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Optics and Laser Technology 121 (2020) 105777

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Research Note

A novel chaos based optical image encryption using fractional Fourier T

transform and DNA sequence operation

M.A. Ben Farah , R. Guesmi, A. Kachouri, M. Samet
Laboratory of Electronics and Information Technology, National Engineering School of Sfax, Sfax University, B.P.W. 3038 Sfax, Tunisia


• We propose a new method for optical image encryption using fractional Fourier transform.
• Our algorithm is based on Shannon’s property of confusion and diffusion.
• The confusion process is based on DNA encoding and on using DNA XOR to scramble the pixel values of the image.


Keywords: In this paper, we propose a new method for optical image encryption using fractional Fourier transform, DNA
Optical image encryption sequence operation and chaos theory. Random phase masks are generated using iterative Lorenz map and the
Fractional Fourier transform plain image is transformed to a DNA matrix. This matrix is combined with the random phase mask and then
Chaos transformed three times using the fractional Fourier transform. An Optical implementation of the encryption
DNA sequence operation
algorithm is proposed in our work. According to the experiment results and security analysis, we find that our
algorithm has good encryption effect, larger secret key space and high sensitivity to the secret key. It can resist to
most known attacks, such as statistical analysis and exhaustive attacks. All these features show that our en-
cryption algorithm is very suitable for digital image encryption.

1. Introduction cryptosystem. Combining the two technics, mentioned above, was a

good idea to improve the security of information in the optical image
1.1. Research background encryption field [23–30,12,31]. In [23], Singh and Sinha proposed a
new method for image encryption using FRFT and chaos. The image to
Information security has become an important topic in the processes be encrypted is FRFT two times and the random phase masks generated
of storage and transmission. The information security technique is to using chaos functions are placed in the intermediate planes. Three
protect secret data for private benefit. Some algorithms have been chaos functions (logistic map, tent map and Kaplan–Yorke map) have
proposed based on optical system and mathematical transforms, such as been used to generate the chaotic random phase masks. They propose
random phase encoding and fractional transform. Since Refregier and another crptosystem based on Gyrator transform and two chaotic
Javidi proposed the optical image encryption based on input plane and random phase masks [24]. Li and Wang [25] proposed a double-image
Fourier plane random encoding [1], lots of schemes on optical image encryption algorithm based on discrete fractional random transform
encryption have been put forward in other domains such as fractional (DFrRT) and two chaotic maps. The logistic map is employed for pixel
Fourier transform (FRFT) [2–8], gyrator transform (GT) [9–12] and scrambling of the image to be encrypted. The tent map is utilized to
Fresnel transform (FrT) [13–15]. In the last decade, many cryptosys- generate the random matrix P used to define a 1D-DFrRT. Liu et al.
tems based on chaos was proposed [16–22]. The main reason for using designed a double image encryption by using Arnold transform and
chaos is to take advantage of its ergodicity, pseudo-randomness and discrete fractional angular transform. Two original images are regarded
sensitivity to initial conditions and control parameters. These inherent as the amplitude and phase of a complex function. Arnold transform is
properties make chaotic maps a potential choice for designing introduced to scrambling the pixels [30].

Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (M.A.B. Farah), (R. Guesmi), (A. Kachouri), (M. Samet).
Received 10 April 2019; Accepted 16 August 2019
0030-3992/ © 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M.A.B. Farah, et al. Optics and Laser Technology 121 (2020) 105777

