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1. Word: Wherewithal (साधन) b. cause (someone) anxiety, sorrow, or

pain. [Verb]
• Pronunciation: hwair-with-awl/वेर्विदॉल • Synonyms: anguish, suffering
• Part of Speech: Noun • Antonyms: comfort, pleasure
• Meaning: the money or other means • Use in a Sentence: Jealousy causes
needed for a particular purpose. distress and painful emotions.
• Synonyms: resources, assets, cash 6. Word: Verdict (विचार-फल)
• Antonyms: inability, ineptitude, • Pronunciation: vur-dikt/वडििक्ट
• Part of Speech: Noun
• Use in a Sentence: She didn't have the
• Meaning:
wherewithal to repay the loan
a. a decision on an issue of fact in a civil or
2. Word: Topple (गिर पड़ना) criminal case or an inquest.
• Pronunciation: taw-pal/टापल b. an opinion or judgement.
• Synonyms: decision, resolution,
• Part of Speech: Adjective pronouncement, conclusion
• Meaning: overbalance or cause to • Antonyms: accusation, inception, prelude
overbalance and fall/remove (a government • Use in a Sentence: The board returned a
or person in authority) from power; unanimous guilty verdict.
7. Word: Lofty (उच्च)
• Synonyms: overthrow, oust, depose,
unseat, overturn • Pronunciation: lawf-tee/लॉफ्टी
• Antonyms: establish, hold, increase, rise, • Part of Speech: Adjective
support • Meaning:
• Use in a Sentence: It is the high time to a. of imposing height.
take some serious and effective steps to b. (of wool and other textiles) thick and
topplethe orthodoxy of society. resilient.
3. Word: Manoeuvre (पैंतरे बाज़ी करना) c. eminent
• Synonyms: elevated, haughty
• Pronunciation: muh-noo-ver/मनूवर • Antonyms: modest, humble
• Part of Speech: Noun, Verb • Use in a Sentence: The man has a lofty
• Meaning: position in the firm.
a. move skilfully or carefully. 8. Word: Dovish (शाांततिादी)
b. carefully guide or manipulate (someone
or something) in order to achieve an end. • Pronunciation: duhv-sh/िर्वश
• Synonyms: artifice, manipulate • Part of Speech: Adjective
• Antonyms: innocence, sincerity • Meaning:
• Use in a Sentence: His resignation from a. supporting discussion or other peaceful
the competition was a tactical manoeuvre. solutions in political relationships rather than
4. Word: Plague (कष्ट दे ना) the use of force:
• Synonyms: pacifist, warmhearted
• Part of Speech: Verb
• Antonyms: unfriendly, hostile
• Meaning:
• Use in Sentence: She is a dovish legislator
a) cause continual trouble or distress to.
who was one of the underwriters of a model
• Pronunciation:
peace treaty.
• Synonyms: harass, pester, annoy
• Antonyms: aid, advantage, benefit 9. Word: At the heart of (के केंद्र में)
• Use in a Sentence: Fears about job • Pronunciation: एट द हाटि ऑफ़
security plague nearly half the workforce. • Part of Speech: Phrase
5. Word: Distress (दुःख होना) • Meaning: at the centre of
• Pronunciation: dih-stres/डिस्ट्रे स • Synonyms: at the base of, underlying,
• Part of Speech: Noun
• Antonyms: apparently, lastly
• Meaning:
a. extreme anxiety, sorrow, or pain. [Noun]


• Use in a Sentence: A disagreement about 14. Word: Impediment (अिरोध)

boundaries is at the heart of the dispute.
• Pronunciation: im-ped-uh-muhnt/इम्पेिमन्ट
10. Word: Step in (में हस्तक्षेप करना)
• Part of Speech: Noun
• Pronunciation: स्ट्टे प इन • Meaning:
• Part of Speech: Phrasal verb of step a. a hindrance or obstruction in doing
• Meaning: something.
a. become involved in a difficult situation, b. a defect in a person's speech, such as a
especially in order to help. lisp or stammer.
b. act as a substitute for someone. • Synonyms: barrier, bar, handicap,
• Synonyms: intervene, intercede, mediate drawback, restraint
• Antonyms: abandon, leave • Antonyms: privilege, advantage, help,
• Use in a Sentence: The military may step kindness
in if the crisis continues. • Use in a Sentence: He has an
11. Word: Deliberations (विचार-विमशश) impediment in speech.
• Pronunciation: dih-lib-uh-rey-shuhn/ 15. Word: Harp (टटका रहना)
डिललबरै शन • Pronunciation: hahrp/हापि
• Part of Speech: Noun • Part of Speech: Verb
• Meaning: • Meaning: talk or write persistently and
a. long and careful consideration or tediously on (a particular topic).
discussion. • Synonyms: dither, dwell
b. slow and careful movement or thought. • Antonyms: give regards
• Synonyms: thoughts, speculations • Use in a Sentence: He keeps on harping
• Antonyms: distractions, spontaneity the same procedure.
• Use in a Sentence: It took the jury 24 16. Word: Contingency (आकस्स्मक)
hours of deliberations to reach their • Pronunciation: kuhn-tin-juhn-see/
conclusion. • Part of Speech: Noun
12. Word: Overhaul (पूरी जााँच करके मरम्मत करना) • Meaning:
• Pronunciation: oh-ver-hawl/ओवहॉिल a. a future event or circumstance which is
• Part of Speech: possible but cannot be predicted with
• Meaning: certainty.
a) take apart (a piece of machinery or b. a provision for a possible event or
equipment) in order to examine it and repair circumstance.
it if necessary. [Verb] c. an incidental expense.
b) overtake (someone), especially in a • Synonyms: incident, happening,
sporting event. [Verb] occurrence, juncture, possibility
c) a thorough examination of machinery or a • Antonyms: certainty, reality, truth
system, with repairs or changes made if • Use in a Sentence: It's impossible to
necessary. [Noun] legislate for every contingency.
• Synonyms: repair, improve, refurbish 17. Word: Deem (विचारना)
• Antonyms: break down, rupture • Pronunciation: deem/िीम
• Use in a Sentence: The machinery needs a • Part of Speech: Verb
complete overhaul. • Meaning: regard or consider in a specified
13. Word: Steer (हातन पहां चाना) way.
• Pronunciation: steer/स्ट्टीर • Synonyms: assumed, judged, presumed
• Part of Speech: Noun • Antonyms: doubted, disbelieved
• Meaning: a piece of advice or information • Use in a Sentence: Don't you deem that it
concerning the development of a situation. is your responsibility to support?
• Synonyms: guide, direct 18. Phrase: Lay Down (तनधाशररत करना/ अवपशत करना)
• Antonyms: obey, abandon • Part of Speech: Phrasal Verb
• Use in a Sentence: The government chose • Meaning: To specify/ To store for the
to steer a middle course between the two future.
strategies. • Synonyms: establish, prescribe, impose


• Antonyms: erode, avoid, negate • Use in a Sentence: I don't think it

• Use in a Sentence: The manager laid necessary to rake up their old quarrels.
down the standards that he wanted the 23. Word: Absurdity (बेतकापन)
organization run by.
• Pronunciation: ab-sur-di-tee/ऐब्सडििटी
19. Word: Bland (स्िादहीन)
• Part of Speech: Noun
• Pronunciation: bland/ब्लैन्ि • Meaning: the quality or state of being
• Part of Speech: Adjective ridiculous or wildly unreasonable.
• Meaning: • Synonyms: ludicrousness, farcicality,
a. lacking strong features or characteristics risibility, silliness
and therefore uninteresting. • Antonyms: rationality, prudence, sense,
b. (of food or drink) unseasoned, mild- perception
tasting, or insipid. • Use in a Sentence: I find the man growing
c. showing no strong emotion. increasingly angry at the absurdity of the
• Synonyms: calm, balmy, dull, boring, situation.
tasteless 24. Word: Mystify (अस्पष्ट करना)
• Antonyms: distinctive, sharp, harsh, rich
• Pronunciation: mis-tuh-fahy/लमस्ट्टिाइ
• Use in a Sentence: After the meeting, a
bland statement was issued. • Part of Speech: Verb
• Meaning:
20. Word: Well-taken (कशलतापूिक श करना)
a. utterly bewilder or perplex (someone).
• Pronunciation: wel-tey-kuh n/ b. make obscure or mysterious.
• Part of Speech: Adjective • Synonyms: puzzle, baffle, confuse,
• Meaning: confound, bemuse, obfuscate
a. (especially of a move or shot in sport) • Antonyms: interpret, clarify, explain,
skilfully executed or done. enlighten
b. (of a comment, argument, etc.) shrewd • Use in a Sentence: The thing was shown
and accurate. with mystifying certitude.
• Synonyms: take good note, well-
25. Word: Clamp Down (कठोर ऩीतत)
• Antonyms: not proven, unheard, obscure • Pronunciation: klamp doun/क्लैम््िाउन
• Use in a Sentence: There's no question • Part of Speech: Phrasal Verb of Clamp
about your advice being well taken. • Meaning:
21. Word: Affiliations (सांबद्ध़ीकरण) a. suppress or prevent something in an
• Pronunciation: uh-fil-ee-ey-shuh n/अफिलीऐशन oppressive or harsh manner.
• Synonyms: suppress, prevent
• Part of Speech: Noun
• Antonyms: bring up, extract
• Meaning: the state or process of affiliating
• Use in a Sentence: The situation could
or being affiliated.
worsen this year as the government
• Synonyms: amalgamation, integration,
continues to clamp down on credit.
federation, coupling
• Antonyms: dissociations, clashes, 26. Word: Damning (घातक)
disagreements • Pronunciation: dam-ing/िैलमिंग
• Use in a Sentence: The society has many • Part of Speech: Adjective
affiliations throughout the country.
• Meaning:
22. Word: Rake up (याद टदलाना) a. (of a circumstance or piece of evidence)
• Pronunciation: reyk uhp/ रे क अप strongly suggesting guilt or error.
b. extremely critical.
• Part of Speech: Phrasal Verb
• Synonyms: condemnatory, damnatory,
• Meaning: to mention something unpleasant
that happened in the past and that someone
• Antonyms: promising, blessing, propitious
else does not want to talk about
• Use in a Sentence: The author has
• Synonyms: refer to, invoke, allude to,
delivered a damning counterblast to her
• Antonyms: keep mum


27. Word: Compel (दबाि डालना) • Synonyms: irrational, inconsistent, freakish

• Antonyms: reasonable, circumspect,
• Pronunciation: kuhm-pel/कम्पेल
• Part of Speech: Verb • Use in a Sentence: Her supposition was
• Meaning: arbitrary, based on no valid proof.
a. force or oblige (someone) to do
32. Word: Purport (उद्दे श्य, आशय)
b. bring about (something) by the use of • Pronunciation: per-pawrt/पपोटि
force or pressure. • Part of Speech: Verb, Noun
c. force to come or go in a particular • Meaning:
direction. a. appear to be or do something, especially
• Synonyms: pressure, impel, drive, press, falsely. [Verb]
push, urge b. the meaning or sense of something,
• Antonyms: free, impede, deter, block typically a document or speech. [Noun]
• Use in a Sentence: His courage and skill • Synonyms: implication, significance
compel our admiration. • Antonyms: hide, prohibiting
28. Word: Sporadic (तिट पट) • Use in a Sentence: The novel does not
purport to be a complete history of the
• Pronunciation: spuh-rad-ik/स्ट्पोरै डिक
• Part of Speech: Adjective
33. Word: Ill-conceived (व्यर्श)
• Meaning:
a. occurring at irregular intervals or only in a • Pronunciation: il-kuh n-seevd
few places; scattered or isolated. • Part of Speech: Adjective
• Synonyms: occasional, infrequent, • Meaning: not carefully planned or
irregular, periodical considered.
• Antonyms: frequent, constant, ceaseless, • Synonyms: crazy, unwise, imprudent
seasonal • Antonyms: wise, normal, balanced, careful
• Use in a Sentence: There were reports of • Use in a Sentence: The policy was ill-
sporadic fighting in the streets. conceived and wrong-headed.
29. Word: Quash (रद्द करना) 34. Word: Devastate (बरबाद करना)
• Part of Speech: Verb • Pronunciation: dev-uh-steyt/ िेवस्ट्टै ट
• Meaning: reject as invalid, especially by • Part of Speech: Verb
legal procedure/put an end to • Meaning: cause (someone) severe and
• Pronunciation: kwosh/क्वॉश overwhelming shock or grief.
• Synonyms: put down, invalidate, destroy • Synonyms: destroyed, wrecked
• Antonyms: validate, saction, formalise • Antonyms: preserved, natural
• Use in a Sentence: The greedy dog learn • Use in a Sentence: The plantation was
how to quash his hunger. devastated by a typhoon.
30. Word: Setbacks (असफलता) 35. Word: Ratify (पस्ष्ट करना)
• Part of Speech: Noun • Pronunciation: rat-uh-fahy/रै टिाइ
• Meaning: • Part of Speech: Verb
a. a reversal or check in progress. • Meaning:
• Pronunciation: set-bak/सेट्बैक a. sign or give formal consent to (a treaty,
• Synonyms: problem, difficulty, issue contract, or agreement), making it officially
• Antonyms: blessing, triumph, achievement valid.
• Use in a Sentence: His research has • Synonyms: approve, confirm, sanction
suffered a temporary setback. • Antonyms: abolish, deny, disapprove
• Use in a Sentence: All the members have
31. Word: Arbitrary (इच्िाध़ीन)
voted to ratify the treaty.
• Pronunciation: ahr-bi-trer-ee?आर्बिरेरी 36. Word: Perpetuate (स्स्र्र करना)
• Part of Speech: Adjective
• Pronunciation: per-pech-oo-eyt/पपेचए
ू ट
• Meaning: based on random choice or
personal whim, rather than any reason or • Part of Speech: Verb


• Meaning: make (something) continue a. give or grant someone (power, status, or

indefinitely. recognition). [Verb]
• Synonyms: continue, maintain b. (of a concept or fact) be harmonious or
• Antonyms: stop, prevent consistent with. [Verb]
• Use in a Sentence: These actions will c. an official agreement or treaty. [Noun]
perpetuate the hostility between the two • Synonyms: agreement, harmony, concord
groups. • Antonyms: discord, squabble
37. Word: Overwhelming (जबदश स्त) • Use in a Sentence: Such an order would
• Pronunciation: oh-ver-hwel-ming/ओवर्ह्वेल्मिंग not be in accord with our system.
• Part of Speech: Adjective 42. Word: Concrete (ठोस)
• Meaning: very great in amount, very smart • Pronunciation: kon-kreet/कन्रीट
• Synonyms: astonishing, mind blowing
• Part of Speech: Noun, Verb
• Antonyms: mild, comforting
• Meaning:
• Use in a Sentence: There was
a. existing in a material or physical form;
overwhelming support for our policies.
not abstract. [Noun]
38. Word: Obscure (अस्पष्ट) b. form (something) into a mass; solidify.
• Part of Speech: Adjective, Verb [Verb]
• Meaning: • Synonyms: solid, tangible, substantial
a. not discovered or known about; uncertain • Antonyms: ideal, flexible
[Adjective] • Use in a Sentence: The terminal was
b. keep from being seen, conceal [Verb] constructed of bolstered concrete.
• Pronunciation: Obs-cure/अब्स्ट्क्यरु 43. Word: Revival (पन:प्रितशन)
• Synonyms: ambiguous, hidden
• Antonyms: clear, common • Pronunciation: ri-vahy-vuh l/रीवाइवल
• Use in a Sentence: His poetry is full of • Part of Speech: Noun
obscure literary allusions. • Meaning:
39. Word: Averse (विरुद्ध) a. improvement in the condition, strength,
or fortunes of someone or something.
• Pronunciation: uh-vurs/अवसि b. an instance of something becoming
• Part of Speech: Adjective popular, active, or important again.
• Meaning: • Synonyms: comeback, re-establishment,
a. having a strong dislike of or opposition to reintroduction, restoration, amelioration
something. • Antonyms: abeyance, recession, abolition
• Synonyms: disinclined, hostile • Use in a Sentence: The economy has
• Antonyms: desirous, agreeable staged something of a revival in the last
• Use in a Sentence: He seems to be averse year.
to hard work.
44. Word: Tightfisted (कांजूस)
40. Word: Ambit (क्षेत्र)
• Pronunciation: tahyt-fis-tid/टाइट्फिलस्ट्टि
• Pronunciation: ऐलम्बट
• Part of Speech: Adjective
• Part of Speech: Noun
• Meaning:
• Meaning: the scope, extent, or bounds of
a. not willing to spend or give much money;
• Synonyms: Range, Scope, Periphery, Orbit
• Synonyms: mean, miserly, parsimonious,
• Antonyms: Center, Forefront, Area
niggardly, close-fisted, penny-pinching
• Use in a Sentence: The cricket crowd of
• Antonyms: generous, liberal, munificent,
sufficient size is within the ambit of the
• Use in a Sentence: His tightfisted
41. Word: Accord (सहमातत) employer was unwilling to give him a raise.
• Pronunciation: uh-kawrd/अकॉिि 45. Word: Blaze (धधकत़ी आि, विख्यात होना)
• Part of Speech: Verb, Noun • Pronunciation: bleyz/ब्लैज़
• Meaning: • Part of Speech: Noun, Verb


• Meaning: a. required, permitted, or enacted by

a. a very large or fiercely burning fire. statute.
[Noun] b. having come to be required or expected
b. used in various expressions of anger, through being done or made regularly.
bewilderment, or surprise as a euphemism • Synonyms: lawful, legal, authorized
for ‘hell’. [Noun] • Antonyms: unofficial, illegal
c. fire a gun repeatedly or indiscriminately. • Use in a Sentence: The man is under a
[Verb] statutory duty to keep accurate records.
• Synonyms: outburst, burst, eruption, flare- 50. Word: Patchy (ठीक से न ककया िया)
up, firestorm
• Pronunciation: pach-ee/पैची
• Antonyms: extinguish, gloom, shade
• Use in a Sentence: It took almost 100 • Part of Speech: Adjective
firemen to bring the blaze under control. • Meaning:
a. existing or happening in small, isolated
46. Word: Probe (जाांच करना)
• Pronunciation: prohb/प्रोब b. not of the same quality throughout;
• Part of Speech: Noun, Verb inconsistent.
• Meaning: • Synonyms: uneven, irregular
a. a thorough investigation into a crime or • Antonyms: consistent, constant
other matter. [Noun] • Use in a Sentence: Attendance at these
b. explore or examine (something), matches has been rather patchy recently.
especially with the hands or an instrument. 51. Word: Evacuate (ररक्त करना)
• Pronunciation: ih-vak-yoo-eyt/ईवैक्यऐट
• Synonyms: scrutinize, inquiry
• Antonyms: glimpse, absurd • Part of Speech: Verb
• Use in a Sentence: I don't want to probe • Meaning:
too deeply into your personal affairs. a. remove (someone) from a place of danger
to a safer place.
47. Word: Negligent (असािधान)
b. remove air, water, or other contents from
• Pronunciation: neg-li-juhnt/नेलललजन्ट (a container).
• Part of Speech: Adjective • Synonyms: clear, shift, expel, evict
• Meaning: • Antonyms: enter, occupy, remain, achieve
a. failing to take proper care over • Use in a Sentence: Employees were urged
something. to evacuate their offices immediately.
• Synonyms: careless, remiss, neglectful, 52. Word: Ironically (व्यांग्यपूिक
श )
irresponsible, inattentive, heedless
• Pronunciation: आइराननक्ली
• Antonyms: careful, cautious, attentive,
diligent • Part of Speech: Adverb
• Use in a Sentence: Mr. Verma was found • Meaning: used in reference to a senseless,
guilty of negligent driving. unexpected, or coincidental situation.
• Synonyms: Satirically, Illogically, Absurdly
• Antonyms: Sincerely, Genuinely, Ardently
48. Word: Adhere (दृढ़ रहना)
• Use in a Sentence: Ironically, one can
• Pronunciation: ad-heer/ ऐड्हीर register for the Maths class only by filling a
• Part of Speech: Verb registration form online.
• Meaning: believe in and follow the practices 53. Word: Incapacitated (वििश)
of/stick fast to
• Pronunciation: in-kuh-pas-i-tey-tid/इन्कपैलसटै टटि
• Synonyms: cling, stick, cohere
• Antonyms: separate, apart, alienate • Part of Speech: Adjective
• Use in a Sentence: The glue is used to • Meaning:
make one surface adhere to another. a. deprived of strength or power;
49. Word: Statutory (साांविगधक)
• Synonyms: disabled, powerless, weak,
• Pronunciation: stach-oo-tawr-ee/स्ट्टै चुटोरी enfeebled
• Part of Speech: Adjective • Antonyms: strong, powerful, healthy,
• Meaning: robust


• Use in a Sentence: He was incapacitated c. the quality of being peculiar.

by old age and sickness. • Synonyms: oddity, anomaly, weirdness,
54. Word: Evoke (उत्पन्न करना) nature, property, trait,
• Antonyms: normality, commonness,
• Pronunciation: ih-vohk/ईवोक
• Part of Speech: Verb • Use in Sentence: The man was well aware
• Meaning: bring or recall (a feeling, of the peculiarity of her own situation.
memory, or image) to the conscious mind.
59. Word: Erratic (अतनयममत)
• Synonyms: provoke, elicit
• Antonyms: suppress, halt • Pronunciation: ih-rat-ik/इरै टटक
• Use in a Sentence: His appearance is • Part of Speech: Adjective
bound to evoke sympathy. • Meaning: not even or regular in pattern or
55. Word: Compliance (आज्ञापालन) movement; unpredictable.
• Pronunciation: kuh m-plahy-uh ns/ • Synonyms: capricious, inconstant
• Antonyms: consistent, unchanging
• Use in Sentence: The singer gave an
• Part of Speech: Noun erratic performance.
• Meaning: the state or fact of according with
60. Word: Nudge (टहोका मारना)
or meeting rules or standards.
• Synonyms: obedience, concurrence, • Part of Speech: Verb, Noun
consent • Pronunciation: nuhj/नज
• Antonyms: refusal, denial, defiance • Meaning:
• Use in a Sentence: The workers of the a. prod (someone) gently with one's elbow
factory must be monitored to ensure in order to attract attention. [Verb]
compliance with the terms and conditions. b. a light touch or push. [Noun]
56. Word: Bout (बारी) • Synonyms: push, poke
• Antonyms: discourage, dissuade
• Pronunciation: bout/बाउट
• Use in a Sentence: I gave him a nudge to
• Part of Speech: Noun wake him up.
• Meaning: a short period of intense activity
61. Word: Foray (आक्रमण करना)
of a specified kind.
• Synonyms: spell, shift, turn, round • Pronunciation: fawr-ey/िॉरै
• Antonyms: takeoff, exit, separate • Part of Speech: Noun
• Use in a Sentence: A half-hour daily walk • Meaning:
can be more beneficial than one hard bout a. a sudden attack or incursion into enemy
of exercise a week. territory, especially to obtain something; a
57. Word: Deploy (काम में लिाना) raid.
• Synonyms: despoil, charge
• Pronunciation: dih-ploi/डि्लॉइ
• Antonyms: idleness, relax
• Part of Speech: Verb • Use in a Sentence: After an unsuccessful
• Meaning: foray into diplomacies, Sham went back to
a. move (troops or equipment) into position his law practice.
for military action.
62. Word: Lurk (िपा रहना)
b. bring into effective action.
• Synonyms: organize, dispose, marshal • Pronunciation: lurk/लकि
• Antonyms: withdraw, retract • Part of Speech: Verb, Noun
• Use in Sentence: My work doesn't really • Meaning:
allow me fully to deploy my skills. a. be or remain hidden so as to wait in
58. Word: Peculiarity (अनोखापन) ambush for someone or something. [Verb]
b. a profitable stratagem; a dodge or
• Pronunciation: pi-kyoo-lee-ar-i-tee/र्पक्यूलीएरटी
scheme. [Noun]
• Part of Speech: Noun • Synonyms: conceal, creep
• Meaning: • Antonyms: exposed, reveal, obvious
a. a strange or unusual feature or habit. • Use in a Sentence: Hidden dangers lurk in
b. a characteristic that is distinctive of a the ocean depths.
particular person or place.


63. Word: Counterpart (प्रततरूप) • Meaning:

a. in a way that is not directly expressed;
• Pronunciation: koun-ter-pahrt/काउनपािटि
• Part of Speech: Noun b. without qualification: absolutely.
• Meaning: a person or thing that • Synonyms: thoroughly, entirely
corresponds to or has the same function as • Antonyms: explicitly, openly
another person or thing in a different place • Use in a Sentence: Mr. Smith implicitly
or situation. recognises the deterrent effect.
• Synonyms: colleagues, correspondents
68. Word: Tepid (िनिना,उत्साहहीन)
• Antonyms: opposites
• Use in a Sentence: They look enviously at • Pronunciation: tey-pid/टे र्पि
the success of their counterparts. • Part of Speech: Adjective
64. Word: Wear thin (ध़ीरे -ध़ीरे कमजोर होना) • Meaning:
• Pronunciation: viyar-thin a. displaying little interest or enthusiasm
• Part of Speech: Phrase • Synonyms: unenthusiastic, half-hearted
• Meaning: • Antonyms: enthusiastic, ardent
a. be gradually used up or become less • Use in a Sentence: The president has seen
convincing or acceptable. his popularity grow tepid ever since he
• Synonyms: Unconvincing mishandled the budget crisis.
• Antonyms: Cogent, persuasive, powerful, 69. Word: Compliance (आज्ञापालन)
potent • Pronunciation: kuh m-plahy-uh ns/
• Use in Sentence: I've warned you several
times about being late and my patience is
wearing thin. • Part of Speech: Noun
• Meaning: the state or fact of according with
65. Word: Valuation (मूलयाांकन)
or meeting rules or standards.
• Pronunciation: val-yoo-ey-shuh n/वै्यूऐशन • Synonyms: obedience, concurrence,
• Part of Speech: Noun consent
• Meaning: • Antonyms: refusal, denial, defiance
a. an estimation of the worth of something, • Use in a Sentence: The workers of the
especially one carried out by a professional factory must be monitored to ensure
valuer. compliance with the terms and conditions.
b. the monetary worth of something, 70. Word: Incumbent (अिलांब़ी)
especially as estimated by a valuer.
• Pronunciation: इन्कम्बन्ट
• Synonyms: price, value, evaluation,
costing, quotation, estimate • Part of Speech: Noun, Adjective
• Antonyms: disgrace, contempt, ridicule • Meaning:
• Use in Sentence: Surveyors carried out a a. the holder of an office or post. [Noun]
valuation of the property. b. necessary for (someone) as a duty or
responsibility. [Adjective]
66. Word: Bump up (बढ़ाना)
• Synonyms: obligatory, officeholder,
• Part of Speech: Verb • Antonyms: Aspirant, Layman, Nonessential
• Meaning: • Use in a Sentence: It's incumbent on
a. to move (something or someone) to a parents to advise their children about the
higher level, position, rank, etc. bad and good habits.
• Synonyms: aggrandizement, level up,
71. Word: Reconcile (मेल करना या कराना)
improve, scale up
• Antonyms: decrease • Pronunciation: rek-uh n-sahyl/रे कन्साइल
• Use in Sentence: You need more high • Part of Speech: Verb
marks to bump up your average. • Meaning: restore friendly relations
67. Word: Implicitly (तनस्सांदेह) between.
• Synonyms: harmonize, conciliate
• Pronunciation: im-plis-it-ly/इलम््ललसट्ली
• Antonyms: alienate, disagree
• Part of Speech: Adverb • Use in a Sentence: You must reconcile
yourself to your present job.


72. Word: Reiterate (दहराना) • Antonyms: unorganized, vitiate

• Part of Speech: Verb • Use in a Sentence:
• Meaning: say something again or a number 77. Word: Sorely (कष्टपि
ू क
श )
of times, typically for emphasis or clarity. • Pronunciation: sawr-lee/सोली
• Pronunciation: ree-it-uh-reyt/रीइटरै ट • Part of Speech: Adverb
• Synonyms: repeat, iterate, duplicate • Meaning: to a very high degree or level of
• Antonyms: elapse, conceal, dismiss intensity.
• Use in a Sentence: Before exam, my • Synonyms: bitterly, painfully
teacher reiterated all the important points • Antonyms: calmly, happily
73. Word: Overarching (अतत महत्िपूण)श • Use in a Sentence: The demands of the job
have tried him sorely.
• Pronunciation: oh-ver-ahr-ching/ओवरार्चिंग
78. Word: Bear out (समर्शन करना)
• Part of Speech: Adjective
• Meaning: • Pronunciation: बेर आउट
a. comprehensive or all-embracing. • Part of Speech: Phrase
• Synonyms: very important, urgent, • Meaning: to show that something is true or
essential, all-important, top of mind that someone is telling the truth
• Antonyms: insignificant, unimportant, • Synonyms: substantiate, corroborate,
trivial, frivolous verify, confirm
• Use in Sentence: The Supreme Court said • Antonyms: controvert, nullify
that there has to be 'overarching' • Use in a Sentence: Close examination fails
guidelines to guard personal information in to bear out the argument.
public domain. 79. Word: Circuitous (चक्करदार)
74. Word: Vest (अगधकृत करना) Pronunciation: ser-kyoo-i-tuhs/सक्यइ
• ूि टस
• Part of Speech: Verb • Part of Speech: Adjective
• Pronunciation: vest/वेस्ट्ट • Meaning:
• Meaning: confer or bestow (power, a. (of a route or journey) longer than the
authority, property, etc.) on someone. most direct way.
• Synonyms: empower, pertain • Synonyms: roundabout, indirect,
• Antonyms: disallow, deprive meandering
• Use in a Sentence: In the case of • Antonyms: direct, straight, candid, honest
bankruptcy, the property shall vest in the • Use in a Sentence: The took us on a
custodian. circuitous route to the hotel.
75. Word: Misgiving (सांदेह करनेिाला) 80. Word: Squarely (उगचत रूप से)
• Pronunciation: mis-giv-ing/लमलस्ट्गर्विंग • Pronunciation: skwair-lee/स्ट्क्वेली
• Part of Speech: Noun • Part of Speech: Adverb
• Meaning: a feeling of doubt or • Meaning:
apprehension about the outcome or a. directly, without deviating to one side.
consequences of something. b. in a direct and uncompromising manner.
• Synonyms: qualm, doubt, reservation, • Synonyms: precisely, exactly
scruple • Antonyms: deceitful, indirectly
• Antonyms: certainty, faith, confidence • Use in a Sentence: This case falls
• Use in a Sentence: He looks with squarely within the committee's
misgiving at the strange man in front of jurisdiction.
81. Word: Coercive (बलपि
ू क
श )
76. Word: Roadmap (ढाांचा)
• Pronunciation: co-ar-cive/कोअलसिव
• Pronunciation: rohd-map/रोि मैप
• Part of Speech: Adjective
• Part of Speech: Noun
• Meaning:
• Meaning: a plan or strategy intended to
a. relating to or using force or threats.
achieve a particular goal.
• Synonyms: authoritarian, imperious, high-
• Synonyms: plan of action, workflow,


• Antonyms: conditional, constitutional, 86. Word: Mockery (बबडांबना)

• Pronunciation: mok-uh-ree/माकरी
• Use in a Sentence: The president relied on
the coercive powers of the military. • Part of Speech: Noun
• Meaning:
82. Word: Abeyance (विलांब)
a. teasing and contemptuous language or
• Pronunciation: uh-bey-uh ns/अबैअन्स behaviour directed at a particular person or
• Part of Speech: Noun thing.
• Meaning: a state of temporary disuse or b. ludicrously futile action.
suspension. c. an absurd misrepresentation or imitation
• Synonyms: delay, interruption of something.
• Antonyms: revival, continuation • Synonyms: ridicule, derision, travesty,
• Use in a Sentence: This practice has fallen charade, farce, parody
into abeyance now. • Antonyms: praise, repect, gratitude
• Use in a Sentence: The performance was
83. Word: Moot (विचार करना)
an utter mockery.
• Part of Speech: Verb, Adjective 87. Word: Flaw (त्रटट)
• Meaning:
a. subject to debate, dispute, or uncertainty. • Pronunciation: flaw/फ्लॉ
[Adjective] • Part of Speech: Noun, Verb
b. having little or no practical relevance. • Meaning:
[Adjective] a. a mark, blemish, or other imperfection
c. raise (a question or topic) for discussion; which mars a substance or object. [Noun]
suggest (an idea or possibility). [Verb] b. mar, weaken, or invalidate (something).
• Pronunciation: moot/मूट [Verb]
• Synonyms: defect, fault
• Synonyms: debatable, disputable,
• Antonyms: strength, virtue
arguable, uncertain
• Use in a Sentence: There is a basic flaw in
• Antonyms: definite, certain, irrefutable
the selection procedure.
• Use in a Sentence: It's a moot point
whether Rohan or Sohan is a better player.
88. Word: Plainly (प्रत्यक्ष रूप से)

84. Word: Draconian (कठोर) • Pronunciation: pleyn-ly/्लैन्ली

• Part of Speech: Adverb
• Pronunciation: drey-koh-nee-uh n/ड्रकोनीअन
• Meaning:
• Part of Speech: Adjective a. able to be perceived easily.
• Meaning: (of laws or their application) b. in a style that is not elaborate or
excessively harsh and severe. luxurious; simply.
• Synonyms: extreme, drastic • Synonyms: obviously, clearly, candidly,
• Antonyms: pliable, ductile manifestly
• Use in a Sentence: The man criticized the • Antonyms: ambiguously, barely,
draconian measures taken by the police in incoherently
controlling the illustrators. • Use in a Sentence: The sea was plainly
85. Word: Subvert (विकृत करना) visible in the distance.
• Pronunciation: suhb-vurt/सब्वटि 89. Word: Exempt (िूट दे ना)
• Part of Speech: Verb • Part of Speech: Adjective, Verb
• Meaning: • Pronunciation: ig-zempt/इलज़ेम््ट
a. undermine the power and authority of (an • Meaning:
established system or institution). a. free from an obligation or liability imposed
• Synonyms: destabilize, unsettle, on others. [Adjective]
overthrow, overturn b. free (a person or organization) from an
• Antonyms: bolster, enhance, comply obligation or liability imposed on others.
• Use in Sentence: The man was sentenced [Verb]
to 10 years for plotting to subvert the • Synonyms: liberate, dispense
government. • Antonyms: liable, enforce


• Sentence: The interest on the money is • Meaning: Exemption from punishment or

exempt from tax. freedom from the injurious consequences of
90. Word: Thrust (जोर) an action.
• Synonyms: Exemption, Rescue, Salvation
• Pronunciation: thra-ust/थ्रस्ट्ट
• Antonyms: Custody, Committal, Bonding
• Part of Speech: Verb • Use in a Sentence: I am surprised by the
• Meaning: fact the man who kidnapped his wife was
a. to force something in a certain direction allowed to walk away with impunity!
• Synonyms: force, push, pressurize
95. Word: Acrimonious (कटतापूण)श
• Antonyms: decline, ignore
• Use in a Sentence: Reporters thrust their • Pronunciation: ak-ruh-moh-nee-
microphones into the governor's face as he uh s/ऐरमोनीअस
came out of the building. • Part of Speech: Adjective
91. Word: Stint (कम दे ना) • Meaning:
a. (typically of speech or discussion) angry
• Pronunciation: stint/लस्ट्टन्ट
and bitter
• Part of Speech: Noun, Verb • Synonyms: bitter, caustic, sarcastic, harsh
• Meaning: • Antonyms: kind, agreeable, peaceable,
a. supply a very ungenerous or inadequate pleasant
amount of (something). [Verb] • Use in a Sentence: BCCI marked a closure
b. limitation of supply or effort. [Noun] to Anil Kumble's acrimonious episode by
• Synonyms: skimp, scant clearing the dues.
• Antonyms: exuberant, generous
96. Word: Expediency (मनाफा)
• Use in a Sentence: They didn't stint on
food and drink at their wedding. • Pronunciation: ik-spee-dee-yan-
92. Word: Retaliation (प्रतत-टहांसा) see/इक्स्ट्पीिीअन्सी
• Part of Speech: Noun
• Pronunciation: ri-tal-ee-ey-shuh n/रीटै लीऐशन
• Meaning:
• Part of Speech: Noun a. doing what is convenient or profitable
• Meaning: rather than what is morally right.
a. the action of returning a military attack; • Synonyms: suitable, benefit, convenience
counter-attack. • Antonyms: altruism, inexpediency,
b. the action of harming someone because unsuitable
they have harmed oneself; revenge. • Use in a Sentence: -It seems political
• Synonyms: revenge, punishment expediency, rather than absolute economic
• Antonyms: mercy, forgiveness need, will determine who gains from the
• Use in a Sentence: The armed forces were conflict.
on high alert to guard against any
97. Word: Outrageously (खराब ढां ि से)
93. Word: Keynote (कोई मख्य मसद्धान्त या विचार) • Pronunciation: out-rey-juh s-lee/आउरै जस्ट्ली
• Part of Speech: Adverb
• Pronunciation: kee-noht/कीनोट
• Meaning:
• Part of Speech: Noun a. in a shockingly bad or excessive way.
• Meaning: b. in a very bold and slightly shocking way.
a. a prevailing tone or central theme. • Synonyms: shamefully, awfully,
• Synonyms: theme, salient point, point, extravagantly
gist, substance • Antonyms: acceptably, normally, calmly, in
• Antonyms: subtopic, soporific, end tact
• Use in a Sentence: The man is scheduled • Use in a Sentence: The man behaved
to deliver the keynote address at an awards outrageously in the party.
98. Word: Repercussions (प्रततकक्रया)
94. Word: Impunity (दण्ड से मस्क्त)
• Pronunciation: ree-per-kuhsh-uh n/रीप्रकशन
• Pronunciation: इम््यूननटी
• Part of Speech: Noun
• Part of Speech: Noun • Meaning:


a. an unintended consequence of an event • Use in a Sentence: It is foolhardy to sail

or action, especially an unwelcome one. the Atlantic in such a tiny boat.
b. the recoil of something after impact. 112. Word: Lacklustre (मांद)
• Synonyms: effect, outcome, by-product
• Antonyms: causes • Pronunciation: lack-lus-tre/लैक-लस-ट-र
• Use in Sentence: There were serious • Part of Speech: Adjective
repercussions on his career. • Meaning:
99. Word: Deplorable (तनांदऩीय) a. lacking in vitality, force, or conviction;
b. uninspired or uninspiring.
• Pronunciation: dih-plawr-uh-buh l/डि्लोरबल
• Synonyms: dull, uninspired, uninteresting.
• Part of Speech: Adjective
• Antonyms: Bright, lively, revitalizing
• Meaning:
• Use in a Sentence: No excuses can be
a. deserving strong condemnation;
made for the team's lacklustre
completely unacceptable.
b. shockingly bad in quality.
• Synonyms: disgraceful, shameful, 113. Word: Specious (टदखािटी)
dishonourable, disreputable, discreditable • Pronunciation: spee-shuh s/स्ट्पीशस
• Antonyms: admirable, happy, pleasing
• Use in a Sentence: The remark showed a • Part of Speech: Adjective
deplorable lack of taste. • Meaning:
a. superficially plausible, but actually wrong.
100. Word: Hound (व्याकल करना)
b. misleading in appearance, especially
• Pronunciation: hound/हाउिं ि misleadingly attractive.
• Part of Speech: Verb • Synonyms: deceptive, apparent
• Meaning: • Antonyms: valid, credible
a. harass, persecute, or pursue relentlessly. • Sentence: They wouldn't accept his
• Synonyms: bother, trouble, annoy, badger specious claim.
• Antonyms: support, soothe, appease,
114. Word: Peg up (बढाना)
• Use in a Sentence: The police have • Pronunciation: peg-up/पेग-अप
promised to hound down those responsible • Part of Speech: Idiom
for the explosion. • Meaning:
110. Word: Vandalise (तहस नहस करना) a. To raise the value, amount, rate, etc., of
• Pronunciation: van-dl-ahyz/ something, especially very quickly or
• Part of Speech: Verb suddenly
• Meaning: • Synonyms: enhance, gain, improve, grow,
a. deliberately destroy or damage (public or inflate
private property). • Antonyms: decrease, lessen, depreciate,
• Synonyms: demolish, ruin, sabotage, disparage
ravage • Use in a Sentence: The price for wheat has
• Antonyms: mend, improve been pegged up to a staggering $17.45
USD, the highest it has ever been in the
• Use in a Sentence: Someone vandalized
history of the United States.
the museum during the night.
115. Word: Paper-over (एक अवप्रय स्स्र्तत को तिपाना)
111. Word: Fool-hardy (दुःसाहस़ी)
• Pronunciation: pay-par-o-var/पे-पर-ओ-वर
• Pronunciation: fu-l-har-di/िूल-हािि-इ
• Part of Speech: Verb
• Part of Speech: Adjective • Meaning:
• Meaning: a. meaning in this article: to hide an
a. brave in a silly way, taking unnecessary unpleasant situation, especially a problem or
risks disagreement, in order to make people
• Synonyms: reckless, rash, incautious, believe that it does not exist or is not
careless, heedless serious.
• Antonyms: careful, cautious, fearful, meek b. to glossover, explain away, or patch up
(differences, disparities, etc.) especially in


order to maintain a semblance of unity or • Meaning:

agreement. a. meaning in this article: huge, very
• Synonyms: Cover, conceal, mask large (Adjective)
• Antonyms: open, release, reveal, uncover, b. a large extinct elephant of the Pleistocene
bare epoch, typically hairy with a sloping back
• Use in .a Sentence: He tried to paper and long curved tusks. (Noun)
over the country's deep-seated problems. • Synonyms: enormous, gigantic, giant,
Hiding and disguising. colossal, massive, vast
116. Word: Precarious (अतनस्श्चत) • Antonyms: tiny, small, minute
• Use in a Sentence: Jeff works for a
• Pronunciation: pri-kair-ee-uh s/र्प्रकेरीअस
mammoth-sized corporation that hires lakhs
• Part of Speech: Adjective of employees all over the world.
• Meaning:
120. Word: Intent (इरादा)
a. dependent on chance; uncertain
b. not securely held or in position; • Pronunciation: in-tent/इन्टे न्ट
dangerously likely to fall or collapse. • Part of Speech: Noun, Adjective
• Synonyms: hazardous, perilous, insecure • Meaning:
• Antonyms: strong, secure, stable, certain, a. intention or purpose. [Noun]
definite b. determined to do (something).
• Use in a Sentence: If you think the [Adjective]
weather is bad now, see how c. (of a look or expression) showing earnest
precariousconditions will be when the and eager attention. [Adjective]
hurricane makes landfall. • Synonyms: purpose, objective, goal
117. Word: Brisk (तेज , फतीला ) • Antonyms: unorganized, irresolute
• Use in a Sentence: He was intent on
• Pronunciation: bri-esk/र्ि-स्ट्क
pursuing a career in business.
• Part of Speech: Adjective
121. Word: Barely (केिल)
• Meaning:
a. active and energetic. • Pronunciation: bair-lee/बेली
• Synonyms: quick, rapid, fast, swift, • Part of Speech: Adverb
speedy, fleet-footed • Meaning:
• Antonyms: sluggish, slow, quiet a. only just; almost not
• Use in a Sentence: Since I wanted to burn b. in a simple and sparse way.
calories, my personal trainer had me walk • Synonyms: hardly, scarcely, just
the treadmill at a brisk speed. • Antonyms: completely, easily
118. Word: Undermine (क्ष़ीण करना) • Use in a Sentence: The act was barely
justified by the circumstances.
• Pronunciation: uhn-der-mahyn/अन्िमािइन
122. Word: Deteriorate (बबिाड़ना)
• Part of Speech: Verb
• Meaning: • Pronunciation: dih-teer-ee-uh-reyt/डिटटरीअरै ट
a. meaning in this article: lessen the • Part of Speech: Verb
effectiveness, power, or ability of, especially • Meaning:
gradually or insidiously. a. become progressively worse.
b. erode the base or foundation of (a rock • Synonyms: worsen, degenerate, languish
formation). • Antonyms: improve, ameliorate, progress
• Synonyms: threaten, weaken, compromise, • Use in a Sentence: If the eatables are kept
diminish for too long, its taste will deteriorate and it
• Antonyms: strengthen, bolster, boost may
• Use in a Sentence: High-income tax can 123. Word: Retrograde (प्रततिाम़ी)
undermine work incentives. • Part of Speech: Adjective, Noun
119. Word: Mammoth (विशाल) • Meaning:
• Pronunciation: mai-math/मैमथ a. directed or moving backwards. [Adjective]
b. reverting to an earlier and inferior
• Part of Speech: Adjective, Noun
condition. [Adjective]
c. go back in position or time. [Noun]


• Pronunciation: re-truh-greyd/रे रग्रैि • Use in a Sentence: His name was omitted

• Synonyms: reverse, rearward, regressive, through an oversight.
downhill, 128. Word: Stipulate (प्रततज्ञा करना)
• Antonyms: progress, advance, modern • Pronunciation: stip-yuh-leyt/लस्ट्ट्यलैट
• Use in a Sentence: The closure of the • Part of Speech: Verb
factories is seen as a retrograde step. • Meaning:
124. Word: Enshrine (स्र्ावपत करना) a. demand or specify (a requirement),
• Part of Speech: Verb typically as part of a bargain or agreement.
• Pronunciation: en-shrahyn/एन्राइन • Synonyms: require, condition, promise
• Meaning: • Antonyms: approachable, apply, appeal
a. place (a revered or precious object) in an • Use in a Sentence: The company fails to
appropriate receptacle. pay on the date stipulated in the contract.
b. preserve (a right, tradition, or idea) in a 129. Word: Lurk (िपा रहना)
form that ensures it will be protected and • Pronunciation: lurk/लकि
respected. • Part of Speech: Verb, Noun
• Synonyms: embody, manifest • Meaning:
• Antonyms: degrade, depreciate a. be or remain hidden so as to wait in
• Use in a Sentence: A lot of memories are ambush for someone or something. [Verb]
enshrined in this photo album. b. a profitable stratagem; a dodge or
125. Word: Revelations (रहस्योद्घाटन) scheme. [Noun]
• Pronunciation: rev-uh-ley-shuh n/ रे वलैशन • Synonyms: conceal, creep
• Part of Speech: Noun • Antonyms: exposed, reveal, obvious
• Meaning: a surprising and previously • Use in a Sentence: Hidden dangers lurk in
unknown fact that has been disclosed to the ocean depths.
others. 130. Word: Thwart (व्यर्श कर दे ना)
• Synonyms: declaration, exposures, • Pronunciation: thwawrt/थ्वॉटि
disclosures • Part of Speech: Verb
• Antonyms: concealments, hidings • Meaning:
• Use in a Sentence: The revelation of her a. prevent (someone) from accomplishing
disgraceful past led to her resignation. something.
126. Word: Enforcement (प्रचलन) b. oppose (a plan, attempt, or ambition)
• Pronunciation: en-fawrs-muh nt/एन्िोस्ट्मिन्ट successfully.
• Part of Speech: Noun • Synonyms: foil, frustrate, disappoint
• Meaning: the act of compelling observance • Antonyms: assist, facilitate
of or compliance with a law, rule, or • Use in a Sentence: As per the perfect
obligation. planning, Meera knows that nobody can
• Synonyms: imposition, implementation thwart her plans.
• Antonyms: dismissal, expiration 131. Word: Intercept (अांतरोध)
• Use in a Sentence: The doctors want • Pronunciation: in-ter-sept/इन्टसे्ट
stricter enforcement of existing laws. • Part of Speech: Verb, Noun
127. Word: Oversight (चूक) • Meaning:
• Pronunciation: oh-ver-sahyt/ओवसािइट a. obstruct (someone or something) so as to
• Part of Speech: Noun prevent them from continuing to a
• Meaning: destination. [Verb]
a) an unintentional failure to notice or do b. an act or instance of intercepting
something. something. [Noun]
b) the action of overseeing something. • Synonyms: cut off, prevent, hinder, block
• Synonyms: blunder, disregard, • Antonyms: continue, forward, accelerate
surveillance, mistake • Use in a Sentence: Don't try to intercept
• Antonyms: scrutiny, care, attention track if the turn does not finish on track.
132. Word: Symptomatic (लाक्षणणक)


• Pronunciation: simp-tuh-mat-ik/लसम््टमैटटक 136. Word: Rationalize (मसद्ध करना)

• Part of Speech: Adjective • Part of Speech: Verb
• Meaning: • Meaning:
a. serving as a symptom or sign, especially a. attempt to explain or justify (behavior or
of something undesirable. an attitude) with logical reasons, even if
b. exhibiting or involving medical symptoms. these are not appropriate.
• Synonyms: warning, characteristic, b. make (a company, process, or industry)
suggestive, typical more efficient, especially by dispensing with
• Antonyms: uncharacteristic, atypical, superfluous personnel or equipment.
• Use in a Sentence: The rise in • Pronunciation: rash-uh-nl-ahyz/रै शनलाइज़
unemployment is symptomatic of a general • Synonyms: justify, vindicate
decline in the economy. • Antonyms: complicate, obscure
133. Word: Snoop (जासूस़ी करना) • Use in a Sentence: They attempted to
• Pronunciation: snoop/स्ट्नूप rationalize the new functioning method.
• Part of Speech: Verb, Noun 137. Word: Scrap (रद्दी, रद्द करना)
• Meaning: • Pronunciation: skrap/स्ट्रैप
a. investigate or look around furtively in an • Part of Speech: Verb, Noun
attempt to find out something, especially • Meaning:
information about someone's private affairs. a. abolish or cancel (a plan, policy, or law).
[Verb] [Verb]
b. a furtive investigation. [Noun] b. discard or remove from service (a
• Synonyms: enquire, pry, exploration, redundant, old, or inoperative vehicle,
search vessel, or machine). [Verb]
• Antonyms: ignore, neglect c. a small piece or amount of something,
• Use in a Sentence: People were sent out to especially one that is left over after the
snoop on rival businesses. greater part has been used. [Noun]
134. Word: Bona fide (िास्तविक, प्रामाणणक) • Synonyms: junk, blacklist
• Pronunciation: boh-nuh fahyd/बोन िाइि • Antonyms: support, continue
• Part of Speech: Adjective, Adverb • Use in a Sentence: I support the idea that
• Meaning: road tax should be scrapped.
a. genuine; real. [Adjective] 138. Word: Shot in the arm (प्रेररत करना)
b. without intention to deceive. [Adverb] • Part of Speech: Idiom
• Synonyms: certified, legitimate • Meaning:
• Antonyms: illegal, invalid a. Something that boosts one's spirits
• Use in a Sentence: To make sure you are b. Something that gives help and
a bona fide buyer, the real estate agent will encouragement at a time when it is needed
check your credit before allowing you to • Synonyms: praise, assist
view the house. • Antonyms: discourage, hinder
135. Word: Susceptible (अततसांिेदनश़ील) • Use in a Sentence: The new member was
a shot in the arm for the team, which
• Pronunciation: suh-sep-tuh-buh l/ससे्टबल
played noticeably better.
• Part of Speech: Adjective
139. Word: Shore up (मजबूत करना, टे क लिाना)
• Meaning:
a. likely or liable to be influenced or harmed • Pronunciation: shohr uhp/शोर-अप
by a particular thing. • Part of Speech: Idiom
b. vulnerable to physical or emotional attack • Meaning:
or harm. a. To give someone or something robust
• Synonyms: vulnerable, receptive to, support in the face of difficulty or to prevent
defenseless against potential failure
• Antonyms: invulnerable, secure • Synonyms: support, brace, reinforce
• Use in a Sentence: Many young children • Antonyms: abstain, cancel, cease
get the flu vaccine so they will be less • Use in Sentence: They had to shore up
susceptible to the virus. the damaged wall.


