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Advanced Market

Today’s Agenda for Attacking Markets
I’ll show you ways and methods to effectively find, focus and narrow down
on your market effectively
To help you understand the concept of market segmentation and
splintering that will lead you to implementing killer market penetration
Get a closer look at the techniques the pros use to research their market
thouroughly, then implement HOMERUN marketing campaigns
How to “stack” your affiliate marketing offers and earn more profit from
You’ll learn how to boost your earning power by selling to the same
people over and over again
Discover how to keep your existing list responsive and profit generating
for many years to come
Finding Your Market
Question: Which should come first, finding/developing a product to
sell, or finding a market?
Answer: In most cases, it is better to FIND A HUNGRY MARKET first
before finding a HOT OFFER to sell.
Here’s why:
Products come and go. They get obsolete. Offers get pulled. But the needs, wants
and desires in a hungry market will never run out. For example, in the DATING
niche, products and programs will come and go. But the needs of the people in that
market will never ever be satisfied. There is no shortage of potential customers
Every year, lots of adolescents turn into teens
Lots of men/women get divorced and need to get back to dating
There will always be people who are socially awkward or clueless about dating

Bottomline: if you FIND a market similar to the dating niche, and effectively penetrate
into it before many other marketers do, you’re in for an overwhelming profit jackpot. In
affiliate marketing and niche online product sales, the name of the game is finding a
HUNGRY, underserved market then “attacking” that market as fast and effective as you
Finding Your Market
Question: Which should come first, finding/developing a product to
sell, or finding a market?
Answer: In most cases, it is better to FIND A HUNGRY MARKET first
before finding a HOT OFFER to sell.
If you find a hungry, underserved market, you will be able to sell them multiple
products and offers over a period of time. This way, you earn over and over again
from the same list of people.

Even if the market is saturated at first glance, often times you can splinter down far
enough to find pockets of demand that have lower competition. I’ve given examples
of this before, but the massive weight loss vertical can be split into tons of different
Steps to Finding a Hungry Market
Here is a specific step-by-step process to help you find a market to sell to. Of course, this process could vary depending on your
circumstances, but this is a general actionable format:

Step 1: Decide first whether you want a PERMANENT market or a TREND market to sell to
The first step is to choose what type of market you want to sell to:

PERMANENT MARKETS are those which have a steady stream of people. These markets are constantly replenished
with new people and will always need old and new products to satisfy their needs.

Examples: Weight loss, dating, heart disease, cancer, gardening, bad breath and the splinters & sub demographics within those

** If you choose a permanent market to sell to, you’ll have to spend more time growing and expanding on that niche for many
years to come.You will need to explore new sub-niches that arise through time. The major downside of settling in a permanent
market is that you also have to battle with fierce competition month in and month out, even while splintering to sub-niches.

TREND MARKETS are those which experience traffic spikes during a given period of time and then steadily decline
and dissolve after it reaches market saturation.

Examples: Photoshop CS4 tutorials, Facebook Games, Iphone 3GS repair, wordpress blogging techniques 2009,

** These niche markets only become lucrative because of social and technological trends. After the “craze” or trend subsides, the
market stops spending money on products. The key in these types of markets is to GET IN AS FAST AND EARLY AS YOU
CAN. A trend market can exist and decline within months. Sometimes it could go on for a few years. When a trend market
dissolves, you should be ready to pack your bags, sell what you can, and move on to the next market.

BOTTOMLINE: If you want stability and growth in a specific field of interest, choose a PERMANENT MARKET.
However, if you want to explore new niches on a constant basis, choose a TREND MARKET. This choice will
depend on your personality and unique preference in life. Some guys just love trend jumping and the highs and
lows that can come with it. That’s not really my thing!
Steps to Finding a Hungry Market
Here is a specific step-by-step process to help you find a market to sell to. Of course, this process could vary depending on your
circumstances, but this is a general actionable format:

Step 2: Start prospecting online and offline for promising markets

You don’t just wake up and say, “today I’ll enter the golf niche”. It’s just not effective that way. I know because I’ve done that. I used to say “Ah
maybe I’ll promote a gaming offer today.”

Start by systematically gathering feasible choices, then zero in on the one that you think will be most lucrative for you. Here’s my market
prospecting method online:

Go online and visit article submission sites (Ezinearticles, pro blogs, Squidoo) and social bookmarking sites (such as Digg, Stumbleupon) .
See which articles get the most views for a particular week, month, or year. Try to pick at least 5-10 market niches in which highly viewed
articles are written. Don’t rush this. Sometimes you have to spend hours here.