1.2. Our contribution Table 2

One type of XOR operation for DNA sequences.
In this paper a novel chaos-based image encryption algorithm using XOR A G C T
DNA sequence operation and fractional Fourier transform is proposed.
Our algorithm is based on Shannon’s property of confusion and diffu- A A G C T
sion. The confusion process is based on DNA encoding and on using
DNA XOR to scramble the pixel values of the image. We note that using T T C G A
the DNA operation was very interesting. It improves the security of the
image and it’s very simple and easy to code in matlab. The algorithm of
our image encryption process includes three parts. In the first part, we This coding technique is used in our paper, our plain image can be
encode the image according to the DNA encoding technique. seen as three matrix: red, green and blue: each pixel can be expressed as
Afterwards, we XOR the encoded matrix with another chaotic matrix a DNA sequence whose length is 4, for example if we take a pixel value
generated by the Lorenz system and the hash value of the plain image. in the red matrix is 173, converting it into a binary sequence is
We get the first encrypted image. The second part is devoted to generate [10101101], by using rule 1 we get the binary sequence [10101101], if
three chaotic sequences which will be used in the diffusion phase. The we use rule 2 we get [01011110]. [34]. In order to scramble the pixel
fractional Fourier transform will be applied three times in the third part values of our plain image, we used XOR operation according to Table 2
of our algorithm. Experimental results indicate that the encryption key between original image and keys matrix.
cannot be recovered if the cryptanalyst only possesses some portion of
the plaintext but not the secret hash keys. Therefore, the proposed al- 4. Color image encryption algorithm
gorithm is secure and efficient.
The algorithm mainly uses the fractional Fourier transform (FRFT),
2. The fractional Fourier transform DNA computing, the chaotic Lorenz system and the Secure Hash
Algorithm (SHA-2) to implement our cryptosystem.
The fractional Fourier transform (FRFT) is a time – frequency dis-
tribution and an extension classical Fourier transform. The FRFT of 4.1. The encryption algorithm
order p is defined in the following formula [32]:
The algorithm is shown in detail in Fig. 1. Our proposed algorithm is
fp (x p) = Fp {f (x )}(x p) = ∫−∞ f (x ) Kp (x , x p) dx , (1) based on the FRFT and chaos. The FRFT is used three times. Three
random phase masks generated by the Lorenz system are introduced at
The kernel is given by: the intermediate planes. The algorithm is divided into three parts. The
first part is to produce a first substituted image by using DNA encoding
exp[−i (πϕ ̂ / 4 − ϕ / 2)]
Kp (x , x p)= exp[iπ (x 2cotϕ − 2xx p cscϕ + x p2cotϕ)], 0 < |p and decoding. In the second part, we generate three chaotic sequences
by using the Lorenz system. In the last part, we use the three sequences
| < 2,
with the fractional Fourier transform to obtain the final ciphered image.
=δ (x − x p), p = 0,
=δ (x + x p), p ± 2. 4.1.1. Part 1
(2) In the part one, we generate a first substituted image P0 by Xoring
the DNA encoded image Pdna with a key matrix Mke . The DNA encoded
where ϕ = p (π /2), ϕ ̂ = sgn (sinϕ) . p is the order of the FRFT. Fp ex-
image is generated by encoding the plain image P in accordance with
presses the FRFT of order ‘p’. x and x p are the coordinates in the input
the chosen DNA encoding rule. The matrix Mke is obtained from the
domain and output pth fractional domain, respectively. For p = 1, the
hash value of the plain image using SHA-2: We divide the 256-bit secret
FRFT is equivalent to the ordinary Fourier transform. The fourth order
key into 8-bit blocks (ki ) , so K can also be expressed as follows.
of the FRFT is equivalent to the original function. The FRFT is a linear
transform. The FRFT is additive in indices, i.e. K = k1, k2, k3, …, k32. (3)
Fp1 {Fp2 {f (x )}} = Fp1 + p2 {f (x )} . The initial values can be derived as follows.
(k1 ⊕ k2 ⊕ k3 ⊕…⊕ k11)
3. The DNA sequence operations x 0 = x 0′ +
256 (4)

3.1. DNA encoding and decoding for image (k12 ⊕ k13 ⊕ k14 ⊕…⊕ k22)
y0 = y0′ +
256 (5)
We present in this section the coding method based on DNA. We
(k23 ⊕ k24 ⊕ k25 ⊕…⊕ k32)
know that DNA sequence contains four nucleic acid bases A(adenine), z 0 = z 0′ +
256 (6)
C(cytosine), G(guanine), T(thymine): (A and T) and(G and C) are
complementary. If we apply this idea in binary base, so 00 and 11 are Where x 0′, y0′ and z 0′ are the initial given values.
complementary, 01 and 10 are also complementary. Table 1 show the The process of this first part is given as follows in detail:
24 kinds of coding schemes, there are only 8 kinds of coding schemes
satisfy the Watson–Crick complement rule [33]. Step 1: Input the plain image P(m,n), where m and n are the image
dimensions of rows and columns, respectively.
Table 1 Step 2: Generate the key sequence K and the initial values ( x 0′, y0′ , z 0′) of
8 kinds of DNA map rules. the Lorenz system.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Step 3: Transform the matrix of P to a binary matrix Pbin (m , n × 8) ,
then encode it in accordance with the chosen DNA encoding
A 00 00 01 01 10 10 11 11 rule ruleenc and get a DNA sequence matrix Pdna (m , n × 4) .
T 11 11 10 10 01 01 00 00 Step 4: Transform K to binary sequence Kb , then generate the matrix
G 01 10 00 11 00 11 01 10 m×n×8
Mk (m , n × 8) by repeating Kb , t times, where t = .
C 10 01 11 00 11 00 10 01 32
Encode Mk with the same encoding rule and get Mke .

M.A.B. Farah, et al. Optics and Laser Technology 121 (2020) 105777

4.1.3. Part 3
In this part, we will use the FRFT three times and the chaotic ma-
trices X,Y and Z (step 3, part 2) to produce the ciphered image.

