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Former President Corazon Aquino was welcomed by the American Congress with venerating
applause and with so much enthusiasm. She delivered her speech smoothly and heart-
warmingly, where it gave insight about the struggle of Filipinos who fought for their freedom
including her family’s experience during the Marcos Administration. Her half-hour long address
was interrupted a couple of times with loud claps and gave her another standing ovation at the
end of her speech indicating their support and approval

“Out of defeat in a snatch of Victory” “His death was my country’s resurrection, and the courage and
faith by which alone they could be free again.”

Although I was not at that time and was not born with historical documentation, the life narrative
of the late president Corazon C. Aquino's family did have an impact on me. a common housewife
who, with the help of the Filipino people, rose to the position of president. I am probably excited by
the president's speech after hearing the huge applause from the audience during the
aforementioned speech in the US Congress. As I relate to the scenario of a housewife who has a
child left in her care, I am disturbed by the oppression they experience. How will life be then? Being
aware that your husband is incarcerated and that he was ultimately discovered dead from an
assassination at Manila International Airport.

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