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Since the first cave paintings, artists have been conveying their stories and feelings through

different artistic mediums. These mediums include painting, sculpture, drawing, and
photography. Art is an integral part of our lives and the world, and it comes in many different
forms. Two of the common types of art are the well-known fine arts and applied art. There's a
lot of controversy about whether fashion, cooking and video games have all been linkened to
fine art. In my opinion, they are they are art but only applied art.
Firstly, just like a child's toy which has been lovingly crafted to look like a boat, horse, or car,
video games can be lovingly crafted to represent whatever the creator's artistic vision entails.
But, also like a child's toy, in the end a video game is something which is only meant to be
played with. The person receiving the toy may not ever see or appreciate the artistic value in
it, but they will likely experience joy from playing with it; which is, also, a part of the artist's
intent. The craft of making video games, like the craft of making toys, is most definitely an
art. There are artistic elements which go into its creation; storyboard drawings, the story
itself, the 3D models which make up the game characters and assets, etc. In this way, video
games are art, but they are not fine art. Fine art is art which goes into a museum to be viewed
and appreciated, but never touched or played with. Careful preservation efforts keep the art
safe for people to appreciate centuries after its creation. Toys are played with and eventually
discarded. A video game, once beaten, is similarly cast aside so that the player can experience
a new one. Fine art is never discarded.
Secondly, I think fashion is an art form but it is decorative or applied art as opposed to fine
art. Decorative arts tend to have a primary function other than art. For this reason fashion
tends not to be considered fine art. No matter how creative or beautiful a garment is, it is still
meant to cover the human body. The main differences between fashion and art could be
found in their utility and temporality. Fashion is constrained by certain factors, including
wearability and the specific contours of the human body, for instance. It has a clear
commercial value, priced as a cross-function of the cost of goods and brand perception.
Fashion is ever-evolving, frequently changing based on trends. Those considerations, one
could argue, keep fashion distinct from art, in which economic considerations in general are
seen as much less important - art is created regardless of its eventual economic value (or lack
there of). And the nonutility of art is a key differentiator from fashion, as is the fact that its
value increases over time. 
Last but not least, cooking is art but not fine art because of its visual aspect. Concern for how
food looks is visible at several levels: in plates and containers whose pretty, elaborate shapes
or decorations are not necessary to their function; in the spatial arrangement of the cooked
ingredients on the plates. Finally artistic concern shows in the visual properties of each
prepared dish or component: the shape in which a vegetable or piece of meat is cut, the
colours it is given by cooking or spices, the shine it has from the sauce or glaze. Howerver, it
all stops at beautiful form or delicious food to serve the basic needs of people while fine art
area, which is "visual art created mainly for aesthetic and intellectual purposes appreciated
for its beauty and meaning.
In conclusion, although fashion, cooking, video games are not fine art, they are still applied
art that not only brings useful uses for people but also has artistic beauty. After all, ine art is
an abstract concept whose value depends on the perception of its owner and creator.

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