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Volume 56, Number 2, 305–316

r 2013, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

Pharmacology and
Pharmacogenomics of
Medications Used in
Department of Pediatrics, Division of Clinical Pharmacology,
Clinical Trials Office, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah

Abstract: Pregnancy increases the pharmacological

management challenge of numerous neurological dis-
eases as a result of complex physiological changes. Neurological diseases are relatively com-
Understanding pregnancy-induced changes in phar- mon in women of childbearing age and
macokinetic and pharmacodynamic parameters can can contribute to maternal mortality
lead to better outcomes for both the mother and baby. rates.1,2 Whether the neurological condi-
Although the application of pharmacogenomics in
maternal-fetal medicine is in its infancy, further re-
tion was diagnosed before pregnancy, or
search and developments will provide important new whether neurological symptoms appear
developments for managing the efficacy of drug treat- for the first time during pregnancy, many
ments during pregnancy and improving maternal-fetal can be effectively managed therapeuti-
safety. Although a wide variety of neurological med- cally with careful preconception, antena-
ications are used during pregnancy, this article will
focus on the drugs with currently known pharmaco-
tal, and postpartum considerations.
genomic implications. Many neurological diseases are af-
Key words: pharmacogenomics, neurological disease, fected by the physiological state of preg-
neurological medications, pharmacology, pharmaco- nancy. In addition, the pharmacokinetics
kinetics, pharmacodynamics, metabolism (what the body does to a drug) and phar-
macodynamics (what a drug does to the
body) of the various agents used to treat
those conditions can change drastically.
Correspondence: Michael G. Spigarelli, MD, PhD, These pregnancy-induced changes gener-
Department of Pediatrics, Division of Clinical Pharma- ally lead to under dosing of patients.
cology, Clinical Trials Office, University of Utah, Suite
2S010, Salt Lake City, UT. E-mail: michael.spigarelli Although a wide variety of neurological diseases can exist during pregnancy, this
The authors declare that they have nothing to disclose. article will focus on those treated with

306 Campbell and Spigarelli

drugs that have known pharmacogenom- The distinction between genotype, phe-
ic association(s) and that information can notype, the underlying genetic sequence,
be found in their drug labels. Antiepileptic and the externally observable character-
drugs (AEDs), as a class to exemplify the istics, is critically important for the dis-
current state of knowledge with respect to cussion of pharmacogenomics. For most
pharmacology and pharmacogenomics, drugs understanding of the 4 typical phe-
will also be discussed. notypic classifications for polymorphisms
in drug metabolizing enzymes: (1) poor
metabolizers (PM)—no fully functional
copies of the drug metabolizing gene; (2)
Pharmacogenomics intermediate metabolizers (IM)—1 func-
A number of regulatory agencies, profes- tional copy; (3) extensive metabolizers
sional organizations, and researchers (EM)—2 functional copies; and (4) ultra-
have proposed definitions for pharmaco- rapid metabolizers (UM)—>2 functional
genomics and pharmacogenetics. The In- copies of drug metabolizing gene, is im-
ternational Conference of Harmonization portant to accurately apply pharmacoge-
defines pharmacogenomics as: ‘‘The nomics recommendations when and if
study of variations of DNA and RNA they exist. Phenotypes tests utilize plasma
characteristics as related to drug re- or serum for the detection of parent-to-
sponse.’’ Pharmacogenetics, a subset of metabolite ratios in the determination of
pharmacogenomics is defined as: ‘‘The the individual’s status. Genotypic tests
study of variations in DNA sequence as utilize the underlying genetic sequence to
related to drug response.’’3 Although determine individual’s status, although
both terms often are commonly used in- unknown mutations must be classified
terchangeably, the preferred term remains through phenotypic methods. Extensive
the more broad pharmacogenomics. metabolizers, despite their name, have
The US Food and Drug Administra- normal enzyme activity, where intermedi-
tion (FDA) currently recommends phar- ate and poor metabolizers have lower
macogenomic testing for over 100 drugs than normal enzyme activity and can
through the drug approval and labeling approach no activity. Ultrarapid metab-
process.4 This information, contained olizers excessively metabolize drugs lead-
within drug labels, includes pharmaco- ing to lack of efficacy for active (parent)
genomic information on a variety of drugs or possibly increased toxicity from
topics including: clinical response varia- metabolites of prodrugs. The pharmaco-
bility, risk for adverse events, polymor- kinetics or pharmacodynamics of the
phic drug target(s) and disposition genes, drug, as well as influence disease pro-
and genotype/phenotype-specific dosing. gression and prognosis, may also be af-
It should be noted that all drugs undergo fected.5 Similar classifications exist for
clearance from the body that is mediated transporters and receptors as well. Com-
by enzymatic processes and transporter plete reviews of pharmacogenomic no-
dependent processes that are governed by menclature and concepts are available
the underlying genetics, nutritional, and elsewhere.6–8
health status of the individual. This list of The application of pharmacogenomics
just over 100 drugs with current recom- in maternal-fetal medicine is in its early
mendations represents the humblest of infancy, further research and develop-
beginnings when it comes to defining the ments will improve the ability to recognize
interindividual and intraindividual varia- the risks of drug exposure based on gen-
tion in drug metabolism that fall within otype during pregnancy and the ability to
the realm of pharmacogenomics. uniquely stratify mothers into risk groups
Pharmacogenomics of Neurologic Drugs Used in Pregnancy 307