Step 1: The first FRFT operation of order q1 is applied over the obtained
matrix P1 (step 6, part 1) to get a first transformed image I1:
I 1 = Fq1 {P1} (10)

Step 2: Do: P 2 = XOR (I 1, X ) to get a second substituted image.

Step 3: Apply the second FRFT operation of order q2 over P2 to get the
second transformed image I2 :
I 2 = Fq2 {P 2} (11)

Step 4: Do: P 3 = XOR (I 2, Y ) to get a third substituted image.

Step 5: Apply the third FRFT operation of order q3 over P3 to get the
third transformed image I3:
I 3 = Fq3 {P 3} (12)

Step 6: Finally, do: C = XOR (I 3, Z ) to get the ciphered image.

The distribution at the output plane is given by:

C = XOR (Fq3 {XOR (Fq2 {XOR (Fq1 {P1}, X )}, Y )}, Z ) (13)

4.2. Optical implementation of the encryption algorithm

The input image is Xored by the first chaotic sequence (x n ) re-

presented by the phase function (exp(i. π . C1(x ))) , where C1(x ) is the
random sequence generated by lorenz map. The first FRT operation of
order p1 is presented by equation:
Fp1 (Im _in (x )) = exp(i. π . C1(x ))) (14)
where Im _in (x ) is the input image, p1 is the fractal order of the first
The result is encoded by the second sequence of lorenz map (yn )
which is expressed as the phase function of the second chaotic sequence
(exp(i. π . C 2(x ))) , where C 2(x ) represent the yn . Finally, the obtained
Fig. 1. Flowchart of the encryption algorithm.
sequence is encoded by the third sequence of Lorenz map (z n ) . The
expression of the output plane is given by:
Step 5: According to DNA XOR operation [Table 2], do:
P0 = Pdna XOR Mke . Im _out (x )
Step 6: Decode P0 using a chosen rule Ruledec and get the matrix P1. = Fp3 (Fp2 (Fp1 (Im _in. exp(i. π . C1(x ))exp(i. π . C 2(x ))exp(i. π . C 3(x )))
)) (15)
4.1.2. Part 2
Having the initial values ( x 0 , y0 , z 0) of the Lorenz system obtained where p1 , p2 , p3 are respectively the fractional order of the first, the
from step 2 of the first part, we generate three chaotic sequences x n , yn second and the third FRT. The proposed encryption algorithm can be
and z n as follows: implemented by using the single-lens Lohmann’s configuration for op-
tical implementation of FRT [35]. The optical implementation of our
Step 1: Iterate Lorenz equations for 100 times to get rid of the transient encryption algorithm is presented in Fig. 2. Spacial light modulators
effect. (SLM1, SLM2 and SLM3) are placed in the input plane of the fractional
Step 2: Continue to iterate it n times to generate three sequences, x i , yi Fourier transformer. After DNA operation, the first chaotic random
and z i , i = 1, 2, …, n . Then, apply: phase masks ( x n of Lorenz map) (CRPM) is displayed using SLM 1, the
second ( yn ) is displayed using SLM 2 and the third (z n ) using SLM 2. To
x i = mod (floor (x i ·1014), 256) (7)
record the encrypted image, we used CCD camera.

yi = mod (floor (yi ·1014), 256) 5. Simulation result and security analysis

We use the standard 256 × 256 × 3 color image of “Lena” shown in

z i = mod (floor (z i ·1014), 256) Fig. 3(a) as the plain image. We set parameters:
x 0′ = 10.00000000000015,
Step 3: Convert the three sequences to three matrices X,Y and Z. y0′ = 6.00000000000021,
z 0′ = 20.00000000000038.

M.A.B. Farah, et al. Optics and Laser Technology 121 (2020) 105777

Fig. 2. Proposed optical implementation of the encryption algorithm.

Table 3
Entropy values of ciphered images after each step.
Entropy DNA step First FRFT step Second FRFT step Third FRFT step

Lena 7.9484 7.9990 7.9992 7.9991

Jasmin 7.2043 7.9990 7.9991 7.9991
Baboon 7.9343 7.9991 7.9990 7.9992

Fig. 4. jasmin and baboon images.

Fig. 5. Encrypted jasmin and baboon images.

