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Types of Programming Languages

1. Machine Level language

2. Assembly language

3. Procedural language (High Level Language)

Machine Language:

Every computer has its own language called machine language.

Itdepends on the specificHardware of the computer. A machine
language is also known as low levellanguage alsocalled machine
understandable language.Computer understands & executes the
program onlyin machine level language. This low levellanguage is in
the form of (1‘s and 0‘s) binarycodeLow Level Language requires
memorizing or looking up numerical codes for everyinstructionthat is
used.These are machine dependent languages.These are used for
simulationlanguages, and LISP, artificial intelligence applications.

Assembly Language:

Assembly language is the mnemonic language written in some

specificsymbolic codes, suchas ADD, SUB etc. An assembly
language program is first translated intomachine languageinstruction
by system program called assembler, before it can be executed.
Thesearelanguages understandable by CPU & ALU section of
Computer Assembly languages arecalledlow level languages.

High Level Language:

A High level language is a simple English like language. A High

levellay program also needsto be transferred into machine language .
Compilers translate the entire program into machine language before
executing any of the instructions.Interpreters, on the other hand,
proceed through a program by translating and then executing single
instructions, or small groups of instructions.
A compiler or interpreter is itself a computer program thataccepts a
high-level program (e.g. a C program) as input data, and generates a
corresponding machine –language program as output. The original
high-level program is called the source program, and theresulting
machine-language program is called the object program.

Difference betweencompiler and interpreter

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