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Elementary Students’ Book PCa =i. Jane Comyns Carr AMM SOL eae Pe SVAN ao Grr (EE 1 Person 2person | 6-7 —_| fo be: affirmative and negative | Possessive adjectives ‘8-9 | fo ber questions Countries and nationalities | - (OAT [Possessives Family members 113 Describing photos Exams link People 2 What a day! T4156 | Present Simple: affirmative and negative 16-17 | Present Simple: questions “18-19 = Dates and prepositions of time — 20-21 Celebrations Exams tink Family and social lite 22-23, = 3 Looks good 24-25 Possessions 26-27 “Adjectives of appearance and personality Order of adjectives 28-29 30-31 Exams link People 4 Work Jobs: ‘ Collocations connected with jobs _ a5 | Dictionary skills teas Ih Jobs 36-37 can for ability | _Object pronouns 38-39 Jobs Exams tink Work 40-41 Exams Revision 21 Units 3 and 4 a 5 My place SAB) there iothere are: all forms: Rooms and furniture ‘some and any with countable nouns; Irregular plural nouns = co el sa “IG47 Articles: a/an, the, no article Prepositions of place | | Kitchen objects. (4849 Directions Exams link Home “6 Eatupl Countable and uncountable nouns Food Food 5455 | How much/How many... ? | Containers and prices a lot of, not much, not many = 50-57 Exams link Food 58-59 __Bvams Revision 31 Units 5 and 6 Reading PST 7 Dialogues Phone conversations Personal blog: talking about photos of family and friends True/Palse pl Carol ‘alking about her uuswal day (Owen and Kate doing a questionnaire “Article: Manchester Reading skils: Understanding the main ideas p.18 Matching headings p.18 ‘TruerFalse p.20 Matching p20 ~ Dialogue: Talking about = people : | Ata party, ‘Article: Pets and their owners Matching p.30 Multiple choice p29 Article: The world of work Sandra talking about her abilities Interviews about jobs Listening skils: Understanding the main ideas p.38 Matching p.34 Matching p.38 Personal eral Extract from a story: Dino's Day Reading skils: Preciicting, ppsds Phone conversation giving directions s in the fridge? Ratlio phone-in Listening skis: Predicting p.52 On the phone Roleplay: Deseribing a farnily Deseribing a photo pp.12-13 Roleplay: Describing people p.13. Asking and answering about activities ‘Talking about you wn ‘Speak Out: Preferences Giving information p20 sking for and giving information ‘Speak Out: Describing people — Describing possessions sribing people p27 Asking and answering bet jobs ‘Your preferred job. ‘Talking about ability — Speak Out; Permission Asking for and giving information p.33 ‘Talking about flats/houses ‘Talking about places to visit Deseribing a room ‘Speak Out: Directions Roleplay: Asking for and aiving directions p.49, Discussing good and bad food Healthy and unhealthy habits Containers and prices ‘Speak Out: Buying food and rink Roleplay: Asking for and siving information in shops p.56 Capital letters Greetings cards Wiring skis: Greetings cards p21 Email Writing skits: Linking words: and, but, so, because An email p31 Application form Writing skits: Completing application forms p.39 Writing skis: Avoiding repetition Describing a place pag Invitations Writing skits: Invitations p57 7 remember ... Exams link School 8 What's new? Exams link Culture; Science and technology 3 Great service? Exams link Shopping and services 10 On the road Exams link ‘Travelling and tourism. 11 Body and mind Exams link Health; Sport 12 Look to the future Exams ink Nature and the environment Culture shocks p.114 4 Page Grammar 60-61 Past Simple (1): to be and can 62-68 Past Simple (2); affirmative of regular and irregular Verbs; Time expressions 84-85 66-87 68-69 Past Simple (3): negative and question forms 70-71 72-73 | Comparison of adjectives 1 | 78-79 Present Continuous: all forms: 7 Exams Revision 4 1 Units 7 and & = 82-83 Present Simple and Present Continuous 8485 86-87 | going to: all forms | 88-89 = _ 90-91 | maust, mustn'vdon't have to, should/shouldn't 92-93 — 94-95 _ Exams Revision 5 Units 9 and 10 96-97 Present Perfect: all forms 98-99 100-101" Present Perfect with just, already and yet 104-105 will: all forms 108-107 108-109 Adverbs nei 112-113 _Examis Revision 6 IUnits 11 and 12 Student activities p.120 Word list p.123 Ce School subjects __Collocations connected with education Inventions with technology Gadgets ‘Words and expressions to describe objects Clothes Phrasal verbs connected with clathes and shopping Collocations connected with travelling ‘Souvenirs Irregular verbs p.138 Pronunciation table p.139 ‘A dialogue about famous ‘Asking and answering abont people ___ your past Paragraph: Past memories Song: Wonderful World Discussing universities Dialogues: Good and bad news Speak Out: Giving and receiving Email of apology news Matching p.65 Roleplay: Asking for and giving Wling skis: information about news p.66 _ Email of apology p.67 ‘A quiz. programme Asking and answering about . ‘your past ‘Computer games: for all ‘Talking about computer games _ Giving instructions Phone conversation: Giving instructions Lstening skils: Findins specific information p.73 oe Phone conversations ‘Speak Out: Describing objects Lost? notice ‘questions to ‘True/False p.73 Roleplay: Describing objects Writing ski: .70; Matching speakers (asking for and giving Lost! notice p.75 p70 information) p.74 Asking about people in class : 7 and about a picture Bow tobe smart in Discussing going shopping sll Finding specie | Phone com Discussing haveineed = Asking and answering about ____present activities 7 Phone enauiry ‘Speak Out Information Writing skis Leaving out words in messages Roleplay: Offering help, Short message p.85 asking for and checking, — 7 information p.84 Interviews with race members | Asking for and answering | about plans — Discussing holidays i | Radio programme Information for visitors: 5 sedi gt “cs your eourury snew words p.9L Dialogue ina gift shop Speak Out: Suggestions Postcard ences in texts p.89 True/False p.91; Matching _—_- Roleplay: Suggestions Wiring skits: Posteard tions to texts p.89 people to souvenirs p.92 (negotiating) p.92 pas a Talking about a photo Asking and answering about 7 your experience a ampions o sh: Dealing with new ) Dialogue in a TV studio Asking and answering about your experience ~ | Describing photos Speak Out: Describing photos Personal letter ‘True/False p.100; Matching Describing photos p.102, Writing sks: Personal __events with photos p.100 letter »,103 ‘Leaflet about the environment | Interview about the Making predictions cle: Green World ‘Song: We are the word [ear Being green ussing the song - tisement Dialogues about the ‘Speak Out: Opinions Formal letter of environment opinion tiple choice p.106 ‘True/Palse p.105 Discussion: Giving opinions, Writing skis: Formal agreeing and disagreeing p.110 letter p.111 Sw Texts recorded on Class CD Person 2 person Read, listen and talk about personal information; families, countries and nationalities Practise ta be, subject pronouns, possessive adjectives and possessive 's Focus on phone language; using capital letters in writing. Hil 'm Ana. 'm twenty years old and 'm from Lyon in France. This is photo of my family am with my parents and my brother Antonio. Antonio is thirteen. My parents aren't from France. They are from Barcelona in Spain. My father is called Carlos and my mother is Isabella. She's a doctor. My father isn't a doctor, he's a Spanish teacher. Oh, and our dog! Her name's Lea. ove our dog! 2 AND READING © imirom Barcelona and 1 coig) Read the texts A and B and write the names of the people in the photos, ‘2 Who could say these sentences? Write the correct © We aren't in Rome. We're in Cambridge.’ names from Exercise 1 @ Wearein ark with our children. © wy sisteris Ana Q We fami fs © Ourporents are Spanish 4 and 3 Read the texts A and B again. Underline examples with the verb fo be and complete the table. Affirmative ' He/Shesit ps Spanish YouWe/They | = Negative ' He/Shent €) tala, You'We/They e not (©) ‘This is my boyfriend Paolo and ‘me. Paolo is Halian and his family is very big: four sisters and three brothers! Their house in Rome is also very big! in the photo we're in Cambridge but we aren’t on holiday ~ we're students here at an English language school. Cambridge is very beautiful Person 2 person 4. Use the correct form of the verb to be to complete the sentences about the people in Exercise 1. 1We____ from Barcelona. 1 adoctor and my husband Spanish teacher 2 My boyfriend Paolo _ He from Rome 3 Ana and Pao Cambridge 4 My brothe: Antonio. si an English teacher. | a Spanish teacher. from Lyon, hey _____ students, ihirieen. His name {a} Listen to the sentences. Correct the wrong information. 1 Paris is in France Yes, Paris Is in France 2 The Willia No, the William They're Am Work it out 6 Look at texts the A and B again, Underline the possessive adjectives and complete the table. ('m Ana, ‘re from Rome, He's a Spanish teacher. She's from Barcelona, re students. hey're from Italy mother is a doctor, uF name is Paolo, name's Antonio, Hor teachers are great ° dog is called Leah ‘house is in Rome, Complete the sentences with possessive adjectives, 1 Hi, this is sister narpe 2 My brothers are fen and eleven. names are Ben and ‘Tom, 3 My friend is from Spain. “7 4 fname is José 4 We are from the UK. in Manchester 5 Hello, Iam Mr Brown, teacher. Weleome! A parents live ) — new ingsh ‘8 (Gita) Put the apostrophe () into these sentences. Then listen and choose the sentence you hear, a orb. 11a Her dadk Jtalian b Their dads Italian, 2a Theyfe students, b They arent students. 3a His doctors in London, b He§ a doctor in London. 4a Her teachers from Cambridge. b His teachers from Cambridge 5a Wefe stents, b We arent students, OOOOOoOoOOoy 7 cots) Read the dialogues and underline all the question forms. 1 Mr Jones... yes, one or two questions, Er where are Tony and Gaby from? School ‘They're from Mexico Mr Jones OK. How old are they? School They're seventeen. Mr Jones Great. Super. Thank you. School No problem. Goodbye. 2 Tony What's his name? Gaby Mr Jones. Tony OK, Oh, is that him? Gaby Maybe. Excuse me, are you Mr Jones? Mr Jones Yes, lam. Are you Tony and Gaby? Gaby Yes, we are. Nice to meet you. Mr Jones You're from Mexico, Are you from Mexico City? Tony No, we're not. We're from Acapulco. Er... is everything OK? Mr Jones Yes, itis, It just ... well, you're girls! Gaby Yes. Ah’ Girls, not boys. I'm Gaby Gabriela. Tony And 'm Tony — Antonia, Mr Jones Oh clear, I'm very sorry! Welcome to International Summer School London! 2 Work it out Accommodation Form weit 4 Write the underlined questions from the dialogues in the correct column. What is the difference between the questions in A and B? neheay Gooy Sanches Student name(s): Tony Accommodation (please tick Hostel [] Student Hall [Host Family [A Yos/mo Questions | 8 Wh- questions 1 lp that hime | 1 Where are Tony 3 | a ny trom? 3 j2 4 3 | 5 Tony Sanchez, Gaby Sanchez : SS ‘Acapulco International Airport || Marylebone Railway Station || Check it out 16.30, June 28 | sal vemere FERNS to be questions AMMAR AND AKING ‘Yes/No questions Am | | 1 Read the application form and the email and answer fe he/sherit fron Mexico? the questions, Are | you/we/they 1 Who are the people in the photo Short Answers 2 Where are they from? Yes, | am.J/No, I'm not. 3 Where are they now? Yes, he/she/it is./No, he/she/it isn't. Yes, you/welthey ar>./No you/we/they ar cas" Listen to two dialogues. Are the statements ‘rue (7) or false (F)? ‘Wh- questions i ite What's his name? 2 Tony and Gaby 3 Tony and Gaby are boys. they from? rom Mexico, re seventeen sears old. eR 8 Student ID card 5 qs) Match the questions with ‘their answers, Then listen and check 1 What's your name? 2 Are you English? Showetarero 4 Where are your parents from? ao 5 Is your boyfriend Spanish oO 6 Is your teacher married? oO al'm nineteen. bNo, she isn't. She's single. ¢ Yes, he is. a My name's Andy @ No, we aren't f They're from Mexico 6 Look at the student ID card. Complete questions (1-6) below. Then write answers about Peter in full sentences, Card no, 00037572843 1 Surname: Cole 2 First name: Peter 3 Age: 4 Marr 18 ried: ] Single: 5 Country: England 6 Addl ress: 10 Market Steet, London Whats _ your surname? 