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Number 3:

According to Le Chatelier's principle, if pressure is increased, then the equilibrium shifts to the
side with the fewer number of moles of gas and vice-versa.
(a). Here in both side number of gaseous molecule is 6. So, equilibrium won't shift.
(b). Here moles of gas is more on reactant side, so equilibrium will shift towards left side.
(c). Here moles of gas are equal on both side, so equilibrium won't shift.
(d). Here moles of gas are equal on both side, so equilibrium won't shift.
(e). Here moles of gas is more on product side, so equilibrium will shift towards right.

Number 4:
The effect of temperature on an exothermic and on endothermic reaction is different. As in case
of exothermic reaction, heat is written on the product side and by increasing temperature, the
reaction will favour the reactant and so, backward reaction will take place. In case of an
endothermic reaction, heat is written on the reactant side, and by increasing the temperature, the
reaction will favour the product and so, forward reaction will take place.
From the question, 4.
A. Exothermic reaction, so reaction will move in reverse direction.
B. Endothermic reaction, so reaction will move in forward direction.
C. Exothermic reaction, so reaction will move in reverse direction.
D. Endothermic reaction, so reaction will move in forward direction.
E. Exothermic reaction, so reaction will move in reverse direction.

Number 5:
6.) Presence of catalyst makes no difference in the value of chemical equilibrium. This is so
because catalyst speeds up the reaction both forward and backward to the same extent and
adding a catalyst doesnot affect relative rates of two reactions, it cannot affect position of
chemical equilibrium.
7.) Factors that affect reaction rates are:
Reactant concentration: Increasing the concentration of one or more reactant, also increases
rate of reaction.
Physical state of reactants and surface area: If reactant molecules exists in different phases, as
in heterogeneous mixture, the rate of reaction will be limited by the surface area of phases that
are in contact. Increase in surface area also increases the rate of reaction.
Presence of catalyst: Presence of catalyst accelerates a reaction by participating in it without
being consumed.

Number 8:
Number 9:
Number 10:
Number 11:
12) When Ammonium acetate dissolves in water, the solution becomes cooler. This implies that
there is an endothermic reaction taking place. So, increasing the temperature, according to Le-
Chatelier's Principle, Ammonium acetate dissolves in water. So, it requires high temperature.
13) When anhydrous sodium sulfate dissolves in water the solution becomes warmer, this
implies an exothermic reaction taking place in the solution. So, decreasing the temperature will
increase the solubility of sodium sulfate.
14) Surface catalysts are the substance which catalyzes the reaction by adsorption on the surface
of the catalyst while a catalyst which enters the reaction they do so by the chemical reaction
taking place in the solution.
a. An increase in the pressure will shift the equilibrium towards the lesser number of moles, here
is to the forward reaction. As, No. of moles of product < No. of moles of reactants
b. Since, the reaction has positive enthalpy which means the reaction is endothermic. So,
increasing temperature will shift the reaction towards the product side.
c. Positive catalyst will shift the equilibrium towards the product side.
d. Again, addition of more oxygen will shift the equilibrium towards the forward side.
e. If we add more NO then, automatically the reaction will shift to the forward direction.

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