Go to Google Trends to search for the worldwide traffic stats for each market you picked above. Start by entering general keywords
about a particular niche.Your goal here is not to research deeply about that potential niche market, but to simply determine if it’s worth
entering or not.

Now, go to the Google Adwords Keyword Tool and type the same general keyword phrase about that potential market. For example, if
you’re looking at weight loss as a potential market, type simple keywords such as “weight loss techniques” or “how to lose weight” on the
Keyword Tool. Do this for each of the 5-10 potential markets you chose in #1 above.
Choose 2 to 3 niche markets which have the highest amount of search volume (based on Google Trends and Google Keyword tool stats).

Now, go to main Google search and see how many pages are competing for the TOP SPOT for each of those 2 to 3 high-volume
potential markets (using main keywords only. Don’t use long tail yet).

Pick the potential market which has the highest global search volume and least number of pages/ads competing for the top spot!
Steps to Finding a Hungry Market
Here is a specific step-by-step process to help you find a market to sell to. Of course, this process could vary depending on your
circumstances, but this is a general actionable format:

Step 2: Start prospecting online and offline for promising markets

If you fail to find a market with high search volume and relatively lower search engine competition, try testing any sub-niches within the
main niche you originally searched for. Continue the search until you find ONE potential market to analyze thoroughly. This is splintering.
So, within the “weight loss” niche we have young men that want to “get ripped”, we have middle aged guys that want to lose their “beer
gut” and “love handles”, or we have new mothers that want to lose their new “baby fat”. Each one of these splinters has not only new
keywords, but new demographics to target with non keyword based traffic channels.

After picking a single POTENTIAL MARKET (at this point, it is still a potential market), you are now ready to move on the next major
Steps to Finding a Hungry Market
Here is a specific step-by-step process to help you find a market to sell to. Of course, this process could vary depending on your
circumstances, but this is a general actionable format:

Step 3: Find Out If People In That Potential Market Are Actually SPENDING MONEY On Products and
Services To Satisfy Their Wants

It is important to find out if the “market” you’re looking at as potential target is already spending money on products and services related
to their needs. This is basic stuff!

It is also important to discover WHAT particular products and services they are already buying, so you can have an idea of what affiliate
offers to show them later.

To find out if a market is lucrative, do these steps:

Visit the Clickbank Marketplace. If you’re a CPA affiliate, you probably spend less time on Clickbank. However, you can use CB to know
more about a particular market you’re researching. Most CPA offers are in massive verticals which people spend billions a year in.
However, you can confirm if your “splinter” spends money. If you’re splintering from CPA verticals, typically the answer is yes.
Do a search on the Clickbank marketplace. Type keywords related to your potential market, and see what kind of products will come up.
Filter the results by popularity, and pay close attention to the top 5 search results, as this will give you an idea of the kind of products
which are popular in that niche. It will also give you an idea about the price trends and ranges within that niche.

Also go to 3 or 4 “CB-like” networks and do the same thing. Search what products are being sold in your potential niche. If you notice
that products in that niche are selling well and people are paying huge amounts to buy them (while there are only few similar products
being sold), congratulations…you just found an underserved market.You will seldom find extremely underserved markets in the course
of your searches, but if you do, make sure you take advantage of them right away. This is especially true for splinters of large CPA
Steps to Finding a Hungry Market
Here is a specific step-by-step process to help you find a market to sell to. Of course, this process could vary depending on your
circumstances, but this is a general actionable format:

Step 3: Find Out If People In That Potential Market Are Actually SPENDING MONEY On Products and
Services To Satisfy Their Wants
Go to CPA networks you’re already a member in and confirm your market discovery. Usually, if you found a hot niche in Clickbank, it will
reflect on CPA networks on a higher scale. For example, if you’re looking at the “get ripped” on CB and you found just a couple of digital
products being offered, CPA networks will have more options for you to choose from in the form of higher converting offers, reliable
sellers, and higher payouts.

Offline, the best way to know if a market is lucrative is to find out if there are magazines and books being sold in that particular topic.
Publishing companies will not spend thousands of dollars for magazine circulation if there is NO existing target market for a magazine
topic. So hop into the bookstore or convenient store to see if there are any magazines published about your potential market. Or better
yet, go online and search for available magazines related to your main market keywords. For CPA affiliates, again, it’s a given. Most CPA
offers are based around very large and lucrative niches. If anything, it’s up to you to confirm sub niches and demographics within these

BOTTOMLINE: After looking at potential keywords/demographic profiles and zeroing in on ONE market that you think you can
take advantage in, it’s now time for the next step in our advanced market attack: FOCUSING ON YOUR CHOSEN MARKET.
Focusing on Your Market
This is the part where you gather vital and advanced market information about the specific market that you chose. The goal here is to find
out as much necessary information as you can…to find out how deep you should drill and burrow to get to the goldmine. If you acquire this
kind of knowledge, your marketing efforts will be more focused and specialized.

