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Global Markets Trading Application

for Individual and Joint Accounts


How to fill out your application form

To ensure that your application is processed promptly, follow the instructions below. Before completing the application, be sure to read the
‘Global Markets Trading Terms and Conditions’ (including the Customer Information and Privacy section and the Direct Debit Request Service
Agreement) available at, and the ‘Risk Disclosure Statement for Global Markets’ within this document.

Please ensure all applicants:
1. Complete all fields within the application form.
2. Ensure all Bank account owners read Section 3 ‘Payment Instructions’, sign Section 5 ‘Acknowledgment and
3. Read and sign Section 4 ‘Risk disclosure statement for Global Markets’ and Section 5 ‘Acknowledgment and
4. Ensure all account owners/applicants provide certified photocopies of proof of identification and a proof of current residential
address as set out in Section 6 ‘Identification’.
5. Complete and sign the W8BEN - see sample form for instructions.
6. Return your completed Application Form to
Reply Paid 85157
Australia Square NSW 1214

You will receive confirmation via email of your opened Global Markets Trading Account after approximately 1-3 business days.
This will be dependent on providing all requirements as listed in 1 to 6 above.

For any enquiries or for assistance in filling out this form phone 1300 757 319

Correct Form of Registrable Title

Applications must be in the name/s of a natural person. One full given W-8BENCertificate of Foreign Status of Beneficial Ow
Formname and the surname are required for each natural person.
States Tax Withholding and Reporting (I
An applicant’s name must appear the same across the application.(Rev. February 2014) ▶ For use by individuals. Entities must use Form W-8B

Department of the Treasury

▶ Information about Form W-8BEN and its separate instructions is at w
Type of Investor Section Correct
Internal Revenue Form
Service Examples of Incorrect Form
▶ Give this form to the withholding agent or payer. Do not sen

Individual or Joint (if applicable) A or B (if applicable) Do NOT use this form if: J. M. Citizen or Jane M
Jane Mary Citizen ✔. ✘.
Use given names not initials W8BEN • You are NOT an individual . . . . .Citizen
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
• You are a U.S. citizen or other U.S. person, including a resident alien individual . . . . .
• You are a beneficial owner claiming that income is effectively connected with the conduct of trad
Example of how Registrable Title should be recorded across the application
(other than personal services) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Example: Photo ID Example: Application Form
• You are a beneficial owner who is receiving compensation for personal services performed in the
Middle name MUST be included if it appears as an initial on your drivers license
• A person acting as an intermediary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Part I Identification of Beneficial Owner (see instructions)

1 Name of individual who is the beneficial owner 2
3 Permanent residence address (street, apt. or suite no., or rural route). Do not use a P.O. b

City or town, state or province. Include postal code where appropriate.

4 Mailing address (if different from above)

City or town, state or province. Include postal code where appropriate.

5 U.S. taxpayer identification number (SSN or ITIN), if required (see instructions) 6

7 Reference number(s) (see instructions) 8 Date of birth (MM-DD-YYY

Part II Claim of Tax Treaty Benefits (for chapter 3 purposes only) (see ins
9 I certify that the beneficial owner is a resident of AUSTRALIAWST1087 (05/22)
between the United States and that country.
Global Markets Trading Application
for Individual and Joint Accounts


Provide your Westpac Share Trading username and/or account number.

You must have an existing Share Trading Account to be eligible for a Global Markets account.

Username/Existing Share Trading account number

1. Individual
Applicant 1
First name Middle name/s Surname Date of birth – DD / MM / YYYY

/ /
List the country/ies you are a citizen of

Tax Residency Information

Instructions for completion:

• If you list Australia as a country of tax residency, select • If you are a US citizen or resident you must include USA as a
‘Reason Code’ C in the TIN column. country of tax residency.
Country/ies of Tax Residency Tax Identification Number (TIN)
List all country/ies of tax residency and 1. Provide either TIN; OR
your TIN for that country or ‘Reason 2. Select a ‘Reason Code’ if no TIN:
Code’ if no TIN is available.
A. My country of tax residency does not issue TINs
B. I haven’t been issued with a TIN by my country of tax residency
C. My country of tax residency doesn’t require disclosure of a TIN
1 TIN: OR Reason Code: A B C