140. Word: Cumbersome (बोणिल, दष्कर) • Meaning:

a. extremely serious or urgent.
• Pronunciation: kuhm-ber-suh m/कम्बसिम
b. of a very poor quality.
• Part of Speech: Adjective • Synonyms: dreadful, severe
• Meaning: • Antonyms: fortunate, trivial
a. large or heavy and therefore difficult to • Use in a Sentence: After the war, the
carry or manage; unwieldy. country's economy was in dire straits.
b. slow or complicated and therefore
145. Word: Proviso (प्रततबांध)
• Synonyms: awkward, clumsy • Pronunciation: pruh-vahy-zoh/प्रवाइज़ो
• Antonyms: graceful, convenient • Part of Speech: Noun
• Use in a Sentence: The assignment was so • Meaning:
cumbersome that Raman had to hire six a. a condition or qualification attached to an
temporary workers to assist him. agreement or statement.
141. Word: Compliance (अनपालन) • Synonyms: condition, stipulation, provision,
clause, restriction
• Pronunciation: kuh m-plahy-uh ns/ कम््लाइअन्स
• Antonyms: deficiency, requisition, overload
• Part of Speech: Noun • Use in a Sentence: One proviso is
• Meaning: attached to this legacy.
a. the state or fact of according with or
146. Word: Cease (समास्तत)
meeting rules or standards.
• Synonyms: obedience, concurrence, • Pronunciation: sees/सीस
consent • Part of Speech: Verb
• Antonyms: refusal, denial, defiance • Meaning:
• Use in a Sentence: The workers of the a. come or bring to an end.
factory must be monitored to ensure • Synonyms: end, halt, stop, conclude,
compliance with the terms and conditions. terminate,
142. Word: Defer (स्र्गित करना, टालना) • Antonyms: continue, proceed, begin
• Use in a Sentence: These violations of the
• Pronunciation: dih-fur/डििर
code must cease forthwith.
• Part of Speech: Verb
147. Word: Reconcile (मेल करना या कराना)
• Meaning:
a. put off (an action or event) to a later • Pronunciation: rek-uh n-sahyl/रे कन्साइल
time; postpone. • Part of Speech: Verb
• Synonyms: adjourn, delay, hold over • Meaning: restore friendly relations
• Antonyms: accelerate, hasten, expedite between.
• Use in Sentence: The committee wish to • Synonyms: harmonize, conciliate
defer their decision until next week. • Antonyms: alienate, disagree
143. Word: Shortfall (अभाि) • Use in a Sentence: You must reconcile
yourself to your present job.
• Pronunciation: shawrt-fawl/शॉट्ििॉल
148. Word: Fallacy (ममथ्या हे त)
• Part of Speech: Verb
• Meaning: • Pronunciation: fal-uh-see/िैलसी
a. a failure to get an expected return. • Part of Speech: Noun
b. a deficit of something required or • Meaning:
expected. a. a mistaken belief, especially one based on
• Synonyms: deficiency, flaw, lack, shortage unsound arguments.
• Antonyms: abundance, enough, perfection, b. a failure in reasoning which renders an
plenty, sufficiency argument invalid.
• Use in a Sentence: A budget shortfall is • Synonyms: misconception, error,
expected since the state spent much more miscalculation, misinterpretation,
than it gained in taxes. misconstruction
144. Word: Dire (अत्यांत) • Antonyms: fact, truth, honesty, reality
• Use in a Sentence: It is a fallacy to say
• Pronunciation: dahyuh r/िाइअर
that the camera never lies.
• Part of Speech: Adjective


149. Word: Strapped (तांि़ी) 154. Word: Heavy-handed (तानाशाही)

• Pronunciation: strapd/स्ट्रै ्ट • Pronunciation: /हे वी है लन्िि
• Part of Speech: Verb • Part of Speech: Adjective
• Meaning: • Meaning:
a. short of money a. clumsy, insensitive, or overly forceful.
• Synonyms: Penniless, poor, destitute b. using too much of something.
• Antonyms: Prosperous, affluent • Synonyms: unskilful, inexpert, graceless,
• Use in a Sentence: The financially ungraceful
strapped state university atlast closed. • Antonyms: kindhearted,sure-handed, clever
150. Word: Curb (तनयांत्रण करना) • Use in a Sentence: A heavy-handed
• Part of Speech: Noun, Verb approach could undo that good impression.
• Pronunciation: kurb/कबि 155. Word: Backlash (प्रततक्षेप, प्रततकक्रया)
• Meaning: a check or restraint on • Part of Speech: Noun
something. • Pronunciation: bak-lash/बैक्लैश
• Synonyms: inhibit, hinder • Meaning:
• Antonyms: encourage, support a. a strong or violent reaction, as to some
• Use in a Sentence: We are trying to keep a social or political change
curb on their activities. b. a strong negative reaction by a large
151. Word: Leaning (प्रिवृ ि) number of people, especially to a social or
political development.
• Pronunciation: लीननिंग/lee-ning
• Synonyms: response, counteraction
• Part of Speech: Noun • Antonyms: request
• Meaning: • Use in a Sentence: The president received
a. a tendency or partiality of a particular backlash from thousands of people who
kind. disagreed with his statements.
• Synonyms: inclination, bent, proclivity,
156. Word: Stand-offs (कायम)
propensity, penchant
• Antonyms: disinclination, antipathy, equity • Pronunciation: stand-awf, -of / स्ट्टै न्ि ऑि
• Use in a Sentence: The old man is leaning • Part of Speech: Noun
on a walking stick. • Meaning:
152. Word: Step in (में हस्तक्षेप करना) a. a deadlock between two equally matched
opponents in a dispute or conflict.
• Pronunciation: स्ट्टे प इन
b. something that counterbalances.
• Part of Speech: Phrasal verb of step • Synonyms: Standstill, Stalemate
• Meaning: • Antonyms: Conclusion, Decision
a. become involved in a difficult situation, • Use in a Sentence: The standoff between
especially in order to help. friends ended peacefully the following day.
b. act as a substitute for someone. 157. Word: Subdue (अध़ीन करना)
• Synonyms: intervene, intercede, mediate
• Antonyms: abandon, leave • Pronunciation: suh b-doo/सब्िू
• Use in a Sentence: The military may step • Part of Speech: Verb
in if the crisis continues. • Meaning:
153. Word: Be barking up the wrong tree a. overcome, quieten, or bring under control
(पर्भ्रष्ट) (a feeling or person).
• Part of Speech: Phrase of bark • Synonyms: suppress, overcome, conquer
• Meaning: • Antonyms: incite, agitate, liberate
a. be pursuing a mistaken or misguided line • Use in a Sentence: He managed to
of thought or course of action. subdue his mounting anger.
• Synonyms: erroneous, inaccurate, incorrect 158. Word: Woo (प्रलोभन, मनाना)
• Antonyms: get the message, beat your • Pronunciation: woo/वू
brains out • Part of Speech: Verb
• Use in a Sentence: Could he once again be • Meaning:
barking up the wrong tree? a. seek the favor, support, or custom of


• Synonyms: Chase, cultivate, allure, charm • Synonyms: lecture, speech, sermon

• Antonyms: ignore, shun, bully, abase • Antonyms: silence, quiet, ignore
• Use in a Sentence: Shurpanaka wooed to • Use in a Sentence: She was able to
Lakshman to marry her. discourse on the problems of learning.
159. Word: At arm's length (दरू से सलाम करना, हार् 163. Word: Detractor (आलोचक)
भर की दरू ी) • Pronunciation: dih-trakt/िीरै क्टर
• Part of Speech: Phrase • Part of Speech: Noun
• Meaning: • Meaning:
a. in a situation where you avoid dealing a. a person who disparages someone or
with or becoming involved with someone something/a critic usually freely skeptical of
else something
b. held away from your body with your arm • Synonyms: critic, disparager, denigrator,
stretched out straight deprecator, belittler
• Synonyms: avoid, stay away from, steer • Antonyms: benefactor, ally, supporter
clear of, circumvent • Use in Sentence: Once the controversial
• Antonyms: attend, heed, regard movie was released into theaters, a
• Use in a Sentence: she is wise enough to detractor verbally disapproved in the local
keep people at arm's length who try to newspaper of its success.
discourage her. 164. Word: Dissenter (िह मनष्य जो प्रचमलत मत के
160. Word: Jingoism (कट्टर राष्रिाद) विरुद्ध हो, विरोध़ी)
• Pronunciation: jing-goh-iz-uh m/लजिंगगोइज़म • Pronunciation: dih-sen-te/िी-सेंट- अर
• Part of Speech: Noun • Part of Speech: Noun
• Meaning: • Meaning:
a. extreme patriotism for one’s country that a. a person who disagrees in matters of
often shows itself through aggression opinion, belief, etc./ one who objects or
towards other nations does not conform
• Synonyms: chauvinism, extreme • Synonyms: Nonconformist, Protestant,
nationalism, flag-waving, freethinker, recusant
• Antonyms: internationalism, unbias • Antonyms: believer, conformer
• Use in Sentence: The man’s jingoism led • Use in a Sentence: At the conference
him to attempt to destroy a federal building table, everyone agreed to the terms of the
as a show of loyalty for his own nation. deal except the dissenter who absolutely
161. Word: Spearhead (नेतत्ृ ि करना) refused to sign the document.
• Pronunciation: speer-hed/लस्ट्पहे ि 165. Word: Vigil (जाितृ होना)
• Part of Speech: Noun/Verb • Pronunciation: vij-uh l/र्वजल
• Meaning: • Part of Speech: Noun
a. an individual or group chosen to lead an • Meaning:
attack or movement. [Noun] a. wakefulness maintained for any reason
b. lead (an attack or movement). [Verb] during the normal hours for sleeping.
• Synonyms: head, pioneer, forefront b. a watch or a period of watchful attention
• Antonyms: backside maintained at night or at other times
• Use in a Sentence: The new managing • Synonyms: vigilance, observance
director will act as spearhead of the • Antonyms: inattentiveness, sleep
campaign • Use in a Sentence: My father told the
162. Word: Discourse (तकश करना, उपदे श) gatekeeper to keep vigil.
• Pronunciation: डिस्ट्कोसि 166. Word: Prognosticate (भविष्य बतलाना)
• Part of Speech: Noun, Verb • Pronunciation: prog-nos-ti-keyt/प्रालनास्ट्टकैट
• Meaning: • Part of Speech: Verb
a. written or spoken communication or • Meaning:
debate. [Noun] a. to forecast the future
b. speak or write authoritatively about a
topic. [Verb]


• Synonyms: forecast, predict, foretell, • Synonyms: Impact, Burden, Pressure

portend • Antonyms: Ease, Persuade, Compromise
• Antonyms: reminiscing, candid, approachable • Use in a Sentence: Some small
• Use in a Sentence: After viewing some of organizations are feeling the brunt of the
the financial indexes, a few pessimistic recession.
economists began to prognosticate an 171. Word: In the wake of (के पररणाम स्िरूप)
economic recession. • Part of Speech: Phrase of wake
167. Word: Solvency (सम्पन्नता) • Meaning: following (someone or
• Pronunciation: sol-vuh n-see/सॉ्वन्सी something), especially as a consequence.
• Part of Speech: Noun • Synonyms: later on, coming after, after a
• Meaning: while
a. the possession of assets in excess of • Antonyms: all along
liabilities; ability to pay one's debts. • Use in a Sentence: The security at the
• Synonyms: capacity to pay, wealth, airport was extra tight in the wake of
stability yesterday's bomb blasts.
• Antonyms: bankruptcy, inabilities, failure 172. Word: Prudence (कक्रयात्मक बद्गध)
• Use in a Sentence: Financial solvency can • Pronunciation: prood-ns/प्रूिन्स
be a reflection of your sense of • Part of Speech: Noun
responsibility. • Meaning:
168. Word: Shroud (आिरण) a. the quality of being prudent;
• Pronunciation: shroud/राउि cautiousness.
• Part of Speech: Noun, Verb • Synonyms: wisdom, judgement,
• Meaning: shrewdness, advisability, common sense
a. a thing that envelops or obscures • Antonyms: rashness, insanity,
something. [Noun] • Use in a Sentence: One can rely on the
b. cover or envelop so as to conceal from prudence of his decisions.
view. [Verb] 173. Word: Fiasco (असफलता)
• Synonyms: swathe, wrap, sheet, layer, • Pronunciation: fee-as-koh/िीऐस्ट्को
overlay • Part of Speech: Noun
• Antonyms: expose, uncover, denounce, • Meaning: a complete failure, especially a
erupt ludicrous or humiliating one.
• Use in a Sentence: Everything was • Synonyms: disappointment, mess
covered in a thick shroud of dust. • Antonyms: success, triumph
169. Word: Conglomerate (एकबत्रत होना) • Use in Sentence: The party was a complete
• Pronunciation: kuh n-glom-er-it/कन्ललामररट fiasco.
• Part of Speech: Noun, Verb 174. Word: Intent (इरादा)
• Meaning: • Part of Speech: Noun, Adjective
a. a thing consisting of a number of different • Pronunciation: in-tent/इन्टे न्ट
and distinct parts or items that are grouped • Meaning:
together. [Noun] a. intention or purpose. [Noun]
b. gather together into a compact mass. b. determined to do (something).
[Verb] [Adjective]
• Synonyms: mixture, mix, combination, c. (of a look or expression) showing earnest
amalgamation, integrate and eager attention. [Adjective]
• Antonyms: • Synonyms: purpose, objective, goal
• Use in a Sentence: The firm has been • Antonyms: unorganized, irresolute
taken over by an US conglomerate. • Use in a Sentence: He was intent on
170. Word: Brunt (िहरा असर) pursuing a career in business.
• Pronunciation: िन्ट 175. Word: Foreword (प्राक्कर्न)
• Part of Speech: Noun • Pronunciation: fawr-wurd/िोवििि
• Meaning: The worst part or chief impact of • Part of Speech: Noun
a specified action.


• Meaning: • Part of Speech: Phrase

a. a short introduction to a book, typically by • Meaning:
a person other than the author. a. a long way from an intended target.
• Synonyms: prologue, preamble b. incorrect or inaccurate.
• Antonyms: epilogue, conclusion finale, • Synonyms: inaccurate, incorrect, wrong,
postscript erroneous, inexact
• Use in a Sentence: The paper has five • Antonyms: accurate, correct, perfect,
chapters except foreword and postscript. precise
176. Word: Mala fide (बरे इरादे से) • Use in a Sentence: Their estimates were
completely off the mark.
• Pronunciation: mah-lah fee-de/माला िीि
181. Word: Spate (बड़़ी सांख्या में)
• Part of Speech: Adjective, Adverb
• Meaning: • Pronunciation: speyt/स्ट्पैट
a. in bad faith; with intent to deceive. • Part of Speech: Noun
• Synonyms: evasive, ambidextrous, • Meaning:
pretentious a. a large number of similar things coming in
• Antonyms: humble, meek, modest quick succession.
• Use in a Sentence: We need to prevent the • Synonyms: series, succession, run, cluster
completion of any sale which is perceived to • Antonyms: shortage, paucity
be mala fide. • Use in a Sentence: After heavy rain, the
177. Word: Meltdown (मांदी) river was in spate.
• Pronunciation: melt-down/मे्ट्िैउन 182. Word: Rationalization (यस्क्तकरण)
• Part of Speech: Noun • Pronunciation: rash-uh-nl-ahyzashun/रे श-
• Meaning: न-लाइ-जे-शन
a. a disastrous collapse or breakdown • Part of Speech: Noun
• Synonyms: lowout, breakdown, debacle • Meaning:
• Antonyms: Positive outcome a. the act of attempting to explain or justify
• Use in a Sentence: Urgent talks are going behavior or an attitude with logical reasons,
on to prevent the market going into financial even if these are not appropriate.
meltdown during the summer. • Synonyms: justification, rationale,
178. Word: Forbearance (सहनश़ीलता) explanation
• Pronunciation: for-bear-ance/िॉर-बीयर-एिंस • Antonyms: question, doubtful
• Part of Speech: Noun • Use in a Sentence: No amount of
• Meaning: rationalization could justify his crime.
a. patient self-control; restraint and 183. Word: Persist (दृढ़ रहना)
tolerance. • Pronunciation: per-sist/ पर-लसस्ट्ट
• Synonyms: Self-control, Abstinence • Part of Speech: Verb
• Antonyms: Impatience • Meaning:
• Use in a Sentence: The teacher showed a. continue in an opinion or course of action
great forbearance in his classes. in spite of difficulty or opposition.
179. Word: Uptick (इजाफा) b. continue to exist; be prolonged.
• Pronunciation: up-tik/अप-टटक • Synonyms: Persevere, continue, carry on.
• Part of Speech: Noun • Antonyms: hide, enclose
• Meaning: • Use in a Sentence: If you want to achieve
a. a small increase or slight upward trend. your goal, you must persist despite all
• Synonyms: Growth, progress, amplification obstacles.
• Antonyms: Downtick, abatement, decline 184. Word: Elusive (पररहारकारी, पकड़ में न आने िाला)
• Use in a Sentence: There is an uptick in • Pronunciation: ih-loo-siv]/इललू सव
foreign tourism in Gujrat as the Prime • Part of Speech: Adjective
Minister belongs to this state. • Meaning:
180. Word: Off the mark (त्रटटपण ू )श a. difficult to find, catch, or achieve
• Pronunciation: off-d-mark/ऑि-द-माकि • Synonyms: tricky, baffling


• Antonyms: definite, honest d. a way of standing or sitting, especially in

• Use in a Sentence: The police are finding it order to be photographed, painted, or
difficult to catch the elusive bank robber. drawn. [Noun]
185. Word: Dent ( कम होना) • Synonyms: constitute, present, create,
cause, produce, put
• Pronunciation: den-t/िेंट
• Antonyms: break, conclude, demolish
• Part of Speech: Verb, Noun • Use in a Sentence: Smoking does pose a
• Meaning: significant health risk, and it is a wise choice
a. have an adverse effect on; diminish. not to do so.
189. Word: Entangle (उलिाना)
b. a reduction in amount or size, a sudden
or headlong fall. [Noun] • Pronunciation: /एन्टैंगगल
• Synonyms: diminish, reduce, lessen. • Part of Speech: Verb
• Antonyms: increase, boost, amplify • Meaning:
• Use in a Sentence: The new government a. cause to become twisted together with or
has barely made a dent in the poverty rate caught in.
of the country. b. involve (someone) in difficulties or
186. Word: Compliance (आज्ञापालन) complicated circumstances from which it is
difficult to escape.
• Pronunciation: kuh m-plahy-uh ns/ कम््लाइअन्स
• Synonyms: intertwine, entwine, tangle,
• Part of Speech: Noun intertwist, implicate
• Meaning: • Antonyms: extricate, unravel, disengage,
a. the state or fact of according with or unite
meeting rules or standards. • Use in a Sentence: How did Mary manage
• Synonyms: obedience, concurrence, consent
to entangle her hair?
• Antonyms: refusal, denial, defiance
190. Word: Impair (ख़राब करना)
• Use in a Sentence: The workers of the
factory must be monitored to ensure • Pronunciation: im-pair/इम्पेर
compliance with the terms and conditions. • Part of Speech: Verb
187. Word: Squeeze (बल, दबाि, तनचोड़) • Meaning: weaken or damage (something,
especially a faculty or function).
• Pronunciation: skweez/इसक्वीज
• Synonyms: damage, vitiate
• Part of Speech: Verb, Noun • Antonyms: improve, aid
• Meaning: • Use in a Sentence: Loud noise can impair
a. to firmly press something [Noun] the hearing.
b. a strong financial demand or pressure,
191. Word: Flux (प्रिाह)
typically a restriction on borrowing,
spending, or investment in a financial crisis. • Pronunciation: fluhks/फ्लक्स
[Verb] • Part of Speech: Noun
• Synonyms: compress, crush, force, pressurize • Meaning: the action or process of flowing or
• Antonyms: Uncompress, decompress, assuage flowing out.
• Use in a Sentence: After adding the sugar, • Synonyms: motion, liquefy, melt
squeeze and crush the lemon in the pitcher • Antonyms: stability, permanence
for homemade lemonade. • Use in a Sentence: Our programs are in a
188. Word: Pose (रचना करना, उत्पन्न करना) situation of flux at the moment.
• Pronunciation: pohz/पोज़ 192. Word: Robust (मजबूत)
• Part of Speech: Verb, Noun • Pronunciation: roh-buhst/रोबस्ट्ट
• Meaning: • Part of Speech: Adjective
a. to present a question or raise a topic for • Meaning:
discussion [Verb] a. strong and healthy; vigorous.
b. assume a particular position in order to • Synonyms: powerful, persistent
be photographed, painted, or drawn. [Verb] • Antonyms: weak, feeble
c. a particular way of behaving adopted in • Use in a Sentence: The organization is
order to impress or to give a false taking a more robust approach to
impression. [Noun] management.


193. Word: Disclosures (पदाशफाश) b. something that causes something to

happen or happen more quickly; an impetus.
• Pronunciation: dih-skloh-zher/डिस्ट्क्लोश़र
• Synonyms: urge, instinct, drive,
• Part of Speech: Noun compulsion, stimulation, incitement,
• Meaning: the act of making new or secret • Antonyms: aversion, cajole, caginess,
information known. entice
• Synonyms: revelations, announcements • Use in a Sentence: The door was open and
• Antonyms: denials, concealments on impulse, she went inside.
• Use in a Sentence: The seniors consider
198. Word: Taper off (घटाना)
that such disclosures would be seriously
prejudiced to the concerns of the group. • Pronunciation: tey-per awf/ टे पर ऑि
194. Word: Trail (राह तनकाल लेना) • Part of Speech: Phrasal verb
• Meaning:
• Pronunciation: treyl/रै ल
a. to become gradually smaller or weaker, or
• Part of Speech: Verb happen less often
• Meaning: • Synonyms: diminish, decrease, dwindle,
a. draw or be drawn along behind someone lessen
or something. • Antonyms: increase, rise, enlarge, intensify
b. walk or move slowly or wearily. • Use in a Sentence: We should taper off
c. to follow the track, trail, or scent of;track. the amount of time given to work.
• Synonyms: dawdle, trace
199. Word: Oversee (तनरीक्षण करना)
• Antonyms: surpass, anticipate
• Use in Sentence: The storm left a trail of • Pronunciation: oh-ver-see/ओवसी
destruction in its wake. • Part of Speech: Verb
195. Word: Converge (अमभसररत होना) • Meaning: supervise (a person or their
work), especially in an official capacity.
• Pronunciation: kuhn-vurj/कन्वजि
• Synonyms: manage, administer
• Part of Speech: Verb • Antonyms: ignore, neglect
• Meaning: • Use in a Sentence: We must hire someone
a. (of lines) tend to meet at a point. to oversee the project.
b. (of a series) approximate in the sum of its
200. Word: Synergy (सहकक्रयता)
terms towards a definite limit.
• Synonyms: meet, intersect, connect, coincide • Pronunciation: sin-er-jeeलसनजी
• Antonyms: separate, scatter, diverge, disperse • Part of Speech: Noun
• Use in a Sentence: These lines converge • Meaning:
at a certain point. a. the interaction or cooperation of two or
196. Word: Bonafide (िास्तविक) more organizations, substances, or other
agents to produce a combined effect greater
• Pronunciation: boh-nuh fahyd/बोन िाइि
than the sum of their separate effects.
• Part of Speech: Adjective, Adverb • Synonyms: cooperation, teamwork, union
• Meaning: • Antonyms: inactivity, inconsistency, antipathy
a. genuine; real. [Adjective] • Use in Sentence: Teamwork at its best
b. without intention to deceive. [Adverb] results in a synergy that can be very
• Synonyms: certified, legitimate productive.
• Antonyms: illegal, invalid
201. Word: Backdrop (पष्ृ ठभूमम)
• Use in a Sentence: My father is happy to
donate to bona fide charitable causes. • Pronunciation: back-drop/बैक्ड्राप
• Part of Speech: Noun
197. Word: Impulse (उिेजना) • Meaning: lie behind or beyond; serve as a
background to.
• Pronunciation: im-puhls/इम्प्स
• Synonyms: background, ground
• Part of Speech: Noun • Antonyms: foreground centre, focal point,
• Meaning: focus, heart
a. a sudden strong and unreflective urge or • Use in a Sentence: The novel unfolds
desire to act. against a backdrop of war.


202. Word: Imbroglio (उलिन) b. real or actual, rather than imaginary or

• Pronunciation: Im-bro-ligo/ visionary [Adjective]
• Part of Speech: Noun • Synonyms: concrete, obvious, perceivable
• Meaning: a confusing situation • Antonyms: abstract, unreal, imaginary
• Synonyms: confused/complicated situation; • Use in a Sentence: Police need tangible
difficulty/predicament. evidence to take legal action
• Antonyms: clear, simple 207. Word: Reciprocate (परस्पर आदान-प्रदान)
• Use in a Sentence: The treaty of the state • Pronunciation: ri-sip-ruh-keyt/ररलसप्रकैट
ended imbroglio that has kept the two • Part of Speech: Verb
countries at war for over sixty years. • Meaning: to pay back in return
203. Word: Reinforce (समर्शन करना) • Synonyms: do the same, return/give back;
• Pronunciation: ree-in-fawrs/रीइन्िोसि equal
• Part of Speech: Verb • Antonyms: deny, refuse, disagree
• Meaning: strengthen or support (an object • Use in a Sentence: Priya is hesitated to
or substance), especially with additional loan money to people because most of them
material. are unwilling to reciprocate when she is in
• Synonyms: bolster, augment, enlarge need financially.
• Antonyms: diminish, undermine, enervate 208. Word: Anticipation (अग्रदृस्ष्ट)
• Use in a Sentence: Some organizations • Pronunciation: an-tis-uh-pey-shuh n/ऐलन्टसपैशन
were moved up to reinforce the front line. • Part of Speech: Noun
204. Word: Armistice (यद्धविराम) • Meaning:
• Pronunciation: ahr-muh-stis/ आलमिलस्ट्टस a. the action of anticipating something;
expectation or prediction.
• Part of Speech: Noun
• Synonyms: hope, forethought, apprehension
• Meaning: an agreement made by opposing
• Antonyms: amazement, surprise, astonishment
sides in a war to stop fighting for a certain
• Use in Sentence: We look forward to your
time; a truce.
lecture with eager anticipation.
• Synonyms: Concord, Pacification, Accord
• Antonyms: Fight, Strife, Dispute 209. Word: Headway (तरक़्कीयाफ़्ता)
• Use in a Sentence: Both the parties • Pronunciation: hed-wey/हे ड्वै
discussed their differences and finally agreed • Part of Speech: Noun
to call an armistice. • Meaning: forward movement or progress,
205. Word: Rhetoric (शब्दाडम्बर) especially when this is slow or difficult.
• Pronunciation: ret-er-ik/रे टररक • Synonyms: advancement, improvement
• Antonyms: decline, degenerate
• Part of Speech: Noun
• Use in a Sentence: We are making little
• Meaning: language designed to have a
headway with the negotiations.
persuasive or impressive effect, but which is
often regarded as lacking in sincerity or 210. Word: Crux (कटठन बात)
meaningful content. • Part of Speech: Noun
• Synonyms: Elocution, Discourse, Bombast • Pronunciation: kruhks/रक्स
• Antonyms: Conciseness, Quiet • Meaning:
• Use in a Sentence: As the elections are a. the decisive or most important point at
just one week away, the rhetoric on both issue.
parties is building. b. a particular point of difficulty.
206. Word: Tangible (िास्तविक) • Synonyms: essence, puzzle, basis
• Pronunciation: tan-juh-buh l/टै न्जबल • Antonyms: exceptional, triviality
• Use in a Sentence: The crux of the
• Part of Speech: Adjective/Noun
difficulty lay in the lack of material.
• Meaning:
a. capable of being touched; discernible by 211. Word: Impasse (कटठन स्स्र्तत)
the touch; material or substantial. • Part of Speech: Noun
[Adjective] • Pronunciation: im-pas/इम्पैस


• Meaning: a situation in which no progress is • Use in Sentence: After six weeks of

possible, especially because of training together, our group bonded and
disagreement; a deadlock. became quite cohesive.
• Synonyms: deadlock, standstill, stalemate 216. Word: Viable (व्यिहायश)
• Antonyms: passage, journey, advance
• Part of Speech: vahy-uh-buhl/वाइअबल
• Use in a Sentence: The dispute had
reached an impasse, as neither side would • Meaning: capable of working successfully;
compromise. feasible.
212. Word: Pre-emptive (प्रर्म) • Pronunciation: वाइअबल
• Pronunciation: pree-emp-tiv/ • Synonyms: feasible, tenable, doable
• Part of Speech: Adjective • Antonyms: futile, incredible, hopeless
• Meaning: • Use in a Sentence: None of the projects
a. serving or intended to pre-empt or shown economically viable.
forestall something, especially to prevent 217. Word: Contentious (कलहवप्रय)
attack by disabling the enemy. • Pronunciation: kuh n-ten-shuh s/कन्टे न्शस
• Synonyms: proactive, early
• Part of Speech: Adjective
• Antonyms: reactive, permissive
• Meaning:
• Use in a Sentence: They decided to launch
a. causing or likely to cause an argument;
a pre-emptive strike.
213. Word: Prevaricate (िाक्िल करना) b. involving a heated argument.
• Pronunciation: pri-var-i-keyt/र्प्रवैरकेट • Synonyms: quarrelsome, combative,
• Part of Speech: Verb belligerent
• Meaning: speak or act in an evasive • Antonyms: pacifist, friendly, amicable
(ambiguous) way. • Use in a Sentence: She has some
• Synonyms: dodge, falsify, deceive contentious opinions on education.
• Antonyms: honest, candid, outspoken 218. Word: Manifesto (घोषणापत्र)
• Use in a Sentence: The police asked the • Pronunciation: man-uh-fes-toh/ मैननिेस्ट्टो
criminal to tell exactly what happened and
• Part of Speech: Noun
not to prevaricate.
• Meaning: a public declaration of policy and
214. Word: Breakthrough (महत्िपूणश खोज) aims, especially one issued before an
• Pronunciation: breyk-throo/िैक्थ्रू election by a political party or candidate
• Part of Speech: Noun • Synonyms: platform, programme,
• Meaning: declaration, proclamation, pronouncement
a. a sudden, dramatic, and important • Antonyms: concealment, entreat
discovery or development. • Use in Sentence: The dictator wrote a
b. an instance of achieving success in a manifesto defending his country’s isolation
particular sphere or activity. from the rest of the world.
• Synonyms: find, improvement, innovation, 219. Word: Akin (एक समान)
revolution • Pronunciation: uh-kin/ ऐफकन
• Antonyms: throwback, decline,impasse,
• Part of Speech: Adjective
• Meaning: of similar character.
• Use in a Sentence: We have achieved a
• Synonyms: alike, identical, equivalent
real breakthrough in the search for peace.
• Antonyms: dissimilar, contradictory,
215. Word: Cohesive (जोड़नेिाला) inconsistent
• Pronunciation: koh-hee-siv/कोहीलसव • Use in a Sentence: Listening to her life
• Part of Speech: Adjective story was akin to reading a good
• Meaning: closely united; well integrated adventurous novel.
• Synonyms: united, integrated, cooperated 220. Word: Hitherto (अब तक)
• Antonyms: fragmented, disjointed, • Pronunciation: hith -er-too/टहदटूि
isolated, divided
• Part of Speech: Adverb


• Meaning: until now or until the point in • Antonyms: disapprove, forbid, hinder,
time under discussion. interdict
• Synonyms: yet, so far, till date • Use in Sentence: The school will not
• Antonyms: currently, instantly, recently countenance bad behaviour.
• Use in a Sentence: All attempts to make 225. Word: Augur (पि
ू शसच
ू ना दे ना)
hydrogen enters into stable chemical union
• Pronunciation: aw-ger/ ऑगर
have hitherto proved unsuccessful.
• Part of Speech: Verb, Noun
221. Word: Impart (दे ना)
• Meaning:
• Pronunciation: im-pahrt/इम्पाटि a. foretell a good or bad outcome.
• Part of Speech: Verb b. a religious official who observed natural
• Meaning: to distribute a portion of signs
something • Synonyms: portend, predict, forecast
• Synonyms: provide, give, offer • Antonyms: fair, unrelated
• Antonyms: keep, hide, beg • Use in a Sentence: The preparation of the
• Use in Sentence: A teacher’s job is to student augur well for the examination next
impart knowledge to her students. month.
222. Word: Brainchild (आविष्कार) 226. Word: Spur (प्रेररत करना)
• Pronunciation: Noun • Pronunciation: spur/स्ट्पर
• Part of Speech: breyn-chahyld/िैन्चाइ्ि • Part of Speech: Noun, Verb
• Meaning: an idea or invention which is • Meaning:
considered to be a particular person's a. a thing that prompts or encourages
creation. someone; an incentive. [Noun]
• Synonyms: inspiration, creation, b. give an incentive or encouragement to
brainstorm (someone). [Verb]
• Antonyms: not a good idea • Synonyms: urge, encourage, motivate
• Use in Sentence: The project was the • Antonyms: discourage, hindrance, obstacle
brainchild of one of the students. • Use in a Sentence: On the spur of the
223. Word: Impulse (उिेजना) moment, we all decided to hold a dance
• Pronunciation: im-puhls/इम्प्स
227. Word: Diversify (विविधता उत्पन्न करना)
• Part of Speech: Noun
• Meaning: • Pronunciation : dih-vur-suh-fahy/िाइवसििाइ
a. a sudden strong and unreflective urge or • Part of Speech: Verb
desire to act. • Meaning: make or become more diverse or
b. something that causes something to varied.
happen or happen more quickly; an impetus. • Synonyms: spread out, branch out,
• Synonyms: urge, instinct, drive, expand, transform
compulsion, stimulation, incitement, • Antonyms: continue, keep, remain
• Antonyms: aversion, cajole, caginess, • Use in a Sentence: Many publishing
entice companies have diversified into online
• Use in a Sentence: The door was open and services.
on impulse, she went inside. 228. Word: Feeble (कमजोर)
224. Word: Countenance (अनग्रह करना) • Pronunciation: fee-buh l/िीबल
• Pronunciation: koun-tn-uh ns/काउन्टनन्स • Part of Speech: Adjective
• Part of Speech: Noun, Verb • Meaning:
• Meaning: a. lacking physical strength, especially as a
a. a person's face or facial expression. result of age or illness.
[Noun] b. lacking the strength of character.
b. support or approval. [Noun] • Synonyms: debilitated, weak, frail
c. admit as acceptable or possible. [Verb] • Antonyms: strong, powerful, healthy
• Synonyms: sanction, permit, endorse, • Use in a Sentence: We generally feel
uphold feeble when we are ill.


229. Word: Sluggish (तनस्तेज) • Synonyms: problem, difficulty,

• Pronunciation: sluhg-ish/स्ट्लर्गश
• Antonyms: Refinement, excellence,
• Part of Speech: Adjective sturdiness
• Meaning: • Use in a Sentence: A serious glitch at the
a. slow-moving or inactive. ticket counter caused several customers to
b. lacking energy or alertness. be inconvenienced while waiting for the
c. slow to respond or make progress. airline system to be repaired.
• Synonyms: slow, lumpish, dull
234. Word: Persistent (दृढ़, तनरां तर)
• Antonyms: active, fast, lively
• Use in Sentence: The humid heat makes • Pronunciation: per-sis-tuhnt/पलसिस्ट्टन्ट
us feel very sluggish. • Part of Speech: Adjective
230. Word: Emerge (तनकलना, उभर कर आना) • Meaning: continuing firmly or obstinately in
an opinion or course of action in spite of
• Pronunciation: ih-murj/इमजि
difficulty or opposition
• Part of Speech: Verb • Synonyms: constant, enduring
• Meaning: • Antonyms: broken, ceasing
a. move out of or away from something and • Use in a Sentence: We keep rescheduling
become visible. our picnic because of the persistent
b. become apparent or prominent. rainstorms.
• Synonyms: come out, appear
235. Word: Contract (मसकड़ना)
• Antonyms: disappear, fade
• Use in a Sentence: On the contrary the • Pronunciation: kuhn-trakt/कान्रै क्ट
Government will emerge from this crucible • Part of Speech: Verb, Noun
of fire even stronger. • Meaning:
231. Word: Substantial (मजबूत) a. decrease in size, number, or range.
• Pronunciation: Subs-tan-cial/सब्स्ट्टै न्शल
b. a written or spoken agreement, especially
• Part of Speech: Adjective one concerning employment, sales, or
• Meaning: of considerable importance, size, tenancy, that is intended to be enforceable
or worth/ concerning the essentials of by law. [Noun]
something. • Synonyms: Shrink, get smaller, shorten
• Synonyms: considerable, real, material, • Antonyms: expand, increase, enlarge
weighty, • Use in a Sentence: Glass contracts as it
• Antonyms: insubstantial, worthless cools.
• Use in a Sentence: Known for his
236. Word: Painstakingly (कड़़ी मेहनत से)
substantial efforts in winning, the
competitive boy rarely could find someone • Part of Speech: Adverb
to play against because the opponent knew • Pronunciation: peynz-tey-king, peyn-stey-
he would lose. /पैन्स्ट्टै फकिं गली
232. Word: Unveil (रहस्योद्घाटन करना) • Meaning:
a. with great care and thoroughness.
• Pronunciation: uhn-veyl/अन्वैल
• Synonyms: laboriously, carefully,
• Part of Speech: Verb meticulously
• Meaning: show or announce publicly for the • Antonyms: carelessly, easily, neglectfully,
first time. messily
• Synonyms: reveal, expose, disclose • Use in a Sentence: The old painting was
• Antonyms: hide, conceal painstakingly restored.
• Use in a Sentence: The panel will unveil
237. Word: Conciliatory (ममलाप करनेिाला)
its proposals tomorrow.
• Part of Speech: Adjective
233. Word: Glitch (िड़बड़)
• Pronunciation: con-cil-i-a-to-ry/कलन्स्यटॉरी
• Pronunciation: glich/लललच
• Meaning:
• Part of Speech: Noun a. To regain (friendship or goodwill) by
• Meaning: a sudden malfunction pleasant behaviour; to reconcile


• Synonyms: propitiatory, appeasing, • Use in a Sentence: The rise in

pacifying/peacemaking. unemployment is symptomatic of a general
• Antonyms: antagonistic, uncompromising decline in the economy.
• Use in a Sentence: In a conciliatory tone, 242. Word: Avert (दरू करना)
the presidential candidate promoted himself
• Pronunciation: uh-vurt/अवटि
as a man of the people.
• Part of Speech: Verb
238. Word: Outrage (उपद्रि करना)
• Meaning: to turn away or aside, to ward
• Pronunciation: out-reyj/आउरे ज off; prevent
• Part of Speech: Noun, Verb • Synonyms: avoid, prevent, obviate, deviate
• Meaning: • Antonyms: accept, attract, allow
a. an extremely strong reaction of anger, • Use in a Sentence: Seniors are discussing
shock, or indignation. [Noun] to take some major initiatives in an attempt
b. arouse fierce anger, shock, or indignation to avert a strike.
in (someone). [Verb] 243. Word: Imponderable (अततसूक्ष्म)
• Synonyms: violence, uproar • Part of Speech: Noun, Adjective
• Antonyms: calm, peaceful • Pronunciation: im-pon-der-uh-buh
• Use in a Sentence: There is extensive
public outrage over the slaughter.
• Meaning:
239. Word: Contentious (कलहवप्रय)
a. a factor that is difficult or impossible to
• Pronunciation: kuh n-ten-shuh s/कन्टे न्शस estimate or assess. [Noun]
• Part of Speech: Adjective b. difficult or impossible to estimate or
• Meaning: assess. [Adjective]
a. causing or likely to cause an argument; • Synonyms: elusive, impalpable, less
controversial. important, imperceptible
b. involving heated argument. • Antonyms: assessable, seeable, iconic
• Synonyms: quarrelsome, combative, • Use in a Sentence: Our resources in
belligerent technical knowledge are imponderable.
• Antonyms: pacifist, friendly, amicable 244. Word: Stature (उच्चता)
• Use in a Sentence: She has some
• Pronunciation: stach-er/स्ट्टै चूर
contentious opinions on education.
• Part of Speech: Noun
240. Word: Clamour (िोहार, धूम मचाना)
• Meaning: importance or reputation gained
• Part of Speech: Noun, Verb by ability or achievement.
• Meaning: • Synonyms: quality, prestige, eminence
a. a loud and confused noise, especially that • Antonyms: unimportance, insignificance,
of people shouting. (Noun) deflate
b. shout loudly and insistently. (Verb) • Use in a Sentence: Mary was surprised to
• Pronunciation: क्लैमर spot her husband, recognizable by his small
• Synonyms: Uproar, Outcry, Roar stature and familiar shirt, walking across
• Antonyms: Silence, Peace the river.
• Use in a Sentence: When I do my work at 245. Word: Lay Bare (प्रकट कर दे ना)
home, my kids often clamour for my • Part of Speech:
attention by shouting my name.
• Pronunciation: ley bair/ले बेर
241. Word: Symptomatic (लाक्षणणक)
• Meaning:
• Pronunciation: simp-tuh-mat-ik/लसम््टमैटटक a. to reveal or explain
• Part of Speech: Adjective b. to open to view; uncover; expose
• Meaning: • Synonyms: unveil, disclose, betray, denude
a. serving as a symptom or sign, especially • Antonyms: conceal, cover, shield, wrap
of something undesirable. • Use in a Sentence: The investigation has
b. exhibiting or involving medical symptoms. laid bare their fraudulent scheme.
• Synonyms: warning, characteristic, 246. Word: Persuade (समिाना)
suggestive, typical • Part of Speech: Verb
• Antonyms: uncharacteristic, atypical,


• Pronunciation: per-sweyd/पस्ट्वैि • Use in a Sentence: IIFA 2018 ended in

• Meaning: induce (someone) to do elan and style.
something through reasoning or argument. 251. Word: Contour (रूप-रे खा)
• Synonyms: convince, influence • Pronunciation: kon-toor/किंटूर
• Antonyms: dissuade, discourage • Part of Speech: Noun
• Sentence: They couldn't persuade him • Meaning: an outline representing or
into accepting their terms. bounding the shape or form of something.
247. Word: Flaw (त्रटट) • Synonyms: outline, shape, form.
• Pronunciation: flaw/फ्लॉ • Antonyms: crooked, straight
• Part of Speech: Noun, Verb • Use in a Sentence: The map showed the
• Meaning: contour of the coastline.
a. a mark, blemish, or other imperfection 252. Word: Shot in the arm (प्रेररत करना)
which mars a substance or object. [Noun] • Part of Speech: Idiom
b. mar, weaken, or invalidate (something). • Meaning: Something that boosts one's spirits
[Verb] • Synonyms: praise, assist
• Synonyms: defect, fault • Antonyms: discourage, hinder
• Antonyms: strength, virtue • Use in a Sentence: The new member was
• Use in a Sentence: There is a basic flaw in a shot in the arm for the team, which
the selection procedure. played noticeably better.
248. Word: Mandate (आदे श दे ना) 253. Word: To the fore(सिोपरर)
• Pronunciation: man-deyt/मैन्िेट • Part of Speech: Phrase
• Part of Speech: Noun, Verb • Meaning: to become/ to make something
• Meaning: predominant,
a. an official order or commission to do • Synonyms: paramount, most important
something. [Noun] • Antonyms: Minor , secondary , trivial
b. give (someone) authority to act in a • Use in a Sentence: A number of low-
certain way. [Verb] budget independent films brought new
• Synonyms: order, command, instruction directors and actors to the fore.
• Antonyms: prohibit, abolish, denial 254. Word: Sobering (िम्भ़ीरता की ओर)
• Use in a Sentence: The organization was • Pronunciation: soh-ber-ing/सोबररिंग
chosen with a mandate to reduce the size • Part of Speech: Verb
of government. • Meaning: making or becoming more
249. Word: Anathema (अमभशाप) serious, sensible, and solemn.
• Part of Speech: Noun • Synonyms: serious, alerting, severe
• Pronunciation: uh-nath-uh-muh/अनैथम • Antonyms: haphazard, fiery
• Meaning: • Use in a Sentence: It is sobering to
a. something or someone that one realize that it is not a problem.
vehemently dislikes. 255. Word: Precursor (अग्रिाम़ी , सांकेत)
• Synonyms: abhorrent, hateful, odious, • Pronunciation: pre-cur-sar/र्प्रकसिर
repugnant, repellent, offensive • Part of Speech: Noun
• Antonyms: blessing, benediction, amnesty • Meaning:
• Use in a Sentence: Violence was a. a person or thing that comes before
anathema to them. somebody
250. Word: Elan (जोश) b. something similar and that leads to its
• Pronunciation: ey-lahn/ईलन development, Indication
• Part of Speech: Noun • Synonyms: Sign, signal, Preview, Forgoer
• Meaning: vigorous spirit or enthusiasm • Antonyms: Successor, Inheritor, byproduct
• Synonyms: liveliness, gracefulness, fanaticism,
• Use in a Sentence: A movie preview is a
vigor, energy, sprightliness, zest, sparkle standard precursor before the presentation
• Antonyms: lethargy, apathy, ennui, of a feature film.
motionlessness 256. Word: Unravelling (उजािर, सलिाना )


• Pronunciation: un-rav-el-ling/अन्रैवललिंग • Antonyms: obedience, calm, peace,

• Part of Speech: Verb submission
• Meaning: undo (twisted, knitted, or woven • Use in a Sentence: At several points in his
threads), investigate and solve or explain long career, Jinnah was threatened by the
(something complicated or puzzling). British with imprisonment on sedition
• Synonyms: Resolve, solve, untangle charges for speaking in favour of Indian
• Antonyms: questions, wonder, entangle home rule or rights.
• Use in a Sentence: CBI were attempting to 261. Word: Reprehensible (तनन्दऩीय)
unravel the cause of death of the • Pronunciation: rep-ri-hen-suh-buhl/रे र्प्रहे न्सबल
businessman. • Part of Speech: Adjective
257. Word: Pragmatism (व्यिहारिाद) • Meaning: highly unacceptable action;
• Pronunciation: prag-muh-tiz-um/प्रैलमटटज़म deserving severe disapproval or criticism
• Synonyms: deplorable, disgraceful,
• Part of Speech: Noun
discreditable, disreputable
• Meaning: an approach that evaluates
• Antonyms: creditable, praiseworthy, good
theories or beliefs in terms of the success of
• Use in a Sentence: Stealing is reprehensible.
their practical application.
• Synonyms: Realism, prudence 262. Word: Outrage (उपद्रि करना)
• Antonyms: Foolishness, impracticality • Pronunciation: out-reyj/आउरे ज
• Use in a Sentence: My mother believes in • Part of Speech: Noun, Verb
Pragmatism and never does anything • Meaning:
without rationalizing it first. a. an extremely strong reaction of anger,
258. Word: Assess (आकलन) shock, or indignation. [Noun]
• Pronunciation:uh-ses/असेस b. arouse fierce anger, shock, or indignation
in (someone). [Verb]
• Part of Speech: Verb
• Synonyms: violence, uproar
• Meaning: evaluate or estimate the nature,
• Antonyms: calm, peaceful
ability, or quality of
• Use in a Sentence: There is extensive
• Synonyms: compute, determine
public outrage over the slaughter.
• Antonyms: assist, ignore
• Use in a Sentence: The purpose of the 263. Word: Strident (मखर)
final exam is to assess how much • Pronunciation: nas-uh nt/नैसन्ट
information students have acquired • Part of Speech: Adjective
throughout the semester. • Meaning: presenting a point of view,
259. Word: Coalition (सस्म्मलन) especially a controversial one, in an
• Pronunciation: koh-uh-lish-uh n/कोअललशन excessively forceful way
• Synonyms: loud, noisy
• Part of Speech: Noun
• Antonyms: quiet, soft
• Meaning: a temporary alliance for combined
• Use in a Sentence: Even though the
action, especially of political parties forming
apartment walls, Jack was able to hear the
a government.
strident argument between his neighbors.
• Synonyms: alliance, union, partnership
• Antonyms: isolation, discord, separation 264. Word: Persecute (कष्ट दे ना)
• Use in a Sentence: The two bodies have • Pronunciation: pur-si-kyoot/पसिक्यटू
merged to form a coalition. • Part of Speech: Verb
260. Word: Sedition (राज - द्रोह ) • Meaning:
• Pronunciation: si-dish-uhn/लसडिशन a. subject (someone) to hostility and ill-
treatment, especially because of their race
• Part of Speech: Noun
or political or religious beliefs.
• Meaning: conduct or speech inciting people
b. harass or annoy (someone) persistently.
to rebel against the authority of a state or
• Synonyms: oppress, abuse, intimidate,
• Synonyms: incitement (to riot/rebellion),
• Antonyms: comfort, appease, soothe
agitation, provocation


• Use in a Sentence: If they had determined • Pronunciation: bak-drop/बैक्ड्राप

to persecute him, he must take the • Part of Speech: Noun
consequences. • Meaning:
265. Word: Intervene (हस्तक्षेप करना) a. lie behind or beyond; serve as a
• Pronunciation: in-ter-veen/इन्टवीन background to. [Verb]
• Part of Speech: Verb b. a painted cloth hung at the back of a
• Meaning: take part in something so as to theatre stage as part of the scenery. [Noun]
prevent or alter a result or course of events • Synonyms: scenery, scrim
• Synonyms: intercede, reconcile • Antonyms: foreground, center, focus
• Antonyms: avoid, eschew, shun, disregard • Use in a Sentence: The novel unfolds
• Use in a Sentence: The teacher was against a backdrop of war.
injured when she tried to intervene in the 270. Word: Relic (अिशेष)
fight between the two male students. • Pronunciation: rel-ik/रे ललक
266. Word - Invoke (विनत़ी करना) • Part of Speech: Noun
• Pronunciation: in-vohk/इन्वोक • Meaning:
• Part of Speech: Verb a. a person or thing that has survived from
• Meaning: cite or appeal to (someone or an earlier time but is now outmoded.
something) as an authority for an action or b. an artifact; an old object that remains;
in support of an argument. that which is left after loss or decay
• Synonyms: appeal, raise implement, • Synonyms: artifact, antique, remains
enforce • Antonyms: whole, new
• Antonyms: dismiss, abandon, banish • Use in a Sentence: I consider my great-
• Use in a Sentence: Saleem will invoke grandmother’s wedding ring as a tangible
assistance from the police to keep stalkers link in my history as well as a sacred relic of
away from his property the past.
267. Word: Dissenter (िह मनष्य जो प्रचमलत मत के 271. Word: Moribund (अन्त के करीब)

विरुद्ध हो, विरोध़ी) • Pronunciation: mawr-uh-buhnd/मॉरबन्ि

• Part of Speech: Adjective
• Pronunciation: dih-sen-te/िी-सेंट- अर
• Meaning:
• Part of Speech: Noun a. (of a person) at the point of death.
• Meaning: a person who disagrees in b. (of a thing) in terminal decline; lacking
matters of opinion, belief, etc. vitality or vigour.
• Synonyms: Nonconformist, Protestant, • Synonyms: dying, stagnant, weak
freethinker, recusant • Antonyms: alive, fresh
• Antonyms: believer, conformer • Use in a Sentence: The region's heavy
• Use in a Sentence: At the conference industry is still inefficient and moribund.
table, everyone agreed to the terms of the
272. Word: Showcase (प्रदशशनअ)
deal except the dissenter who absolutely
refused to sign the document. • Pronunciation: shoh-keys/शोकैस
268. Word: Imminent (आसन्न) • Part of Speech: Verb
• Meaning: exhibit; display
• Pronunciation: Immi-nent/इमनन्ट
• Synonyms: illustrate, manifest, represent
• Part of Speech: Adjective • Antonyms: abandon, conceal, distress
• Meaning: • Use in a Sentence: The event remains an
a. about to happen important showcase for new talent.
b. likely to occur at any moment
273. Word: Embark (प्रारम्भ करना)
• Synonyms: close, near, approaching
• Antonyms: avoidable, distant • Part of Speech: Verb
• Use in a Sentence: Without some type of • Pronunciation: em-bahrk/ इम्बाकि
government funding, the closing of the • Meaning: begin (a course of action).
school is imminent. • Synonyms: commence, initiate
269. Word: Backdrop (पष्ृ ठभूमम) • Antonyms: conclude, culminate


• Use in a Sentence: The man is about to • Synonyms: tackle, confront,face.

embark on a strategic career. • Antonyms: release, support, let go
274. Word: Impediment (अिरोध) • Use in a Sentence: Do not think that you
are the only one who is facing a hard time,
• Pronunciation: im-ped-uh-muhnt/इम्पेिमन्ट
everyone needs to grapple with the
• Part of Speech: Noun obstacles in life sooner or later.
• Meaning:
279. Word: Precarious (अतनस्श्चत)
a. a hindrance or obstruction in doing
something. • Pronunciation: pri-kair-ee-uh s/र्प्रकेरीअस
b. a defect in a person's speech, such as a • Part of Speech: Adjective
lisp or stammer. • Meaning: dependent on chance; uncertain
• Synonyms: barrier, bar, handicap, • Synonyms: hazardous, perilous, insecure
drawback, restraint • Antonyms: strong, secure, stable
• Antonyms: privilege, advantage, help, • Use in a Sentence: This place is a
kindness precarious and unstable area.
• Use in a Sentence: He has an 280. Word: Rein in (रोकना)
impediment in speech. • Part of Speech: Idiom
275. Word: Appetite (प्रिवृ ि) • Meaning:
• Pronunciation: ap-ee-tait/ऐर्पटाइट a. To tighten control over someone or
• Part of Speech: Noun something; to restrain, slow down, or
• Meaning: a strong desire for something diminish someone or something.
• Synonyms: craving, hunger/thirst. • Synonyms: control, curb
• Antonyms: dislike , aversion , disgust, • Antonyms: accelerate, agitate
distaste • Use in a Sentence: You must rein in your
• Use in a Sentence: Aristotle once noted temper.
that every action is due to one or other of 281. Word: Salvage (रक्षा करना)
seven causes: chance, nature, compulsion, • Pronunciation: sal-vij/सैल्वज
habit, reasoning, anger, or appetite. • Part of Speech: Verb, Noun
276. Word: Desist (बांद कर दे ना) • Meaning:
• Pronunciation: dih-zist/डिलसस्ट्ट a. rescue (a wrecked or disabled ship or its
• Part of Speech: Verb cargo) from loss at sea. [Verb]
• Meaning: stop doing something; cease or b. the rescue of a wrecked or disabled ship
abstain. or its cargo from loss at sea. [Noun]
• Synonyms: abstain, refrain, forbear • Synonyms: rescue, save, recover, retrieve
• Antonyms: continue, endure, resume • Antonyms: lose, waste, injure
• Use in a Sentence: The warriors have been • Use in a Sentence: All attempts to
ordered to desist from shooting their rifles. salvage the wrecked ship failed.
277. Word: Retrospect (पनरािलोकन) 282. Word: Cognisance (पररज्ञान)

