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Audition Scripts.

Female Audition Script. This is a passage from chapter 5. Gracie finds herself in Magnus’s

childhood, hearing him talk in his mind, imitating his old mother.

Following the sound and light, she hugs a tree not far away from the small campfire, and what appears
to be a boy. He is talking to himself.
“Go out and survive in The Gray,” he says while mimicking an Old Crone’s voice. “If you want to
prove your worth, you will survive The Gray during the Black.”
“I can do that.” He says proudly in his voice.
“Oh? Oh, can you now?”  He says as the Old Crone. “It’s not just the beasts you have to fear.” Gracie
tries moving closer to better look at the boy as he continues in the Old Crone’s speech. “Although they
should be your number one concern. Your eyes must be everywhere.”
“I can do that.”
“Look to the skies for Wyverns. They’ll come down and scratch your eyes out. And while your blind,
in true darkness, reaching for help, begging for your Maker. That’s when they’ll dig in and start eating.
“They won’t get me.” He announces.
Gracie moves in even closer, but the boy's back is to her.
“Now, while you’re looking up, don’t forget to look down; the Wyrms slither on the ground. They
make no sound, they will coil up a quarter of their size, and some are big enough to swallow you whole.
They rip you apart from their insides with teeth, or their skin like thorns. When it starts to squeeze and
swallow…. Ewww, the sound men have made.”
She moves to the thin tree behind the boy sitting back to back with him. The Crones' voice becomes
more like another person now and less like the boys.
The two voices speak in tandem. “Got nothing to say? Think you’re out of the woods yet? Then you
got the Drakes to worry about, pack creatures. When you see one, he shouldn’t scare you. It’s the two
you don’t see you should fear. And pray, boy. Pray, you never see a Dragon. No help from Makers nor
Men will save you.”
Gracie scoots alongside the tree to get a look at the boy. She sees the side of his face and continues
listening to the conversation even though she sees the boy’s lips are not moving.
The Crones' voice has taken over the boys now. “And if somehow you survive all that, then all you
must worry about are the people of The Grey; they're just as monstrous as any Drogas you will come
across. They will fuck you. They will tenderize, then peel you. Soon after, kill you… let you drip for a
while. Salt you. And eat you.” She slides closer. “You would last a family for a few days. If you think they
will catch you and you have absolutely no way out, find the biggest rock around. And bash your fucking
head in till the darkness takes you. It would be far better that way. Lay in the hands of the Maker, then
the belly of a Man. Boy...Boy, you understand me!” The Crone screams louder as Gracie got closer.
“BOY!” Gracie digs her nails into the bark of the tree, leaning over to see. “BOY!” She could almost see
his face. “BOY! Do you understand me?” The Crone shouts.
The boy turns and locks his eyes. “Oh, hi, Gracie.”
Gracie's hand slips on the bark of the tree. She falls and rolls before the boy.
“You okay?” The boy says, helping her to her feet and brushing the salt from her rags. He sits her next
to his dying fire.
“Thank you, I’m okay,” Gracie says, trying to be polite. But something inside her was flickering. “I
didn’t mean to sneak up on you. I saw the light. Do you know me?”
“No.” The boy says, throwing more wood on the dimming flame.
“You said my name?”
“I heard your name.” The boy says, still fiddling with his woodpile, not looking at Gracie.
“I heard talking too.”
“No one here was talking.” The boy says, now stabbing his campfire with a stick, frustrating the flame
even further. Gracie feels the flame. It felt to her like it was drowning, barely holding on to existence. It
was dying.
“That’s not how you keep a fire.” She says.
The boy looks up at her, confused. She takes off half the fresh wood he had just tossed in.
“It needs to breathe.” She bends down, tearing a small piece of the lower part of her rags, placing it
right against the fleeting flames. Then, face to the fire, she begins to blow softly. It seems like she is
whispering to the fire to the boy standing in the falling salt flakes. Telling the blaze a secret he now
desperately wants to know.
Fanning her breath on the flame, once, she takes a deep breath, twice, another deep breath, the fire
looks like it went out completely. The boy was about to shout at her that she ruined everything and just to
leave him alone. Yet, on the third, the fire took the breath of life and bursts into bright light. The
brightness of the boy’s face almost rivals that of the fire. Gracie takes a small log and places it on the
newly born blaze. Her eyes fall back on the boy, and his face blushes.
“Did you tell the flame a secret?”
“No.” She laughs.
“Did you give it a kiss?” He asks, looking at his toes, playing with the salt fluffs at his feet.
Male Audition Script. This passage is from chapter 6. Skye leaves his pregnant wife at home to

try and find a lover for the night. Skye goes to a tavern, and Chloe, a working girl, approaches