for adverse drug events and possible birth labels.4 In the future, the pharmacoge-
defects. Some researchers have hypothe- nomic implications of many more neuro-
sized that AED-induced teratogenicity logical medications will be elucidated and
has underlying pharmacogenomic impli- included into their drug labels. Of the 6
cations.9,10 These researchers have de- neurological medications that currently
scribed certain families with multiple have pharmacogenomics information in
exposed affected children, whereas others their drug labels, 3 are used to treat epi-
with multiple exposures had normal off- lepsy, 1 is used to treat neuropathic pain,
spring.11 These findings strongly suggest and 2 are for treating neurological con-
the risk for some pregnant women with a ditions not commonly seen in pregnancy.
specific genotype are higher and an alter-
nate drug treatment may be a better op-
tion. Knowing the pregnant patient’s AED USE DURING PREGNANCY
specific drug metabolizing genotype/phe- Epilepsy is the second most common neu-
notype may improve efficacy of those rological disorder in pregnant women. It
drugs used during pregnancy and improve has been estimated that nearly 1 million
fetal/neonatal safety. Understanding the American women of childbearing age
pharmacogenomics of both mother and have epilepsy12 and approximately
fetus will likely further improve their 25,000 children are born to these mothers
safety. each year.13 Although commonly used
AEDs are established human teratogens,
infants born to women with untreated
epilepsy in pregnancy have higher rates
Neurological Medications of major and minor malformations.9,14
With Pharmacogenomic Clinicians face a dual challenge of main-
Implications taining seizure control while minimizing
Currently, only 5% of the drugs with teratogenic risks of AEDs. Although with
pharmacogenomic information in their proper preconception, antenatal, and
drug labels have neurological indica- postpartum management, 95% of preg-
tions.4 A list of these drugs can be found nancies exposed to AEDs show favorable
in Table 1. Oncology (23%), psychology results,15 the risks associated with in utero
(15%), and cardiology drugs (12%) make AED exposure are still of considerable
up the majority of the drug classes that importance. To minimize the teratogenic
have pharmacogenomics in their drugs risk of AEDs, a high dose of folic acid (up
to 5 mg/d compared with 0.4 to 1 mg/d)
has been recommended for at least 1
TABLE 1. Drugs Used to Treat month preconception and during the 1st
Neurological Diseases With trimester.16,17 Vitamin K supplementa-
Pharmacogenomic Information tion is also recommended. The guide-
in Drug Label lines18 for pregnant women on AEDs
Pregnancy Pharmacogenomic call for antenatal maternal vitamin K
Drugs Category Biomarker supplementation at 20 mg orally through-
out the last 4 weeks of gestation and 1 mg
Carbamazepine D HLA-B*1502
Clobazam C CYP2C19 of vitamin K parenterally to the neonate
Codeine C CYP2D6 immediately after delivery to prevent neo-
Dextromethorphan C CYP2D6 natal bleeding.18 Pharmacogenomic test-
and quinidine ing may also aid clinicians in which
Phenytoin D HLA-B*1502 pregnant patients are at an increased risk
Tetrabenazine C CYP2D6
of adverse outcomes.
308 Campbell and Spigarelli