• Pronunciation: re-truh-spekt/रे रस्ट्पेक्ट • Pronunciation: kog-nuh-zuh ns/काललनज़न्स

• Part of Speech: Noun • Part of Speech: Noun
• Meaning: a survey or review of a past • Meaning: knowledge or awareness.
course of events or period of time. • Synonyms: observance, realization
• Synonyms: remembering, looking back, • Antonyms: unconsciousness
retain, reconsideration • Use in a Sentence: Such understanding is
• Antonyms: forethought, prescience, beyond his cognisance.
foresight 283. Word: Emanate (उत्पन्न होना)
• Use in a Sentence: In retrospect, it's • Pronunciation: em-uh-neyt/ एमनैट
easy to see why we were wrong. • Part of Speech: verb
278. Word: Grapple with (तनपटना,हार्ापाई करना) • Meaning:
• Pronunciation: grap-ul with/ ग्रा््ल र्वध a. (of a feeling, quality, or sensation) issue
• Part of Speech: Phrasal verb or spread out from (a source).
• Meaning: to wrestle or struggle b. originate from; be produced by.


c. give out or emit (a feeling, quality, or • Antonyms: dawdle, linger

sensation). • Use in a Sentence: We can outpace the
• Synonyms: emerge, flow, pour, proceed, fastest of your claimed airplanes.
issue, ensue 289. Word: Uptick (िद् ृ गध)
• Antonyms: absorbs, terminates • Part of Speech: Noun
• Use in a Sentence: The man emanates • Meaning:
power and confidence. a. a small increase or slight upward trend.
284. Word: Beset (व्याकल करना) • Pronunciation: uhp-tik/अपटटक
• Pronunciation: bih-set/र्बसेट • Synonyms: accretion, addition, boost
• Part of Speech: Verb • Antonyms: decrement, abatement,
• Meaning: diminution
a. (of a problem or difficulty) trouble • Use in a Sentence: There is no uptick rule
(someone or something) persistently. in the futures markets.
b. be covered or studded with. 290. Word: Slump (भारी गिरािट आना)
• Synonyms: surround, encompass, invade • Part of Speech: Noun
• Antonyms: defend, provide
• Pronunciation: sluhmp/स्ट्लम्प
• Use in a Sentence: The enemy beset the
town with a strong army. • Meaning: a sudden severe or prolonged fall
in the price, value, or amount of something.
285. Word: Saga (िार्ा)
• Synonyms: drop, decline
• Pronunciation: साग/sah-guh • Antonyms: surge, boon
• Part of Speech: Noun • Use in a Sentence: If prices slump
• Meaning: a long, involved story, account, further, the farmers will starve.
or series of incidents. 291. Word: Constraint (तनयन्त्रण)
• Synonyms: pic, chronicle, legend, narrative • Part of Speech: Noun
• Antonyms: truth, reality, deed • Meaning:
• Use in a Sentence: She has written a huge a. a limitation or restriction.
and compelling family saga. b. the stiffness of manner and inhibition in
286. Word: Hawkish (यद्धकारी) relations between people.
• Pronunciation: haw-kish/हॉफकश • Pronunciation: कन्स्ट्रै न्ट/kuhn-streynt
• Part of Speech: Adjective • Synonyms: curb, check, restraint, control,
• Meaning: advocating an aggressive or curtailment, damper,
warlike policy, especially in foreign affairs. • Antonyms: freedoms, liberations, benefits
• Synonyms: warlike, combative, belligerent • Use in a Sentence: We have to work within
• Antonyms: peaceful, friendly, dovish severe constraints.
• Use in a Sentence: She is one of the most 292. Word: Prone (उन्मख)
hawkish members of the team. • Part of Speech: Adjective
287. Word: Reconcile (मेल करना या कराना) • Meaning:
• Pronunciation: rek-uh n-sahyl/रे कन्साइल a. likely or liable to suffer from, do, or
• Part of Speech: Verb experience something unpleasant or
• Meaning: restore friendly relations regrettable.
between. b. lying flat, especially face downwards.
• Synonyms: harmonize, conciliate • Pronunciation: prohn/प्रोन
• Antonyms: alienate, disagree • Synonyms: susceptible, vulnerable, liable,
• Use in a Sentence: You must reconcile inclined, given, subject
yourself to your present job. • Antonyms: upright, unlikely, defiant
288. Word: Outpace (आिे बढ़ना) • Use in a Sentence: These plants are
peculiarly prone to disease.
• Pronunciation: out-peys/आउट्पैस
293. Word: Trifle (मामल ू ी)
• Part of Speech: Verb
• Meaning: • Part of Speech: Noun, Verb
a. go, rise, or improve faster than. • Meaning:
• Synonyms: exceed, overtake, surpass


a. a thing of little value or importance. • Synonyms: unbiased, just, honest, even-

[Noun] handed
b. treat without seriousness or respect. • Antonyms: unreasonable, partial,
[Verb] sentimental
• Pronunciation: trahy-fuhl/राइिल • Use in a Sentence: Representation
• Synonyms: bagatelle, inessential, nothing, schemes once fair and equitable become
dabble obsolete and antiquated.
• Antonyms: scrutinize, significance, hasten 298. Word: Behove (योग्य होना)
• Use in a Sentence: This trifle developed • Pronounciation: bih-hohv/बी-होव
itself into a serious problem. • Part of Speech: Verb
294. Word: Consternation (व्याकलता) • Meaning: appropriate or suitable.
• Pronunciation: kon-ster-ney-shuhn/ • Synonyms: befit, be suitable for, be proper
कान्स्ट्टनैशन for.
• Part of Speech: Noun • Antonyms: unfit, contrary
• Meaning: a feeling of anxiety or dismay, • Use in a Sentence: In the interest of
typically at something unexpected. establishing a good relationship with my
• Synonyms: Fright, Fear, Anxiety, Distress neighbours, it would behove me to go over
• Antonyms: Tranquility, Calmness, to their houses and introduce myself.
Contentment 299. Phrase: Ward off (सांकट से बचना)
• Use in a Sentence: Too many errors in the • Pronunciation: ward-off/वािि-ऑि
file created consternation for my team • Part of Speech: Phrasal Verb
members. • Meaning: to prevent a danger or illness
295. Word: Circumvent (दरककनार) from affecting you or harming you.
• Pronunciation: sur-kuhm-vent/सकिम्वेन्ट • Synonyms: prevent, avert, oppose/resist.
• Part of Speech: Verb • Antonyms: assist, support, allow
• Meaning: • Use in a Sentence: He keeps trained and
a. find a way around (an obstacle). dangerous dogs to ward off unwanted
b. deceive; outwit. visitors.
• Synonyms: evade, avoid, dodge, thwart 300. Word: Paradigm (आदशश)
• Antonyms: confront, aid, assist, provide • Pronunciation: par-uh-dahym/पैरिाइम
• Use in a Sentence: We went north in order • Part of Speech: Noun
to circumvent the mountains. • Meaning:
296. Word: Moot (विचार करना) a. a typical example or pattern of
• Pronunciation: moot/मट ू something; a pattern or model.
• Part of Speech: Verb, Adjective b. a set of linguistic items that form
• Meaning: mutually exclusive choices in particular
a. subject to debate, dispute, or uncertainty. syntactic roles.
[Adjective] • Synonyms: prototype, standard
b. having little or no practical relevance. • Antonyms: atypical example
[Adjective] • Use in a Sentence: The new paradigm will
c. raise (a question or topic) for discussion; be different from the old one.
suggest (an idea or possibility). [Verb] 301. Word: Outweigh (पलला िकना)
• Synonyms: debatable, disputable, • Pronunciation: out-wey/आउट-वेह
arguable, uncertain • Part of Speech: Noun
• Antonyms: definite, certain, irrefutable • Meaning: for something to be more
• Use in a Sentence: It's a moot point important or further along than something
whether Rohan or Sohan is a better player. else
297. Word: Equitable (न्याय्य) • Synonyms: dominate, outdo, vague
• Pronunciation: ek-wi-tuh-buhl/एलक्वटबल • Antonyms: Trail, fail, loose
• Part of Speech: Adjective • Use in Sentence: Since the job paid much
• Meaning: fair and impartial. less and was more difficult, its


disadvantages definitely outweigh the • Part of Speech: Adjective

benefits. • Meaning: lasting or existing for a long or
302. Word: Beneficiary (लाभार्ी) apparently infinite time; enduring or
• Pronunciation: ben-uh-fish-uh- continually recurring.
ree/बेनफिशीएरी • Synonyms: constant, permanent
• Antonyms: temporary, sporadic
• Part of Speech: Noun
• Use in a Sentence: They face the
• Meaning: a person who derives advantage
perennial problem of not having enough
from something, especially a trust, will, or
life insurance policy.
• Synonyms: heir, heiress, inheritor, legatee 307. Word: Nascent (विकासोन्मख)
• Antonyms: Giver, payer • Pronunciation: nas-uh nt/नैसन्ट
• Use in Sentence: As the billionaire’s only
• Part of Speech: Adjective
beneficiary, Cheryl will receive the entire
estate. • Meaning: beginning to exist or develop
• Synonyms: incipient, emerging
303. Word: Immanence (स्स्र्रता, व्यास्ततिाद)
• Antonyms:
• Pronunciation: im-uh-nence/इमनन्स • Use in a Sentence: A battle over music
• Part of Speech: Noun personalities threatens a nascent industry.
• Meaning:
308. Word: Temptation (फसलाि)
a. being contained within,
b. remaining within the boundaries of a • Part of Speech: Noun
person, of the world, or of the mind. • Pronunciation: temp-tey-shuh n/टे म््टे शन
• Synonyms: built-in, inborn, constitutive, • Meaning: the desire to do something,
essential especially something wrong or unwise.
• Antonyms: Acquired, exterior, incidental • Synonyms: attraction, charm
• Use in Sentence: Mobile Electronic • Antonyms: dislike, anxiety
Commerce has become the new direction of • Use in a Sentence: He overcame a strong
Electronic Commerce because of its temptation to run away.
character: convenience and immanence.
309. Word: Eventually (आणखरकार)
304. Word: Aftermath (पररणाम)
• Pronunciation: ih-ven-choo-uh-lee/ईवेन्चवली
• Pronunciation: af-ter-math/ऐफ्टमैथ
• Part of Speech: Adverb
• Part of Speech: Noun • Meaning: in the end, especially after a long
• Meaning: the consequences or after-effects delay, dispute, or series of problems.
of a significant unpleasant event. • Synonyms: after a period of time, finally,
• Synonyms: outcome, effect, eventuality ultimately
• Antonyms: cause, reason, beginning • Antonyms: immediately, currently at once
• Use in a Sentence: In the aftermath of • Use in a Sentence: The hijackers
the typhoon, many people's homes were eventuallysurrendered themselves to the
destroyed. police.
305. Word: Rollout (प्रत्यक्ष करना) 310. Word: Put a halt to (रोकना)
• Pronunciation: rohl-out/रोल आउट • Part of Speech: Idiom
• Part of Speech: Noun • Meaning: To cause something to stop or to
• Meaning: to make a new product, service, cease or conclude something.
or system available for the first time • Synonyms: discontinue, terminate, desist
• Synonyms: arise, exhibit, display, come up • Antonyms: continue, proceed, commence
• Antonyms: fall asleep, contort • Use in a Sentence: They are going to put
• Use in a Sentence: I say the rollout of the a halt to the corruption in the department.
deadline was poorly handled. 311. Word: Ill-advised (अवििेगचत)
306. Word: Perennial (तनत्य) • Pronunciation: il-uhd-vahyzd/इल ऐड्वाइज़्ि
• Pronunciation: puh-ren-ee-uh l/परे नीअल • Part of Speech: Adjective


• Meaning: not sensible, wise, or prudent, a. an unexpected or hidden obstacle or

acting or done without due consideration drawback. [Noun]
• Synonyms: imprudent, wreckless, foolish, b. catch or tear (something) on a sharp
wrong projection. [Verb]
• Antonyms: well-advised, reasonable, • Synonyms: obstacle, difficulty, complication
judicious • Antonyms: advantage, aid, assistance,
• Use in a Sentence: You would be ill- benefit
advised to travel on your own • Use in a Sentence: There is a snag to the
312. Word: Deceleration (ितत में कम़ी) job, you have to work at weekends.
• Pronunciation: dee-sel-uh-re-sion/डिसेलरै शन 317. Word: Bottleneck (मािाशिरोध)
• Part of Speech: Noun • Part of Speech: Noun
• Meaning: reduction in speed or rate. • Pronunciation: bot-l-nek/बाट्नेक
• Synonyms: retardation, delay, tardiness • Meaning:
• Antonyms: acceleration, quickness, rapidity a. a situation that causes delay in a process
• Use in a Sentence: The rate of or system.
deceleration is enormous and demands • Synonyms: obstruction, hindrance
quick action. • Antonyms: direction, allowance
313. Word: Crank up (बढ़ाना) • Use in a Sentence: They pointed out that
the server bottleneck is caused by the
• Pronunciation: krangk-uhp/रैं क अप
development time.
• Part of Speech: Phrasal Verb
318. Word: Scrap(रद्द करना)
• Meaning: to increase something, to get a
machine or a process started • Pronunciation: skrap/स्ट्रैप
• Synonyms: scale-up, set on it, start off • Part of Speech: Verb
• Antonyms: turn off, switch off, put it out • Meaning:
• Use in a Sentence: Will you please help me a. discard or remove from service
to crank upthe engine? • Synonyms: abandon, cancel, abolish (a
314. Word: Naysayer (तनांदक) plan/policy).
• Part of Speech: Noun • Antonyms: functionalize, legalize,
• Pronunciation: ney-sey-er/नेसयर
• Use in a Sentence: The Prime Minister is
• Meaning: calling on the world community to scrap all
a. a person who habitually expresses nuclear weapons.
negative or pessimistic views
319. Word: Envisage (विचार करना)
• Synonyms: cynic
• Antonyms: fanatic • Pronunciation: en-viz-ij/एलन्वलज़ज
• Use in a Sentence: Instead of being a • Part of Speech: Verb
critical naysayer, put your mental skills to • Meaning:
work by analyzing the details. a. contemplate or conceive of as a possibility
315. Word: Knee-jerk (स्िभाविक) or a desirable future event.
• Synonyms: imagine, visualize, conceive
• Pronunciation: nee-jurk/नी जकि
• Antonyms: unseen, undesirable
• Part of Speech: Adjective • Use in Sentence: I can envisage
• Meaning: difficulties if you continue with this policy.
a. (of a response) automatic and unthinking.
320. Word: Overburden (अगधक स्जम्मेदारी डालना)
• Synonyms: natural, habitual
• Antonyms: crazy, strange • Pronunciation: oh-ver-bur-dn/ओवबििन
• Use in a Sentence: That was a knee-jerk • Part of Speech:
reaction on her part. • Meaning:
316. Word: Snag (बाधा, रोड़ा) a. load (someone) with too many things to
carry. [Verb]
• Pronunciation: snag/स्ट्नैग
b. an excessive burden [Noun]
• Part of Speech: Noun, Verb • Synonyms: encumber, oppress,
• Meaning: overwhelm, exhaust
• Antonyms: aid, help


• Use in a Sentence: Hospitals are • Part of Speech: Noun, Verb

overburdened and basic medical care is • Meaning:
under threat. a. move skilfully or carefully.
321. Word: Standalone (स्िचमलत) b. carefully guide or manipulate (someone
or something) in order to achieve an end.
• Pronunciation: stand-uh-lohn/स्ट्टैंि-अलोन
• Synonyms: artifice, manipulate
• Part of Speech: Adjective
• Antonyms: innocence, sincerity
• Meaning:
• Use in a Sentence: His resignation from
a. (of computer hardware or software) able
the competition was a tactical manoeuvre.
to operate independently of other hardware
or software 326. Word: Rattle (परे शान करना)
• Synonyms: independent, complete • Pronunciation:rat-l/रै टल
• Antonyms: dependent, incomplete
• Part of Speech: Verb, Noun
• Use in a Sentence: Nothing but a
standalone phone booth. • Meaning:
a. make or cause to make a rapid succession
322. Word: Scarcely ( मस्श्कल से, शायद ही)
of short, sharp knocking sounds. [Verb]
• Pronunciation: skairs-lee/स्ट्केस्ट्ली b. make (someone) nervous, worried, or
• Part of Speech: Adverb irritated. [Verb]
• Meaning: c. a rapid succession of short, sharp,
a. only just; almost not. sounds. [Noun]
b. used to suggest that something is unlikely • Synonyms: clutter, shake, agitate
to be or certainly not the case. • Antonyms: soothe, appease, silence
• Synonyms: hardly, barely, rarely • Use in a Sentence: The creaking upstairs
• Antonyms: frequently, adequately, was starting to rattle me.
• Use in a Sentence: Scarcely a day goes 327. Phrase: Lay Down (तनधाशररत करना/ अवपशत करना)
by when they don't see or talk to each • Part of Speech: Phrasal Verb
other. • Meaning: To specify/ To store for the
323. Word: Pin something on (दोषारोपण करना) future.
• Part of Speech: Phrasal verb • Synonyms: establish, prescribe, impose
• Meaning: • Antonyms: erode, avoid, negate
a. attribute the blame or responsibility for • Use in a Sentence: The manager laid
something to (someone). down the standards that he wanted the
• Synonyms: blame something on, attribute organization run by.
something to, impute something to, ascribe 328. Word: Purview (तनयम का लेख)
something to
• Antonyms: agree, aid, allow, approve • Pronunciation: pur-vyoo/पर्वयूि
• Use in a Sentence: They pinned the • Part of Speech: Noun
blame for the loss of jobs on the trade • Meaning: the scope of the influence or
unions concerns of something.
324. Word: Parity (समानता) • Synonyms: range, reach
• Antonyms: constriction, domain
• Pronunciation: par-i-tee/पैररटी
• Use in a Sentence: These are questions
• Part of Speech: Noun
that lie outside the purview of our inquiry.
• Meaning: the state or condition of being
equal, especially as regards status or pay. 329. Word: Earmark (तनधाशररत करना)
• Synonyms: equality, equivalence, • Part of Speech: Verb
uniformity, sameness, consistency • Meaning:
• Antonyms: inequality, contrast, deprivation a. designate (funds or resources) for a
• Use in a Sentence: The two currencies particular purpose.
have now reached parity. • Pronunciation: eer-mahrk/ईमािकि
325. Word: Manoeuvre (पैंतरे बाज़ी करना) • Synonyms: appropriate, reserve, keep,
• Pronunciation: muh-noo-ver/मनव
ू र assign


• Antonyms: comprehensive, depletion, • Meaning:

wastage a. tending to move unsteadily from side to
• Use in a Sentence: The school has decided side. [Adjective]
to earmark 10 percent of its funds for study b. a fit of temper or panic. [Noun]
material purchases. • Synonyms: unsteady, unstable
330. Word: Awry (अस्त-व्यस्त) • Antonyms: constant, stable
• Use in a Sentence: He is still a bit wobbly
• Pronunciation: uh-rahy/अराइ
after his illness.
• Part of Speech: Adjective
335. Word: Beleaguer (अिरोध करना)
• Meaning:
a. away from the usual or expected course; • Pronunciation: bih-lee-ger/र्बलीगर
amiss. • Part of Speech: Verb
b. out of the normal or correct position; askew. • Meaning:
• Synonyms: misshapen, wrong, badly, a. put in a very difficult situation.
faulty • Synonyms: besiege, harass, pester
• Antonyms: straight, altogether, accurate • Antonyms: comfort, benefit, relax
• Use in a Sentence: Your best financial • Use in a Sentence: They beleaguered her
plans can sometimes go awry. with requests for forgiveness.
331. Word: Scrutiny (िान-ब़ीन) 336. Word: Edgy (असहज, नकीला)
• Pronunciation: skroot-n-ee/स्ट्रूटनी • Pronunciation: egi/एजी
• Part of Speech: Noun • Part of Speech: Adjective
• Meaning: a critical observation or • Meaning:
examination. a. tense, nervous, or irritable.
• Synonyms: investigation, review • Synonyms: tense, nervous, on edge, highly
• Antonyms: disregard, neglect strung
• Use in Sentence: Their enterprises have • Antonyms: calm, still, tranquil, quiet,
come under police scrutiny. serene, peaceful
332. Word: Struck Down • Use in a Sentence: After the plane
• Pronunciation: struhk doun/स्ट्रक िाउन continued to shake uncontrollably, the
• Part of Speech: Phrase passengers began to get edgy for fear of
• Meaning: the plane crashing.
a. to make someone die or become so ill 337. Word: Frantic (परे शान)
that they can no longer live a normal life • Pronunciation: fran-tik/फ्रेंनेटटक
b. (of a court) to decide that a law or rule is
• Part of Speech: Adjective
illegal and should be ignored
• Meaning:
• Synonyms: defeated, wrecked
a. in a state of panic, worry, frenzy or rush
• Antonyms: prosperous, contrive
• Synonyms: panic-stricken, panic-struck,
• Use in a Sentence: Many people have been
struck down by heart disease.
• Antonyms: Calm, peaceful, composed
333. Word: Drum up (ख़ीांच लेना) • Use in a Sentence: When Riya did not
• Pronunciation: druhm uhp/ ड्रम उप come home after school, his mother became
• Part of Speech: Phrasal Verb frantic with worry.
• Meaning: to get support, interest, attention 338. Word: Loath (अतनच्िक)
etc from people by making an effort • Pronunciation: lohth/लोथ
• Synonyms: figure out, come up, seek,
• Part of Speech: Adjective
obtain, reach
• Meaning:
• Antonyms: dissuade, turn off, disseminate
a. reluctant; unwilling.
• Use in a Sentence: We were unable to
• Synonyms: disinclined, opposed
drum up enthusiasm for the new policies.
• Antonyms: greedy, desirous
334. Word: Wobbly (अस्स्र्र) • Use in a Sentence: The man was loath to
• Part of Speech: Adjective, Noun admit his mistake.
• Pronunciation: wob-lee/वाब्ली 339. Word: Crumple (मरोड़ना, मसलिट)


• Pronunciation: kruhm-puh l/रम्पल • Meaning:

• Part of Speech: Verb a. to emphasize the hopeful side of a
• Meaning: situation that might seem gloomy on the
a. compress (something) into small folds or surface.
ridges. b. a comforting or hopeful aspect of an
b. crush (something, typically paper or otherwise desperate or unhappy situation.
cloth) so that it becomes creased and • Synonyms: Bright side, comforting
wrinkled. prospect, good side
• Synonyms: limit, crease • Antonyms: Negative thinking, dark side
• Antonyms: smooth, accord • Use in a Sentence: No matter if all the
• Use in a Sentence: Paper is easy to doors are closed in someone's life, there is
crumple but hard to straighten back out. always a silver lining which a person needs
to see.
340. Word: Upheaval (कायापलट)
344. Word: Undermine (क्ष़ीण करना)
• Pronunciation: uhp-hee-vuhl/अ्हीवल
• Pronunciation: uhn-der-mahyn/अन्िमािइन
• Part of Speech: Noun
• Meaning: • Part of Speech: Verb
a. a violent or sudden change or disruption • Meaning: lessen the effectiveness, power,
to something. or ability of, especially gradually or
• Pronunciation: uhp-hee-vuhl/अ्हीवल
• Synonyms: threaten, weaken, compromise,
• Synonyms: upset, disturbance, trouble, diminish
turbulence • Antonyms: strengthen, bolster, boost
• Antonyms: consonance, peace, harmony, • Use in a Sentence: High-income tax can
calm undermine work incentives.
• Use in a Sentence: The company underwent a
345. Word: Afresh (नए मसरे से)
massive upheaval after the takeover.
341. Word: Reminiscent (स्मतृ त जिानेिाला) • Pronunciation: uh-fresh/अफ्रेश
• Part of Speech: Adverb
• Pronunciation: en-mi-tee/एलन्मटी
• Meaning: in a new or different way.
• Part of Speech: Adjective • Synonyms: newly, recently
• Meaning: • Antonyms: obsolete, outdated
a. tending to remind one of something • Use in Sentence: She left her job to start
b. triggering memories of past times life afresh.
• Synonyms: evocative, redolent
346. Word: Resurrect (पनतनशमाशण)
• Antonyms: forgetful, oblivious
• Use in a Sentence: Since there appears to • Pronunciation: res-ur-rect/रे ज़रे क्ट
be no originality left in Bollywood, all the • Part of Speech: Verb
new movies appear reminiscent of the • Meaning: revive or revitalize (something
films made in prior years that is inactive, disused, or forgotten),
342. Word: Entrench (मजबूत स्स्र्तत बनाना) restore (a dead person) to life
• Synonyms: reinvigorate, regenerate,
• Pronunciation: en-trench/एन्रे न्च
revitalize, breathe new life into
• Part of Speech: Verb • Antonyms: Kill, terminate, bury
• Meaning: • Use in a Sentence: The much talked about
a. to establish an attitude, habit, or belief so deal between India and Pakistan collapsed
strongly that it is not likely to change. and has yet to be resurrected.
• Synonyms: establish, settle, ensconce,
347. Word: Artistic (कलात्मक)
lodge, set
• Antonyms: dislodge, superficial • Pronunciation: /आटटि लस्ट्टक
• Use in a Sentence: Casteism is • Part of Speech:
entrenched in our society. • Meaning:
343. Word: Silver lining (उम्म़ीद की ककरण) a. having or revealing natural creative skill.
• Pronunciation: sil-var-line-ig/लसल-वर-लाई-ननिंग b. relating to or characteristic of art or
• Part of Speech: Noun
c. aesthetically pleasing.


• Synonyms: creative, imaginative, • Meaning:

inventive, original; a. forbid, especially by law.
• Antonyms: tasteless, coarse, ugly b. denounce or condemn.
• Use in a Sentence: The exhibition runs the c. outlaw (someone).
whole gamut of artistic styles. • Synonyms: prohibit, ban, criticize, censure,
348. Word: Punitive (दण्डकर) exclude, ostracize
• Pronunciation: pyoo-ni-tiv/्यूननटटव • Antonyms: allow, permit, include, approve
• Part of Speech: Adjective • Use in a Sentence: The Act proscribes
• Meaning: inflicting or intended as discrimination on the grounds of race.
punishment. 352. Word: Prejudicial (हातनकारक)
• Synonyms: harsh, corrective • Pronunciation: prej-uh-dish-uh l/प्रेजुडिशल
• Antonyms: rehabilitative, rewarding
• Use in a Sentence: The government is • Part of Speech: Adjective
expected to take punitive steps against • Meaning: harmful to someone or
offenders. something; detrimental.
349. Word: Malicious (दभाशिनापूण)श • Synonyms: damaging, injurious, harmful,
• Pronunciation: muh-lish-uh s/मललशस • Antonyms: convenient, harmless, good,
• Part of Speech: Adjective benign
• Meaning: characterized by malice; • Use in a Sentence: Too much smoking is
intending or intended to do harm. prejudicial to health.
• Synonyms: spiteful, malevolent, hostile,
353. Word: Onus (दातयत्ि)
bitter, venomous
• Antonyms: benevolent, kind, sympathetic • Part of Speech: Noun
• Use in a Sentence: Some malicious • Meaning: something that is one's duty or
rumours are circulating about his past. responsibility.
350. Word: Obscene (बेटहसाब) • Pronunciation: oh-nuh s/ओनस
• Pronunciation: uh b-seen/अब्सीन • Synonyms: responsibility, liability, obligation
• Part of Speech: Adjective • Antonyms: help, irresponsibility, impassiveness
• Meaning: offending against moral • Use in a Sentence: The onus is on
principles; repugnant. employers of the company to follow all the
• Synonyms: shocking, vile, foul, atrocious, safety laws.
outrageous, heinous 354. Word: Inhibit (मना करना)
• Antonyms: beautiful, decent, appealing
• Pronunciation: in-hib-it/इलन्हर्बट
• Use in a Sentence: Employees can be
• Part of Speech: Verb
dismissed for sending obscene emails.
• Meaning:
351. Word: Enmity (विरोध) a. hinder, restrain, or prevent (an action or
• Pronunciation: en-mi-tee/एलन्मटी process).
b. make (someone) self-conscious and
• Part of Speech: Noun
unable to act in a relaxed and natural way.
• Meaning: a state or feeling of active
• Synonyms: impede, hinder, hamper, hold
opposition or hostility.
back, discourage
• Synonyms: animosity, antagonism, friction, • Antonyms: encourage, allow, assist, aid, help
antipathy • Use in a Sentence: An unhappy family life
• Antonyms: helpfulness, affection, may inhibit children's learning.
355. Word: Trenchant (कट, त़ीखा)
• Use in a Sentence: I think there is a
historic enmity between them. • Pronunciation: tren-chuhnt/रे न्चन्ट
351. Word: Proscribe (तनवषद् ध करना) • Part of Speech:
• Meaning:
• Pronunciation: proh-skrahyb/प्रोस्ट्राइब a. vigorous or incisive in expression or style.
• Part of Speech: Verb • Synonyms: incisive, cutting, pointed,
penetrating, sharp


• Antonyms: blunt, gentle, mild • Meaning:

• Use in a Sentence: Sometimes your tone a. the origin or mode of formation of
of voice is so trenchant that you come something
across as being a mean person • Synonyms: Origin, Beginning, Start
356. Word: Extraneous (असम्बद्ध) • Antonyms: End, Conclusion
• Use in a Sentence: The novel talks about
• Pronunciation: ik-strey-nee-uhs/एक्स्ट्रै नीअस
the genesis of the Chipko movement.
• Part of Speech: Adjective
361. Word: Prune (िटना)
• Meaning:
a. irrelevant or unrelated to the subject • Pronunciation: pru-n/प्रुन
being dealt with. • Part of Speech: Verb
b. of external origin. • Meaning:
• Synonyms: irrelevant, immaterial, extrinsic a. reduce the extent of (something) by
• Antonyms: appropriate, pertinent removing superfluous or unwanted parts
• Use in a Sentence: We shall ignore factors b. (of a series) approximate in the sum of its
extraneous to the problem. terms towards a definite limit.
357. Word: Skin in the game (जोणखम भरा) • Synonyms:reduce, reduce, cut, trim, cut
• Part of Speech: Phrase down, decrease.
• Meaning: • Antonyms: elongate, extend, lengthen
a. to be at risk financially because you have • Use in a Sentence: Firms are cutting
invested in something that you want to investment and pruning their product
happen ranges as well as workforce due to
• Synonyms: risky, perilous, unsafe, recession.
insecure, 362. Word: Botch (असफल)
• Antonyms: safe, secure • Pronunciation: boch-ed/बाच
• Use in a Sentence: You take more • Part of Speech: Verb, Noun
ownership of something when you have • Meaning:
some skin in the game. a. carry out (a task) badly or carelessly.
358. Word: Usurious (सूदखोर) b. a bungled task.
• Pronunciation: yoo-zhoo r-ee-uh s/उसुररयस • Synonyms: bungled, marred, blundered
• Part of Speech: Adjective • Antonyms: illegal, invalid
• Meaning: • Use in a Sentence: Everyone complained
a. relating to or characterized by usury about the food in the marriage ceremony as
(interest at unreasonably high rates.); the caterer company botched up their job
outrageous. thoroughly.
• Synonyms: extravagant, unreasonable 363. Word: Nudge (टहोका मारना)
• Antonyms: prudent, rational • Pronunciation: nuhj/नज
• Use in a Sentence: The man lent money • Part of Speech: Verb, Noun
with usurious interest. • Meaning:
359. Word: Leeway (िांजाइश) a. prod (someone) gently with one's elbow
• Pronunciation: lee-wey/ लीवै in order to attract attention. [Verb]
• Part of Speech: Noun b. a light touch or push. [Noun]
• Meaning: • Synonyms: push, poke, prompt,
a. the amount of freedom to move or act encourage, coax, stimulate,
that is available. • Antonyms: Pull, discourage, dissuade, repress
• Synonyms: space, range, extent • Use in a Sentence: I gave him a nudge to
• Antonyms: adjust, embargo, hallway wake him up.
• Use in a Sentence: I have got a lot of 364. Word: Peg (ककस़ी खास कीमत पर तय करना)
leeways to make up things. • Pronunciation: peg/पेग
360. Word: Genesis (उत्पवि) • Part of Speech: Verb
• Pronunciation: jen-uh-sis/जेननलसस • Meaning:
• Part of Speech: Noun a. fix (a price, rate, or amount) at a
particular level.


• Synonyms: hold down, keep down, fix, set, hold • Antonyms: pessimistic, gloomy, dreadful
• Antonyms: change • Use in a Sentence: He is very bullish
• Use in a Sentence: Shopkeepers decided about the prospects of his business.
to peg their prices. 370. Word: Robust (मजबत ू )
365. Word: Garner (एकत्र करना) • Pronunciation: roh-buhst/रोबस्ट्ट
• Pronunciation: gahr-ner/गानिर • Part of Speech: Adjective
• Part of Speech: Verb • Meaning:
• Meaning: a. strong and healthy; vigorous.
a. gather or collect (something, especially • Synonyms: powerful, persistent
information or approval). • Antonyms: weak, feeble
• Synonyms: amass, accumulate • Use in a Sentence: The organization is
• Antonyms: spread, dissipate taking a more robust approach to
• Use in a Sentence: This product does not management.
garner all the essentials. 371. Word: Out of the woods (खतरे में नहीां रहना)
366. Word: Contention (वििाद) • Pronunciation: आउट ऑफ़ द वुड्स
• Pronunciation: kuh n-ten-shuh n/कन्टे न्शन • Part of Speech: Idiom
• Part of Speech: Noun • Meaning: No longer in danger or dealing
• Meaning: with a particular difficulty, though not
a. heated disagreement. entirely resolved.
b. an assertion, especially one maintained in • Synonyms: fully recovered, mending,
an argument. better, progressing
• Synonyms: conflict, dispute, discord • Antonyms: dodgy, tinier
• Antonyms: affection, peace, friendship • Use in a Sentence: The nation's economy
• Use in a Sentence: There is no evidence to is not out of the woods yet.
support her contention. 372. Word: Backdrop (पष्ृ ठभूमम)
367. Word: Turnaround (अचानक पररितशन करना) • Pronunciation: back-drop/बैक्ड्राप
• Pronunciation: turn-uh-round /टनिराउन्ि • Part of Speech: Noun
• Part of Speech: Noun • Meaning: lie behind or beyond; serve as a
• Meaning: an abrupt or unexpected change, background to.
especially one that results in a more • Synonyms: background, ground
favourable situation. • Antonyms: foreground centre, focal point,
• Synonyms: reversion, lapse, regress, reversal focus, heart
• Antonyms: progress, advancement, headway • Use in a Sentence: The novel unfolds
• Use in a Sentence: We must reduce costs against a backdrop of war.
and shorten turnaround times. 373. Word: Turbulent (उपद्रि़ी)
368. Word: Sterling (उत्कृष्ट)
• Pronunciation: tur-byuh-luh nt/टब्यिलन्ट
• Pronunciation: stur-ling/स्ट्टलींग • Part of Speech: Adjective
• Part of Speech: Adjective • Meaning:
• Meaning: (of a person or their work or a. characterized by conflict, disorder, or
qualities) excellent or valuable. confusion; not stable or calm.
• Synonyms: superlative, exceptional, admirable b.(of air or water) moving unsteadily or violently.
• Antonyms: inferior, ordinary, unsatisfactory • Synonyms: disorderly, violent, stormy
• Use in a Sentence: They all cherish her • Antonyms: peaceful, tranquil
sterling qualities. • Use in a Sentence: After a turbulent
369. Word: Bullish (आशािान) week on the markets, share prices firmed
• Pronunciation: boo l-ish/बुललश
374. Word: Fiddling (तनरर्शक)
• Part of Speech: Adjective
• Meaning: • Pronunciation: fid-ling/फिड्ललिंग
a. aggressively confident and self-assertive. • Part of Speech: Adjective
b. characterized by rising share prices. • Meaning: annoyingly trivial or petty.
• Synonyms: optimistic, hopeful, buoyant


• Synonyms: insignificant, unimportant, • Use in a Sentence: Their marriage has

inconsequential, inconsiderable been fraught with difficulties.
• Antonyms: important, big, significant 380. Word: Condemn (तनांदा)
• Use in a Sentence: He's fiddling around in
• Pronunciation: कन्िेम/kuhn-dem
the garage.
• Part of Speech: Verb
375. Word: Curb (तनयांत्रण करना)
• Meaning: reprimand harshly
• Part of Speech: Noun, Verb • Synonyms: censure, criticize, castigate, attack
• Pronunciation: kurb/कबि • Antonyms: admire, applaud , praise
• Meaning: a check or restraint on Use in a Sentence: During his speech, the
something. president took a moment to condemn those
• Synonyms: inhibit, hinder politicians who were not working to end the
• Antonyms: encourage, support budget crisis.
• Use in a Sentence: We are trying to keep a 381. Word: Fierce (उिेस्जत)
curb on their activities.
• Pronunciation: feers/ िीसि
376. Word: Churn out (उत्पन्न होना)
• Part of Speech: Noun
• Pronunciation: चूर्ि आउट • Meaning:
• Part of Speech: Idiom a. having or displaying a violent or ferocious
• Meaning: To produce something in large aggressiveness. [Adjective]
quantities, often quickly and/or carelessly b. very; extremely. [Adverb]
• Synonyms: produce, give off, bear, grind • Synonyms: ferocious, violent, intense
out • Antonyms: peaceful, mild, tranquil
• Antonyms: arise, expel, produce • Use in a Sentence: The man may look
• Use in a Sentence: The company churn fierce, but he means no harm.
out 3 000 identical toy trains every day. 382. Word: Absolute (अपररितशनश़ील)
377. Word: Flash in the pan (असफल) • Pronunciation: ab-suh-loot, ab-suh-loot/
• Pronunciation: फ़्लैश इन द पैन ऐब्सलटू
• Part of Speech: Phrase of flash • Part of Speech: Adjective, Noun
• Meaning: a thing or person whose sudden but • Meaning:
brief success is not repeated or repeatable. a. not qualified or diminished in any way;
• Synonyms: temporary upsurge, total (Adjective)
showmance, brief success b. something that exists without being
• Antonyms: positive outcome, true north dependent on anything else (Noun)
• Use in a Sentence: He needed to prove that his • Synonyms: complete, perfect, definite,
success was not just a flash in the pan. total
378. Word: Reckless (असािधान) • Antonyms: conditional, incomplete, indefinite
• Pronunciation: rek-lis/रे लक्लस • Usage in a Sentence: The school
governors have absolute discretion over
• Part of Speech: Adjective
which pupils they admit.
• Meaning: heedless of danger or the
consequences of one's actions; rash or 383. Word: Enervate (एनिेट)
impetuous. • Pronunciation: verb en-er-veyt; adjective
• Synonyms: thoughtless, imprudent ih-nur-vit/ कमज़ोर बनाना
• Antonyms: cautious, circumspect • Part of Speech: Verb, Adjective
• Use in a Sentence: He showed a reckless • Meaning:
disregard for his own safety a. make (someone) feel drained of energy or
379. Word: Fraught (व्याकल) vitality (Verb)
• Part of Speech: Adjective b. lacking in energy or vitality (Adjective)
• Pronunciation: frawt/फ्रॉट • Synonyms: weaken, debilitate, exhaust,
• Meaning: causing or affected by anxiety or stress.
• Antonyms: energize, strengthen, empower
• Synonyms: anxious, diligent
• Usage in a Sentence: Soft living will
• Antonyms: devoid, calm
enervate the leaders, and those under their
command will be changed into beasts.


384. Word: Cusp (अांतराल) • Synonyms: indomitability, invulnerability

• Antonyms: vulnerability
• Pronunciation: kuhsp/ कस्ट्प
• Use in a Sentence: No human being
• Part of Speech: Noun seemed to be able to shatter its
• Meaning: a point of transition between two invincibility.
different states
389. Word: Concede (िक जाना)
• Synonyms: point, tip, angle, tip
• Antonyms: bottom, floor, beginning • Pronunciation: kuhn-seed/ कन्सीि
• Usage in a Sentence: The world occurred • Part of Speech: Verb
for me on the cusp of magic and elementary • Meaning: admit or agree that something is
science. true after first denying or resisting it
385. Word: Have a shot at (कोमशश करना) • Synonyms: admit, allow, acknowledge,
accept, surrender
• Pronunciation: है व अ शॉट अट
• Antonyms: deny, fight, refuse, contradict
• Part of Speech: Idiom • Usage in a Sentence: He is not willing to
• Meaning: make an attempt at concede any of his power/authority.
• Synonyms: go in for, give a try, engage
390. Word: Astonishing (आश्चयशजनक)
• Antonyms: end up, admit a defeat,
disinterest, forget, neglect • Pronunciation: uh-ston-i-shing/ अस्ट्टाननलशिंग
• Usage in a Sentence: They have a shot • Part of Speech: Adjective, Verb
at economic growth, poverty reduction and • Meaning:
gains in health and education. a. extremely surprising or impressive;
386. Word: Stagger (विचमलत करना) amazing (Adjective)
b. surprising or impressing (someone)
• Pronunciation: stag-er/ स्ट्टै गर
greatly (Verb)
• Part of Speech: Verb, Noun • Synonyms: surprising, overwhelming,
• Meaning: shocking, staggering
a. walk or move unsteadily as if about to • Antonyms: boring, dull, usual, ordinary
fall. [Verb] • Usage in a Sentence: It's astonishing
b. astonish or deeply shock. [Verb] that these criminals are free to walk the
c. an unsteady walk or movement. [Noun] streets with impunity.
• Synonyms: stumble, surprise, shocked
391. Word: Dismantle (टकड़े टकड़े करना)
• Antonyms: comfort, relax, calm
• Use in a Sentence: It seems they stagger • Pronunciation: dis-man-tl/ डिस्ट्मैनल
from one crisis to the next. • Part of Speech: Verb
387. Word: Smitten (प्रेम में पािल) • Meaning:
a. take (a machine or structure) to pieces
• Pronunciation: smit-n/ लस्ट्मटन
b. to disassemble or pull down; take apart
• Part of Speech: Verb • Synonyms: take apart, annihilate
• Meaning: be strongly attracted to someone • Antonyms: assemble, construct
or something • Use in Sentence: The man had to
• Synonyms: enamoured, infatuated, dismantle the engine in order to repair it.
392. Word: Maiden (प्रर्म)
• Antonyms: indifferent, unaffected,
disinterested, disenchanted • Pronunciation: meyd-n/ मेिन
• Usage in a Sentence: Fellow students • Part of Speech: Noun, Adjective
remember her being smitten by the tall, • Meaning:
good looking Courtney who was 11 years a. an unmarried girl or young woman (Noun)
her senior. b. being or involving the first attempt or act
388. Word: Invincibility (अपराजेयता) of its kind (Adjective)
• Pronunciation: in-vin-suh-buh l-ity/ • Synonyms: inaugural, first, original
• Antonyms: latest, final, concluding, last,
• Part of Speech: Noun • Usage in a Sentence: The aircraft makes
• Meaning: the quality of being too powerful its maiden flight tomorrow.
to be defeated or overcome.


393. Word: Poise (सांतमलत रखना) • Meaning: anxiety or fear that something
bad or unpleasant will happen.
• Pronunciation: poiz/ पॉइज़
• Synonyms: dread, fear, anxiety, worry
• Part of Speech: Noun, Verb • Antonyms: confidence, calmness, ease
• Meaning: • Use in a Sentence: The change in the law
a. graceful and elegant bearing in a person has caused apprehension among many
(Noun) people.
b. be or cause to be balanced or suspended
398. Word: Rocked (िलाना/ कांवपत होना)
• Synonyms: balance, composure, confidence • Pronunciation: rok/ राक
• Antonyms: instability, confusion, insanity, • Part of Speech: Verb
agitation • Meaning:
• Usage in a Sentence: They felt that he a. move gently to and fro or from side to
lacked sufficient poise and confidence for side
the job. b. cause great shock or distress to (someone
394. Word: Recalibrate (दबारा जाांचना) or something), especially so as to weaken or
• Pronunciation: re-kal-uh-breyt/ रीकैलिैट
• Synonyms: jolted, jarred, shaken up,
• Part of Speech: Verb quiver
• Meaning: calibrate (something) again or • Antonyms: stabilized, calmed
differently. • Usage in a Sentence: She rocked back
Calibrate: to determine, check, or rectify and fourth, tears coursing down her cheeks
the graduation of (any instrument)/ to unchecked.
determine the correct range for (an artillery
399. Word: Project (योजना, व्यक्त करना)
etc.) by observing where the fired projectile
hits. • Pronunciation: noun proj-ekt, -ikt; verb
• Synonyms: reevaluate, redresss pruh-jekt/ प्राजेक्ट
• Antonyms: disorganize, neglect • Part of Speech: Noun, Verb
• Use in a Sentence: Such contracts deprive • Meaning:
insurers of the opportunity to recalibrate a. an individual or collaborative enterprise
risks. that is carefully planned to achieve a
395. Word: Sanguine (विश्िासपूण)श particular aim [Noun]
b. present or promote (a particular view or
• Pronunciation: sang-gwin/ सैंगर्वन
image) [Verb]
• Part of Speech: Adjective • Synonyms: assignment (noun), homework
• Meaning: optimistic or positive, especially (noun), convey (verb), communicate (verb)
in an apparently bad or difficult situation. • Antonyms: forget, destroy, disorder
• Synonyms: hopeful, confident • Usage in a Sentence: he projected an
• Antonyms: pessimistic, unhappy unassuming and non-threatening image.
• Usage in Sentence: The man tends to take
400. Word: Tapering (कम होना)
a sanguine view of the problems involved.
396. Word: Brush aside (नजरअांदाज करना) • Pronunciation: tey-per-ing/ टै पररिंग
• Part of Speech: Verb
• Pronunciation: िश असाइि
• Meaning: diminish or reduce in thickness
• Part of Speech: Phrasal Verb towards one end.
• Meaning: to refuse to accept that • Synonyms: narrowing, decreasing,
something is important or true contraction, acuminate
• Synonyms: disregard, reject • Antonyms: widening, expanding, increasing
• Antonyms: taken into account, overview • Use in a Sentence: My cousin's interest in
• Use in a Sentence: He brushed aside my English seems to be tapering off.
objections to his plan.
401. Word: Time is ripe (समय पररपक्ि है )
397. Word: Apprehension (डर)
• Pronunciation: टाइम इस राइप
• Pronunciation: ap-ri-hen-shuh n/ ऐर्प्रहे न्शन
• Part of Speech: Idiom
• Part of Speech: Noun • Meaning: A particular time is the right
moment for something


• Synonyms: the right/ appropriate time • Meaning: (of an action) characterized by a

• Antonyms: Bad timing desire for revenge.
• Usage in a Sentence: I'm waiting till the • Synonyms: vengeful, avenging, retributive
time is ripe before I tell my parents that I • Antonyms: forgiving, benevolent
failed my exams. • Use in a Sentence: He urged people not to
402. Word: Bankruptcy (टदिामलयापन) resort to retaliatory violence.
• Pronunciation: bangk-ruhpt-see, -ruh p- 407. Word: Pegging (ककस़ी खास कीमत पर तय करना)
see/ बैंगर्ट्सी • Pronunciation: peg-ging/पेर्गिंग
• Part of Speech: Noun • Part of Speech: Verb
• Meaning: the state of being bankrupt • Meaning: fix (a price, rate, or amount) at a
• Synonyms: insolvency, failure, collapse particular level.
• Antonyms: wealth, richness, • Synonyms: hold down, keep down, fix, set
accomplishment, achievement • Antonyms: change
• Usage in a Sentence: Bankruptcy is a • Use in a Sentence: Shopkeepers decided
common phenomenon in an economic to peg their prices.
recession. 408. Word: Signalling (सांकेतन)
403. Word: Calibrate (जाांच करना) • Pronunciation: sig-nl- ing/ लसलनललिंग
• Pronunciation: cali-brate/ कैलिैट • Part of Speech: Verb
• Part of Speech: Noun • Meaning: conveying information or
• Meaning: to quantify in a careful and instructions by means of a gesture, action,
detailed manner or sound
• Synonyms: assess, modify, regulate • Synonyms: gesturing, communicating,
• Antonyms: neglect, ignore warning, beckoning, indicating
• Usage in a Sentence: Pesticide levels in • Antonyms: concealing, ignoring, preventing
food are simply too difficult to calibrate. • Usage in a Sentence: He stood up,
404. Word: Stand-off (बेिाना करना) signalling to the officer that he had finished
with his client.
• Pronunciation: stand-awf, -of/ स्ट्टै न्ि ऑि
409. Word: Propensity (प्रिस्ृ त्त)
• Part of Speech: Noun, Phrasal verb
• Meaning: • Pronunciation: pruh-pen-si-tee/ प्रपेलन्सटी
a. a deadlock between two equally matched • Part of Speech: Noun
opponents in a dispute or conflict (Noun) • Meaning: an inclination or natural tendency
b. move or keep away (Phrasal Verb) to behave in a particular way
• Synonyms: deadlock, stalemate, impasse, • Synonyms: tendency, inclination,
standstill, dead end proneness, susceptibility
• Antonyms: affinity, warm welcome • Antonyms: disinclination, dislike, hatred,
• Usage in a Sentence: My sister dislikes dislike
parties and tends to stand off ( from • Usage in a Sentence: Though keen rivals,
everyone ) if she does attend one. such gangs have a propensity to combine
405. Word: Subside (कम होना) against a common enemy
• Pronunciation: suhb-sahyd/ सब्साइि 410. Word: Fevered (उिेस्जत)
• Part of Speech: Verb • Pronunciation: fee-ver-ed/ िीविि
• Meaning: become less intense, violent, or • Part of Speech: Verb
severe • Meaning: feeling or displaying an excessive
• Synonyms: sink, diminish, decline, lessen degree of nervous excitement, agitation, or
• Antonyms: increase, grow, rise, extend energy
• Usage in a Sentence: It is not uncommon • Synonyms: agitated, frenzied, frantic,
for the pain to subside completely for many restless, heated
months and occasionally even years. • Antonyms: calm, endure, tolerate
406. Word: Retaliatory (प्रततशोध का) • Usage in a Sentence: After a week of
fevered speculation, John Major, Britain's
• Pronunciation: ri-tal-ee-eyt-ory/ रीटै ्यटॉरी
prime minister, shuffled his cabinet
• Part of Speech: Adjective