1 Wy ; bps gents 4 Are you married or ? 5 Where 2 6 your jn Listen and repeat the questions from Exercise 6, Work in pairs. Student A, [ook at page 121. Student B, look at page 122, VOCABULARY | Countries and nationalities 1 Think Back! How many names of countries do you remember? 2 ia) Put the correct country from the box in the Countries column. Then listen and repeat. Spain Italy Brazil Hungary Poland England Germany a Russia Japan Baynt "Turkey France China (&y British cites counties” nationals 1 Barcelona =P AIM S panish- 2 Paris iE Yan Ce vend — Vk = hee: eit 5 Warsaw L Tien | ghana Enea Sk 8 Budapest oY oN 9 Being |) eky Chae Che. 2 10 Caw amp | Egup ‘ thon A1_Rome | ( b 12 Moscow RusyJoy euch an 12 RiodeJanciro | KeRZe Z (4aZilian 3 \@is! Put the countries from the box in Exercise 2 in the right column below. Then listen and check. : oe Spain | Potana 4 Put the nationalities from the box in the Nationalities column in Exercise 2. ‘Turkish Chinese French Spanish Polish Brazilian Russian German Italian English Egyptian Japanese Hungarian 5 Write a list of three things and three famous people from different ‘countries. In pairs, ask and answer questions about your list. AWhere's plaza from Bit's trom Italy Bs GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARY 11 Put the words in the box in pairs. One word has no pair. Then listen and repeat the words. aunt — uncle aunt brother children cousin daughter father/dad grandchildren grandfather wrele grandmother sister son grandparents husband wife mother/mum niece parents nephew stepfather stepmother 2 Read sentences 1-7 and complete the family ‘ree with the correct names. 1 Sally is Alison's daughter 2 Michael is Peter's grandfather 3 Billy is Sally's cousin. His parents’ nes are Liz. and John, 2 is Patvick's sister. 5 Michael's wife is called Angela. 6 Patrick is Alison's husband, 7 Sally's brother is called Peter and her sister is called Susan. Work it out ‘3 Look at the underlined phrases in Exercise 2 and answer the question. Where is the apostrophe (°) for singular and plural noun: 10 Check it out Possessive 's Singular Michaelis Peter's grandfather Regular plural is parents’ names are Liz and John. ir children’s names are Sally, Peter and Susan, 4 Add one apostrophe () to each sentence, 1 My brothers dog is a oadile. 2 This is Peters house 3 Their friends names are Stephen and Caroline 4 My fathers house is in Leeds. 5 Our childrens teacher is very nice Mind the trap! Patrick's Sally's father. Patricks =» Patrick is Sally’ ‘=> possessive 5 Read the sentences about the family tree and underline the possessive's. Then correct the false sentences. 1 Patricks Billy's father. 2 John's Billy's uncle. 3 Susan's Patrick's cousin. 4 Billy’s grandfather's name's Michael. 5 Angela's children's names are Patrick and John, 6 Lizs Peter’s sister 6 Draw your own family tree. Then write five sentences with possessive’. ‘7 Show your partner your family ‘ree and tell him/her about it. ‘Ask and answer questions. A My brother's name is Mark. Bis Joanna Mark's wife? AYes, ohe Is. Dc Bomeay oy INDIAN RESTAURANT FOR PERFECTLY | = GOOD PIZZA YOU ) 7 ONLY HAVE TO ! Prone 095 555 223 ony : i ais HE GREAT WALL | cast’ Pi2zen,, Chinese Restaurant TELEPHONE? 095 554 329 e095 445 239 Delivered right to your doar su Complete the dialogues with phrases from SPEAKING AND LISTENING Speak Out. Then listen again and check ‘1 Gort Listen to the phone call. What is the man's 1A Good Bike World. dinner today? B Hello, is Julie Black * please? A‘_____aminute, please. Julie! Telephone! 2 ini) Listen again and choose how the man says 2A HiSue® Sane ‘the number. B Great, * And you? 4 zero nine five double four fifty-two thirty-nine [] 3.A Hello. 442 763 , 2 oh nine five double four five two three nine] BHi,*____ Andy. Is that Jane: 3 oh ninety-five forty-four fifty-two thirty-nine [[] Ag? B Hi, this is Andy. Is that Jane? ‘ @nie Listen and complete the phone numbers. AS indy. How are you? 4 21 44 =u9 6 Inpairs, practise the dialogues from Exercise 5. 3 _ BL __ 7 Complete the dialogues. Use phrases from ci —— ‘Speak Out. More than one answer is possible. 4 Guat Listen to three dialogues. Underline the 1A Hi Anne. How are you? phrases you hear in Speak Out. nee aes? 2A SPEAK OUT! On the phone ee ata Saying hello B Sorry, she's not here. A Hello. Kate here. 4A B Hi Kate, it's James, B Take care. ern oi 7B 8 Look at the cartoon and choose the correct capti B Hi, Ths is Andy Is that Jane? a baees A Good morning/atternoon, Bike World re a Hi, this is Mary. Is Bob there? 8B Hello, is Jule Black there, please? b Bob! Dan’ Aunt Mabel’s on the phone! ‘Saying goodbye ¢ Hello, Mary here. ‘Bye /Bye bye./Goodbye, ‘See you soon/ater/tomorrow/on Friday/at 7 Take care. Greetings ‘A Hi Sue, how are you? B GreatFine/Not bad, thanks. And you? Other expressions Sorry? Sorry, wrong number. Sorry, he's not here. Hold on/Hang on a minute, please, Just a minute/moment, please. Hi! I’m Alice Simons. I’m eighteen years old and this is my blog all about me and my life. Welcome! READING AND SPEAKING 1 Look at the words and phrases in the boxes. Use the ‘words to describe photos A and B. 39 August | Entniy # Who? Where? Saturday is barbecue day! Here is a photo of my the girls ima classroom family at a barbecue in our garden. I'm notin the the bays in the garden photo - sorry! A photo of me next time! We aren't the teenagers ina cate ‘very big family. In the photo my dad’s next to the the litte at he barbecue and my mum is on the right. In the middle te ae ee peters | ismy brother Chris and his wife Amelia, Their son, ithe Bikey aunt Walt, is with my brother. Walt’s two now. He's my . oitinneee dad's favourite (and only) grandson — and he’s my favourite nephew too! The family are in the garden, 03 Septemben | Entry #7 OK ~ here is a photo of me. It's from my holiday in London. I'm in the middle with the sunglasses. I'm with my two cousins (the two young men) and their friends in a local café, That's Thomas on my left and his brother, Ben, on my right. Ben's girifriend, Mary, is next to him, on his right. The two young women on the right aren't my cousins. They're Thomas's friends from university, Susie and Meg. They're all very friendly people. PostaComment | Bookmark this Page | Next ‘anise Read the blog and match entries 6 and 7 with photos A and B. Read the blog again. Which photo are these people in? 1 Alice's dact 2 Ben's girlfriend 3 Chris's mother ‘Are the statements true (1) or false (F)? 1 Mary is ‘Thomas's girlfriend. o 2 Aces wi er cos 4 lice is with her cousins. Oo a Oo on, 4 Thomas's friends 5 Walt’s grandmother 6 Amelia's son 3 Walt’s Alice's son. 4 Susie's Thomas's friend, 5 Ben's brother is Thomas, 6 Chris's wife's name's Amelia. Read the blog again. Complete phrases 1-10 with nor to. Person 2 person Q \ WRITING | Capital letters 1 Read the sentences. Find and correct the mistakes with capital letters. © wy birthday is in september. Ce 9 My first name is stephen and My surname is carter. } It's the Weekend! Hooray! I love saturday and sunday! 1 mylen 8 Londen 2 guy right 7__our garden iam from buenos aires. i speak 3 his right 8 the photo : ce 4 the right 9 the middle ee 5 aca Wyext hima Find the plural forms of these nouns inthe blog. Q 0 ares 10 marke sre 1 man 2 ow Siero 2 Look at Train Your Brain and check your answers to Exercise 1. Then complete the second column. Match the sentences about the photos. 1 in photo B, I'm with] ais with my brother, 2 Lm not in 5 btwo of my cousins. 3 That's my dad e the middle 4 10.a barbecue in 5 don my right. 5 That's Ben e next to the barbecue. 6 Walt f photo A. 7 Lin in our garden. Work with a partner and take it in turns to talk about your classmates. Use phrases from Exercise 7. (On my left. is John, Next to him is Dan. Sara is on Liesel’s left Work in pairs. Student A describe your family to your partner. Student B ask questions about your partner's family members. Ask about: * their name: What's... * their age: How old ‘the place (country/eity) they are from: Where AThis is my mum, BWhat’s her name? TRAIN YOUR BRAIN | \\y Capital letters, ing skil {In English tn your language 1 first names and surnames | 2 cities and countries, 3 nationalities 4 days of the week 3 Complete the sentences to make them true for you. 1 My favourite actor is and surname). Girst name 2 My birthday is in (month). 3 is not a good day of the week (day). 4 My school is on (street). 5 I speak Canguage). 6 My dadimam is a(n) job). 71am from (county 8 My family is from (city) 4 Now swap books with your partner. Tell the class about him/her. Stefan's favourite actor is... His birthday Is in .. 13 What a day! Read, listen and talk about routines, Practise the Present Simple and frequency adverbs; dates and prepositions of time. Focus on reading for the main ide Write cards for special days, GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARY [Loki Look at the photos, then listen and read what the people say about Carol, their new neighbour, Who do you think is right? ‘Well, she goes out on Friday and S: nights. She catches a bus at about pan. and gets home at about two or three in the morning —I hear the taxi, I think she works in a (restaurant because she finishes work ver (ain J We think she doesn't work because she’s very rich — perhaps she comes from a famous family, and she lives here because she wants a quiet life.” Yes, but every day different young people come and they listen to music for hours, [think she likes going to parties at the weekends too - she gets up very late on Saturdays, and on Sundays (—_ we dort see her!” {_ Maureen and Stan ‘v's very strange. She doesn't go to work. Every morning she goes for a walk, then she has breakfast in the garden and relaxes in the sun She reads and writes in her notebook perhaps she studies at university. I don't know. | ! | aking about pre 2 ani Listen to Carol. Choose her three jobs, 1 musie teacher 2 waitress 3 songwriter 4 taxi driver 5 singer O0000 Work it out 3 Underline all the Present Simple verbs in the texts in Exercise 1. Then answer the questions. 1 How is the he/shefit form different from the Hyoulwelthey form? 2 What are the negative forms of the verbs for heishelit and Hyouhwelthey? 3 Find the heishelit form of the verbs in the table. WrouWerthey | He/Shestt 0 catch finish write study "We use the Present Simple for regular activities and general facts, Affirmative WouNe/They | hea the tai He/Shett es ou on Friday. Negative WouNWe/They | do nol see (don't) | her on Sundays. He/She/t 00s nat (do work. Spelling rules: he/she/it * Most verbs: add s ‘> works, gets, writes * Verbs ending in -0,-sh, eh, -x: add os ‘= goes, finishes, catchos, relax: * Verbs ending in consonant +y: change y to ies w= studies Mind the trap} The verb have is irregular WoulWe/They Iva lunch at one. He/She has lunch at one, (NOT haves) 4 Look at the texts again. Which two sentences below are true? Correct the other sentences. 1 Carol works in an office, Carol doesn’t work in an office ill doesn't live near Carol. an and Maureen dont see Carol on Sunday 4 Carol catches a bus home from the club. 5 Young people watch TV in Carol's house, 2 (\ Whataday! | \\ YZ WA 5 ui Listen and repeat the verbs. Write them in the correct column. Then listen and check. 