Step # 1: Generate exhaustive keyword lists, demographic profiles, and/or target sites
The first thing you need to do to gain specialized knowledge about a certain market is to generate an EXHAUSTIVE keyword
list if you’re doing keyword based marketing. Even if you’re not using keyword based traffic, you’ll want to know how to
speak your target markets language! You’ll also want to clearly define your demographics. I’ve explained how to use
tools such as QuantCast, MSN AdLabs, and Google Ad Planner to narrow down demographics. The Plenty of Fish demographic
tool is also a great tool that allows you to type in the keyword and it gives you estimated demographics.

In online marketing, your hands are tied and your eyes are blindfolded when it comes to finding out what your potential
customers you are looking for.

Search keywords are your main eyes and ears that leave powerful “clues” as to what the customers in that market are looking
for. (at this point, you probably already know this).

Now, the key to effective market penetration is to find out as many keyword phrases as you can that are related to a certain
niche! In fact, most use 5 to 20 keywords only. The pros COLLECT 500 to 1000 (or more) keywords in any given market!

These keywords will be the backbone of your PPC campaigns, ad copy, and offer selection really.

Does this mean that you should use ALL those keywords in your marketing campaigns simultaneously? Of course not. Keyword
lists are like a war chest. As you learn how to segment your market (as you’ll see later on), you’ll be able to know which
keywords to use for which market sector
At this point, your main concern is to find out as much as you can. Here is the basic sequence:

Start with brainstorming. Often, your imagination is the best keyword research tool. Try to imagine that you are a potential
customer in that particular market. For example, if you are in the market for skin disease cures, what keywords will you
normally type in Google? If you’re looking for “free website headers”, what keywords will you type in the search engines? Do the
same thinking pattern for the market you want to enter. List down as many natural keywords that comes to mind about that
Focusing on Your Market
This is the part where you gather vital and advanced market information about the specific market that you chose. The goal here is to find
out as much necessary information as you can…to find out how deep you should drill and burrow to get to the goldmine. If you acquire this
kind of knowledge, your marketing efforts will be more focused and specialized.

Step # 1: Generate exhaustive keyword lists, demographic profiles, and/or target sites

Now, consult free online keyword researchers. Go to Google Trends, Google Adwords Keyword Tool, and the free online
version of WordTracker. If you type popular short-tail keywords in these keyword trackers, they will automatically generate a
string of other related keywords with their global search volume count. List down as many short tail and long tail keywords with
a considerable amount of search volume. Or better yet, download the .CSV file for each of these lists.You will be able to use
them later when you penetrate the market.

After doing the preliminary steps above, go to any of your paid keyword research tools like Market Samurai (if you have them)
to expand more on the keywords you already generated. Make sure you list short tail and long tail keyword phrases, their global
search volume count (daily, monthly, and yearly), number of competing websites, and other important information.

Keep your list handy. If possible, put the keywords in a .CSV file or Excel format so you can easily access them when we use
them later.

• Again, if you’re doing demographic based advertising (direct to site buys, Facebook or Plenty of Fish, etc.) we can still use these
keywords to not only “speak” to our demographic better, but also find direct sites to advertise on. Always keeping in mind who
our demographic really is. If doing direct to site buys, you’ll want to use Google Ad Planner and Quantcast as I’ve shown in the
Direct to Site video, for sites which have a high affinity to your target market.
Focusing on Your Market
This is the part where you gather vital and advanced market information about the specific market that you chose. The goal here is to find
out as much necessary information as you can…to find out how deep you should drill and burrow to get to the goldmine. If you acquire this
kind of knowledge, your marketing efforts will be more focused and specialized.

Step # 2: Find Out the Current Stage of the Market

Markets, no matter how competitive they are, have different stages. Itʼs important to know what stage youʼre dealing with.
Here are four common stages of a market. (Of course, this can vary in real life situations because internet trends are
dynamic and unpredictable):

1. Discovery Stage. In this stage , there is a growing amount of people with similar needs but there are few sellers (or
none at all) who provide products to fulfill their needs. When you stumble upon a market with lots of people and relatively
few sellers, it is in the discovery stage.
2. Trending Stage. This is the stage when sellers start to flock to a specific market and create products to satisfy the
needs of people there. This is more like a “gold rush” period, and may span months and even years.