TABLE 2. Pregnancy-induced Pharmacokinetic and Metabolic Changes

Overall Effect in
Pregnancy References
Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic changes
Absorption m, k, or unchanged Anderson and colleagues19–21
Volume of distribution m Anderson and
Clearance m Anderson and colleagues19,22
Terminal elimination half-life m, k, or unchanged Pavek and colleagues20,23
Peak serum concentrations k for many drugs Philipson and colleagues23,24
Steady-state plasma concentration k Koren and colleagues21,22
Peak serum concentrations k Lobstein and Koren22
Renal drug elimination m Anderson19
Hepatic drug elimination m, k, or unchanged Anderson19
Gastric pH m Anderson and colleagues19,22
Gastric and intestinal emptying time m Lobstein and Koren22
Glomerular filtration rate m Pavek et al20
Protein binding capacity k Lobstein and Koren22
Intestinal motility k Anderson and colleagues19–22
Blood volume m Lobstein and Koren22
Plasma volume m Koren21
Total body water m Koren21
Cardiac output m Lobstein and Koren22
Tidal volume m Koren and colleagues21,22
Renal plasma blood flow m Lobstein and Koren22
Hepatic blood flow m Anderson19
Uterine blood flow m Thaler et al25
Metabolizing enzymes and transporters
Cytochrome P450 1A2 (CYP1A2) k Anderson and
Cytochrome P450 2A6 (CYP2A6) m Anderson and colleagues19–21
Cytochrome P450 2C9 (CYP2C9) m Anderson and colleagues19–21
Cytochrome P450 2C19 (CYP2C19) k Anderson and colleagues19–21
Cytochrome P450 2D6 (CYP2D6) m Anderson and colleagues19–21
Cytochrome P450 3A4 (CYP34A) m Anderson and colleagues19–21
UDP-glucuronosyltransferases 1A4 m Anderson19
UDP-glucuronosyltransferases 2B7 m Anderson19
N-acetyltransferase 2 (NAT2) m Anderson and colleagues19,26
P-glycoprotein (P-gp) m Koren21

m indicates increase; k, decrease.

AED pharmacokinetics and pharma- metabolizing enzymes, the cytochrome

codynamics can be significantly altered P450s (CYP450s), drug metabolism in
during pregnancy by many variants in- the liver is increased during pregnancy.
cluding: changes in body weight, clear- This condition along with the other variants
ance, protein binding, and metabolism of mentioned can lead to serum concentra-
drugs (Table 2).27 These pharmacokinetic tions of AEDs falling during pregnancy.31
changes during pregnancy may escalate Therapeutic drug monitoring, the con-
seizure frequency.28–30 Because of the cept of following serum/plasma concentra-
metabolic induction of the major drug tions of drugs to ensure adequate dosing, is
Pharmacogenomics of Neurologic Drugs Used in Pregnancy 309

