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A. Describe the characteristics of Quantitative Research in terms of its nature, sample size and
data analysis by completing the table. Below are the given options for your reference.
 Smaller Size
 Large Sample
 It is concerned on discovering facts about a certain phenomenon.
 It is concerned with understanding human behavior from the informant’s perspective.
 Data are collected through observation/ interview.
 Data are collected through survey instrument.

Characteristics Quantitative Research

1. Nature/Objective The nature of quantitative research lies within
its empirical and systematic investigation to
describe certain phenomena and generalize
the situations that human beings experience.
Its objective is also to understand numerous
situations from a human perspective with the
utilization of questions that are structured, and
defined, and the one that sought close-ended
and clear answers from the respondents, that
favors the majority.
2. Sample Size Quantitative research seeks a very large
population as its starting point for the
conduction of research. For samples, it includes
a large number of respondents as samples to
make a generalization regarding the situation
that happens in that area.
3. Data Analysis One thing that makes quantitative research
different from qualitative is its ability to use
numbers, statistical methods, and
computational techniques as means of
analyzing and interpreting the data gathered.
For accuracy, it can also be repeated many
times as long as it verifies the data gathered as
something that can be proven true or accurate.

B. Quantitative research is a systematic process of collecting and interpreting numerical data using
statistical treatment to explain a certain phenomenon or problem. Using the table below, fill in the
strength and weaknesses of Quantitative Research. Identify at least 2 in terms of results of the study,
time in the conduct of the study and logistics.

1. It is free from the biased opinions of  A large number of respondents may be
people as it is objective in nature. It is a weakness of quantitative research as it
also not based on mere intuitions or out- is sometimes not attainable to be done
of-whim guesses; though hypothesis, an in a certain amount of time. Also,
educated guess, is utilized by the having a lot of respondents may cause
researchers to seek the answers they errors and outliers, which may lead to
want for a problem they are trying to an inaccurate or uncertain presentation
solve. of data.
2. It can be repeated for the verification  Quantitative research, especially the
and confirmation of the data if the experimental research design, requires a
gathered information is accurate and huge amount of money to be done.
true to the source. This is done mostly Thousands of money will be extracted
in experimental research design for out of the pockets, to further sustain the
further analysis of the data if it follows materials, equipment, laboratories, fare,
the desired rate or if there are no questionnaires, etc. needed just to finish
mistakes done while conducting the the study.
3. The method of analyzing the data makes  This type of research cannot dwell
it easier for the researchers to conclude deeper on sensitive issues around the
a situation and generalize findings environment, as a lot of people will take
based on the results, as it is done that in a negative way, therefore
systematically and methodically. thinking that they are being targeted,
which is not the goal of the research.
4. The questions are well-defined, well-  Generalization of ideas is not
structured, and do not need unnecessary convenient on issues that tackle the
information that will not help the different experiences of every people.
research, which might cause an error in The richness of data that will be
the calculation and leads to confusion gathered from here will destroy the
among the researchers. structured and statistical means of
analysis as the answer cannot be sought
and the results will be incomplete and
not satisfy completely the study.
5. Through quantitative research, an easier  The data gathered have the tendency to
understanding of the huge amount of be inaccurate and incomplete, given the
important characteristics of the data outside factors that the researchers may
gathered, which went through a lot of or may not have the control to stop or
processes in order to be analyzed, is further implement which affected the
attained. This will help for easier variables in the study. Additionally,
comprehension among common people wrong input of data or mistakes while
who also wish to understand the nature undergoing statistical treatment are also
of the study conducted. the roots of the inaccuracy of the data.

Write a short paragraph (with a minimum of 50 and maximum of 70 words) that discusses the
importance of quantitative research relative to Covid-19 Pandemic.
Quantitative research relies heavily on the usage of numbers to interpret and analyze data;
therefore, concluding it to a piece of information that everyone will be able to comprehend. Therefore,
this is relevant in collecting, tallying, and keeping the track of the number of cases that are all affected
by the pandemic. This also helps in developing vaccines and keeping under maintenance the treatment
for people who caught the disease.


A. Direction: Check the column that speaks of the quality of the given quantitative research
problem. State the reason/s why you answer the specific option.


