customs) ter algo a declarar (na alfandega) to have a look dar uma olhada to let somebody know avisar alguém for the moment de momento 103/822 DRILLS (9) Lesson 103. Drill 1 Where's your camera? _—The customs officer has just taken it away. Where's your camera? The customs officer has just taken it away. Where are your cigarettes? The customs officer has just taken them away. Where are your suitcases? .......__ The customs officer has just taken them away. Where's your luggage? .......__ The customs officer has just taken it away. Lesson 103. Drill 2 Harry left last week. No, he didn’t. He's only just left. Harry left last week. ......._ No, he didn’t. He’s only just left. Barbara left last week... No, she didn’t. She's only just left. The boat left last week. No, it didn’t. It's only just left. The boy left last week. ........ No, he didn’t. He's only just left. Lesson 103. Drill 3 Do you like inflatable umbrellas? I've never seen one. : Do you like inflatable umbrellas? h. I've never seen one. Do they like inflatable umbrellas? ........__ They've never seen one. Do you and your friend like inflatable umbrellas? ___ We've never seen one. Do the English like inflatable umbrellas? They've never seen one. Lesson 103. Drill 4 You always lose things! _| haven't lost anything for years. You always lose things! _._ | haven't lost anything for years. Harry always loses things! He hasn't lost anything for years. Those girls always lose things! _......._ They haven't lost anything for years. Harry's wife always loses things! __._ She hasn’t lost anything for years. Lesson 103. Drill 5 two days __I've been studying English for two days. twodays I've been studying English for two days. three months ___I've been studying English for three months. four years _ I've been studying English for four years. ‘ along time ._..... I've been studying English for along time _|[ di | 103/823 ‘SBUaRSIS aS 2 Coloque as seguintes expresses nas frases onde convenham, adaptando-as quando necessério: I'm afraid; fit into; to have something to declare; € couple; to let somebody know; to have a look; work on; | feel like; what on earth?; would you mind? 1, Please let us ... at your new picture. 2, It’s so hot; |. a drink. 3... your dog is very i 4, Please ... him ... that we can help him. 5... are you doing with my letters? 6. - Ashe never buys anything he never 7... giving me my coat. 8. These cigarettes dont't ... the box. Esoreva 0 verbo entre parénteses no pretérito (past) ou no presente perfeito, segundo a con- veniéncia, 1. The official (to lose) a lot of money yes- terday. 2. He never (to visit) Paris before. 3, When | (to see him) | (to be) afraid becau- se he (to be) furious. 4, The workman just (to vi (to be) pleased to see him. 5. | (to live) in Birmingham since Christmas. 6. I (to look st) that book when | (to be) at your house. 7. The teacher often (to travel) to France be- cause he wanted to learn French, 8. The manager never (to feel) so ill as he 9. He (to sell) the food the housewife be- fore lunch. ) his father who 10. My father is furious because 1 (to have) an accident with his car. 11. I just (to bring) you the book that I (to take) yesterday. 12. The cashier always (to let) me help him when I worked there, 13, The lady (to keep) @ dog all her life becau se she has few friends. Traduza para o inglés: 1, Ele acaba de ter uma discuss sobre um guarda-chuva: 2. O casal esteve dois meses nos Estados Unidos. 3. Tem estado amitide no estrangeiro, 4. Posso dar uma olhada nesta caixa? 5. Informamos-te ontem da hora de nossa chegada (ontem te fizemos saber a...) 6. A mala (caixa) sempre se abrie quando o Viajante apertava o botéo. 7. funcionério perdeu sua bagagem quando cruzou o Canal, 8. Faz vinte anos que vende bebidas alcoo- licas. 9. Talvez te fagam (te déem)’ um presente, 10. 0 francés permaneceu na coberta enquanto © navio sata de Dover. 11, Terminou (completou) seu 28 de fevereiro, 12, Esté doente porque comeu (tem estado comendo) cogumelos. 13. Ontem deixou sua propriedade mais valiosa no énibus. invento em * Treduza-se pelo futuro. ANSWERS TO THE EXERCISES IN THE PREVIOUS LESSON 4a 6. 