therefore an important component to anticonvulsant polytherapy.32 An in-

maintain seizure control throughout preg- crease in daily folic acid may mitigate
nancy and is recommended at least once per some of these risks.34 As hepatic metabo-
trimester and monthly for patients with lism is the main route of elimination for
complicated epilepsy or breakthrough carbamazepine (also responsible for in-
seizures. ducing CYP450 isoforms 1A2, 2B6, C9,
and 3A4) an increase in dose may be
necessary. Therapeutic drug monitoring
USE OF CARBAMAZEPINE AND is recommended and can aid in determin-
PHENYOIN IN PREGNANCY ing dose increases of carbamazepine.
Newer AEDs are not preferred due to the Phenytoin is used for the management
lack of research or utilization knowledge of generalized tonic-clonic, complex parti-
proving their safety during pregnancy. al seizures, and prevention of seizures after
Therefore, the most common AEDs used neurosurgery. Phenytoin has a narrow
during pregnancy are older drugs such as therapeutic window, indicating that the
carbamazepine and phenytoin (Table 3).32 safe and effective blood concentration
Carbamazepine is used for partial seizures range of a phenytoin is close to its toxic
with complex symptomatology, general- blood concentration range. Phenytoin
ized tonic-clonic seizures, mixed seizure is highly bound to protein (90% to 93%)
patterns and trigeminal neuralgia. It is and is cleared mainly by saturable hepatic
also used in an off-label manner for rest- metabolism.35,36 A substantial increase
less leg syndrome and posttraumatic in 8-hydroxylated phenytoin during preg-
stress disorder. Carbamazepine may be nancy has been demonstrated,31 indicating
associated with teratogenic effects includ- increased hepatic metabolism. This in-
ing cardiovascular malformations, cra- crease in metabolism is partially responsi-
niofacial defects, hypospadias, and spina ble for the decreased serum concentrations
bifida.33 These risks increase with and decreased seizure control seen during

TABLE 3. Antiepileptic Drugs Used in Pregnancy and Associated Pharmacogenomics

Pregnancy Information in
Category Drug Label? Biomarker Testing Rationale
Older AEDs
Carbamazepine D Yes HLA- Susceptibility to SJS or TEN
Phenobarbital D No Unknown NA
Phenytoin D Yes HLA- Susceptibility to SJS or TEN
Valproic acid D No Unknown NA
Newer AEDs
Clobazam C Yes CYP2C19 Initial dose adjustments for
Felbamate C No Unknown NA
Gabapentin C No Unknown NA
Lamotrigine C No HLA- Possible susceptibility to SJS
B*1502 or TEN
Oxcarbazepine C No Unknown NA
Topiramate D No Unknown NA
Vigabatrin C No Unknown NA

AEDs indicates antiepileptic drugs; NA, not applicable; PMs, poor metabolizers, SJS, Steven-Johnson syndrome; TEN, toxic
epidermal necrolysis.
310 Campbell and Spigarelli

