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1/23/23, 1:53 PM Six Tips To Beat The Bloat - Health & Wellness - Spec-Savers South Africa

ix tips to beat the bloat

Banish belly bloat with these six tips, so you can feel – and look – your best all summer
Whether it is what you eat, how you eat, or other factors, you may be amazed at how much
better your tummy will feel with a few small lifestyle tweaks.

What to eat… 1/4
1/23/23, 1:53 PM Six Tips To Beat The Bloat - Health & Wellness - Spec-Savers South Africa

First of all, certain foods and ingredients can interfere with your digestive system, while
others have a “feel good” effect.
Potassium-rich foods such as almonds, bananas, kiwi and avocado, for example, can help
reduce bloating by balancing electrolytes and reducing painful water retention.
You also might like to try peppermint or ginger tea, or add some sliced cucumber, lemon or
fresh mint to your water.
Fermented foods are also good for gut health but be wary of eating too much, too soon, as
this may make your bloating worse. Yoghurt, sauerkraut and kimchi are positive choices.
On the “avoid” list are:
Zero calorie artificial sweeteners, like aspartame, maltitol and sucralose
Refined starches  
Red meat
Fatty fried foods 
Fizzy drinks (yes, that includes beer) increase carbonation in your belly, causing that
puffy and bloated feeling.
Protein bars, shakes and processed foods that have thickening agents.

Alcohol is another trigger for bloating so, if you do drink, keep your intake moderate.
Certain individuals are also lactose intolerant, and this sensitivity to milk can cause
discomfort and bloating.
If your bloating is due to a food sensitivity, though, you can find out by eliminating the
suspect from  your diet. Make sure you have clear guidelines for re-introducing foods and
checking symptoms.

How to eat… 2/4
1/23/23, 1:53 PM Six Tips To Beat The Bloat - Health & Wellness - Spec-Savers South Africa

It’s important to watch not only what you eat, but also how you eat. If you are constantly
snacking, gobbling down your meals and not taking the time to chew thoroughly, that can
make bloating worse.
Instead, relax and pay attention to slowly enjoying your food. Stress is a major factor in
bloating and, as mindfulness can help reduce the stress response, it can have a positive
ripple effect on digestion
Cooking your food, rather than eating it raw, also helps.

But, I’m already bloated, now what?

Try these tips to safely shrink that dreaded belly bloat:
1. Stay hydrated: your digestive system loves water, and lots of it!
2. Skip the salt: sodium is not your friend as it causes you to retain fluid
3. Limit fats: because fat takes longer to digest than protein or carbohydrates, too
much rich and fatty food can make bloating worse
4. Increase your fibre: up your intake of fruits and vegetables – but make sure that you
drink enough water to let them move smoothly through your digestive system
5. Keep it clean: As a general rule, the more processed something is, the more likely
you're to feel (and see) the effect
6. Get moving: When you feel puffy and bloated the last thing on your mind is getting
up and moving your body, yet it's one of the best things. Even a light walk around the
block can do wonder!

Other factors: Your stomach area may balloon after being ill, or due to hormonal such as
hypothyroidism, endometriosis or, for women, menstrual irregularities. If you’re often
bloated and you’ve ruled out food intolerance, alcohol or stress, then speak to your doctor
to rule out any underlying or more serious conditions.… 3/4
1/23/23, 1:53 PM Six Tips To Beat The Bloat - Health & Wellness - Spec-Savers South Africa

However, in general, there should be no need to feel like a lead balloon. Try our tips to beat
the bloat and flip the switch to more “feel good” days!

Date Published: 11 January 2023… 4/4

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