1. The Atlantic Ocean, the United States. 2.- capital. 5. 6. the Pyrenees. 7. the breakfast. 8, 1. on business. 2. on earth, 3, Would you mind. 4. get through. 5. All over the worl. 6, fea! lke. 7. to keep contol 8. get off. S Would you mind: 1. telling, 2. shutting. 3. asking, 4. finish- ing. 5. glving. 6. bringing. 7. chooking. &. helping 4. taking. 2. eating. 8, reaching. 4. daciding, 5. saying 1. He stamped my passport. 2. | haven't much cash but | have 4. The 103/824 travellers enaques. 3. He has gone to Itayy on business, 4. | travelled up the Rhine last Summer. 5. Would you mind tolling me whara you are staying? 6. | suppose this oficial can change our traveller's cheques. 7. Discretion is certainly, a virtue. 8, Ho ofton smokes in bad. 9. You can sell foreign ‘currency in banks all over the world, 10. The way he takes things without asking is exasperating. 11. His father gave him a gold watch yesterday. 12. In-Spain lunch is usually at two o'clock. SONG This is the empty room This is the empty room, They left a month ago. He’s left his books and records, He doesn't need them now. He’s left his photographs because He doesn't need them now. They've left the window open, They've left the door unlocked, They haven't left a message, They haven't really left at all. She's left her shoes and dresses, She doesn’t want them now. She's left her favourite chair She doesn't want it now. |because They've left the window open, They've left the door unlocked, They haven't left a message, They haven't really left at all. Look at the books and records, The photographs on the chair. See the dust on the mirror And the message, See the message there. 103/825, DESSON WS i Word order in English DIALOGUE: English people never speak in trains SONG: What a funny day! Woras A ordem das palavras na oragéio € menos flexivel em inglés do que em portugués. A ordem bésica da frase afirmativa é: sujeito, verbo e complemento, O verbo e o complemento, sobretudo, esto firmemente unidos @ ndo se separam seno ‘em rarissimas ocasides. Leia com atengio as frases seguintes: I dont’t like that sort of comedy very much. Nao gosto muito dessa classe de cor The postman took his dog to London. O carteiro levou seu cdo a Londres, The secretary typed a letter rapidly. A secretéria datilografou rapidamente uma carta. Nas perguntas, 0 sujeito © 0 verbo auxiliar se invertem, naturalmente, porém o verbo principal e 0 complemento permanecem unidos. Have you seen my handbag anywhere? Viste minha sacole em algum lugar? Um velho mito afirma que, em inglés, as preposieSes ndo devem ir no normal colocar a preposico no final em casos como os seguintes: 1. Onde se emprega o relativo that: He is the man that I talked to. Ele 6 0 homem com quem falei. 2. Se uma pergunta comeca com uma palavra interrogativa: What are you smiling at? De que estés rindo? Who were you talking about? De que estés falando? 3. Quando uma frase no infinito qualifica um substantivo ou um pronome: That's nothing to laugh at, No 6 coisa de rir, There was nothing to ask for. No havia nada que perguntar. Em contraste com o caso de preposis6es que vo no final da frase, hd freqilentes casos de advérbios que se colocam no prine(pio de exclamagdes: There itis! Af estél In you get! Entra! Observe-se que se 0 sujeito no € ur pronome pessoal inverte-se a ordem e o verbo, em geral, vem antes do sujeito: Away went the bus! O dnibus se foi! Here is the book! Eis aqui o livro! Uma exelamecéo que comece com what tem também uma ordem sintaxica espect dial Quando uma exclamago comega om how, o adjetivo ou o advérbio vém imediatamente apés: How strange these English are! Que estranhos so os ingleses! Quando ambos os complementos so substantivos comuns, sua ordem sintéxica no tem tanta importancia. Podemos, pois, dizer: He sent a present to his mother. Ele mandou um presente a sua me. Ou: He sent his mother a present. Mas quando um dos objetos é um pronome é preferivel colocé-lo adiante: He gave you a receipt. Ele deu-te um recibo. She asked him a question. Ela Ihe fez uma pergunta. Se ambos os complementos