pregnancy. A fall in total serum phenytoin approved for use of seizures associated with
concentration may also be the result of Lennox-Gastaut syndrome, a rare child-
decreased phenytoin protein binding as onset form of epilepsy, it has been found
more free drug is available for metabolism to be the most common AED polytherapy
and thus cleared more rapidly during combination with carbamazepine in a
pregnancy. Canadian survey of pregnant women on
AEDs.40 Only 1 human study of clobazam
use during pregnancy has been reported
PHARMACOGENOMICS OF that demonstrated its ability to cross the
placenta41 and its use during pregnancy is
Human leukocyte antigen, major histo- not advised.
compatibility complex, class I, B (HLA-
B*1502) genotyping predicts susceptibility
to carbamazepine-induced or phenytoin- PHARMACOGENOMICS OF
induced Steven-Johnson syndrome or toxic CLOBAZAM
epidermal necrolysis, which are life-threat- More than 25 variant alleles have been
ening dermatologic reactions. Patients reported for the principal metabolic en-
demonstrating an absence of the HLA- zyme, CYP2C19. These include ones that
B*1502 allele are at substantially lower risk are associated with reduced enzyme func-
of these adverse reactions. Published tion (ie, poor metabolizers; CYP2C19*2,
population frequencies for HLA-B*1502 CYP2C19*3, CYP2C19*4, CYP2C19*5,
are greatest in Han Chinese 8% to 15%, CYP2C19*6, CYP2C19*7, CYP2C19*8)
followed by Asian (unspecified; 5%), white and one which is associated with a gain-
(1% to 2%), Hispanic (1% to 2%), of-function and increased metabolism (ie,
and African-American (0.2%).37,38 Cur- ultrarapid metabolizer; CYP2C19*17).
rent regulatory guidance recommends There are known pharmacokinetic differ-
that patients with the HLA-B*1502 ences among these variants; however, only
allele should only be treated with carbama- modifications in clobazam dose have been
zepine or phenytoin when the benefit recommended for CYP2C19 poor metabo-
clearly outweighs the risk. The FDA rec- lizers (see below). The population distribu-
ommends genetic testing for HLA-B*1502 tion for the most common reduced function
before initiating treatment with carbama- allele (CYP2C19*2), is greatest in Chinese
zepine or phenytoin. Pharmacogenomic (27%), followed by Africans (14%) and
testing of HLA-B*1502 is not recom- European-Americans (14%). The popula-
mended for patients currently on these tion distribution for the next most common
drugs. Recommendations for loading and reduced function allele (CYP2C19*3) in
maintenance doses for phenytoin based on order of prevalence is Japanese (13%),
cytochrome P450 isoform 2C9 (CYP2C9) followed by Chinese (5%), African-Ameri-
genotype have been evaluated by the Royal cans, and whites (<1%).42 The gain-of-
Dutch Pharmacists Association Pharma- function allele (CYP2C19*17) occurs most
cogenetics Working Group, however, the frequently in Africans (29%), followed by
FDA currently only recommends HLA- European-Americans (23%), and Chinese
B*1502 pharmacogenomic testing.39 (2%).43 The FDA recommends genotyping
CYP2C19 in patients before initiating or
reinitiating treatment with clobazam.
CLOBAZAM USE IN PREGNANCY Clobazam’s active metabolite, N-desme-
Clobazam, a benzodiazepine long used for thylclobazam, is also the major circulating
epilepsy in Canada, was not approved in metabolite in humans. Concentrations of N-
the US until October 25, 2011. Although its desmethylclobazam in plasma, are 3 to 5
Pharmacogenomics of Neurologic Drugs Used in Pregnancy 311

times higher in CYP2C19 poor metabo- described, yet many have not been func-
lizers, and 2 times higher in intermediate tionally characterized. The characterized
metabolizers compared with extensive CYP2D6*1n and CYP2D6*2n alleles have
metabolizers (eg, normal metabolizers). increased enzymatic activity, CYP2D6*10
For this reason, the initial dose should and *17 have reduced activity, whereas
be 5 mg/d (instead of 5 mg/BID) in CYP2D6*3, CYP2D6*4, and CYP2D6*5
CYP2C19 poor metabolizers. Currently, have diminished or absent activity.
no dosage recommendations have been CYP2D6*6, CYP2D*7, CYP2D*8 are
made for the CYP2C19*17 gain-of func- known to have absent activity. Low
tion allele. CYP2D6 activity can lead to reduced active
metabolite formation and loss of drug ef-
fect, or reduced metabolism and detoxifi-
CODEINE USE IN PREGNANCY cation from normal dosages of codeine.
Codeine is one of the most common med- Between 1% and 5% of Americans and
ications used to decrease acute pain in Europeans are ultrarapid metabolizers (by
pregnant women.44–46 Codeine is a m-opioid carrying 2 or more copies of the
receptor agonists and elicit its therapeutic CYP2D6*2 allele).52,53 The reduced func-
effect by depressing the central nervous tion allele CYP2D6*10 has a frequency of
system. Codeine is metabolized by cyto- about 50% in Asians.54 In the other known
chrome P450 isoform 2D6 (CYP2D6) to reduced function allele, CYP2D6*17,
morphine, its active metabolite. This en- frequency is greatest in Africans (34%).55
zyme is responsible for the metabolism of The alleles associated with absent
approximately 25% of all medications by activity are found in approximately 7% of
the human liver, yet only comprises of a white, <3% of Africans, and 1% of
small percentage of the total liver CYP450 Asians.
content. Therefore, any decreases in its A standard starting dose of codeine is
activity or presence of any inhibitor can recommended in patients with an exten-
lead to significant changes in blood concen- sive metabolizer phenotype (eg, normal
trations and has the potential to greatly metabolizer). In patients identified as a
impact efficacy for pro-drugs and toxicity CYP2D6 ultrarapid metabolizer, the
for active parent drugs. Unlike other choice of an alternative analgesic (other
CYP450s, there are no known CYP2D6 than the CYP2D6 substrate) should be
inducing substrates. The unique condition made to avoid the risk of severe toxicity
of pregnancy, however, is the only time in associated standard doses of codeine.
which CYP2D6 induction has been dem- There is insufficient evidence in the liter-
onstrated. The mechanism of this induction ature to recommend a higher dose of
remains to be elucidated.47 No pharmaco- codeine in poor metabolizers, which may
kinetic studies have been reported with be necessary to overcome the inability to
codeine use in pregnancy. Association be- convert to the active metabolite mor-
tween first trimester use of codeine and phine. The therapeutic recommendations
various congenital anomalies have been for codeine based on CYP2D6 phenotype
observed.48,49 With extended use in late are summarized in Table 4.
pregnancy, codeine can result in neonatal Studies have shown that ultrarapid and
withdrawal.50,51 extensive metabolizers (eg, normal metab-
olizers) steadily increase metabolic capacity
throughout pregnancy, whereas intermedi-
PHARMACOGENOMICS OF CODEINE ate and poor metabolizers steadily decrease
CYP2D6 is highly polymorphic and ap- in metabolic capacity throughout preg-
proximately 115 distinct alleles have been nancy.47,56,57 Studies on the implications
312 Campbell and Spigarelli

