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2015-2-FI01-KA105-009195 Generated on: Mar 9, 2023

Key Action: Learning Mobility of Individuals

Action Type: Youth mobility

Project Title

Save Nature Save Future

Project Coordinator

Organisation SIRIUS, kansainvälinen nuorisoaloitteiden yhdistys ry

Address c/o Ksenia Titova, Pohjanmaankatu 3 C 17 , 20740 TURKU ,

Varsinais-Suomi , FI

Project Information

Identifier 2015-2-FI01-KA105-009195

Start Date Aug 1, 2015

End Date Nov 30, 2015

EC Contribution 12,532 EUR

Partners Join Associazione Culturale (IT) , CD el Bosque de Hielo (ES) , VsI Vaiku
ir jaunimo centras "Dziaugsmo slenis" (LT)

Topics Environment and climate change ; Health and wellbeing

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2015-2-FI01-KA105-009195 Generated on: Mar 9, 2023

Project Summary

The need identified is represented by an irresponsible behavior that people have regarding the environment. This
is caused by a low degree of involvement that youngsters have in the various activities with environmental
character, emphasizing the indifference to environmental problems and poor capitalization of natural resources.
Informing, motivating and providing the necessary instruments for the participants represent an efficient long-term
investment that helps to produce improvements in the environment.

The purpose of the project::

We want the young generation to be aware of the actual problems the environment faces and debate on climate
changes, nature protection and biodiversity. The main goal is to find some practical solutions that can be
implemented in the communities they belong, to solve the problems with the help of non-formal education.

- realizing the effects of polluting the environment and managing to make a change;
- awareness of interdependence of the quality between the environment and the quality of life through the
adoption of attitudes for the protection of the nature;
- training of skills and behavior necessary to improve the quality of the environment;
- motivating and encouraging youngsters to implement new environment projects in their communities.
Young people will have the opportunity to discuss the importance and necessity of their long term involvement in
the actual problems of the nature in their communities and find efficient ways to solve them.
Protecting the environment is a fundamental problem of contemporary society. Our project wants to promote the
actions of the young people and their aptitudes they will receive during the project.
The project wants to put a large emphasis on elaborate creative and innovative solutions by creating a video
guide of good practices by which young people will send a message to the community. The guide will be realized
by the participants which will come up with the solutions.

Number of participants: 5 young people of 15-18 y.o. + 1 leader.

Countries involved: Finland, Spain, Italy, Lithuania.

Activities: presentations about saving of environment in the countries of the participants, discussions of the
importance and necessity of their long term involvement in the actual problems of the nature in their communities
and find efficient ways to solve them. Art of Reuse -(painting of old T-shirts) and pantomime workshops, story
telling, making of pantomime -performance. Presentation of performance in the theatre for children in Kupittaa
park in Turku. Meeting with Finnish culture in Handicraft museum in Turku. Presentations of the cultures of the
participants through food, music, dances, videos, games, workshops. Yoga and body-balance lessons. Video

Results and impact attained: The participants have got more responsible attitude to the environment and
consuming. They have got an experience of telling about nature saving to other people, and also to children, by
non-formal methods. They can use non-formal methods and workshops results in their communities. We have got
good friends and partners for future projects.

During the exchange the participants have painted their old T-shirts, made pantomime stories for children and
sent video message to people. We made a video about the project.

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2015-2-FI01-KA105-009195 Generated on: Mar 9, 2023

Results and impact attained: All participants become more consciously relate to the protecting of the
environment. They have got new attitude to using and reusing of the things. They learned to use their possibilities
to send a good practice message by means of pantomime art. They learned to relax by yoga and Body Balance

Link to project card: Show project card

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