2 TIN: OR Reason Code: A B C

3 TIN: OR Reason Code: A B C

Contact Details
Email address

Mobile number Home number Work number

Residential Address Postal Address Same as residential address

Street address – Cannot be a PO Box Street address

Suburb State Postcode Suburb State Postcode

Country – If not Australia Country – If not Australia

WST1087 (05/22)
Global Markets Trading Application
for Individual and Joint Accounts


Job category – See ‘Appendix 2’ for list Job type – See ‘Appendix 2’ for list

Source of Funds – See ‘Appendix 1’ for list Your mother’s maiden name – This is used to create a secure login

Information about products and services

Westpac Securities Limited will use or disclose your personal information to contact you or send you information about other products
and services offered by the Westpac Group or its preferred suppliers.
Tick this box if you do not wish to receive marketing communications from us.

“Westpac Group” means Westpac Banking Corporation ABN 33 007 457 141 and its related bodies corporate.

Please include certified copy of identification and proof of address as outlined in Section 6 ‘Identification’

2. Joint

Applicant 2

Mr Ms Mrs Miss Dr Other

First name Middle name/s Surname Date of birth – DD / MM / YYYY

/ /
List the country/ies you are a citizen of

Tax Residency Information

Instructions for completion:

• If you list Australia as a country of tax residency, select • If you are a US citizen or resident you must include USA as a
‘Reason Code’ C in the TIN column. country of tax residency.
Country/ies of Tax Residency Tax Identification Number (TIN)
List all country/ies of tax residency and 1. Provide either TIN; OR
your TIN for that country or ‘Reason 2. Select a ‘Reason Code’ if no TIN:
Code’ if no TIN is available.
A. My country of tax residency does not issue TINs
B. I haven’t been issued with a TIN by my country of tax residency
C. My country of tax residency doesn’t require disclosure of a TIN
1 TIN: OR Reason Code: A B C

2 TIN: OR Reason Code: A B C

3 TIN: OR Reason Code: A B C

Contact Details
Email address

Mobile number Home number Work number

WST1087 (05/22)
Global Markets Trading Application
for Individual and Joint Accounts


Residential Address Postal Address Same as residential address

Street address – Cannot be a PO Box Street address

Suburb State Postcode Suburb State Postcode

Country – If not Australia Country – If not Australia

Job category – See ‘Appendix 2’ for list Job type – See ‘Appendix 2’ for list

Information about products and services

Westpac Securities Limited will use or disclose your personal information to contact you or send you information about other products
and services offered by the Westpac Group or its preferred suppliers.
Tick this box if you do not wish to receive marketing communications from us.

“Westpac Group” means Westpac Banking Corporation ABN 33 007 457 141 and its related bodies corporate.

If there are any additional applicants requiring access to the account photocopy ‘Individual’ details and ‘Acknowledgment and Signatures’ pages.

Please include certified copy of identification and proof of address as outlined in Section 6 ‘Identification’

3. Payment Instructions
For settlement of all share transactions you must nominate to settle your trades either through a Westpac account, or we can arrange to
direct debit/credit your nominated Bank Account. To settle by direct debit/credit, you need to complete your nominated bank account
details in the Direct Debit Request section below. Please ensure that your nominated bank account is in the same name as
your Global Markets Trading Application.

Direct Debit Request

I/We authorise and request, Australian Investment Exchange Ltd (APCA ID. Direct Debit ID is 12340, Direct Credit ID 12340) to arrange for
funds to be debited from and credited to my/our account at the financial institution specified in the application and as prescribed below
through the Bulk Electronic Clearing System (BECS). This authorisation is to remain in force in accordance with the terms described in the
Direct Debit and Direct Credit Request Service Agreement.