so pronomes soard melhor se se user na frente o complemento direto: He gave it to me, Ele mo deu. He sent it to me. Ele enviou-mo, Isto nos propor- ciona os seguintes modelos: He sent (a present to his mother) (her a present) (it to hor). | da frase. Isto ndo é certo. E completamente hat a beautiful day! Que lindo 104/826 DVAOG UES English people never speak in trains {a Lesson one-hundred and four Harry and Barbara are sitting in the train on their way to London. Barbara: Have you seen my handbag anywhere? Harry: There it is! You're almost sitting on it. Barbara: Thank you! You know, there was so much fuss about the umbrella that | forgot to declare the presents | bought for Peter. Harry: That's nothing to be-so plea- sed about! What are you smiling at? Barbara: Oh, the whole scene was really very funny. Harry: | don’t like that sort of co- medy very much. Customs officers aren't the kind of people | like chatting with. Barbara: | thought our man was very polite. | wonder why he took your umbrella away. But I'm sure he'll return it. He gave 104/827 Barbara: 104/828 WALOQUR you the receipt, didn’t he? Yes, He gave it to me. But— (A chapeleira de Barbara cai no chéo.} Oh! My hatbox! What a fright it gave me! It’s fallen off the luggage rack! Harry: Barbara: Barbara: Harry: Barbara: Harry: Barbara: Harry: Barbara: Harry: Man: Harry: You're lucky. It just missed that gentleman opposite. I'm very sorry! (Em voz baixa.) He doesn’t answer! How strange these English are! The hatbox gave me such a scare! But look, that man just goes on reading his newspaper. The English are always phleg- matic and they never speak in trains! Yes, but he didn’t turn a hair! Speak to him again. You speak to him. All right! have you a light? Excuse me, sir, You see, he doesn’t answer. How English! (Com voz forte.) Excuse me, sir! (Com voz forte.) Eh? What? Speak louder please, | can’t hear you. Oh dear! It isn’t just becau- se he’s English, darling! He's deaf! (=) WORDS 3 PHRASES - chat comedy deaf fellow fright funny fuss hair hatbox immediately luggage rack miss opposite phlegmatic polite receipt return roof seare scene softly thoroughly wonder to go on’ not to turn a hair to ask for a light tagarelar comédia surdo pessoa, companheiro susto cémico, engragado alvorogo cabelo, cabeleira chapeleira imediatamente porta-bagagem falhar oposto fleumético cortés recibo devolve teto susto cena em voz baixa inteiramente perguntar-se prosseguir no pestanejar, néo se mover pedir fogo 2 Q verbo que segue vai no gertindio: To go on speaking. hair 104/829 Dads (ee) Lesson 104. Drill 1 the story the story the story you told the story you told on the bus the story you told on the bus last week Lesson 104. Drill 2 Someone shcuted at me. Someone shouted at me. Someone whistled at me. Someone pointed at me. Someone laughed at me. Lesson 104. Drill 3 Harry was writing a letter. Harry was writing a letter. Barbara was talking. Harry was chatting. Barbara was speaking. Lesson 104. Drill 4 Why do you never smile? Why do you never smile? Why do you never write? Why do you never talk? Why do you never laugh? Lesson 104. Drill 5 I like the story very much. _._Ilike the story very much. I like the story you told very much. | like the story you told on the bus [very much, _.. | like the story you told on the bus llast week very much. Did you say you were shouted at? Did you say you were shouted at? Did you say you were whistled at? Did you say you were pointed at? Did you say you were laughed at? Who was he writing to? Who was he writing to? Who was she talking to? Who was he chatting to? Who was she speaking to? There's nothing to smile about. There's nothing to smile about. There's nothing to write about. There’s nothing to talk about. There's nothing to laugh about. extraordinary extraordinary fantastic amusing terrific What an extraordinary idea! What an extraordinary idea! _ What a fantastic idea! _ What an amusing idea! _ What a terrific idea! (=) 104/830 SONG What a funny day! [ What a funny day! | saw a man in the street, He asked me for a light, | gave him a light And he asked me to