4 writes 6 xets 11 thinks 2 goes 7 likes 12 sees 3 catches B finishes 13 wants 4 works 9 lives 14 watches 5 has 10 relaxes 18 reads 6 Complete the expressions with verbs from the box. get_go gofora goto have havea 1 shower drink coffee 2 shopping out —_on holiday 3 up home — dressed 4 breakfast lunch —dinn 5 walk coffee bike ride 6 bed work — the cinema 7 Complete the sentences to make them true for you. 11 get up at at the weekend, 2 My parents don't go to work on 3 On Saturdays, I go out with 4 I don't go out on 5 My family goes on holiday 6 At school, I have lunch with 7.1 go to bed late on 8 Now swap your answers with your partner. Tell the ‘lass about him/her. Adam getsuup ate at the weekend x February / Février / Februar Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday Thursday Friday | Saturday GRAMMAR AND LISTENING ‘1 oni# How do we say the days of the week? Listen and repeat. 2 Look at Owen's calendar, Tck the things you do. Work out Read the sentences and complete the triangle with the underlined adverbs. 1 [always have a swimming lesson on Monday: 2 J often meet Peter after school 3 Talways go to the cinema on Friday, I never stay at home. 4 Tusually visit my grandparents on Sunday 5 I never see my girliriend on school days 6 am never busy on Wednesday 7 I sometimes play football after school. 8 Lam always out on Saturday evening. 100% usually i 0% 4 Look at the sentences in Exercise 3 and choose the correct rules. Give an example for each rule. You use adverbs of frequency 1 before / after the main vert 2 before / after the verb to be 16 5 Put the adverbs in the correct places in the sentences. 1 We ® get up early on Sundays. (never) 2 Ihave a shower in the morning. (always) 3 We go to bed late. (usually) 4 He is tired after classes. (usually) 5 She esn't go to parties. (often) 6 They are late for school. (sometimes) G cabin Read the quiz. Then listen to Owen and Kate. Tick Kate's answers and cross Owen's answers. ‘Who is organised? Work it out 7 Look at the quiz again. Complete the table with do, don't, does or doesn't. Present Simple questions Yes/No questions and short answers \ __ Yyou/we/they have time for breakfast? Yes, Wyowwelthey ® No, Vyou/welthey * —— ‘__he/sheyit wake you up in the morning? Yes, he/she/it® ‘No, he/shevit * Wh- questions When you do your homework? How offen® __ you forget your books? 8 Do the quiz in Exercise 6 with your partner. Then ‘compare your answers with another pair. How) a Does your mum or dad wake you up in the morning? @ No, she/he doesn't. I always wake up at the same time, 5 Yes, she/he sometimes does, but not always. © Yes, she/he does. My alarm tever wakes me! Do you have time for breakfast? @ Yes, I do, I always have time for breakfast. b Yes, I usually have time for breakfast, but sometimes I don’t ... © No, I don't. I never have time for breakfast. How often do you forget your school books? a I never forget my school books b Isometimes forget my school books Toften forget my school books. ANIS 9 Put the words in the correct order to make questions. ‘Then ask and answer with a partner. 1 phone your how friend you? often does 2 your where do you do homework? 3 your mother on Saturdays? go does shopping 4 do your breakfast in you eat bed? when listen music? to do often does your friend phone you? He/She always phones me after school +10 Make your own quiz: How active are you? Use the ‘brompls to write questions. Than interview your partner. 1 what time/you/get up? What time do you get up? 2 haw often/youlo sport? 3 when/you/watch TV? 4 what/you/usually do after school? 5 your mum (or dad)/drive you to school? 6 you/dance at parties? ‘11 Report your partner's answers to the class. Dan isn’t very active. He never does sport. are you @ How often are you late for school? a T'm never late, 6 Tm sometimes late. c Tm always late. When do you do your homework? @ L usually do it before I go out or watch television. b Loften do it on the bus to school. © Tabvays do it late. oun no yea op no op wy pseu fas ane NOS) Sps0H5 “sive ou ng “posymeiuoSqwosn age no euLON age NOR 4 SSO}, {au0p 1244 posKEBIEsads am 108 2 Apso, - PRIOMSUE NO 4 * Look at the photos in the article. Choose the things you can see. acanal fireworks a university atram a uniform acafé a school 2 Read the article quickly, What is the main idea of the article: a, b or c? Don’t worry about new words. a life in Manchester b the British way of life ¢ family life in England Read the article again. In each paragraph, underline two or three words that show the main idea ofthe paragraph. 18 « Real lives Dir, Prenton SIT Oy | 4 colar Match the paragraphs in the article with the headings (A~D). Use your underlined words to help you. There is one extra heading, Then listen and check. A School Home life vee Lime Dhe city TRAIN YOUR BRAIN | ted Understanding the main ideas Its helpful to understand the main idea of a text before you read it in detail, 1 Check / Don’t check new words in a dictionary. 2 Underline / Check the important words in each paragraph. 3 Decide on the main idea of each sentence / paragraph. 2 ‘At weekends, | often go to a club with my friends. We all love music and there is always a new band to hear. Oasis, Cherry Ghost and The Freezing Fog all come from Manchester. On Saturdays in the football season, | always watch Manchester United. ‘The best night ofthe year is New Year's Eve when there is a big party with fireworks. a he ” Manchester is a big city in the north of England. About 2.5 million people live there. Manchester has two universities so there are lots of things for young people to do. The canal area is great, with cafés, clubs and restaurants. The city centre has the usual shops, museums, galleries and libraries. And, of course, there are two football teams: Manchester City and Manchester United, My school is in the city centre so always catch the tram, | never walk. I's a mixed schiool with boys and girls aged from eleven to eighteen years old. Our school uniform is black trousers with a white shirt. School starts at 8.30 and finishes at 4,00, At lunchtime we have a break and | usually get a snack in the canteen, 6 Work in pairs. Talk about your town or city. What is the same/ different about Manchester? Think about © the town: where? how many people? universities? # transport; trams? buses? taxis? underground? # school: uniform’ and finish time *# free time: museums: > start | | Dates and prepositions of time 1 car Listen and repeat the months of the year. 2 Look at Noel's notes on his calendar for July. Complete the sentences. with the correct information, 1 Noel's ison 3 July, 4 The start on 19 July 2 His nish on 9 July. 5 The is on 24 July 3 The ison 16 July. 6 The is on 28 July Mind the trap! Saying dates You write You say 1 July July the frst oF the first of July 25 August August the twenty-fifth or ihe twenty-fifth o/ August yULY siti ment ee | 01)| 02 |/ 03 |/oa a Tf =] =, €05 || 06 || 07 || 08]| 05 11 164 17|| 18 gi 19)|/20]| 21 || 22|/ 23]| 24]| 25 »—{2e]l27 ||28 | 29]/30 | 31 7 3 qa Listen and write the dates, : 1.3 December 4 oni2y Say the dates. Then listen and check. 14 July 4.29 February 7.17 April 2.1 January 0 August 831 October 315 May 6 8 September o Complete the phrases with the prepositions of time, in, an or at. 1__ 31 August/Monday/Sunday night 2 8 oclock/the weekend/night 3__ January/201 1/the morning/the summer 6 Complete the sentences with the correct preposition, 1 My family usually goes on holiday __ Augus 2 My friends and I often go out aturdays, 3 On school days, I wake up o'clock. 4 Inever drink coffee the evening. 5 My parents usually watch television _ _ the weekend 7 Make the sentences in Exercise 6 true for you. My family usually goes on holiday in Now swap books with your partner and tell the class about him/her. Tomas's family usually goes on holiday in July. NOVEMBER SEPTEMBER MAY JULY MARCH JANUARY 19 ISTENING AND SPEAKING Look at the photos. Choose the things you can see. candles fireworks a traditional meal a (bonfire Match the photos with the names of the celebrations. Do you celebrate these days in your country? a Bonfire Night Qo b New Year's Eve o ¢ Thanksgiving a «aie Listen and complete the table. Check your answers with a partner. Name Celebration Country Date Lily Diana Bre “ Ne Jack enia# Listen again. Are the statements true (T) or false (F)? 1 Lily’s favourite night is New Year's Eve. 2 Lily helps her munt prepar 3 Thanksgiving is always on 25 November: Diana thinks Thanksgiving isn’t fun, Bontire Night is in October Jack goes home early on Bonfire Night Qoo0000 4 6 SPEAK OUT | Pre s | ike/love/enjoy: ‘seeing the boats. * watching the fireworks. * going to bed late. ‘© my family + schoo! holidays. * helping my mother. «aia Study Speak Out. Then match the first part of the sentences (1-6) with the second part (a~f) below. Listen again and check. | don't tike/hate: + big partes. cooking. * cleaning up. * getting up early 1 Lily enjoys C1 a getting up early on 6 Novernber 2 Lily loves (Cb big parties. 3 Diana likes 1 ¢ seeing the colourful boats. 4 Diana doesn't ike [] helping her mother 5 Jack loves [Ee arinking hot chocolate 6 Jack hates 1 ¢ her fami You are going to tell an English friend about a day you like/don't lke, Use language from Speak Out and make notes about « the date/day: I's the (1st) of (May), i's in (May), It's (my birthday), etc « the things you do: meet friends, have cakes 4 party, nsicards, ete # the things you likevlovefenjoy: going to the cinemafor a picnic, visiting the family, etc « the things you don't like/hate: waking uy early, shopping, the noise, th In pairs, talk about the day you made notes about in 6. Ask more questions. re 3 cards 2 Read Train Your Brain. Match the celebrations with WRITING | Greetings cards qo cunal nolecoet 1 Match the greetings cards (A~C) below with the ‘messages (1-3) Then answer the questions. TRAIN YOUR BRAIN | Writing skills * What special day's do these cards celebrate? casas eae It's important to write the correct messages in ae (greetings cards. a ’ 1 wedding ‘a Well done for passing your test! Dear Jessica, anniversary [7] Good luck in your exam! eau apease cineca 2 birthday ‘Congratulations on your new et Ee 3 Father's Day baby gi. with love and best wishes 4 driving test 4 Many happy returns on your 18th. Grom your classmates 5 Valentine's Day [7] e Happy anniversary! Gnew baby — (7) f Be my Valentine! 7 exam 5 Happy Father's Day! “Dear Ryan, 3 Choose the correct words. Heyyy bathia c Ser E re 4 Good luck én /on your new job Best wishes, 2 Well done for / im passing your exams. Aunt Cobia, 3 Congratulations in / on your graduation. 4 Have | Happy a great birthday! 5 Happy / Merry Mother's Day 6 Congratulations on pass / passing your driving test ean Voak Congratulations on passing your exam} 4. Write a greetings card to the people below. Use Exercises 1-3 to help you. a boy/irliriend: Valentine's Day © your grandparents: wedding anniversary * your teacher: a new baby With Lots of Love from Mork anc Dacl ° congo offare" lations cB ngra lations congratulations congratulatio re 1 MMAR Complete the crossword with words from Units 1 and 2. @ points) ‘ACROSS a 1 My ‘his songs! 4 Her first name's Amy and her is Fox. 6 is the second month of the yea 8 Are you married or ? 9 Your brother's son is your DOWN 2___onpassing your driving test! 3 My dad usually goes to bed very at about 8 p.m 51 don't have eating in the morning 7 Inthe photo, Tom is on my left, And this little irl in the is my sister. Match the verbs (1-6) with the nouns (a-f). Then singer is Eminem. I love before school. | hate write three sentences with the phrases. (3 points) 1gofor aabus Ziistento Eb music Bread =) Ca shower 4catch 0 5 eat Oo Brave My sister goes for a walk every morning. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Use the word in bold and other words to ‘complete each sentence. {6 points) 1 I never get up before 9 o'clock. always 1 9 o'clock, 2 He's Paolo and he's from Rome. name He's from Rome and Paolo. 3He is my uncle. brother He is my ____ 4 They've got two children called Tom and Emma. names ‘Their are Tom and Emma, 5 We play football only on Saturdays. often We play football 4 Write questions. Then complete the answers with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets. points) 1 What/your parents/do on Sundays They. (relax) in the garden. 2 How old/be/Mike He (be) eighteen. 3 What time/you/inish work We often Ginish) work at about 6 p.m 4 Where/Rebecea/came from She (conte) from Rio de Janeiro, 5 Read the email and choose the correct, answers, (6 points) Hi Marin, ‘This is my '__ week at the summer camp and | really love it. 'm here with people from Hungary, Italy and the Czech Republic and we all enjoy*_ English! "teachers are ‘great, We have classes *_— the morning and after lunch we "for long walks or waich TV. | dont really ke walking BUTT love" English films and | have a good time. ‘AL”___, we visit famous placas in Soolland, Edinburgh is 2 beautiful cty. My roommate is @ student from Italy and she* speak English very well, 80 | practise my italia We sometimes go out in the ® with the other students and teachers. That's all for now, Hope you're well, See youin®_t ‘Anna tathree b third 2astudy b studying 3.a Our b Their 4ain bat Sausually gob go usually 6 a watch b watching Taweekends —_b Saturdays Badont b doesn't 9aweekend 10 a September ening ptember 4th PRONUNCIATION © Underline the stressed syllable in each word. Is itthe same for the country and its nationality? Write § (the same) or D (diferent. 1 Hungary Hungarian 0 2Poland Polish = S 3Germany German 4China Chinese SRussia Russian Bltaly Italian 7 Turkey Turkish Blapan Japanese 7 qa Listen and check. Then listen again and repeat the words. LISTENING SKILLS 8 ids Look at the picture below and guess who the people in Fiona’s family are. Then listen to Fiona’s conversation and check. Who isnt at the party? | think Gordon is Fiona's grandfather. ‘9 cavzr Listen to Fiona’s phone call with her brother Andrew. Match the people with questions 1-7. A- Andrew D—David B - Elizabeth 5 ~ Susie Lucy 1 Who wakes up very early? 2 Who plays sport in the morning? 3 Who doesn't often go to the cinema? 4 Who goes to bed early? 5 Who gets home late every day? 6 Who goes for a walk on Saturdays? 7 Who never wakes up at night? SPEAKING SKILLS 110 Introduce your family to an English-speaking person. Talk about the following ideas. nam * hobbies ages ® any other information nationalities WRITING SKILLS 111 You find an email address of a teenager from the USA. He/She wants friends in your country. Write an email to him/her. In your email: « introduce yourself and write where you are from say what school you go to and what your hobbies are. * deseribe your typical day © ask your new friend two questions 50th ANNIVERSARY Fiona’s family (10 points) 5 1-2 r EXAMS REVISION 1 | UNI | Looks good Read, listen and Practise 11 (ota Match the words with the objects. Then listen and repeat the words. g Qo oO a oO s) 233 01 A! et 2 In pairs, look at the picture opposite and answer the questions. 1 Is it morning or afternoon? 2 Is it the weekend or a weekday? 3 What is the situation? 3 Guess what is in Dectan’s bag. Choose objects from Exercise 1. ; 4 Gia Read the dialogue and check your aftswers to Exercises 2 and 3. Then answer the questions. 1 Who is worried? 2 Who is relaxed? 3 Why does Declan ring his mum? Mum, Have you got everything? Declan Yes, Ihave. Mum Have you got pens and pencils? Declan Relax, Mum! three pens and four pencils! Mum Sorry. I'sa big day Declan! Irs just an exam, Mum, that's al Mum Have you got a calculator? Decian’ No, | iaven't! [1's an English exam! Dad, Has he got pens and pencils? Mum Yes, he has. He's got three pens. Declan Dad, I've got pens, pencils, a bottle of water, ... my wallet, my mobile phone, my luneh .... Don't worry. Dad OK. Well, good luck again, son! Declan Thanks, Dad. See you later! Mum Declan... have you got everything? Declan Mum! Mum — Hello, Declan? Declan Mum, [ haven't got my ID card! Can you please ...? Work it out 5 Look at the underlined verbs in the dialogue in Exercise 4 and complete the table. have got We use nave gotto talk about possessions. Affirmative WouWe/They sve ('ve) got my wallet, He/Shellt has (*_) got three pens. Negative WouwWerThey have not @__) yot an iO card He/She has wot (has) got a calculator, ‘Questions and short answers 3__ you got everything? Yes,1*__.JNo, Liiaven't. 2_ he gol apen? Yes; he No, he hasn't, questions Tove you got for your lunch? got in his bag? Looks good s 6 «eian Complete Declan’s conversation with his friend, Erin, Use the correct form of have got. ‘Then listen and check. Ein (vou) time to When's your exam? Declan It's OK. 1 ten minutes. It starts at 9:30. Ein You're very relaxed! * everything? Declan Yos, 1* abottle of water Grin Have you got a dictionary? Declan No.1? We arertt allowed to take them into the exam. Erin Look — there's Mrs Howes from the English department Ke ! Look! Pencils, pens, Declan (she) the exam papers? Erin No, she But there's Miss Walker and she ® ‘a big brown envelope. Declan OK, it’s time to go in. Erin Well, good luck. Declan ‘Thanks, Erin. See you later! Mind the trap! You use have got and have for possessions but only ‘rave for actions. I've got a phone, Ihave a phone, Haye you got a phone? =» o you have @ phone? BUT Ihave tea for lunch. NOT F¥ve-got tea for lunch. Do you have tea for lunch? NOT Have-yourget tea for lunch? 7 Complete the sentences to make them true for you. Use the correct form of have for actions or have got for possessions. 41 (always) a sandwich for breakfast. | always have @ sandwich for breakfast or | don't always have a sandwich for breakfast. 21__a computer in my bedroom. 3 My mum Juneh at home every day, 4 My best friend (always) a shower in the morning. SI ‘a mobile phone. 6We (often) parties in the summer 8 Write the sentences in Exercise 7 in the question form. Then ask and answer the questions in pairs. ADo you always have a sandwich for breakfast? BYes, | do./No, | don’t 25 26 7 Anna e's middle-aged and she’s attractive. She's } got mediuit-length, straight, blonde hair and blue eyes. She's intelligent and kind Hotty Rowan LO voung, cand naina and ne’ got Jong, blonde hair. He's got brown eyes. He int shy — he's confident. And he isn't ‘hard-working, he’s very lazy. Nant VOCABULARY | Describing people A (@i8H) Look at the photos and find one mistake in ‘each description. Then listen and check. 2 eoise Complete the table with the underlined words from Exercise 1. Some words can go in more than ‘one column. Then listen and repeat the words. Eyes | Hair | Appearance | Personality arey |arey | short black | black | pretty green dark _ fat serious dark | curly thin wavy ugly short bald he’s old and she's tall and slim, She's got blue eyes and long, fair hair. She's confident and easy-going. Find opposites for the adjectives in the box. straight long quiet young fair confident easy-going thin lazy attractive tall straight — curlyiwavy What is ‘sin each sentence? 1 She's very tall and slim, 2 She's got long, blonde hair. Write about Anna, Holly and Rowan from Exercise 4 with i and has. Read Mind the trap! Then put the adjectives in brackets in the correct order. Mind the trap! For appearance, use this order for adjectives: Opinion Length/Size Age Colour Type pretty long/fat_ old black curly She's got long, black, curly hai. He's an attractive, tall, middle-aged man, 1 My sister has got (fair, long) hair. 2 Maureen is a (middle-aged, good-looking) 3 I've got (green, small) eyes, 4 The baby’s got (big, brown, beautiful) eves. 5 Simon and his brother have got (dark, wavy short) hair: Write four sentences about a classmate. In groups, read your descriptions. Who is it? She's tall and... She's got EAKING AND LISTENING 1 In pairs, look at the photo below and describe the people using words from the previous lesson. AShe is pret BYes, she 2 Gia Listen and write the names next to the right people in the photo. Robert Polly Kerry Joanna 3 Read Speak Out. Write your own sentences like the ‘examples in Speak Out. Change the words in italics. avy hal and small, blue e SPEAK OUT |) Appearance He's young and he's got short, blonde, straight hair and big, green eyes. He looks like my dad, They're both tall and thin. He doesn’t look like his sister Personality and interests He's frienaly and confident. He is like my mum. They're both quiet We both love music and reading, ‘She's very good at sports. Hike reading but she doesn't. 6 Looks good Mind the trap! Both goes before the main verb but after to be/to have. We both tke tennis We've both got blue eyes. They're both good-looking ois) What do you remember about the people in the photo? Complete the sentences. Use Speak Qut to help you. Then listen again and check 1 Robert doesn’t _ Joanna, 2 Robert his dad They're Tall and thin. 3 They've yot blonde a and blue 4 Polly and Joanna like music 5 Joanna likes dancing but Polly 6 They're both at tennis, Complete the sentences about you and your best friend, Then read them to your partner. 1 My best friend is, 2 We're both (use one adjective of appearance) arn but he/she is (use ico adjectives of appearance for ed AT look like ‘and he/she looks like _ 5 I'm good al and he/she's good. In groups, talk about your family. Think about: * what/who they look like: hair: eyes, ete sthwho they are like: personality, | look like my sister — we've both I'm like my di We both love sport. 28 Do you share a bedroom? Does it cause problems? 3 ‘2138 Look at the picture. What is the problem? Listen and read to check. Callum ‘This room is horrible! Catch! Harry Catch what Callum This trainer! IV's yours! 4 Harry Thanks, mate. Callum Is this comb yours? Harry No, it isn’t mine. I think it’s Helena’ Yes, it Callum ‘Those dirty cups are yours. Harry Er, no... they've got ‘Jim’ and ‘Ronan’ on them. They're theirs. Callum Please wash them, Jim and Ronan are your friends, not mine Harry is tomorrow OK! Callum No, it isn't! Is that MP3 player yours? Harry No, it isn't. It's Stan's, He listens to my musie and [listen to ork it out Look at the sentences. Replace the underlined phrases with words from the dialogue in Exercise 2. 1 My comb is black, her comb is green, 2 My bed is tidy, your bed is untidy 3 They are your friends, not my friends. Complete the table with the correct possessive pronouns. Possessive pronouns We use possessive adjectives with nouns: my hair i fir We use possessive pronouns to replace nouns: mine is fair Adjectives my your his her our their ‘ 5 Choose the correct words, VAThis isn’t ray / mine phone. B It's your / yours 2 Is your/ yours pen black or blue? 3 These aren't my / mine trainers. My /Mine are black 4 Als that their: theirs school? BNo, their / theirs is in Oak Street 5 This bag isn't her /hers. Her / Hers is green. LISTENING 6 Are these thefr / theirs ; sandwiches? No, they are | 1 In pairs, answer the questions. our /ours. 1 How often do you go to/give parties? 2 For you, what makes a party good/bad? 3 What kind of parties do you enjoy? Choose from the box, birthday end ofterm graduation anniversary housewarming New Year's Eve 6 Complete the sentences with possessive pronouns, 1 Are your eyes blue? No, are green. 