Bank Account Name BSB Number Account number

If this bank account is a joint account where one or more parties are not account holders you MUST provide identification for them and have them
sign Section 5

WST1087 (05/22)
Global Markets Trading Application
for Individual and Joint Accounts


4. Risk disclosure statement for Global Markets

To invest in international securities, you should be an experienced high volatility and there are no assurances that there will be a liquid
investor. The risks involved with investment in international securities market for your investments.
differ significantly from investment in securities quoted on the Australia, as a member state of the United Nations, is obliged to
Australian Securities Exchange. implement United Nations Security Council sanctions. Australia
This Risk Disclosure Statement does not disclose all of the risks also may be required to implement other international sanctions
associated with investment in international securities. It should not and sometimes imposes unilateral sanctions. Sanctions can cover
be relied upon as a complete explanation of the risks involved. If various subject matters including financial restrictions. Consequently,
you need further explanation regarding investment in international Westpac Securities may be prohibited from dealing with certain
markets, you should seek appropriate professional advice. persons or entities.
This means that if Westpac Securities is aware that you are a
Foreign Currency Risk proscribed person or entity, then Westpac Securities may be required
Your international securities will be denominated in a currency other to suspend, cancel or refuse you services or close or terminate any
than Australian dollars. account, facility, transaction, arrangement or agreement with you.
We may also be required to freeze your assets. You could incur
• You buy 100 shares at US$50 per share for a total value of
US$5,000. significant costs as a result of these actions.

• You purchase US$5,000 at A$/US$0.6000 and your initial Taxation

investment cost is A$8,333.33.
Neither Westpac Securities nor the Participant provide taxation
• If the A$/US$ strengthens to 0.7000, the value of your advice.
investment falls to A$7,142.86 assuming no change in the price
of the shares. We recommend you obtain professional taxation advice to evaluate
whether an investment in international securities is appropriate to
• If the A$/US$ weakens to 0.5000, the value of your investment your particular financial circumstances.
rises to A$10,000 assuming no change in the price of the
shares. In Summary
You can see from this example that as the A$ strengthens against You and your advisers should be aware of the following
US$, the A$ value of your US shares will fall. Of course the reverse additional acknowledgements you are making by signing
applies – as the A$ weakens against US$, the A$ value of your US this risk statement. You acknowledge:
shares will rise.
a. that investing in international securities carries
International Custodian risks, including but not limited to:

Your international securities will be held in the custody of an i. gains from security price movements can be more than
International Custodian, appointed by us as set out in the Global off-set by adverse foreign exchange movements;
Markets Trading Terms and Conditions. Securities in the custody ii. intra-day price movements on international security
of an International Custodian may be subject to risk arising from and currency exchanges can be relatively volatile;
change to the political, legal, regulatory or commercial environment iii. strong past performances are not necessarily
of the country of the International Custodian or overseas stock indicative of future performance;
exchange(s) that the securities are listed on.
iv. taxation implications can be different from
Whilst we will use reasonable care in selecting International investing in Australian securities and may vary
Custodians, we shall not be liable for any losses incurred by you by depending on your individual circumstances;
reason of any act, omission, fraud or negligence of any International
Custodian in relation to the holding of or dealing with your b. that you accept without limitations all risk associated with
international securities. investing in international securities and the holding of your
international securities by an International Custodian.
POLITICAL AND REGULATORY RISK c. that neither Westpac Securities nor the Participant
Trading conditions and your ability to buy and sell securities in a give personalised advice, make personal securities
foreign market may be affected by political risk and regulatory risk recommendations or provide any foreign exchange or
in the country in which the overseas market operates. Political taxation advice, and that it is your own responsibility
risk is sudden changes in laws and regulations imposed by the to assess and evaluate proposed transactions in
government, sometimes on short notice, and sometimes on a international securities in the light of your financial situation,
temporary basis. Regulatory risk is the risk that standards of conduct investment objectives and particular needs; and
in the overseas market may differ from standards of disclosure and d. that Westpac Securities and the Participant
conduct that apply to securities quoted on the Australian Securities recommend you seek appropriate professional advice
Exchange. For example risks will be higher where companies are before investing in international securities.
able to list on a foreign market with less initial and ongoing regulatory
requirements than on the Australian Securities Exchange. As a result
securities traded on such a foreign market may be susceptible to
WST1087 (05/22)
Global Markets Trading Application
for Individual and Joint Accounts


