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Exam for 1st level

1. Cross the different word

A) Spanish – Portuguese – England – French

B) Lighter – pen – school – lipstick

C) Pencil – read – look – listen

D) Men – children – people – woman

E) Brother – uncle – niece – grandfather

F) Bank – cinema – kitchen – hospital

G) Garage – garden – carpet – bedroom

H) Apple – banana – pasta- orange

I) Lawyer – doctor – office – teacher

J) Eggs – rice- cake- tea

1. Put these words in the plural

A) It´s a book ----------- they’re books
B) It’s a computer ……
C) It’s a door ………
D) It’s a dictionary ………
E) It’s a credit card …….
F) It’s a key ………
G) It’s a city….
H) It’s a watch …..
I) Man _____
J) Woman ____
K) Child ________
L) Person ______

2. Complete with MY, YOUR, HIS, HER, ITS, YOUR, OUR or THEIR.
A) I’m Mozambican. My name is Julian.
B) Maria is from Brazil. ____voice is very beautiful.
C) They are from Angola. ____names are Edson and Erica.
D) Hello, what is ____name?
My name is John.
E) He is British. _____ name is Tomas.
F) Maria had an accident. _____leg is broken.
G) We are a very happy family. The dinner is ____Favourite meal.
3. Use possessive s
A) This is his book.( Gerson) …… this is Gerson’s book.
B) This is her car. (my mother)……………………………
C) John is his cousin. (Milton)…………………………….
D) She is their friend (My parents)………………………….

4. Adjectives –
Order the words to make sentences .
Piter blue has car a. … Piter has a blue car.
It’s a house bad …. It’s a bad house.
A) My fast car is.
B) You a have book big.
C) It’s a watch cheap.
D) a Rita intelligent is very girl.
E) This a good very hotel is.

5. Write the times

A) 8:00 10:15 10:29
B) 9:39 7:30 8:54
C) 12:00 22:45 18:16
D) 00:00 14:12 20:01

6. Present simple

Complete with the right form of the verb.

A) Marta …. a very especial girl. (be)

B) John …. in a pub. (work)
C) Marta …. Homework every day. (do)
D) Alex ………. In God.( not believe)
E) Alex …….. martial arts ( not do)
F) I ….. breakfast every morning. (not have)
G) We ….. to clubs. (not go)
H) John and Sara …. Cousins (be).

7. Order the words to make questions

Is what your name?..... What is your name?
A) Are where from you?
B) Edson are you?
C) Your mother does speak English ?
D) You do love me ?
E) Your family do live in Maputo?
F) Your is favourite what sport?

8. Put the sentences in past simple, use yesterday.

I don’t go to school. …. I didn’t go to school yesterday
I am sick … .. I was sick yesterday.
A) David has bread and cheese for breakfast.
B) I go to university by bus.
C) Marta doesn’t have dinner.
D) What time do you get up?
E) Do you go to the cinema?

9. Complete the sentences with an object pronoun.

She is very beautiful. I love her.
A) Piter is my best friend. I like ____
B) We like playing football. This is the best sport for ____
C) John and Sara are good people. Everybody love ____
D) I bought new shoes but I forgot ____On the bus.
E) I bought a book and I read ____In two weeks.

10. Complete with the right form of there is or there are

There aren’t any good books in the library.
…………. a big table in the living room.
…………. Two students in the classroom.
………….. an orange in the fridge?
…………... any hospitals in this village.
………….. any hospitals in this village ?

Good job.
Avoid fraud
By teacher Edson Morgado

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