411. Word: Bemused (हतबद्गध) • Part of Speech: Verb

• Meaning: go somewhere with (someone) as
• Pronunciation: English/ र्बम्यज़्
ू ि a companion or escort
• Part of Speech: Adjective, Verb • Synonyms: escort, attend, follow, lead
• Meaning: • Antonyms: abandon, leave, drop, ditch
a. puzzled, confused or bewildered • Use in a Sentence: Please accompany me
[Adjective] on the trip to my hometown.
b. puzzle, confuse or bewilder (someone)
416. Word: Clamour (िोहार, धूम मचाना)
• Synonyms: distracted, bewildered, baffled • Pronunciation: klam-er/ क्लैमर
• Antonyms: bored, alert, conscious, • Part of Speech: Noun, Verb
disinterested, unoccupied • Meaning:
• Usage in a Sentence: Certainly, he a. a loud and confused noise, especially that
seemed strangely quiet and bemused as he of people shouting. (Noun)
recounted the extraordinary tale. b. shout loudly and insistently. (Verb)
412. Word: Thwart (विफल करना) • Synonyms: Uproar, Outcry, Roar
• Antonyms: Silence, Peace
• Pronunciation: thwawrt/ थ्वॉटि
• Use in a Sentence: When I do my work at
• Part of Speech: Verb home, my kids often clamour for my
• Meaning: prevent (someone) from attention by shouting my name.
accomplishing something
417. Word: Slippery slope (आकषशक परन्त विनाशकारी
• Synonyms: hinder, impede, obstruct
• Antonyms: aid, encourage, assist, help िस्त)
• Usage in a Sentence: He accused Kremlin • Pronunciation: लस्ट्लपरी स्ट्लोप
hawks of a conspiracy to keep the war going • Part of Speech: Phrasal Verb
to bolster their own power and thwart his • Meaning: a course of action likely to lead to
ambitions. something bad or disastrous
413. Word: Veneration (आदर) • Synonyms: point of no return
• Pronunciation: ven-uh-rey-shuhn/ वेनरे शन • Antonyms: best course of action, precision,
• Part of Speech: Noun coherence
• Meaning: great respect; reverence • Use in a Sentence: Let's just hope he
• Synonyms: reverence, respect, homage, doesn't go down the slippery slope of
worship drugs and booze again.
• Antonyms: contempt, disrespect, disdain, 418. Word: Arbitrary (इच्िाध़ीन)
dishonour • Pronunciation: ahr-bi-trer-ee/ आर्बिरेरी
• Usage in a Sentence: Gandhi became an • Part of Speech: Adjective
object of widespread veneration because of • Meaning: based on random choice or
his unceasing struggle for freedom and personal whim, rather than any reason or
equality. system.
414. Word: Partisan (कट्टर) • Synonyms: irrational, inconsistent, freakish
• Pronunciation: pahr-tuh-zuhn/पाटटि ज़न • Antonyms: reasonable, circumspect,
• Part of Speech: Noun, Adjective objective
• Meaning: • Use in a Sentence: Her supposition was
a. a strong supporter of a party, cause, or arbitrary, based on no valid proof.
person. [Noun] 419. Word: Hype (प्रचार)
b. prejudiced in favour of a particular cause. • Pronunciation: hahyp/ हाइप
[Adjective] • Part of Speech: Verb
• Synonyms: supporter, biased • Meaning: promote or publicize (a product
• Antonyms: opponent, unbiased or idea) intensively, often exaggerating its
• Use in a Sentence: You must listen to both benefits.
points of view and try not to be partisan. • Synonyms: advertise, push, boost
415. Word: Accompany (सार् दे ना) • Antonyms: put down, secrecy, degrade
• Pronunciation: uh-kuhm-puh-nee/ अकम्पनी


• Use in a Sentence: We are seeing a lot of • Part of Speech: Adjective

hype by some companies. • Meaning:
420. Word: Gauge (अनमान/आांकना) a. about to happen or appear.
b. ready or made available when wanted or
• Pronunciation: geyj/ गैज
• Part of Speech: • Synonyms: accessible, obtainable,
• Meaning: imminent
a) the thickness, size, or capacity of • Antonyms: past, distant, gone
something, especially as a standard • Use in a Sentence: They promised that the
measure, in particular [Noun] money would be forthcoming.
b) estimate or determine the amount, level, 425. Word: Put/throw something out of gear
or volume of. • Part of Speech: Phrase
• Synonyms: measure, evaluate, compute • Meaning: to stop something from working
• Antonyms: guess as it should
• Use in a Sentence: You should use a • Synonyms: misplaced, disordered, awry
thermometer to gauge the temperature. • Antonyms: queued, aligned, evenly
421. Word: Ambit (क्षेत्र) • Use in a Sentence: The sudden change in
• Pronunciation: ऐलम्बट the schedule of the chief guest threw the
entire event out of gear.
• Part of Speech: Noun
• Meaning: the scope, extent, or bounds of 426. Word: Veer (मोड़ना)
something. • Pronunciation: ve-er/ वीर
• Synonyms: Range, Scope, Periphery, Orbit • Part of Speech: Verb
• Antonyms: Center, Forefront, Area • Meaning: change direction/ opinion
• Use in a Sentence: The cricket crowd of suddenly (Noun)
sufficient size is within the ambit of the • Synonyms: turn, deviate, change, shift,
section. deflect, diverge
422. Word: Recalibration (दबारा जाांचना) • Antonyms: straighten, stay, solidify
• Pronunciation: re-kal-uh-breyt/रीकैलिैशन • Usage in a Sentence: But he doesn't veer
to the same extremes as Prince Charles.
• Part of Speech: Verb
• Meaning: calibrate (something) again or 427. Word: Placate (सांतष्ट करना)
differently. • Pronunciation: pley-keyt, plak-eyt/ ्लेकेट
Calibrate: to determine, check, or rectify • Part of Speech: Verb
the graduation of (any instrument)/ to • Meaning: make (someone) less angry or
determine the correct range for (an artillery hostile
etc.) by observing where the fired projectile • Synonyms: pacify, calm, appease, mollify,
hits. soothe, assuage
• Synonyms: reevaluating, redressing • Antonyms: enrage, annoy, irritate, provoke
• Antonyms: disorganize, neglect inflame
• Use in a Sentence: It also does not need • Usage in a Sentence: Even a written
recalibration after launching or during its apology failed to placate the indignant
service life. hostess.
423. Word: Misleading (बहकानेिाला) 428. Word: Recede (घटना)
• Pronunciation: mis-lee-ding/लमस्ट्लीिीिंग • Pronunciation: ri-seed/ ररसीि
• Part of Speech: Adjective • Part of Speech: Verb
• Meaning: giving the wrong idea or • Meaning: go or move back or further away
impression. from a previous position
• Synonyms: ambiguous, illusory • Synonyms: retreat, withdraw, diminish,
• Antonyms: genuine, honest lessen, retire, subside
• Use in a Sentence: The misleading sign • Antonyms: approach, advance, increase,
led me adrift. emerge, rise
424. Word: Forthcoming (आिमनश़ील)
• Pronunciation: /िोथ्किलमिंग


• Usage in a Sentence: After the waters • Use in a Sentence: Before the exam, my
recede, extensive lagoons and marshes are teacher reiterated all the important points.
formed as the ground gradually dries out. 433. Word: Unilateral (एकतरफा)
429. Word: Oblige (कृतज्ञ करना) • Pronunciation: yoo-nuh-lat-er-uh l/ यूननलैटरल
• Pronunciation: uh-blahyj/ अब्लाइज • Part of Speech: Adjective
• Part of Speech: Verb • Meaning: (of an action or decision)
• Meaning: performed by or affecting only one person,
a) make (someone) legally or morally bound group, or country involved in a situation,
to do something. without the agreement of another or the
b) do as (someone) asks or desires in order others
to help or please them. • Synonyms: one-sided, partial, skewed
c) be indebted or grateful. • Antonyms: bilateral, multilateral, mutual
• Synonyms: compel, gratify, assist • Usage in a Sentence: The party has now
• Antonyms: disobey, disappoint, annoy abandoned its policy of unilateral
• Use in a Sentence: It's always a good idea disarmament.
to oblige important clients. 434. Word: Tangible (स्पशशिम्य)
430. Word: Tenet (मसद्धान्त) • Pronunciation: tan-juh-buhl/ टै न्जबल
• Pronunciation: ten-it/ टे ननट • Part of Speech: Adjective, Noun
• Part of Speech: Noun • Meaning:
• Meaning: a principle or belief, especially a) perceptible by touch [Adjective]
one of the main principles of a religion or b) clear and definite; real [Adjective]
philosophy. c) a thing that is perceptible by touch
• Synonyms: principle, belief, doctrine, [Noun]
precept, philosophy, view, dogma, opinion • Synonyms: real, substantial, palpable,
• Antonyms: disbelief, doubt, scepticism material, concrete, actual
• Usage in a Sentence: It is a tenet of • Antonyms: abstract, intangible, unreal,
contemporary psychology that an formless, invisible
individual's mental health is supported by • Usage in a Sentence: We cannot accept
having good social networks. his findings without tangible evidence.
431. Word: Backstop (अिलांब) 435. Word: Vote down (के विरोध में मत दे ना)
• Pronunciation: bak-stop/ बेकस्ट्टॉप • Pronunciation: वोट िाउन
• Part of Speech: Noun, Verb • Part of Speech: Phrasal Verb
• Meaning: • Meaning: to defeat or reject (something)
a) a thing placed at the rear of something as by voting
a barrier or support [Noun] • Synonyms: outvote, defeat, dislike,
b) an emergency precaution or last resort downvote
[Noun] • Antonyms: elect, vote for
c) support or reinforce [Verb] • Usage in a Sentence: In 1999 the town
• Synonyms: fence, support, sustain, barrier had voted down a petition to close the
• Antonyms: impose sanction/ restriction/ school.
limitation 436. Word: Unanimous (एक-मत)
• Usage in a Sentence: The government
• Pronunciation: yoo-nan-uh-muh s/ यूनैनमस
agreed to backstop companies that
invested in oil exploration. • Part of Speech: Adjective
• Meaning: (of two or more people) fully in
432. Word: Reiterate (दहराना)
• Pronunciation: ree-it-uh-reyt/ रीइटरै ट • Synonyms: united, solid, agreed, like-
• Part of Speech: Verb minded
• Meaning: say something again or a number • Antonyms: divided, split, conflicting,
of times, typically for emphasis or clarity. opposing
• Synonyms: repeat, iterate, duplicate • Usage in a Sentence: The jury returned a
• Antonyms: elapse, conceal, dismiss unanimous verdict of guilty after a short


437. Word: Proponent (समर्शक) • Use in a Sentence: The ruling party has
shown a disposition to change their current
• Pronunciation: pruh-poh-nuhnt/ प्रपोनन्ट
• Part of Speech: Noun
442. Word: Stance (अिस्स्र्तत)
• Meaning: a person who advocates a theory,
proposal, or course of action • Pronunciation: stans/ स्ट्टै न्स
• Synonyms: supporter, advocate, exponent, • Part of Speech: Noun
upholder, defender • Meaning: the way in which someone
• Antonyms: opponent, enemy, rival, stands, especially when deliberately adopted
antagonist, foe (as in cricket, golf, and other sports); a
• Usage in a Sentence: Word in Bold person's posture.
438. Word: Defer (आस्र्गित करना) • Synonyms: standpoint, attitude, bearing
• Antonyms: unsteadiness, inaction
• Pronunciation: dih-fur/ िेिेर
• Use in a Sentence: The man maintains a
• Part of Speech: Verb rigidly right-wing political stance.
• Meaning: put off (an action or event) to a
443. Word: Upheaval (क्राांतत)
later time; postpone.
• Synonyms: adjourn, delay, hold over • Pronunciation: uhp-hee-vuhl/ अ्हीवल
• Antonyms: accelerate, hasten, expedite • Part of Speech: Noun
• Use in Sentence: The committee wishes to • Meaning: a violent or sudden change or
defer their decision until next week. disruption to something
439. Word: Ratification (तनश्चय करना) • Synonyms: upset, disturbance, trouble,
• Pronunciation: rat-uh-fi-key-shuh n/ turbulence
• Antonyms: consonance, peace, harmony,
रै टिकैशन
• Part of Speech: Noun • Use in a Sentence: The company
• Meaning: the action of signing or giving underwent a massive upheaval after the
formal consent to a treaty, contract, or takeover.
agreement, making it officially valid
444. Word: Lay the groundwork (ऩीि रखना)
• Synonyms: confirmation, approval
• Antonyms: opposition, refusal • Pronunciation: ले थे ग्राउिं िवकि
• Use in a Sentence: The settlement is • Part of Speech: Phrase
subject to ratification by the Legislature. • Meaning: To create a foundation; to
440. Word: Ploy (चाल) provide the basics or fundamentals
• Synonyms: arrange, assemble, brace,
• Pronunciation: ploi/ ्लॉइ
develop, equip, form, formulate, make
• Part of Speech: Noun • Antonyms: destroy, discourage, disperse,
• Meaning: a cunning plan or action designed dissuade, forget
to turn a situation to one's own advantage. • Usage in a Sentence: The defense on
• Synonyms: trick, artifice, dodge Monday seemed to lay the groundwork for
• Antonyms: vitiate, idle, business an argument about damages.
• Use in a Sentence: It was all a ploy to
445. Word: Expedient (लाभकारक)
divert attention from his real purposes.
• Pronunciation: ik-spee-dee-uhnt/
441. Word: Disposition (चाह)
• Pronunciation: dis-position/ डिस्ट्पलज़शन
• Part of Speech: Adjective, Noun
• Part of Speech: Noun • Meaning:
• Meaning: a person's inherent qualities of a. (of an action) convenient and practical
mind and character/ an inclination or although possibly improper or immoral.
tendency (प्रवर्ृ ि) b. a means of attaining an end, especially
• Synonyms: tendency, inclination, one that is convenient but possibly improper
temperament or immoral.
• Antonyms: dislike, disinclination, antipathy • Synonyms: convenient, advantageous,
• Antonyms: useless, inappropriate, fruitless


• Usage in a Sentence: It might be a concession to appease someone whose

expedient not to pay him until the work is main concerns or demands are not being
finished. met. [Noun]
446. Word: Squarely (उगचत रूप से) b. soak up liquid using an absorbent
substance. [Verb]
• Pronunciation: skwair-lee/ स्ट्क्वेली
• Synonyms: bribe, soak, drench
• Part of Speech: Adverb • Antonyms: gift, dehydrate
• Meaning: • Usage in a Sentence: The child was given
a. directly, without deviating to one side. a prize as a sop to her disappointed
b. in a direct and uncompromising manner. parents.
• Synonyms: precisely, exactly
451. Word: Statute (अगधतनयम)
• Antonyms: deceitful, indirectly
• Usage in a Sentence: This case falls • Pronunciation: stach-oot, -oot/ स्ट्टै चूट
squarely within the committee's • Part of Speech: Noun
jurisdiction. • Meaning: a written law passed by a
447. Word: Reel Under (भार तले दबना) legislative body
• Synonyms: law, decree, ordinance,
• Pronunciation: रील अिंिर
regulation, act
• Part of Speech: Phrasal Verb • Antonyms: refrain, convict, inactivity
• Meaning: to suffer because of a burden/to • Usage in a Sentence: The Bill could reach
stagger under the weight of something the statute book by the summer if it
• Synonyms: stagger under, suffer attracts the support of Home Office
• Antonyms: stabilize, steady, comforted ministers.
• Usage in a Sentence: Gary reeled under
452. Word: Leg-up (सहायता)
the responsibilities he had been given
448. Word: Concession (ररयायत में दी िई िस्त) • Pronunciation: लेग उप
• Part of Speech: Noun
• Pronunciation: kuh n-sesh-uh n/ कन्सेशन
• Meaning: an act of helping someone or
• Part of Speech: Noun something to improve their situation.
• Meaning: a thing that is granted, especially • Synonyms: boost, hike, increment,
in response to demands accession
• Synonyms: allowance, grant, privilege, • Antonyms: decrease, decline, deduction, fall
permission, exemption • Usage in a Sentence: The loan from his
• Antonyms: denial, difference, fighting, father gave him a leg-up when he needed
protest it.
• Usage in a Sentence: As a concession to 453. Word: Glide-path (उडान पर्)
her inexperience they allowed her to have
some help. • Pronunciation: ललाइि पाथ
449. Word: Rung (स़ीढ़ी का डांडा) • Part of Speech: Noun
• Meaning: a series of events or actions
• Pronunciation: ruhng/ रिं ग
leading smoothly to a particular outcome
• Part of Speech: Noun, Verb • Synonyms: booster, enabler, enhancer
• Meaning: • Antonyms: inactivity, recede, refrain, disagree
a. a horizontal support on a ladder for a • Usage in a Sentence: The primary election
person's foot [Noun] is likely to set Mayor Muriel E. Bowser on a
b. Past tense of 'ring' [Verb] glide path toward becoming the first mayor
• Synonyms: step, level, bar, degree to win a second term since 2006.
• Antonyms: uneven, slopy 454. Word: Spur (प्रेररत करना)
• Usage in a Sentence: He is still on the
bottom rung of the political ladder. • Pronunciation: sp-ur/ स्ट्पर
450. Word: Sops (घस ू , मभिोना) • Part of Speech: Noun, Verb
• Meaning:
• Pronunciation: sop/ साप a. a thing that prompts or encourages
• Part of Speech: Noun, Verb someone; an incentive. [Noun]
• Meaning: b. give an incentive or encouragement to
a. a thing of no great value given or done as (someone). [Verb]


• Synonyms: urge, encourage, motivate • Synonyms: struggle , stress , pressure

• Antonyms: discourage, hindrance, obstacle • Antonyms: relax, rest, wellness
• Usage in a Sentence: On the spur of the • Usage in a Sentence: The air traffic control
moment, we all decided to hold a dance system is under the strain of an immense
party. volume of scheduled flights.
455. Word: Disquiet (व्याकल होना) 459. Word: Credulity (विश्िासप्रिणता)
• Pronunciation: dis-kwahy-it/ डिस्ट्क्वाइइट • Pronunciation: kruh-dyoo-li-tee/ रिूललटी
• Part of Speech: Noun, Verb • Part of Speech: Noun
• Meaning: • Meaning: a tendency to be too ready to
a. a feeling of worry or unease. [Noun] believe that something is real or true.
b. make (someone) worried or uneasy. • Synonyms: gullibility, naivety, faith
[Verb] certainty
• Synonyms: uneasiness, worry, anxiety, • Antonyms: disbelief, suspicion, caution,
agitate, upset mistrust
• Antonyms: calm, ease, comfort, peace • Usage in a Sentence: It strained credulity
• Usage in a Sentence: We shall find the to believe that a nuclear war would not lead
reason for disquiet about this argument. to the destruction of the planet.
456. Word: Undermine (क्ष़ीण करना) 460. Word: Spike (भेदना)
• Pronunciation: uhn-der-mahyn/ अन्िमािइन • Pronunciation: spahyk/ स्ट्पाइक
• Part of Speech: Verb • Part of Speech: Noun, Verb
• Meaning: lessen the effectiveness, power, • Meaning:
or ability of, especially gradually or a. a thin, pointed piece of metal, wood, or
insidiously. another rigid material. [Noun]
• Synonyms: threaten, weaken, compromise, b. impale on or pierce with a sharp point.
diminish [Verb]
• Antonyms: strengthen, bolster, boost • Synonyms: spear, pin, impale, fasten
• Usage in a Sentence: High-income tax can • Antonyms: detach, release, unfasten,
undermine work incentives. loosen
457. Word: Credibility (विश्िसऩीयता) • Usage in a Sentence: The murder weapon
was a frozen spike and it melted in the
• Pronunciation: kred-uh-bil-i-tee/ रेडिर्बललटी
steam room.
• Part of Speech: Noun
461. Word: Break out (भाि तनकलना)
• Meaning:
a. the quality of being trusted and believed in. • Pronunciation: breyk- out/ िेक आउट
b. the quality of being convincing or • Part of Speech: Phrasal Verb, Noun,
believable. Adjective
• Synonyms: reliability, trustworthiness • Meaning:
• Antonyms: dishonesty, betrayal a. (of war, fighting, or similarly undesirable
• Usage in Sentence: The report gives an things) start suddenly. [Phrasal Verb]
appearance of scientific credibility. b. a forcible escape, especially from prison
458. Word: Strain (तनाि) [Noun]
• c. suddenly and extremely popular or
• Pronunciation: streyn/ स्ट्रे न
successful [Adjective]
• Part of Speech: Verb, Noun • Synonyms: erupt, explode, get away, arise,
• Meaning: break away
a. force (a part of one's body or oneself) to • Antonyms: complete, deal, get
make an unusually great effort. [Verb] • Usage in a Sentence: It's taken a long
b. pour (a mainly liquid substance) through time to break out of my own conventional
a porous or perforated device or material in training.
order to separate out any solid matter.
462. Word: Take the lead (नेतत्ृ ि करना)
c. a force tending to pull or stretch • Pronunciation: टे क थे लीि
something to an extreme or damaging • Part of Speech: Idiom
degree. [Noun]


• Meaning: to become the leader, to advance 467. Word: Autonomy (स्िराज्य)

into first place
• Pronunciation: aw-ton-uh-mee/ऑटानमी
• Synonyms: take the initiative, play the role
• Antonyms: refuse, deny, back off • Part of Speech: Noun
• Usage in a Sentence: She had the • Meaning: the right or condition of self-
strength and stamina to take the lead and government.
win the gold medal. • Synonyms: freedom, self-government
• Antonyms: dependence
463. Word: Overturn (नष्ट करना)
• Usage in a Sentence: Branch managers
• Pronunciation: oh-ver-turn/ ओवटि नि have full autonomy in their own areas.
• Part of Speech: Verb, Noun 468. Word: Purportedly (कगर्त रूप से)
• Meaning:
• Pronunciation: per-pawr-tid, -pohr-/ पपॉिटटि ड्ली
a. abolish, invalidate, or reverse (a previous
system, decision, situation, etc.) [Verb] • Part of Speech: Adverb
b. an act of overturning something [Noun] • Meaning: as appears or is stated to be true,
• Synonyms: overthrow, upset, reverse though not necessarily so; allegedly
• Antonyms: build, allow, permit • Synonyms: presumptively, seemingly,
• Usage in a Sen tence:He accused his apparently, falsely
opponents of wanting to overturn the • Antonyms: absolutely, genuinely, positively
government. • Usage in a Sentence: This is purportedly
464. Word: To show in a positive light the oldest tree in the world.
(सकारात्मक/आशािादी रूप से दे खना) 469. Word: Ill-afford (तनषेध करना)

• Pronunciation: टू शो इन अ पॉलजटटव लाइट • Pronunciation: इल अफ्िोिि

• Part of Speech: Idiom • Part of Speech: Phrase
• Meaning: To view a situation in the most • Meaning: to be unable to afford, to be
favourable (or advantageous) way possible unable to do (something) without having
• Synonyms: positive view/ perception problems or being seriously harmed
• Antonyms: negative perception • Antonyms: afford
• Usage in a Sentence: Alex has a tendency • Usage in a Sentence: Pepsi can ill afford
to show even awful thing in a positive to lose even a part of the Saudi market.
light. 470. Word: Requisite (आिश्यक)
465. Word: Promptly (तरां त) • Pronunciation: rec-wuh-zit/ रे -लक्व-लज़ट
• Pronunciation: prompt/ प्राम््ट्ली • Part of Speech: Adjective, Noun
• Part of Speech: Adverb • Meaning:
• Meaning: with little or no delay; a. made necessary by particular
immediately circumstances or regulations [Adjective]
• Synonyms: punctually, immediately, b. a thing that is necessary for the
quickly, swiftly, instantly achievement of a specified end [Noun]
• Antonyms: slowly, late, eventually, • Synonyms: essential, necessary, required
belatedly • Antonyms: optional, Non-essential
• Usage in a Sentence: She deals with all • Usage in Sentence: Mathematics is a
the correspondence promptly and requisite for pursuing engineering.
efficiently. 471. Word: Polarise (विपरीत करना)
466. Word: Fragile (नाजक) • Pronunciation: poh-luh-rahyz/ पोलराइस
• Pronunciation: fraj-ahyl/ फ्रैजल • Part of Speech: Verb
• Part of Speech: Adjective • Meaning: divide or cause to divide into two
• Meaning: easily destroyed or threatened sharply contrasting groups or sets of
• Synonyms: delicate, weak, frail, feeble opinions or beliefs
• Antonyms: unbreakable, strong, sturdy, • Synonyms: differentiate, split, separate,
firm divide
• Usage in a Sentence: The fragile • Antonyms: unite, bring together,
economies of several southern African amalgamate
nations could be irreparably damaged.


• Usage in a Sentence: The current 477. Word: Kick-start (िटके से बल लिाकर शरु करना)
architectural debate has served to polarise
• Pronunciation: kik-stahrt/ फकक्स्ट्टाटि
popular opinion on modern architecture.
• Part of Speech: Verb, Noun
472. Word: Dole out (दान करना)
• Meaning:
• Pronunciation: dohl-out/ िोल आउट a. provide an impetus to start or resume (a
• Part of Speech: Verb process) [Verb]
• Meaning: To distribute something, either b. an impetus given to start or resume a
physically or verbally. process [Noun]
• Synonyms: dispense, assign, administer • Synonyms: activate, spur, ignite, initiate,
• Antonyms: amalgamate, collect, gather set in motion
• Usage in a Sentence: The government • Antonyms: come to an end, stop
doles out cheese to the needy. • Usage in a Sentence: The government's
473. Word: Attrition (सांघषशण) attempt to kick-start the economy has
• Pronunciation: uh-trish-uh n/अटरशन
478. Word: Retrograde (प्रततिाम़ी)
• Part of Speech: Noun
• Meaning: the process of reducing • Pronunciation: re-truh-greyd/ रे रग्रैि
something's strength or effectiveness • Part of Speech: Adjective, Noun
through sustained attack or pressure. • Meaning:
• Synonyms: contrition, depletion a. directed or moving backwards. [Adjective]
• Antonyms: fortification, escalating b. reverting to an earlier and inferior
• Usage in a Sentence: These were the condition. [Adjective]
economics not of efficiency but of attrition. c. go back in position or time. [Noun]
474. Word: Hold back (अिरुद्ध करना) • Synonyms: reverse, rearward, regressive,
• Pronunciation: hohld bak/ हो्ि बैक
• Antonyms: progress, advance, modern
• Part of Speech: Phrasal Verb • Usage in a Sentence: The closure of the
• Meaning: hesitate to act or speak factories is seen as a retrograde step.
• Synonyms: hesitate, restrain, desist, curb
479. Word: Barred (बागधत)
• Antonyms: give, trust, librerate, let go
• Usage in a Sentence: The dam was not • Pronunciation: बािि
strong enough to hold back the flood • Part of Speech: Adjective
waters. • Meaning: preventing entry or exit or a
475. Word: Insulate (अलि करना) course of action
• Synonyms: Restrained, Banned, Forbidden
• Pronunciation: in-suh-leyt/ इन्सलेट
• Antonyms: Permissible, Acceptable,
• Part of Speech: Verb Legitimate
• Meaning: protect (someone or something) • Usage in a Sentence: When he cheated
from unpleasant influences or experiences the producer of the company, he was
• Synonyms: protect, save, safeguard, barred from working in that company.
shield, separate
480. Word: Deploy (काम में लिाना)
• Antonyms: uncover, expose, show
• Usage in a Sentence: Living in the • Pronunciation: dih-ploi/ डि्लॉइ
countryside tends to insulate us from the • Part of Speech: Verb
outside world. • Meaning:
476. Word: Hawkish (यद्धकारी) a. move (troops or equipment) into position
for military action.
• Pronunciation: haw-kish/ हॉफकश
b. bring into effective action.
• Part of Speech: Adjective • Synonyms: organize, dispose, marshal
• Meaning: advocating an aggressive or • Antonyms: withdraw, retract
warlike policy, especially in foreign affairs. • Usage in Sentence: My work doesn't really
• Synonyms: warlike, combative, belligerent allow me fully to deploy my skills.
• Antonyms: peaceful, friendly, dovish
481. Word: In letter and spirit (अक्षरशुः)
• Usage in a Sentence: She is one of the
most hawkish members of the team. • Pronunciation: इन लैटर एिंि इन लस्ट्पररट


• Part of Speech: Idiom become invalid because it is not used,

• Meaning: According to what it says and its claimed, or renewed; expire. [Verb]
intention d. pass gradually into (an inferior state or
• Synonyms: wholly, completely, in an all- condition). [Verb]
encompassing manner • Synonyms: regress, error, oversight,
• Antonyms: partially, incompletely decline
• Usage in a Sentence: The minister said • Antonyms: continue, progress achievement
that scheme will be implemented in letter • Usage in a Sentence: A brief lapse in the
and spirit. final set cost her the match.
482. Word: Allege (तनश्चयपूिक
श िणशन करना) 486. Word: Scrap (खांड)
• Pronunciation: uh-lej/ अलेज • Pronunciation: skrap/ स्ट्रैप
• Part of Speech: Verb • Part of Speech: Verb
• Meaning: claim or assert that someone has • Meaning:
done something illegal or wrong, typically a. discard or remove from service (a
without proof. redundant, old, or inoperative vehicle,
• Synonyms: assert, say, affirm, maintain, vessel, or machine).
cite b. abolish or cancel (a plan, policy, or law).
• Antonyms: contradict, disagree, deny • Synonyms: disposal, removal
• Usage in a Sentence: The report does not • Antonyms: retention, adoption
allege that evidence had been manipulated • Use in a Sentence: In the end, the
to benefit prosecutors, the official said. decision to scrap the project was
483. Word: Retaliatory (मांहतोड़) unanimous.
• Pronunciation: ri-tal-ee-eyt-ory/ रीटै ्यटॉरी 487. Word: Herald (अग्रदत ू , घोवषत करना)
• Part of Speech: Adjective • Pronunciation: her-uhld/ हे र्ि
• Meaning: (of an action) characterized by a • Part of Speech: Noun, Verb
desire for revenge. • Meaning:
• Synonyms: vengeful, avenging, retributive a. a person or thing viewed as a sign that
• Antonyms: forgiving, benevolent something is about to happen [Noun]
• Usage in a Sentence: He urged people not b. be a sign that (something) is about to
to resort to retaliatory violence. happen [Verb]
484. Word: Scupper (असफल करना) • Synonyms: harbinger, precursor, foretell,
• Pronunciation: skuhp-er/ स्ट्कपर
• Antonyms: catch, adhere, attend
• Part of Speech: Noun, Verb • Usage in a Sentence: The result could
• Meaning: herald the revival of the dormant kit car
a. a hole in a ship's side to carry water industry.
overboard from the deck [Noun]
488. Word: Hegemon (अगधपतत)
b. prevent from working or succeeding;
thwart [Verb] • Pronunciation: hej-uh-mon/ हे गेमोन
• Synonyms: expose, endanger • Part of Speech: Noun
• Antonyms: envelope, guard, shelter, shield • Meaning: a supreme leader
• Usage in a Sentence: Subconsciously, they • Synonyms: overlord
scupper their own efforts to gain a little • Antonyms: subordinate, slave
comfort. • Usage in a Sentence: The historical legacy
485. Word: Lapse (रद्द हो जाना/चूक) of the hegemon continues to have a
profound influence on the contemporary
• Pronunciation: laps/ लै्स
political landscape.
• Part of Speech:Noun, Verb
489. Word: Arsenal (आयधशाला)
• Meaning:
a. a brief or temporary failure of • Pronunciation: ahr-suh-nl/ आसिनल
concentration, memory, or judgement. • Part of Speech: Noun
[Noun] • Meaning: a collection of weapons and
b. an interval or passage of time. [Noun] military equipment
c. (of a right, privilege, or agreement) • Synonyms: armoury, repository, store


• Antonyms: disarmament • Part of Speech: Noun

• Usage in a Sentence: The country has • Meaning: power or ability to act or to
agreed to reduce its nuclear arsenal. influence people, events, decisions, etc.;
490. Word: Steaming forward (तेज़ी से आिे बढ़ना) sway
• Synonyms: advantage, authority,
• Pronunciation: स्ट्रीलमिंग िॉरविि
• Part of Speech: Phrase • Antonyms: inferiority, poorness, weakness
• Meaning: do something with as much • Use in a Sentence: We'll have to use
speed and power as possible leverage to move this huge rock.
• Synonyms: full force, maximum speed, full
495. Word: Edify (उपदे श दे ना)
• Antonyms: slowly, unhurriedly • Pronunciation: ed-uh-fahy/ एििाइ
• Usage in a Sentence: We were steaming • Part of Speech: Verb
forward in the car race, when the • Meaning: instruct or improve (someone)
opponents surpassed us. morally or intellectually
491. Word: Standoff (ड्रॉ) • Synonyms: enlighten, inform, teach,
• Pronunciation: stand-awf/ स्ट्टै न्िॉि
• Antonyms: discourage, befuddle
• Part of Speech: Noun • Usage in a Sentence: Help me speak
• Meaning: a deadlock between two equally words of blessing to edify those around me
matched opponents in a dispute or conflict today.
• Synonyms: tie, logjam, standstill, impasse
496. Word: Defuse (स्स्र्तत को िांभ़ीर होने से रोकना)
• Antonyms: decision, inseparable, intimacy
• Usage in a Sentence: The political • Pronunciation: dee-fyooz/ डिफ्यूज़
standoff led to a six-month delay in passing • Part of Speech: Verb
this year's budget. • Meaning:
492. Word: Suspension (प्रलांबन) a. remove the fuse from (an explosive
device) in order to prevent it from exploding
• Pronunciation: suh-spen-shuhn/ सस्ट्पेन्शन
b. make (a situation) less tense or
• Part of Speech: Noun dangerous.
• Meaning: the action of suspending • Synonyms: unset, deactivate, appease,
someone or something or the condition of relieve
being suspended • Antonyms: aggravate, agitate, stimulate
• Synonyms: pause, interruption, break • Usage in a Sentence: A spokesman said
• Antonyms: continuation, reunion, this firm action had defused a very nasty
completion, appointment situation.
• Usage in a Sentence: The athlete could
497. Word: Ostensibly (कालपतनक रूप से)
face a lengthy period of suspension if
found guilty. • Pronunciation: o-sten-suh-buh l/ ओस्ट्तेंलसब्ली
493. Word: Exchequer (कोष) • Part of Speech: Adverb
• Pronunciation: eks-chek-er, iks-chek-er/ • Meaning: as appears or is stated to be true,
though not necessarily so; apparently
• Synonyms: apparently, seemingly,
• Part of Speech: Noun allegedly, superficially
• Meaning: the former government office • Antonyms: truly, improbably, unlikely
responsible for collecting revenue and • Usage in a Sentence: Ostensibly he was
making payments on behalf of the on a business trip, but he spent most of the
sovereign, auditing official accounts, and time on the beach
trying legal cases relating to revenue
498. Word: Escalate (बढ़ाना)
• Synonyms: treasury, bank, coffer
• Antonyms: liabilities, debt • Pronunciation: es-kuh-leyt/ एस्ट्कलैट
• Usage in a Sentence: There's nothing left • Part of Speech: Verb
in the exchequer this month. • Meaning: increase rapidly, make or become
494. Word: Leverage (लाभ उठाना) more intense or serious.
• Synonyms: intensify, heighten
• Pronunciation: lev-er-ij/ लीवररज
• Antonyms: diminish, abbreviate


• Usage in a Sentence: The conflict could • Meaning:

escalate rapidly into a full-scale war. a. done without being planned or rehearsed
499. Word: Coercive (बलपि ू क
श ) [Adjective & Adverb]
b. a short piece of instrumental music,
• Pronunciation: co-ar-cive/ कोअलसिव
especially a solo, that is reminiscent of an
• Part of Speech: Adjective improvisation. [Noun]
• Meaning: relating to or using force or • Synonyms: unprepared, unrehearsed,
threats. spontaneous
• Synonyms: authoritarian, imperious, high- • Antonyms: intended, planned, deliberate,
handed. well- rehearsed
• Antonyms: conditional, constitutional, • Usage in a Sentence: This afternoon the
discretionary Palestinians held an impromptu press
• Usage in a Sentence: The president relied conference.
on the coercive powers of the military.
504. Word: Burnish (चमकना)
500. Word: Manhandle (हार्ों से चलाना, प़ीटना)
• Pronunciation: bur-nish/ बननिश
• Pronunciation: man-han-dl/ मैन्है न्िल
• Part of Speech: Verb, Noun
• Part of Speech: Verb • Meaning:
• Meaning: a. polish (something, especially metal) by
a. move (a heavy object) by hand with great rubbing [Verb]
effort. b. the shine on a highly polished surface
b. handle (someone) roughly by dragging or [Noun]
pushing • Synonyms: shine, polish, gloss, glaze
• Synonyms: jostle, shove, hustle, abuse, • Antonyms: tarnish, dull, dark, bland
maltreat, mistreat • Usage in a Sentence: The company is
• Antonyms: pet, pamper currently trying to burnish its socially
• Usage in a Sentence: In his rear mirror he responsible image.
watched his father struggle with the doors
505. Word: Heed (ध्यान दे ना)
and manhandle the basket on to the
ground. • Pronunciation: heed/ हीि
501. Word: Detain (बन्द करना) • Part of Speech: Verb
• Meaning: pay attention to; take notice of
• Pronunciation: dih-teyn/ डिटे न
• Synonyms: notice, regard, observe
• Part of Speech: Verb • Antonyms: ignore, neglect, disregard
• Meaning: keep (someone) in official • Usage in a Sentence: They failed to heed
custody, typically for questioning about a a warning about the dangerous currents in
crime or in a politically sensitive situation. the river.
• Synonyms: hold, confine, keep, arrest
506. Word: Browbeat (धमकाना)
• Antonyms: release, free, liberate,
discharge • Pronunciation: brou-beet/ िाउबीट
• Usage in a Sentence: The act allows police • Part of Speech: Verb
to detain a suspect for up to 48 hours. • Meaning: intimidate (someone), typically
502. Word: Belligerence (यद्धकाररता) into doing something, with stern or abusive
• Pronunciation: buh-lij-er-uh ns/ बललजरन्स
• Synonyms: bully, intimidate, coerce,
• Part of Speech: Noun threaten
• Meaning: aggressive or warlike behaviour. • Antonyms: boost, praise, persuade,
• Synonyms: hostile, ready to fight compliment
• Antonyms: amenity, benignity, civility • Usage in a Sentence: We shall never allow
• Usage in a Sentence: Belligerence may our police to browbeat prisoners into
look like the key nature of wrestlers, but in admitting their guilt.
reality, most of them are really nice.
507. Word: Plethora (अगधकता)
503. Word: Impromptu (तात्कामलक)
• Pronunciation: pleth-er-uh/ ्लथॉर
• Pronunciation: im-promp-too/ इम्प्राम््टू
• Part of Speech: Noun
• Part of Speech: Adjective, Adverb, Noun


• Meaning: a large or excessive amount of • Synonyms: wanderer, traveller, nomad,

something. homeless, tramp
• Synonyms: superabundance, surplus, • Antonyms: settled, resident, static,
plenty indigenous
• Antonyms: scarcity, dearth, shortage • Usage in a Sentence: Away went the
• Usage in a Sentence: The forensic report policeman and the vagrant was left alone,
contains a plethora of detail. helpless on a cold winter night
508. Word: Adjunct (अनबांध) 512. Word: Mendicant (मभक्षक)
• Pronunciation: aj-uhngkt/ ऐजिंगक्ट • Pronunciation: men-di-kuh nt/ मेन्िकन्ट
• Part of Speech: Noun, Adjective • Part of Speech: Adjective, Noun
• Meaning: • Meaning:
a. a thing added to something else as a a. given to begging. [Adjective]
supplementary rather than an essential part b. a beggar [Noun]
[Noun] • Synonyms: beggar, pauper, tramp
b. connected or added to something • Antonyms: imperative, have, rich,
[Adjective] permanent
• Synonyms: appendage, accessory, • Usage in a Sentence: This dear little-
addition, supplement naked mendicant pretends to be utterly
• Antonyms: lessening, detriment, helpless.
degradation 513. Phrase: Conundrum (समस्या)
• Usage in a Sentence: Physical therapy is
• Pronunciation: kuh-nuhn-druh m/ कनन्ड्रम
an important adjunct to drug treatments.
• Part of Speech: Noun
509. Word: Tamper (दख़ल करना)
• Meaning:
• Pronunciation: tam-per/ टै म्पर a. a confusing and difficult problem or
• Part of Speech: Verb question.
• Meaning: interfere with (something) in b. a question asked for amusement, typically
order to cause damage or make one with a pun in its answer; a riddle.
unauthorized alterations. • Synonyms: enigma, mystery, puzzle
• Synonyms: meddle, tinker • Antonyms: clarification, obviousness
• Antonyms: improve, repair • Usage in a Sentence: Time will certainly
• Usage in a Sentence: We should not provide the solution to that conundrum.
tamper with others' affairs. 514. Word: Refinement (पररमाजशन)
510. Word: Errant (पर्भ्रष्ट) • Pronunciation: ri-fahyn-muh nt/ ररिाइन्मन्ट
• Pronunciation: er-uh nt/ एरन्ट • Part of Speech: Noun
• Part of Speech: Adjective • Meaning:
• Meaning: erring or straying from the a. the process of removing impurities or
accepted course or standards unwanted elements from a substance.
• Synonyms: sinful, devious, erring b. the improvement or clarification of
• Antonyms: correct, nice, righteous something by the making of small changes.
• Usage in a Sentence: He fired his pistol in c. cultured elegance in behaviour or manner.
the air and charged over the top as if he • Synonyms: elegance, sophistication, polish
were chasing some errant fox. • Antonyms: bad behaviour, coarseness,
511. Word: Vagrant (खानाबदोश) crudeness, corruption
• Usage in a Sentence: The new plan is a
• Pronunciation: vey-gruh nt/ वेग्रन्ट
refinement of the one made before.
• Part of Speech: Noun, Adjective
515. Phrase: Laze around (समय िांिाना)
• Meaning:
a. a person without a settled home or • Pronunciation: leyz- uh-round/ लेज़ अराउिं ि
regular work who wanders from place to • Part of Speech: Phrase
place and lives by begging. [Noun] • Meaning: to do nothing in particular; to be
b. relating to or living the life of a vagrant. idle
[Adjective] • Synonyms: be idle, lazing
• Antonyms: toil, work hard, labour


• Usage in a Sentence: Take time out to • Synonyms: indicate, specify, designate,

sleep properly, laze around, listen to music determine, bind, fasten, enforce
or have some form of leisure activity. • Antonyms: uncompress, disorient, dispose
516. Word: Vestigial (अलपविकमसत) • Usage in a Sentence: The teacher cannot
pin down the essence of ancient poetry.
• Pronunciation: ve-stij-ee-uh l/ वेलस्ट्टजीअल
520. Word: Wander (विचमलत होना)
• Part of Speech: Adjective
• Meaning: • Pronunciation: won-der/ वान्िर
a. forming a very small remnant of • Part of Speech: Verb
something that was once greater or more • Meaning: walk or move in a leisurely or
noticeable. aimless way.
b. (of an organ or part of the body) • Synonyms: roam, stray
degenerate, rudimentary • Antonyms: stay, hurry
• Synonyms: rudimentary, undeveloped, • Usage in a Sentence: Try not to let your
primitive, immature mind wander.
• Antonyms: developed, functional 521. Word: Itinerant ( भ्रमणकारी)
• Usage in a Sentence: They were no longer
• Pronunciation: ahy-tin-er-uhnt/ आइटटनरन्ट
men, just the vestigial remains of what had
once been human beings. • Part of Speech: Adjective, Noun
• Meaning:
517. Phrase: Notion (धारणा)
a. travelling from place to place. [Adjective]
• Pronunciation: noh-shuh n/ नोशन b. a person who travels from place to place.
• Part of Speech: Noun [Noun]
• Meaning: • Synonyms: wandering, vagabond, nomadic,
a. conception of or belief about something. vagrant
b. an impulse or desire, especially one of a • Antonyms: settled, permanent, stationary,
whimsical kind static
• Synonyms: idea, opinion, impulse, thought, • Usage in a Sentence:
inclination 522. Word: Sanctity (पवित्रता)
• Antonyms: accident, accuracy, truth
• Pronunciation: sangk-ti-tee/ सैंगलक्टटी
• Usage in a Sentence: She was
prepossessed with the notion of her own • Part of Speech: Noun
superiority. • Meaning:
a. the state or quality of being holy, sacred,
518. Word: Abode (तनिास-स्र्ान)
or saintly.
• Pronunciation: uh-bohd/ अबोि b. ultimate importance and inviolability.
• Part of Speech: Noun • Synonyms: sacredness, divinity
• Meaning: a place of residence; a house or • Antonyms: vileness, impureness
home • Usage in a Sentence: Numerous miracles
• Synonyms: home, residence, dwelling, were proof of his sanctity.
habitation 523. Word: Plausible (विश्िसऩीय)
• Antonyms: public, homelessness
• Pronunciation: plaw-zuh-buh l/ ्लॉज़बल
• Usage in a Sentence: I had been invited to
take up my abode at Government House. • Part of Speech: Adjective
• Meaning: seeming, reasonable or probable
519. Phrase: Pin down (स्पष्ट व्याख्या करना, बाध्य
• Synonyms: believable, reasonable, credible
करना) • Antonyms: unlikely, unbelievable, flimsy
• Pronunciation: र्पन िाउन • Use in a Sentence: This is a very
• Part of Speech: Phrase verb plausible piece of information.
• Meaning: 524. Word: Plethora (अगधकता)
a. to understand or describe something • Pronunciation: pleth-er-uh/ ्लथॉर
exactly. • Part of Speech: Noun
b. to force someone to make a decision • Meaning: a large or excessive amount of
about something. something.


• Synonyms: superabundance, surplus, • Meaning:

plenty a. an official order or commission to do
• Antonyms: scarcity, dearth, shortage something. [Noun]
• Usage in a Sentence: The forensic report b. give (someone) authority to act in a
contains a plethora of detail. certain way. [Verb]
525. Word: Fast-track (श़ीघ्रपर्) • Synonyms: order, command, instruction
• Antonyms: prohibit, abolish, denial
• Pronunciation: fast-trak/ फ़ास्ट्ट रै क
• Usage in a Sentence: The organization
• Part of Speech: Noun, Verb was chosen with a mandate to reduce the
• Meaning: size of government.
a. a route or method which provides for
529. Word: Misgivings (भय)
more rapid results than usual [Noun]
b. accelerate the progress of (a person or • Pronunciation: mis-giv-ing/ लमलस्ट्गर्विंग
project) [Verb] • Part of Speech: Noun
• Synonyms: expedite, hasten, advance, go • Meaning: a feeling of doubt or
faster apprehension about the outcome or
• Antonyms: delay, hamper, impede consequences of something.
• Usage in a Sentence: You'll either need to • Synonyms: doubt, qualm, reservation,
adapt to her fast-track lifestyle or simply apprehensions
get out of the race and let someone else • Antonyms: confidence, belief, agreement,
take your place. approval
526. Word: Adjunct (अनबांध) • Usage in a Sentence: He had considerable
misgivings at the prospect of moving jobs.
• Pronunciation: aj-uhngkt/ ऐजिंगक्ट
530. Word: Tamper (दख़ल करना)
• Part of Speech: Noun, Adjective
• Meaning: • Pronunciation: tam-per/ टै म्पर
a. a thing added to something else as a • Part of Speech: Verb
supplementary rather than an essential part • Meaning: interfere with (something) in
[Noun] order to cause damage or make
b. connected or added to something unauthorized alterations.
[Adjective] • Synonyms: meddle, tinker
• Synonyms: appendage, accessory, • Antonyms: improve, repair
addition, supplement • Usage in a Sentence: We should not
• Antonyms: lessening, detriment, tamper with others' affairs.
degradation 531. Word: Robust (मजबूत)
• Usage in a Sentence: Physical therapy is
• Pronunciation: roh-buhst/ रोबस्ट्ट
an important adjunct to drug treatments.
• Part of Speech: Adjective
527. Word: Trail (राह तनकाल लेना)
• Meaning: strong and healthy; vigorous.
• Pronunciation: treyl/ रै ल • Synonyms: powerful, persistent
• Part of Speech: Verb • Antonyms: weak, feeble
• Meaning: • Usage in a Sentence: The organization is
a. draw or be drawn along behind someone taking a more robust approach to
or something. management.
b. walk or move slowly or wearily. 532. Word: Errant (पर्भ्रष्ट)
c. to follow the track, trail, or scent of;
• Pronunciation: er-uh nt/ एरन्ट
• Synonyms: dawdle, trace • Part of Speech: Adjective
• Antonyms: surpass, anticipate • Meaning: erring or straying from the
• Usage in Sentence: The storm left a trail accepted course or standards
of destruction in its wake. • Synonyms: sinful, devious, erring
• Antonyms: correct, nice, righteous
528. Word: Mandate (आदे श दे ना)
• Usage in a Sentence: He fired his pistol in
• Pronunciation: man-deyt/ मैन्िेट the air and charged over the top as if he
• Part of Speech: Noun, Verb were chasing some errant fox.


533. Word: Glitch (विधारी) • Pronunciation: dih-traktor/ िीरै क्टर

• Pronunciation: glich/ लललच • Part of Speech: Noun
• Part of Speech: Noun, Verb • Meaning: a person who disparages
• Meaning: someone or something
a. a sudden, usually temporary malfunction • Synonyms: critic, attacker, slanderer
or fault of equipment [Noun] • Antonyms: benefactor, ally, supporter
b. suffer a sudden malfunction or fault • Usage in a Sentence: The detractors say
[Verb] they are relative newcomers who would
• Synonyms: bug, flaw, malfunction, snag have constituted a gamble.
• Antonyms: advantage, refinement, 538. Word: Reiterate (दहराना)
innovation • Pronunciation: ree-it-uh-reyt/ रीइटरै ट
• Usage in a Sentence: The computer failure • Part of Speech: Verb
was due to a glitch caused by lightning. • Meaning: say something again or a number
534. Word: Spool (रील में लपेटना) of times, typically for emphasis or clarity.
• Pronunciation: spool/ स्ट्पूल • Synonyms: repeat, iterate, duplicate
• Part of Speech: Noun, Verb • Antonyms: elapse, conceal, dismiss
• Meaning: • Usage in a Sentence: Before exam, my
a. a cylindrical device on which film, teacher reiterated all the important points
magnetic tape, thread, or other flexible 539. Word: Furlough (अिकाश)
materials can be wound; a reel [Noun] • Pronunciation: fur-loh/ िलो
b. wind (magnetic tape, thread, etc.) on to a • Part of Speech: Noun, Verb
spool [Verb] • Meaning:
• Synonyms: reel, roll, coil a. leave of absence, especially that granted
• Antonyms: uncoil to a member of the services or a missionary
• Usage in a Sentence: The water wheel was [Noun]
constructed from an electric cable spool. b. grant leave of absence to [Verb]
535. Word: Bridge the divide (दरू ी कम करना) • Synonyms: leave, vacation, holiday
• Pronunciation: र्िज थे डिवाइि • Antonyms: rehire, recall, retain, employ
• Part of Speech: Phrase • Usage in a Sentence: After this last
• Meaning: to bring two sides closer furlough we paid a last sad visit to the
together, overcoming their differences school and found a small girl crying her
• Synonyms: aid, assist, make a truce heart out
• Antonyms: hinder, hurt 540. Word: Precipitate (असािधान)
• Usage in a Sentence: We assumed that • Pronunciation: pri-sip-i-teyt/ र्प्रलसपटे ट
the minister was working to bridge the • Part of Speech: Verb, Adjective, Noun
divide between the parties on this • Meaning:
controversial issue. a. cause (an event or situation, typically one
536. Word: Polemical (वििादात्मक) that is undesirable) to happen suddenly,
• Pronunciation: puh-lem-ik, poh/ पलेमकल unexpectedly, or prematurely. [Verb]
• Part of Speech: Adjective b. done, made, or acting suddenly or
• Meaning: of or involving strongly critical or without careful consideration
disputatious writing or speech c. a substance precipitated from a solution
• Synonyms: critical, hostile, bitter [Noun]
• Antonyms: uncontroversial, undisputed • Synonyms: hasty, rash, sudden, hurried,
• Usage in a Sentence: Setting aside the reckless
polemical aspects of his argument, • Antonyms: slow, deliberate, unhurried
Honderich's thesis boils down to three • Usage in a Sentence: I don't think we
points. should make precipitate decisions.
537. Word: Detractor (आलोचना करके कलांककत करने 541. Word: Exaggeration (अततशयोस्क्त)
• Pronunciation: ig-zaj-uh-rey-shuh n/
इलज़ैजरे शन


• Part of Speech: Noun • Usage in a Sentence: He is impatient with

• Meaning: a statement that represents those who decry the scheme.
something as better or worse than it really is 546. Word: Partisan (कट्टर)
• Synonyms: overstatement, distortion
• Pronunciation: pahr-tuh-zuhn/पाटटि ज़न
• Antonyms: understatement, honesty,
reduction • Part of Speech: Noun, Adjective
• Usage in a Sentence: There was a degree • Meaning:
of exaggeration in his description of a. a strong supporter of a party, cause, or
events. person. [Noun]
b. prejudiced in favour of a particular cause.
542. Word: Espouse (अपनाना)
• Pronunciation: ih-spouz/ एस्ट्पाउज़ • Synonyms: supporter, biased
• Part of Speech: Verb • Antonyms: opponent, unbiased
• Meaning: adopt or support (a cause, belief, • Usage in a Sentence: You must listen to
or way of life) both points of view and try not to be
• Synonyms: adopt, embrace, support, partisan.
marry 547. Word: Rancour (अततद्िेष)
• Antonyms: disown, discard, reject
• Pronunciation: rang-ker/ रैंगकर
• Usage in a Sentence: Some teachers
enthusiastically espouse the benefits to be • Part of Speech: Noun
gained from educational software. • Meaning: bitterness or resentfulness,
especially when long-standing
543. Word: Regime (शासन)
• Synonyms: bitterness, spite, hate,
• Pronunciation: ruh-zheem/ रै श़ीम resentment
• Part of Speech: Noun • Antonyms: benevolence, charity
• Meaning: • Usage in a Sentence: She learned to
a. government, especially an authoritarian accept criticism without rancour.
one. 548. Word: Revocation (खण्डन)
b. a system or ordered way of doing things.
• Pronunciation: rev-uh-key-shuh n/ रे वकेशन
• Synonyms: administration, jurisdiction
• Antonyms: disorder, confusion • Part of Speech: Noun
• Usage in a Sentence: The regime got rid • Meaning: the official cancellation of a
of most of its opponents. decree, decision, or promise.
• Synonyms: Cancellation, Withdrawal,
544. Word: Foreboding (पूिाशभास)
Repeal, Abolition
• Pronunciation:fawr-boh-ding/ िॉबोडििंग • Antonyms: Appeal, Entrance, Continuation
• Part of Speech: Noun, Adjective, Verb • Usage in a Sentence: The owner of the
• Meaning: Gym is going to revoke my membership
a. a feeling that something bad will happen; because I haven't paid their annual dues.
fearful apprehension [Noun] 549. Word: Blow (िार)
b. implying that something bad is going to
• Pronunciation: bloh/ ब्लो
happen [Adjective]
c. have a presentiment of (something bad) • Part of Speech: Verb, Noun
[Verb] • Meaning:
• Synonyms: prophecy, sign, premonition a. (of wind) move creating an air current
• Antonyms: bright, hopeful, favourable [Verb]
• Usage in a Sentence: He returned, full of b. a powerful stroke with a hand, weapon, or
foreboding, to the scene of the accident. hard object [Noun]
c. a strong wind [Noun]
545. Word: Decry (तनांदा करना)
d. a sudden shock or disappointment [Noun]
• Pronunciation: dih-krahy/ डिराइ • Synonyms: hit, stroke, shock, blast
• Part of Speech: Verb • Antonyms: blessing, calm
• Meaning: publicly denounce • Usage in a Sentence: It will be a
• Synonyms: denounce, condemn, criticize devastating blow to the local community if
• Antonyms: exalt, applaud, compliment the factory closes.