What are the thoughts NO. YES. The ‘variables’ measured
and feelings of Filipinos in this problem cannot be
about the government obtained using numerical
programs to solve the means. Therefore it is
problems due to the more suited to the
COVID-19 pandemic? qualitative type of
research, rather than the
quantitative type.
What percentage of YES. NO. It asks for the number or
Filipinos find the rate of the Filipinos
programs appropriate? deemed the situation
appropriate. It can be
measured using statistical
means, therefore it is
How many find the YES. NO. The problem asks for the
programs number of people that
unrealistic/cannot solve finds the program
the problem? unrealistic, it is
measurable and statistical
means can be utilized.
Therefore, quantitative
research can be utilized in
this research problem.
Does their ideas can NO. YES. The research problem is
change throughout the vague and too broad.
What are the aspects do YES. NO. The problem seeks for
Filipino think the information that may help
government lack in the country in response to
solving the problems pandemic. It generalizes
due to the COVID-19 the perspectives of the
pandemic? Filipinos so it can be
under quantitative
research method.
What are the specific YES. NO. The research problem
programs of the aims for answers that are
government do Filipino specific and measurable.
think that are
How does the pandemic NO. YES. The problem calls for the
affected their way of experience of the people
living? and it is not specific
enough to determine the
things that the researchers
intend to measure.

B. Direction: Applying on what you have learned on this module, state your own quantitative
research problem and formulate a set of research questions about your research problem.
Note: A research topic relevant/responsive to our situation right now is highly
encouraged. Mention also the advantages or benefits of your study. Present or
exchange your idea with your classmate and critique one another’s research problem
and questions.

Possible Title: The Proportionality Between the Chosen Strand and the Skills and
Interests of the Selected Grade 12 Students of Dasmariñas Integrated High School

Background/Description: With the implementation of the K-12 program raised by the

Department of Education in 2016, Junior High School students have to take another 2
years in high school to enhance their skills and abilities, as well as to prepare them for
either taking the professional route or pursuing a college degree program they are
interested with. A common problem arises from this for the students who do not know
what to pursue between their passion or skills and the practicality of the real world.
Through the means of the statements said above, the study wants to find out the
decision made by the students, whether they have chosen the track they are suited to
and passionate about or the ones that they are forced to pick. The factors that led them
to the verdict, as well as the level of influence of the skills and interests that the
students utilized to form their decision in choosing their strand, are also the objective of
the researchers. Furthermore, it also seeks to know if there is a significant difference
between the chosen strand and the skills and interests of the students and if they are
aligned with each other or not.

Possible Objective: This study aims to determine if there is a significant relationship

between the skills and interests of the Grade 12 students of DIHS to their strands. It
also seeks to know the factors that made the students choose their strand, even if it is
not aligned, and how they influenced their decision to determine the strand they will

Scope: Grade 12 students who study under the Academic Track offered by the
Dasmariñas Integrated High School

Possible SOPs:
1. What are the strands of the selected Grade 12 students of DIHS?
2. What are the factors that influenced the selected Grade 12 students to choose their
currently enrolled strand?
3. What is the level of influence of the factors that made the Grade 12 students
choose their currently enrolled strand?
4. What are the skills of the selected Grade 12 students of DIHS?
5. What are the interests of the selected Grade 12 students of DIHS?
6. What is the level of awareness of the students on the alignment of their chosen
course to their skills and interests?
7. Is there a significant difference between the alignment of the students’ strands to
their interests and skills?

Significance: It will promote better decision-making among students who are nearing
the completion of junior high school.


ACTIVITY 1. Identifying Variables

This research ascertained the role of motivational style (extrinsic, intrinsic, amotivational) as
predictors of behavioral persistence in a real-life setting. At the beginning of the academic year,
1,042 first term students enrolled in a compulsory college course completing a scale assessing
motivation toward academic activities. Results showed that students who were more intrinsically
motivated persisted more than those who were extrinsically motivated or amotivated. Results are
discussed in light of Doci and Ryan’s self-determination model.
1. What is (are) the independent variable(s)?
a. Motivational Styles
2. What were the levels of the independent variables?
a. Extrinsic, Intrinsic, and Amotivational
3. What is (are) the dependent variable(s)?
a. Behavioral Persistence
4. What theory was tested?
a. The role of motivational style as predictors of behavioral persistence in a real-life
5. What were the results?
a. Students who were more intrinsically motivated persisted more than those who
were extrinsically motivated or amotivated.