2 My brother doesn’t look like me; my hair is curly, 2 «0138 Look at the picture. Listen and answer the questions. seeetralah 1 What is the party for? 3 These aren't our trainers, 2 Are Hope's cousins in the picture? are white lope’s cousins in the picture 3 Does Ed know all of Hope's friends? 4 Are these Joand Kate’ ‘4. Who is Grace? purses? No, ___are 5 Why is Harry surprised about Grace and Hope? in their bags 5 I don't want my coffee 3 iss Listen again and choose the correct answer, a,b ot c. nd Jane Gogsttt want 1 Hope looks like her a sister, Grace. b cousin, ‘Thomas. ¢ mum 6 Excuse is this bag, > 2 Hope's father and her uncle a live in different countries. 7 Work in pairs and follow the b are both tall and thin, instructions. © don't look like each other. # Write noies about your phones, trainers and notebooks: phones: biacklsilver + Use your notes to write sentences, Sam's phone Is black. Mine is silver. 5 Ed says Sam's phone te black; Grace doesn't look like Hope Saaleine eee: b Hope and Grace have both got short hair: 3 Jake and Leo are both @ good-looking. > dark, e lively 4 Jake and Leo a are like Ea b have got different personalities, © are both la © Work with another pair © Hope's eyes are green, and compare. 6 Grace and Hope are both Our phones are black and confident b friendly. ¢ shy eivgr Thelen Ae Fey 4 (ise What do you remember about Hope and Grace? Work with a partner and make notes. Then listen again and check. Hope: short Grace: tall 5. Use your notes from Exercise 4 and write a paragraph about Hope or Grace, ‘© Say what she looks like. © Say who she looks like. ‘+ Describe her personality Grace is tall and ... She looks like 29 i READING 1 In pairs, discuss the questions. © Do you like animals? Which animals? © Have you got a pot in your family? What is it? What does it look like? ‘2 Gata) Read and match the texts (1-3) with the photos (A-(). 3 Match the sentences with the correct text (1-3) in the article 1 They like to be outside. Qo 2 They like relaxing at home oO 3 They haven't got the same colour eyes. 4 They haven't got the same colour hair. ©) 5 The owner is shy but the dog ist’ CG 6 They have both got thin faces. oO 7 The dog and owner have got brown hair.) 8 They are both slim oO 4 Read the texts again and find the opposites of: 1 dark 4 straight 2 short 5 fat 3 shy 6 lazy ‘5 Match the photos of the overs (1-3) to their pets (A-C). Does your dog look like you? 6 Tell the class about your choice. How are the pets and owners similar/different? You want to enter an ‘/ Look Like My Dog’ competition. Choose a photo from Exercise 5 and write a short text. Describe: the owner and the dog, * how they are similar or different ‘© what you think they like doing, 30 da ty a Ca b A dog is often a person's best friend — but you don’t usually choose a friend who looks like you! ©B2 ‘This is me and my dog, Lucille. In this photo, look exactly like her We've both got blonde, seraight hair: Her ears look like my long hair and she is fair like me. Her eyes are like mine too — they're small and dark. And we're both slim and tal, But we're diferent in one way .. she is very e25y-going and I'm shy! B_— People always say that my dog looks like me, And it's true! We're both similar in character and he looks like me ~ or I look like him! We're both friendly and confident and we usually ike relaxing at home or going for long walks in the park. In the winter, | love relaxing and watching the TV in the evening, and he usually sleeps next to me. We've both got round faces and long curly hair, but my hair is light brown and his is grey and white. His eyes are soft and brown, mine are blue! BZ ‘rm net sure | look like my dog, but in these photos | think | do. We've both got the same long noses and thin faces. Our eyes are very similar ~ small and dark — and he has got brown, curly hair like me. Were both similar in character too. We're both very nervous and energetic ~ we like walking and keeping fit. He always wants to be outside ~ in the garden, or the park, and | lke that too! Looks good WRITING | Linking words 1 Read Scarlett's email, List the ways Claire and Scarlett are similar. Hi Emma Guess what? I've got a new classmate. Her name's Claire and we've got a lot in common, She loves languages, like me. We study together because she is really good at French and I'm not. I'm very lazy, so she helps me! And we both love basketball so we go to the sports centre together. She's not exactly like me because she's shy and serious, but I'm confident and easy-going. Write soon, Scarlett xxx 2 Study the underlined words in the email. Then complete Train Your Brain with and, but, so and because, TRAIN YOUR BRAIN | Writing skills Linking words: and, but, so, because AAtext is not natural when all the sentences are very short. To link your ideas, use: {0 add information. say why. to give different information to talk about a result 3 Link the sentences using and, but, so or because, 1 I don't like going to parties, Tm a bit shy. | don't like going to parties because I'm a bit shy. 2 Ihave cats, I don't want a flaunate with dogs. 3 Idon't smoke. I dont like loud music. 4 Lwant to practise my Spanish. I want flatmate, 5 Thave got lively friends, I don’t like quiet people, 6 Idont like studying Maths. I love studying English, 7 Iplay tennis. It's my favourite sport. Spanish 4 You are an exchange student. Write an email to 2 friend about a new classmate. ‘Tell your friend what your classmate is like * Give reasons why you are happy/not happy with your classmate. ‘* Ask your friend to write to you. 31 GRAMMAR AND VOCA 1 32 Work Read, listen and talk about jobs Practise fiave to for obligations; can for a Dbligations and abil lity; objec Foous on dictionary skills; asking for and giving permission; listening for the main ideas. Complete an application form. ARY ‘8) Match the jobs with the photos. Which jobs can't you see? Then listen and repeat the words, 2 police officer LJ a pilot (Jan author] a firefighter] — a builder] _an engineer J] acookL] afarmer[] a vet] anursel a university professor[J_a shop assistant a computer programmer] Mind the trap! We use a/anto talk about a person's job: He's « pilot. NOT He's pilot. We use a before singular nouns with a consonant sound at the beginning and an before singular nouns with a vowel sound: cook an author — BUT rniversity professor /juna'vsisati/ 2 (wz) Read the interview. What do the people do? Do ‘they like their jobs? Then listen and check. Ww — jn London, D “Oh. yes, do! Very hard! | work on my own on a computer and | have to be very organised. | don't have to get up early but | work very late because Hike to work when my family is asleep. | love my job but | have to work very long hours. | have ‘to email my writing to my boss on Mondays, so | sometimes have to work at weekends. I work at home, at my house v Maggie's a She works hard too but she likes her job because she likes helping people. ‘She has to get up very early — she starts work at 5.00 in the morning ~ but she doesn’t have to work late in the evening. She has to wear a Uniform and she hates the uniform because she doesn't like the hat! She has to work outside a lot land work in a team and she likes that, but she has to work at weekends and that is @ problem. Work it out 3 Underline all the forms of have to in the interview. What do they mean? Circle the correct answers. 1 have to/has to ait’s necessary b it's not necessary 2 don’t have to/doesn’t have to ait's necessary D it's not necessary Check it out hhave to ‘We use have to/has to when something is necessary. We use don't have to/doesn’t have to when someting is not necessary, Affirmative WYou/We/They fave to work tong hours. He/She lias fo work at weekends, Negative ‘VYouWe/They don’t have to get up early. He/She doesn’t have to go to work late. Questions and short answers ‘o Wyou/welthey tiave to work hard? Yes, Vyou/welthey do. No, Uyowwerthey don't. ‘Does he/she have to work hard? Yes, he/she does. No, he/she doesn't. Wh- questions Winat da you ave to do? When does she have to start? Work YA Complete the sentences with Jack, Maggie or Jack and Maggie. _ has to wear a uniform has to be very organised. doesn't have to work late. have to work hard, doesn't have to get up early. have to work at weekends, Complete the phrases with words or phrases from the box. e work wear be good with 1____inside/outside/long hoursvat weokends/in a teanvon your own 2 8 uniform/special clothes/boots 3 children/people/money/animals/ your handsveomputers 4 special equipment/special ‘qualifications/a car les) Complete the sentences with the correct form of have to. Then listen and repeat the sentences. 1 An artist swear a uniform. (-) 2 Police officers be good swith money. (J 3Farmers____have special qualifications. ¢ 4 Firefighters wear special clothes. (+) 5 A shop assistant be good with people. (+) 6 A farmer work outside. (+) ‘Work in pairs and follow the instructions, Student A, think of a job and answer Student B's questions with short answers Student B, ask Yes/No questions and guess your partner's job. BDo you have to work at night? AYes, sometimes. B Do you have to wear a uniform? Yes, | do. Bare you a police officer? Ayes, | am. In pairs, ask and answer questions about your ‘family's jobs. Ask ‘© what the job is. * what the person has to do. + any other questions about what is necessary in the job. A What's your father’s job? BHe’s a doctor. ‘AWhat does he have to do? BHe has to be good with people ADoes he have to work outside? B No, he doesn't 33, my ‘but (t makes me fat! I’m not a cook ‘eat cold things. | start work early in the morning, © maybe with some ‘vanilla or lemon, and \ finish Jate in the afternoon, | maybe with some chocolate, It's a long day. What's my job? VOCABULARY | Dictionary skills 1 Read the text. What is the man’s job? aacake decorator [] canice creamtester [} | ? a chocolate maker") 2 Match the underined words in the text with the grammar words (1-2). adverb 5 preposition 1 noun 2verd 3 adjective Read Train Your Brain, Then look at the dictionary entries and answer the questions (1-3). TRAIN YOUR BRAIN | |) Ina dictionary you can find: * what part of speech a word is. ‘© how many meanings it has. ‘= the pronunciation and stress. /KUK/ to prepare hat food: My mather cooks for me /kuk/ 1 someone whe prepares food as their jb: He works as a cookin hotel ei abana ee /xtl/ adj low in eemperature but not cold The weathers fovely. not too hot but nce and coo. 4 ku:l/ adj something you think is good, clever, fashionable: That fim s cool! You hove to see! ES LET ENCE OC /nta/ prep ashert distance from someti 5 Live near the park = ~ /kwikli/ adv moving fast, not slowly: We don't have a ot of time ~ we have to finish this quickly ——EeEyEyyyyee_eeee 1 What are the symbols for noun, verb, adjective, adverb and preposition? 2 Which words have two meanings? Are they the same parts of speech? 3 How do you know the prommeciation and the stress? 41 Read the sentences and decide what part of speech completes each of them. Then complete the sentences with words from Exercise 3. 1 [don’t understand. You speak really. ickly_. adverts 2 Wow! Is that a new coat? It's really 3 My dad dinner every Saturday. 4 My house is a railway line. It's very noisy sometimes! 5 Our holiday is in September, when it's not too hot, just nice and READING ‘Are the sentences true ot false for you? 1 Love playing computer games 2 Lenjoy watching football 3 I don’t like sushi. 4 Tsometimes buy things on the Internet. ‘es, Read the texts and match the people A-D to statements 1-8. 4 Who doesn't have a boss? 2 Who works with children? 3 Who works with computers? 4 Who works more before Christmas? 5 Who works only at the weekend? 6 Who sometimes has to get up early? 