5. Client/Applicant/s Acknowledgment and Signature/s

If the application is accepted, I/we agree and confirm the payment recommendations or provide any foreign exchange or taxation
instructions set out in Section C and agree to be bound by the Direct advice, and that it is my/our own responsibility to assess and
Debit and Credit Request Service Agreement and Trading Rules. evaluate proposed transactions in Global Markets in the light of
my/our financial situation, investment objectives and particular
• I /We agree for The Participant to remit funds to my/our choice
of nominated bank account. needs. I/We acknowledge that The Participant and its Brokers
recommend that I/we seek professional advice before investing
• I /We authorise the following: in Global Markets.
1. The Participant to verify the details of the account
• I am/We are not commonly known by any names different to
mentioned in this form with my/our Financial Institution those disclosed in this application form.
2. The Financial Institution to release information allowing The
• I /We understand and acknowledge that the law requires
Participant to verify the account details mentioned in this signatories to provide true and correct information and state
form. all the names by which they are commonly known. I/We also
• I /We agree to continue to be bound by the Global Markets understand that the law prohibits the use of false names, as
Trading Terms and Conditions as though entered into between well as the giving, use or production of false or misleading
me/us and The Participant. The Global Markets Terms and information or documents in connection with the provision of
Conditions can be found in the Forms and Brochures section of financial services and the making, possession or use of a false
the Westpac Online Investing website. document in connection with an identification procedure.
• I /We consent to the collection, use, disclosure and storage • I /We declare that the details as shown on this form are
of my/our personal information as in accordance with the complete and correct.
Customer Information and Privacy section of the Global
• I /We declare that I am an/we are Australian resident(s).
Markets Trading Terms and Conditions, the Westpac privacy
policy (available at or by calling 1300 757 • I /We acknowledge that I/We have read and understood the
319), and the Participant’s privacy policy (available at westpac. Financial Services Guides provided to me/us by Westpac, each as amended from time to time. Securities Limited, the Participant and Pershing.

• I /We acknowledge that I/we have received a Risk Disclosure • I /We agree to be given any terms and conditions, any
Statement for Global Markets relating to the risks of investing disclosure documents (including Financial services Guides and
in Global Markets and that I/we have read and understood its Product Disclosure Statements), and any supplements to the
contents (Section D). disclosure documents from:
i.; or
• I /We acknowledge neither The Participant nor its brokers
give personalised advice, make personal securities ii. any other electronic means (including by email).

Applicant 1 Applicant 2
Full name Date – DD / MM / YYYY Full name Date – DD / MM / YYYY

/ / / /
Signature – Must be signed pen to paper Signature – Must be signed pen to paper

Global Markets trading is provided by Pershing LLC, ARBN: 108 110 149, AFSL no 271837, member FINRA, NYSE, SIPC through Australian Investment Exchange Ltd (“The Participant”,
“We”, “Us” or “Our”) ABN 71 076 515 930 AFSL 241400, a Participant of the ASX Group and Cboe Australia.

How to submit your documents

Once completed and signed, please Westpac Securities 13 13 31
scan and email the form to Reply Paid 85157 Australia Square NSW 1214

WST1087 (05/22)
Global Markets Trading Application
for Individual and Joint Accounts


6. Identification
Prior to opening your account we will need to confirm the identity of all individuals listed in Section 1. To comply with Section 326 of the
US Patriot Act and Australian Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Act, and to enable us to confirm your
identity you must attach a CERTIFIED photocopy of your identification. Identification needs to be provided even if you have already
provided ID for your Westpac Online Investing account. Photo identification must include an expiry date, document number and signature.
Tick and include a current CERTIFIED photocopy of your identification from the options below.

Australian Drivers Licence displaying current residential address

Australian Drivers Licence and utility bill displaying current residential address

Passport and utility bill displaying current residential address

See a complete list of people who are able to certify your photocopied identification via Forms and Brochures on the Westpac Online
Investing website.

