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Institute of Engineering

Department Of mechanical Engineering

Paschimanchal Campus
Lamachaur, Pokhara
2.Errors In measurement
Metrology (ME 503) II/I
Errors In measurement
• It is always impossible to measured the true value of a dimension of any w/p.
• It is because of instrument itself or w/p itself or even man who is measuring the
The problem may arise due to temperature fluctuation, tiredness, fatigue
and changes in the electrical system.
• Error in measurement= (True Value- Measured value)
• Error can be expressed as;
Absolute Error= Algebraic difference between true and measured value
Relative Error= Quotient of the absolute error and the value of comparison used
for calculation of that absolute error. RE is expressed as a percentage and has no
Errors depending factors
I. Calibration standard
II. Work piece
III. Instrument
IV. Person
V. Environmental conditions (temp. Pressure, humidity, altitude)
Types of Errors in measurement
1. Static Error:
a. Reading error
b. Characteristics error (Deviation from Theoretical perspective)
c. Environmental errors
2. Instrument Loading error
3. Dynamic error

Error Propagation:
It is defined as the error or uncertainties in the measure variable carry over or propagate to
determine the uncertainty in the dependent variable. i.e Length changes with temperature
and other electronic behaviour
Method of Least Square
• The Least square principle has wide range of application in metrology.
• It states that ‘’ the most probable value of observed quantities is that which
reduces the sum of the squares of residual errors to minimum.
• It is applicable for two dependent measured variables, for example measurement
taken by straight edge along the X-axis where y is measured in terms of hills and

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