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Padre Garcia National High School

SY 2020-2021

Name: _____________________________________ Date: _____________

Strand/Grade/Section: ________________________ Score:_____________

GENERAL DIRECTIONS: Read and understand each statement very carefully. Choose and write the letter of the correct
answer on your ½ length wise.

1. What term refers to the systematic study of various aspects of human society?
a) Sociology c) Demography
b) Social Science d) Social interaction

2. Ceteris paribus assumes that ___________.

a) All other things are constant. c) All other things are different from each other.
b) All other things are not equal or constant. d) All other things are independent of each other.

3. Natural Sciences aims to explain and predict various phenomenon in nature of disciplines under the natural sciences
include biology, chemistry, earth sciences, and physical science. Thus, what is the name of the most devastating 2009
Pacific typhoon season with a damage of Pesos 1.09 Billion and 747 fatalities all over the Philippines?
a. Reming b) Milenyo c) Ondoy d) Habagat

4. Humanities refers to the study of the ways in which the human experience is processed and documented; the fields of
philosophy, literature, religion, art, music, history and language. Which of the following is the BEST example of human act
especially in the school campus?
a) Upholding the values of good manners and right conduct anytime, anywhere.
b) Respecting the elderly people (including teachers and office personnel) at all times
c) Voicing out your thoughts and opinions inside the classroom in the most decent approach.
d) All of the above

5. Why is Filipino trait of “pakikisama” said to be ambivalent?

a) It makes people shoe their concern for others
b) It can be used for or against the person who values it
c) It encourages a person to do wrong
d) It helps person develop good values

6.What dynasty did the Great Wall of China start to be built?

a) Han b) Sui c) Qin d) Tang

7. What civilization took pride in the famous penthouse Hanging Gardens which was identified as one of the “wonders of
the world?”
a) Assyria b) Persia c) Babylonia d) Sumeria

8. Students and teachers of Padre Garcia National High School (G7-G12) stand at attention during flag ceremonies. The
school head assigns guard on the street to stop vehicles during flag ceremonies. How does the public take this practice?
a) The flag is for all citizens; it is a symbol of the nation
b) Stopping traffic is not the job of the school
c) Only school children should be controlled in this ceremony
d) Only military or policemen should stop and salute the flag

9.The establishement of military training in our old school curriculum that was followed by Commission on Higher
Education (CHED) is an influence of ___________.
a) Sparta b) Rome c) Greece d) Athens

10. During period of increased global temperatures, which of the following is most likely to occur?
a) A decrease in earthquake c) A decrease in atmospheric carbon dioxide
b) An increase in earthquake d) An increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide

11. What is the appropriate visual representation for showing the number of corrupt police officials and if they have
been releived from office?
a) Line graph b) Bar graph c) Cohort rate d) Trend rate
12. All class sections of Grade 11 - Humanities and Social Sciences strand of Padre Garcia National High School (G7-
G12) keep seeing their ways doing things as the right way, they tend to have the attitude called __________.
a) Cultural Relativism b) Ethical relativism c) Etnocentrism d) Xenophobia

13. Structure refers to any relatively stable pattern of social behavior. Which of the following is the BEST example of
a) Pakikisama b) Bahala Na attitude c) Having lot of friends d) None of the above

14. Structuralism is a method for analyzing language, narratives, and cultural phenomena that uncovers basic elements
that form structures (often binary oppositions). Hence, structural functionalism is an approach that sees society as a
complex system whose parts work together to promote solidarity and stability. Which of these statements are correct?
a) Both statements are TRUE. c) Only the first statement is TRUE.
b) Both statements are FALSE. d) Only the second statement is TRUE.

15. During a mealtime among coworkers, a Filipino, who was used to Filipino table manners of being quiet and behaved in
front of guests and VIP’s, cannot believe that his Chinese friends are noisy at the table (which is a gesture of enjoyment of
the food). This illustrates __________.
a) Cultural integration b) Culture lag c) Cultural relativity d) Culture shock

16. He coined the term “survival of the fittest.”

a) August Comte b) Karl Max c) Herbert Spencer d) Arnold Toynee

17. What approach acknowledges the economic relations between classes determine/structure social and political
a) Structural Functionalism b) Marxism c) Structuralism d) Symbolic

18. How do you call the conflict between entire classes over the distribution of a society’s wealth and power?
a) Class conflict b) Wealth conflict c) Power conflict d) Distribution conflict

19. What approach of discipline belongs to alienation, class struggle, materialism and revolution?
a) Functionalism b) Marxism c) Structuralism d)Symbolic interactionism

20. What sociological research method that approaches social phenomena through quantitative evidence, and often relies
on statistical analysis of many cases (or accross intentionally designed treatments in an experiment) to create valid and
reliable general claims?
a) Qualitative design c) Normative design
b) Quantitative design d) Formative design

21. The lens of symbolic interactionism examined society by concentrating on the subjective meaning. Which of the
following is an example with subjective meaning?
a) The high incidence of marijuana smoking in the youth
b) The increasing number of students using cigarettes as means of pleasure and relaxation.
c) Either a or b
d) None of the above

22. Symbols refers to the means by which people extensively and creatively communicate. Thus, which of the following is
the best example of symbols?
a) Sign language b) Physical gestures c) Dictation d) Coaching

23 . In symbolic interactionism prioritize the belief that people behave based on what they perceived to be true. Which
statements describes?
A. Action B. Subjective C. Objective D.Symbols

