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MONDAY FEBRUARY 13, 2023 Identifying the talents and skills of each person is
important to be utilized for common good.
TLE 6 2. Material Resources—These are tangible resources
8:30 – 9:20 – EARTH 12:20-1:10 – MERCURY that are available for usage.
These are everything owned or invested by the family
Content Standard: like money, furniture and appliances, jewelry , house and
 Applies knowledge and skills, develop one’s lot, car, and other assets that can help the family.
interest in managing family resources applying 3. Non-material Resources—These are intangible
home management. (cannot be touched/ hold) resources that includes time,
health and experience. Without these resources, family
Performance Standard: members are not able to perform their duties and
 Manages family resources applying the responsibilities.
principles of home management.
3. Activity
Learning Competencies: Answer your module on pages 4 and 5.
 Identifies family resources and needs (human,
material, and nonmaterial) (TLE6HE-0a-1) 4. Generalization
What are the material resources and non-material
I. Target Learning Objectives: resources that a family needed?
 Identifies family resources and needs.
5. Application
II. Topic: Importance of Planting Trees How will you acquire the family resources and needs?
 MELCS in EPP VI, pp. 411
6. Evaluation
 DBOW in EPP VI, Home Economics
 Module 1 – Home Economics
Directions: Identify what kind of family resources is
 Life Skills Through TLE pages 97. shown in the following statements. Write HR for human
resources, MR for material resources, and NMR for
III. Procedure: non-material resources. Write your answers on a
A. Preliminary separate sheet of pad paper.
1. Preparatory
Pictures of human resources, material ____1. Angeline saves cash from her weekly allowance
resources and non-material resources. to save money in case of emergency.
____2. Mang Lito is a skilled carpenter so whenever
2. Review their house needs repairs, he can do it by himself.
What are the essential components of ____3. Aling Nena is a good cook so she decided to start
the farm records? an eatery business near their
3. Motivation house.
____4. Proper time management allows Monica to do
her duties without hassle.
____5. Jane’s family bought television and computer set
to be used in her studies at home.

7. Assignment
Give the most important resources in fetching water and
Ask: What things do they use to get what they
sweeping the floor.

4. Unlocking/Presentation of new words

Family Resources Material

B. Developmental
1. Presentation
2. Discussion
Family Resources
These includes the things and people that can help the
family to sustain their living.

Types of Resources
1. Human Resources—These include the member of the
family who are able-bodied
and can contribute their time, effort, skills, strength and
expertise to the family.

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