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Cô Moon : So that these young people can turn over a new leaf not only because of the mistakes of

their childhood, but also cause great consequences for the future and maybe reduce their crimes while
in detention. will be able to recognize their mistakes and correct them for a brighter future. It's never
too late to start over and don't let prison be a place to bury your youth!

Joo Khoai Tây :  It is true that children lack the maturity and experience to always distinguish
between right and wrong. Therefore, they may sometimes make choices that lead to
involvement in criminal activities. It is important for parents, caregivers, and educators to
provide guidance, support, and mentorship so that children can learn to make responsible
decisions and avoid negative influences, as this can help them detect any signs of trouble early
on. Additionally, the legal system also provides measures such as juvenile justice programs
aimed at preventing young people from engaging in criminal activities and helping those who
have already done so to reform and reintegrate into society. Overall, it is everyone's
responsibility to help prevent juvenile delinquency and ensure that young people are given the
resources and opportunities they need to succeed in life.

MTRANGGGG : Several persons under the age of 18 are currently involved in 18 attempted
murders, the transportation of illegal substances, and other crimes, indicating that they are still
aware of these issues at this young age. they are aware of this, but the majority of them still
believe they are children. Although the future is bright, they will become more dependent and
stubborn if they believe they are still in "that age" and will act accordingly. We need to teach
them lessons that they must pay the price for their actions, not raise the age at which criminal
penalties can be imposed.

Ha Hankie
Raising the age will not stop such a crime being committed, nor the causes of it – it just means
no one will be held accountable
-> UNFAIR to the victims, victim’s fam,..
Raising to age 24 -> even more ridiculous since they:
+) Have the full ability to acknowledge their actions (not a minor)
are definitely educated about morality and humanities
> Quite clear that the crimes that they do are intentional
+) More aware of the consequences than children
Consequences: quite scary
Have the audacity to commit a crime -> not afraid of repercussions
+) Prone to be menaces of society
People at this age are adults => more aggressive
Addressing causes and consequences of youth crime is what may actually assist young people in
not offending
Cannot keep getting away with things => encourage criminals to do more evil to society
(including violence, abuse, even up to murder) - either: to get what they want/ for their
abhorrent pleasure and twisted minds
14-16: go into rehabilitation (giving them another chance since they’re still young)
over 17: criminals records all the way

!!nothing is ever harsh or too much if justice is served!!

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