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Dear Bob,

Tom and I have recently moved to Purple Vine Town and would like to invite all of our friends
over for a housewarming party.
Please join us at 4:00 p.m. on Sunday,June 29,2008. Directions are enclosed.

We hope you and your wife will be able to attend on time.

Yours truly

on time 准时 in time 及时
Will the train arrive on time?准时来 They were just in time for the bus.及时赶上

I would like you to attend our party.

You are invited to a special showing of our new line of cosmetics.
Can you join us this Friday evening for dinner?
Let me know if you woulk like to attend.
I hope you could take part in our anniversary party.周年纪念派对
Information on transportation is enclosed. 已附上交通信息
Kindly respond on or before December 10,2013.
Please respond to this invitation by July 8 so that we can prepare well.

Dear Sir or Madam,

Co-organized by CFTC and United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO),the

World Industrial and Commercial Organizations(WICO) Summit will be held on December 19-
20,2014 in Beijing.

To facilitate your better understanding of the Summit,a press conference will be held at
ABCBuilding,at 3:00-4:30 p.m. on November 20th,2014.Please refer to
forfurther information of the WICO Summit.

We sincerely hope you will be with us.

Sincerely yours,
Contact person:Jason Huo

hold = take place/stage

The meeting will be held on Thursday. The fete will take place on Sunday. 周日游园
The union decided to stage a one-day strike. 罢工一天

The Press Conference is approved by the State Council. 记者招待会经过了国务院批准

I hope you will be able to attend on time.
We look forward to hearing soon that you can be with us.
I sincerely hope you will be with us.
You are invited to join us for the session as our guest.
I do hope you could attend the conference.
The press conference will be held at the Hilton Hotel.
Plese refer to for further information.

Dear Ms. Jane,

Would you like to serve as our speaker on National Advertising Directors Association (NADA)? I
can’t think of no one more qualified to fill this role than you.NADA is prepared to pay all your
expenses.The media panel is scheduled to begin at 3 p.m. on Thursday,Otcober 16,2014 and end
no later than 5 p.m.
I do hope it will be possible for you to undertake this assignment.Let me know as soon as you
can,please.If your response is favorable,I’ll send other information to you.

Sincerely yours,
NADA Organizer

They give us a favorable answer.
He was quite agreeable to accepting the plan.
My father will not be consenting to our marriage.

Would you serve as our speaker on direct mail?

I would like to invite you as our speaker of the conference.
I cannot think of a better person than you.
We are prepared to pay all your expenses.
I can think of nobody except you.
I do hope you could give me your consent.
I am sure you can undertake this important assignment.

Dear Professor Wang,

I am pleased to inform you that you are cordially invited to participate in the conference of North
America as our guest.Your round-trip air ticket,accommodations and meal expenses will be
subsidized. Should you be interested,please let us know at your earliest convenience.
I am looking forward to seeing you in this conference,and I am sure you will play an important
role in the event.If your response is consenting,I’ll send the relevant information to you.

Sincerely yours, NS Sponsor

Your round-trip air ticket,accommondations and meal expenses will be subsidized.
We will pay the round-trip air ticket,accommodations and meal expenses for you.

Please let us know at your earliest convenience.

I expect your earliest reply.
Expecting your immediate response.
We look forward to your reply at your earliest convenience.

Would you like to take part in your meeting?

I would like to invite you to participate in the conference.
You are cordially invited to attend the conference.
We will pay all your expenses.
I look forward to seeing you in the conference.
I do hope you could agree to come.
I am sure you will play an important role in the meeting.

Dear Mr.Chen

I am delighted to invite you to be a visiting scholar in Australia.You will be based at the

Melborune campus but may visit other campuses whilst you are in Australia.
As a visiting scholar,you will be able to pursue your specific research agenda and to collaborate
and communicate with the University of Sydney faculty during your stay.
Please let me know if you have any further inquiries and we look forward to your visit.

Yours sincerely,
The University of Mdebourne

You will mostly be basedn Beijing.大部分时间驻在北京

Jack decided to live in college during his freshman year.决定大一住校
You could stay in Hilton Hotel.可以住在酒店

Will you collaborate with me to finish the project?

He was suspected of collaborating with the enemy.

I am pleased to invite you to our college.