Example of a Certified Copy of a Driver’s Licence

Each photocopy must be originally certified. Certifiers must include their occupation, full name, signature and date and write the statement ‘I
certify this is a true copy of the original document’ on your photocopied original photo identification (see sample below):

James Certifier J. Certifier Justice of the Peace

Full Name Signature Occupation

123456 22/05/2022
JP Number Date

“I certify that this is a true copy

of the original document”

7. Complete your form W-8BEN

What is Form W-8BEN?
Form W-8BEN is a tax form required by the United States Internal Revenue Service (IRS).

Who must complete Form W-8BEN?

Form W-8BEN must be completed by clients operating International Securities Trading Accounts. IRS regulations require a separate
W-8BEN Form from each party to the joint account.

Purpose of Form W-8BEN

Form W-8BEN establishes that you are not a U.S. person for tax purposes and, if applicable, allows you to claim a reduced rate of, or
exemption from, U.S. withholding tax on income derived from U.S. shares.

Expiration of Form W-8BEN

The W-8BEN will remain in effect for a period starting on the date the form is signed and ending on the last day of the third succeeding
calendar year, unless a change of circumstances makes any information on the form incorrect.

No alterations or liquid paper (correction fluid) on the W-8BEN Form. Crossing out or scribbling are NOT accepted and will lead to rejection of the form.
DO NOT complete this form if you are a U.S. citizen or green card holder.

WST1087 (05/22)
Global Markets Trading Application
for Individual and Joint Accounts


Please note that you have obligations under U.S. tax laws to provide information necessary for U.S. tax withholding and reporting
requirements. The information below has been provided to assist you with your obligations, however, you should ensure that you
understand your obligations before completing and returning the forms to Global Markets. Global Markets is unable to provide you with
advice in relation to your obligations or the U.S. tax consequences of your investment. For further advice contact the IRS or your U.S. tax
adviser. To view IRS instructions on completing these forms go to

Sections to Complete Guidelines on Completion

REQUIRED: See SAMPLE form on page 9.

Part 1:
• Question 1 - Your name must match the name on the Identification Document & Application Form
1, 2, 3, 6 & 8 Part II. (do not use initials or designation).
Sign Part III.
• Question 2 - Enter country of citizenship as support by passport/ID
• Question 3 - Must be an Australian residential address & match the residential address on the Global
Markets application form and ID/Utility Bill.
• Question 4 - Insert mailing address, (if address is not the same as the residential address).
• Question 6 - You must state “Not Legally Required”
• Question 8 - Date of Birth MUST be completed to enable the account to be opened and date in
U.S. format (MM/DD/YYYY).
• Part II: Enter Country of Residence
• Sign Part III and date in U.S. format (MM/DD/YYYY). Print name of signer.

WST1087 (05/22)
Global Markets Trading Application – Sample Form
for Individual and Joint Accounts


Sample W8BEN - Typical Individual

Part 1 & 2: Can be electronically completed.
Part 3: Must be signed by hand.
If completing the form by hand
✘ DO NOT use Liquid Paper anywhere on the form.
✘ DO NOT alter, cross out or scribble anywhere on the form. Use a new form instead.

As supported by
Your name in Jane Mary CITIZEN AUSTRALIA Passport/Drivers Licence
Part 1 needs
to match your 1 SAMPLE STREET
Identification and KEW VIC 3101 Residential address must be as AUSTRALIA
Application form shown on Drivers licence or Utility bill


Please tick this

07-29-1983 box if TIN not
legally required
Section 8 D.O.B. MUST BE
leave blank.
if you’re a resident
of Australia

This must be ticked to certify

capacity to sign for the person
identified on line 1 of this form U.S. Date Format
Account holder to sign by hand. MM/DD/YYYY.