7 Who ean work when he/she chooses to? 8 Who works for his/her family? In pairs, write questions. Use the correct form of have to, Then ask and answer the questions. Oo00n0000 Student A Student B 1 José/work every 1 Megan’work for weekend | somebody else 2 Yoichi/wake up early on Sunday | 3 Yoichi/start work early on Saturday 2 Markus/play games five hours a week 3 Markus/work more before Christmas ADoes José have ta work every weekend? BYes, he does, ik) Use a dictionary to check the meaning ‘and pronunciation of the underlined words in the texts. What part of speech are they? extra — adjective Complete the sentences with the correct underlined ‘words from the text. 1 Twork for an ‘company. 2 Tom always needs mone: 3 Td like to more thant sny parents. 4 It's important for me to at college. 5 It's difficult to get a job in my country without 6 Td like to have a Ineed the money Job in the future ee the world 10 Discuss the questions about the jobs in the texts. Use phrases from the box. long hours well-paid no free time passion start early in the morning 0 boss a lot of free time 1 Which of these jobs would/wouldn't you like to have? Why? 211s it good that teenagers work and study? Why?/Why not? 3 Which jobs are easy and which are difficult? Why? Teenagers are ambitious, teenagers work hard and teenagers .. always need extra money. Austria, Brazil, Japan: everywhere in the world, teenagers know how to get money to live and to have fun. >> STUDENT PROFILE [£Y Football referee - José, 19, Fortaleza, Brazil My job is my passion. I'm a football referee. | have to work every weekend in different schools during football ‘tournaments for primary school children. It's good practice because I'd like to be an international referee in the future and | need a lt of experience. I's not a very well-paid job but football is my love >> STUDENT PROFILE @ " eBay seller — Megan, 19, Baldwin, USA My job is also my hobby. | make my own crafts and sell | them on eBay, like it very much because | don't have to work for somebody else and | can do it when | want to. My mother is very happy that | earn my own money and I'm happy because | can spend it on CDs or DVDs. 1 study at college and now | need some new books, so have to work a bit more! >> STUDENT PROFILE [3 ‘Sushi bar help - Yoichi, 17, Kobe, Japan help my grandparents to run a restaurant in the tre of Kobe, | usually have to wash up and ometimes clean the tables. My grandparents are nice so I don't have to wake up early on Sunday Thave to be at the bar at 6.30 a.m. every Saturday. ‘2 good job because | can eam some money and Jove spending time with my grandparents — my iddad tells me a lot of interesting stories and my andma often cooks something special only for me. >> STUDENT PROFILE [) me tester — Markus, 16, Vienna, Austria ‘My job is perfect. Ihave to play computer games five hours a day.A big company pays me five euros an hour to play a game until it breaks. | have to work more from 2 October to 30 November to get the games ready for Christmas. My stepfather thinks playing computer games is bad for me, but | just love it 0 Ex Slimmer Brochure MEET THE TEACHERS! camp. I'm Irish, from Cork, and I'm 21 {ove football - playing and watching my team, Celtic. | like swimming as well and | can dance, but 'm no good at music and I can't sing Hello there! My name's Patrick and | work at the | teach English and French at the camp. See you soon! ally Johnson Hi! I'm Sally, one of the Leachers at Somerset Summer Camp. I'm 19 years old and I come from Edinburgh in Scotland. Q Can you play any sports? A Yes! | love sports: | can ride horses and I'm a good swimmer. | can play football, but I'm not good at music and | can't dance. Q What do you teach? Atthe summer camp | teach English and Art. See you thei Dacourt Bonjour! I'm Eric. P'm from Marseille in France and I'm 24. In France | work as a chef in a restaurant -| can cook very well. My hobbies are acting and singing. | can dance well 100, I teach French and Music. | can play the piano and the ‘guitar but | don’t like sports. See you in Somerset! puree | A GRAMMAR AND SPEAKING 11 Work in pairs. Answer the questions. 1 Which activities and lessons below do you like best? Which don’t you like so much? 2 Would you like to go to summer camp? 3 What would you like to do there? 4 Which activities and lessons would you like to have at summer camp? olivities: cooking horse-riding football theatrelacting dancing winning ssonis; English Music French Art ‘2 cies Read the teachers’ profiles. Match the lessons ‘and activities from Exercise 1 to the teachers (1-3). cooking ~ Erie Patrick, English ally, Nork it out Find examples of can/can't in the profiles in Exercise 2 and complete the table. ‘We use can for ability. Affirmative Uyou/He/ShemtvWerThey '__ dance. Negative. WoulHe/Shertt/We/They * sing, Questions and short answers *_" Vyou/he/she/it/werthey play football? Yes, cai.JNo, she *__ Wh- questions What “you do? Are the statements true (T) or false (F)? Correct the false sentences. 1 Sally can play football. = 2 Bric can’t play the guitar. [] 3 Patrick can speak French, G 4 Eric can play football 5 Patrick can play music. _[] tsa Listen and choose the sentences you hear. Then listen and repeat. Ya [can sing and I can dance, b Lcan’t sing and I can't dance, 2a Joanna can cook good cakes. b Joanna can't cook good cakes, 3a Can you help me? Yes, I can. b Can you help me? No, I cant. 000000 ‘war’ Listen and match Paul and Susan to their teachers. Susan Paul Work it out 7 Look atthe underlined words in the dialogue and complete the table. Susan Hi Paul! I've got a great teacher at the summer camp. He can teach me the guitar and I can learn French from him! Its going to be great! Yeah, my teacher is fantastic too, You know I ove horses, well she can ride orses and teach us to ride them! And we can learn swimming with her. She can teach us to swim really fast! Paul t pronouns Subject pronouns Object pronouns 1 = you you he oa she aE it it we es they as 8 Complete the sentences with the correct object, pronouns. 1 Joe and [ can dance very well. Would you like to dance with =f 2 My bike is fantastic! Tove riding 3 Where is Vanessa? I want to talk to’ 4 Happy birthday! This present is for 5 [like cats but cats don’t like 8 You are going to the summer camp. Which teacher do you choose? | choose Patrick bee: and he can play fox me French and .. e | like Footbal ball. He can teach 110 cs Sandra is a new teacher. Listen and complete the chart for Sandra. Can... Sandra 1 swim? Your Partner Yes, she 2 dance? ‘3 look after animals? 4 ride a horse? ‘5 speak German? = 6 cook? ‘LI Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions in Exercise 10. Complete the chart for your partner. ‘ACan you swim? Byes, | canJNo, | can’t 1m Rob asks four questions about objects in the | picture. Listen and tick the object if the answer is yes ‘and cross it if the answer is no, | 2 m8 Listen again and number the responses in | Speak out (1-4. | | SPEAK OUT! Asking for permission | | Cant sithera, please? | | outa! | use your phone, please? Yes response Yes, of course. No problem. go Yes, that's fine. Here you are. oO Qo “No response + reason a Sorry, I'm afraid not. That's my cup. No, I'm sorry. That seat's not free. oO 3 cause Listen and complete Rob's questions. Write the correct response under each question. Then listen to the dialogues and repeat them, 1A Can I B 2A Could B 3.4 CouldT B 44 Can] B In pairs, write dialogues with can or could. 1 openiwindow? Can | open th 2 borrow/tlictionary? 3 give yowimy homework/tomorrow? | 4 borrow/mobile phone? 5 ask youa question? please? your please’ ‘your ? this: please? SRS 5 Practise your dialogues. Act them out to the class. LISTENING ‘1 Match the jobs with the people in the picture. a postmanAvoman [J a chef] a taxi driver] a window cleaner] agardener(] a bus driver (] 2 Choose three jobs. Think of one positive thing and ‘one negative thing for each job. Use have to and can and the phrases from the box. Tell your partner. get up early/late work long hours/al weekends work outside/inside finish work early drive alot meet people wear a uniforn/normal clothes work on your own/in a teanvin an office You have to work long hours but you can wear normal clothes. You have to drive a BA taxi drver {ean Listen to the interviews with two people from the picture. Don’t worry about new words. What jobs do they do? 1 2 41 esa Listen again and choose the question the two speakers answer, Write words that help you decide Which question itis. a What do you have to do in your job? b What do you like about your job? ¢ Where do you work? 38 Read Train Your Brain. Look at Exercises 2-4 and cchoose the sentences that are true. TRAIN YOUR BRAIN | Lis Understanding the main ideas 11 Think what you know about the topic. 2 Try to understand every word. 3 Stop listening if you don't understand. 4 Listen for key words and phrases. '5 Look for new words in your dictionary while you tisten. ‘az Listen to an interview with another person from the picture and answer the questions. Use the advice in Train Your Brain to help you, 1 What's his job? 2 Which questions from Exercise 4 does he answer? Work in pairs and follow the instructions. Student A think of a job from Exercise 1 and answer Student B's question (don't say the jobl). Student B ask one of the questions from Exercise 4 and guess what Student WRITING | Application forms 1 Inpairs, read the definition below. Then answer the ‘questions. /volantari wstk/ 0 work or ajob that you de because you want to, not for ‘money: do voluntary work forthe Red Cross. nV /, \ woe (YA! 8 Read Train Your Brain and match the points (1-6) with the definitions (af). TRAIN YOUR BRAIN | Wi) Gompleting application forms Forms usually contain special words and abbreviations. 1 Do you do voluntary work sometimes? 2 What voluntary work can you do in your help old people clean your town look after children look after animals help ina school help on a summer camp help visitors to your town 2 Read the application form and answer the questions. 4 What’s the person's full name? 2 How old is she? 3 Has she got a job now? 4 What can she do? Application for Voluntary Work e020 May Date of birth: 6/04/1487 Sex m (F) Nationality: ie Marital status: © 9 ‘Address: 7 Pore Ges, Onl Phone no: 212°. =: Email address: econ Education: Current employment: ncrp\oc Work experience: banysirter, shop assisea 1 Marital status [[]_a the job you've got now 2 Date of birth ( bthe job you want 3 MF [Ec the things you can do well 4 Current employment [] _d your birthday 5 Skis e married or single 6 Type of job required [“] f male or female 4 Fill in Part A of the form below. You can invent an identity! 5 Make notes about these questions. Then fill in Part B in the form. * What type of job do you want? * What experience have you got? What skills have you got? In pairs, swap your forms. Do you think your partner ‘can get voluntary work? What kind of work and why? | think Joanna can .., because Application for Voluntary Work ‘Surname. __ = 2 Fast name(s; Date of birth: soc MF Nationality: _ Marital status: Adcress: 7 Phone no: Emailaddress: __ oe } Education: Curentemployment; | VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR Choose the correct words or phrases. (4 pois) 1 Put the words into the four categories. ‘Then add three more words from Units 3 and 4 to each group. bald shy apurse easy-going a cook acomb a postman middle-aged Possessions Jobs | Personality | Appearance 2 Complete the sentences. Make new words from the words in capital letters. (8 points) 1 Jeff's like his brother. They are both very FRIEND 2 We are very different ~ I'm lazy and Tom is WORK 3 I've got new ‘They are red and white. TRAIN 4-My uncle is a and he loves his job. FIRE 5 Betty is tall and slim. She's otf ———— 7 ATTRACT 6 have to work outside all the time. FARM 7 All our teachers say Ann is very INTELLIGENCE, 8 His parents are famous ART 8 Complete the questions using the prompts in brackets. Then match them with the answers (2~f). 