550. Word: Concession (ररयायत में दी िई िस्त) b. an instance of achieving success in a

particular sphere or activity.
• Pronunciation: kuh n-sesh-uh n/ कन्सेशन
• Synonyms: find, improvement, innovation,
• Part of Speech: Noun revolution
• Meaning: a thing that is granted, especially • Antonyms: throwback, decline, impasse,
in response to demands digress
• Synonyms: allowance, privilege, grant • Use in a Sentence: We have achieved a
• Antonyms: denial, difference, protest real breakthrough in the search for peace.
• Usage in a Sentence: The former
555. Word: Norms (मानक)
president's concession came even before
all the votes had been counted. • Pronunciation: nawrm/ नॉम्ज़ि
551. Word: Deficit (अभाि) • Part of Speech: Noun, Verb
• Meaning:
• Pronunciation: def-uh-sit/ िेिसट
a. something that is usual, typical, or
• Part of Speech: Noun standard [Noun]
• Meaning: the amount by which something, b. adjust (something) to conform to a norm
especially a sum of money, is too small [Verb]
• Synonyms: shortage, lack, shortfall, • Synonyms: standard, usual, normal
deficiency • Antonyms: exceptions, aberrations
• Antonyms: plenty, surplus, plethora, • Usage in a Sentence: The social norms
abundance cannot merely exist as constraints existing
• Usage in a Sentence: The company has outside individuals.
just won a mining concession in the north
556. Word: Aggravate (बबिाड़ना)
of the country.
552. Word: Retaliation (प्रतत-टहांसा) • Pronunciation: ag-ruh-veyt/ ऐग्रवेट
• Pronunciation: ri-tal-ee-ey-shuh n/ • Part of Speech: Verb
• Meaning: make (a problem, injury, or
रीटै लीऐशन
offence) worse or more serious
• Part of Speech: Noun • Synonyms: irritate, provoke, annoy
• Meaning: • Antonyms: calm, sooth, relieve, comfort
a. the action of returning a military attack; • Usage in a Sentence: Cigarettes can
counter-attack. aggravate the symptoms of a cold.
b. the action of harming someone because
557. Word: Comprehensive (व्यापक)
they have harmed oneself; revenge.
• Synonyms: revenge, punishment • Pronunciation: kom-pri-hen-siv/ र्वयापक
• Antonyms: mercy, forgiveness • Part of Speech: Adjective, Noun
• Usage in a Sentence: The armed forces • Meaning:
were on high alert to guard against any a. including or dealing with all or nearly all
retaliation. elements or aspects of something
553. Word: Negotiate (समिौता करना) [Adjective]
b. a comprehensive school [Noun]
• Pronunciation: ni-goh-shee-eyt/ ननगोलशएट
• Synonyms: complete, inclusive, extensive
• Part of Speech: Verb • Antonyms: exclusive, restricted, limited
• Meaning: try to reach an agreement or • Usage in a Sentence: We offer you a
compromise by discussion comprehensive training in all aspects of
• Synonyms: bargain, arrange, deal the business.
• Antonyms: disclaim, devolve, disturb
558. Word: Flexibility (लच़ीलापन)
• Usage in a Sentence: The government has
refused to negotiate with the strikers. • Pronunciation: flek-suh-buhl/ फ्लेक्सर्बलटी
554. Word: Breakthrough (महत्िपूणश खोज) • Part of Speech: Noun
• Meaning: the quality of bending easily
• Pronunciation: breyk-throo/ िैक्थ्रू
without breaking
• Part of Speech: Noun • Synonyms: resilience, elasticity,
• Meaning: compliance
a. a sudden, dramatic, and important • Antonyms: rigidity, inflexibility
discovery or development.


• Usage in a Sentence: The flexibility of • Usage in a Sentence: Everywhere he

distance learning would be particularly went, people were destitute, and all of
suited to busy managers. those people offered him something to eat.
559. Word: Deadlock (िततरोध) 563. Word: Apathy (उदास़ीनता)
• Pronunciation: ded-lok/ िेड्लाक • Pronunciation: ap-uh-thee/ ऐपथी
• Part of Speech: Noun, Verb • Part of Speech: Noun
• Meaning: • Meaning: lack of interest, enthusiasm, or
a. a situation, typically one involving concern
opposing parties, in which no progress can • Synonyms: indifference, unconcern,
be made [Noun] unresponsiveness, detachment
b. cause (a situation or opposing parties) to • Antonyms: interest, sympathy, passion
come to a point where no progress can be • Usage in a Sentence: The campaign failed
made because of fundamental disagreement because of public apathy.
[Verb] 564. Word: Audit (परीक्षण)
• Synonyms: standstill, draw, logjam
• Pronunciation: aw-dit/ ऑडिट
• Antonyms: agreement, resolution
• Usage in a Sentence: A deadlock was • Part of Speech: Noun, Verb
reached in the discussions, as neither side • Meaning:
would give way to the other. a. an official inspection of an organization's
560. Word: Intervention accounts, typically by an independent body
• Pronunciation: in-ter-ven-shuh n/ इन्टवेन्शन
b. conduct an official financial inspection of
• Part of Speech: Noun (a company or its accounts) [Verb]
• Meaning: the action or process of • Synonyms: check, review, scrutiny, suspect
intervening • Antonyms: ignore, neglect, preview
• Synonyms: interference, mediation, • Usage in a Sentence: As usual, the yearly
intrusion audit will take place in December.
• Antonyms: noninterference,
565. Word: Damning (घातक)
nonintervention, challenge
• Usage in a Sentence: We would resist any • Pronunciation: dam-ing/ िैलमिंग
armed intervention from outside in our • Part of Speech: Adjective
country's affairs. • Meaning:
561. Word: Probe (जाांच करना) a. (of a circumstance or piece of evidence)
strongly suggesting guilt or error
• Pronunciation: prohb/ प्रोब
b. extremely critical
• Part of Speech: Noun, Verb • Synonyms: condemnatory, damnatory,
• Meaning: denunciation, critical
a. a thorough investigation into a crime or • Antonyms: promising, blessing, propitious
other matter. [Noun] • Usage in a Sentence: The author has
b. explore or examine (something), delivered a damning counterblast to her
especially with the hands or an instrument. critics.
566. Word: Assault (दराितचयश)
• Synonyms: scrutinize, inquiry
• Antonyms: glimpse, absurd • Pronunciation: uh-sawlt/ असॉ्ट
• Usage in a Sentence: I don't want to • Part of Speech: Verb, Noun
probe too deeply into your personal affairs. • Meaning:
562. Word: Destitute (विहीन) a. make a physical attack on [Verb]
b. a physical attack [Noun]
• Pronunciation: des-ti-toot/ िेस्ट्टटूट
• Synonyms: attack, assail, strike, charge
• Part of Speech: Adjective • Antonyms: defend, support, protect
• Meaning: extremely poor and lacking the • Usage in a Sentence: The organizers of
means to provide for oneself the march were charged with assault and
• Synonyms: penniless, poor, impoverished riotous assembly.
• Antonyms: rich, wealthy, prosperous
567. Word: Subsequent (आिाम़ी)


• Pronunciation: suhb-si-kwuh nt/ सब्सीक्वन्ट • Pronunciation: dis-kwahy-it/ डिस्ट्क्वाइइट

• Part of Speech: Adjective • Part of Speech: Noun, Verb
• Meaning: coming after something in time; • Meaning:
following a. a feeling of worry or unease. [Noun]
• Synonyms: following, consequent b. make (someone) worried or uneasy.
• Antonyms: prior, foregoing [Verb]
• Usage in a Sentence: The story will be • Synonyms: uneasiness, worry, anxiety,
continued in subsequent parts of the agitate, upset
series. • Antonyms: calm, ease, comfort, peace
568. Word: Stringent (सख्त) • Usage in a Sentence: We shall find the
reason for disquiet about this argument.
• Pronunciation: strin-juh nt/ लस्ट्रन्जन्ट
573. Word: Exert (जोर लिाना)
• Part of Speech: Adjective
• Meaning: (of regulations, requirements, or • Pronunciation: ig-zurt/ इलज़टि
conditions) strict, precise, and exacting • Part of Speech: Verb
• Synonyms: harsh, rigorous, severe • Meaning:
• Antonyms: tolerant, flexible, lenient a. apply or bring to bear (a force, influence,
• Usage in a Sentence: He failed to convene or quality)
the stringent selection criteria. b. make a physical or mental effort.
569. Word: Adverse (प्रततकूल) • Synonyms: exercise, apply, strain
• Antonyms: careless, stay still
• Pronunciation: ad-vurs/ ऐड्वसि
• Usage in a Sentence:
• Part of Speech: Adjective
574. Word: Bestow (प्रदान करना)
• Meaning: preventing success or
development; harmful; unfavourable • Pronunciation: bih-stoh/ र्बस्ट्टो
• Synonyms: contrary, unfavourable, • Part of Speech: Verb
detrimental • Meaning:
• Antonyms: favourable, helpful, good a. confer or present (an honour, right, or
• Usage in a Sentence: Despite the adverse gift)
conditions, the road was finished in just b. put (something) in a specified place
eight months. • Synonyms: give, grant, present, confer
570. Word: Scrutiny (िान-ब़ीन) • Antonyms: deprive, take refuse
• Usage in a Sentence: Copperfield insists
• Pronunciation: skroot-n-ee/ स्ट्रूटनी
his archipelago also contains the legendary
• Part of Speech: Noun waters that bestow perpetual youth.
• Meaning: a critical observation or
575. Word: Inadequacy (अपयाशततता)
• Synonyms: investigation, review • Pronunciation: in-ad-i-kwuh-see/ इनैडिक्वसी
• Antonyms: disregard, neglect • Part of Speech: Noun
• Usage in Sentence: Their enterprises have • Meaning:
come under police scrutiny. a. the state or quality of being inadequate
571. Word: Clout (पराक्रम) b. inability to deal with a situation or with
• Pronunciation: klout/ क्लाउट
• Synonyms: incompetence, insufficiency
• Part of Speech: Noun, Verb • Antonyms: skill set, plethora, adequacy
• Meaning: • Usage in a Sentence: Unemployment can
a. influence or power, especially in politics or cause feelings of inadequacy and low self-
business. [Noun] esteem.
b. hit hard [Verb]
576. Word: Discontent (असांतष्ट)
• Synonyms: authority, control, punch
• Antonyms: weakness, failure • Pronunciation: dis-kuh n-tent/ डिस्ट्कन्टे न्ट
• Usage in a Sentence: My mother carries a • Part of Speech: Noun
lot of clout in her opinion. • Meaning: dissatisfaction with one's
572. Word: Disquiet (व्याकल होना) circumstances; lack of contentment.
• Synonyms: unhappy, annoyed


• Antonyms: happiness, satisfied 581. Phrase: Strike a note (अमभव्यक्त करना)

• Usage in a Sentence: There was an
• Pronunciation: स्ट्राइक अ नोट
underlying current of discontent among
employees. • Part of Speech: Phrase
• Meaning: to express and communicate a
577. Word: Despotic (स्िच्िां द)
particular opinion or feeling about
• Pronunciation: dih-spot-ik/ डिस्ट्पाटटक something; be relevant or familiar to
• Part of Speech: Adjective • Synonyms: bethink, call to mind, cite
• Meaning: of or typical of a despot; • Antonyms: calm, isregard, forget
tyrannical • Usage in a Sentence: Let me strike a
• Synonyms: dictatorial, autocratic, arbitrary note of hopefulness: this job will not be as
• Antonyms: democratic, republican, popular hard as you think.
• Usage in a Sentence: He was despotic, 582. Word: Mobilise (सांघटटत करना)
and she liked freedom; he was worldly, and
• Pronunciation: moh-buh-lahyz/ मोबलाइज़
she, perhaps, romantic.
• Part of Speech: Verb
578. Word: Dissent (एतराज करना)
• Meaning:
• Pronunciation: dih-sent/ डिसेन्ट a. (of a country or its government) prepare
• Part of Speech: Verb, Noun and organize (troops) for active service.
• Meaning: b. organize and encourage (a group of
a. the holding or expression of opinions at people) to take collective action in pursuit of
variance with those commonly or officially a particular objective.
held. [Noun] c. make (something) movable or capable of
b. hold or express opinions that are at movement.
variance with those commonly or officially • Synonyms: rally, summon, muster
held. [Verb] • Antonyms: demobilise, inactivate, bring to
• Synonyms: conflict, disagree a halt
• Antonyms: ascent, approve • Usage in a Sentence: India is now in a
• Usage in a Sentence: There were better position to mobilise its forces.
murmurs of both assent and dissent from 583. Word: Rhetoric (शब्दाडम्बर)
the crowd.
• Pronunciation: ret-er-ik/रे टररक
579. Word: Theocratic (धमशशामसत)
• Part of Speech: Noun
• Pronunciation: thee-ok-ruh-see/ थीअरैटटक • Meaning: language designed to have a
• Part of Speech: Adjective persuasive or impressive effect, but which is
• Meaning: relating to or denoting a system often regarded as lacking in sincerity or
of government in which priests rule in the meaningful content.
name of God or a god • Synonyms: Elocution, Discourse, Bombast
• Synonyms: clerical, priestly • Antonyms: Conciseness, Quiet
• Antonyms: secular, unpriestly • Usage in a Sentence: As the elections are
• Usage in a Sentence: The undefended city just one week away, the rhetoric on both
and the ritual bronzes demonstrated that parties is building.
this kingdom was more theocratic than 584. Word: Isolation (एकाकीपन)
political. • Pronunciation: ahy-suh-ley-shuh n/
580. Word: Defiant (अिज्ञाकारी) आइसलेशन
• Pronunciation: dih-fahy-uhnt/ डििाइअन्ट • Part of Speech: Noun
• Part of Speech: Adjective • Meaning: the process or fact of isolating or
• Meaning: showing defiance being isolated
• Synonyms: insubordinate, bold, disobedient • Synonyms: solitude, seclusion, privacy
• Antonyms: apologetic, cooperative, • Antonyms: amalgamation, alliance,
obedient, respectful, submissive association
• Usage in a Sentence: The Prime Minister • Usage in a Sentence: He retired and lived
was in defiant mood in the House of in relative isolation.
Commons yesterday 585. Word: Multilateral (बहपक्ष़ीय)


• Pronunciation: muhl-ti-lat-er-uh l/ 590. Word: Scuttle (बबिाड़ना/त़ीव्र ितत)

म्टीलैटरल • Pronunciation: skuht-l/ स्ट्कटल
• Part of Speech: Adjective • Part of Speech: Verb, Noun
• Meaning: agreed upon or participated in by • Meaning:
three or more parties, especially the a. run hurriedly or furtively with short quick
governments of different countries steps. [Verb]
• Synonyms: multifaceted, international b. deliberately cause (a scheme) to fail.
• Antonyms: unilateral, bilateral, mutual [Verb]
• Usage in a Sentence: The first round of c. a metal container with a handle used to
multilateral trade talks has swayed fetch and store coal for a domestic fire.
between hope and despair. [Noun]
586. Word: Elite (उच्च ििश) • Synonyms: hasten, wreck
• Pronunciation: ih-leet /ऐलीट • Antonyms: decelerate, resume
• Part of Speech: Noun • Use in a Sentence: The incident threatens
• Meaning: a select group that is superior in to scuttle the peace process.
terms of ability or qualities to the rest of a 591. Word: Repression (तनयांत्रण)
group or society. • Pronunciation: ri-presh-uh n/ रीप्रेशन
• Synonyms: nobility, prime • Part of Speech: Noun
• Antonyms: worst, ordinary • Meaning:
• Usage in a Sentence: Public opinion is a. the restraint, prevention, or inhibition of a
influenced by the small elite who control the feeling, quality, etc.
media. b. the action of subduing someone or
587. Word: Bolster (सहारा) something by force.
• Pronunciation: bohl-ster/ बो्स्ट्टर • Synonyms: control, oppression,
• Part of Speech: Verb suppression, inhibition
• Meaning: support or strengthen. • Antonyms: liberty, permission
• Synonyms: reinforce, brace, fortify • Use in a Sentence: The political
• Antonyms: obstruct, weaken, hinder repression in this country is enforced by
• Usage in a Sentence: He is making a terror.
strong effort to bolster the territory's 592. Word: Unleash (उन्मक्त करना)
confidence. • Pronunciation: uhn-leesh/ अन्लीश
588. Phrase: Bank on (आशा करना) • Part of Speech: Verb
• Pronunciation: bangk- on/ बैंक ऑन • Meaning: cause (a strong or violent force)
• Part of Speech: Phrasal Verb to be released or become unrestrained.
• Meaning: rely on confidently • Synonyms: release, liberate, extricate
• Synonyms: trust, count on, rely on, depend • Antonyms: restrain, control, inhibit
on • Use in a Sentence: The result will unleash
• Antonyms: doubt, suspect the raging demands for her resignation.
• Usage in a Sentence: You can bank on 593. Word: Cap (आिरण डालना)
him to hand you a reasonable bill for your • Pronunciation: kap/ कैप
services. • Part of Speech: Noun, Verb
589. Word: Détente (दो दे शों के सांबांध सधारना) • Meaning:
• Pronunciation: dey-tahnt/ िेटान्ट a. a kind of soft, flat hat without a brim and
• Part of Speech: Noun typically with a peak. [Noun]
• Meaning: the easing of hostility or strained b. provide a fitting climax or conclusion to
relations, especially between countries [Verb]
• Synonyms: defusing, relaxation, easing c. place a limit or restriction on (prices,
• Antonyms: disruptive, combative expenditure, or borrowing)
• Usage in a Sentence: The talks are aimed • Synonyms: cover, lid
at furthering detente between the two • Antonyms: fall down, lose, recede
countries. • Usage in a Sentence: Don't forget to cap
the tank after filling it up with petrol


594. Word: Pursuit (अनसरण, कोमशश) • Pronunciation: uhn-der-hwelm/ अिंिरर्वहे ्म

• Pronunciation: per-soot/ पसट ूि • Part of Speech: Verb
• Part of Speech: Noun • Meaning: fail to impress or make a positive
• Meaning: impact on (someone); disappoint
a. the action of pursuing someone or • Synonyms: unenthusiastic, ordinary,
something. disillusion
b. an activity of a specified kind, especially a • Antonyms: heart touching, tremendous,
recreational or sporting one. amazing
• Synonyms: work, enterprise, mission, • Usage in a Sentence: We've had an
seeking underwhelming response to our request
• Antonyms: retreat, surrender, detest for help.
• Usage in a Sentence: She travelled the 599. Phrase: Faster clip (श़ीघ्रता से)
world in pursuit of her dreams. • Pronunciation: िास्ट्टर लक्लप
595. Phrase: The new normal (नि़ीन अधोलांब) • Part of Speech: Phrase
• Pronunciation: द न्यू नामिल • Meaning: at a fast rate
• Part of Speech: Phrase • Synonyms: quickly, speedily, rapidly
• Meaning: a previously unfamiliar or atypical • Antonyms: slowly, gradually, sluggishly
situation that has become standard, usual, • Usage in a Sentence: Still, investors say
or expected bonds will suffer as the economy begins to
• Synonyms: new order, new routine grow at a faster clip this year.
• Antonyms: abnormal, irregular, traditional 600. Word: Stabilise (स्र्ाय़ीकरण)
• Usage in a Sentence: Daytime sleepiness • Pronunciation: stey-buh-lahyz/ स्ट्टे बलाइज़
appears to be the new normal for • Part of Speech: Verb
adolescents • Meaning: make or become unlikely to
596. Word: Sidelines (अलि रखना) change, fail, or decline
• Pronunciation: sahyd-lahyn/ साइड्लाइन • Synonyms: steadying, rest, calm, balance
• Part of Speech: Noun, Verb • Antonyms: destabilize, work
• Meaning: • Usage in a Sentence: With the economy
a. an activity done in addition to one's main stabilising, receipts should also stabilise
job, especially to earn extra income. [Noun] soon
b. remove from the centre of activity or 601. Word: Stall (रोकना)
attention; place in a less influential position • Pronunciation: stawl/ स्ट्टॉल
[Verb] • Part of Speech: Verb
• Synonyms: subsidiary, uninvolved • Meaning: stop or cause to stop making
• Antonyms: centre, core progress.
• Usage in a Sentence: Our party has been • Synonyms: obstruct, impede
on the political sidelines for too long - we • Antonyms: accelerate, actuate
must now work towards getting into power • Usage in a Sentence: Fears are increasing
597. Word: Turnaround (अचानक पररितशन करना) that a tax increase may stall economic
• Pronunciation: turn-uh-round/ टनिराउन्ि recovery.
• Part of Speech: Noun 602. Word: Containment (तनयांत्रण)
• Meaning: an abrupt or unexpected change, • Pronunciation: kuh n-teyn-muh nt/ कन्टे न्मन्ट
especially one that results in a more • Part of Speech: Noun
favourable situation. • Meaning:
• Synonyms: reversion, lapse, regress, a. the act of keeping something harmful
reversal under control or within limits.
• Antonyms: progress, advancement, b. the action or policy of preventing the
headway expansion of a hostile country or influence
• Usage in a Sentence: We must reduce • Synonyms: control, confinement,
costs and shorten turnaround times. restriction
598. Word: Underwhelm (तनराशाजनक)


• Antonyms: freedom, expression, • Synonyms: wanderer, traveller, nomad,

appearance homeless, tramp
• Usage in a Sentence: Containment of • Antonyms: settled, resident, static,
crowd violence was the police's main indigenous
concern. • Usage in a Sentence: Away went the
603. Word: Tightrope (जटटल स्स्र्तत) policeman and the vagrant was left alone,
helpless on a cold winter night
• Pronunciation: tahyt-rohp/ टाइरोप
607. Word: Mendicant (मभक्षक)
• Part of Speech: Noun, Verb
• Meaning: • Pronunciation: men-di-kuh nt/ मेन्िकन्ट
a. a rope or wire stretched tightly high • Part of Speech: Adjective, Noun
above the ground, on which acrobats • Meaning:
perform feats of balancing. [Noun] a. given to begging. [Adjective]
b. to deal with a difficult situation, especially b. a beggar [Noun]
one involving making a decision between • Synonyms: beggar, pauper, tramp
two opposing plans of action. [Verb] • Antonyms: imperative, have, rich,
• Synonyms: mess, complication permanent
• Antonyms: simplicity, ease • Usage in a Sentence: This dear little-
• Usage in a Sentence: School naked mendicant pretends to be utterly
administrators walk a tightrope between helpless.
the demands of the community and the 608. Phrase: Conundrum (समस्या)
realities of how children really behave.
• Pronunciation: kuh-nuhn-druh m/ कनन्ड्रम
604. Word: Conviction (पूणश विश्िास)
• Part of Speech: Noun
• Pronunciation: kuh n-vik-shuh n/ कलन्वक्शन • Meaning:
• Part of Speech: Noun a. a confusing and difficult problem or
• Meaning: a firmly held belief or opinion. question.
• Synonyms: confidence, certitude b. a question asked for amusement, typically
• Antonyms: disbelief, doubt one with a pun in its answer; a riddle.
• Usage in a Sentence: The most fearful • Synonyms: enigma, mystery, puzzle
enemy is not having a firm conviction. • Antonyms: clarification, obviousness
605. Word: Vital (ज़ीिऩीक) • Usage in a Sentence: Time will certainly
provide the solution to that conundrum.
• Pronunciation: vahyt-l/ वाइटल
609. Word: Refinement (पररमाजशन)
• Part of Speech: Adjective, Noun
• Meaning: • Pronunciation: ri-fahyn-muh nt/ ररिाइन्मन्ट
a. absolutely necessary; essential. • Part of Speech: Noun
[Adjective] • Meaning:
b. the body's important internal organs. a. the process of removing impurities or
[Noun] unwanted elements from a substance.
• Synonyms: essential, important, necessary, b. the improvement or clarification of
critical something by the making of small changes.
• Antonyms: unimportant, unnecessary c. cultured elegance in behaviour or manner.
• Usage in a Sentence: It is absolutely vital • Synonyms: elegance, sophistication, polish
that food supplies should be maintained. • Antonyms: bad behaviour, coarseness,
606. Word: Vagrant (खानाबदोश) crudeness, corruption
• Usage in a Sentence: The new plan is a
• Pronunciation: vey-gruh nt/ वेग्रन्ट
refinement of the one made before.
• Part of Speech: Noun, Adjective
610. Phrase: Laze around (समय िांिाना)
• Meaning:
a. a person without a settled home or • Pronunciation: leyz- uh-round/ लेज़ अराउिं ि
regular work who wanders from place to • Part of Speech: Phrase
place and lives by begging. [Noun] • Meaning: to do nothing in particular; to be
b. relating to or living the life of a vagrant. idle
[Adjective] • Synonyms: be idle, lazing
• Antonyms: toil, work hard, labour


• Usage in a Sentence: Take time out to • Usage in a Sentence: The teacher cannot
sleep properly, laze around, listen to music pin down the essence of ancient poetry.
or have some form of leisure activity. 615. Word: Wander (विचमलत होना)
611. Word: Vestigial (अलपविकमसत) • Pronunciation: won-der/ वान्िर
• Pronunciation: ve-stij-ee-uh l/ वेलस्ट्टजीअल • Part of Speech: Verb
• Part of Speech: Adjective • Meaning: walk or move in a leisurely or
• Meaning: aimless way.
a. forming a very small remnant of • Synonyms: roam, stray
something that was once greater or more • Antonyms: stay, hurry
noticeable. • Usage in a Sentence: Try not to let your
b. (of an organ or part of the body) mind wander.
degenerate, rudimentary 616. Word: Itinerant (भ्रमणकारी)
• Synonyms: rudimentary, undeveloped,
• Pronunciation: ahy-tin-er-uhnt/ आइटटनरन्ट
primitive, immature
• Antonyms: developed, functional • Part of Speech: Adjective, Noun
• Usage in a Sentence: They were no longer • Meaning:
men, just the vestigial remains of what had a. travelling from place to place. [Adjective]
once been human beings. b. a person who travels from place to place.
612. Phrase: Notion (धारणा)
• Synonyms: wandering, vagabond, nomadic,
• Pronunciation: noh-shuh n/ नोशन vagrant
• Part of Speech: Noun • Antonyms: settled, permanent, stationary,
• Meaning: static
a. conception of or belief about something. • Usage in a Sentence:
b. an impulse or desire, especially one of a 617. Word: Sanctity (पवित्रता)
whimsical kind
• Pronunciation: sangk-ti-tee/ सैंगलक्टटी
• Synonyms: idea, opinion, impulse, thought,
inclination • Part of Speech: Noun
• Antonyms: accident, accuracy, truth • Meaning:
• Usage in a Sentence: She was a. the state or quality of being holy, sacred,
prepossessed with the notion of her own or saintly.
superiority. b. ultimate importance and inviolability.
• Synonyms: sacredness, divinity
613. Word: Abode (तनिास-स्र्ान)
• Antonyms: vileness, impureness
• Pronunciation: uh-bohd/ अबोि • Usage in a Sentence: Numerous miracles
• Part of Speech: Noun were proof of his sanctity.
• Meaning: a place of residence; a house or 618. Word: Plausible (विश्िसऩीय)
• Pronunciation: plaw-zuh-buh l/ ्लॉज़बल
• Synonyms: home, residence, dwelling,
habitation • Part of Speech: Adjective
• Antonyms: public, homelessness • Meaning: seeming, reasonable or probable
• Usage in a Sentence: I had been invited to • Synonyms: believable, reasonable, credible
take up my abode at Government House. • Antonyms: unlikely, unbelievable, flimsy
614. Phrase: Pin down (स्पष्ट व्याख्या करना, बाध्य करना) • Use in a Sentence: This is a very
plausible piece of information.
• Pronunciation: र्पन िाउन
619. Word: Allay (कम कर दे ना)
• Part of Speech: Phrase verb
• Meaning: • Pronunciation: uh-ley/ अलै
a. to understand or describe something • Part of Speech: Verb
exactly. • Meaning:
b. to force someone to make a decision a. diminish or put at rest (fear, suspicion, or
about something. worry).
• Synonyms: indicate, specify, designate, b. relieve or alleviate (pain or hunger).
determine, bind, fasten, enforce • Synonyms: reduce, decrease, lessen
• Antonyms: uncompress, disorient, dispose • Antonyms: provoke, intensify, aggravate


• Usage in a Sentence: The government is • Usage in a Sentence: An extremely

enthusiastic to allay the public's fears. vigorous exercise can increase the risk of
620. Word: Redact (सांपादन करना) heart attacks.
• Pronunciation: ri-dakt/ रीिैक्ट 624. Word: Revelation (रहस्योद्घाटन)
• Part of Speech: Verb • Pronunciation: rev-uh-ley-shuh n/ रे वलैशन
• Meaning: • Part of Speech: Noun
a. edit (text) for publication • Meaning: a surprising and previously
b. censor or obscure (part of a text) for legal unknown fact that has been disclosed to
or security purposes others.
• Synonyms: edit, rewrite, correct, rectify • Synonyms: declaration, exposure,
• Antonyms: ignite, lighten, decontaminate disclosure
• Usage in a Sentence: You can redact a • Antonyms: concealment, hidings
word simply by selecting it with your mouse • Usage in a Sentence: The revelation of
cursor. her disgraceful past led to her resignation.
621. Word: Closure (समापन) 625. Word: Lapse (रद्द हो जाना)
• Pronunciation: kloh-zher/ क्लोश़र • Pronunciation: laps/लै्स
• Part of Speech: Noun, Verb • Part of Speech: Noun, Verb
• Meaning: • Meaning:
a. an act or process of closing something, a. a brief or temporary failure of
especially an institution, thoroughfare, or concentration, memory, or judgement.
frontier, or of being closed. [Noun] [Noun]
b. apply the closure to (a debate or speaker) b. an interval or passage of time. [Noun]
in a legislative assembly. [Verb] c. pass gradually into (an inferior state or
• Synonyms: end, closing, stoppage condition). [Verb]
• Antonyms: opening, start, beginning, d. (of a right, privilege, or agreement)
introduction become invalid because it is not used,
• Usage in a Sentence: The closure of the claimed, or renewed; expire. [Verb]
export department resulted in over 100 • Synonyms: decline, regresses
redundancies. • Antonyms: improvements, renews
622. Word: Table (प्रस्तावित करना) • Usage in a Sentence: The booking will
automatically lapse unless you confirm it.
• Pronunciation: tey-buh l/ टे बल
626. Word: Deviation (भटकािा)
• Part of Speech: Noun, Verb
• Meaning: • Pronunciation: dee-vee-ey-shuh n/ िीवीएशन
a. a piece of furniture. [Noun] • Part of Speech: Noun
b. a set of facts or figures systematically • Meaning: the action of departing from an
displayed, especially in columns. [Noun] established course or accepted standard
c. present formally for discussion or • Synonyms: divergence, diversion,
consideration at a meeting. [Verb] departure, digression
• Synonyms: board, submit, file, propose, • Antonyms: direction, uniformity, affinity
suggest, introduce • Usage in a Sentence: Any deviation from
• Antonyms: vote, choice, decide the party's faith is seen as betrayal.
• Usage in a Sentence: More than fifty 627. Word: Peg (स्स्र्र रखना)
amendments to the bill have been tabled.
• Pronunciation: peg/ पेग
623. Word: Vigorous (मजबूत)
• Part of Speech: Verb
• Pronunciation: vig-er-uhs/ र्वगरस • Meaning: fix, secure, or mark with a peg or
• Part of Speech: Adjective pegs.
• Meaning: strong, healthy, and full of • Synonyms: pin, nail, fasten, secure
energy • Antonyms: detach, unfasten, glance
• Synonyms: energetic, strong, lively, robust • Usage in a Sentence: I'll peg out the
• Antonyms: feeble, weak, lazy, lethargic clothes before I go to work.
628. Word: Marginal (अत्यलप)


• Pronunciation: mahr-juh-nl/ माजिनल • Usage in a Sentence: Strength shows, not

• Part of Speech: Adjective, Noun only in the ability to persist, but the ability
• Meaning: to start over.
a. relating to or at the edge or margin. 632. Word: Proxy (प्रतततनगध)
[Adjective] • Pronunciation: prok-see/ प्राक्सी
b. minor and not important; not central. • Part of Speech: Noun
[Adjective] • Meaning:
c. a plant that grows in water close to the a. the authority to represent someone else,
edge of land. [Noun] especially in voting.
• Synonyms: slight, small, tiny, minute, low, b. a figure that can be used to represent the
minor, insignificant value of something in a calculation.
• Antonyms: central, core, interior, • Synonyms: substitute, alternate
mainstream • Antonyms: Original
• Usage in a Sentence: The difference • Usage in a Sentence: Your proxy will
between the two estimates is marginal. need to sign the form on your behalf.
629. Word: Streamline (सरल बनाना) 633. Word: Impunity (दण्ड से मस्क्त)
• Pronunciation: streem-lahyn/ स्ट्रीम्लाइन • Pronunciation: im-pyoo-ni-tee/ इम््यनू नटी
• Part of Speech: Verb, Noun • Part of Speech: Noun
• Meaning: • Meaning: Exemption from punishment or
a. make (an organization or system) more freedom from the injurious consequences of
efficient and effective by employing faster or an action.
simpler working methods. [Verb] • Synonyms: Exemption, Rescue, Salvation
b. a line along which the flow of a moving • Antonyms: Custody, Committal, Bonding
fluid is least turbulent. [Noun] • Usage in a Sentence: I am surprised by
• Synonyms: rationalisation, simplify, order the fact the man who kidnapped his wife
• Antonyms: complexify, entangle was allowed to walk away with impunity!
• Usage in a Sentence: They're making
634. Word: Deterrence (तनिारण)
efforts to streamline their normally
cumbersome bureaucracy. • Pronunciation: dih-tur-uh ns/ डिटरन्स
630. Word: Agnostic (सांशयिादी ) • Part of Speech: Noun
• Meaning: the action of discouraging an
• Pronunciation: ag-nos-tik/ ऐलनालस्ट्टक
action or event through instilling doubt or
• Part of Speech: Noun, Adjective fear of the consequences.
• Meaning: • Synonyms: obstruction, prevention,
a. a person who believes that nothing is hindrance
known or can be known of the existence or • Antonyms: motivator, incentive,
nature of God. [Noun] encouragement
b. relating to agnostics or agnosticism. • Usage in a Sentence: Nuclear deterrence
[Adjective] becomes nuclear holocaust when local wars
• Synonyms: faithless, sceptic, dubious, get out of hand.
635. Word: Thwart (व्यर्श कर दे ना)
• Antonyms: believer, devout, adherent
• Usage in a Sentence: These notices are • Pronunciation: thwawrt/ थ्वॉटि
sometimes the only way the agnostic or the • Part of Speech: Verb
non-church member can find of expressing • Meaning:
their grief. a. prevent (someone) from accomplishing
631. Word: Persist (डटे रहना) something.
b. oppose (a plan, attempt, or ambition)
• Pronunciation: per-sist, -zist/ पलसिस्ट्ट
• Part of Speech: Verb • Synonyms: foil, frustrate, disappoint
• Meaning: continue in an opinion or course • Antonyms: assist, facilitate
of action in spite of difficulty or opposition • Usage in a Sentence: As per the perfect
• Synonyms: continue, persevere, endure planning, Meera knows that nobody can
• Antonyms: quit, stop, discontinue thwart her plans.


636. Word: Coercive (बलपूिक

श ) b. lively and noisy enjoyment, especially
with drinking and dancing. [Noun]
• Pronunciation: co-ar-cive/ कोअलसिव
• Synonyms: carouse, frolic, celebrate,
• Part of Speech: Adjective rejoice, delight
• Meaning: • Antonyms: grieve, dislike, hate, regret
a. relating to or using force or threats. • Usage in a Sentence: Some will revel in
• Synonyms: authoritarian, imperious, high- having more time for themselves; others will
handed. feel lost.
• Antonyms: conditional, constitutional,
641. Word: Brink (किार)
• Usage in a Sentence: The president relied • Pronunciation: bringk/ र्ििंगक
on the coercive powers of the military. • Part of Speech: Noun
637. Word: Massing (प्रभािास्न्ितत) • Meaning: a point at which something is
about to happen; the verge.
• Pronunciation: mas- sing/ मैलसिंग
• Synonyms: border, boundary, edge
• Part of Speech: Verb • Antonyms: middle, centre, inside
• Meaning: assembling or causing to • Usage in a Sentence: Researchers are on
assemble into a single body or mass the brink of making a new discovery.
• Synonyms: bunching, crowding, clustering,
642. Phrase: Break out (भाि तनकलना)
• Antonyms: dashing, dispersing, dropping • Pronunciation: breyk- out/ िेक आउट
• Usage in a Sentence: Western reports say • Part of Speech: Phrasal Verb, Noun,
that troops have been massing in the Adjective
region since December. • Meaning:
638. Word: Constraint (अिरोध) a. (of war, fighting, or similarly undesirable
things) start suddenly. [Phrasal Verb]
• Pronunciation: kuhn-streynt/ कन्स्ट्रे न्ट
b. escape [Phrasal Verb]
• Part of Speech: Noun c. a forcible escape, especially from prison
• Meaning: a limitation or restriction [Noun]
• Synonyms: restraint, coercion, pressure, d. suddenly and extremely popular or
compulsion, control successful. [Adjective]
• Antonyms: democracy, permission, • Synonyms: burst out, erupt, explode,
madness escape
• Usage in a Sentence: A similar constraint • Antonyms: conclude, complete, end, finish
is visible in the monetary growth rates of all • Usage in a Sentence: If her marriage
the advanced industrial countries. becomes too restrictive, she will break out
639. Word: Escalation (तेज़ी) and seek new horizons.
• Pronunciation: es-kuh-le-sion/ एस्ट्कलैशन 643. Word: Nudge (टहोका मारना)
• Part of Speech: Noun • Part of Speech: Verb, Noun
• Meaning: • Pronunciation: nuhj/ नज
a. a rapid increase; a rise. • Meaning:
b. an increase in the intensity or seriousness a. prod (someone) gently with one's elbow
of something; an intensification. in order to attract attention. [Verb]
• Synonyms: increase, elevation b. a light touch or push. [Noun]
• Antonyms: reduction, decrease • Synonyms: push, poke
• Usage in Sentence: A further escalation • Antonyms: discourage, dissuade
of the change now seems determined. • Usage in a Sentence: I gave him a nudge
640. Word: Revel (आमोद-प्रमोद) to wake him up.
• Pronunciation: rev-uhl/ रे वल 644. Word: Calibration (अांशशोधन)
• Part of Speech: Verb, Noun • Pronunciation: kal-uh-breyt/ कैलिैशन
• Meaning: • Part of Speech: Noun
a. enjoy oneself in a lively and noisy way, • Meaning: the action or process of
especially with drinking and dancing. [Verb] calibrating (adjusting) something.


• Synonyms: adjustment, graduation, • Part of Speech: phrasal verb

regulation, measure • Meaning:
• Antonyms: unimportance, ignorance a. to stop something from falling by putting
• Usage in a Sentence: But as soon as they something under it or against it
had completed their calibration, Williams b. to help a government, system,
and Jeanloz began squeezing samples of organization etc to continue to exist,
iron in the diamond anvil. especially by providing financial or military
645. Phrase: Shore up (मजबूत करना) support
• Synonyms: support, bolster
• Pronunciation: shohr uhp/ शोरे उप
• Antonyms: intimidate, repress
• Part of Speech: Idiom • Usage in a Sentence: The government
• Meaning: To give someone or something introduced measures to prop up the stock
robust support in the face of difficulty or to market.
prevent potential failure
650. Word: Immune (प्रततरक्षक्षत)
• Synonyms: support, brace, reinforce
• Antonyms: abstain, cancel, cease • Pronunciation: ih-myoon/ इम्यून
• Usage in Sentence: They had to shore up • Part of Speech: Adjective
the damaged wall. • Meaning:
646. Word: Patriarch (कलपतत) a. resistant to a particular infection or toxin
owing to the presence of specific antibodies
• Pronunciation: pey-tree-ahrk/ पेरीआकि
or sensitized white blood cells.
• Part of Speech: Noun b. protected or exempt, especially from an
• Meaning: the male head of a family or tribe obligation or the effects of something.
• Synonyms: master, chief, superior • Synonyms: stable, strong, firm, sound
• Antonyms: matriarch, offspring • Antonyms: vulnerable, exposed, unguarded
• Usage in a Sentence: I thought of myself • Usage in a Sentence: The nature of
as a patriarch, dispensing words of wisdom promises is that they remain immune to
to all my children. changing circumstances.
647. Word: Fissure (दरार) 651. Word: Futile (तनरर्शक)
• Pronunciation: fish-er/ फिशर • Pronunciation: fyoot-l/ फ्यूटल
• Part of Speech: Noun, Verb • Part of Speech: Adjective
• Meaning: • Meaning: incapable of producing any useful
a. a long, narrow opening or line of result; pointless
breakage made by cracking or splitting, • Synonyms: useless, unavailing, ineffective,
especially in rock or earth. [Noun] fruitless
b. split or crack (something) to form a long, • Antonyms: productive, useful, fruitful
narrow opening. [Verb] • Usage in a Sentence: Trying to please
• Synonyms: split, crack, break, slit, rift other people is largely a futile activity.
• Antonyms: closing, cure, restoration
652. Word: Volatility (अस्स्र्रता)
• Usage in a Sentence: Ahead lay a large
fissure in the ice, three feet across. • Pronunciation: vol-uh-tl-ity/ वालटटललटी
648. Word: Coalition (सस्म्मलन) • Part of Speech: Noun
• Meaning: liability to change rapidly and
• Pronunciation: koh-uh-lish-uh n/ कोअललशन
unpredictably, especially for the worse.
• Part of Speech: Noun • Synonyms: impulsiveness, inconstancy
• Meaning: a temporary alliance for combined • Antonyms: permanence, stability
action, especially of political parties forming • Usage in a Sentence: The volatility of the
a government. underlying agreement fell to an annual rate
• Synonyms: alliance, union, partnership of 9 per cent.
• Antonyms: isolation, discord, separation
653. Word: Commemoration (स्मरणोत्सि)
• Usage in a Sentence: The two bodies have
merged to form a coalition. • Pronunciation: kuh-mem-uh-rey-shuh n/
649. Phrase: Prop up (सांभालना) कमेमरे शन
• Part of Speech: Noun
• Pronunciation: प्रोप उप


• Meaning: the action or fact of • Antonyms: dreamland, utopia

commemorating a dead person or past • Usage in a Sentence: The immediate
event. flashpoint was Wednesday's big rally in the
• Synonyms: celebration, memorial, ceremony city centre.
• Antonyms: neglect, negligence, forgetting, 658. Word: Defendant (प्रततिादी)
• Pronunciation: dih-fen-duh nt/ डििेन्िन्ट
• Usage in a Sentence: Thousands of
veterans will take part in a • Part of Speech: Noun
commemoration of the battle. • Meaning: an individual, company, or
654. Word: Rapporteur (प्रततिेदक) institution sued or accused in a court of law.
• Synonyms: accused, suspect, litigant
• Pronunciation: rap-awr-tur/ रै पोटि रि • Antonyms: complainant, accuser
• Part of Speech: Noun • Usage in a Sentence: The defendant
• Meaning: a person who is appointed by an broke down under cross-examination.
organization to report on the proceedings of 659. Word: Concede (िक जाना)
its meetings.
• Synonyms: draftsman, protractor, reporter, • Pronunciation: kuhn-seed/ कन्सीि
authoress • Part of Speech: Verb
• Antonyms: desolater • Meaning: admit or agree that something is
• Usage in a Sentence: It is the first time for true after first denying or resisting it
UN Special Rapporteur on Torture to visit • Synonyms: admit, allow, acknowledge,
China. accept, surrender
Word: Secessionist (पर् • Antonyms: deny, fight, refuse, contradict
655. ृ कतािादी)
• Usage in a Sentence: He is not willing to
• Pronunciation: si-sesh-uh-nist/ लससेशननस्ट्ट concede any of his power/authority.
• Part of Speech: Noun, Adjective 660. Word: Wafer-thin (बहत कम)
• Meaning:
• Pronunciation: wey-fer-thin/ वेिर र्थन
a. a person who favours formal withdrawal
from membership of a federation or body, • Part of Speech: Adjective, Adverb
especially a political state. [Noun] • Meaning: very thin or thinly
b. favouring formal withdrawal from • Synonyms: subtle, insubstantial
membership of a federation or body, • Antonyms: substantial
especially a political state. [Adjective] • Usage in a Sentence: No Government
• Synonyms: seceding, separatist, radical could continue on so wafer-thin a majority.
• Antonyms: moderate 661. Word: Muster (एकत्र करना)
• Usage in a Sentence: The government is • Pronunciation: muhs-ter/ मस्ट्टर
trying to crush a secessionist movement.
• Part of Speech: Noun, Verb
656. Word: Condemn (तनांदा) • Meaning:
• Pronunciation: kuhn-dem/ कन्िेम a. a formal gathering of troops, especially
• Part of Speech: Verb for inspection, display, or exercise. [Noun]
• Meaning: reprimand harshly b. assemble (troops), especially for
• Synonyms: censure, criticize, castigate, inspection or in preparation for battle.
attack [Verb]
• Antonyms: admire, applaud, praise • Synonyms: assembly, mobilize
• Usage in a Sentence: During his speech, • Antonyms: separate, disperse
the president took a moment to condemn • Usage in a Sentence: The team will need
those politicians who were not working to all the strength they can muster to win this
end the budget crisis. game.
657. Word: Flashpoint (उिेजना का समय) 662. Word: Ruse (चाल)
• Pronunciation: फ्लैश्पॉइन्ट • Pronunciation: रूज़/ rooz
• Part of Speech: Noun • Part of Speech: Noun
• Meaning: a place, event, or time at which • Meaning: a plan or plot to mislead someone
violence or hostility flares up. • Synonyms: tactic, trick, cunning plan.
• Synonyms: trouble spot, crisis point • Antonyms: honesty, loyalty, truth


• Usage in a Sentence: According to the • Antonyms: renounce, contradict, deny,

president’s enemies, his interest in public refute
education is a ruse to distract attention • Usage in a Sentence: As a medical
from the economy. examiner I can vouch from experience that
663. Word: Appease (मनाना) his death was accidental.
• Pronunciation: uh-peez/ अपीज़ 667. Word: Levy (कर लिाना)
• Part of Speech: Verb • Pronunciation: lev-ee/ लेवी
• Meaning: • Part of Speech: Verb, Noun
a. pacify or placate (someone) by acceding • Meaning:
to their demands. a. impose (a tax, fee, or fine). [Verb]
b. satisfy (a demand or a feeling). b. an act of levying a tax, fee, or fine [Noun]
• Synonyms: mollify, sooth, placate, pacify • Synonyms: tax, duty, tariff, toll, charge
• Antonyms: irritate, annoy, aggravate, • Antonyms: demote, displace, disapprove,
provoke slash
• Usage in a Sentence: Gandhi was accused • Usage in a Sentence: The parishes were
by some of trying to appease both factions required to levy rates to provide for the
of the electorate relief of the poor.
664. Word: Applaud (सराहना) 668. Word: Litigation (मकदमे बाज़ी)
• Pronunciation: uh-plawd/ अ्लॉि • Pronunciation:lit-i-gey-shuh n/ ललटगैशन
• Part of Speech: Verb • Part of Speech: Noun
• Meaning: • Meaning: the process of taking legal action
a. show approval or praise by clapping
• Synonyms: proceeding, dispute, contention
b. show strong approval of (a person or
• Antonyms: compromise, accord, truce
action); praise
• Use in a Sentence: The payment was
• Synonyms: cheer, praise, clap,
made early to avoid litigation.
compliment, commend
• Antonyms: complain, chide, admonish 669. Word: Acrimonious (कटतापूण)श
• Usage in a Sentence: Every person stood • Pronunciation: ak-ruh-moh-nee-uh s/
to applaud his unforgettable act of courage. ऐरमोनीअस
665. Word: Desert (त्याि दे ना)
• Part of Speech: Adjective
• Pronunciation: dez-ert/ िेज़टि • Meaning: (typically of speech or discussion)
• Part of Speech: Verb angry and bitter
• Meaning: • Synonyms: bitter, caustic, sarcastic, harsh
a. abandon (a person, cause, or • Antonyms: kind, agreeable, peaceable,
organization) in a way considered disloyal or pleasant
treacherous. • Use in a Sentence: BCCI marked a closure
b. (of people) leave (a place), causing it to to Anil Kumble's acrimonious episode by
appear empty. clearing the dues.
c. (of a quality or ability) fail (someone)
670. Word: Restitution (क्षततपतू तश)
when most needed.
• Synonyms: relinquish, depart, quit • Pronunciation: res-ti-too-shuhn/ रे लस्ट्टटूशन
• Antonyms: support, aid, assist • Part of Speech: Noun
• Use in a Sentence: He has become so rude • Meaning:
that his friends are deserting him. a. the restoration of something lost or stolen
666. Word: Vouch (समर्शन करना) to its proper owner
• Pronunciation: vouch/ वाउच b. recompense for injury or loss.
• Part of Speech: Verb • Synonyms: return, amends, restoration
• Meaning: assert or confirm as a result of • Antonyms: damage, abduction, abolition
one's own experience that something is true • Usage in a Sentence: The chemicals
or accurately so described. company promised to make full restitution
• Synonyms: attest, guarantee, certify, to the victims for the injury to their health.