Indication: A market is in the trending stage if there is a growing amount of competitive sellers, but there are very few
established brands or products in that market.

3.!Peak Stage. The peak stage is more like a “tipping point” for a specific market. Here, the products being sold in that
market become mainstream. Industry leaders start to surface, and some products and brands begin to have a
massive cult following.
Indication: The peak stage is characterized by the “craze” for certain products, services, and new discoveries in a
particular industry.

4.!Saturation Stage. The saturation stage happens when the supply in a market far exceeds the demand. In short,
there are too many sellers with relatively fewer people to serve.

Indications: An overwhelming amount of established brands. Information overload within the market. Lots of similar product
types being sold within the industry.
Focusing on Your Market
This is the part where you gather vital and advanced market information about the specific market that you chose. The goal here is to find
out as much necessary information as you can…to find out how deep you should drill and burrow to get to the goldmine. If you acquire this
kind of knowledge, your marketing efforts will be more focused and specialized.

Step # 2: Find Out the Current Stage of the Market

Bottomline: It is important to know the current stage of your target market. This will help you effectively plan your market attack. In
TREND MARKETS, you’ll be more effective if you penetrate the market as early as possible. Once a trend market reaches the
saturation stage, it’s hard to raise it back to life again.You have to move on to the next goldmine.

However, in PERMANENT MARKETS that are saturated, there are chances of “rekindling” the fire by entering any sub-niches within
the main market. AS permanent markets reach saturation stages, they are frequently replenished by new masses of people with similar
needs. This is why I like saturated permanent markets. Most people that have bought within them once, will buy again and again.
Focusing on Your Market
This is the part where you gather vital and advanced market information about the specific market that you chose. The goal here is to find
out as much necessary information as you can…to find out how deep you should drill and burrow to get to the goldmine. If you acquire this
kind of knowledge, your marketing efforts will be more focused and specialized.

Step # 3: Hear the Voice of the Customer (VOC)

A vital component of advanced market attack is to hear what your potential customers are actually saying. This will give you a clearer
idea of what they truly need, as opposed to guessing or assuming.Very often, people in the market actually express their preferences,
wants and needs through various marketing channels. The term used for this is VOICE OF THE CUSTOMER (or VOC).
Focusing on Your Market
This is the part where you gather vital and advanced market information about the specific market that you chose. The goal here is to find
out as much necessary information as you can…to find out how deep you should drill and burrow to get to the goldmine. If you acquire this
kind of knowledge, your marketing efforts will be more focused and specialized.

Step # 3: Hear the Voice of the Customer (VOC)

How To Discover The Voice Of The Customer (VOC)

By visiting key channels where customers in a given market hang out and express their thoughts and feelings, you can get a clear idea
of the Voice Of The Customer (VOC). Here is a sequence you can follow to find out the VOC for your market:

Go to Type keywords related to your niche and see which questions are currently being asked by people. List
down interesting questions.

Pick one or two popular products in your niche (either from Clickbank or CPA networks). Go to Google and search for
product reviews written about those well-known products.

Reading non-partisan reviews will help you find out what product benefits the customers are raving about.

You’ll also be able to discover what customers don’t like about the leading products in the market, and what particular features
they would like to see in future products.

Hang out in popular discussion forums in that market or industry. Look for discussion threads where consumers talk about their
experiences about well known products. Also, pay attention to threads that give clues as to what the market really prefers. This
way, you will learn about the benefits that people are willing to buy, as well as their primary objections.
You may want to start your own blog in that market. Often, it takes time to develop wide readership. However, this can truly
help you measure the “temperature” of the market you chose. It will also help you determine whether money is being made in
that market. For example, by displaying Google Ads on your niche blog, you will discover what type of advertisements pop out in
that niche, and how much is the average CPC.

As you gain wide readership, people who are part of your market will start posting feedback about your content. This should
help you gain access to the thoughts, feelings and desires of your market.
Focusing on Your Market
This is the part where you gather vital and advanced market information about the specific market that you chose. The goal here is to find
out as much necessary information as you can…to find out how deep you should drill and burrow to get to the goldmine. If you acquire this
kind of knowledge, your marketing efforts will be more focused and specialized.

Step # 4: Sort All the Data You Gathered

This is the fourth step to focusing on your market: gather all the data you have about that market (exhaustive keyword lists and
demographic profiles, market stats such as market size and number of competitors, market stage,Voice Of The Customer, etc).

