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Liberty Enlightening the World, known as the Statue of Liberty, is one of the most famous

landmarks in New York, the United States, and around the world. It is located on Liberty Island
south of Manhattan Island, next to the mouth of the Hudson River and near Elli Island.

and these are 10 curiosities about the statue of liberty

1. His crown is symbolic.

Each of the seven rays of the crown represents the seven oceans and the seven continents of the

2. It is of French origin.

the head of the statue remained for a time at the Universal Exhibition in Paris before the French
government gave it to the United States to celebrate the centenary of the War of Independence
and the friendship between the two countries.

3. It worked as a lighthouse.

For a time it was used as a lighthouse to guide ships home after a long ocean voyage.

4. The head is incorrectly positioned.

In 1982, it was discovered that the head had been placed with an offset of 60 centimeters from
the center. What a mistake...

5. Nobody can access the torch.

In 1916, the statue suffered some damage from German enemies and since then no one has been
allowed access to the torch.

6. The Statue of Liberty dismantles the popular belief that lightning cannot strike twice in the same

In reality, it has received the impact of 600 lightning strikes, wich should not surprise us
considering that it is a huge metal monument

7. He has freed himself from his chains.

Although you will not be able to see them, at the feet of the statue there are some broken chains
that symbolize the country moving away from oppression and slavery. In addition, it advances the
right foot towards a new era of freedom.

8. Why is it green?

The peculiar color of the statue is due to the oxidation of the copper, although it looks like paint.
In reality, the metal is slightly damaged and corroded.

9. It has heart-stopping measurements.

The dimensions of the statue are overwhelming. His waist measures more than thirty feet and,
according to US sizing, he wears an 879. In this case, size does matter.

10. She is quite a Hollywood star.

The problem is that it is typecast in disaster movies. The statue ended up destroyed in
Independence Day (1996), although it suffered the same fate in many other productions. If you
want to see it in all its splendor

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