671. Word: Conjugal (दाम्पततक) person).[Verb]

b. a quotation from a text or speech.[Noun]
• Pronunciation: kon-juh-guh/ कान्जगल • Synonyms: cite, mention, reference
• Part of Speech: Adjective • Antonyms: paraphrase, hide, insert
• Meaning: relating to marriage or the • Usage in a Sentence: I can quote you
relationship between a married couple. several instances of her being deliberately
• Synonyms: matrimonial, spousal, nuptial, rude.
marital 676. Word: Catalyst (मख्य स्रोत)
• Antonyms: bachelor, unmarried, single • Pronunciation: kat-l-ist/ कैटललस्ट्ट
• Usage in a Sentence: Some prisoners who
• Part of Speech: Noun
want to start a family are to be permitted
• Meaning: a person or thing that
conjugal visits.
precipitates an event.
672. Phrase: To have skin in the game (विपवि • Synonyms: accelerator, incentive, agitator
पूणश तनिेश करना) • Antonyms: prevention, obstruction, block
• Usage in a Sentence: The riots were later
• Pronunciation: टू है व लस्ट्कन इन थर गेम
seen as the catalyst for the new political
• Part of Speech: Idiom developments.
• Meaning: to have incurred risk (monetary
677. Word: Diverting (बहलाि का)
or otherwise) by being involved in achieving
a goal • Pronunciation: dih-vur-ting/ िाइवटटिं ग
• Synonyms: interests at stake, invest • Part of Speech: Adjective
heavily • Meaning: entertaining or amusing.
• Antonyms: withdraw, detach • Synonyms: amusing, entertaining, fun
• Usage in a Sentence: You take more • Antonyms: boring, jejune, dull
ownership of something when you have • Usage in a Sentence: Environmentalists
some skin in the game. say that diverting water from the river will
673. Phrase: Go-it-alone (बबना सहयोि के कायश करना) lower the water table and dry out wells.
• Pronunciation: गो इट अलोन 678. Word: Sanction (अनमोदन)
• Part of Speech: Phrase • Pronunciation: sangk-shuhn/ सैंगक्शन
• Meaning: act by oneself without assistance • Part of Speech: Verb
• Synonyms: independent, unsupported, self- • Meaning: give official permission or
help, self-reliance approval for (an action).
• Antonyms: dependent, supported • Synonyms: authorize, approve, assent
• Usage in a Sentence: He's decided to • Antonyms: shy illegitimate, forbidden
leave the band and go it alone as a singer. • Usage in a Sentence: Our plan wasn't
674. Word: Climbdown (अपऩी िलत़ी मानना) sanctioned by the board of directors.
• Pronunciation: klahym-doun/ क्लाइम िाउन 679. Word: Beleaguer (अिरोध करना)
• Part of Speech: Noun • Pronunciation: bih-lee-ger/ र्बलीगर
• Meaning: a withdrawal from a position • Part of Speech: Verb
taken up in argument or negotiation • Meaning: put in a very difficult situation.
• Synonyms: decline, setback, recoil • Synonyms: besiege, harass, pester
• Antonyms: assent, move forward • Antonyms: comfort, benefit, relax
• Usage in a Sentence: The Chancellor was • Usage in a Sentence: They beleaguered
forced into a humiliating climbdown on his her with requests for forgiveness.
economic policies. 680. Word: Initiate (सांस्कार करना)
675. Word: Quote (उद्धरण)
• Pronunciation: ih-nish-ee-eyt/ इननशीऐट
• Pronunciation: kwoht/ क्वोट • Part of Speech: Verb, Noun
• Part of Speech: Noun, Verb • Meaning: a. cause (a process or action) to
• Meaning: begin. [Verb]
a. repeat or copy out (words from a text or b. a person who has been initiated into an
speech written or spoken by another organization or activity. [Noun]
• Synonyms: start, begin, commence


• Antonyms: finish, jeff, terminate • Pronunciation: ih-vikt/ इर्वक्ट

• Usage in a Sentence: The ability to • Part of Speech: Verb
initiate and operate independently. • Meaning: expel (someone) from a property,
681. Word: Obligation (अनग्रह) especially with the support of the law.
• Pronunciation: ob-li-gey-shuhn/ आब्लगैशन • Synonyms: expel, remove, eject, oust
• Part of Speech: Noun • Antonyms: admit, include, welcome,
• Meaning: accomodate
a. an act or course of action to which a • Usage in a Sentence: They were to evict a
person is morally or legally bound; a duty or couple and their three children from a rented
commitment. house.
b. the condition of being morally or legally 686. Word: Occupant (अगधिास़ी)
bound to do something. • Pronunciation: ok-yuh-puh nt/ आक्यपन्ट
c. a debt of gratitude for a service or favour. • Part of Speech: Noun
• Synonyms: responsibility, agreement • Meaning: a person who resides or is
• Antonyms: entreat, liberty present in a house, vehicle, seat, etc., at a
• Usage in a Sentence: You are under no given time
obligation to answer our questions. • Synonyms: resident, lodger, occupier,
682. Word: Contempt (अपमान) inhabitant
• Pronunciation: kuh n-tempt/ कन्टे म््ट • Antonyms: vagabond, landlord, guest,
• Part of Speech: Noun visitor, non- resident
• Meaning: the feeling that a person or a • Usage in a Sentence: The occupant of
thing is worthless or beneath consideration. the room was sitting in one corner.
• Synonyms: scorn, disdain, shame 687. Word: Tenure (कायशकाल)
• Antonyms: respect, regard, esteem • Pronunciation: ten-yer/ टे न्यर
• Usage in a Sentence: The contempt he • Part of Speech: Noun, Verb
felt for his fellow students was obvious. • Meaning:
683. Word: Regime (शासन) a. the conditions under which land or
• Pronunciation: ruh-zheem/ रै श़ीम buildings are held or occupied. [Noun]
• Part of Speech: Noun b. give (someone) a permanent post,
• Meaning: especially as a teacher or lecturer. [Verb]
a. government, especially an authoritarian • Synonyms: occupation, possession,
one. ownership
b. a system or ordered way of doing things. • Antonyms: bonding, emptiness, claim,
• Synonyms: administration, jurisdiction ownership
• Antonyms: disorder, confusion • Usage in a Sentence: He remained popular
• Usage in a Sentence: The regime got rid throughout his tenure of the office of
of most of its opponents. mayor.
684. Word: Transition (पररितशन) 688. Word: Dilemma (असमांजस)

• Pronunciation: tran-zish-uhn/ रै लन्ज़शन • Pronunciation: (dih-lem-uh) /डिलेम

• Part of Speech: Noun, Verb • Part of Speech: Noun
• Meaning: a. the process or a period of • Meaning: a situation in which a difficult
changing from one state or condition to choice has to be made between two or more
another. [Noun] alternatives, especially ones that are equally
b. undergo or cause to undergo a process or undesirable.
period of transition. [Verb] • Synonyms: problem, difficulty, difficulty,
• Synonyms: shift, change, conversion trouble
• Antonyms: same, beginning, still • Antonyms: solution, answer, resolution,
• Usage in a Sentence: The transition from boon
a totalitarian state to a free country will be • Usage in a Sentence: The fundamental
long and slow. dilemma remains: in a tolerant society,
should we tolerate intolerance?
685. Word: Evict (स्र्ान से तनकाल दे ना)
689. Word: Reconcile (मेल करना या कराना)


• Pronunciation: rek-uh n-sahyl/ रे कन्साइल • Synonyms: inheritance, heredity, character

• Part of Speech: Verb • Antonyms: disinheritance, sale
• Meaning: restore friendly relations • Usage in a Sentence: At the other end of
between. the scale, heritability is one if all the
• Synonyms: harmonize, conciliate differences among individuals are due to
• Antonyms: alienate, disagree their genes.
• Usage in a Sentence: You must reconcile 694. Word: Claimant (उम्मेदिार)
yourself to your present job. • Pronunciation: kley-muh nt/ क्लेमन्ट
690. Word: Inalienable (जो अलि ककया न जा सके) • Part of Speech: Noun
• Pronunciation: in-eyl-yuh-nuh-buhl/ • Meaning: a person making a claim,
इने्यनबल especially in a lawsuit or for a state benefit
• Part of Speech: Adjective • Synonyms: complainant, applicant,
• Meaning: not subject to being taken away aspirant, requestor
from or given away by the possessor. • Antonyms: consultant, seller, respondent
• Synonyms: absolute, inseparable, intrinsic, • Usage in a Sentence: I've never yet met a
inherent claimant who could afford a television
• Antonyms: negotiable, alienable, licence.
transferrable 695. Word: Appellate (अप़ील-सांबांध़ी)
• Usage in a Sentence: He maintains that • Pronunciation: uh-pel-it/ अपेलैट
Taiwan has always been an inalienable part • Part of Speech: Adjective
of China. • Meaning: (especially of a court) concerned
691. Word: Steward (प्रबन्धक) with or dealing with applications for
• Pronunciation: styoo-erd/ स्ट्टूअिि decisions to be reversed.
• Part of Speech: Noun, Verb • Synonyms: judicial, appeal, proceedings
• Meaning: • Antonyms: illegal, discriminatory,
a. person employed to look after the captivated
passengers on a ship, aircraft, or train. • Usage in Sentence: The appellate court
[Noun] affirmed the judgement of the lower court.
b. (of an official) supervise arrangements or 696. Word: Paradigm (आदशश)
keep order at (a large public event). [Verb] • Part of Speech: Noun
• Synonyms: agent, caretaker, keeper
• Pronunciation: par-uh-dahym/ पैरिाइम
• Antonyms: avoider, chief guest, client
• Usage in a Sentence: A steward directed • Meaning:
us behind the stage and towards the a. a typical example or pattern of
dressing rooms. something; a pattern or model.
692. Word: Confer (प्रदान करना) b. a set of linguistic items that form
mutually exclusive choices in particular
• Pronunciation: kuh n-fur/ कन्िर syntactic roles.
• Part of Speech: Verb • Synonyms: prototype, standard
• Meaning: • Antonyms: atypical example
a. grant (a title, degree, benefit, or right). • Usage in a Sentence: The new paradigm
b. have discussions; exchange opinions. will be different from the old one.
• Synonyms: accord, bestow
697. Word: Poaching (अिैध मशकार)
• Antonyms: deprive, disclaim
• Usage in a Sentence: He wanted to • Pronunciation: poh-ching/ पोर्चिंग
confer with his colleagues before reaching a • Part of Speech: Verb
decision. • Meaning: illegally hunt or catch (game or
693. Word: Heritability (िांशािततत्ि) fish) on land that is not one's own or in
• Pronunciation: her-i-tuh-buh l/ हे ररतार्बललटी contravention of official protection.
• Part of Speech: Adverb • Synonyms: pilfering, robbing
• Meaning: the quality or state of being • Antonyms: conserving, protecting
heritable (transmissible)


• Usage in a Sentence: Poaching threatens • Part of Speech: Verb

the survival of the rhino. • Meaning: avoid or prevent (something
698. Word: Unimpeachable (असांटदग्ध) undesirable).
• Synonyms: preclude, prevent, avert
• Pronunciation: uhn-im-pee-chuh-buh l/
• Antonyms: ask, need, necessitate
अननम्पीचबल • Usage in a Sentence: A peaceful solution
• Part of Speech: Adjective would obviate the need to send a UN
• Meaning: not able to be doubted, military force.
questioned, or criticized; entirely 703. Word: Retaliate (बदला लेना)
• Pronunciation: ri-tal-ee-eyt/ ररटै लीएट
• Synonyms: irreproachable, blameless,
• Part of Speech: Verb
faultless, decent
• Meaning: make an attack in return for a
• Antonyms: blameworthy, guilty, foul,
similar attack.
blamable, culpable
• Synonyms: repay, revenge, requite
• Usage in a Sentence: She possessed an
• Antonyms: forgive, pardon, excuse
unimpeachable status, for she was the
• Usage in a Sentence: If you are rude to
me, I shall retaliate with equal rudeness.
699. Word: Calibrated (अांशशोतघत) 704. Word: Triumphalism (अिणऩीय सांज्ञा)
• Pronunciation: kal-uh-breyt/ कैलिैटि • Pronunciation: trahy-uhm-fuh-liz-uh m/
• Part of Speech: Adjective, Verb र्िउम्िललस्ट्म
• Meaning: a. (of an instrument's readings) • Part of Speech: Noun
correlated with those of a standard. • Meaning: excessive exultation over one's
[Adjective] success or achievements (used especially in
b. carefully assess, set, or adjust (something a political context).
abstract). [Verb] • Synonyms: high horse, flag-waving
• Synonyms: gauged, measured, graduated • Antonyms: humility, modesty
• Antonyms: break • Usage in a Sentence: There wasn't a hint
• Usage in a Sentence: To correct this error of triumphalism in her acceptance speech
radiocarbon dates are calibrated by at the awards ceremony.
studying the difference between radiocarbon 705. Word: Cloud (िा जाना)
dates and tree-ring dates.
• Pronunciation: kloud/ क्लाउि
700. Word: Imminent (आसन्न)
• Part of Speech: Verb
• Pronunciation: im-uh-nuhnt/ इमनन्ट • Meaning: make or become less clear or
• Part of Speech: Adjective transparent.
• Meaning: about to happen. • Synonyms: obscure, fog, mist
• Synonyms: impending, approaching, near • Antonyms: clear, clarify, brighten
• Antonyms: distant, far-off, doubtful • Usage in a Sentence: What is one man's
• Usage in a Sentence: He was faced with cloud is another man's sunshine.
imminent death. 706. Word: Jingoism (कट्टर राष्रिाद)
701. Word: Recrimination (अमभयोि) • Pronunciation: jing-goh-iz-uh m/लजिंगगोइज़म
• Pronunciation: ri-krim-uh-ney-shuh n/ • Part of Speech: Noun
ररफरलमनैशन • Meaning: extreme patriotism for one’s
• Part of Speech: Noun country that often shows itself through
• Meaning: an accusation in response to one aggression towards other nations
from someone else. • Synonyms: chauvinism, extreme
• Synonyms: accusation, blame, reaction nationalism, flag-waving
• Antonyms: pep talk, absolution • Antonyms: internationalism, unbias
• Usage in a Sentence: Instead, there was • Usage in Sentence: The man’s jingoism
the dreary return to mutual recrimination. led him to attempt to destroy a federal
702. Word: Obviate (टालना) building as a show of loyalty for his own
• Pronunciation: ob-vee-eyt/ आब्वीएट


707. Word: Deterrents (धमकानेिाला) • Pronunciation: ri-streynt/रीस्ट्रै न्ट

• Pronunciation: dih-tur-uhnt/ डिटरन्ट • Part of Speech: Noun
• Part of Speech: Noun • Meaning: a. a measure or condition that
• Meaning: a thing that discourages or is keeps someone or something under control.
intended to discourage someone from doing • b. unemotional, dispassionate, or moderate
something. behaviour; self-control.
• Synonyms: impediments, obstacles, • Synonyms: self-discipline, control
hindrances • Antonyms: freedom, allowance
• Antonyms: goads, encouragements, • Usage in Sentence: The girl showed great
agitations restraint in not crying.
• Usage in a Sentence: The deterrents 713. Word: Mirage (धोखा)
against traders importing and exporting are • Pronunciation: mi-rahzh/ मराश़
minimal. • Part of Speech: Noun
708. Word: Unleashed (फैलाया) • Meaning: an unrealistic hope or wish that
• Pronunciation: uhn-leesh/ अन्लीश cannot be achieved.
• Part of Speech: Verb • Synonyms: illusion, hallucination, delusion
• Meaning: release from a leash • Antonyms: reality, fact, actuality
• Synonyms: discharge, free • Usage in a Sentence: It hovered before his
• Antonyms: hold, keep eyes like the mirage of an oasis.
• Usage in a Sentence: At worst, nuclear 714. Word: Rocked (िलाना/ कांवपत होना)
war could be unleashed. • Pronunciation: rok/ राक
709. Word: Escalate (बढ़ाना) • Part of Speech: Verb
• Pronunciation: es-kuh-leyt/ एस्ट्कलैट • Meaning:
• Part of Speech: Verb a. move gently to and fro or from side to
• Meaning: increase rapidly, make or become side
more intense or serious. b. cause great shock or distress to (someone
• Synonyms: intensify, heighten or something), especially so as to weaken or
• Antonyms: diminish, abbreviate destabilize.
• Usage in a Sentence: The conflict could • Synonyms: jolted, jarred, shaken up,
escalate rapidly into a full-scale war. quiver
• Antonyms: stabilized, calmed
710. Word: Convene (बटरना)
• Usage in a Sentence: She rocked back
• Pronunciation: kuhn-veen/ कन्वीन and fourth, tears coursing down her cheeks
• Part of Speech: Verb unchecked.
• Meaning: come or bring together for a 715. Word: Rattle (णिड़कना)
meeting or activity; assemble.
• Pronunciation: rat-l/ रै टल
• Synonyms: assemble, gather, collect
• Antonyms: adjourn, cancel, disperse • Part of Speech: Verb
• Usage in a Sentence: The committee will • Meaning: make (someone) nervous,
convene at 11.30 next Thursday. worried, or irritated.
• Synonyms: fluster, agitate, clatter
711. Word: Counsel (सिाि दे ना)
• Antonyms: soothe, silence, hush
• Pronunciation: koun-suhl/ काउन्सल • Usage in a Sentence: I'm going to rattle
• Part of Speech: Verb through my work today so that I can go
• Meaning: give professional help and advice home early.
to (someone) to resolve personal or 716. Word: Restive (अशाांत)
psychological problems.
• Pronunciation: res-tiv/ रे लस्ट्टव
• Synonyms: advise, guide, direct
• Antonyms: cheat, mislead, delusion • Part of Speech: Adjective
• Usage in a Sentence: If the old dog barks, • Meaning: (of a person) unable to remain
he gives counsel. still, silent, or submissive, especially
because of boredom or dissatisfaction.
712. Word: Restraint (तनयांत्रण)
• Synonyms: restless, unruly, impatient


• Antonyms: calm, relaxed, collected b. roughly assemble or produce something

• Usage in a Sentence: Communist leaders from available parts or elements. [Verb]
struggled to rule over increasingly restive • Synonyms: patch, stone, tinker
populations. • Antonyms: dislodge, blighted
717. Word: Fan (अनराि़ी करना) • Usage in a Sentence: I just had to cobble
this meal together from what I had in the
• Pronunciation: fan/ िैन
• Part of Speech: Verb
722. Word: Defection (अभाि)
• Meaning: cause (a belief or emotion) to
become stronger or more widespread. • Pronunciation: dih-fek-shuhn/ डििेक्शन
• Synonyms: enthusiast, supporter, devotee • Part of Speech: Noun
• Antonyms: enemy, doubter, cynic • Meaning: the desertion of one's country or
• Usage in a Sentence: Ed was snowed cause in favour of an opposing one.
under with fan mail when he was doing his • Synonyms: betrayal, abandonment, split
television show. • Antonyms: loyalty
718. Word: Ambit (क्षेत्र) • Usage in a Sentence: Barring unexpected
defections from the coalition, Mr Hashimoto
• Pronunciation: am-bit/ ऐलम्बट
should be confirmed in a special
• Part of Speech: Noun parliamentary session on Thursday.
• Meaning: the scope, extent, or bounds of
723. Word: Desertion (अपसरण)
• Synonyms: range, periphery, scope • Pronunciation: dih-zur-shuh n/ डिज़शिन
• Antonyms: angle, spotlight, hub • Part of Speech: Noun
• Usage in a Sentence: Justice entailed • Meaning: the action of deserting a person,
bringing all relations within the ambit of cause, or organization.
divine order. • Synonyms: betrayal, denial, defection
719. Word: Fallout (उतार) • Antonyms: honesty, loyalty
• Usage in a Sentence: There were
• Pronunciation: fawl-out/ िॉलाउट
thousands of desertions in the last weeks
• Part of Speech: Noun of the war.
• Meaning: the adverse results of a situation
724. Word: Foster (प्रोत्साहन दे ना)
or action.
• Synonyms: spillover, effect, rashness • Pronunciation: faw-ster/ फ़ॉस्ट्टर
• Antonyms: development, high • Part of Speech: Verb
• Usage in a Sentence: They were exposed • Meaning: encourage the development of
to radioactive fallout during nuclear (something, especially something desirable).
weapons tests. • Synonyms: nurture, support
720. Word: Foreground (परोभूमम) • Antonyms: neglect, ignore
• Usage in a Sentence: The leader did his
• Pronunciation: fawr-ground, fohr-/ िॉग्रािउन्ि
best to foster a sense of solidarity among
• Part of Speech: Verb the new volunteers.
• Meaning: make (something) the most
725. Word: Arson (आिजऩी)
prominent or important feature.
• Synonyms: highlight, forefront, obverse • Pronunciation: ahr-suh n/ आसिन
• Antonyms: background, play down, • Part of Speech: Noun
downplay • Meaning: the criminal act of deliberately
• Usage in a Sentence: He is the bowler- setting fire to property.
hatted figure in the foreground of Orpen's • Synonyms: fire-raising, ignition, crime
famous painting. • Antonyms: fire-proof, drain
721. Word: Cobble (िोटे पत्र्र, मरम्मत करना) • Usage in a Sentence: The village was
destroyed in an arson attack.
• Pronunciation: kob-uh l/ काबल
726. Word: Chauvinistic (अांधराष्रिादी)
• Part of Speech: Noun, Verb
• Meaning: a. a small round stone used to • Pronunciation: shoh-vuh-nist/ चोवननलस्ट्टक
cover road surfaces. [Noun] • Part of Speech: Adjective


• Meaning: feeling or displaying aggressive • Synonyms: bombastic, exaggerated

or exaggerated patriotism. • Antonyms: undervalued, artless
• Synonyms: nationalistic, xenophobic, jingo • Usage in a Sentence: The yard was
• Antonyms: multicultural, tolerant, non- overblown by snow from the roof.
biased 731. Word: Retaliation (प्रतत-टहांसा)
• Usage in a Sentence: The crowd was
enthusiastically singing chauvinistic • Pronunciation: ri-tal-ee-ey-shuh n/ रीटै लीऐशन
patriotic songs. • Part of Speech: Noun
727. Word: Buckle (िका दे ना) • Meaning:
a. the action of returning a military attack;
• Pronunciation: shoh-vuh-nist/ बकल counter-attack.
• Part of Speech: Noun, Verb b. the action of harming someone because
• Meaning: they have harmed oneself; revenge.
a. a flat, typically rectangular frame with a • Synonyms: revenge, punishment
hinged pin, used for joining the ends of a • Antonyms: mercy, forgiveness
belt or strap. [Noun] • Usage in a Sentence: The armed forces
b. fasten or decorate with a buckle. [Verb] were on high alert to guard against any
c. bend and give way under pressure or retaliation.
strain. [Verb]
732. Word: Blockade (नाकाबन्दी)
• Synonyms: clasp, crumple, bend, collapse
• Antonyms: unbuckle, smooth, straighten • Pronunciation: blo-keyd/ ब्लाकेि
• Usage in a Sentence: He tried to buckle • Part of Speech: Noun, Verb
down to some work. • Meaning:
728. Word: Indigenous (स्िदे श़ीय) a. an act or means of sealing off a place to
prevent goods or people from entering or
• Pronunciation: in-dij-uh-nuhs/ इलन्िजनस
leaving. [Noun]
• Part of Speech: Adjective b. seal off (a place) to prevent goods or
• Meaning: originating or occurring naturally people from entering or leaving. [Verb]
in a particular place; native • Synonyms: barricade, block, stop,
• Synonyms: native, domestic, aboriginal, obstruction
natural • Antonyms: access, opening, activate
• Antonyms: foreign, alien, exotic, immigrant • Usage in a Sentence: The blockade was
• Usage in a Sentence: Many of the aimed at starving the country into
indigenous insects are needed to pollinate submission.
the local plants. 733. Word: Ethnic (प्रजात़ीय)
729. Word: Vociferously (शोर-िल के सार्) • Pronunciation: eth-nik/ एलथ्नक
• Pronunciation: voh-sif-er-uhs/ वोलसिरस्ट्ली • Part of Speech: Adjective, Noun
• Part of Speech: Adverb • Meaning:
• Meaning: in a loud and forceful manner a. relating to a population subgroup (within
• Synonyms: noisily, loudly, blatantly a larger or dominant national or cultural
• Antonyms: gently, peacefully, mutely, group) with a common national or cultural
noiselessly tradition. [Adjective]
• Usage in a Sentence: They are arguing b. a member of an ethnic minority. [Noun]
vociferously over who should pay the bill. • Synonyms: cultural, tribal, heathen
• Antonyms: nonracial, international,
730. Word: Overblown (अततविकमसत)
• Pronunciation: oh-ver-blohn/ ओवब्लोन • Usage in a Sentence: I do believe it is
• Part of Speech: Adjective possible for different ethnic groups to live
• Meaning: together in harmony.
a. overdone or excessive 734. Word: Discord (अनबन)
b. of unusually large size or proportions • Pronunciation: dis-kawrd/ डिस्ट्कॉिि
c. made to seem more impressive or
• Part of Speech: Noun, Verb
important than is the case; exaggerated or


• Meaning: • Synonyms: rot, rankle, decay

a. disagreement between people. [Noun] • Antonyms: heal, ease, amendment
b. lack of harmony between notes sounding • Use in Sentence: The injury will fester and
together. [Noun] become infected if antibiotics are not applied
c. (of people) disagree. [Verb] quickly.
• Synonyms: dissension, strife, dispute, 739. Word: Bane (विपवि)
• Pronunciation: beyn/ बेन
• Antonyms: peace, sympathy, agreement,
concord • Part of Speech: Noun
• Usage in a Sentence: A note of discord • Meaning: a cause of great distress or
surfaced during the proceedings. annoyance.
• Synonyms: curse, evil, plague, calamity
735. Word: Eerily (भयग्रस्त)
• Antonyms: benefit, blessing, boon
• Pronunciation: eer-ee/ ईररली • Usage in a Sentence: The poor train
• Part of Speech: Adverb service has been the bane of commuters for
• Meaning: in a strange and frightening years.
manner 740. Word: Gesture (इशारा, सांकेत करना)
• Synonyms: spookily, uncannily, creepily,
• Pronunciation: jes-cher/ जेस्ट्चर
• Antonyms: harmoniously, agreeably, • Part of Speech: Noun, Verb
musically • Meaning: a. a movement of part of the
• Usage in a Sentence: Her voice was eerily body, especially a hand or the head, to
similar to her dead grandmother's. express an idea or meaning. [Noun]
b. make a gesture. [Verb]
736. Word: Trumping (पिाड़ दे ना)
• Synonyms: signal, motion, sign
• Pronunciation: truhmp/ रम्प • Antonyms: speech, dismiss, impropriety
• Part of Speech: Verb • Usage in a Sentence: The government has
• Meaning: surpass (something) by saying or only made a token gesture towards helping
doing something better. the unemployed.
• Synonyms: excel, surpass, exceed 741. Word: Diplomacy (राजनय)
• Antonyms: make things worse
• Pronunciation: dih-ploh-muh-see/ डि्लोमसी
• Usage in a Sentence: The offer may
trump up business for other companies, as • Part of Speech: Noun
well. • Meaning: the art of dealing with people in a
sensitive and tactful way.
737. Word: Incumbent (अिलांब़ी)
• Synonyms: discretion, tact, statecraft
• Pronunciation: in-kuhm-buh nt/ इन्कम्बन्ट • Antonyms: rudeness, impoliteness,
• Part of Speech: Noun, Adjective bluntness
• Meaning: • Usage in a Sentence: America's present
a. the holder of an office or post. [Noun] need is not heroics, but calm diplomacy.
b. necessary for (someone) as a duty or 742. Word: Stance (अिस्स्र्तत)
responsibility. [Adjective]
• Pronunciation: stans/स्ट्टै न्स
• Synonyms: obligatory, officeholder
• Antonyms: aspirant, layman, nonessential • Part of Speech: Noun
• Usage in a Sentence: It's incumbent on • Meaning: a. the way in which someone
parents to advise their children about the stands, especially when deliberately adopted
bad and good habits. (as in cricket, golf, and other sports); a
person's posture.
738. Word: Fester (कटता उत्पन्न करना)
• Synonyms: standpoint, attitude, bearing
• Pronunciation: fes-ter/ िेस्ट्टर • Antonyms: unsteadiness, inaction
• Part of Speech: Verb • Usage in a Sentence: The man maintains
• Meaning: a rigidly right-wing political stance.
a. become rotten and offensive to the 743. Word: Brink (किार)
• Pronunciation: bringk/र्ििंगक
b. become worse or more intense, especially
through long-term neglect or indifference. • Part of Speech: Noun


• Meaning: a point at which something is b. handle (someone) roughly by dragging or

about to happen; the verge. pushing
• Synonyms: border, boundary, edge • Synonyms: jostle, shove, hustle, abuse,
• Antonyms: middle, center, inside maltreat, mistreat
• Usage in a Sentence: Researchers are on • Antonyms: pet, pamper
the brink of making a new discovery. • Usage in a Sentence: In his rear mirror he
744. Word: Spiral (घमािदार, कां डली, सवपशल ितत से जाना) watched his father struggle with the doors
• Pronunciation: spahy-ruh l/ स्ट्पाइरल and manhandle the basket on to the
• Part of Speech: Adjective, Noun, Verb
• Meaning: a. winding in a continuous and 748. Word: Outrage (उपद्रि करना)
gradually widening (or tightening) curve, • Pronunciation: out-reyj/आउरे ज
either round a central point on a flat plane • Part of Speech: Noun, Verb
or about an axis so as to form a cone. • Meaning: a. an extremely strong reaction of
[Adjective] anger, shock, or indignation. [Noun]
b. spiral curve, shape, pattern, or object. b. arouse fierce anger, shock, or indignation
[Noun] in (someone). [Verb]
c. move in a spiral course. • Synonyms: violence, uproar
• Synonyms: coil, volute, helix • Antonyms: calm, peaceful
• Antonyms: straight, plummet, uncoiled • Usage in a Sentence: There is extensive
• Usage in a Sentence: The road of life is a public outrage over the slaughter.
spiral path, only swagger, flexible turning,
749. Word: Obfuscation (घबराहट)
can rise to the ideal.
• Pronunciation: ob-fuh-skey-shuhn/आब्िस्ट्कैशन
745. Word: Utterance (अमभव्यस्क्त)
• Part of Speech: Noun
• Pronunciation: uht-er-uh ns/ अटरन्स • Meaning: the action of making something
• Part of Speech: Noun obscure, unclear, or unintelligible.
• Meaning: the action of saying or expressing • Synonyms: perplexity, vagueness
something aloud. • Antonyms: enlightenment, clarification
• Synonyms: articulation, voice, expression • Usage in a Sentence: Only perfectionist
• Antonyms: silence, question, listening believe in the advantage of obfuscation.
• Usage in a Sentence: However, the 750. Word: Haven (शरण स्र्ान)
utterance only succeeds in having this • Pronunciation: hey-vuh n/ हे वन
function if certain external conditions are
• Part of Speech: Noun
• Meaning: a place of safety or refuge.
746. Word: Foil (असफलता, व्यग्र करना) • Synonyms: sanctuary, harbor, refuge
• Pronunciation: foil/ िॉइल • Antonyms: hazard, risk, danger
• Usage in a Sentence: The river banks are
• Part of Speech: Noun, Verb
a haven for wildlife.
• Meaning: a. a defeat; check; repulse.
751. Word: Herald (अग्रदतू , घोवषत करना)
b. frustrate the efforts or plans of. • Pronunciation: her-uhld/ हे र्ि
• Synonyms: thwart, frustrate, defeat • Part of Speech: Noun, Verb
• Antonyms: help, assist, abet • Meaning:
• Usage in a Sentence: Her sparkling a. a person or thing viewed as a sign that
jewellery served as the perfect foil for her something is about to happen [Noun]
fine complexion. b. be a sign that (something) is about to
747. Word: Manhandle (हार्ों से चलाना, प़ीटना) happen [Verb]
• Synonyms: harbinger, precursor, foretell,
• Pronunciation: man-han-dl/ मैन्है न्िल proclaim
• Part of Speech: Verb • Antonyms: catch, adhere, attend
• Meaning: a. move (a heavy object) by hand • Usage in a Sentence: The result could
with great effort. herald the revival of the dormant kit car


752. Word: Ram (टक्कर मारना) • Synonyms: alter, change, modify

• Antonyms: cool, decontaminate,
• Pronunciation: ram/ रै म
• Part of Speech: Verb • Usage in a Sentence: Young people have
• Meaning: roughly force (something) into been radicalized by the struggle with the
place. government.
• Synonyms: force, thrust, drive
757. Word: Detonate (दािना)
• Antonyms: tap, dawdle, take out
• Usage in a Sentence: They got a battering • Pronunciation: det-n-eyt/ िेटनेट
ram to smash down the door. • Part of Speech: Verb
753. Phrase: Up the ante (दाि बढ़ाना) • Meaning: explode or cause to explode.
• Synonyms: explode, set off, blow up
• Pronunciation: अप द एिंटी
• Antonyms: defuse, dismantle, confirm
• Part of Speech: Phrase • Usage in a Sentence: France is expected
• Meaning: to increase your risks or demands to detonate its first nuclear device in the
in order to get a greater advantage. next few days.
• Synonyms: raise the ante, raise the bar, up
758. Word: Euphemism (कोमल भाषा)
a notch
• Antonyms: lower standards, reduce costs, • Pronunciation: yoo-fuh-miz-uh m/ यि ू लमज़म
depreciate • Part of Speech: Noun
• Usage in a Sentence: The owners are • Meaning: a mild or indirect word or
constantly carping about runaway salaries, expression substituted for one considered to
then fall over themselves to jump the gun be too harsh or blunt when referring to
and up the ante. something unpleasant or embarrassing.
754. Word: Precision (उम्दि़ी) • Synonyms: expression, metaphor, allegory
• Antonyms: dysphemism, succinctness
• Pronunciation: pri-sizh-uhn/ र्प्रलसश़न
• Usage in a Sentence: The article made so
• Part of Speech: Noun much use of euphemism that often its
• Meaning: the quality, condition, or fact of meaning was unclear.
being exact and accurate.
759. Word: Brace (बांधन, बाांधना)
• Synonyms: accuracy, correctness,
exactness • Pronunciation: breys/ िेस
• Antonyms: inaccuracy, falsity, imprecision • Part of Speech: Noun, Verb
• Usage in a Sentence: To minimize • Meaning: a. a strengthening piece of iron or
collateral damage maximum precision in timber used in building or carpentry. [Noun]
bombing was required. b. prepare (someone) for something difficult
755. Word: Paradigmatic (तनदशशनात्मक) or unpleasant. [Verb]
• Pronunciation: par-uh-dig-mat-ik/ • Synonyms: support, strengthen, prop
• Antonyms: let go, weaken, loosen
• Usage in a Sentence: The passengers
• Part of Speech: Adjective were told to brace themselves for a crash
• Meaning: serving as a typical example of landing.
760. Word: Chicanery (कतकश)
• Synonyms: model, iconic, exemplary
• Antonyms: individual. co-operative, • Pronunciation: shi-key-nuh-ree/ लशकेनरी
syntagmatic • Part of Speech: Noun
• Usage in a Sentence: This may be due to • Meaning: the use of deception or
the greater paradigmatic influence of subterfuge to achieve one's purpose.
geophysical research on the other earth • Synonyms: trickery, duplicity, deception
sciences. • Antonyms: honesty, truthfulness, openness
756. Word: Radicalize (उग्र सधारिादी बनाना) • Usage in a Sentence: Clearly there is
some chicanery going on and perhaps in
• Pronunciation: rad-i-kuh-lahyz/ रै डिकलाइज़
due course we will find out the truth.
• Part of Speech: Verb
761. Word: Eschew (िोड़ना)
• Meaning: cause (someone) to adopt radical
positions on political or social issues. • Pronunciation: es-choo/ एस्ट्चू


• Part of Speech: Verb 766. Word: Moderation (सांतलन)

• Meaning: deliberately avoid using; abstain
• Pronunciation: mod-uh-rey-shuh n/ मािरे शन
• Synonyms: shun, avoid, evade • Part of Speech: Noun
• Antonyms: embrace, pursue, confront • Meaning: the avoidance of excess or
• Usage in a Sentence: To eschew detail is extremes, especially in one's behaviour or
to float in the clouds above the wood. political opinions.
• Synonyms: restraint, continence, abstain
762. Word: Pillory (तनांदा करना)
• Antonyms: greed, excess, extreme
• Pronunciation: pil-uh-ree/र्पलरी • Usage in a Sentence: Some people think
• Part of Speech: Verb drinking in moderation can prevent heart
• Meaning: attack or ridiculed publicly. disease.
• Synonyms: vilify, shame, denounce 767. Word: Defuse (स्स्र्तत को िांभ़ीर होने से रोकना)
• Antonyms: accolade, admiration, esteem
• Pronunciation: dee-fyooz/ डिफ्यूज़
• Usage in a Sentence: The man was
pilloried in the newspapers and his • Part of Speech: Verb
resignation demanded. • Meaning:
a. remove the fuse from (an explosive
763. Word: Construe (समिाना)
device) in order to prevent it from exploding
• Pronunciation: kuh n-stroo/कन्स्ट्ू b. make (a situation) less tense or
• Part of Speech: Verb dangerous.
• Meaning: • Synonyms: unset, deactivate, appease,
a. interpret (a word or action) in a particular relieve
way. • Antonyms: aggravate, agitate, stimulate
b. analyse the syntax of (a text, sentence, • Usage in a Sentence: A spokesman said
or word). this firm action had defused a very nasty
• Synonyms: interpret, understand situation.
• Antonyms: befuddle, complicate 768. Word: Parlous (ख़तरनाक)
• Usage in a Sentence: He may construe
• Pronunciation: pahr-luh s/पालिस
the approach as a hostile act.
• Part of Speech: Adjective, Adverb
764. Word: Inviolable (अनललांघऩीय)
• Meaning:
• Pronunciation: in-vahy-uh-luh-buh l/ a. full of danger or uncertainty; precarious.
इन्वाइअलबल [Adjective]
• Part of Speech: Adjective b. greatly or excessively. [Adverb]
• Meaning: never to be broken, infringed, or • Synonyms: perilous, hazardous, risky
dishonoured. • Antonyms: secure, innocent, hopeful
• Synonyms: sacrosanct, secure, • Usage in a Sentence: My cousins had a
impregnable parlous journey on hilly areas.
• Antonyms: violable, alienable, profane 769. Word: Amenable (प्रततसांिेदी)
• Usage in a Sentence: The game had a
• Pronunciation: uh-mee-nuh-buhl/ अमेनबल
single inviolable rule: obstacles were to be
overcome, not circumvented. • Part of Speech: Adjective
• Meaning: open and responsive to
765. Word: Nudge (टहोका मारना)
suggestion; easily persuaded or controlled.
• Part of Speech: Verb, Noun • Synonyms: complaint, manageable,
• Pronunciation: nuhj/ नज controllable
• Meaning: • Antonyms: stubborn, defiant, obstinate
a. prod (someone) gently with one's elbow • Usage in a Sentence: His scientific
in order to attract attention. [Verb] discoveries are amenable to the laws of
b. a light touch or push. [Noun] physics.
• Synonyms: push, poke 770. Word: Entrenched (अांततनशटहत)
• Antonyms: discourage, dissuade
• Pronunciation: en-tren-ch-d/ इन्रे न््ट
• Usage in a Sentence: I gave him a nudge
to wake him up. • Part of Speech: Adjective


• Meaning: to establish an attitude, habit, or • Meaning:

belief so strongly that it is not likely to a. a person who lives outside their native
change country. (Noun)
• Synonyms: fixed, inflexible, instilled b. denoting or relating to a person living
• Antonyms: vulnerable, adjustable, outside their native country. (Adjective)
unestablished c. send (a person or money) abroad. (Verb)
• Usage in Sentence: Our soldiers have • Synonyms: exile, banish, expel
entrenched themselves behind the battle • Antonyms: repatriate, hold
lines. • Usage in a Sentence: Most expatriates
771. Word: Loom (सांकट माँडराना) will benefit from consulting an independent
financial adviser for specialist help.
• Pronunciation: loom/ लूम
776. Word: Castigate (दण्ड दे ना)
• Part of Speech: Verb
• Meaning: appear as a vague form, • Pronunciation: kas-ti-geyt/ कैस्ट्टगेट
especially one that is large or threatening • Part of Speech: Verb
• Synonyms: menace, emerge, stand out • Meaning: reprimand (someone) severely.
• Antonyms: disappear, diminish, remove • Synonyms: punish, reprimand, scold
• Use in a Sentence: We should flag those • Antonyms: celebrate, praise, laud
problems that could loom ahead. • Usage in a Sentence: She could not find
772. Word: Embark (प्रारम्भ करना) sufficient reproaches with which to
• Part of Speech: Verb castigate herself.
• Pronunciation: em-bahrk/ इम्बाकि 777. Word: Abruptly (अचानक ही)
• Meaning: begin (a course of action). • Part of Speech: Adverb
• Synonyms: commence, initiate • Meaning: a. suddenly and unexpectedly.
• Antonyms: conclude, culminate b. in a rude or curt manner.
• Use in a Sentence: The man is about to • Pronunciation: uh-bruhpt-ly/अि्ट्ली
embark on a strategic career. • Synonyms: hastily, swiftly
773. Word: Vacuum (शून्य स्र्ान) • Antonyms: slowly, gradually
• Usage in a Sentence: She turned
• Pronunciation: vak-yoom/ वैक्यूअम
abruptly and walked away.
• Part of Speech: Noun, Verb
778. Word: Summitry (मशखर-सम्मेलन-विगध)
• Meaning:
a. a space entirely devoid of matter. (Noun) • Pronunciation: suhm-i-tree/ सलमरी
b. clean with a vacuum cleaner. (Verb) • Part of Speech: Noun
• Synonyms: void, emptiness, vacancy • Meaning: the act or practice of holding a
• Antonyms: fullness, abundance summit meeting, especially to conduct
• Usage in a Sentence: The writer criticized diplomatic negotiations.
the moral vacuum in society. • Synonyms: audience, council, congress
774. Word: Expeditionary (अमभयान का) • Antonyms: absence, silence, quiet
• Pronunciation: ek-spi-dish-uh-ner-ee/ • Usage in a Sentence: Certainly, the mood
music of summitry was transformed by the
end of the Cold War.
• Part of Speech: Adjective
779. Word: Knack (अभ्यास)
• Meaning: of or forming an expedition,
especially a military expedition. • Pronunciation: nak/ नैक
• Synonyms: legionary, travelling • Part of Speech: Noun
• Antonyms: civilian • Meaning: an acquired or natural skill at
• Usage in a Sentence: In September doing something.
Parliament sent an expeditionary force • Synonyms: talent, ability, skill
against them, under Warwick as admiral. • Antonyms: inability, fragility, aptitude
775. Word: Expatriate (तनिाशमसत करना) • Usage in a Sentence: He has an unerring
knack of saying the wrong thing.
• Pronunciation: eks-pey-tree-eyt/ एक्स्ट्पेरीएट
780. Word: Spanner (नापनेिाला)
• Part of Speech: Noun, Adjective, Verb
• Pronunciation: span-er/ स्ट्पैनर


• Part of Speech: Noun 785. Word: Proliferation (प्रचार)

• Meaning: a tool with a shaped opening or • Pronunciation: pruh-lif-uh-rey-shuh
jaws for gripping and turning a nut or bolt.
n/प्रोललिरै शन
• Synonyms: wrench, room key, key fob
• Antonyms: untwist, unroll, unbraid • Part of Speech: Noun
• Usage in a Sentence: I needed a special • Meaning: a. rapid increase in the number or
spanner and I couldn't beg , steal or borrow amount of something.
one anywhere. • Synonyms: propagation, growth
781. Word: Bung (डाट लिाना) • Antonyms: abatement, decline
• Usage in Sentence: The past one year
• Pronunciation: buhng/ बिंग have seen the proliferation of TV channels.
• Part of Speech: Verb
786. Word: Rhetoric (शब्दाडम्बर)
• Meaning: put or throw (something)
somewhere in a careless or casual way. • Pronunciation: ret-er-ik/रे टररक
• Synonyms: stop, plug, cork • Part of Speech: Noun
• Antonyms: conduit, take out • Meaning: language designed to have a
• Usage in a Sentence: Will you bung persuasive or impressive effect, but which is
another coin in the machine? often regarded as lacking in sincerity or
782. Word: Queer (विगचत्र, समलैंगिक परुष, धोखा दे ना) meaningful content.
• Pronunciation: kweer/ लक्वर • Synonyms: Elocution, Discourse, Bombast
• Antonyms: Conciseness, Quiet
• Part of Speech: Adjective, Noun, Verb
• Usage in a Sentence: As the elections are
• Meaning: a. strange; odd. [Adjective]
just one week away, the rhetoric on both
b. a homosexual man. [Noun]
parties is building.
c. spoil or ruin (an agreement, event, or
situation). [Verb] 787. Word: Belated (विलांबबत)
• Synonyms: odd, strange, peculiar • Pronunciation: bih-ley-tid/ र्बलेटटि
• Antonyms: normal, common, usual • Part of Speech: Adjective
• Usage in a Sentence: His imagination
• Meaning: coming or happening later than
played round that queer idea.
should have been the case
783. Word: Tantalizing (तरसानेिाला) • Synonyms: late, overdue, tardy, delayed
• Pronunciation: tan-tl-ahy-zing/ टै न्टलाइलज़िंग • Antonyms: punctual, early, timely, prompt
• Part of Speech: Adjective • Usage in a Sentence: The award is being
• Meaning: tormenting or teasing with the made in belated recognition of her services
sight or promise of something unobtainable. to the industry.
• Synonyms: tempting, alluring, appealing 788. Word: Gallows (प्राणदण्ड)
• Antonyms: boring, jejune, dreary
• Pronunciation: gal-ohz/ गैलोज़
• Usage in a Sentence: I caught a
tantalizing glimpse of the sparkling blue • Part of Speech: Noun
sea through the trees. • Meaning:
a. a structure, typically of two uprights and
784. Word: Stockpile (टाल, बड़़ी मात्रा में बचा कर रखना)
a crosspiece, for the hanging of criminals.
• Pronunciation: stok-pahyl/ स्ट्टाक्पाइल b. execution by hanging.
• Part of Speech: Noun, Verb • Synonyms: hanging, noose, scaffold
• Meaning: a. a large accumulated stock of • Antonyms: redemption
goods or materials, especially one held in • Usage in a Sentence: Save a thief from
reserve for use at a time of shortage or gallows and he will help hang you.
other emergency. [Noun] 789. Phrase: Silver lining (आशा की ककरण)
b. accumulate a large stock of (goods or
materials). [Verb] • Pronunciation: लस्वर लाइननिंग
• Synonyms: hoard, store, stock • Part of Speech: Idiom
• Antonyms: spend, give, need • Meaning: something positive that comes
• Usage in a Sentence: They have a out of a sad or unpleasant situation.
stockpile of weapons and ammunition that • Synonyms: ray of hope, bright side,
will last several months. positive side


• Antonyms: bad side • Synonyms: inconsistency, difference,

• Usage in a Sentence: The fall in inflation is disparity
the silver lining of the prolonged recession. • Antonyms: agreement, harmony
790. Word: Elapse (व्यत़ीत होना) • Usage in a Sentence: There was a
discrepancy in the two reports of the
• Pronunciation: ih-laps/ इलै्स
• Part of Speech: Verb
795. Word: Retention (अिरोधन)
• Meaning: (of time) pass or go by
• Synonyms: pass, slip away, go by • Pronunciation: ri-ten-shuh n/ ररटे न्शन
• Antonyms: bide, ablaze, reiterate, appear • Part of Speech: Noun
• Usage in a Sentence: The return of the • Meaning:
echo will elapse longer time. a. he continued possession, use, or control
791. Word: Testimony (ििाही) of something.
b. the action of absorbing and continuing to
• Pronunciation: tes-tuh-moh-nee/ टे स्ट्टमोनी
hold a substance.
• Part of Speech: Noun • Synonyms: keeping, holding, reservation,
• Meaning: withholding
a. a formal written or spoken statement, • Antonyms: release, liberation, discharge,
especially one given in a court of law. dismissal
b. evidence or proof of something. • Usage in a Sentence: Visual materials aid
• Synonyms: confirmation, verification, the retention of information.
796. Word: Inevitable (अतनिायश)
• Antonyms: denial, rebuttal, charge
• Usage in a Sentence: The testimony of • Part of Speech: Adjective
witnesses supported the defendant. • Pronunciation: in-ev-i-tuh-buh l/ इनेर्वटबल
792. Word: Heinous (जघन्य) • Meaning: certain to happen; unavoidable.
• Synonyms: inescapable, unpreventable,
• Pronunciation: hey-nuhs/ हे नस
assured, certain
• Part of Speech: Adjective • Antonyms: avoidable, evitable, unsure,
• Meaning: (of a person or wrongful act, uncertain
especially a crime) utterly odious or wicked. • Usage in a Sentence: It was an inevitable
• Synonyms: atrocious, abominable, consequence of the decision.
monstrous, evil
797. Word: Redound (सहायता करना)
• Antonyms: glorious, good, lovely,
magnificent • Pronunciation: ri-dound/ ररिाउन्ि
• Usage in a Sentence: Hitler's heinous • Part of Speech: Verb
crimes will never be forgotten. • Meaning: contribute greatly to (a person's
793. Word: Condign (उपयक्त) credit or honour).
• Synonyms: conduce, contribute, recoil,
• Pronunciation: kuhn-dahyn/ कन्िाइन
• Part of Speech: Adjective • Antonyms: hinder, abate, lower
• Meaning: (of punishment or retribution) • Usage in a Sentence: Her success will
appropriate to the crime or wrongdoing; redound to the fame of Beijing University.
fitting and deserved.
798. Word: Affluent (भरापूरा)
• Synonyms: deserved, just, rightful, due
• Antonyms: undeserved, undue, unlawful • Pronunciation: ऐफ्लूअन्ट/ af-loo-uh nt
• Usage in a Sentence: The public approved • Part of Speech: Adjective
the condign punishment. • Meaning: (especially of a group or area)
794. Word: Discrepancy (असहमतत) having a great deal of money; wealthy
• Pronunciation: dih-skrep-uhn-see/ • Synonyms: wealthy, rich, prosperous,
opulent, well off, moneyed
• Antonyms: indigent, poor, needy
• Part of Speech: Noun • Usage in a Sentence: Affluent people
• Meaning: an illogical or surprising lack of tend to look upon illiteracy with comfortable
compatibility or similarity between two or detachment.
more facts.


