Bandwidth and UWB Antennas

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Blessed is He in Whose hand is the Sovereignty, and, He has power over all things.

(1)Who created life and death so that He may test you which of you is best in conduct;
and He is the Mighty, the Forgiving, (2) Who created seven heavens in harmony. You
can see no fault in the Beneficent One's creation; then look again: Can you see any
rifts? (3)
Chapter 2

Asst Prof Dr. Zeeshan Zahid

“Range of frequencies within which performance of
an antenna with respect to some characteristic
conforms to a specified standard”
Gain, efficiency, side lobe level, polarization
Famous are matching and gain bandwidth
Broadband antenna bandwidth described in ratio of
upper to lower freq. (e.g. 40:1)
Antennas having B.W. > 500 MHz are called UWB
Narrow band antenna described in %age of B.W
%B.W= (fH-fL)/fo ×100
Antenna chars. don’t vary in similar manner
Pattern Bandwidth, Impedance Bandwidth
Asst Prof Dr. Zeeshan Zahid, EE 344, MCS
(Matching BW)

“Curve traced by the tip of time varying E-field
vector at a point in space”
Types are linear, circular and elliptic

Asst Prof Dr. Zeeshan Zahid, EE 344, MCS
Linear Polarization: If E-field vector at a point in
space is always oriented along the straight line.
(1) have only 1 component
(2) or two orthog. components in phase or at nπ

Circular Polarization: If E-field vector traces a circle

at a point. Field must have
(1) 2 orthogonal components
(2) both should have same mag.
(3) phase diff. of odd multiple of π/2

(Crossed dipole antenna)

Asst Prof Dr. Zeeshan Zahid, EE 344, MCS
Elliptically Polarized: If E-field vector traces ellipse in
(1) Must have two orthog. components
(2) Can be of same and diff. magnitudes
(3) Phase diff ≠ 0,180, (2n+1)π/2 (for same mag.)
Axial ratio AR = (major axis/minor axis) (1≤AR≤ ∞)

Asst Prof Dr. Zeeshan Zahid, EE 344, MCS
Antenna polarization determined in Tx mode ρa
Polarization mismatch
Co polarization & cross polarization
If incident E field is Ei = ρw Ei
Antenna E field polarization is Ea = ρaEa
PLF = |ρa . ρw|2 = Cos2(ψp) [0 – 1]
Polarization efficiency is defined as pe = Pgiven/Pco-pol

E field of incident wave is E = axEo(x,y)e-jkz. It is
incident on antenna having E = (ax+ay)E(r,θ,φ). Find
For incident wave ρw=ax
For antenna ρa = √½ (ax + ay)
PLF = |ρw . ρa|2 = ½
PLFdB = -3 dB

Solve example 2.12 yourself

Asst Prof Dr. Zeeshan Zahid, EE 344, MCS
“Ratio of current & voltage at antenna terminals”
ZA = RA + j XA = (RL+Rr) + j XA
Zg = Rg + j Xg
Ig = Vg/(ZA+Zg)

(Antenna directly connected with source)

Asst Prof Dr. Zeeshan Zahid, EE 344, MCS
Explanation by reaction concept
When current flows in R, voltage is created in
In phasor form, (V I*) is power and (V I) is reaction
When antenna is excited with a current source,
opposite E field is created in reaction

Reaction of antenna is  J E dv

 J E dv
Zin is defined as Zin = v
I Eq (8.57a)

Asst Prof Dr. Zeeshan Zahid, EE 344, MCS

Power dissipated by gener. = Pg = ½ |Ig|2 Rg
Power radiated by antenna = Pr = ½ |Ig|2 Rr
Power dissipated as heat = Pa = ½ |Ig|2 RL
Condition of conjugate matching
Rr + RL = Rg; XA = -Xg; (½ Pin → antenna)
Power dissipated under conjugate matching
| Vg |2  Rr 
Pr   2
Pg  Pr  PL
8  (Rr  RL ) 
| Vg |  1 

| Vg | 
RL  Pg   
PL   2
8  Rr  RL 
8  (Rr  RL ) 
Asst Prof Dr. Zeeshan Zahid, EE 344, MCS
The same discussion can be repeated in Rx mode
Half of captured power is delivered to antenna
terminals under conjugate matching
Remaining half is scattered by antenna
Zin is function of frequency (matching bandwidth)

Asst Prof Dr. Zeeshan Zahid, EE 344, MCS
The End

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