If possible, keep your data organized. Put your keyword list in an Excel or CSV file. List down the most common questions that pop
up in industry forums. List down the benefits that consumers like about popular products, as well as major objections and unmet

You will need all these information in our next phase of advanced market attack, which is, NARROWING DOWN YOUR MARKET...
Narrowing Down Your Market
Now that you have gathered necessary information about your market, it’s now time for you to NARROW DOWN that market so
you can serve specific groups of people within it. This can be done by using a process called MARKET SEGMENTATION.

What is Market Segmentation? (You’ll hear me refer to this as “splintering” sometimes)

Market Segmentation is the process of dividing the market into specific customer groups according to demographics, type of needs,
product preference, and many other possible factors.

Why Is it Important to Narrow Down and Segment Your Market?

Every market is composed of different groups of people with slightly varying needs. To be dynamic in your marketing and effectively
communicate with your prospects, you need to understand these segments to formulate en effective market attack strategy. Besides
that, here are some reasons why market segmentation is necessary....
Narrowing Down Your Market
Now that you have gathered necessary information about your market, it’s now time for you to NARROW DOWN that market so
you can serve specific groups of people within it. This can be done by using a process called MARKET SEGMENTATION.

To study and assess the size of the market. Sometimes you will never truly realize how lucrative a market is until you segment it. For example, there
is market for weight loss products. But if you segment that market into smaller groups, you’ll realize how many customer groups exist within it
that needs to be served:

There are weight loss mothers, body builders, teens who want to lose weight, working professionals, models, people who want to lose weight
after pregnancy, weight loss enthusiasts, those who want to lose weight for a wedding, etc. Although all these people want to lose weight, they
want to do so for different reasons. You’ll never know how to effectively penetrate each customer group until you segment your market

To determine the market share of your competitors. When you are new to a niche market, knowing more about the top players will give you a future
edge. For example, if one of the leading sellers in your market are offering info products primarily to people below 30 years old and living in the
United States, you will discover that the market is comprised mainly of people in that age and location category. You will then be able to compete
effectively because you know which audience to target.

To understand the needs of each segment. As mentioned earlier, identifying segments within your market will help you understand varying needs of
people. Each market segment has a specific need that requires attention. If you understand these unique needs, you‘ll be able to offer varying
affiliate products to each market segment.

Formulate a different selling proposition for each segment. Each market segment in your niche may need a different approach. They will buy your
product for different reasons and wanted benefits. This is one of the major reasons why you should segment effectively. This will help you narrow
down on a few market segments that best describes you and what you offer. Or, if you want, you can choose to diversify by promoting a different
affiliate offer for each market segment
How to Segment Your Market
Step # 1: Identify Market Segments
The first thing you need to do is, of course, identify what segments exist within your market. DON’T create your own
criteria for market segmentation. Some CPA affiliates decide beforehand that they’ll divide their market in a certain way.
Don’t do this. Remember, you are somewhat literally BLIND about your market at this point. The best thing you can do
is to IDENTIFY existing segments within the market based on various techniques we will show you. Here’s a number of
things you can do:
How to Segment Your Market
Step # 1: Identify Market Segments
The first thing you need to do is, of course, identify what segments exist within your market. DON’T create your own
criteria for market segmentation. Some CPA affiliates decide beforehand that they’ll divide their market in a certain way.
Don’t do this. Remember, you are somewhat literally BLIND about your market at this point. The best thing you can do
is to IDENTIFY existing segments within the market based on various techniques we will show you. Here’s a number of
things you can do:

Use Google Analytics and Google trends to segment your market in terms of where the potential customers are
located. This is most commonly referred to as GEOGRAPHICAL SEGMENTATION. If you are already list-building in a
given niche, Google Analytics can help you do geographical segmentation. If you have no list and traffic yet, Google Trends
is your best bet (sometimes your CPA affiliate manager can provide you geographical information about the customers).
It is important that you identify all geographical market segments. List them down.

For example:
Geographical Market Segments:
1) Consumers From India (45%)
2) Consumers From Canada (27.5%),
3) Consumers from UK (18.56%)
In the above example, you were able to identify three or more market segments by simply dividing your market in terms of
geographical location. The next technique will help you uncover more market segments:
How to Segment Your Market
Step # 1: Identify Market Segments
The first thing you need to do is, of course, identify what segments exist within your market. DON’T create your own
criteria for market segmentation. Some CPA affiliates decide beforehand that they’ll divide their market in a certain way.
Don’t do this. Remember, you are somewhat literally BLIND about your market at this point. The best thing you can do
is to IDENTIFY existing segments within the market based on various techniques we will show you. Here’s a number of
things you can do:

Observe popular products in your market and notice if there are ones specifically aimed at a particular gender and
customer type.

