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Jerome Angeles


In the webinar that was conducted by the Science department as one of the activities this
science month where the students gain a lot thought through the speaker Alexander Cruz, a Registered
Medical Technologist who shared his learnings and experiences in the field of clinical microscopy.

Clinical Microscopy is the analysis of non-blood body fluids such as urine, semen, spinal fluid and
stool that enables the participating doctor and the patient to know the condition of the patient and help
them to cure or prevent the diseases that have been detected by series test. There is a lot of
microscopic services said by the speaker but the main topic for the webinar is all about Urinalysis and
Stool Examination because first it is always available to collect, it is not difficult to get for the specimen
that will be collected will not cause the patient to experience trauma or pain like the other test, it also
aids in diagnoses of the disease, and it also bring effectiveness of medication.

There is a lot of steps in getting urinalysis and stool examination, first is about the collection of
the specimen it should be placed in a clean container, clear, wide mouthed and must be labeled
properly for there’s cases that the specimen was being rejected due to improper labeling and
improperly transported in the laboratory and sometimes due to lack of specimen quantity. On the other
hand, the types of specimens are classified random specimen and first morning specimen. In random
specimen it is commonly used in routine screening like when you are applying for scholarship or a job,
while the first morning specimen is more concentrated which is more accurate and is used when the
patient undergoes general checkup to diagnose the case properly. Mr. Cruz also identifies the chemical
examination process and evaluates the real time process of the examination; he also elaborates the
cases and the possible things that you might see when doing the test.

In accordance to what I have learned from the webinar, I therefore agree with the guest speaker
that the urinalysis and stool examination process was the best way to get the specimen in microscopic
examination for it is easy to get and will not produce any harm to the patient involve in the said
examination, I get along with his statement about the proper labeling of the specimen for it will truly
affect the one who will get the final statement, because if there’s an instance that the specimen that
was given is mislabeled it might affect the diagnosis of the patient because truly it is one of the most
important steps in getting the examination. Therefore, in giving the specimen the one who will give
should be very careful in filling up the needed information in the specimen. In conclusion with all of the
thoughts I have learned in the webinar that was conducted I have learned the importance of properly
labeling something and the importance of giving the right information needed by the examiners for it
will truly affect the final outcome of the examination, and also I have expanded my learnings in the
medical field which excites me more in the near future.
Jerome Angeles

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