1 (6 paints Chehhave got) any brothers or sisters? 2 What time (they/have to) get up tomorrow? 3 (Ghefean/speak) French? 4 What (vow/have got) in your bag? 5 Giefnave to) work Tong hours? 6 (GWouleaniride) a bike? ol ood a a No, I can't, but I ean ride a horse and switn. b A dictionary and three books. © At 6am They start school at 8. 4 No, he hasn’ @ No, he doesn't, He always finishes at 4 p.m, f No, she can't, but she can speak Spanish ry well, 40 1 Mandy and Ally look very similar because / so Tm sure they're sisters, 2 My friend's got green eyes and long, black, curly /curly, long, black hair, 3 Is this pen your / yours? 4 Tom wants to be a /an engineer. 5 We don't have to / haven't to go to bed early today, Tomorrow is Sunday! 6 Do you think she likes her / hers new job? 7 Karen's got two brothers and makes dinner for us / them every day. & Her brother likes football, but may / mine doesnt. Complete the letters from Barbara and ‘Stephanie to their mother. Put one word. in each gap. @ points) Dear Mum, How are you anc dak? T hepe you're ' val Tin serry but T* to unite about Steph agun Its very diffeult to stare a fet with her aud. len't row what to do. 1 Full-tawe arch Tm very trad tor work bat Steph thnkes Ps an easy rever helps * with the jab. nepeeset “housewerk and she doesn't study much. She often borrows my car but T con't thrice she ewe very well. 1 need ple balp? more eu sie PRONUNCIATION 6 Do you pronounce the underlined letters in these words with 1 oF i? Put them in the correct group. Sit green sleep thin magazine sister seat twins big easy weekends different dentist teacher A fis green (ea Liston and check. Then listen again and repeat the words. STENING SKILLS ‘S228 Listen to Emily's conversation with her brother. Are the statements true (1) oF false (F)? (6 pons) 1 Emily thinks Martin is lazy a 2 Lisa and Philip have got different personalities. o 3 Emily can't ride a horse very well, o 4 Anna's confident and clever. o § Martin likes Anna because she likes eating a ADING SKILLS Read the text and complete gaps 1-5 with phrases a-t, There is one extra phrase you do not need. © points) rv ork summer jobs Maybe itis not your idea of a perfect holiday but summer jobs for ‘eens are a great opportunity to get experience anc make some ‘money. The job you choose should be something you enjoy ane ‘of summer jobs for teenagers. You can do something traditional Ike working in a shop, fast-food restaurant or 2 cafe, You can also be a Weguard or» Employers usually want to read a CV *__. Remember to keep it simple. Write about your experience, such as voluntary work. ‘and sports achievernents, Incluse a letter of application - write Who you are, give some information about yourself and * During your job interview remember the three Ps: Presentation, Punctualty and Preparation. Wear formal clothes and control your body language. Aways arrive on tme and be well prepared because it helps you to be hope the tips can help you get a good summer job that pays |. Good luck! @ before they give you a job b what you can offer to your new boss ¢ take care of children at summer camps d write about your family and their interests @ relaxed and confident during your interview f before you decide what to do SPEAKING SKILLS 10 Your English-speaking fiend is asking you for advice on ‘choosing the right summer job. Talk about the advantages and disadvantages of every option ‘rom thelist below and suggest the best one in your opinion. Possible options: «+ working in a restaurant + working at a summer camp working in a shop * being a babysitter + working as a lifeguard * doing voluntary work «walking neighbours’ dogs WRITING SKILLS 111 Follow the instructions and write an email. You receive the following email from your English- speaking friend. Messag Hi ‘Thanks for your text message about your new pet Congratulations! I'd lke to read ‘more about it. Meg Write an email to Meg, Give her information about your pet. Include the following points: * what your pet looks like. * what you do to look after it: # why you like it Begin your email like this: Dear n & = Zz — N z S 2 = lu e3 n = = >< uu My place Read, listen and talk about houses, rooms, furniture, places outside. Practise there is/there are; somerany; articles e/an, the, no article; prepositions of place Focus on predicting in reading; asking for and giving directions, avoiding repetition in writiq 1 Look at the photos. Which three rooms do they show? abedroom akitchen a dining room abathroom astudy living room a hall ‘aais| Match the words with the items (111) in the photos. Which rooms are the seven extra words from? Then listen and repeat the words. abed [ awardrobe Q amirror abath [J asink = Q adrawerO atable [) anarmehair FJ asofa [ stairs ator = apan O achair F} apicture [ ashowerl Oo oO ashelf a.cupboard a basin Mind the trap! We change -for -fe to -ves to make some plurals. fone shelf two shel NOT — twoshelts, fone knife two kn NOT — twokaifes Read the profiles. Who lives in the house, Mark or Eva?’ Mank | ive in big house but ‘my bedroom is small. | love technology and I've got two computers and a big television. love listening to music too — techno, of course! Eva [ | | [live in a house in j Oxford. t's quite a big house. My bedroom is great. | love reading but | I dont ike watching Tor playing computer games. | 4 Gj Read Eva's email to her German friend. Tick the rooms Eva likes ‘and cross the rooms she doesn't like. bedroom [J kitehen [] living room [J 05 My place Complete the sentences with a, some, any, there, is, isn't, are ot aren't. big tree Marlene Samuel J (From: Eva Juarez J Hi Marlene, Sorry for not writing! How are you? How is Edinburgh? | know there: are some great cinemas and you love films! Are there any good films ‘on now? My summer course in Oxford starts today. When does your course start? I've got a nice place to live now. I's one room in a house with some other students. There is one student from Spain, like me, and there are two students from Russia and one from Morocco. A very international house! My bedroom is great: there is big bed and there are some great pictures. There isn't a television but there is a radio. The kitchen isn’t very nice. There isn’t a table and there aren't any chairs, and it's very small for five people. The living room is big and there's a big window with a beautiful view of the garden. Is there a phone in your flat? There isn’t a phone in my house but 've got my mobile. Send me your number and | can phone you. I have to go. Time for my frst lesson! Write soon, Love Eva SEND) Work it out 5 Look at the underlined words in the email. Circle the correct answers. 1 We often use: a some / any in affirmative sentences. b some / any in negative sentences and questions 2 We use: a a/some with singular nouns b some when you know /don’t know the exact number 6 Complete the table with is, are, isn’t and aren't. Find examples in the email to help you. there is/there are + a/some/any Singular Plural Affirmative | There ‘__ (s) aradio. ‘There *_ two students ‘rom Russia. There *__ ‘some plants. Negative There is not('__) atable. | There are not “_) any chars Questions "there a phone? ‘__ there any good ‘ims on? Short Answers | Yes, here is. Yes, there are. No, there isn't, No, there aren't. shelves but there a wardrobe in my bedroom, 3 There any flowers in the kitchen but there some pictures, 4 There arent stairs in the house but isa huge window 5A there a printer in the study? B No, ____ isn’t 6A there any cupboards in the hall? B Yes, ___are. S Look at the photos of the house again and correct the sentences. 1 There are some chairs in the kitchen. There aren't any chairs in the kitchen, | There are some chairs in the living room, 2 There is a mirror in the Kitchen, 3 There aren't any plants in the kitchen, i 4 There isn't a sink in the | kitchen. 5 There is a bed in the | living room. 6 There are some pictures in the living room, 9 Write five questions about the photos. Use is there ... ? and Are there ...? Is there a mirror jn the kitchen? Are there any shelves In the kitchen? 10 In pairs, answer your partner's questions. Alo there a mirror in the kitchen? BNo, there: isn’t. There's a mirror in the living room 43 READING AND SPEAKING 1 You are going to read an extract from Dino's Day. Read the summary and answer the questions. 1 What is the city? Do you know any places you can see there? What are they? 2 What is Tommy's job? Do you think he is a rich man? 3 Who is Tommy's passenger today? SUCCESS READING ‘Tommy Grant is a taxi driver. One morning his boss telephones him, “Can you be at The Ritz hotel at 9 o'clock?" he asks. The son of Gloria Brash, a film star, is in London. His name is Dino and he is 12 “Be very nice to the boy.” Tommy's boss says. i 2 Look at the words and phrases in the box. In pairs, guess which things Tommy has in his tiving room. alaptop anarmehair anew sofa a table aDVD player awardrobe some shelves some pictures some cupboards a television 3 qmusr Read Part 1 of the story and check your predictions from Exercise 2. is Tommy's living room nice? Dino's Day Part 1 itis 7 eck inte moins. Toy his ie om ‘Tammy’ tiving room is not very bin ft, Tommy's foun net vey ig Tommy doesn have asf but he has able and some shar a he has an old armehait. nthe toring Tommy sts nthe armchair and rinks a coffe. He always listens the radio nthe moring but he doesn't have a television ora DUD player. nthe ving room thee tre sorte eapboarts and some selves and onthe Wal Tommy has some pictures of is tlden, Katy and Bly 44 ‘Tommy takes Dino to Buckingham Palace, Harrods (a very big and famous shop) and the British Museum. In pairs, guess the answers to the questions. 1 Which places does Dino like? 2 Which places does Dino not like? 3 Is Dino happy with his day? tmaie Read Part 2. Check your predictions from Exercise 4, Dino’s Day Part 2 Ihis 8.45. Tommy is at The Ritz fifteen minutes earl “OK, thinks Tommy. ‘Now, is Dino here’ I know carly, but ..” He sees a boy in a chair “Hello,’ he says. “Are you Dino?” "That's me,’ say’ the boy. First, Tommy drives to Buckingham Palace, the home of the Queen, He stops the tax Whats this?” asks Dino,“ don't want tose this old place ‘Tommy looks at him. “But I..." Then be remembers his boss's words: “Be very nice t0 the boy. “OK, Dino,’ he says. ‘Where do you want to 202" Five minutes later Tommy stops the taxi again outside ‘The DVD Palace. Is this the place?” he asks. “That's right,’ answers Dino. ‘Three hours later, Dino comes back. “Now, are you hungry?” asks Tommy. “Yes, 1 am.‘ answers Dino, ‘Very hungry.” Tommy drives to Harrods. “There's a very good restaurant in this shop,” he says, ie very nite tthe boy thinks Tammy ‘Do you want to goto the British Muscum now” he ask. OK, ansers Dino Tommy looks at him Yes! Tommy is very happy. He drives to the British Museum. : peer "Thanks. says Dino, "Wait here."Then he goes into a cinema aeross the toad from the museum My place (1-8) help you 6 Read Part 2 again. Are the statements true (T) or fe prouet? Match them to pols ac false (F)? 1 Tommy does not arrive on time C OUR BR 2 Dino is happy to see where the TRAIN YOUR BRAIN cote ins tidod A Predicting ane? ae ee] We often know or can guess the content of a tet Dino oes ve the teste u This helps us to understand it better. 