Table 4
The mean NPCR and UACI of ciphered images when changing one pixel.
Images NPCR (%) UACI (%)


Lena Fig. 99.5697 99.5544 99.5789 33.4100 33.4549 33.4409

Fig. 3. Encrypted images of Lena. Jasmin Fig. 99.6429 99.6429 99.5636 33.4844 33.5292 33.6095
Baboon Fig. 99.6338 99.5483 99.5972 33.3756 33.5518 33.5145

M.A.B. Farah, et al. Optics and Laser Technology 121 (2020) 105777

Table 5
Comparative study of NPCR, UACI and Entropy of the proposed algorithm to some existing algorithms.
Images NPCR (%) UACI (%) Entropy


Ref. [17] 99.6086 99.6086 99.6086 33.4273 33.4273 33.4273 –

Ref. [19] 99.6000 99.6000 99.6000 33.5000 33.4000 33.5000 –
Ref. [21] 99.6100 99.6100 99.6100 33.4400 33.4400 33.4400 7.9997
Ref. [36] 99.5983 99.6022 99.5392 33.6883 33.1105 33.5039 7.9852
Ref. [37] – – – – – – 7.9970
Ref. [38] – – – – – – 7.9978
Ref. [39] – – – – – – 7.9885
Ref. [40] 99.61 99.61 99.61 33.38 33.38 33.38 7.9980
Ref. [34] 99.5865 99.2172 98.8479 33.4834 33.4639 33.2689 7.9968
Ref. [22] 99.5926 99.6216 99.6323 33.3386 33.3595 33.1250 7.9992
Ref. [41] 99.6216 99.6307 99.6017 34.2633 34.0188 34.1718 7.9993
Our algorithm 99.5697 99.5544 99.5789 33.4100 33.4549 33.4409 7.9991

Fig. 6. Histograms of the color plain-image in the red, green and blue components. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is
referred to the web version of this article.)

M.A.B. Farah, et al. Optics and Laser Technology 121 (2020) 105777

Fig. 7. Correlation of two adjacent pixels: Frames (a) and (b) respectively, show the distribution of two horizontally adjacent pixels in the plain and encrypted images
of Lena. Frames (c) and (d) respectively, show the distribution of two vertically adjacent pixels in the plain and encrypted images of Lena. Frames (e) and (f)
respectively, show the distribution of two diagonally adjacent pixels in the plain and encrypted images of Lena.

Table 6 summarized in Table 5. This comparison shows that we obtained results

Correlation coefficients of two adjacent pixels in the plain image and ciphered are very interesting compared to other algorithms.
Correlation Original image Ciphered image
5.1. Information entropy
Horizontal 0.9964 0.0693
Vertical 0.9988 0.0610
Information entropy is the most important criterium of randomness.
Diagonal 0.9950 −0.0242
The following formula calculate the entropy of cyphred image:

2n − 1
The encrypted images after each step are shown in Fig. 3. It can be seen 1
H (m) = ∑ p (mi )log 2
p (mi )
from the images that there are no relation between the original image i=0 (16)
and the encrypted images. Table 3 shows that cryptographic properties
increase after each step. Therefore, our algorithm can get good en- where p (m) represents the probability of symbol m. The closer it gets to
cryption effect.The encryption algorithm should be sensitive to the se- 8, the less possible for the cryptosystem to divulge information. We
cret keys. In this section, we will discuss the security analysis on the calculate the information entropy of the ciphered images of Figs. 3(a),
proposed encryption scheme. A comparative study of NPCR, UACI and 4(a) and (b). Table 3 shows that the values of entropy are all very close
entropy of our proposed algorithm to some existing algorithms is to the ideal value 8 (see Fig. 5).

M.A.B. Farah, et al. Optics and Laser Technology 121 (2020) 105777

5.2. Differential attack show that the correlation coefficients of the plain image are close to 1
while those of the cipher-image are nearly 0.
The difference between original image and ciphered image can be
measured by means of two criteria namely, the NPCR (Number of Pixel 6. Conclusions
Change Rate) and the UACI (Unified Average Changing Intensity).
Attackers often make a tiny change in the original image, then use the We have proposed a new approach to encrypt the image using FRFT,
proposed algorithm to encrypt the original image before and after chaos and DNA sequence operation. This is the first time, DNA sequence
changing, to find out the relation between the original image and the operation has been used with an optical transform for image encryp-
ciphered image, that is the differential attack. The criterions of NPCR tion. In our algorithm, the positions of pixels are permuted by Lorenz
and UACI are usually applied to examine the performance of resisting system and the pixel values of the original image are scrambled by DNA
differential attack. the formulas to calculate NPCRR, G, B and UACIR, G, B : sequence XOR operation with the key matrix. The FRFT was applied
three times. Hence, the fractional order serve as a robust key in terms of
∑i, j DR, G, B (i, j )
NPCRR, G, B = × 100% blind decryption. Through the experiment result and security analysis,
L (17) we find that our algorithm has good encryption effect, larger secret key
space and high sensitive to the secret key. Furthermore, the proposed
1⎡ |CR, G, B (i, j ) − CR′ , G, B (i, j )| ⎤
UACIR, G, B = ∑ ⎥ × 100% algorithm also can resist most known attacks, such as statistical analysis
L ⎢ i, j 255 (18) and exhaustive attacks. All these features show that our algorithm is
⎣ ⎦
very suitable for digital image encryption.
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