Jane Mary Citizen 05-22-2022


AFFIDAVIT FOR UNCHANGED STATUS: under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined and signed the above Form W-8BEN and that the information
and certifications contained therein remained the same and unchanged for the period beginning to the present, and were true, correct and complete
for those years. (PleasePrint
attachname of Signer.
a separate statementIfifthis is the has changed).
any information
same person as stated in Part I, Text
SIGN HERE box section 1. You must use the same DATE (MM/DD/YYYY)

name including middle names.

WST1087 (05/22)
AFFIDAVIT FOR UNCHANGED STATUS: under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined and signed the above Form W-8BEN and that the information
and certifications contained therein remained the same and unchanged for the period beginning to the present, and were true, correct and complete
for those years. (Please attach a separate statement if any information has changed).


WST1087 (05/22)
AFFIDAVIT FOR UNCHANGED STATUS: under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined and signed the above Form W-8BEN and that the information
and certifications contained therein remained the same and unchanged for the period beginning to the present, and were true, correct and complete
for those years. (Please attach a separate statement if any information has changed).


WST1087 (05/22)
Global Markets Trading Application
for Individual and Joint Accounts


Appendix 1
Source of Funds
The origin and the means of transfer of the Fund to service the new product (e.g. salary/wages, business income)

• Salary/Wages • Government benefits

• Commission • Sales of an asset
• Bonus • Liquidation of assets
• Business income/earnings • Redundancy
• Business Profits • Inheritance
• Rental income • Gift/Donation
• Superannuation/pension • Windfall
• Loan • Tax refund
• Insurance payment • Additional Sources (provide sources)
• Compensation payment

Appendix 2
A list of eligible Job Category and Job Types are provided below. Job Categories are in bold with their associated Job Types listed underneath.
Air / Sea Trans Workers

• Air Transport/Support • Aircraft Pilots • Ships Pilots And Crew • Stewards

• Other

• Data Processing • Dispatch/Purchasing • Filing/Mail Sorters • Numerical/Accounting/
• Receptionists • Stenographers/Typists • Other (Clerks)

Engineers / Technicians

• Aircraft • Chemical • Electrical Engineer • Mechanical

• Architect • Civil • Marine • Other (Engineers/
• Building Engineer

Government Officials

• Ambulance • Judges/Magistrates/ • Parliamentarians/ • Police

Mediators Councillors
• Fire Fighter

Home Duties

• Home Duties

Labourers and Related Workers

• Agricultural Labourers • Construction • Farm Hands • Mining

• Cleaners • Factory Hands • Fishing • Other (Labourers)

Machine Operators / Drivers

• Excavating/Earthmoving • Rail/Tram/Road • Stationary Plant/ • Other Machine Operators

• Mobile Plant/Equipment

WST1087 (05/22)
Global Markets Trading Application
for Individual and Joint Accounts



• Farmers And Farm • Personnel & Industrial • Production • Other (Managers)

Managers Relations
• Sales And Marketing
• Finance

Medical / Veterinarians

• Dental • Occupational Therapists • Pharmacists • Specialist

• Doctor/General • Optometrists • Physiotherapists • Other (Medical/
Practitioner Veterinarians)
• Nurses


• Accountants • Journalists • Minister Of Religion/Social • Public Relations

• Artists • Lawyers • Other (Professionals)
• Computing • Personnel


• Independent Means • Pensioner(Vet Affairs) • Private Superannuant • Other (Retired)

• Pensioner(Dss)

Salespersons / Careworkers

• Care Worker • Real Estate • Sales Representative • Waiters/Waitresses

• Cashier/Telling • Sales Assistant • Travel • Other (Salesperson/Care
• Investment/Insurance


• Geologist • Physicist • Research Chemist • Other (Scientists)

Sports Persons

• Sports Persons


• Austudy • Other (Students)

Teachers / Instructors

• Primary • Tafe • University • Other (Teachers/

• Secondary

Tradespersons / Apprentices

• Building • Food • Metal • Vehicle

• Electrical • Horticultural • Printing • Other (Tradesperson/

Unemployed / Other

• Invalid Pensioner • Unemployment Benefits • Other (Unemployed/Other)

WST1087 (05/22)

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