This is called Gender and Customer Type Segmentation. By checking out other products and their target consumers
you’ll be able to find out if certain market segments exist.
For example, if three of the most popular products in your niche are “Time Management For Executives”, “Student’s
Guide To Managing Their Time”, and “Busy Working Mom’s Anti-Stress Manual”, you’ll be able to unlock three new market

1) Company executives
2) College Students
3) Busy Working Moms.
How to Segment Your Market
Step # 1: Identify Market Segments
The first thing you need to do is, of course, identify what segments exist within your market. DON’T create your own
criteria for market segmentation. Some CPA affiliates decide beforehand that they’ll divide their market in a certain way.
Don’t do this. Remember, you are somewhat literally BLIND about your market at this point. The best thing you can do
is to IDENTIFY existing segments within the market based on various techniques we will show you. Here’s a number of
things you can do:

Another technique is to create a TEST OPT-IN PAGE that has a survey on it.

The opt-in page promises to give some sort of free incentive, and the survey aims to uncover vital demographic info
about the website visitors. Thus, what we’re doing here is FULL DEMOGRAPHIC SEGMENTATION.

By doing this, you can uncover lots of other market segments, such as customer age groups, cities and states,
occupation, gender, etc. Don’t forget to sort out all the data you gathered after 100 survey participants or so.

I did this when creating Traffic BlackBook.

How to Segment Your Market
Step # 1: Identify Market Segments
The first thing you need to do is, of course, identify what segments exist within your market. DON’T create your own
criteria for market segmentation. Some CPA affiliates decide beforehand that they’ll divide their market in a certain way.
Don’t do this. Remember, you are somewhat literally BLIND about your market at this point. The best thing you can do
is to IDENTIFY existing segments within the market based on various techniques we will show you. Here’s a number of
things you can do:

Find out from which sites your traffic comes from.

What’s involved here is CHANNEL AND PREFERENCE SEGMENTATION. If you find out that majority of your website
visitors are coming from ARTICLE SITES, then you can consider that group as a market segment on its own.

The visitors who come from PPC ads can be classified as another market segment. Why? Because these two customer
groups have shown that they respond to two different mediums of promotion.

I’ve explained before that this is how I find targets for direct to site media buys.
How to Segment Your Market
Step # 1: Identify Market Segments
The first thing you need to do is, of course, identify what segments exist within your market. DON’T create your own
criteria for market segmentation. Some CPA affiliates decide beforehand that they’ll divide their market in a certain way.
Don’t do this. Remember, you are somewhat literally BLIND about your market at this point. The best thing you can do
is to IDENTIFY existing segments within the market based on various techniques we will show you. Here’s a number of
things you can do:

Now, observe personality types of consumers in your market.

By visiting forums, observe how people talk. Add some questions in your opt-in page survey like, “how do you feel about..”.
Sometimes, if you’re observant enough, you’ll notice some personality patterns within your market.

For example, if it’s the bad breath niche, you’ll notice that some people are shy, others are insecure, and others are just plain
desperate for a solution to their problem.

Grouping your market into personality types or patterns of behavior is called PSYCHOGRAPHIC SEGMENTATION..and
this is one aspect that needs thourough research.

This is how you learn how to speak your target markets language.
How to Segment Your Market
Step # 1: Identify Market Segments
The first thing you need to do is, of course, identify what segments exist within your market. DON’T create your own
criteria for market segmentation. Some CPA affiliates decide beforehand that they’ll divide their market in a certain way.
Don’t do this. Remember, you are somewhat literally BLIND about your market at this point. The best thing you can do
is to IDENTIFY existing segments within the market based on various techniques we will show you. Here’s a number of
things you can do:

Now, observe personality types of consumers in your market.

By visiting forums, observe how people talk. Add some questions in your opt-in page survey like, “how do you feel about..”.
Sometimes, if you’re observant enough, you’ll notice some personality patterns within your market.

For example, if it’s the bad breath niche, you’ll notice that some people are shy, others are insecure, and others are just plain
desperate for a solution to their problem.

Grouping your market into personality types or patterns of behavior is called PSYCHOGRAPHIC SEGMENTATION..and
this is one aspect that needs thourough research.

This is how you learn how to speak your target markets language.

