How Does The Participation of Students On Extracurricular Activities Affect Their Academic Achievement

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How does the participation of students on extracurricular activities affect their academic achievement?

What are some benefits of students participating in an organization?

Student: Is a learner, or someone who attends an educational institution.

Students’ academic performance: The outcomes of the teaching and learning

process in terms of knowledge and skills in students acquires from schools as

measures by scores obtained in Certificate for Secondary Examinations (CSEE).

Academic performance: Refers to achievement in standardized tests or

examinations shown by a student. According to Niebuhr (1995) Academic

performance of students is typically assessed by the use of teacher’s ratings, tests,

and examinations.

Counseling: This refers to a process that uses the safety of a special relationship

between the counselor and the counselee together explore the thoughts, feelings and

counselor attitudes of the counselee with the objective of tapping the resources

within the counselee to effect healing and change.

Guidance: Refers to all activities rendered by educational institutions, which are

primarily concerned with assisting individual students understand themselves, thus

their needs, interest abilities and potentials.

Teaching and learning materials: In this study teaching and learning materials

mean all materials that facilitate the teaching and learning in secondary schools.

They include laboratories with its chemical and equipment, text books used for

teaching by the teachers and those used by the students for reference. Other materials

are projectors, classrooms, desks, libraries as well as syllabus. Big charts, wall maps,

photographs are also teaching and learning materials (Mbunda, 2006).

Performance: To perform is to take a complex series of actions that integrate skills

and knowledge to produce a valuable result.

Secondary school: Is a school which provides secondary education after primary

school education.

Language of instruction: This refers to the language of instruction which is used to

implement the school curriculum in schools mainly the language of instruction is


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