marry him. What a funny day! I bought a ticket for the train, | dropped it on the floor, Aman picked it up And he asked me to marry him. What a funny day! | brought a present to a friend Because it was his birthday, Called to say “Hello!” He asked me to marry him. What a funny day! What a funny day! | caught a train home at five And | was reading my paper, Aman said “Hello!” And he asked me to marry him. What a funny day! | watched the news on T.V. Before | went to bed, The newsreader smiled And asked me to marry him What a funny day! What a funny day! What a funny day! 104/831 SASR5IS SS 1 1. Coloque es seguintes expresses nas frases onde convenham, Have you a light?; he didn’t turn a hair; go on; what did they look like?; to get off, to get adaptando-s quando necessério: through. 1, He ... the train when it arrived at the station, 2, Although the accident was terrible, the girl didn’t .. 3. The student ... working all night. 4. = Paris ... in the autumn, 5. | first met my wife when she asked me if I... ata party, 6. We could not ... the crowd in Piccadilly Circus. 2. Disponha as palavras entre parénteses no lugar que Ihes corresponde, reordenando as frases segundo a conveniéncia, a fim de que tenham sentido e se tornem corretas gramaticalmente, He didn’t like (very much) the comedy be cause he did not (very welt) understand it (How) he was happy when he saw getting off the bus (his girl friend). (Here) the taxi comes. Get (you) in. The house (white) (at) that | saw you look- ing, | (for £ 3,000) bought. The suitcase fell the train (off) es it ap- proached (rapidly) London. Give (please) the cigarettes and matches (me) (What) difficult a journey we had before (your house) reaching. 8. (There) John is! Bring his coffee (him). 3. Inclua a preposicao conveniente, 1. BE 3. 8. Harry's come to England .., business. The secretary smiled ... him in the bus. We've been working ... this invention for years. People listen ... the radio all | must meet him: I’ve heard so much him. The lady saw her husband on the platform when she got ... the train. The policeman prevented him ... ing the street. The cat fell . the world, cross: the roof into the street. 4. Traduza para o inglés. err98 Mu, 12, Esqueci os fésforos. Tens fogo? Quando esté cansado no faz muito bem © seu trabalho. A( esté a casa do telhado estranho! Que algazarra para nada! © cortés funcionério da alfandega conti- nuou tagarelando durante horas. © ovo caiu da estante, Que fleumética é esta gente! De que diabo estés falando? A terrivel cena me causou espanto, mes 0 policial no pestanejou. ‘A quem remeteremos a chapeleira? Deram-me um recibo na loja fronteira. Conhece com perfeiciio o inglés, o francés 0 aleméo, ANSWERS TO THE EXERCISES IN THE PREVIOUS LESSON 1.1. have a look. 2. foal ike. 3. I'm afraid. 4. lat him know. S. What on earth? 6. has anything to declare. 7. Would you mind, 8. ftinto, 2. 1, Jost. 2. has never visited. 3. saw, was, was. 4. has just visited, was. 5. have lived. 6. looked at, was. 7. traveled, 8 folt. 9. sold. 10. have had. 11. Have just Brought, took. 12, let 13. has kept 3. 1. He has just had an argument about an umbrella. 2. The ‘couple have been in the United States for two months. 3. He has often been abroad. 4. Mav | have a laok et this box? 104/832 5. We let you know the time of our arrival, yesterday. 6. ‘Tho box always opened when the travellar pressed the bution. 7. The oficial lost his luggage when he crossed the Chan nel. 8. Ha has been selling spirits for twonty years. 9. Maybe. they will give you @ present. 10. The Frenchman stood on [the) dock 36 the ship left Dover. 11. He completed his in- vention on the 28th February. 12, She fs ill becouse she has been eating mushrooms. 