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Apologetika Kristen


Teachers College – UPH

Christian Apologetics tidak mengajarkan Anda menjadi →

• Kaum apatis,
• Golongan putih,
• bersikap indifference,
• ignorant
the apostle Peter tells us to “always being prepared to
make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason
for the hope that is in you” (1 Pet. 3:15)
Presuppositional Apologetics
Greg Bahnsen:
“If our apologetic is to be a Christian apologetic it must be
presuppositional in character and method.”

Presuppositional Apologetics:
1. Sensus Divinitatis (Roma 1:18-20)
2. The reality of Sin
3. Human faculty: faith precedes
Saksikan video berikut ini: ‘what is your worldview?’

Two worldviews are Two people who disagree

similar in most issues more than they agree

No agreement or common ground in all issues

What is Worldview?
Immanuel Kant (1724–1804) → Weltanschauung (World and
Life view)
1. “the fundamental perspective from which one addresses every
issue of life.”
2. “a set of mental categories arising from deeply lived experience
which essentially determines how a person understands, feels
and responds in action to what he or she perceives of the
surrounding world and the riddles it presents.”
3. “a set of beliefs that underlie and shape all human thought and
4. “all human endeavor stems not from worldview, but from the
spiritual commitments of the heart.”
What is Worldview?
Worldviews are NOT philosophic systems; rather they are
pretheoretical commitments and are in direct contact NOT so much
with the mind as with the “HEART,” with experience, with life as

• Kej. 6:5 “The Lord saw how great the wickedness of the human
race had become on the earth, and that every inclination of the
thoughts of the human heart was only evil all the time.”

• Mat. 6:21; Luk. 12:34 “For where your treasure is, there your
heart will be also.”
1. Kemampuan untuk melakukan kalkulasi dan
spekulasi, atau yang olehnya kita mampu
membedakan (discern), memahami dan menilai
segala sesuatu, --- dikenal sebagai Rasio

2. Faculty (kemampuan) yang lain adalah hal yang

membuat jiwa kita condong kepada sesuatu,
entah condong untuk mendekat atau pun
menjauh, entah menyukai atau tidak menyukai,
menyenanginya atau tidak, melekat kepadanya
atau tidak. Kemampuan ini biasanya disebut
sebagai HATI.
Faith and Reason





Heart Reason Action

| Worldview, Understanding, Action

Life Structure




Heart Action

Worldview is a set of beliefs (about the significant issues in life).

Everybody has his/her

worldview but majority
unaware that they have one.

These worldviews function as interpretive conceptual schemes

to explain why we “see” the world as we do, why we often
think and act as we do.
Worldview: Heart/ Faith
Faculty of heart → kemampuan hati manusia untuk melekat,
bersandar, menempel kepada sesuatu.

Hati membuat seluruh eksistensi diri manusia diarahkan atau

dicondongkan kepada sesuatu/ seseorang.

“di mana hartamu berada

disitulah hatimu berada.”
(Mat 6:21).

“dari situlah [hati] terpancar

kehidupan. (Ams. 4:23)
Worldview: Heart/ Faith
Fungsi dari hati adalah IMAN

Iman adalah fungsi hati sama seperti

melihat merupakan fungsi dari mata.

Hati = Harta

Hati adalah SELURUH

KEBERADAAN diri kita,
identitas diri kita Persis seperti melihat tidak bisa
sendiri. dipisahkan dari mata demikian pula iman
tidak bisa dipisahkan dari hati
Worldview: Heart/ Faith
Unsur-unsur iman
1. Notitia
• Aspek intelektual (pengetahuan) dari iman
• Iman yang sejati adalah keyakinan atau pengetahuan yang pasti
(Heidelberg Catechism, Q21)

2. Assensus
• Percaya kepada apa yang diketahui (pada poin notitia)

3. Fiducia
• Aspek kehendak atau komitmen iman
• Personal trust and surrender – menyerahkan diri sepenuhnya
kepada apa yang dipercaya.
• Mahkota dari Iman

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