TABLE 4. Codeine Pharmacogenomic Recommendations

Phenotype Codeine Metabolism Recommendations
Ultrarapid Increased metabolism to Avoid codeine use. Possibility for codeine toxicity.
metabolizer morphine. Risk of toxicity Consider analgesic that is a not a CYP2D6 substrate
Extensive Normal metabolism to 15-50 mg every 4 h as needed for pain
metabolizer morphine
Intermediate Reduced metabolism to Begin with 15-60 mg every 4 h as needed for pain.
metabolizer morphine Consider alternative analgesic if there is no response
Poor Greatly reduced metabolism Avoid codeine use. Lack of efficacy. Consider alternative
metabolizer to morphine analgesic

on effective management of codeine N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor antago-

through gestation are warranted. nism. Pseudobulbar affect is a nervous
In 2006, the clinical application of co- system disorder described as emotional
deine pharmacogenomics was described incontinence. Symptoms can include: in-
after a case of fatal respiratory depression voluntary crying, uncontrollable episodes
in a breastfed newborn whose mother was of crying/laughing, and uncontrollable
prescribed codeine.58 The mother was and exaggerated emotional outbursts,
found after the fact to be an ultrarapid typically without inner feelings of sad-
metabolizer, which led to opioid intoxica- ness, depression, or happiness. Pseudo-
tion in the newborn. The postmortem bulbar affect can cause severe distress
blood from the neonate revealed high and embarrassment, and social and occu-
concentrations of morphine and the pational dysfunction. The US prevalence
breast milk morphine concentrations of pseudobulbar affect has been estimated
were 4-fold higher than previous litera- to be about 10% across common neuro-
ture reports.58 As a result of this case, the logical conditions.60–65 Pseudobulbar affect
FDA and Health Canada have issued is generally thought to be a underrecog-
public health advisories and proposed nized and undertreated disorder.60,66 There
labeling updates. Since then, other have been no human or animal pregnancy
breastfed infants who experience life- studies with this drug combination and its
threatening central nervous system de- use during pregnancy is not advised.
pression whose mothers were CYP2D6
ultrarapid metabolizers have been re-
ported.59 The Royal Dutch Pharmacists PHARMACOGENOMICS OF
Association Pharmacogenetics Working DEXTROMETHORPHAN AND
Group has evaluated therapeutic dose QUINIDINE
recommendations for codeine based on Dextromethorphan is metabolized by
CYP2D6 genotypes and recommend al- CYP2D6, which is the underlying ration-
ternative drug treatment for analgesia in ale for quinidine as the combination
patients carrying poor metabolizer alleles agent. In this drug combination quinidine
and ultrarapid metabolizer alleles.39 A is intended to inhibit CYP2D6 to achieve
summary of these recommendations can higher dextromethorphan exposure, com-
be found in Table 4. pared to when dextromethorphan is given
alone. As a result, genotyping CYP2D6 to
determine whether patients who are poor
DEXTROMETHORPHAN AND metabolizers should be considered before
QUINIDINE USE IN PREGNANCY treating with this drug combination. The
This combination of drugs is used for quinidine component is not expected to
the treatment of pseudobulbar affect by contribute to the effectiveness of this drug
Pharmacogenomics of Neurologic Drugs Used in Pregnancy 313