13, Yesterday, he left his most precious possession in the bus. 1559 QOS it The expression of the future DIALOGUE: We're going to have the time of our lives SONG: In the summer Ov Shall e will Na primeira pessoa do futuro, shall ¢ will so empregados amitide indistintamente, No obstante, hd certos casos em que o emprego de uma forma em vez de outra pode soar estranhamente ao ouvido inglés. Por este motivo, o estudante estrangoiro tem de esforcar-se para seguir certas regras para o emprego de shall e will. 0 futuro puro 1 shall go. He, she, it will go, You will go. You will go. We shall go. They will go. Shall e will se empregam desta forma quando algo sucederé espontaneamente no futuro, sem que a vontade ou a determinacao de quem fala influam nele. We shall receive presents at Christmas. No Natal receberemos presentes. He will be ill if he eats that. Ele ficaré doente se comer isso, © futuro volitivo, Se estamos decididos a fazer algo no futuro, podemos empregar will em lugar de shall na primeira pessoa, recalcando-o para sublinhar nossa determinago. We won't hel you. Nao te ajudaremos, I promise you I will do everything | can, Prometo-te que farei o que puder. Ao contrério, se uma pessoa deseja que alguém faca ou deixe de fazer algo, acentua-se o propésito mediante o empre: go de shall em lugar de will com a segunda e a terceira pessoas, The enemy shall not pass. 0 inimigo nfo passaré. He shan’t hurt you. Ele ndo te faré dano. Abreviagées. E corrente na conversacSo abreviar tanto shall quanto will a ‘Il, 0 que faz desaparecer a diferenciacdo entre ambes as formas em frases afirmativas. You'll work hard. Trabalhards firme. Wl get there on time. Chegarei ali pontualmente . Mas em frases negativas, mantém-se a diferenciagio. He shan’‘t hurt you. Ele nfo te faré dano. We won't help you. Néo te ajudaremos, 105/833 WOuasS Perguntas. Em perguntas positivas ndo so poss(veis as contrages. Como é improvével que numa pergunta se expresse 0 desejo do que fala, emprega-se normalmente o futuro puro, inclusive quando se faz um requerimento. Shall we go to the hotel? Iremos ao hotel? Will you fetch us a taxi, please? Queres buscar-nos um taxi, por favor? When will they stop being a nuisance? Quando deixardo de ser uma macada? ‘Wilt para expressar o hébito. Emprega-se também will para indicar a existéncia de um costume inveterado, If you will have arguments wherever you go... Se queres ter discusses aonde quer que vs .. He will not wash before he goes to bed. Ele nfo se lavaré antes de ir para a cama. Going to Uma alternativa do futuro com shall e will @ o emprego de going to seguido do infi . Nao se usa normalmente com a idéia de futuro estrito; por isso, embora se possa ouvir dizer I’m going to be fifty tomorrow, seré preferivel esta forma: | shall be fifty tomorrow, Going to expressa geralmente intencZo ou um sentimento de certeza na mente de quem fala, Expressa a mesma idéia como uma exposicdo de um fato. We're going to have the time of our lives. Vamos divertir-nos como nunca. I'm going to learn English next year. Vou aprender inglés no préximo ano. Porém, do mesmo modo que no futuro estrito, pode-se empregar com perguntas. Are you going to tell him everything? ——-Vais dizer-Ihe tudo? When is he going to call a taxi? Quando ele vai chamar um taxi? © presente continuo como futuro. Quando falamos de algo que se verificaré num futuro imediato e mencionamos quando sucederé, podemos empregar o presente continuo, sobretudo com verbos de movimento tais como go, come, leave, ete, I'm leaving for Paris this evening. Saio para Paris esta tarde. Mrs, Jones is coming to tea this afternoon. A senhora Jones vem esta tarde para o cha. How do you do? Esta € a frase empregada pela pessoa que 6 apresentada a alguém, A outra pessoa responde com a mesma frase. Esta locugao néo tem um sentido estritamente traduzivel, pois se trata de uma manifestagdo convencional., If it were Barbara diz na conversacdo: You talk about London as if it were a big balloon. Este 6 0 pretérito do subjuntivo inglés, empregado nas pessoas singulares do verbo to be quando nos referimos a algo hipotético: If | were king (but I'm not). Se eu fosse rei (porém néoo soul) If he were clever (but he isn't). Se ele fosse esperto (porém no 6). As formas do subjuntivo sfio poucas em inglés, @ as que subsistem se empregam cada vez menos. Preposigdes Observe estas acepebes: To introduce a person TO somebody. To show someone ROUND London. To get INTO trouble. This will compensate FOR everything. To