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Name: Raden Ayu Tri Ratu Utami

NIM: 22178016

Assignment Week 8: ELT Research Methods

This is the assignment for week/meeting 8 of ELT Research Methods. Please firstly learn and/or discuss
the learning materials as delivered and references as written in syllabus (RPS). Then answer the
following questions clearly and argumentatively. You may discuss and learn in groups, but there is no
plagiarism in your assignment, then. Your answer to questions given must be upload to the system of e-
learning2unp (or if you face troubles or difficulties, you may send the soft-copy of the answers to e-
mail: at the latest 5 days after the scheduled-date of meeting). The uploaded
works after 5 days of the scheduled-date meeting are not acceptable.

1. Please read and learn the slides delivered to you!

2. Read and learn seriously the references recommended in syllabus!
3. Read and learn as well additional-related references from other sources!
4. It is certain that you have had the draft of your research proposal to be. Please write
down the answers for each following questions!
(1) How can you differentiate between instrument and instrumentation?
(2) How does a researcher have the instrument)s) of his research?
(3) What are the characteristics of (a) good instrument(s)?
(4) How can you differentiate between practicality and subjectivity of an instrument?
(5) How can a researcher have a valid instrument?
(6) What makes an instrument of research has reliability?
(7) Why do you think that colleague review is needed in having good and qualified
(8) What do item discrimination and item difficulty mean?

5. Dead line: five days to go


1. instruments of research are the scientific tools or the things operationally used to collect the
data. While, instrumentation is the whole process of preparing and developing instruments of
research to collect the data.

2. A researcher’s decisions about time, frequency, and administration are always affected by
the kind(s) of instrument to be used. On the other hand, the things to be considered in the
selection of research instruments are knowledge based on the hypothesis, knowledge related
to the variable/type of data to be measured according to the purpose of the research, as well as
the practicality of a tool, and so on.
3. The quality of instrumentation and the instrument itself determine the quality of data
obtained in a research. An instrument of research must be valid, reliable, objective, and

4. A practical instrument is one that is easy to be used and understandable. Then, What is the
price of the instrument?, when will the instrument be administered? Or will the populace
possess the physical and mental capacity to finish the test?.

The term "subjectivity" describes how a person's individuality shapes their perceptions. In
regard to a research project, subjectivity statements explain "personal histories, cultural
worldviews, and professional experiences" (Preissle, 2008).

5. Valid means that the instrument accurately measures the object to be measured. For
example, in qualitative research, the researcher must be able to become a good human
instrument, gather data through triangulating from many pertinent data sources, and assess
the quality of the data in order to gain accurate information. Ghozali (2009) states that the
validity test is used to measure the legitimacy or validity of a questionnaire.

6. Reliability is the level of determination of an instrument measuring what should be

measured. There are three ways of implementation to test the reliability of a test, namely: (1)
single test (single test), (2) retest (retest), and (3) equivalent test (alternate test).

7. Reviews from colleagues can help us easily know about the good work and efforts of our
work. They will be able to provide positive reinforcement regarding the selection of good and
quality instruments. Positive reinforcement is very important to improve quality in selecting an
instrument in research. The experience possessed by colleagues is of course very useful in
selecting instruments for our research.

8. A question's ability to distinguish between high- and low-ability pupils is referred to as its
discriminating power (Arikunto, 1999).

The difficulty level is a number that represents how challenging or simple something is
(Arikunto, 1999).

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