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Overall I think my project turned out fine.

There were tasks that were

hard but I achieved them and I'm proud of myself. I probably could’ve given
more effort on the project but I feel like I did good overall. I’d say there's
mostly positive things coming out of my project. I mean I learned a lot about
what welding is and what it takes to be a welder. Like I said, I know I
should've put more effort into my senior project but I'm proud of what I
What challenged me during my project probably was the weebly. It was
challenging because there's a lot of tasks that needed to be done, so it was
pretty hard but I got it all done.
What also challenged me during my project was my presentation. It was hard
because I needed a lot of information about my project and summed it up
pretty well. I feel like I presented my keynote pretty well tho to my teachers
and to the judges. What inspired me during my project was how Mike, my
mentor, helped me so much and taught me so many things that made this
project easier as the year went on.
What I feel didn’t turn out like I expected during my project was I
thought I was going to come in my first day clueless and not be able to figure
out different welding diagrams, how to run different machines from the shop
and how to weld on different metal but all of the sudden I figured it out quite
fast and got good at how to do it by the end of my internship. Did I try hard
enough during my experience?
I feel I tried hard during my project when I was ahead of my class on
some steps and I used that motivation to try even harder. Yes I procrastinated
some and that was in the summer when I was going to do my hours because I
feel I wouldn’t be able to get them done during the school year by the end of
the first semester and how I got myself back on track was I told myself I was
going to do it and started getting in contact with mike and then I started at the
end of July beginning of August and put most of my hours in, in August and
then I started completing them and talked to my mentor and he worked very
well with me on my hours and we got them completed very quickly. I
expected this experience more challenging than it really was, it was
for sure challenging in some ways like the welding diagrams and the code to
follow and how to weld different metals because the heat has to be perfect to
be able to do it properly and have. It works by the end. I thought I wasn’t
going to be able to figure out the welding diagrams and how to weld on
different size metals at the start and by the end I could figure them out easily
and get them all welder and it worked.
Interesting discoveries I made during my project were I discovered the
do’s and don’ts on how to weld big projects with everything having to be
perfect and up to code. I also discovered that there are a lot of picky people in
the world, some were customers. The most important thing I learned was
probably how to weld fast and efficiently. I was nervous at first on the first
day of the job but I learned quickly and got to be really good at welding.
I feel like my goals were met because I worked really hard at the shop
and at school. I feel like I could teach this to other people because I already
did the project so I would know what to teach. Some moments I was most
proud of were probably learning how to weld excellent fast. One thing I
learned about myself was that I'm a pretty good welder.

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