combination in CYP2D6 poor metabolizers, Future Directions/Limitations

although if the patient is taking other agents Increased availability of analytical meth-
metabolized by CYP2D6 may experience ods for determining neurological drug con-
untoward adverse reactions. CYP2D6 gen- centration will aid in the ability to utilize
otyping may predict patients who may be at therapeutic drug monitoring to improve
risk of significant toxicity due to quinidine. effectiveness and limit toxicity in pregnant
Approximately 7% to 10% of whites and patients. Use of blood spots cards and
3% to 8% of African Americans are classi- other techniques that utilize more conven-
fied as poor metabolizers. ient samples can improve accessibility to
patient samples decreasing the need for
larger volumes of blood. Testing for
DNA from noninvasive buccal swabs is
Tetrabenazine is a central monoamine- also available and can provide DNA sam-
depleting agent for the treatment of chor- pling without the need for blood collec-
ea associated with Huntington disease. tion. For some applications, the timeline
The mean age of onset is 35 to 44 years,67 for obtaining pharmacogenomic test re-
however, 5% to 10% of cases are juvenile sults may seem to be too long to serve a
Huntington disease in which onset occurs therapeutic advantage (especially for drugs
before 20 years of age.68,69 The prevalence given short term). With newer technolo-
of Huntington disease worldwide has gies, pharmacogenomic test results can be
been estimated between 3 and 6 per acquired in the timeframe needed. Com-
100,000.70 Tetrabenazine was used for- panies are currently working toward bed-
merly as an antipsychotic but now is used side tests that could provide results for
primarily in the treatment of various specific CYP450s within 1 hour. The avail-
movement disorders including tardive ability of genetic testing is growing, includ-
dyskinesia. There have been no controlled ing several tests that are offered directly to
studies in human pregnancy and animal the consumer, and the cost for the tests
pregnancy studies have not been reported. themselves are decreasing (around $100
Tetrabenazine is only recommended for for some CYP450 tests). However, further
use in pregnancy when there are no alter- assessing the clinical utility of pharmaco-
natives and benefits outweigh risk. genomics testing in maternal-fetal medi-
cine and its cost-effectiveness still needs to
PHARMACOGENOMICS OF be determined. Providing pharmacoge-
TETRABENAZINE nomic education to health care providers
As with several other agents, tetrabena- is another important step for the future of
zine is metabolized by CYP2D6 that gives this type of personalized medicine.
rise to its primary metabolites. Patients Although small studies exist for how
should be genotyped for CYP2D6 before individuals with various CYP2D6 geno-
treatment with single doses of tetrabena- types respond to pregnancy and drug ther-
zine over 25 mg and daily doses over apy, this is not the case for most other drug-
50 mg. Patients who are poor metaboliz- metabolizing enzymes and transporter
ers should not be given daily doses genotypes. Studies on the duration of in-
>50 mg. Exposures to metabolites are duction for metabolizing enzymes and
substantially higher in poor metabolizers transporters postpartum are still needed.
(about 3-fold for a-hydroxytetrabenzine Pharmacokinetic modeling can improve
and 9-fold for b-hydroxytetrabenzine) the understanding of maternal-fetal metab-
compared with extensive metabolizers olism, the contribution of maternal geno-
(eg, normal metabolizers) that can lead types, and developments of adverse drug
to increased adverse events. reactions in this unique population.
314 Campbell and Spigarelli

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