799. Word: Clamour (िोहार, धूम मचाना) • Usage in a Sentence: The bass guitar
began to thump so loudly that it resonated
• Pronunciation: klam-er/ क्लैमर
in my head.
• Part of Speech: Noun, Verb
804. Phrase: Modus Vivendi (ििड़े का तनपटारा होने
• Meaning:
a. a loud and confused noise, especially that तक की िई व्यिस्र्ा)
of people shouting. (Noun) • Pronunciation: moh-duh s vi-ven-dee/
b. shout loudly and insistently. (Verb) मोिुस वीवेन्िी
• Synonyms: Uproar, Outcry, Roar • Part of Speech: Noun
• Antonyms: Silence, Peace • Meaning: an arrangement or agreement
• Usage in a Sentence: When I do my work allowing conflicting parties to coexist
at home, my kids often clamour for my peacefully, either indefinitely or until a final
attention by shouting my name. settlement is reached.
800. Word: Veteran (अनभि़ी) • Synonyms: lifestyle, way, manner
• Pronunciation:vet-er-uh n /वेरन • Antonyms: friction
• Part of Speech: Noun • Usage in a Sentence: We hope President
• Meaning: a person who has had long Ma's modus vivendi will demonstrate more
experience in a particular field. dynamism and substance.
• Synonyms: experienced, skilled 805. Phrase: Clamp Down (कठोर ऩीतत)
• Antonyms: amateur, jejune • Pronunciation: klamp doun/क्लैम््िाउन
• Usage in a Sentence: She is a veteran • Part of Speech: Phrasal Verb of Clamp
campaigner for human rights. • Meaning: a. suppress or prevent something
801. Word: Assurance (आश्िासन) in an oppressive or harsh manner.
• Pronunciation: uh-shoor-uhns/ अशुरन्स • Synonyms: suppress, prevent
• Part of Speech: Noun • Antonyms: bring up, extract
• Meaning: certainty about something. • Usage in a Sentence: The situation could
• Synonyms: confidence, conviction, worsen this year as the government
guarantee continues to clamp down on credit.
• Antonyms: fear, timidity, distrust 806. Word: Dissent (एतराज करना)
• Usage in a Sentence: He gave me his • Pronunciation: dih-sent/ डिसेन्ट
personal assurance that the vehicle was • Part of Speech: Verb, Noun
safe. • Meaning:
802. Word: Insurgent (द्रोही) a. the holding or expression of opinions at
• Pronunciation: in-sur-juh nt/इन्सजिन्ट variance with those commonly or officially
• Part of Speech: Noun held. [Noun]
• Meaning: a person fighting against a b. hold or express opinions that are at
government or invading force; a rebel or variance with those commonly or officially
revolutionary. held. [Verb]
• Synonyms: maverick, rebel, revolutionary • Synonyms: conflict, disagree
• Antonyms: loyal, compliant, obedient • Antonyms: ascent, approve
• Usage in a Sentence: Insurgent forces • Usage in a Sentence: There were
were reported advancing in the region. murmurs of both assent and dissent from
803. Word: Thump (घूांसा, ठोंकना) the crowd.
807. Word: Turbulence (अशाांतत)
• Pronunciation: thuhmp/ थम्प
• Part of Speech: Verb, Noun • Pronunciation: tur-byuh-luh ns/ टब्यल ुि न्स
• Meaning: a. hit or strike heavily, especially • Part of Speech: Noun
with the fist or a blunt implement. [Verb] • Meaning: a state of conflict or confusion.
b. a dull, heavy blow with a person's fist or a • Synonyms: disturbance, agitation, turmoil
blunt implement. [Noun] • Antonyms: calmness, serenity, tranquility
• Synonyms: hit, whack, knock
• Antonyms: dab, accomplish, fingertip


• Usage in a Sentence: Yesterday, I had a • Meaning: lessen the effectiveness, power,

very smooth journey with no turbulence at or ability of, especially gradually or
all. insidiously.
808. Word: Fray (ििड़ा) • Synonyms: threaten, weaken, compromise,
• Pronunciation: freɪ/फ्रै • Antonyms: strengthen, bolster, boost
• Part of Speech: Noun • Usage in a Sentence: High-income tax can
• Meaning: a situation of intense competitive undermine work incentives.
activity, a battle or fight. 813. Word: Hedge (रोकना)
• Synonyms: brawl, scuffle, quarrel • Pronunciation: hej/ हे ज
• Antonyms: agreement, harmony,
• Part of Speech: Verb
• Meaning: limit or qualify (something) by
• Usage in a Sentence: Why should we get
conditions or exceptions.
involved in others fray?
• Synonyms: evade, put off
809. Word: Evade (बचना) • Antonyms: expose, release
• Pronunciation: ih-veyd/ इवेि • Usage in a Sentence: Buying new flat may
be a hedge against inflation.
• Part of Speech: Verb
814. Word: Downright (स्पष्टिादी)
• Meaning: escape or avoid (someone or
something), especially by guile or trickery. • Pronunciation: doun-rahyt/ िाउन्राइट
• Synonyms: avoid, escape, circumvent • Part of Speech: Adjective, Adverb
• Antonyms: accept, confront, take on • Meaning:
• Usage in a Sentence: If you try to evade a. so direct in manner as to be blunt.
paying your taxes you risk going to prison. [Adjective]
b. to an extreme degree; thoroughly.
810. Word: Parley (बातच़ीत)
• Pronunciation: pahr-lee/ पाली • Synonyms: out-and-out, outright, absolute
• Part of Speech: Verb, Noun • Antonyms: incomplete, pedant, harshly
• Meaning: • Usage in a Sentence: He wasn't just
a. a conference between opposing sides in a inconsiderate, he was downright rude.
dispute, especially a discussion of terms for 815. Word: Perverse (भ्रष्ट)
an armistice. [Verb] • Pronunciation: per-vurs/ पविसि
b. hold a conference with the opposing side
• Part of Speech: Adjective
to discuss terms. [Noun]
• Meaning: showing a deliberate and
• Synonyms: dialogue, conclave obstinate desire to behave in a way that is
• Antonyms: silence unreasonable or unacceptable.
• Usage in a Sentence: The general • Synonyms: stubborn, wayward, obstinate
manager decided to hold a parley with the • Antonyms: agreeable, reasonable, tolerant
opposition. • Usage in a Sentence: Jack was being
811. Word: Behest (आज्ञा) perverse and refused to agree with
anything we said.
• Pronunciation: bih-hest/ र्बहे स्ट्ट
816. Word: Procure (प्रातत करना)
• Part of Speech: Noun
• Meaning: a person's orders or command • Pronunciation: proh-kyoor/ प्रोक्युर
• Synonyms: command, order, mandate, • Part of Speech: Verb
bidding • Meaning:
• Antonyms: personal choice, answer a. obtain (something), especially with care
• Usage in a Sentence: The budget proposal or effort.
was adopted at the President's behest. b. persuade or cause (someone) to do
812. Word: Undermine (क्ष़ीण करना) something.
• Pronunciation: uhn-der-mahyn/ अन्िमािइन • Synonyms: acquire, receive
• Part of Speech: Verb • Antonyms: abandon, give away


• Usage in a Sentence: He managed to • Part of Speech: Adjective

procure a ticket for the concert. • Meaning: (especially with reference to
817. Word: Immaterial (अभौततक) something unwelcome or unpleasant)
producing good effects; beneficial
• Pronunciation: im-uh-teer-ee-uh l/ इमटीरीअल
• Synonyms: beneficial, healthy, helpful,
• Part of Speech: Adjective restorative
• Meaning: unimportant under the • Antonyms: damaging, injurious, ill, harmful
circumstances; irrelevant • Usage in a Sentence: The accident was a
• Synonyms: insignificant, unsubstantial, salutary reminder of the dangers of
intangible, unimportant climbing.
• Antonyms: important, material, relevant 822. Word: Outweigh (से अगधक होना)
• Usage in a Sentence: The body is material
but the soul is immaterial. • Pronunciation: out-wey/ आउट्वै
818. Word: Adjudication (अमभतनणशय) • Part of Speech: Verb
• Meaning: be heavier, greater, or more
• Pronunciation: uh-joo-di-key-shuh n/ significant than.
अड्जूडिकेशॅन • Synonyms: surpass, outbalance, exceed,
• Part of Speech: Noun excel
• Meaning: the action or process of • Antonyms: fail, surrender
adjudicating (a formal judgement on a • Usage in a Sentence: The advantages of
disputed matter) this deal largely outweigh the
• Synonyms: decision, verdict, determination disadvantages.
• Antonyms: amnesty, beginning 823. Word: Refrain (रोकना)
• Usage in a Sentence: The case was • Pronunciation: ri-freyn/ ररफ्रैन
referred to a higher court for adjudication.
• Part of Speech: Verb
819. Word: Entrust (सौंपना) • Meaning: stop oneself from doing
• Part of Speech: Verb something.
• Pronunciation: en-truhst/एन्रस्ट्ट • Synonyms: cease, desist
• Meaning: • Antonyms: persist, indulge
a. assign the responsibility for doing • Use in a Sentence: We must refrain from
something to (someone). smoking.
• b. put (something) into someone's care or 824. Word: Contend (सांघषश करना)
protection. • Pronunciation: kuh n-tend/ कन्टे न्ि
• Synonyms: charge, delegate • Part of Speech: Verb
• Antonyms: absolve, withhold • Meaning:
• Usage in a Sentence: We couldn't entrust a. assert something as a position in an
our children to strangers. argument.
820. Word: Contravention (उललांघन) b. struggle to surmount (a difficulty).
• Pronunciation: kon-truh-ven-shuh n/ • Synonyms: cope with, withstand
कान्रवेन्शन • Antonyms: abandon, disown
• Use in a Sentence: The new President had
• Part of Speech: Noun
great difficulties to contend with.
• Meaning: an action which offends against a
law, treaty, or other ruling. 825. Word: Scorn (ततरस्कार)
• Synonyms: breach, violation, infringement, • Pronunciation: skawrn/स्ट्कॉनि
conflict • Part of Speech: Noun, Verb
• Antonyms: obedience, conformity, • Meaning: a. a feeling and expression of
compliance contempt or disdain for someone or
• Usage in a Sentence: Several of the girls something. [Noun]
were wearing trousers, in contravention of b. feel or express contempt or disdain for.
the school rules on dress. [Verb]
821. Word: Salutary (लाभदायक) • Synonyms: ridicule, disregard
• Pronunciation: sal-yuh-ter-ee/ सै्यटे री • Antonyms: scrutinize, admire


• Usage in a Sentence: Researchers greeted • Antonyms: buck, invasion, occupy

the proposal with scorn. • Usage in a Sentence: The council denied
826. Word: Entrenched (अांततनशटहत) that their decision represented any
abdication of responsibility.
• Pronunciation: en-tren-ch-d/इन्रे न््ट
831. Word: Fetish (अांधभस्क्त)
• Part of Speech: Adjective
• Meaning: a. to establish an attitude, habit, • Pronunciation: fet-ish/ िेटटश
or belief so strongly that it is not likely to • Part of Speech: Noun
change • Meaning: an excessive and irrational
• Synonyms: fixed, inflexible, instilled devotion or commitment to a particular
• Antonyms: vulnerable, adjustable, thing.
unestablished • Synonyms: hammer down, talisman,
• Usage in Sentence: Our soldiers have monomania
entrenched themselves behind the battle • Antonyms: bad omen, virgin ears
lines. • Usage in a Sentence: Women's
827. Word: Negation (असहमतत) underclothes are a common fetish.
• Pronunciation: ni-gey-shuh n/ नगैशन 832. Word: Enshrine (स्र्ावपत करना)
• Part of Speech: Noun • Part of Speech: Verb
• Meaning: the contradiction or denial of • Pronunciation: en-shrahyn/एन्राइन
something. • Meaning: a. place (a revered or precious
• Synonyms: denial, repudiation, disavowal object) in an appropriate receptacle.
• Antonyms: affirmation, approval, b. preserve (a right, tradition, or idea) in a
permission form that ensures it will be protected and
• Usage in a Sentence: The author boxed respected.
the compass of negation in his article. • Synonyms: embody, manifest
828. Word: Influx (आिम) • Antonyms: degrade, depreciate
• Usage in a Sentence: A lot of memories
• Pronunciation: in-fluhks/ इन्फ्लक्स
are enshrined in this photo album.
• Part of Speech: Noun
833. Word: Shun (त्यािना)
• Meaning: an arrival or entry of large
numbers of people or things. • Pronunciation: shuhn/शन
• Synonyms: inflow, affluent, inrush • Part of Speech: Verb
• Antonyms: outflow, exodus, efflux • Meaning: persistently avoid, ignore, or
• Usage in a Sentence: The country sealed reject (someone or something) through
its borders to prevent the influx of illegal antipathy or caution.
immigrants. • Synonyms: evade, dodge
829. Word: Aftermath (पररणाम) • Antonyms: accept, embrace
• Usage in a Sentence: They wear simple
• Pronunciation: af-ter-math/ऐफ्टमैथ
clothes and shun modern inventions.
• Part of Speech: Noun
834. Word: Reinstate (बहाल करना)
• Meaning: the consequences or after-effects
of a significant unpleasant event. • Pronunciation: ree-in-steyt/ रीइन्स्ट्टे ट
• Synonyms: outcome, effect, eventuality • Part of Speech: Verb
• Antonyms: cause, reason, beginning • Meaning: restore (someone or something)
• Usage in a Sentence: In the aftermath of to their former position or state.
the typhoon, many people's homes were • Synonyms: restore, return, replace
destroyed. • Antonyms: fire, repeal, annul
830. Word: Abdication (राज-त्याि) • Usage in a Sentence: The governor is said
to have agreed to reinstate five senior
• Pronunciation: ab-di-key-shuh n/ ऐब्िकेशन
workers who were dismissed.
• Part of Speech: Noun
835. Word: Invigorate (मजबूत कर दे ना)
• Meaning: an act of abdicating or
renouncing the throne. • Pronunciation: in-vig-uh-reyt/ इलन्वगरे ट
• Synonyms: resignation, abandonment, • Part of Speech: Verb
surrender • Meaning: give strength or energy to.


• Synonyms: enliven, energize, stimulate, • Usage in a Sentence: All the rose bushes
revive seem to be suffering from the same
• Antonyms: drain, exhaust, demoralize mysterious malady.
• Usage in a Sentence: The tactic could help 840. Word: Afflict (कष्ट पहाँ चाना)
invigorate a struggling campaign.
• Pronunciation: uh-flikt/ अलफ्लक्ट
836. Word: Resolute (दृढ़)
• Part of Speech: Verb
• Pronunciation: rez-uh-loot/ रे ज़लूट • Meaning: (of a problem or illness) cause
• Part of Speech: Adjective pain or trouble to; affect adversely.
• Meaning: admirably purposeful, • Synonyms: trouble, distress
determined, and unwavering. • Antonyms: comfort, soothe
• Synonyms: determined, firm, stubborn, • Usage in a Sentence: Given the turbulent
rigid times which still afflict the industry, this is a
• Antonyms: weak, irresolute, cowardly remarkable achievement.
• Usage in a Sentence: He became even 841. Word: Disenfranchisement (मतातघकार से
more resolute in his opposition to the plan.
िांगचत करना)
837. Word: Fragility (कोमलता)
• Pronunciation: dis-en-fran-chahyz/
• Pronunciation: fraj-ili-ity/ फ्रलजललटी डिसएन्फ्रैलन्चज़्मन्ट
• Part of Speech: Noun • Part of Speech: Noun
• Meaning: • Meaning: the state of being deprived of a
a. the quality of being easily broken or right or privilege, especially the right to
damaged. vote.
b. the quality of being delicate or vulnerable. • Synonyms: restraint, domination
• Synonyms: infirmity, feebleness • Antonyms: enfranchisement, freedom,
• Antonyms: harshness, resilience liberation
• Usage in a Sentence: The fragility of life • Usage in a Sentence: A viable solution
is now characterised by a power failure or a must recognise and deal with the sense of
virus in computers. disenfranchisement that motivates
838. Word: Devolution (अांतरण) terrorism.
• Pronunciation: dev-uh-loo-shuh n/ िेवलूशन 842. Word: Corrode (सांक्षाररत होना)
• Part of Speech: Noun • Pronunciation: kuh-rohd/ करोि
• Meaning: • Part of Speech: Verb
a. the transfer or delegation of power to a • Meaning:
lower level, especially by a central a. destroy or damage (metal, stone, or other
government to local or regional materials) slowly by chemical action.
administration. b. destroy or weaken (something) gradually.
b. descent to a lower or worse state. • Synonyms: erode, deteriorate, waste
• Synonyms: decentralisation, transfer, • Antonyms: build, aid, help
degeneration • Usage in a Sentence: The education
• Antonyms: centralisation, evolution, system is being corroded by low salaries
development and corruption.
• Usage in a Sentence: The devolution of
843. Word: Sustenance (तनिाशह)
financial management is one of the most
important developments in recent • Pronunciation: suhs-tuh-nuh ns/ सस्ट्टनन्स
legislation. • Part of Speech: Noun
839. Word: Malady (व्यागध) • Meaning:
a. food and drink regarded as a source of
• Pronunciation: mal-uh-dee/ मैलिी
strength; nourishment
• Part of Speech: Noun b. the maintaining of someone or something
• Meaning: a disease or an ailment in life or existence.
• Synonyms: disease, infirmity, ailment, • Synonyms: nourishment, support,
affliction maintenance, upkeep
• Antonyms: wellness, remedy, strength • Antonyms: agony, curb, demolish


• Usage in a Sentence: Elections are • Meaning: division into two sharply

necessary for the sustenance of contrasting groups or sets of opinions or
democracy. beliefs.
844. Word: Pronounced (सस्पष्ठ) • Synonyms: division, discord, opposition
• Antonyms: reunion, coexistence,
• Pronunciation: pruh-nounst/ प्रनाउन्स्ट्ट
• Part of Speech: Adjective • Usage in a Sentence: Political
• Meaning: very noticeable or marked; polarisation in industrialised countries has
conspicuous. fuelled a resurgence of fiscal conservatism.
• Synonyms: clear, prominent, noticeable,
849. Word: Contender (मकाबला करने िाला)
• Antonyms: faint, concealed, indefinite • Pronunciation: kuhn-tend/ कन्टे न्िर
• Usage in a Sentence: The temperature • Part of Speech: Noun
change in winter is less pronounced in • Meaning: a person or group competing with
maritime areas. others to achieve something.
845. Word: Reiterate (दहराना) • Synonyms: competitor, contestant,
opponent, rival
• Pronunciation: ree-it-uh-reyt/ रीइटरै ट
• Antonyms: supporter, ally, comrade
• Part of Speech: Verb • Usage in a Sentence: She was a strong
• Meaning: say something again or a number contender for Britain's Olympic team.
of times, typically for emphasis or clarity.
850. Word: Existential (अस्स्तत्िपरक)
• Synonyms: repeat, iterate, duplicate
• Antonyms: elapse, conceal, dismiss • Pronunciation: eg-zi-sten-shuh l/ एललज़स्ट्टे न्शल
• Usage in a Sentence: My teacher • Part of Speech: Adjective
reiterated all the important points two days • Meaning:
before the exam. a. relating to existence
846. Word: Rejuvenation (पनयूि श ़ीकरण) b. (of a proposition) affirming or implying
the existence of a thing.
• Pronunciation: ri-joo-vuh-neyt/ ररजूवनैशन • Synonyms: experiential, empirical, factual
• Part of Speech: Noun • Antonyms: speculative, theoretical,
• Meaning: the action or process of making conjectural
someone or something look or feel better, • Usage in a Sentence: The electric light
younger, or more vital. was an invention with profound existential
• Synonyms: renewal, restoration, revival consequences.
• Antonyms: decline, degeneration 851. Word: Arena (रणभूमम)
• Usage in a Sentence: When I am
exhausted after work, I count on a hot • Pronunciation: uh-ree-nuh/ अरीन
shower to rejuvenate myself. • Part of Speech: Noun
847. Word: Curb (तनयांत्रण करना) • Meaning: a place or scene of activity,
debate, or conflict.
• Pronunciation: kurb/ कबि • Synonyms: field, stage, domain
• Part of Speech: Noun, Verb • Antonyms: range, rising, terrain
• Meaning: • Usage in a Sentence: As we came into the
a. a check or restraint on something. [Noun] arena, we were jostled by fans pushing
b. restrain or keep in check. [Verb] their way towards the stage.
• Synonyms: inhibit, hinder 852. Word: Outbid (मात कर दे ना)
• Antonyms: encourage, support
• Use in a Sentence: Counselling acted as a • Pronunciation: out-bid/ आउट्र्बि
curb on his violent behaviour. • Part of Speech: Verb
848. Word: Polarisation (ध्रि़ीकरण) • Meaning: offer to pay a higher price for
something than (another person).
• Pronunciation: poh-ler-uh-zey-shuh n/
• Synonyms: surpass, overbid, exceed
पोलररज़ेशन • Antonyms: divest, prejudice, trail
• Part of Speech: Noun • Usage in a Sentence: The retail group
outbid all three competitors for space in the
shopping centre.


853. Word: Condensate (सांघनन) • Pronunciation: bey/ बे

• Pronunciation: kuh n-den-seyt/ कन्िेन्सेट • Part of Speech: Verb, Noun
• Part of Speech: Noun • Meaning: a. (of a group of people) shout
• Meaning: a compound produced by a loudly, typically to demand something.
condensation reaction. [Verb]
• Synonyms: abridgment, capsule, digest b. the sound of baying. [Noun]
• Antonyms: dryness, unabridgment • Synonyms: cove, inlet, gulf
• Usage in a Sentence: On the liquids front • Antonyms: crackle, roar, snicker, silence
condensate is being produced at the • Usage in a Sentence: He fought bravely,
Kapuni on-shore gas field. holding his enemies at bay.
854. Word: Overt (खला) 859. Word: Lumpen (बद्ध)ू

• Pronunciation: oh-vurt/ ओवटि • Pronunciation: luhm-puh n/लूम्पेन

• Part of Speech: Adjective • Part of Speech: Adjective
• Meaning: done or shown openly; plainly • Meaning: lumpy and misshapen; ugly and
apparent. ponderous.
• Synonyms: open, obvious, clear • Synonyms: unthinking, thoughtless, idiotic
• Antonyms: secret, covert, hidden • Antonyms: smart, mannerable, notable
• Usage in a Sentence: Although there is no • Usage in a Sentence: My new neighbours
overt hostility, black and white students do seemed lumpen and boring.
not mix much. 860. Word: Intrude (हस्तक्षेप करना)
855. Word: Covert (बनािटी, बचाि का स्र्ान) • Pronunciation: in-trood/ इन्ूि
• Pronunciation: koh-vert/ कवटि • Part of Speech: Verb
• Part of Speech: Adjective, Noun • Meaning: enter with disruptive or adverse
• Meaning: a. not openly acknowledged or effect.
displayed. [Adjective] • Synonyms: interfere, butt in, meddle
b. a thicket in which game can hide. [Noun] • Antonyms: abandon, leave, withdraw
• Synonyms: hidden, secret, concealed • Usage in a Sentence: Newspaper editors
• Antonyms: open, public, overt are being urged not to intrude on/into the
• Usage in a Sentence: The government was grief of the families of missing servicemen.
accused of covert military operations 861. Word: Precarious (अतनस्श्चत)
against the regime.
• Pronunciation: pri-kair-ee-uh s/र्प्रकेरीअस
856. Word: Onerous (कष्ट साध्य)
• Part of Speech: Adjective
• Part of Speech: Adjective
• Meaning: dependent on chance; uncertain
• Pronunciation: on-er-uh s/ओनरस • Synonyms: hazardous, perilous, insecure
• Meaning: (of a task or responsibility) • Antonyms: strong, secure, stable
involving a great deal of effort, trouble, or • Usage in a Sentence: This place is a
difficulty. precarious and unstable area.
• Synonyms: burdensome,laborious 862. Phrase: Eke out (कम़ी पूरी करना)
• Antonyms: hassle-free, effortless
• Usage in a Sentence: My household duties • Pronunciation: eek-out/ ईक आउट
were not particularly onerous. • Part of Speech: Phrase
857. Word: Incendiary (दाहक) • Meaning: to make up for the deficiencies
• Pronunciation: in-sen-dee-er-ee/इन्सेन्िीएरी
• Synonyms: survive, live, extract
• Part of Speech: Adjective • Antonyms: use up, waste, crimp
• Meaning: tending to stir up conflict.
• Usage in a Sentence: They eke out a
• Synonyms: rabble-rousing, inflammatory
miserable existence in cardboard shacks.
• Antonyms: conciliatory, flexible
• Use in a Sentence: The soldiers were 863. Word: Pittance (चांदा)
trained to deal with incendiary attacks. • Pronunciation: pit-ns/ र्पटन्स
858. Word: Bay (घेरना, भोंक) • Part of Speech: Noun


• Meaning: a very small or inadequate • Meaning: the outward appearance or

amount of money. apparent form of something, especially when
• Synonyms: mite, modicum, derisory the reality is different.
• Antonyms: plenty, lot, abundance • Synonyms: likeness, similarity, guise
• Usage in a Sentence: She could barely • Antonyms: contrast, opposite, unlikeness
survive on the pittance she received as a • Usage in a Sentence: The film lacks any
pension. semblance of realism.
864. Word: Charade (पहे ली) 869. Word: Evacuation (तनिाशतन)
• Pronunciation: shuh-reyd/ शरे ि • Pronunciation: ih-vak-yoo-ey-shuh n/
• Part of Speech: Noun
• Meaning: an absurd pretence intended to • Part of Speech: Noun
create a pleasant or respectable appearance. • Meaning: the action of evacuating a person
• Synonyms: mockery, travesty, disguise or a place
• Antonyms: honesty, real, genuine • Synonyms: withdrawal, departure, removal
• Usage in a Sentence: Their whole • Antonyms: insertion, penetration,
marriage had been a charade—they had integration
never loved each other. • Usage in a Sentence: As the level of the
water rose, villages were put on evacuation
865. Word: Strenuously (सख़्त़ी से)
• Pronunciation: stren-yoo-uhs-ly/ स्ट्रे न्यूअस्ट्ली 870. Word: Sheen (चमक)
• Part of Speech: Adverb
• Pronunciation: sheen/ शीन
• Meaning: with great effort and
determination. • Part of Speech: Noun, Verb
• Synonyms: vigorously, actively, forcefully • Meaning:
• Antonyms: cowardly, easily, lazily a. a soft lustre on a surface. [Noun]
• Usage in a Sentence: The company has b. shine or cause to shine softly. [Verb]
strenuously defended its decision to reduce • Synonyms: shine, glaze, lustre, gloss
the workforce. • Antonyms: dullness, gloom
• Usage in a Sentence: The conditioner
866. Word: Vortex (बिांडर)
gives the hair a beautiful soft sheen.
• Pronunciation: vawr-teks/ वॉटे क्स 871. Word: Formidable (भयानक)
• Part of Speech: Noun
• Pronunciation: fawr-mi-duh-buh l/ िॉलमििबल
• Meaning: a whirling mass of fluid or air,
especially a whirlpool or whirlwind. • Part of Speech: Adjective
• Synonyms: whirlpool, swirl, eddy • Meaning: inspiring fear or respect through
• Antonyms: rest, still, calm being impressively large, powerful, intense,
• Usage in a Sentence: They were both or capable.
caught up in a whirling vortex of emotion. • Synonyms: terrific, tremendous, colossal
• Antonyms: feeble, easy, friendly
867. Word: Verge (किार)
• Usage in a Sentence: They had to
• Pronunciation: vurj/ वजि overcome formidable obstacles.
• Part of Speech: Noun, Verb 872. Word: Sordid (अनैततक)
• Meaning:
• Pronunciation: sawr-did/ सॉििि
a. the limit or point beyond which something
begins or occurs; brink [Noun] • Part of Speech: Adjective
b. be very close or similar to. [Verb] • Meaning:
• Synonyms: margin, incline a. involving immoral or dishonourable
• Antonyms: ambit, midstream actions and motives; arousing moral distaste
• Usage in a Sentence: The country was on and contempt.
the verge of becoming successful. b. dirty or squalid.
• Synonyms: low, mean, dirty, foul, base
868. Word: Semblance (अनरूपता)
• Antonyms: reputable, clean, honourable
• Pronunciation: sem-bluh ns/ सेम्ब्लन्स • Usage in a Sentence: All concerned should
• Part of Speech: Noun be cross-examined to get to the bottom of
the whole sordid affair.


873. Word: Repatriation (दे श-प्रत्याितशन) basis of incomplete information. [Noun]

b. form an opinion or supposition about
• Pronunciation: ree-pey-tree-eyt-ion/ रीपैरीऐशन
(something) on the basis of incomplete
• Part of Speech: Noun information. [Verb]
• Meaning:
• Synonyms: guess, speculation, surmise
a. the return of someone to their own
• Antonyms: proof, fact, reality
• Usage in a Sentence: There has been
b. the sending of money back to one's own
some conjecture about a possible merger.
• Synonyms: return, restoration 878. Word: Farce (प्रहसन)
• Antonyms: exile, expulsion • Pronunciation: fahrs/ िासि
• Usage in a Sentence: It is illogical to • Part of Speech: Noun
oppose the repatriation of economic • Meaning:
migrants. a. a comic dramatic work using buffoonery
874. Phrase: Gain ground (आिे बढ़ना) and horseplay and typically including crude
• Pronunciation: गेन ग्राउन्ि characterization and ludicrously improbable
• Part of Speech: Phrase b. an event or situation that is absurd or
• Meaning: become more popular or disorganized.
accepted. • Synonyms: parody, comedy, mockery,
• Synonyms: progress, advance, gain, satire
improve • Antonyms: sobriety, catastrophe
• Antonyms: fall back, lose, recede • Usage in a Sentence: The debate
• Usage in a Sentence: The establishment of degenerated into farce when opposing
the anti-smoking lobbies has steadily speakers started shouting at each other.
gained ground in the last decade. 879. Word: Mire (फाँसा रहना)
875. Word: Conducive (टहतकर)
• Pronunciation: mahyuh r/ माइअर
• Pronunciation: kuh n-doo-siv/ कन्िूलसव • Part of Speech: Noun, Verb
• Part of Speech: Adjective • Meaning:
• Meaning: making a certain situation or a. a stretch of swampy or boggy ground.
outcome likely or possible. [Noun]
• Synonyms: advantageous, helpful, b. a complicated or unpleasant situation
contributory, favourable from which it is difficult to extricate oneself.
• Antonyms: hindering, unfavourable, [Noun]
cumbersome c. involve someone or something in (a
• Usage in a Sentence: This is a conducive difficult situation). [Verb]
environment for studying. • Synonyms: swamp, entangle, entrap
876. Word: Abhorrent (घण ृ ास्पद) • Antonyms: cleanliness, define, extricate
• Usage in a Sentence: His reasons for
• Pronunciation: ab-hawr-uhnt/ ऐब्हॉरन्ट leaving are mired in confusion.
• Part of Speech: Adjective 880. Word: Retention (अिधारण)
• Meaning: inspiring disgust and loathing;
• Pronunciation: ri-ten-shuh n/ ररटे न्शन
• Synonyms: repulsive, repugnant, • Part of Speech: Noun
abominable, loathsome, disgusting • Meaning: the continued possession, use, or
• Antonyms: delicious, nice, tasty, appealing control of something.
• Usage in a Sentence: Discrimination of • Synonyms: keeping, withholding,
any sort is abhorrent to a civilized society. confinement
• Antonyms: release, liberation, discharge,
877. Word: Conjecture (अनमान लिाना) abolition
• Pronunciation: kuh n-jek-cher/ कन्जेक्शर • Usage in a Sentence: Managers are
• Part of Speech: Noun, Verb responsible for the safe custody and
• Meaning: retention of records.
a. an opinion or conclusion formed on the 881. Word: Gut-wrenching (अत्यांत कष्टदाय़ी)


• Pronunciation: guht-ren-ching/ गट व्रेंर्चिंग • Meaning: a tendency to choose or do

• Part of Speech: Adjective something regularly; an inclination or
• Meaning: extremely unpleasant or predisposition towards a particular thing.
upsetting. • Synonyms: liking, inclination, bent
• Synonyms: upsetting, affecting, painful, • Antonyms: repulsion, disinclination,
tormenting aversion, hatred
• Antonyms: reassuring, pleasing, agreeable, • Usage in a Sentence: This proclivity
calming hinders their ability to respond effectively to
• Usage in a Sentence: The gut-wrenching challenges.
pain left him unable to process any rational 886. Word: Circumspect (सािधान)
thought. • Pronunciation: sur-kuhm-spekt/ सकिम्स्ट्पेक्ट
882. Word: Macabre (ि़ीभत्स) • Part of Speech: Adjective
• Pronunciation: muh-kah-bruh/ मकाि • Meaning: wary and unwilling to take risks.
• Part of Speech: Adjective • Synonyms: prudent, careful, cautious,
• Meaning: disturbing because concerned watchful
with or causing fear of death. • Antonyms: careless, incautious, rash
• Synonyms: gruesome, ghastly, scary • Usage in a Sentence: You seem to be
• Antonyms: enjoyable, common, unalarming implying, in your usual circumspect
• Usage in a Sentence: Even the police were manner, that perhaps it might not be a
horrified at the macabre nature of the wonderful idea.
killings. 887. Word: Jurisprudence (न्यायशास्त्र)
883. Word: Exonerate (विमक्त करना) • Pronunciation: joo r-is-prood-ns/ जुररस्ट्प्रूिन्स
• Pronunciation: ig-zon-uh-reyt/ इलज़ानरे ट • Part of Speech: Noun
• Part of Speech: Verb • Meaning: the theory or philosophy of law.
• Meaning: • Synonyms: law, judicature, code,
a. (of an official body) absolve (someone) regulation
from blame for a fault or wrongdoing. • Antonyms: violation, anarchy, criminal
b. release someone from (a duty or • Usage in a Sentence: Codification is the
obligation). highest contribution of jurisprudence.
• Synonyms: acquit, absolve, clear, vindicate 888. Word: Imprimatur (अनमतत)
• Antonyms: blame, accuse, condemn, • Pronunciation: im-pri-mah-ter/ इलम्प्रमाटर
punish • Part of Speech: Noun
• Usage in a Sentence: The report • Meaning: a person's authoritative approval.
exonerated the crew from all responsibility • Synonyms: sanction, permission, approval
for the collision. • Antonyms: disapproval, refusal, rejection,
884. Word: Typify (प्रत़ीक होना) censure
• Pronunciation: tip-uh-fahy/ तानयर्पिाई • Usage in a Sentence: The project cannot
• Part of Speech: Verb go ahead without the imprimatur of the
• Meaning: Treasury.
a. be characteristic or a representative 889. Word: Apportion (भाि करना)
example of. • Pronunciation: uh-pawr-shuh n/ अपोशिन
b. represent; symbolize. • Part of Speech: Verb
• Synonyms: represent, embody, stand for, • Meaning: divide up and share out, assign
personify • Synonyms: allot, distribute, segment
• Antonyms: hide, disincarnate • Antonyms: assemble, gather, collect
• Usage in a Sentence: These two buildings • Usage in a Sentence: The funds were
typify the rich extremes of Irish apportioned amongst the several
architecture. departments.
885. Word: Proclivity (िकाि) 890. Word: Diabolical (नारकीय)
• Pronunciation: proh-kliv-i-tee/ प्रोलक्लर्वटी • Pronunciation: dahy-uh-bol-ik/ िाइअबाललकल
• Part of Speech: Noun • Part of Speech: Adjective


• Meaning: disgracefully bad or unpleasant. • Meaning: the action of frightening

• Synonyms: devilish, fiendish, evil, hellish, someone, or the state of being frightened.
cruel • Synonyms: threat, menace, compulsion,
• Antonyms: holy, godly, angelic terror
• Usage in a Sentence: Sometime after her • Antonyms: independence, fearlessness,
acceptance, she exhibited signs of her incitement
former diabolicalsymptoms. • Usage in a Sentence: The defendant
891. Word: Dastardly (क्रूर) complained of intimidation during the
• Pronunciation: das-terd-lee/ िैस्ट्टड्िली
896. Word: Ghastly (िैस्ट्ली)
• Part of Speech: Adjective
• Meaning: evil and cruel. • Pronunciation: gast-lee/ भयावह
• Synonyms: vile, mean, low, cowardly • Part of Speech: Adjective
• Antonyms: honourable, respectable, worthy • Meaning:
• Usage in a Sentence: Let's suppose a. causing great horror or fear
someone were dastardly enough to harbour b. extremely unwell
such thoughts. c. very objectionable, bad, or unpleasant
892. Word: Invidiously (चभने िाले ढां ि से) • Synonyms: scary, gruesome, frightful,
• Pronunciation: in-vid-ee-uh s/ इलन्विीअस्ट्ली
• Antonyms: delightful, pleasant, charming
• Part of Speech: Adverb • Usage in a Sentence: Today's newspaper
• Meaning: likely to cause unhappiness or be gives all the ghastly details of the murder.
897. Word: Stern (कठोर या तनदश य)
• Synonyms: maliciously, abominably,
offensively, hatefully • Pronunciation: sturn, स्ट्टनि
• Antonyms: friendly, pleasantly, desirably • Part of Speech: Adjective, Noun
• Usage in a Sentence: It seems invidious • Meaning:
to make special mention of one aspect of his a. (of a person or their manner) serious and
work. unrelenting, especially in the assertion of
893. Word: Iniquitous (अन्यायपूण)श authority and exercise of discipline.
• Pronunciation: ih-nik-wi-tuhs/ इननलक्वटस
b. the rearmost part of a ship or boat
• Part of Speech: Adjective [Noun]
• Meaning: grossly unfair and morally wrong. • Synonyms: harsh, severe, strict, rigid
• Synonyms: sinful, wicked, immoral, evil • Antonyms: kind, flexible, tolerant
• Antonyms: honourable, virtuous, righteous • Usage in a Sentence: The judge was a
• Usage in a Sentence: It is an iniquitous stern, unapproachable man.
system that allows a person to die because
898. Word: Expel (तनष्कामसत करना)
they have no money to pay for medicine.
894. Word: Vengeance (प्रततशोध) • Pronunciation: ik-spel/ इक्स्ट्पेल
• Part of Speech: Verb
• Pronunciation: ven-juhns/ वेन्जन्स
• Meaning: officially make (someone) leave a
• Part of Speech: Noun school or other organization.
• Meaning: punishment inflicted or • Synonyms: eject, banish, discharge,
retribution exacted for an injury or wrong. dismiss
• Synonyms: revenge, retaliation, • Antonyms: absorb, welcome, admit, permit
retribution, avenge • Usage in a Sentence: The government is
• Antonyms: mercy, forgiveness, pardon, trying to expel all foreign journalists.
899. Word: Semblance (अनरूपता)
• Usage in a Sentence: He swore
vengeance on everyone involved in the • Pronunciation: sem-bluh ns/ सेम्ब्लन्स
murder. • Part of Speech: Noun
895. Word: Intimidation (सांत्रास) • Meaning: the outward appearance or
apparent form of something, especially when
• Pronunciation: in-tim-i-deytion/ इलन्टलमिैशन
the reality is different.
• Part of Speech: • Synonyms: likeness, similarity, guise


• Antonyms: contrast, opposite, unlikeness • Usage in a Sentence: The young artist

• Usage in a Sentence: The film lacks any seems to have the same dismissive
semblance of realism. outlook.
900. Word: Infuse (भर दे ना) 905. Phrase: Slip into (गिरना, िस्त्र धारण करना)
• Pronunciation: in-fyooz/ इन्फ्यूज़ • Pronunciation: लस्ट्लप ईंटो
• Part of Speech: Verb • Part of Speech: Phrase
• Meaning: fill; pervade • Meaning:
• Synonyms: permeate, suffuse a. to gradually start to be in a bad state or
• Antonyms: remove, take away situation
• Usage in a Sentence: He infused b. to put on or be wearing clothes and to
enthusiasm into his students. dress other people
901. Word: Ambiguity (सांटदग्धता) • Synonyms: descend into, sneak into, put
on, assume
• Pronunciation: am-bi-gyoo-i-tee/ ऐम्बलयूइटी
• Antonyms: relinquish, sneak into
• Part of Speech: Noun • Usage in a Sentence: Armed with such a
• Meaning: the quality of being open to more precept, a number of doctors may slip into
than one interpretation; inexactness. deceptive practices.
• Synonyms: vagueness, obscurity,
906. Word: Rhetoric (शब्दाडम्बर)
• Antonyms: certainty, clarity • Pronunciation: ret-er-ik/ रे टररक
• Usage in a Sentence: There was an element of • Part of Speech: Noun
ambiguity in the president's reply. • Meaning: language designed to have a
902. Word: Outright (प्रत्यक्ष) persuasive or impressive effect, but which is
often regarded as lacking in sincerity or
• Pronunciation: out-rahyt/ आउराइट
meaningful content.
• Part of Speech: Adverb, Adverb • Synonyms: elocution, discourse, bombast
• Meaning: • Antonyms: conciseness, quiet
a. directly or openly • Usage in a Sentence: As the elections are
b. clear and undisputed just one week away, the rhetoric on both
• Synonyms: downright, absolute, parties is building.
907. Word: Hues (रां ि, िणश, मत)
• Antonyms: incomplete, ambiguous,
conditional • Pronunciation: hyoo/ र्ह्यू
• Usage in a Sentence: No one party is • Part of Speech: Noun
expected to gain an outright majority. • Meaning:
903. Word: Preface (प्रस्तािना) a. a colour or shade
b. character or aspect
• Pronunciation: pref-is/ प्रेिस
• Synonyms: tints, aspects
• Part of Speech: Noun, Verb • Antonyms: uniform, wholes
• Meaning: • Usage in a Sentence: And rather than
a. a preliminary explanation [Noun] depicting various hues of political opinion,
b. introduce or begin (a speech or event) the new paintings make an environmental
with or by doing something [Verb] statement.
• Synonyms: introduction, prologue, preliminary
911. Word: Nimble-footed (कुशल चलना)
• Antonyms: end, conclusion
• Usage in a Sentence: Our defeat may be ● Pronunciation: nim-buhl-foo t-id/ निम्बल-फूटिड
the preface to our successor's victory. ● Part of Speech: Adjective
904. Word: Dismissive (उपेक्षापूण)श ● Meaning: agile and fast on one's feet.
● Synonyms: agile, fleet, lively
• Pronunciation: dis-mis-iv/ डिलस्ट्मलसव
● Antonyms: static, unenergetic, clumsy
• Part of Speech: Adjective ● Usage in a Sentence: During his early
• Meaning: feeling or showing that something teens, McKenzie was a competent soccer
is unworthy of consideration player but, as he grew his nimble-footed
• Synonyms: apathetic, uninterested, indifferent agility was lost.
• Antonyms: interested, acceptive, cherishable


912. Word: Lily-livered (कायर) b. a speech or text lampooning someone or

something. [Noun]
● Pronunciation: lil-ee-liv-erd/ ललली ललवडड
● Synonyms: parody, caricature, burlesque
● Part of Speech: Adjective ● Antonyms: support, applaud, flattery
● Meaning: weak and cowardly. ● Usage in a Sentence: Wayans insists the
● Synonyms: cowardly, yellow, chicken joke is meant to lampoon those who
● Antonyms: brave, courageous, hardy display unwarranted fear of Aids and is no
● Usage in a Sentence: Sweet is for lily- way in poor taste.
livered puff balls made of much softer stuff
917. Word: Jibe (उपहास, चचढाना)
than you.
913. Word: Gush (बह ननकलना) ● Pronunciation: jahyb/ जाइब
● Part of Speech: Noun, Verb
● Pronunciation: guhsh/ गश
● Meaning: a. an insulting or mocking
● Part of Speech: Verb remark; a taunt. [Noun]
● Meaning: (of a liquid) flow out of something b. make insulting or mocking remarks; jeer.
in a rapid and plentiful stream. [Verb]
● Synonyms: surge, flow, spout ● Synonyms: agree, tally, accord
● Antonyms: trickle, drip, hesitate ● Antonyms: disagree, congrats, clash
● Usage in a Sentence: I wished Mummy ● Usage in a Sentence: Your statement
wouldn't gush over Peter's little success at doesn't jibe with the facts.
school;it makes him feel a fool in front of his
918. Word: Gung-ho (उत्साही)
914. Word: Fawning (हल्का पीला रं ग, चापलूसी करना) ● Pronunciation: guhng-hoh/ गंगहो
● Part of Speech: Adjective
● Pronunciation: fawn/ फॉि
● Meaning: unthinkingly enthusiastic and
● Part of Speech: Noun, Verb eager, especially about taking part in
● Meaning: a. a light brown colour. [Noun] fighting or warfare.
b. (of a person) give a servile display of ● Synonyms: zealous, enthusiastic, warm
exaggerated flattery or affection, typically in ● Antonyms: rational, unpassionate
order to gain favour. [Verb] ● Usage in a Sentence: The film stars Mark
● Synonyms: grovel, flatter, cower Burgess-Ashton as the gung-ho young
● Antonyms: ignore, derision, disdain fighter pilot.
● Usage in a Sentence: You must guard
919. Word: Sabre-rattling (सैन्य प्रदशशन)
against those who fawn upon you and bow
obsequiously before you! ● Pronunciation: sabre-rattling/ सैबर-रै िललंग
915. Word: Pusillanimity (कायरता) ● Part of Speech: Noun
● Pronunciation: pyoo-suh-luh-nim-i-tee/ ● Meaning: the display or threat of military
● Synonyms: browbeating, demoralization
● Part of Speech: Noun ● Antonyms: defence, stabilization
● Meaning: lack of courage or determination; ● Usage in a Sentence: It is too early to say
timidity. whether the threats are mere sabre-
● Synonyms: cowardice, timidity, fear rattling.
● Antonyms: courage, bravery, pluck
920. Word: Debilitate (दब
ु ल
श या कमजोर करना)
● Usage in a Sentence: But for the EU to go
ahead with new "partnership" talks now ● Pronunciation: dih-bil-i-teyt/ डबबलिै ि
would send a message of astounding ● Part of Speech: Verb
pusillanimity. ● Meaning: make (someone) very weak and
916. Word: Lampoon (ननन्दा करना, ननन्दालेख) infirm.
● Synonyms: weaken, sap, enervate
● Pronunciation: lam-poon/ लैम्पिू ● Antonyms: energize, strengthen, fortify
● Part of Speech: Verb, Noun ● Usage in a Sentence: Stewart took over
● Meaning: a. publicly criticize (someone or yesterday when Russell was debilitated by
something) by using ridicule, irony, or a stomach virus.
sarcasm. [Verb]
921. Word: Supremacist (अचिपनत)


● Pronunciation: suh-prem-uh-sist/ सुप्रेिलसस्ि ● Pronunciation: em-bluhm/ एम््लि

● Part of Speech: Noun, Adjective ● Part of Speech: Noun
● Meaning: ● Meaning: a thing serving as a symbol of a
a. an advocate of the supremacy of a particular quality or concept.
particular group, especially one determined ● Synonyms: symbol, sign, badge, mark
by race or sex. [Noun] ● Antonyms: antitype
b. relating to or advocating the supremacy ● Usage in a Sentence: The emblem of
of a particular group. [Adjective] Mark’s company is displayed on all of the
● Synonyms: hardliner, chauvinist, jingoist cars in his fleet.
● Antonyms: inferior, subordinate, minor 926. Word: Fringe (सीमांत)
● Usage in a Sentence: In Sri Lanka,
● Pronunciation: frinj/ फ्रिन्ज
Sinhalese supremacists upset the delicate
balance with Tamils by diminishing English. ● Part of Speech: Noun, Verb
● Meaning:
922. Word: Cult (पंथ)
a. the outer, marginal, or extreme part of an
● Pronunciation: kuhlt/ कल्ि area, group, or sphere of activity. [Noun]
● Part of Speech: Noun b. form a border around (something). [Verb]
● Meaning: a system of religious veneration ● Synonyms: edge, border, rim, margin,
and devotion directed towards a particular boundary
figure or object. ● Antonyms: centre, middle, interior, core
● Synonyms: faith, sect, creed ● Usage in a Sentence: The fringe of her
● Antonyms: atheism, despise, disbelief jeans got caught in the escalator.
● Usage in a Sentence: The evil cult was 927. Word: Obsess (ग्रस्त करना)
preparing to sacrifice the trader who violated
● Pronunciation: uhb-ses/ अ्सेस
their laws.
● Part of Speech: Verb
923. Word: Massacre (नरसंहार)
● Meaning: preoccupy or fill the mind of
● Pronunciation: mas-uh-ker/ िैसकर (someone) continually and to a troubling
● Part of Speech: Noun, Verb extent.
● Meaning: ● Synonyms: preoccupy, engross
a. an indiscriminate and brutal slaughter of ● Antonyms: bore, indifference
many people. [Noun] ● Usage in a Sentence: Obsessed with the
b. deliberately and brutally kill (many thought, he rose and began digging in the
people). [Verb] hut.
● Synonyms: slaughter, murder, killing, 928. Word: Hardline (कट्टरपंथ)
● Pronunciation: हार्डडलाइि
● Antonyms: saving, protection, security
● Usage in a Sentence: They caught the ● Part of Speech: Noun, Adjective
terrorist who was responsible for the ● Meaning:
massacre and placed him under arrest. a. an uncompromising adherence to a firm
policy. [Noun]
924. Word: Fatigue (थकान)
b. uncompromising; strict. [Adjective]
● Pronunciation: fuh-teeg/ फिीग ● Synonyms: inflexible, strict, stern
● Part of Speech: Noun, Verb ● Antonyms: compromising, flexible
● Meaning: ● Usage in a Sentence: The religious
a. extreme tiredness resulting from mental extremist would not change his hardline
or physical exertion or illness. [Noun] views no matter who tried to convince him.
b. cause (someone) to feel exhausted. 929. Word: Irrational (अतार्कशक)
● Pronunciation: ih-rash-uh-nl/ इरै शिल
● Synonyms: exhaustion, tiredness, drain
● Antonyms: energize, refresh, vigour, ● Part of Speech: Adjective
liveliness ● Meaning: not logical or reasonable
● Usage in a Sentence: His reaction was the ● Synonyms: unreasonable, illogical
product of hunger and fatigue. ● Antonyms: realistic, sensible
925. Word: Emblem (प्रतीक)


● Usage in a Sentence: She has an (usually used in combination). [Noun]

irrational fear of hospitals. b. to sell; hawk. [Verb]
930. Word: Allocation (आवंटन) ● Synonyms: trader, dealer, merchant
● Antonyms: customer, payer
● Pronunciation: al-uh-key-shuh n/ ऐलकेशि
● Usage in a Sentence: Coalition
● Part of Speech: Noun mongering is the only plausible
● Meaning: the action or process of allocating explanation.
or sharing out something.
935. Word: Bravado (अक्खड़पन)
● Synonyms: distribution, assignment,
allotment ● Pronunciation: bruh-vah-doh/ ब्रवाडो
● Antonyms: acquisition, retention, ● Part of Speech: Noun
possession ● Meaning: a bold manner or a show of
● Usage in a Sentence: An error was made boldness intended to impress or intimidate.
while completing the allocation of the funds ● Synonyms: boast, bluster, brag
to the various purchase groups. ● Antonyms: modesty, cowardice, fear
931. Word: Carnage (नाश) ● Usage in a Sentence: Take no notice of his
threats they're sheer bravado.
● Pronunciation: kahr-nij/ कानिडज
936. Word: Retrospective (भूतापेक्ष)
● Part of Speech: Noun
● Meaning: the killing of a large number of ● Pronunciation: re-truh-spek-tiv/ रे ट्रस्पेक्टिव
people. ● Part of Speech: Adjective, Noun
● Synonyms: slaughter, massacre, butchery ● Meaning: a. looking back on or dealing with
● Antonyms: friendliness, hospitality, civility past events or situations. [Adjective]
● Usage in a Sentence: Refugees crossed b. an exhibition or compilation showing the
the border to escape the carnage in their development of an artist's work over a
homeland. period of time. [Noun]
932. Word: Hinterland (पररक्षेत्र) ● Synonyms: retroactive, remunerative,
● Pronunciation: hin-ter-land/ टहन्िलैन्ड
● Antonyms: prospective, future, likely
● Part of Speech: Noun ● Usage in a Sentence: Afterwards,
● Meaning: the area around or beyond a retrospective fear of the responsibility
major town or port. would make her feel almost faint.
● Synonyms: boondocks, backwoods, country
937. Word: Sway (अचिकार/हहलाना)
● Antonyms: urban area, metropolis
● Usage in a Sentence: A century ago, ● Part of Speech: Noun, Verb
eastern Germany was an agricultural ● Pronunciation: swey/ स्वै
hinterland. ● Meaning: a. a rhythmical movement from
933. Word: Beget (उपजाना) side to side.
b. control or influence (a person or course
● Pronunciation: bih-get/ बबगेि
of action).
● Part of Speech: Verb ● Synonyms: authority, command, swing
● Meaning: (especially of a man) bring (a ● Antonyms: stay, dissuade
child) into existence by the process of ● Usage in a Sentence: Traditional values
reproduction. still hold sway among some people.
● Synonyms: engender, generate, produce
938. Word: Hysteria (उन्माद)
● Antonyms: abolish, destroy, demolish
● Usage in a Sentence: On some planets ● Pronunciation: hi-ster-ee-uh/ टहस्िीरीअ
orbiting these stellar furnaces skies beget ● Part of Speech: Noun
clouds, oceans fill with water and, ● Meaning: exaggerated or uncontrollable
sometimes, life begins. emotion or excitement.
934. Word: Monger (ववक्रयी) ● Synonyms: frenzy, hysterics, insanity
● Antonyms: calm, serenity, peace
● Pronunciation: muhng-ger/ िंगगर
● Usage in a Sentence: Unnecessary anxiety
● Part of Speech: Noun, Verb has been caused by media hysteria and
● Meaning: a. a person who is involved with misinformation.
something in a petty or contemptible way


939. Word: Monotheism (एकेश्वरवाद) compete with others for something in an

● Pronunciation: mon-uh-thee-iz-uh m/ eager or uncontrolled and undignified way
● Synonyms: struggle, hurry, rush, race,
● Part of Speech: Noun scurry
● Meaning: the doctrine or belief that there is ● Antonyms: classify, order, unscramble
only one God. ● Usage in a Sentence: When the manager
● Synonyms: belief, unification, uniformity retired, there was a scramble for his job.
● Antonyms: polytheism, pantheism
944. Word: Exaggerate (बढ़ाकर कहिा)
● Usage in a Sentence: Pure monotheism
was by then securely established in the ● Pronunciation: ig-zaj-uh-reyt/ इग्ज़ैजरै ि
Second Temple of Jerusalem, but remained ● Part of Speech: Verb
shaky elsewhere. ● Meaning: a. represent (something) as being
940. Word: Semantic (शब्दाथश ववज्ञान) larger, better, or worse than it really is.
b. enlarged or altered beyond normal
● Pronunciation: si-man-tik/ लसिैक्न्िक
● Part of Speech: Adjective ● Synonyms: aggrandizes, magnifies,
● Meaning: relating to meaning in language heightens
or logic. ● Antonyms: devalues, alleviates, weakens
● Synonyms: indicative, linguistic, iconic ● Usage in a Sentence: Everyone exaggerates
● Antonyms: jejune, solecistic his/her natural tendency under tension.
● Usage in a Sentence: Humans perform
945. Word: Amplify (बढ़ािा)
both syntactic and semantic processing
when reading. ● Pronunciation: am-pluh-fahy/ ऐम्प्लफाइ
941. Word: Punitive (दण्डकर) ● Part of Speech: Verb
● Meaning: enlarge upon or add detail to (a
● Pronunciation: pyoo-ni-tiv/ प्यूनिटिव
story or statement)
● Part of Speech: Adjective ● Synonyms: expand, magnify, augment
● Meaning: inflicting or intended as ● Antonyms: reduce, shorten, abridge
punishment. ● Usage in a Sentence: You must amplify your
● Synonyms: harsh, corrective effort by working a lot harder.
● Antonyms: rehabilitative, rewarding
946. Word: Intrusion (अनिरिण)
● Usage in a Sentence: The government is
expected to take punitive steps against ● Pronunciation: in-troo-zhuh n/ इन्ूश़ि
offenders. ● Part of Speech: Noun
942. Word: Pre-emptive (प्रथि) ● Meaning: the action of intruding.
● Synonyms: interference, trespass,
● Pronunciation: pree-emp-tiv/ प्रीएक्म्प्िव
● Part of Speech: Adjective ● Antonyms: consideration, connection, nexus
● Meaning: a. serving or intended to pre-empt ● Usage in a Sentence: Their intrusion into our
or forestall something, especially to prevent private lives is unwarrantable.
attack by disabling the enemy.
947. Word: Ordnance (िोपखािा)
● Synonyms: proactive, early
● Antonyms: reactive, permissive ● Pronunciation: awrd-nuh ns/ ऑर्डडिन्स
● Usage in a Sentence: They decided to launch ● Part of Speech: Noun
a pre-emptive strike. ● Meaning: mounted guns; artillery.
943. Word: Scramble (संघर्ड) ● Synonyms: weapon artillery, munition
● Antonyms: disarm, neutralize, deactivate
● Pronunciation: es-cram-bal/ स्रैम्बल
● Usage in a Sentence: Robert Shadley,
● Part of Speech: Noun, Verb commander of the ordnance center and
● Meaning: a. an eager or uncontrolled and school.
undignified struggle with others to obtain or
948. Word: Ratchet (शाफ़्ि)
achieve something/a disordered mixture of
things. [Noun] ● Pronunciation: rach-it/ रै चि
b. move hurriedly or clumsily from or into a ● Part of Speech: Noun, Verb
particular place or position/struggle or


