2 - 8 History Department Meeting Agenda

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2-8 History Department Meeting Agenda

● to work in unity as a history department so that we are aligned, sharing in our understanding of history, to
bring glory to God and help students reach their God given potential.

● If you had 24 hours to spend the day with one historical figure (can’t be Jesus), who would you pick to
spend the day with and why?

Discussion Topics
● Iron Sharpens Iron- Proverbs 27:17


○ History Department: Trivia Social on Saturday, March 4th from 5:00-7:00 pm in secondary gym
■ Greg, Andy, Rich: can you make the event? Montana is out of town.
■ Pot luck- everyone brings something to share- eat from 5:00-5:30
■ 5:30-7:00 Trivia
● How do we do teams? (will be sitting at round tables in the gym)
● How many rounds of trivia? How about each history teacher leads a round?
● What rounds? How many questions? How much time for each round? Points for 1st,
2nd, and 3rd place for each round?
● 5-minute break between rounds to tally points and answer winner of the previous
round before starting the next round?
● Prizes for the winner of each round?
● Grand Prize-won the highest number of points: The winning team gets to represent
the faculty at the Booster Club Trivia Night on April 1st.
○ Misc:
■ Need any items left behind from Rich’s classroom?
■ Any 23-24 curriculum needs- need to know asap
■ Teaching Summer School
● anyone interested in teaching summer courses?
● Need at least 5 students for an elective course to make
● Not a lot of electives will be offered- more for credit recovery for a semester (do not
need @ least 5 students).
Action Items/Upcoming Events
● History Department Trivia Social event on Saturday, March 4th.

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