I would like to invite you as a visiting scholar.
You are cordially invited to our university as a visiting scholar.
All your expenses will be subsidized.
I look forward to seeing you then.
I do hope you could consent to come.
I am sure you will gain a lot.
Dear Sarah,

My husband and I should be very much pleased if you and your daughter would dine with us at
6:30 p.m. next Sunday,on the eleventh floor of the Emperor Building. I am inviting a few other
people, and I hope we may sing after dinner. If you would consent to bring video tapes,I am sure
we would have a most wonderful evening.

We do hope you can come and are expecting to see you then.

Yours cordially,
May Smith

dine with sb=have a dinner with sb

she wants to dine with me tonight=I’d like to have a dinner with you.

give one’s consent=agree/approve

I definitely will give my consent to your plan.
I asked him to come with me and he agreed.
His parents did not approve of his companions.

Would you like to come to my dinner party?

I would like to invite you to dine with us.
You are cordially invited to our dinner party on Saturday.
We are going to sing after dinner.
I look forward to seeing you then.
I do hope you could come with your husband.
I am sure it would be a wonderful night

Dear Robin,

On Sunday,August 11, at three o’clock p.m.,Richard and I are taking the important step in life.We
are getting married at St.Peter’s, that charming little church-you know it –at 26 Freeway Drive.
We have sent the invitation card to you. I hardly need to tell you that we would not consider it a
real wedding if you were not present. There will be an informal reception in the church parlor
afterward and we want you there,too.

Affectionately yours,

You are cordially invited to our wedding on Saturday.

I would like to invite you to take part in our wedding.
Aaron and I are going to take the important step in life.
I am going to get married with John.
We are getting married at the charming church.
We have sent you the invitation card.
There will be an informal reception in the lobby after the wedding.

Dear Louise,

Please come to my birthday party!

It’s my fifth birthday. I am going to have a huge birthday cake and we will play games
together.Please call my mom to let us know if you can come. If the answer is yes,don ’t forget to
bring me a beautiful present.

The date:Sunday,June 29 from 3 to 6 p.m.

P.S. Please tell you parents that there will be a barbecue for the grownups,too.

Sincerely yours,

P.S.= post script

she added a post script to her letter.在信末另上附言

I want to invite you to my birthday party on next Wednesday night.

I would like to invite you to my birthday party.
I would like to have a cake sent to Catherine’s room on April 11 .
I am going to have a birthday party next week.
Remember to bring me a gift.
I have sent the birthday party invitation to you.
There will be a barbecue in the yard for us.
Please be sure to be present at my birthday party.

Dear residents of building#7,

You are cordially invited to share in a celebration of George and Emma’s 50th Wedding Anniverary.
Fifty years ago,a beautiful woman and a handsome George promised to love and cherish each
other for the rest of their lives.Now,as their dear friends, we will celebrate that commitment
once more for them.
Please join usin SURPRISE reception for George and Emma in the hall on May 21, from 3 to 5 p.m.
Thank you for your company.

Sincerely yours, Jack Miller

They are going to try their fortune once more.
You’ll need to type in your password a second time to confirm it.
Once again we extended to them our warmest welcome. 表示热烈欢迎
All applications must be submitted N WRITING before January 31.

I sincerely invite you to attend our celebration.

This is an important event.
I would like to invite you to take part in our 5-year Opening Anniversary. 5 周年庆典
You are definitely present on the anniversary day.
Let’s celebrate the 10-year anniversary.
You are cordially invited to share the celebration.
I have sent you the formal invitation card.已寄送正式邀请函

Dear Mr.Li,

Thank you so much for inviting me to address the Chamber of Commerce monthly Luncheon at
12 p.m. on Septemper 21, at the Majors’ Building on the subject of “The Status of Expert System
in Business During the Next Decade”. I am pleased to accept your invitation.

I look forward to this opportunity of being with you and the members of Chamber of Commerce
once again.

Sincerely yours,

subject 名词 主题科目 动词 使 服从 形容词 服从 的

This is a movie on the subject of love 爱情主题的电影
He tried to subject the whole family to his will. 让全家都服从他
Prices are subject to change.价格随情况而变化

I received a bunch of roses yestoday,but I gave it back.

I’m overjoyed that she accepted my proposal.

Thank you very much for your invitation.

I would love to go to the museum with you this weekend.
I would be delighted to come!
Having lunch on Saturday together would be really nice!
Should I bring ayn presents to the party?
It will be great to see you again!
I am really looking forward to seeing your new house.
Dear Henry,

My friend,thank you for your letter of May 2.