Try to come up with a few other market segments and customer categories
on your own. After identifying as many market segments as you can, it’s
time to move on to the next step: Strategic Targeting.
How to Segment Your Market
Step # 2: Strategically Target Specific Market Segments
Now that you have come up with specific market segments, it’s time to MOVE IN and make your move. Of course, it’s a
bad idea to try to reach all market segments at once (although reaching all those segments should be your long term
goal). Ideally, what you want to do is to choose several market segments with a considerable amount of traffic and the
least amount of competition.

Here’s the sequence to target market segments:

1. Get your exhaustive keyword lists, market segment lists, and/or demographic lists.
How to Segment Your Market
Step # 2: Strategically Target Specific Market Segments
Now that you have come up with specific market segments, it’s time to MOVE IN and make your move. Of course, it’s a
bad idea to try to reach all market segments at once (although reaching all those segments should be your long term
goal). Ideally, what you want to do is to choose several market segments with a considerable amount of traffic and the
least amount of competition.

Here’s the sequence to target market segments:

1. Get your exhaustive keyword lists, market segment lists, and/or demographic lists.

Now….in each market segment, try to list down as many relevant keywords or demographics that you can (based
on your exhaustive keyword/demo lists).
For example, if the market segment is Weight Loss Moms, find relevant keywords about it which are written in your
exhaustive keyword list..such as weight loss tips for mothers, moms losing weight, how to lose weight after pregnancy,
atkins diet program for moms, etc…
Do this for each market segment in your list. If possible, keywords for each segment should amount to hundreds or
more. If doing demographics, find sites relevant to your demographic, as shown in the direct to site webinar.
How to Segment Your Market
Step # 2: Strategically Target Specific Market Segments
Now that you have come up with specific market segments, it’s time to MOVE IN and make your move. Of course, it’s a
bad idea to try to reach all market segments at once (although reaching all those segments should be your long term
goal). Ideally, what you want to do is to choose several market segments with a considerable amount of traffic and the
least amount of competition.

Here’s the sequence to target market segments:

1. Get your exhaustive keyword lists, market segment lists, and/or demographic lists.

Now….in each market segment, try to list down as many relevant keywords or demographics that you can (based
on your exhaustive keyword/demo lists).
For example, if the market segment is Weight Loss Moms, find relevant keywords about it which are written in your
exhaustive keyword list..such as weight loss tips for mothers, moms losing weight, how to lose weight after pregnancy,
atkins diet program for moms, etc…
Do this for each market segment in your list. If possible, keywords for each segment should amount to hundreds or
more. If doing demographics, find sites relevant to your demographic, as shown in the direct to site webinar.

Now, look at all those market segments and their relevant keywords.
How to Segment Your Market
Step # 2: Strategically Target Specific Market Segments
Now that you have come up with specific market segments, it’s time to MOVE IN and make your move. Of course, it’s a
bad idea to try to reach all market segments at once (although reaching all those segments should be your long term
goal). Ideally, what you want to do is to choose several market segments with a considerable amount of traffic and the
least amount of competition.

Here’s the sequence to target market segments:

1. Get your exhaustive keyword lists, market segment lists, and/or demographic lists.

Now….in each market segment, try to list down as many relevant keywords or demographics that you can (based
on your exhaustive keyword/demo lists).
For example, if the market segment is Weight Loss Moms, find relevant keywords about it which are written in your
exhaustive keyword list..such as weight loss tips for mothers, moms losing weight, how to lose weight after pregnancy,
atkins diet program for moms, etc…
Do this for each market segment in your list. If possible, keywords for each segment should amount to hundreds or
more. If doing demographics, find sites relevant to your demographic, as shown in the direct to site webinar.

Now, look at all those market segments and their relevant keywords.

Choose one or two market segments which has the highest amount of traffic with the least amount of market
How to Segment Your Market
Step # 2: Strategically Target Specific Market Segments
Now that you have come up with specific market segments, it’s time to MOVE IN and make your move. Of course, it’s a
bad idea to try to reach all market segments at once (although reaching all those segments should be your long term
goal). Ideally, what you want to do is to choose several market segments with a considerable amount of traffic and the
least amount of competition.

Here’s the sequence to target market segments:

1. Get your exhaustive keyword lists, market segment lists, and/or demographic lists.

Now….in each market segment, try to list down as many relevant keywords or demographics that you can (based
on your exhaustive keyword/demo lists).
For example, if the market segment is Weight Loss Moms, find relevant keywords about it which are written in your
exhaustive keyword list..such as weight loss tips for mothers, moms losing weight, how to lose weight after pregnancy,
atkins diet program for moms, etc…
Do this for each market segment in your list. If possible, keywords for each segment should amount to hundreds or
more. If doing demographics, find sites relevant to your demographic, as shown in the direct to site webinar.