protect someone FROM something, 105/834 AO GUE We're going to have the time of our lives [= Lesson one-hundred and five Harry and Barbara are met by Peter, their son, and his girl friend, Pamela, at Victoria Station. Barbara: Peter! How wonderful to see you! Oh, what a journey we've had! But being with you for a few days will com- pensate for everything. Peter: Thank goodness | arrived in time to meet you. | was de- layed in the Tube. | said to myself: “| will get there on time! | must get there!” And somehow | did! Harry: Well, what are we going to do now? Peter: First, | must introduce a great friend of mine to you. Pamela—my parents. Pamela will help to show you round London. Pamela: How do you do? Harry: } How do you do? Barbara: Peter: It's Pamela’s birthday today. 105/835 plakoaua: | Barbara: Oh, many happy returns of the day! Harry: Peter: There really are a lot of things to cele- brate! But first, shall we go to the hotel? Porter, will you call a taxiplease? Pamela: Are you tired after the journey? Harry: Yes, exhausted. Barbara: ell, darling, if you will have long ar- guments wherever you go— Pamela: Arguments? Barbara: My husband had an argument with the Customs Officer. Peter: Well, I'll protect you in London, Father. You won't get into any trouble while I'm with you. We're going to have the time of our lives. Father will sell -his invention and Mother will spend the profits in the shops. We'll see all the sights, and go to all the theatres and restaurants. Pamela: What d’you think of Victoria Station? Barbara: What a busy place it is! Everyone seems to be rushing about ignoring everyone else. Peter: London’s like that! You feel very small here at first and then you start rushing about yourself and you grow bigger and bigger and the city grows smaller 105/836 and smaller! Barbara: Peter! You talk about London as if it were a big balloon! Harry: Or an inflatable umbrella! (=) 105/837 WORDS 8 EAIRAISES) balloon birthday celebrate compensate delay (be) determined enemy exhaust extra hurt 105/838 birthday globo, baldio aniversério celebrar compenser atrasar (estar) decidido, resolvido inimigo cansar, esgotar adicional, extra causar dano, ferir the Tube ignore néio fazer caso de niece sobrinha profits lucros, ganhos Protect proteger somehow de um modo ou de outro spend gastar, despender thank goodness —_gracas a Deus in time a tempo ‘on time pontualmente many happy returns of the day muitos e felizes aniversdrios to see the sights the time of our lives divertir-se as maravilhas to see the sights ver os monumentos € os lugares notaveis to rush about correr de um lado para outro to feel small sentir-se pequeno at first no inicio trouble aborrecer, perturbar , molestar, magada ‘the Tube o metro, wherever {a) onde quiser ANSWERS TO THE EXERCISES IN THE PREVIOUS LESSON ih 2. 1. got off. 2. turn a hair. 3, wont on, 4. What doos Paris look like. 8. had a light. 6, get through. 1. He dida't like the comedy very much because he didn’t Lundtstand it very well. 2, How heppy was when he saw his gid friend gatting off the bus. 3. Here comes the tax In you gat! 4, | bought the white house that | saw you looking at for £3,000. 5. The suitcase fell of the train as it approached London rapidly. 6. Please give me the ciga- rettes and matches, 7. What a difficult journey we had be- fote reaching your house. 8, There is John! Bring hirm his coftee. 1, on business, 2. at. 3. ono at. 4. to, over. 6. about. 6, off. 7, from. 8. off. 1. I've forgotten my matches. Have you a light? 2. When he is tired he does notdo his work very well 3. There isthe house with the strange roofl 4. What a fuss about nothing! 5, The polite customs officer went on chatting for hours 6, The egg fall off the shelf. 7. How phlegmetic these people are! 8. What on earth are you talking about? 9. The torrble scene gave me such a scaro (fright) but the police ‘man didn't turn a hair. 10. Who shall we send the hatbox t07 11. They gave me a receipt in the shop opposite. 12. He knows English end French and Gorman thoroughly 105/839

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