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Name: Janzen Clarisse C. Estimada
Grade/Section: STEM 12-A [Set B]

This includes 2 Home-Based Activities which are: The Mango Activity (20
points) from Week 3 PPT and the Fact and Opinion Activity (20 points) from
Week 4 PPT.

The Mango Activity

Take a look at this photo. Following the two statements to

be given, and based on your observation, which statement

is TRUE, the first one or the second one? Why?

1. Indian mango is best eaten with spicy bagoong.

Chili is one trademark for Bicolanos.
2. It seems not so spicy because it only has a few

When one scrutinizes the picture clearly, the first statement proves
to be the statement that is deemed to be true. This is because the second
statement is more inclined to the idea of it being an opinion since it says
that it seems not spicy, even though there are a lot of chilis presented in
the picture. Additionally, the degree of spiciness varies from person to
person; one may not feel the chili's hot and peppery flavor from that amount,
but others will sense that their tongue is burning and therefore cannot
tolerate spicy foods, even the smallest amount. This is because everybody
has unique 5 senses that make it not the same for everyone since that’s what
makes people different and ideally distinct from each other. Furthermore,
the statement is also inaccurate with its word “few” which is not the case
in the picture. One may observe that there are a lot of chilis, which backs
up the inaccuracy of the statement and observation — which is totally
dependent on the person. The word ‘seem’ also conveys the idea that it is
being expressed in an opinionated manner, through the help of the speaker’s
or writer’s point of view. Therefore, the second statement is an opinion in
a matter of (1) the idea of it as it was being expressed, (2) the degree of
spiciness as it is different from person to person, and (3) the utilization
and choice of vocabulary.

This leaves the first statement to be true, regardless of how it sounds

and perfectly fits under the example category of opinion statements. It may
be an opinion due to its word phrasing and vocabulary. The word “best” is
stated in a subjective form, which is a characteristic of an opinion.
However, the first statement is true in a manner that through observation,
the Indian mango in the picture is presented with chili; therefore,
solidifying the statement that it is ‘best eaten with chili’. This proves
the accuracy and proportionality of the statement and the picture. Also, the
first statement further made a claim that chili is a trademark of Bicolanos,
as they are known for liking spicy foods. For this, the first statement is
true because (1) the statements supported the picture, (2) the accuracy and
proportionality of the two, and (3) the clam “chili is a trademark of

Processing Questions
1. Have you easily identified which of the statements are true? Why?

- Yes. This is because I recognized others’ thinking and feelings,

especially on the topic is spicy food. I am someone that loves
spicy and hot foods and I totally get it if others cannot tolerate
what I am eating. This totally opposes the idea of statement number
2, which says that it is not spicy at all even if there are already
a lot of chilies present in the picture. Everyone has unique traits
and characteristics, thus that one thing that may be true for you
may not be the same for all — which is something that all should
realize, the idea and beliefs of other people, like putting oneself
in the shoes of others. That is why I easily identified which of
the statements are true because the statement that is false happens
to me, and therefore can be deemed that it is not true.

2. Which of the statements do you believe is true with others but not
true for you? Why?

- I perceive that the second sentence of the first statement may be

true for others but not for me. It is due to the reason that it
does not add up to the cohesion of the statements, and it feels
like it is just there for nothing, as it literally came out from
nowhere. For me, the statement is hard to comprehend and understand
since the second statement is not connected to the picture and the
first statement, as it lacks more words to further explain the
statement, which is the reason that it may be true to others and
at some point, but it is not the case here when speaking about the
cohesion of statements.

3. How would you feel if you found out that there are statements that are
true to others but not true to you? Explain your answer.

- Mixed emotions would cloud all over my heart and confusion would
reign over my head. I may be open to some criticisms and accept the
fact that I am on the wrong side, but it is still heavy on the
feeling that what I have thought for so long is not the true idea
for someone else. As someone who is sometimes ‘prideful’ of her
beliefs, this will be hard to accept for me, and will try to argue
my belief, present my claims, evidence, and facts to support my
idea, and try to convince others that my idea is the correct one
and not the other way around. This is how I would normally act if
there are statements that are true to others but not true to me.
However, I would still try to respect and accept them for it is the
way of human conduct. Even if I may uncomfortable with it, I would
just brush it off and call it a day.