Your letter says there will be a get-together on May 6 in Bluestone Park,and you want to invite me
to the party with you.However, I am awfully sorry to tell you that on that day I am going to see an
old friend who’s seriously ill, so I am afraid it’s impossible for me to go with you then.

I believe that you can find another partner soon.

Yours faithfully,

It’s a pity that you missed the party.很可惜不能参加聚会

We’re having a little get-together to celebrate David’s promotion. 升职小型庆祝会

I really wish I could go with you,but I promised to help my friend move on Sunday.
If you are free, maybe we could get together sometime next week.
Unfortunately,I have a prior engagement this weekend.这周已有安排
I am sorry to tell you that I have to work overtime tomorrow.明天要加班
We will find another time to get together soon though.我们再找时间聚一聚
I would really like to go,but I have some other plans.
Unfortunately,I have invited a guest for that day.

Dear Mr.Mayor,

Next Saturday marks the 256th anniversary of the founding of the British Museum. The
superintendent of it is planning to celebrate the event with a reception at Clarides Hotel on
Saturday, January 17 between 5:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. We shall be honored to have you as our
chief guest who will address the party for about four minutes.

I would appreciate it if you could indicate your availability or inability to attend the reception
before January 13.

Sincerely yours,
Tom Clarke

address 地址 演讲演说 Write your address on the back of the envelope.信封背面写地址

He addressed the audience in an eloquent speech.向听众发表了富有激情的学说

I hope you will give me the pleasure of your company on the event.邀请贵公司赏光参加活动
I would be very pleased if you could come.
We hope you will stay on for the reception following the ceremony.仪式后的小型招待会
Will you do us a favor by joining our party?
You are cordially invited to the luncheon.
I would appreciate it if you could give me your consent.

Dear Professor Cheng,

I am pleased learn that you have an opportunity to spend a year away from your institution to
pursue research in Physics, and I ‘d like to ask you I could have the honor to invite you to spend
that year working in my research group at MIT, I am sure it will be beneficial to both of us.
I am very happy to cover all expenses,including the costs of living expenses,travel costs and
reasearch costs.

I look forward to working with you.

Truly yours,
Robin Willams

I am very happy to cover all expenses= I am happy to pay all your expenses.
including 包括其后东西 included 包括前面的东西
They have many pets,including three cats.
Are service charges included?

Would you like to join us in the research?

I would like to invite you to be a visiting professor.
It’s my pleasure to work with you.
I am pleased to cover all your expenses.
This cooperation will benefit both of us.
I hope that we could do joint research together.
I believe we will gain more research achievements.

Dear Mr.Yang,

With great pleasure I have received your letter to invite me to have lunch on Saturday,June 28.
I would be very happy to have the opportunity of discussing with you on the proposed visit to
Beijing by your Minister of Education. I would be even happier if you could let me host the lunch
for you at 12:00 on that day in the International Hotel. I am sure you will give me your consent
since you are in Beijing and I should be the host.

I am looking forward to the pleasure of meeting you on Saturday at 12:00 in the lobby of the
International Hotel.

With my best regards, Hanna Wei

give one’s consent=consent to sth/agree to do sth.
I’d like to know if you will give your consent to his plan?
Her father reluctantly consented to the marriage. We agreed to their proposal.

I am so pleased to accept your invitation.

It’s my pleasure to have dinner with you.
It would be better if you could let me host the lunch for you on April 11.
I look forward to meeting you as soon as possible.
There will be an informal reception in the parlor after the meeting.
We have sent you the invitation card.
It’s my honor to have the opportunity to discuss the matter with you.

Dear Mrs. Alston,

I am very sorry to tell you that I have to cancel the dinner this weekend.
I just heard that my professor is seriously ill. My friend and I must go see her at once and we are
leaving early tomorrow morning. Therefore, we have to recall our dinner ivitation this Saturday ,
the fourth of April. However, we will plan on a party later on, and you will be cordially invited

I am sure that you and Mr.Alston will understand our anxiety, and will forgive this last minute

Sincerely yours,
Linda Peal

cancel= recall/ call off

That is why we decide to cancel the discussion.
We have to recall the reception for the coming hurricane. 因飓风而取消招待会
He phoned me and called the appointment off.

I am sorry to have to recall the party.

I feel terribly soryy to tell you that the dinner has been cancelled.
My sister had a car accident and I have to look after her in the hospital.
You are cordially invited to our party on next Saturday.
We are leaving tomorrow because of my teacher’s sudden illness.
I express my great reget for this change.

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