Now, look at all those market segments and their relevant keywords.

Choose one or two market segments which has the highest amount of traffic with the least amount of market

Choose CPA/affiliate offers that cater to your chosen market segments to target.
How to Segment Your Market
Step # 2: Strategically Target Specific Market Segments
Now that you have come up with specific market segments, it’s time to MOVE IN and make your move. Of course, it’s a
bad idea to try to reach all market segments at once (although reaching all those segments should be your long term
goal). Ideally, what you want to do is to choose several market segments with a considerable amount of traffic and the
least amount of competition.

Here’s the sequence to target market segments:

6. Take the keywords related to your chosen market segments and INSERT THEM strategically in your website content,
your online articles, your blogs and marketing pieces. Developing the content can take weeks or months…or you can make
it part of your regular marketing routine. If you’re using traffic channels outside of Google and their quality score, you might
not need to make a bunch of pages and articles. However, using these keywords in your landers and ad copy can improve
your click through rates and increase your chances for conversions. Again, speak your markets language.

If you’re doing PPC, you’ll want to target these same keywords in your PPC campaigns of course.

The bottom line here is, craft all your marketing materials, landers, ads, everything you can around the needs and language of
the people in your chosen market segments. This connects the dots from ad all the way to the offer.

For product and offer owners, you have control of your product page of course. For example, my partner and I have a
fitness product coming out. We have a few different entrance pages each one addressing a different market segment. So from
the ad, to the page, to the offer, its a perfectly segmented funnel.
How to Segment Your Market
Step # 3: Market Positioning
What you’re going to do now is to position your brand in the market effectively, so that trust and loyalty towards your
products are established. Positioning has something to do with influencing the minds of consumers so that they are able
to differentiate you from a sea of competing brands and products. For example, doing direct site buys on several tightly
niched sites in the "new mothers" market will establish your brand more solidly in the browsers mind.
How to Segment Your Market
Step # 3: Market Positioning
What you’re going to do now is to position your brand in the market effectively, so that trust and loyalty towards your
products are established. Positioning has something to do with influencing the minds of consumers so that they are able
to differentiate you from a sea of competing brands and products. For example, doing direct site buys on several tightly
niched sites in the "new mothers" market will establish your brand more solidly in the browsers mind.

Some ideas for market positioning:

Trust and goodwill from potential consumers are built through time.
Improving your site design, logo, and content will increase market perception and will cause people to think
favorably towards you.
Make it a point to be seen in KEY SITES within the industry. If there are blogs with good reputation and high traffic
amounts within your market, do everything you can to make a guest post, put a solo ad, or banner ad in that site.
Sometimes all you have to do is email the site owner, or better yet, call them on the phone. At the right price, you
can negotiate the terms so that you can make an appearance on their site. This is both an advertising and public
relations move. Again, this comes down to affinity as discussed in the direct to site video. I love this strategy.
If you have a growing list, strike joint ventures with well-known sellers within your niche.
Give onlookers and website visitors a BIGGER PIECE OF THE ACTION. This means, give them free stuff that’s truly
valuable for them and will solve their problems. This reciprocity will build goodwill among prospects and solidify their
connection with you.
How to Sell to The Same People Over and Over
I just wanted to quickly discuss stacking offers long term.
The key to having a huge long term profit potential is segment your market effectively, then “stack”
your offers in such a way that you sell varying products to each segment over time.
For example, if you are saturating the “freelance writers” market, there are several products that
you can offer them through time:
Info products on how to succeed in freelancing
Freelance subscription memberships
Website domain services (to help them promote themselves as freelancers)
List Building Tools (to help them get new clients)

The fact is, you can make a lot of money if you establish trust and rapport with your list.
Understanding each market segment and their needs will help you serve your entire range of
customers more effectively. As you reach more potential consumers and sell them more and more
stuff that helps make their life easier, your Lifetime Customer Value will also increase and your
affiliate income will soar to greater heights.

If you’re going to be building lists to position yourself in a market, then you must treat your list
right, and this includes pitching offers that actually benefit them. No, it’s not the only way to make a
lot of money online, but it’s the most pertinent to this section. Yes, you can make great money with
rebills and fake article pages, but you’re not building an asset, you’re just doing arbitrage, which only
really pays off long term when you’re driving extreme volume.

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