Fact and Opinion

To illustrate on how we evaluate truth from opinions in different
situations using the methods of philosophizing, answer the following as
home-based activity. Direction: Read each item carefully then identify if
the statement expresses truth & opinion. Write the word/s that make/s the
statement an opinion.

1. The Department of Education implemented blended learning in

order to safeguard the welfare of the students and the teachers.
a. The statement is truth because it is objective in a way
that a government agency, specifically the Department of
Education, implemented blended learning.
b. The statement is an opinion because the phrase “to
safeguard the welfare” is written in a subjective manner,
which concerns the opinion of everyone regarding the
matter. Also, it is expressed as an idea of the people and
can be possibly not proven true.

2. I think one of the struggles of the parents in blended learning

is the cost of the internet.
a. The statement is truth because it did not generalize all
the struggles that the parents are experiencing.
Additionally, the phrase “one of the struggles of the
parents in blended learning is the cost of the internet”
as it is very evident and reflected on our environment and
in our country which fails to provide the necessity that a
student needs.
b. The statement is an opinion because of the phrase “I
think”, which uses personal pronouns, thereby not a
construction of a formal writing and not constitutes as an
objective point of view, which a true statement contains.

3. Ibalong Festival is the most festive and extravagant cultural
event among the Bicolanos.
a. The statement is truth because it is stated by the
Bicolanos, who themselves celebrate the said festival.
b. The statement is an opinion because of the word “most”
which is again, a word that is in subjective form as it is
being compared to others, as well as the word itself is

4. Almost all industries are suffering from economic loss due to

the COVID-19 pandemic.
a. The statement is truth because statistics in news and
research already concluded it, as well as the effect of
the loss on the country, can be noticed arguably by almost
all educated citizens.
b. The statement is an opinion because of the phrasing of
the words as it is actually inclining to the subjective
side of the statement. The phrase “almost all industries”
is subjective as it cannot be measured and is written in a
biased form.

5. The earth rested from pollution for more than two months. This
is one good thing that happened during this pandemic.
a. The statement is truth because the first statement is based
on a fact that is very evident and can be noticed all over
the world, as well as it can be backed up by research.
b. The statement is an opinion because of the choice of words
in the second statement, the “one good thing” like it is
used in a casual voice and not in a formal one, making it
an opinion.

6. The Taal Volcano eruption caused damage to properties in Laguna

and Batangas area.
a. The statement is truth because it can be measured through
statistical means and is perceived by a lot of people since
it is evident enough for the citizens to see.
b. The statement is an opinion because of the phrase “damage
to properties in Laguna”. It may seem legitimate at first,
but Taal Volcano is only located in Batangas, and even if
it really caused damage to Laguna, it would be the air
around it and properties, with an s, would not be included.
For this, it is an opinion as hyperbole is used for
exaggerating the statement, as well as the inaccuracy in
the landscape of the country.

7. The ordinary workers clamor for help during the pandemic.

a. The statement is truth because news regarding the statement
is widely known to the common people.
b. The statement is an opinion because of the word “clamor”
as it is written in a descriptive and subjective way, as
it is only based on the observation of a person.

8. I believe that some front liners are more susceptible to the
virus because they are more exposed than others who are fighting
the contagion.
a. The statement is truth because it contains pieces of
evidence that back up the claim and further research
already said the same thing.
b. The statement is an opinion because of the word “I believe”
which talks about how it is only formed based on his/her
observation and is purely subjective, from the usage of a
personal pronoun.

9. The new normal requires social distancing and wearing protective

masks when outside.
a. The statement is truth due to the fact that it is proven
already by various healthcare professionals and agencies.
b. The statement is an opinion because the idea of the
statement is still inclined toward the phrase “social
distancing” which cannot be perceived in the new normal of
these past few months.

10. The Inter-Agency Task Force (IATF) is the leading agency

in fighting COVID-19 in the Philippines.
a. The statement is truth because it can be backed up by facts
and shreds of evidence. The IATF is an agency, without a
doubt, that fights COVID-19 here in the country.
b. The statement is an opinion because of the word “leading”
which is very opinionated and biased as it may only be
leading to some and not all.

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