Chloe makes her way to the bar taking the empty seat past the turn from Skye. She sits and smiles at
him while twirling her long black hair. Skye grins but is intimidated by her beauty. She is the most
beautiful woman he has ever seen. Her skin is smooth and flawless. Her body has been kissed by the sun;
her complexion felt exotic. Daphanie’s face suddenly enters Skye’s mind, and he stares at his drink. The
man on Chloe’s right wastes no time and seizes his opportunity.
“Hello beautiful, can I buy you a drink?”
“No, thank you, kind sir,” Chloe says.
“I’m not asking for anything, baby; just let me buy you a drink.”
“And again, kind sir, I would have to deny your courtesy.” She says, turning, locking eyes with
Skye’s, which are painfully trying to hide behind his brows. She sticks out her tongue and crosses her
eyes regarding the drunken. Skye laughs, and suddenly, this gorgeous woman somehow becomes more
The drunk older man does not take this lightly. He stands, sliding his stool back. This would be a
perfect time for Skye to step in on behalf of the woman who is being accosted—to be a man. He is
building his courage. Ready to stand up for someone and be a man. But he sits there and does nothing.
Chloe gives him as much time as she could. “Excuse me, sir, would you mind if I got to spend some
time with my gentleman.” She places her hand on Skye’s arm that was perched on the bar. “I’ve been
waiting all day for him to get out of work, so I don’t mean to be rude, but do you mind leaving us alone?”
The older man looks at Skye’s confused face. Again, in the older man’s stupor, he takes it in a
threatening manner. “My apologies, sir; I meant no offense.”
“You don’t have to apologize to me,” Skye says, not wanting to be a part of this conversation.
“That’s right.” Chloe quickly says. “That apology belongs to me.”
“My apologies, Madam.”
“Apology accepted. And since you are already standing, you might as well find another spot along the
bar. Enjoy the rest of your affair.” Chloe smiles, dismissing him.
“Thank you, gentlewoman. You do the same. Sir.” The old man raises his glass to Skye as he takes his
“Thanks, precious, for coming to my rescue,” Chloe says.
“No problem, sweetheart,” Skye responds, keeping the ruse going. They both share a quick laugh.
“Well, since we are dating and clearly, we know each other intimately, what would my girlfriend's name
“Of course, Chloe. Chloe right. I knew that, of course, because she’s my girlfriend.”
“Right, and of course, I know my boyfriend’s name because… we’ve been happily together now for
an undisclosed period of time. And his name is?”
“Skye! Right, right. I should have known that, but with all the boyfriends I have, it’s hard to keep
track of all y’all.” They both giggle, and Skye feels oddly comfortable. This was a lot easier than he had
“Excuse me, Madam, but I must apologize on behalf of my gender. We just crawled out of the caves
only a few thousand years ago, and since God pushed us back beneath the dirt, I fear we lost any progress
we made.” They drink and laugh for hours. Time passes with no care from either one of them.
“Last orders.” The barmaid shouts to the patrons of the bar to place their last drink order before
closing. Even though the sun still sits high, they have to stick to some sort of schedule.
“Did you want another?” Chloe asks.
“No, no, I shouldn’t.” One more drink and I think I’ll make the wrong decision. “I have to get back to
“Back to work; it’s the end of the day. You don’t have a family to run to?”
“No, no family. Not yet.” Skye kind of lies.
“Well, it was very nice meeting you, Skye.”
“It was very nice… to have been in a long-term relationship with you, Chloe.” She giggles. “The years
have truly flown by.”
“Would you like to see me again?” Chloe asks.
Skye is stunned. He had never heard a woman be so forward. He likes it. “That would be nice.”
“Okay great.” She says, standing and walking away.
“Wait,” Skye says. “I know nothing about you but your name. Where do you live? How do I see you
She turns back to Skye, walking over to him. She pulls him close, pushing herself strongly into him,
and kisses him. He does not hold back, sharing in the passionate kiss. She pulls away, and he slowly
opens his eyes to her. “If you want to see me again, you’ll come find me.” She kisses him one more time,
biting his bottom lip, then slowly walks away. The beat of the ever-increasing rhythm of Skye’s heart
matches the bopping sway of Chloe’s hips. Then Skye understands that he has another long night of
unclogging to do.

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