24. Another important concept in symbolic interactionism is self. What is the main idea that explain this concept?
A. Refers to the means by which people extensively and creatively communicate
B. Refers to meaning of a culture which part of historical background
C. Refers to concern with the life world or human experience
D. Refers to the conscious personality of the individual

25. What is called when a social institution serves a purpose for society such as hospital treating the ill?
a) Symbol
b) Agency
c) Function
d) Dysfunction

26. Social functionalism is a sociological theory that explains social life using ____________ approach.
a) Microanalysis
b) Interpretative analysis
c) Macro analysis
d) Statistical Analysis

27. Social functionalism is a sociological theory that view society as:

a) Genetic
b) Symbolic
c) Stable
d) Chaotic
28. When a society’s parts work together to maintain stability functionalists refer to this as:
a) Latent Function
b) Anomie
c) Equilibrium
d) Social Solidarity

29. Who felt that capitalism creates an unfair imbalance between capitalists and the laborers?

a) Alfred Binet
b) Hewitt
c) Karl Marx
d) Ronald Engels

30. In Marx's view, an employee's labor is a form of what?

a) wants
b) needs
c) commodity
d) experiment
31.What was first publicly formulated in the 1848 pamphlet, The Communist Manifesto,?
a) Capitalism
b) Individualism
c) Marxism
d) Malthusianism

32.What theory one wishes to differentiate themselves from others and the personal identity comes to exist?
a) Marxism
b) Symbol interpretation
c) Symbolic interactionism
d) Malthusianism

33.Is a social science approach which depends on the symbolic meaning developed by people in the process of
a) Marxism
b) Symbol interpretation
c) Symbolic interactionism
d) Malthusianism

34.It refers to the conscious contemplative personality of individual?

a) buddy
b) friends
c) self
d) you

35. This perspective relies on the symbolic meaning that people rely upon in the process of social interaction.
a. Symbolic Interactionism
b. Marxism
c. Structural-functionalism
d. Psychoanalysis

36. It analyses society by addressing the subjective meaning that people imposes on object, events and behaviours.
a. Symbolic Interactionism
b. Marxism
c. Structural-functionalism
d. Psychoanalysis

37. Looks at individual and group meaning- making focusing on human action instead of large scale social structures.
a. Symbolic Interactionism
b. Marxism
c. Structural-functionalism
d. Psychoanalysis

38. What term refers to theory of personality, an approach to psychotherapy, and method of investigation founded by
Sigmund Freud?
a) Psychoanalysis b) Super Ego d) Structuralism d) Psychological disorder

39. Squatters according to law cannot be ejected for their present place of residence UNLESS:
a) They are given disturbance fees c) There is livelihood in the relocation place
b) They are assured a place to go d) They are paid for their old houses

40. Id is a part of personality that Freud called “it” consisting of unconscious drives; the individual’s reservoir of sexual
energy while ego describes as the Freudian structure of personality that deals with the demand of reality. And superego is
a Freudian structure of personality that serves as the harsh internal judge of our behavior; what we often call conscience.
Which of these statements are correct?
a) Both statements are TRUE. c) Only the first statement is TRUE.
b) Both statements are FALSE. d) Only the second statement is TRUE.

41. In moral life, responsibility depends on one’s knowingly and freely doing an act. In which of the following situations
would you attribute responsibility?
a) A person unknowingly passes counterfeit money
b) An insane person strikes someone’s head with a hammer
c) A four-year-old fires a loaded gun killing his own father
d) A nurse administers a medicine despite strong doubts about it

42. Rational choice is a product of scarcity and demand the people to make the right and rational choice to maximize the
use of its resources. Scarcity is a basic problem arising from unlimited wants of people with limited resources. Which of
these statements are correct?
c) Both statements are TRUE. c) Only the first statement is TRUE.
d) Both statements are FALSE. d) Only the second statement is TRUE.

43. How is the vision-mission core values of a school most effectively translated in the academic program of a school?
e) Use of media for information c) Action researches for school change
f) Continuing review and revision by a committee d) Alignment with program, projects and activities

44. How can the local government as a formal institution in Padre Garcia support schools to include Padre Garcia National
High School?
a) Allow school to join civic celebrations c) Provide security in school premises.
b) Depends on the brand of the bun d) Provide fiscal funding to support schools

45. How can schools effectively support out-of-school youths and the unemployed?
a) Set up job fairs c) Make them parts of the PTCAs
b) Hite them as non-teaching personnel d) Provide livelihood training

46. For gender fairness, what is one name which can replace reference to transvestic queens?
a) Dyke b) Poofer c) Transgender d) Third sex

47. What trend in literacy rates appears as males and females get older?
Difference appears b) Difference widens c) Different dominates d) Different

48. Of the following, which exemplifies collaborative learning, which is the same as ‘Pakikiisa’?
a) Internet surfing c) Team project-making
b) Self-directed learning d) Journal writing

49. What can Teacher Cath assign in order to assess the student’s individual learning experiences and performance
using innovative documentation, such as texts, photos and other items and documents?
a) Journal b) Field research c) Portfolio d) Audio-visual project

50. Which of the following displays one’s care for the welfare of others?
a) Accepting responsibility for one’s choices c) Developing self-esteem
b) Fulfilling commitments d) Taking pleasure in helping others

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