5 Dino watches afin o 6 Tommy watches a film oO Before you read, use the pictures and the tte: a to think about the topic and wnat you know about i. 7 Tommy goes back tothe hote! and talks to Dino's b to predict what the text is about ‘mother, Gloria. In groups, guess the answers to the questions. When you read: use the information inthe tot to guess what comes nat. 1 Is Gloria happy? Why2/Why no ~ 2 Is Dino happy? Why?/Why not? 10 In pairs, think of the places to visi in your town. Plan ‘ " 7 8 ee Read Part 3 on page 120 and check your SCY Co NS Se Eke TUN eh predictions from Exercise 7 * where they ean go. « what they ean do there how much time they need to see the places. Dino's Day i tt kk — Happy Hotels for the foliday of your dreams! Single or double rooms available, all with beautiful vi ws, All rooms have elegant furniture and a television and a radio, Sauna, swimming pool and restaurant - open to all gui ests. GRAMMAR AND LISTENING 11 Read the advertisement and find the information. 1 Two kinds of rooms 2 Three things in the rooms 3 Three other things in the hotel ‘a Listen to the conversation. What is ‘Mrs Todd's problem? ‘3 GieaH Listen to the second part of the conversation and complete it with a/an, the or no article, Manager Well, Mrs Todd, I think itis a fine room, just like in advertisement. It has *__ television and *____ radio and there is a telephone. It has s table, there are two chairs and it has a window with amazing view, What is the problem? ‘The problem is that ® television is old, the radio does not work and” view is not beautifull Isee, Well, Mrs Todd, in good hotels 8 guests are always right hotel has a new room for you, Do you like ®__small rooms oF ® big rooms? Mrs Todd ‘Manager 46 Work it out 4 Read the rules in the table and match the sentences (@e) with the correct rule (1-5). a Do you like small rooms? b We have a new room for you. It has a television, d The television is old. e ... just like in the advertisement. Articles a/an, the, no article Indefinite article a/an 1 We use 4/2” with a singular noun when itis one ‘of many things/people; it isn’t important to know which one. 2 We use a/an witha singular noun when we ‘mention something for the first time. Definite article the 3 We use the before a singular or plural noun when we talk about specific things/people; there is only one, ‘4 We use the when we mention something for the second/third (ete) time, No article 55 We use no article with plural nouns to talk about things/people in general, Now find one more example for each rule in the dialogue in Exercise 3. Work in pairs. What is the difference in meaning? 1a Ilike cats cats in general b Ilove the cats you have in your house. specific cats 2a Have you got a dictionary? b Have you got the dictionary? 3.a My friend doesn't like pizzas, b My friend doesn't like the pizzas in this restaurant, 7 Complete the sentences with a, the or no article. 1 T've got plasma television in my room! television has a fantastic picture. 2A Excuse me. Is there near the hotel? B Yes, there is, It's near park over there 3 This is a good party but bookshop. is terrible! 4 Do you like cakes cakes in the restaurant are wonderful 5A Excuse me, do youhave___ pencil?” B No, but I've got pen, 8 toemH Does Mrs Todd like the new room? Listen and check. My place In front of between behind ‘eiA next to BULS re eatin 4 Complete the sentences about the picture of the : kitchen with the correct preposition, Match the words withthe objects (1-8) below. 1 The fridge is 2 silk cupboard sink microwave fridge 2 The microwave is the shelf washing machine shelf drawer cooker 3 The cupboard isthe sink 4 The chair is The cooker 5 The shelf is the fridge, toezs Where are the spiders in the picture below? 6 The washing machine Is ie Use the prepositions at the top of the page to help cookerandthe sink. you. Then listen and repeat the sentences. 5 Work in pairs. Draw a plan of your bedroom and There's a spider describe it to your partner. Your partner draws 1 the microwave 2 the fridge. yor ten 3 the sink T a bed on the lett. There are 4 the cupboard some shelve the bed, on ti 5 the washing machine. ght. There's 6 the drawer 7 a chair and the cooker © Look at your partner's drawing and check it. 8 ashelf. Correct it if necessary, Work in pairs. Look at page 120 and follow he shelves aren't on the left the instructions. They're on the right SPEAKING AND LISTENING ‘3 G@226 Listen to Part 1 of the phone call. What's the problem? Choose the correct answer. 1 Look at the poster and answer the questions. “ Peeex does ints tha eoncabe. 1 Where is the concert? b Peter hasn't got the map. 2 How much does it- cost? ¢ Peter can‘, understand the map 3 What time does it start? | Wet re Ses it right. 4 oraz Listen to Part 2 ofthe phone call. Tick the places you hear on the map. Where's the concert? 222 In ait, look atthe map and match the places f «236 Complete Spoak Out withthe words from the 1-2) fo te Haters Op Tag Hn ae eee box. Use the map to help you. Then listen to Part 2 1 Café Europa is on Queen Street. 8 again and check. 2 The chemist’ is on Market Lane. 3 The railway station is on Queen Street, 4 The newsagent’ is on Green Lane, 5 The concert hall is on Park Street, 6 The bank is on Bridge Street. 7 The hospital is on Park Street. —_ 8 The supermarket is on Bridge Strect. 9 The clothes shop is on Park Street. turning traffic get end straight past corner on opposite SPEAK OUT! Hirections ‘Asking for directions Excuse me, is there a newsagent's near here? How do I to the concert? Giving directions Walk ® the cat. Take the first ‘on the right. HUE OU ge ieee —— The concert hall is = the right. Ws" the hospital. LAUT om AFRICA AND PUR OP Wea aC. © Gee) Magda is at the hospital. Use the map and Speak Quit to ‘complete the dialogue. Then listen and check. Magda Excuse me. How dol the bank, please! Man Go along Park Street. Go past the clothes shop on your left. Take the first turning on the right and walk the chemist on your Walk to the lights. ‘Tho bank ison the on your My blog? Marcela J wane (5, WRITING | Avoiding repetition 1 Read the two texts. Which text do you think is better? Why? Ny blog? Marcela { ENTRY 11 Hil'm at the World of Music concert. The concert is great! mm very excited. Hove world music. The music is fast and high energy. The music is good for dancing, Tonight there isa party at my brother's house. | can go to his house after the concert, My brother loves patties. love parties too! iis the supermarket Magda Great! Thank you very much: Man No problem. 7 Inpairs, ask for and give directions. Student A You're at the hospital You want to go to: a) the café, ) the clothes shop. ‘Student B You're at the chemist’ You want to go to: a) the railway station ) the hospital 8 Work in 3. Choose two places on the map but don’t tell your partner. Give your partner directions. AYou're at the concert hall, Wale along Park Street and take the first right. t's on your lett. Bi'm at the newsagent’. ENTRY 12 mat the World of Music concert and it’s great! !m very excited because | love world music. The music is fast and high energy so its good for dancing. Tonight there is a party at my brother's house. | can go there after the concert. My brother loves parties and I love them too! 2 Look at text 2 again and follow the instructions. 4 Circle all the examples of it. Which nouns does it replace? 2 Underline all the linking words. Why do we use them? 3 Find the word that replaces the phrase my brother's house. 3 Read Train Your Brain and use the ideas to make the pairs of sentences 1-4 more natural TRAIN YOUR BRAIN | \Writing skills Avoiding repetition You can try to make your writing more natural. * Use pronouns to replace repeated nouns: i, them, et. * Use linking words: and, but, so, because. ‘Use there to replace a phrase about a place. 1 My favourite place is my kitchen. My kitchen is warm and cosy. My favourite place is my kitchen because It is warm and cosy. 2 The kitchen is small. | love the kitchen, 3 The kitchen has got a table and chairs, I can sit and drink my coffee in the kitchen. 4 My kitchen has a view of the garden, The garden is beautiful. I have flowers in the garden, 4 Use the ideas in Train Your Brain, Write about your favourite place at home, Answer the questions, '* What is it? (your bedroom, the living roam, ete.) + What’ it like? (big, cosy, etc.) * What do you like about it? (t's private, warm, ete.) © What do you do there? (read, watch TV, ete.) 49 Eat up! Read, listen and talk about food and drink. Practise countable and uncount Ms, quantiflers; amounts/containers and Focus an predicting in listening; buying food and drink Write an invitation, GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARY 1 @za Match the words with the food items. Then listen and repeat the words. some lettuce []_some salad] some cola C] some fruit juice C] some potatoes [] some sausagesL] a tomato[] some ham) an egg] some bread [] some chocolate [7] asandwich[] some butter] some crisps C} an apple L] some cheese ‘2 tavss Listen and choose the things in Exercise 1 that Nick has got. Work it out Look at the list of food in Exercise 1. Which things can you count (countable) and which things can't you ‘count (uncountable)? Look at the phrases in red in the dialogue and choose the correct words in the sentences below, Nick Nice to see you, Megan. Do you want. adtink? ‘Megan Yes, please. Have vou got auy fruit juice? Nick No, haven't got ice but there's in that bottle. Help yoursell. Mogan ‘Thanks. Have you got any food? I'm starving! Nick Me too. OK, Ive got 1 Megan Great, we can make Nick No, we cant, there’ssoue butter but havent got any bread. Clare's got Megan No, dont eat her apples ~ she gets angry! Ob, have you got 2 No, there arent There's Nick in the fridge There to and aines. What about potato, har and tomato salad? Megan Can we have something hot? Nick Well, Ive got Megan OK, you've got f \ at and Look what Ive got! Tknow! We can make Nick 1 We use a / some with singular countable nouns 2 We use a / some with plural countable nouns. 3 We use at /some with uncountable nouns, Look at the phrases in blue in the dialogue and ‘complete the rule with plural and negative. We use any in questions and in sentences both for uncountable nouns and countable nouns, oe Eat up! (qi 0 Check it out Countable and uncountable nouns Countable Afirmative There is «tomato. There are some potatoes. Negative Ihaven't got an egg. __ haven't got Thore aren't any sausages. aniy bread. Questions Have you got an egg? Have you got ‘Are there ny sausages? any futjuice? Mind the trap! You don't use a with uncountable nouns: There's some cheese. NOT There's «cheese; 6 8 Write a, an or some. Then listen, check and repeat the words. Pay attention to the pronunciation of a/a/, an /an/ and some /sam/. 1 banana 6 _ chips 2 eas 7 vegetables 3 oil 8 peanut butter 4 potato 9 bacon 5 ___ meat ‘saan Complete the gaps with some or any. What can they make? Then listen and check. Tom I'm starving! Amy Me too. What have we got? Tom We've got '___bacon and there are® bananas. We haven't got *__ esas. Amy We've got!___ bread, Timow! We can make Elvis sandwiches, Tom Elvis sandwiches? Amy Yes, Blviss favourite sandwich: fried banana, peanut butter and bacon. Yuek! That’ so unhealthy! Luckily, we haven’, got'___ peanut butter. And we can't fry the bananas because we havent got" oil Amy OK, plan B: we've got ‘bread and * bacon, We can make bacon sandwiches. Great, n2y favourite! Have we got ketchup? Tom Tom 8 Do you know what's in your fridge at home? Student A, tell your partner, Student B, ask extra questions. A There's some milk B Are there any eqgs? AYes, there are

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