ACTIVITY 2. Determining What Variables Are

Direction: Based on the description that a variable represents a measurable attribute that
changes or varies as a result of change that happens to the other variable, select words from
the list of sentences that you think qualify as variables and write them in the box provided.
Some sentences comprise of more than one variable.

1. Sea level is rising at an increasing rate.  Sea Level

2. Rising global average temperature is  Average Temperature
associated with widespread changes in  Change in Weather Patterns
weather patterns.
3. Everyone has a mix of learning styles.  Learning Styles
4. Mental illnesses are among the most  Mental Illnesses
common health conditions in the  Health Conditions
United States.
5. Inadequate study time is a factor to  Inadequate Study Time
poor academic performance of  Academic Performance

ACTIVITY 3. Identifying the Kinds of Variables from the Given Examples

Direction: The following are research titles consisting of two or more variables. Variables are
underlined for you; you just have to identify whether the underlined variables are independent,
dependent, confounding/extraneous, or intervening. Write your answers on the box below.


1. Understanding the  Self-esteem  Independent
Relationship Between  Self-clarity Variable
Self-esteem and Self-  Dependent
clarity Variable
2. Perceived  Perceived  Independent Variable
Effectiveness of Effectiveness of  Dependent Variable
Smartphones in Smartphones
Distance Learning  Grade School Parents
Among Grade School
3. Consumption of Junk  Consumption of Junk  Independent Variable
Foods Among Foods  Dependent Variable
Teenagers  Teenagers
4. Impact of Technology  Technology  Independent Variable
in Genetic  Genetic Engineering  Dependent Variable
5. Demographic Trends  Demographic Trends  Independent Variable
Among Locally  Locally Stranded  Dependent Variable
Stranded Individuals Individuals

Activity 4. Application
Pick two of the variables below and combine them together in terms of their relationship or
possible cause-and-effect. Encircle the two variables that you choose. After selecting and
combining, try to explore the connection between them and determine other factors that may
possibly intervene in the outcome.

Family income Blood pressure Anxiety Levels

Examination score Number of COVID-19 cases Socio-economic status
Food intake Job satisfaction Nursing intervention
Rapid recovery Management style Breastfeeding duration
Study style Parenting style Teaching Style

Write your analysis here.

The study style and examination score are the variables that I picked that I deemed to
have a relationship with each other. It is likely that the study style may affect the scores
obtained by the students on an exam, given that there are a lot of study methods; however, it is
also possible that the student did not study at all for the upcoming test. For that reason, the
study style is the independent variable and the examination score is the dependent variable as
different study styles can affect and are the ones that affect the score of the students in an
exam. However, intervening variables may appear, such as the Intelligence Quotient or IQ of the
students and the amount of time they spent studying. These are the intervening variables that
may affect the dependent variable that is completely out of the control of the researchers.

ACTIVITY 5. Reflection
Assess variables you have included in your research title. Explain if these variables can be
measured, e.g., family income is measured in terms of peso.

The variables included in our research title are the different period products available in
the market (Independent variable) and the knowledge of Grade 12 female students of the DIHS.
The different period products are measurable, as each type of period product is unique on its
own and usually, only 7 types of period products are known as of the recent time. It is also the
independent variable for the reason that other variables cannot affect it and is the main thing
that is constant throughout the study. Therefore, it is measurable and can be compared to each
other to find the statistical differences between them in terms of how frequently the students
use these products, with the utilization of the Likert Scale (Never, Rarely, Sometimes, Often,
and Always). Also, it is measured as one (1) type of period product.

The next one, the knowledge of Grade 12 female students is the dependent variable for
the reason that the existence of different period products affects the knowledge and perception
of the female students. The knowledge differs throughout time in accordance with the presence
of a new matter presented to them. For this, the dependent variable is also measurable. With
the use of statistical methods and computations, such as the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) or T-
Test, the level of awareness of the students can be gathered, which will be able to formulate the
results in an attempt to generalize and conclude the existing data and results as the perception
of all the students regarding the period products. It will be measured using the Likert Scale,
utilizing the levels of “fully not aware, aware, neither aware nor not aware, and fully aware”.

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