● Meaning: a. a situation or process that is ● Pronunciation: foo l-flejd/ फुल फ्लेज्ड

perceived to be changing in a series of ● Part of Speech: Adjective
irreversible steps. [Noun] ● Meaning: completely developed or
b. cause something to rise (or fall) as a step established; fully fledged.
in what is perceived as an irreversible ● Synonyms: complete, total, mature, entire
process. [Verb] ● Antonyms: incomplete, immature
● Synonyms: pawl, detent, cog
● Usage in a Sentence: My high school was
● Antonyms: lessen, blushing, moderate
putting on a full-fledged musical theatre
● Usage in a Sentence: Raising the minimum
wage would ratchet up real incomes in
954. Word: Historic (ऐनिहालसक)
949. Word: Strangulate (दबािा) ● Pronunciation: hi-stawr-ik/ टहस्िॉररक
● Part of Speech: Adjective
● Pronunciation: strang-gyuh-leyt/ स्ट्रैंगग्यलेि
● Meaning: famous or important in history, or
● Part of Speech: Verb potentially so
● Meaning: prevent circulation of the blood ● Synonyms: significant, famous, important
supply through (a part of the body, ● Antonyms: unimportant, modern, minor
especially a hernia) by constriction. ● Usage in a Sentence: In a historic vote, the
● Synonyms: strangle, throttle, choke
Church of England decided to allow women
● Antonyms: breathe, unconstrict
to become priests.
● Usage in a Sentence: Clearly terrified, he let
955. Word: Inflection (ववभक्टि)
out a strangulated whimper.
950. Word: Glide (फ्रफसलि, उिरिा) ● Pronunciation: in-flek-shuh n/ इन्फ्लेटशि
● Part of Speech: Noun
● Pronunciation: glahyd/ ग्लाइड
● Meaning: a change in or addition to the form
● Part of Speech: Verb, Noun of a word that shows a change in the way it
● Meaning: a. move with a smooth, quiet is used in sentences.
continuous motion. [Verb] ● Synonyms: accent, tone, emphasis
b. a gliding movement. [Noun] ● Antonyms: monotone, chatter, gibberish
● Synonyms: slide, slip, fly
● Usage in a Sentence: Barbara’s inflection
● Antonyms: flounder, lumber, struggle
constantly wavered as she told the detective
● Usage in a Sentence: Waiters glide between
about her assault.
tightly packed tables bearing trays of pasta.
956. Word: Trajectory (प्रक्षेपपथ)
951. Word: Bonhomie (लिलिसाररिा)
● Pronunciation: truh-jek-tuh-ree/ ट्रजेटिरी
● Pronunciation: bon-uh-mee/ बाििी
● Part of Speech: Noun
● Part of Speech: Noun
● Meaning: the path of an object through
● Meaning: cheerful friendliness; geniality.
space, or the path of life that a person
● Synonyms: affability, amiability, sociability
● Antonyms: aloofness, coldness, ferocity
● Synonyms: course, track, orbit, route, path
● Usage in Sentence: There was a casual
● Antonyms: off route
bonhomie between the actors at rehearsals. ● Usage in a Sentence: As of now, Jeremy has
952. Word: Counterpart (प्रनिरूप) not decided which trajectory to take after
● Pronunciation: koun-ter-pahrt/ काउिपाडिड high school – college or the military.
● Part of Speech: Noun 957. Word: Disconcerting (चचंिाजिक)
● Meaning: a person or thing that corresponds ● Pronunciation: dis-kun-sur-ting/ डडस्कन्सटििं ग
to or has the same function as another ● Part of Speech: Adjective
person or thing in a different place or ● Meaning: tending to cause discomfort,
situation. uneasiness or alarm; unsettling; troubling;
● Synonyms: colleagues, correspondents
● Antonyms: opposites
● Synonyms: unsettling, disturbing,
● Usage in a Sentence: They look enviously at
the success of their counterparts. ● Antonyms: soothing, affable, comforting
953. Word: Full-fledged (पण
ू ड ववकलसि)


● Usage in a Sentence: I found it very ● Meaning: interfere in something that is not

disconcerting to be in the function in which I one's concern.
was not invited. ● Synonyms: obtrude, hinder, interrupt
958. Word: Aegis (संरक्षण) ● Antonyms: ignore, avoid, neglect
● Usage in a Sentence: She had no right to
● Pronunciation: ee-jis/ ईक्जस
meddle in somebody's affairs.
● Part of Speech: Noun
963. Phrase: Take root (जड़ पकड़िा)
● Meaning: the protection, backing, or support
of a particular person or organization. ● Pronunciation: िे क रूि
● Synonyms: protection, patronage, backing ● Part of Speech: Phrase
● Antonyms: attack, danger, hindrance ● Meaning: become fixed or established.
● Usage in a Sentence: The knight was under ● Synonyms: take hold, settle, germinate,
the aegis of the king and therefore, he was sprout
not punished for his crimes against the ● Antonyms: die, wither
villagers. ● Usage in a Sentence: The idea had taken
959. Word: Stifling (दि घुििेवाला) root in my mind.
● Pronunciation: stahy-fling/ स्िाइक्फ्लंग 964. Word: Travesty (प्रहसि)
● Part of Speech: Adjective ● Pronunciation: trav-uh-stee/ ट्रै वस्िी
● Meaning: making one feel constrained or ● Part of Speech: Noun, Verb
oppressed. ● Meaning:
● Synonyms: stuffy, suffocating, sultry, a. a false, absurd, or distorted
oppressive representation of something. [Noun]
● Antonyms: refreshing, kindling b. represent in a false, absurd, or distorted
● Usage in a Sentence: Stifling a yawn, Jackie way. [Verb]
covered her mouth as she listened to one of ● Synonyms: parody, spoof,
her mother’s interminable stories about her misrepresentation, distortion
childhood. ● Antonyms: seriousness, actually, legitimate,
960. Word: Flux (प्रवाह) authentic
● Usage in Sentence: This travesty of
● Pronunciation: fluhks/ फ्लटस
democracy has shaken the loyalty of people
● Part of Speech: Noun who've been in the party for a long time.
● Meaning: the action or process of flowing or
965. Word: Acquittal (वविुक्टि)
flowing out.
● Synonyms: motion, liquefy, melt ● Pronunciation: uh-kwit-l/ अक्टविल
● Antonyms: stability, permanence ● Part of Speech: Noun
● Usage in a Sentence: Since mobile phone ● Meaning: a judgement or verdict that a
technology is in flux, new phones are person is not guilty of the crime with which
constantly being introduced. they have been charged.
961. Word: Preclude (बाधा डालिा) ● Synonyms: absolution, clearing, exoneration
● Antonyms: condemnation, conviction
● Pronunciation: pri-klood/ वप्रटलूड
● Usage in a Sentence: The jury returned an
● Part of Speech: Verb acquittal after only an hour.
● Meaning: prevent from happening; make
966. Word: Credibility (ववश्वसिीयिा)
● Synonyms: prevent, prohibit, hinder, stop, ● Pronunciation: kred-uh-bil-i-tee/ रेडडबबललिी
impede ● Part of Speech: Noun
● Antonyms: allow, permit, encourage, ● Meaning:
support a. the quality of being trusted and believed
● Usage in a Sentence: The young gymnast in.
has suffered an injury which will preclude b. the quality of being convincing or
him from being part of the Olympic team. believable.
962. Word: Meddle (दखल दे िा) ● Synonyms: reliability, trustworthiness
● Antonyms: dishonesty, betrayal
● Pronunciation: med-l/ िेडल
● Usage in Sentence: The report gives an
● Part of Speech: Verb appearance of scientific credibility.


967. Word: Cynical (दोर्दर्ी) b. a withdrawal of a statement, accusation,

or undertaking.
● Pronunciation: sin-i-kuhl/ लसनिकल
● Synonyms: revocation, withdrawal
● Part of Speech: Adjective ● Antonyms: confirmation, declaration
● Meaning: believing that people are ● Usage in a Sentence: The newspaper printed
motivated purely by self-interest; distrustful a retraction for their previous error.
of human sincerity or integrity.
972. Word: Extremist (चरिपंथी)
● Synonyms: distrustful, sceptical, negative
● Antonyms: naive, optimistic, believing ● Pronunciation: ik-stree-mist/ इटस्ट्रीलिस्ि
● Usage in Sentence: He was cynical about ● Part of Speech: Noun
politicians' promises on taxes. ● Meaning: a person who holds extreme
968. Word: Attribution (आरोपण) political or religious views, especially one
who advocates illegal, violent, or other
● Pronunciation: a-truh-byoo-shuh n/ ऐटट्र्यूशि
extreme action.
● Part of Speech: Noun ● Synonyms: radical, fanatic, immoderate,
● Meaning: the action of regarding something militant
as being caused by a person or thing. ● Antonyms: moderate, conventional,
● Synonyms: assignment, conferral, blame, conservative
allegation ● Usage in Sentence: The extremist group was
● Antonyms: discredit, shame, dishonour, banned from the event because their radical
absolve and racist views do not line up with the
● Usage in Sentence: Joe’s attribution of agenda.
supernatural powers to the magician
973. Word: Conviction (पणू ड ववश्वास)
unsettled the scientist.
969. Phrase: Cast a shadow (फीका कर दे िा) ● Pronunciation: kuh n-vik-shuh n/ कक्न्वटशि
● Part of Speech: Noun
● Pronunciation: कास्ि अ शैडो
● Meaning: a firmly held belief or opinion.
● Meaning: To fill a place with sadness, grief, ● Synonyms: confidence, certitude
dread, or any strong negative emotion ● Antonyms: disbelief, doubt
● Synonyms: overshadow, obscure, darken ● Use in a Sentence: Even as he was tortured,
● Antonyms: light up, encourage, illuminate he held onto his conviction that he would
● Usage in Sentence: The child's sudden death never betray his country.
cast a dark shadow over the house.
974. Word: Purview (दायरा)
970. Word: Contour (परररे खा)
● Pronunciation: pur-vyoo/ पर्वयूड
● Pronunciation: kon-toor/ कान्िुर
● Part of Speech: Noun
● Part of Speech: Noun, Verb ● Meaning: the scope of the influence or
● Meaning: concerns of something.
a. an outline representing or bounding the ● Synonyms: range, reach, realm
shape or form of something. [Noun] ● Antonyms: constriction, verge
b. mould into a specific shape, especially ● Usage in a Sentence: These are questions
one designed to fit into something else. that lie outside the purview of our inquiry.
975. Word: Incumbent (अचधकारी/ अवलंबी)
● Synonyms: outline, border, form, figure
● Antonyms: centre, core ● Pronunciation: in-kuhm-buh nt/ इन्कम्बन्ि
● Usage in Sentence: The artist made sure to ● Part of Speech: Adjective, Noun
contour the lines on the painting to make ● Meaning:
the animal appear more real. a. necessary for (someone) as a duty or
971. Word: Retraction (त्याग) responsibility. [Adjective]
b. the holder of an office or post. [Noun]
● Pronunciation: ri-trak-shuh n/ रीट्रै टशि
● Synonyms: necessary, compulsory,
● Part of Speech: Noun obligatory, official
● Meaning: ● Antonyms: unnecessary, optional
a. the action of drawing something back or ● Usage in a Sentence: The incumbent
back in. manager is not happy about having to train
a fresher who is taking his job.


976. Word: Prolong (बढ़ािा) ● Usage in Sentence: The state grants

scholarships tenable at European
● Pronunciation: pruh-lawng/ प्रलॉगं
universities to promising pupils.
● Part of Speech: Verb
981. Word: Mandate (आदे श दे िा)
● Meaning: extend the duration of
● Synonyms: extend, lengthen, stretch, ● Pronunciation: man-deyt/ िैन्डेि
expand ● Part of Speech: Noun, Verb
● Antonyms: shorten, contract, diminish ● Meaning:
● Usage in Sentence: Though his recovery was a. an official order or commission to do
rapid and complete, he did not choose to something. [Noun]
prolong his stay abroad. b. give (someone) authority to act in a
977. Word: Etch (उकेरिा) certain way. [Verb]
● Pronunciation: ech/ एच ● Synonyms: order, command, instruction
● Antonyms: prohibit, abolish, denial
● Part of Speech: Verb, Noun
● Usage in a Sentence: The organization was
● Meaning:
chosen with a mandate to reduce the size of
a. cut or carve (a text or design) on a
surface. [Verb] 982. Word: Commencement (अिुष्ठाि)
b. the action or process of etching ● Pronunciation: kuh-mens-muh nt/ किेन्स्िन्ि
something. [Noun]
● Part of Speech: Noun
● Synonyms: engrave, carve, inscribe
● Meaning: the beginning of something.
● Antonyms: efface, neglect
● Synonyms: start, beginning, outset,
● Usage in Sentence: The author would always
etch his initials into the bottom of his
● Antonyms: finish, end, termination,
sculptures with a chisel.
978. Word: Infirmity (किजोरी)
● Usage in Sentence: The armies were divided
● Pronunciation: in-fur-mi-tee/ इन्फलिडिी at the commencement of the campaign.
● Part of Speech: Noun 983. Word: Encroach (अनिरिण करिा)
● Meaning: physical or mental weakness.
● Pronunciation: en-krohch/ एन्रोच
● Synonyms: weakness, frailty, ailment,
● Part of Speech: Verb
● Meaning:
● Antonyms: strength, power, vigour, energy
a. intrude on (a person's territory, rights,
● Usage in Sentence: His infirmity made it
personal life, etc.).
difficult to focus on anything other than how
b. advance gradually beyond usual or
much pain he was in.
acceptable limits.
979. Word: Scrutiny (छाि-बीि) ● Synonyms: trespass, invade
● Pronunciation: skroot-n-ee/ स्रूििी ● Antonyms: banish, abstain, keep off
● Part of Speech: Noun ● Usage in Sentence: The new institutions do
● Meaning: a critical observation or not encroach on political power.
examination. 984. Word: Pronouncement (कथन)
● Synonyms: investigation, review ● Pronunciation: pruh-nouns-muh nt/
● Antonyms: disregard, neglect प्रिाउन्स्िन्ि
● Usage in Sentence: Their enterprises have ● Part of Speech: Noun
come under police scrutiny. ● Meaning: a formal or authoritative
980. Word: Tenable (योग्य) announcement or declaration.
● Pronunciation: ten-uh-buhl/ िे िबल ● Synonyms: dictum, announcement,
● Part of Speech: Adjective ● Antonyms: furtive, application, control
● Meaning: able to be maintained or defended ● Usage in a Sentence: There has been no
against attack or objection. official pronouncement yet on the state of
● Synonyms: sound, stable, strong the president's health.
● Antonyms: unsustainable, improbable,
985. Word: Imbue (पीलाना)
illogical, impossible


● Pronunciation: im-byoo/ इम््यू ● Usage in a Sentence: The bend in the river

● Part of Speech: Verb had caused an eddy of fast swirling water.
● Meaning: inspire or permeate with (a 990. Word: Astutely (समझदारी से)
feeling or quality). ● Pronunciation: uh-stoot-ly/ अस्िूट्ली
● Synonyms: permeate, pervade, instill ● Part of Speech: Adverb
● Antonyms: drain, take out, dry ● Meaning: accurately assessing situations or
● Usage in a Sentence: He was able to people; perceptively.
imbue even the friendliest words with a ● Synonyms: shrewdly, sagaciously, cannily
tone of biting criticism. ● Antonyms: childishly, carelessly, foolishly
986. Word: Avowedly (खुलकर) ● Usage in a Sentence: But it is an astutely
● Pronunciation: uh-voud-ly/ अवाउअर्डली packaged and worthwhile collection none the
● Part of Speech: Adverb less, with translations from the Zulu on the
● Meaning: as has been asserted, admitted, sleeve.
or stated publicly; openly. 991. Word: Sham (बनावटी, पाखंड)
● Synonyms: openly, admittedly, explicitly ● Pronunciation: sham/शैि
● Antonyms: denyingly, implicitly, ● Part of Speech: Noun, Adjective, Verb
dishonestly ● Meaning: a. a thing that is not what it is
● Usage in a Sentence: Thomas also avoided purported to be. [Noun]
taking avowedly conservative positions on b. bogus; false. [Adjective]
controversial issues such as criminal justice c. falsely present something as the truth.
and abortion. [Verb]
987. Word: Hoodlum (उपद्रवी) ● Synonyms: counterfeit, fake, pretend
● Pronunciation: hood-luh m/ हुर्डलि ● Antonyms: real, genuine, authentic
● Part of Speech: Noun ● Usage in a Sentence: The elections were a
● Meaning: a person who engages in crime complete sham.
and violence; a hooligan or gangster. 992. Word: Prise (बल से अलग करना)
● Synonyms: thug, hooligan, ruffian ● Pronunciation: prahyz/प्राइज़
● Antonyms: inventor, rule maker, care taker ● Part of Speech: Noun
● Usage in a Sentence: Some of the ● Meaning: a. use force in order to move,
hoodlums beat their victims viciously move apart, or open (something).
before robbing them. b. obtain something from (someone) with
988. Word: Compatriot (दे शभाई) effort or difficulty.
● Pronunciation: kuh m-pey-tree-uh t/ ● Synonyms: separation, detachment,
कम्पेट्रीअि parting
● Part of Speech: Noun ● Antonyms: connection, integration
● Meaning: a fellow citizen or national of a ● Usage in a Sentence: My mother used a
country. knife to prise open the lid.
● Synonyms: associate, comrade, national 993. Word: Seminal (प्राथलिक)
● Antonyms: outsider, foreigner, stranger ● Pronunciation: sem-uh-nl/ सेििल
● Usage in a Sentence: My dear ● Part of Speech: Adjective
compatriot, it is time that we did ● Meaning: strongly influencing later
something for our country. developments.
989. Word: Eddy (भँवर में बहना, चक्कर खखलाना) ● Synonyms: important, formative, influential,
● Pronunciation: ed-ee/ एडी iconic, original
● Antonyms: hackneyed, unoriginal,
● Part of Speech: Noun, Verb
● Meaning: a. a circular movement of wind, unimportant
● Usage in a Sentence: Newton’s laws are
fog, or smoke. [Noun]
b. (of water, air, or smoke) move in a seminal in the field of physics.
circular way. [Verb] 994. Word: Commensurate (सिपररिाण)
● Synonyms: whirl, vortex, whirlpool ● Pronunciation: kuh-men-ser-it/ किेन्सररि
● Antonyms: rest, calm, still ● Part of Speech: Adjective


● Meaning: corresponding in size or degree; in ● Synonyms: distasteful, offensive, nasty,

proportion. obnoxious
● Synonyms: proportionate, equivalent ● Antonyms: tasty, desired, savoury,
● Antonyms: inadequate, disproportionate inoffensive
● Usage in a Sentence: His salary is ● Usage in a Sentence: Emotional neglect may
commensurate with his relevant experience. involve exposing children to unsavoury and
995. Word: Relatively (अपेक्षाकृि) even illegal behaviours, such as drug and
● Pronunciation: rel-uh-tiv-lee/ रे लटिर्वली alcohol abuse.
● Part of Speech: Adverb 999. Word: Bout (दौरा)
● Meaning: ● Pronunciation: bout/ बाउि
a. in relation, comparison, or proportion to ● Part of Speech: Noun
something else. ● Meaning: a short period of intense activity of
b. regarded in comparison with something a specified kind.
else rather than absolutely; quite. ● Synonyms: attack, spell, outbreak
● Synonyms: comparatively, quite, rather, ● Antonyms: aid, defense
pretty, fairly ● Usage in a Sentence: After missing four
● Antonyms: technically, absolutely, entirely, days of school due to a bout of flu, Emily
extremely struggled to make up her missing work.
● Usage in a Sentence: The debate has been
1000. Word: Bickering (झगड़ा)
relatively quiet with just a couple of
outbursts. ● Pronunciation: bik-er-ing/ बबकररंग
996. Word: Optimise (इष्ििि िरीका ढूंढिा) ● Part of Speech: Verb
● Meaning: arguing about petty and trivial
● Pronunciation: op-tuh-mahyz/ ओक्प्ििाइस matters.
● Part of Speech: Verb ● Synonyms: squabble, dispute
● Meaning: make the best or most effective ● Antonyms: agreement, consensus
use of (a situation or resource). ● Usage in a Sentence: Even adults are prone
● Synonyms: maximise, increase, expand, to bicker about petty things, especially over
lengthen the internet where there is no one to truly
● Antonyms: minimize, contract, depreciate, reprimand them for it.
reduce 1001. Word: Guzzle (गिकिा)
● Usage in a Sentence: The new system will ● Pronunciation: guhz-uhl/ गज़ल
optimize the efficiency with which the wind
● Part of Speech: Verb
energy is used.
● Meaning: eat or drink (something) greedily.
997. Word: Achilles Heel (किज़ोरी) ● Synonyms: gulp, devour, gobble, swallow
● Pronunciation: अचचल्लेस हील ● Antonyms: sip, nibble
● Usage in a Sentence: In an effort to quench
● Part of Speech: Noun
her thirst, the exhausted runner began to
● Meaning: a weakness or vulnerable point. guzzle down water, bottle after bottle.
● Synonyms: weakness, shortcoming,
1002. Word: Mitigate (घिािा)
imperfection, defect
● Antonyms: strength ● Pronunciation: mit-i-geyt/ लिटिगेि
● Usage in a Sentence: Our base seems nearly ● Part of Speech: Verb
impenetrable, but our lack of a missile ● Meaning:
defence system is our Achilles Heel. a. make (something bad) less severe,
serious, or painful.
998. Word: Unsavoury (अरुचचकर)
b. lessen the gravity of (an offence or
● Pronunciation: uhn-sey-vuh-ree/ अन्सेवरी mistake).
● Part of Speech: Adjective ● Synonyms: alleviate, ease, relieve, diminish
● Meaning: ● Antonyms: aggravate, incite, intensify
a. disagreeable to taste, smell, or look at. ● Usage in a Sentence: Governments should
b. disagreeable and unpleasant because endeavour to mitigate anxiety.
morally disreputable. 1003. Word: Insurgency (ववद्रोह)


● Part of Speech: Noun 1008. Word: Buffer (प्रनतरोिक)

● Pronunciation: in-sur-juh n-see/इन्सजडन्सी
● Pronunciation: buhf-er/ बफर
● Meaning: a. an active revolt or uprising.
● Part of Speech: Noun, Verb
● Synonyms: rebellion, mutiny, revolution
● Antonyms: compliance, obedience ● Meaning: a. a person or thing that reduces
a shock or that forms a barrier between
● Usage in a Sentence: About 10,000 people
incompatible or antagonistic people or
have been killed in a decade of insurgency.
things. [Noun]
1004. Word: Cling (चचपका रहना) b. lessen or moderate the impact of
● Pronunciation: kling/ क्टलंग (something) [Verb]
● Part of Speech: Verb ● Synonyms: shield, cushion, defense, guard
● Meaning: hold on tightly to. ● Antonyms: expose
● Synonyms: stick, adhere, hang ● Usage in a Sentence: They tried to buffer
● Antonyms: detach, let go, unfasten themselves against problems and
● Usage in a Sentence: You can't cling to uncertainties.
the past, because no matter how tightly you 1009. Word: Wedge (कील, चीरना)
hold on, it's already gone. ● Pronunciation: wej/ वेज
1005. Word: Coalition (सम्ममलन) ● Part of Speech: Noun, Verb
● Pronunciation: koh-uh-lish-uh n/ कोअललशि ● Meaning: a. a piece of wood, metal, etc.
● Part of Speech: Noun having one thick end and tapering to a thin
● Meaning: a temporary alliance for combined edge, that is driven between two objects or
action, especially of political parties forming parts of an object to secure or separate
a government. them. [Noun]
● Synonyms: alliance, union, partnership b. force into a narrow space. [Verb]
● Antonyms: isolation, discord, separation ● Synonyms: jam, chock, lodge
● Usage in a Sentence: The two bodies have ● Antonyms: dislodge, free, whole
merged to form a coalition. ● Usage in a Sentence: Please wedge this
cabinet to keep it from tipping.
1006. Word: Bulwark (बचाव)
1010. Word: Spear (अंकुर, बरछी मारना)
● Pronunciation: boo l-werk/बल्
ु वकड
● Pronunciation: speer/ स्पीर
● Part of Speech: Noun
● Meaning: a defensive wall. ● Part of Speech: Noun, Verb
● Synonyms: barrier, safeguard ● Meaning: a. a plant shoot, especially a
● Antonyms: feebleness, feebleness pointed stem of asparagus or broccoli.
● Usage in Sentence: Law is the bulwark of [Noun]
community. b. pierce or strike with a spear or other
pointed object. [Verb]
1007. Word: Lure (प्रलोभभत करना)
● Synonyms: lance, stab, spike
● Pronunciation: loo r/लुर ● Antonyms: cure, heal, help
● Part of Speech: Verb, Noun ● Usage in a Sentence: He transfixed the
● Meaning: a. tempt (a person or animal) to enemy's heart with a spear.
do something or to go somewhere, 1011. Word: Pulpit (मंच)
especially by offering some form of reward.
[Verb] ● Pronunciation: poo l-pit/ पुक्ल्पि
b. something that tempts or is used to ● Part of Speech: Noun
tempt a person or animal to do something. ● Meaning: a raised enclosed platform in a
[Noun] church or chapel from which the preacher
● Synonyms: entice, temptation delivers a sermon.
● Antonyms: dissuade, antipathy ● Synonyms: rostrum, lectern, podium
● Usage in a Sentence: He can't resist the ● Antonyms: descend, aslant, angled
lure of the bright light.


● Usage in a Sentence: The pews, the • Part of Speech: Adjective

pulpit and the altar are of a piece with the • Meaning: (of a quality or state) existing but
simple elegance of the church itself. not yet developed or manifest; hidden or
1012. Word: Pivotal (आिारभूत) concealed.
• Synonyms: dormant, concealed, hidden,
● Pronunciation: piv-uh-tl/ वपविल inactive
● Part of Speech: Adjective • Antonyms: active, alive, obvious
● Meaning: of crucial importance in relation • Usage in a Sentence: The fictional piece may
to the development or success of something also appeal to the latent chauvinism of many
else. ordinary people.
● Synonyms: crucial, important, momentous 1017. Word: Prowess (कौशल)
● Antonyms: inconsequential, marginal,
minor • Pronunciation: prou-is/ प्राउअस
● Usage in a Sentence: Accountancy, law • Part of Speech: Noun
and economics are pivotal to a successful • Meaning:
career in any financial services area. a. skill or expertise in a particular activity or
1013. Phrase: Blow up (र्वस्ट्िोट होना) field.
b. bravery in battle.
• Pronunciation: bloh- up/ ब्लो उप • Synonyms: courage, valour, heroism,
• Meaning: bravery, skill
a. explode. • Antonyms: weakness, inability, cowardice,
b. (of a wind or storm) begin to develop. failure
c. (of a scandal or dispute) emerge or • Usage in a Sentence: He was famous for his
become public. prowess as an athlete.
d. inflate. 1018. Word: Deterrence (ननवारर्)
e. lose one's temper.
• Synonyms: explode, inflate, blast, expand, • Pronunciation: dih-tur-uh ns/ डिटरन्स
burst • Part of Speech: Noun
• Antonyms: deflate, shrink • Meaning: the action of discouraging an
• Usage in a Sentence: They threatened to action or event through instilling doubt or
blow up the plane if their demands were not fear of the consequences.
met. • Synonyms: obstruction, prevention,
1014. Word: Smithereens (टुकडे) hindrance
• Antonyms: motivator, incentive,
• Pronunciation: smith-uh-reenz)/ लस्ट्मदरीन्ज़ encouragement
• Part of Speech: Noun • Usage in a Sentence: Nuclear deterrence
• Meaning: small pieces. becomes nuclear holocaust when local wars
• Synonyms: bits, fragments, shreds, pieces, get out of hand.
particles 1019. Word: Surmise (भावना करना)
• Antonyms: whole, chunk
• Usage in a Sentence: She dashed the glass • Pronunciation: ser-mahyz/ समािइज़
into smithereens against the wall. • Part of Speech: Verb, Noun
1015. Word: Accentuate (अर्धक सुस्ट्पष्ट करना) • Meaning:
a. suppose that something is true without
• Pronunciation: ak-sen-choo-eyt/ ऐक्सेन्चूऐट having evidence to confirm it. [Verb]
• Part of Speech: Verb b. a supposition that something may be
• Meaning: make more noticeable or true, even though there is no evidence to
prominent. confirm it. [Noun]
• Synonyms: highlight, emphasize • Synonyms: suppose, guess, conjecture,
• Antonyms: degrade, belittle assume, presume, suspect
• Usage in a Sentence: The director uses • Antonyms: knowledge, confirmation, proof
music to accentuate the rising dramatic • Usage in a Sentence:
tension. 1020. Word: Goad (उकसाना)
1016. Word: Latent (अिंतननिटहत)
• Pronunciation: gohd/ गोि
• Pronunciation: leyt-nt/ लेटन्ट • Part of Speech: Verb, Noun


• Meaning: • Pronunciation: pahr-tuh-zuhn/ पाटटि ज़न

a. provoke or annoy (someone) so as to • Part of Speech: Noun, Adjective
stimulate an action or reaction. [Verb] • Meaning:
b. drive (an animal) with a spiked stick. a. a strong supporter of a party, cause, or
[Verb] person. [Noun]
c. a spiked stick used for driving cattle. b. prejudiced in favour of a particular cause.
[Noun] [Adjective]
• Synonyms: spur, prod, urge, provoke • Synonyms: supporter, biased
• Antonyms: discourage, restraint, deterrent, • Antonyms: opponent, unbiased
dissuade • Usage in a Sentence: His biggest partisan
• Usage in a Sentence: These moves goad reception came during a dinner organized by
households and businesses into spending Sen.
more on goods and services.
1025. Word: Plank (सहारा)
1021. Word: Frenzy (उन्माद)
• Pronunciation: plangk/ ्लैंगक
• Pronunciation: fren-zee/ फ्रेन्ज़ी
• Part of Speech: Noun, Verb
• Part of Speech: Noun • Meaning:
• Meaning: a state or period of uncontrolled a. a long, thin, flat piece of timber, used
excitement or wild behaviour. especially in building and flooring. [Noun]
• Synonyms: madness, mania, insanity, b. put or set (something) down forcefully or
distraction, agitation abruptly. [Verb]
• Antonyms: peacefulness, peace, calmness • Synonyms: board, platform, support, deal
• Usage in a Sentence: The speaker worked • Antonyms: untie, lower, disorganise
the crowd up into a frenzy. • Usage in a Sentence: The central plank of
1022. Word: Spur (प्रेररत करना) the bill was rural development.
• Pronunciation: spur/ स्ट्पर 1026. Word: Reverberation (प्रनतक्षेप)
• Part of Speech: Noun, Verb • Pronunciation: ri-vur-buh-rey-shuh n/
• Meaning: रीवबिरैशन
• a. a thing that prompts or encourages • Part of Speech: Noun
someone; an incentive. [Noun] • Meaning:
• b. give an incentive or encouragement to a. prolongation of a sound; resonance.
(someone). [Verb] b. a continuing effect; a repercussion.
• Synonyms: urge, encourage, motivate • Synonyms: echo, replication, reflex
• Antonyms: discourage, hindrance, obstacle • Antonyms: silence, quietness, stillness
• Usage in a Sentence: On the spur of the • Use in a Sentence: The house shook with
moment, we all decided to hold a dance the reverberation of the bomb.
1027. Word: Debris (रोडा)
1023. Word: Warmongering (युद्धोिेजक)
• Pronunciation: duh-bree/ ििी
• Pronunciation: wawr-muhng-ger-ing/ वॉमिंगररिंग
• Part of Speech: Noun
• Part of Speech: Noun, Adjective
• Meaning: scattered pieces of rubbish or
• Meaning:
a. encouragement or advocacy of aggression
• Synonyms: rubbish, junk, rubble
towards other countries or groups. [Noun]
• Antonyms: purity, finery, valuable
b. encouraging or advocating aggression
• Usage in a Sentence: Several people were
towards other countries or groups.
injured by flying debris in the explosion.
• Synonyms: hawkish, belligerent, warlike, 1028. Word: Transponder (प्रेषग्राही)
hostile, aggressive • Pronunciation: tran-spon-der/ रै न्स्ट्पान्िर
• Antonyms: democracy, friendly, pacifist • Part of Speech: Noun
• Usage in a Sentence: Some saw him as a • Meaning: a device for receiving a radio
great statesman, but others saw him as a signal and automatically transmitting a
ruthless warmonger. different signal.
1024. Word: Partisan (कट्टर) • Synonyms: answerer, repeater, localizer


• Antonyms: remover • Antonyms: consistent, constant

• Usage in a Sentence: A transponder is a • Usage in a Sentence: Attendance at these
device that emits radar signals identifying matches has been rather patchy recently.
and locating aircraft for air traffic controllers. 1034. Word: Compliance (आज्ञापालन)
1029. Word: Dissipate (नष्ट करना) • Pronunciation: kuh m-plahy-uh ns/
• Pronunciation: dis-uh-peyt/ डिसपैट कम््लाइअन्स
• Part of Speech: Verb • Part of Speech: Noun
• Meaning: a. (with reference to a feeling or • Meaning: the state or fact of according with
emotion) disappear or cause to disappear. or meeting rules or standards.
b. waste or fritter away (money, energy, or • Synonyms: obedience, concurrence, consent
resources). • Antonyms: refusal, denial, defiance
• Synonyms: squander, dissolve, vanish • Usage in a Sentence: The workers of the
• Antonyms: gather, accumulate, improve factory must be monitored to ensure
• Usage in a Sentence: She wanted to compliance with the terms and conditions.
dissipate her anger before making the next 1035. Word: Interceptor (अवरोधक)
phone call.
• Pronunciation: in-ter-sep-ter/ इन्टसे्टर
1030. Word: Nascent (र्वकासोन्मुख)
• Part of Speech: Noun
• Pronunciation: nas-uh nt/ नैसन्ट • Meaning: a person or thing that intercepts.
• Part of Speech: Adjective • Synonyms: preventer, interdiction,
• Meaning: beginning to exist or develop scavanger
• Synonyms: incipient, emerging • Antonyms: disseminator, distributor, divider
• Antonyms: last, dying, moribund • Usage in a Sentence: There have been
• Usage in a Sentence: A battle over music repeated allegations that the current
personalities threatens a nascent industry. interceptor tests have been rigged to appear
1031. Word: Flounder (लडखडाना) more successful than they have actually
• Pronunciation: floun-der/ फ्लाउन्िर
1036. Word: Adamantly (अटलतापूवक ि )
• Part of Speech: Verb
• Meaning: struggle mentally; show or feel • Pronunciation: ad-uh-muhnt-ly/ ऐिमन्ट्ली
great confusion/be in serious difficulty. • Part of Speech: Adverb
• Synonyms: stagger, tumble • Meaning: in a way that suggests one will not
• Antonyms: succeed, flourish be persuaded to change one's mind; firmly
• Usage in a Sentence: My senior floundered and resolutely.
among a jumble of thoughts. • Synonyms: inflexibly, rigidly, firmly
1032. Word: Constraint (अवरोध) • Antonyms: amenably, compliantly, tamely
• Usage in a Sentence: She was adamantly
• Pronunciation: kuhn-streynt/ कन्स्ट्रे न्ट
opposed to her husband travelling to
• Part of Speech: Noun Brussels.
• Meaning: a limitation or restriction
1037. Word: Fault-line (भ्रिंश-रे खा)
• Synonyms: restraint, coercion, pressure,
compulsion, control • Pronunciation: िॉ्ट लाइन
• Antonyms: democracy, permission, madness • Part of Speech: Noun
• Usage in a Sentence: A similar constraint is • Meaning: a divisive issue or difference of
visible in the monetary growth rates of all opinion that is likely to have serious
the advanced industrial countries. consequences.
1033. Word: Patchy (ठीक से न फकया गया) • Synonyms: split, crack, fracture, dividing
• Pronunciation: pach-ee/ पैची
• Antonyms: collaborate, mend, attach
• Part of Speech: Adjective • Usage in a Sentence: These issues have
• Meaning: a. existing or happening in small, created a stark fault line within the peace
isolated areas. process.
b. not of the same quality throughout;
1038. Word: Forefront (अग्र स्ट्थान)
• Synonyms: uneven, irregular • Pronunciation: fawr-fruhnt/ िॉफ्रिन्ट


• Part of Speech: Noun • Antonyms: idleness, relax

• Meaning: the leading or most important • Usage in a Sentence: After an unsuccessful
position or place. foray into diplomacies, Sham went back to
• Synonyms: vanguard, lead, head, limelight his law practice.
• Antonyms: background, backdrop, 1043. Word: Disparage (डिस्ट्पैररज)
• Pronunciation: dih-spar-ij/ डिस्ट्पैररज
• Usage in a Sentence: The company has
always been at the forefront of science and • Part of Speech: Verb
technology. • Meaning: regard or represent as being of
little worth.
1039. Word: Gambit (चाल)
• Synonyms: belittle, depreciate, denigrate,
• Pronunciation: gam-bit/ गैलम्बट defame
• Part of Speech: Noun • Antonyms: flatter, praise, commend
• Meaning: an act or remark that is calculated • Usage in a Sentence: Don't disparage her
to gain an advantage, especially at the attempts to become an actor.
outset of a situation. 1044. Word: Overtone (प्र्छन्न भाव)
• Synonyms: ploy, stratagem, artifice, tactic
• Pronunciation: oh-ver-tohn/ ओवटोन
• Antonyms: good faith, frankness
• Usage in a Sentence: His opening gambit at • Part of Speech: Noun
the debate was a direct attack on the • Meaning: a subtle or subsidiary quality,
government policy. implication, or connotation.
• Synonyms: hints, suggestions,
1040. Word: Rupture (कलह)
undercurrent, implication
• Pronunciation: ruhp-cher/ र्चर • Antonyms: meaningless, insignificant
• Part of Speech: Verb, Noun • Usage in a Sentence: My friend's words were
• Meaning: polite, but there was an overtone of anger in
a. break or burst suddenly. [Verb] his voice.
b. breach or disturb (a harmonious feeling or 1045. Phrase: Keep at arm’s length (दरू ी बनाये रखना)
situation). [Verb]
• Pronunciation: कीप अन आम्सि लेंलथ
c. an instance of breaking or bursting
suddenly and completely. [Noun] • Meaning: to avoid intimacy or familiarity
• Synonyms: split, break, rift, fracture, tear, with something/ someone
crack • Synonyms: distance, stay away, disregard,
• Antonyms: collaborate, mend, join, fix, ignore, reject
harmony • Antonyms: attend, recognize, regard,
• Usage in a Sentence: The incidents have not respect
yet caused a major rupture in the political • Usage in a Sentence: They no longer trust
ties between the two countries. him and are keeping him at arm's length.
1041. Word: Exigency (आपदा) 1046. Word: Onus (दानयत्व)
• Pronunciation: ek-si-juhn-see/ एलक्सजन्सी • Pronunciation: oh-nuh s/ ओनस
• Part of Speech: Noun • Part of Speech: Noun
• Meaning: an urgent need or demand. • Meaning: something that is one's duty or
• Synonyms: emergency, need, urgency, responsibility.
crisis, necessity • Synonyms: responsibility, liability, obligation
• Antonyms: advantage, benefit • Antonyms: help, irresponsibility,
• Usage in a Sentence: The president is free impassiveness
to act in any sudden exigency. • Usage in a Sentence: The onus is on
employers of the company to follow all the
1042. Word: Foray (आरमर् करना)
safety laws.
• Pronunciation: fawr-ey/ िॉरै 1047. Word: Jolt (टहचकोला)
• Part of Speech: Noun
• Pronunciation: johlt/ जो्ट
• Meaning: a sudden attack or incursion into
enemy territory, especially to obtain • Part of Speech: Verb
something; a raid. • Meaning:
• Synonyms: despoil, charge, attack a. give a surprise or shock to (someone) in


order to make them act or change. • Pronunciation: bih-lee-ger/ र्बलीगर

b. push or shake (someone or something) • Part of Speech: Verb
abruptly and roughly. • Meaning: put in a very difficult situation.
• Synonyms: bounce, startle • Synonyms: besiege, harass, pester
• Antonyms: curb, soothe • Antonyms: comfort, benefit, relax
• Usage in a Sentence: The bus started with a • Usage in a Sentence: The beleaguered prime
jolt. minister is coming under yet more pressure.
1048. Word: Inroad (चढ़ाई) 1053. Word: Unleash (उन्मुक्त करना)
• Pronunciation: in-rohd/ इन्रोि • Pronunciation: uhn-leesh/ अन्लीश
• Part of Speech: Noun • Part of Speech: Verb
• Meaning: • Meaning: cause (a strong or violent force) to
a. an instance of something being be released or become unrestrained.
encroached on or reduced by something • Synonyms: release, liberate, extricate
else. • Antonyms: restrain, control, inhibit
b. a hostile attack; a raid. • Usage in a Sentence: The result will unleash
• Synonyms: incursion, raid, foray, invasion the raging demands for her resignation.
• Antonyms: retreats
1054. Word: Foreclose (कब्ज़ा करना)
• Usage in a Sentence: The government is
definitely making inroads into the problem of • Pronunciation: fawr-klohz/ िॉक्लोज़
unemployment. • Part of Speech: Verb
1049. Phrase: Reel under (भार तले दबना) • Meaning:
a. take possession of a mortgaged property
• Pronunciation: रील अिंिर
when the mortgagor fails to keep up their
• Meaning: to suffer because of a burden/to mortgage payments.
stagger under the weight of something b. rule out or prevent (a course of action).
• Synonyms: stagger under, suffer • Synonyms: preclude, seize, rule out,
• Antonyms: stabilize, steady, comforting prevent, exclude
• Usage in a Sentence: Gary reeled under the • Antonyms: cooperate, devote, empower
responsibilities he had been given. • Usage in a Sentence: They tried to foreclose
1050. Word: Hamstring (बार्धत करना) the possibility of his meeting with the
• Pronunciation: ham-string/ है लम्स्ट्रिं ग chairman.
• Part of Speech: Verb 1055. Word: Travail (घोर रम)
• Meaning: severely restrict the efficiency or • Pronunciation: truh-veyl/ रवेल
effectiveness of. • Part of Speech: Verb
• Synonyms: constrain, restrict, disable • Meaning: engage in a painful or laborious
• Antonyms: strengthen, fortify effort.
• Usage in a Sentence: The company was • Synonyms: toil, fatigue, challenge
hamstrung due to lack of funds. • Antonyms: ease, relaxation
1051. Word: Spike (भेदना) • Usage in a Sentence: The travails of the
• Pronunciation: spahyk/ स्ट्पाइक British car industry are seldom out of the
• Part of Speech: Noun, Verb news.
• Meaning: 1056. Word: Pragmatic (तथ्यात्मक)
a. a thin, pointed piece of metal, wood, or • Pronunciation: prag-mat-ik/ प्रैलमैटटक
another rigid material. [Noun] • Part of Speech: Adjective
b. impale on or pierce with a sharp point. • Meaning: dealing with things sensibly and
[Verb] realistically in a way that is based on
• Synonyms: spear, pin, impale, fasten practical rather than theoretical
• Antonyms: detach, release, unfasten, loosen considerations.
• Usage in a Sentence: The murder weapon • Synonyms: realistic, practical
was a frozen spike and it melted in the • Antonyms: unrealistic, impracticable
steam room. • Use in Sentence: You need to adopt a more
1052. Word: Beleaguer (अवरोध करना) pragmatic approach.


1057. Word: Intrusion (अनतरमर्) 1062. Word: Psephology (कृर्िम)

• Pronunciation: in-troo-zhuh n/ इन्ूश़न • Pronunciation: see-fol-uh-jee/ सीिालजी
• Part of Speech: Noun • Part of Speech: Noun
• Meaning: the action of intruding. • Meaning: the statistical study of elections
• Synonyms: interference, trespass, and trends in voting.
encroachment • Synonyms: criminological, demographic,
• Antonyms: consideration, connection, nexus sociologies
• Usage in a Sentence: Their intrusion into our • Usage in a Sentence: he introduction of
private lives is unwarrantable. psephology encouraged the growth of
1058. Word: Conducive (टहतकर) opinion polls as a guide to voting trends.
• Pronunciation: kuh n-doo-siv/ कन्िूलसव 1063. Word: Ripple (लहर, लहराना)
• Part of Speech: Adjective • Pronunciation: rip-uhl/ ररपल
• Meaning: making a certain situation or • Part of Speech: Noun, Verb
outcome likely or possible. • Meaning: a. a small wave or series of waves
• Synonyms: advantageous, helpful, on the surface of water, especially as caused
contributory, favourable by a slight breeze or an object dropping into
• Antonyms: hindering, unfavourable, it. [Noun]
cumbersome b. cause (the surface of water) to form small
• Usage in a Sentence: This is a conducive waves. [Verb]
environment for studying. • Synonyms: wave, corrugation, purl
1059. Word: Acquiesce (सहमनत दे ना) • Antonyms: serene, calm, unruffled
• Usage in a Sentence: Delayed flights have a
• Pronunciation: ak-wee-es/ ऐक्वीएस
ripple effect. Just one late flight could be
• Part of Speech: Verb carrying passengers for a dozen connecting
• Meaning: accept something reluctantly but services.
without protest.
1064. Word: Neoliberal (नव-उदार)
• Synonyms: agree, consent, accept
• Antonyms: dissent, disagree, protest • Pronunciation: nee-oh-lib-er-uh-liz-uh m/
• Usage in a Sentence: And for Rome to ननयोललबरल
acquiesce in such witch-hunts must indicate • Part of Speech: Adjective, Noun
that Rome herself felt threatened. • Meaning: a. relating to or denoting a
1060. Word: Junction (यलु क्त) modified form of liberalism tending to favour
free-market capitalism. [Adjective]
• Pronunciation: juhngk-shuhn/ जिंगक्शन
b. a person with neoliberal views. [Noun]
• Part of Speech: Noun • Synonyms: illiberal
• Meaning: a point where two or more things • Antonyms: conservative
are joined. • Usage in a Sentence: Instead the 1980s has
• Synonyms: crossbreeding, joint, connection seen neoliberal market philosophies being
• Antonyms: isolation, division, chasm adopted even by parties of the Left.
• Usage in a Sentence: You should slow down
1065. Word: Vigilantism (सतकिता)
as you approach the junction.
1061. Word: Pit (छोटा मोरचा, गड्ढों से र्चर्ह्न करना) • Pronunciation: vij-uh-lan-tee-zm/ र्वजललन्टज़म
• Part of Speech: Noun
• Pronunciation: pit/ र्पट
• Meaning: law enforcement undertaken
• Part of Speech: Noun, Verb without legal authority by a self-appointed
• Meaning: a. a large hole in the ground. group of people.
[Noun] • Synonyms: militiaman, watchful, guardian
b. set someone or something in conflict or • Antonyms: villain, draftee
competition with. [Verb] • Usage in a Sentence: While the vigilantism
• Synonyms: abyss, hollow, cavity has been praised by some as evidence of
• Antonyms: agree, mountain, bulge neighborhood unity, others see it as an
• Usage in a Sentence: The pit is being shut illustration of a nation that continues to
down because it no longer has enough coal spiral out of control.
that can be mined economically.


1066. Word: Catapult (गुलेल, फ़ेक दे ना) • Synonyms: evidence, proof, statement
• Antonyms: denial, refutation, disproof
• Pronunciation: kat-uh-puhlt/ कैटप्ट
• Usage in a sentence: His testimony was an
• Part of Speech: Noun, Verb important element of the prosecution case.
• Meaning: a. a forked stick with an elastic
1071. Word: Articulate (स्ट्पष्ट)
band fastened to the two prongs, used by
children for shooting small stones. [Noun] • Pronunciation: ahr-tik-yuh-leyt/ आटटि क्यलैट
b. hurl or launch (something) with or as if • Part of Speech: Adjective, Verb
with a catapult. [Verb] • Meaning:
• Synonyms: sling, trebuchet, shoot a. having or showing the ability to speak
• Antonyms: stationary fluently and coherently. [Adjective]
• Usage in a Sentence: The catapult breaks b. pronounce (something) clearly and
throwing boiling Hot Pot gloop everywhere. distinctly. [Verb]
1067. Word: Galvanise (प्रेररत करना) • Synonyms: enunciate, eloquent, fluent
• Antonyms: mute, silent, disconnect
• Pronunciation: gal-vuh-nahyz/ गै्वनाइज़
• Usage in a sentence: The teachers help the
• Part of Speech: Verb children to be more articulate about their
• Meaning: shock or excite (someone) into strengths and weaknesses.
taking action.
1072. Word: Doctrinal (सैद्धािंनतक)
• Synonyms: stimulate, excite, energize,
encourage • Pronunciation: dok-trahyn-l/ िाक्रनल
• Antonyms: discourage, deter, dissuade • Part of Speech: Adjective
• Usage in a sentence: He decided to talk • Meaning: concerned with a doctrine or
loudly and galvanise the team into action. doctrines
1068. Word: Poised (सिंतुललत) • Synonyms: orthodox, traditional, didactic
• Antonyms: liberal, untraditional, progressive
• Pronunciation: poizd/ पॉइज़्ि
• Usage in a sentence: Fundamentalists were
• Part of Speech: Verb, Adjective obsessed with doctrinal.
• Meaning:
1073. Word: Deterrence (ननवारर्)
a. be or cause to be balanced or suspended.
[Verb] • Pronunciation: dih-tur-uh ns/ डिटरन्स
b. having a composed and self-assured • Part of Speech: Noun
manner. [Adjective] • Meaning: the action of discouraging an
• Synonyms: confident, balanced, tranquil action or event through instilling doubt or
• Antonyms: unbalanced, insecure, fear of the consequences.
discomposed • Synonyms: obstruction, prevention,
• Usage in a sentence: He walked along with a dissuasion
water jug poised on his head. • Antonyms: incentive, support,
1069. Word: Dexterity (कौशल) encouragement
• Usage in a sentence: My father's deterrence
• Pronunciation: dek-ster-i-tee/ िेक्स्ट्टे ररटी
shaded into acceptance.
• Part of Speech: Noun
1074. Word: Incapacitate (अशक्त बना दे ना)
• Meaning: skill in performing tasks, especially
with hands. • Pronunciation: in-kuh-pas-i-teyt/ इन्कपैलसटे ट
• Synonyms: skill, adroitness, ability • Part of Speech: Verb
• Antonyms: clumsiness, inability, incapacity • Meaning: prevent from functioning in a
• Usage in a sentence: His manual dexterity normal way.
and fine spatial skills were wasted on routine • Synonyms: disable, paralyze, cripple
tasks. • Antonyms: enable, allow, empower
1070. Word: Testimony (कथन) • Usage in a sentence: A successful attack
would incapacitate military training camps.
• Pronunciation: tes-tuh-moh-nee/ टे स्ट्टमोनी
1075. Word: Legitimate (जायज)
• Part of Speech: Noun
• Meaning: a formal written or spoken • Pronunciation: li-jit-uh-meyt/ लललजटमेट
statement, especially one given in a court of • Part of Speech: Adjective, Verb


• Meaning: • Usage in a sentence: The company will roll

a. conforming to the law or to rules. out an enhanced version of its operating
[Adjective] system in the new year.
b. make lawful or justify. [Verb] 1080. Word: Variant (प्रकार)
• Synonyms: legal, valid, lawful
• Pronunciation: vair-ee-uh nt/ वेरीअन्ट
• Antonyms: illegal, invalid, outlaw
• Usage in a sentence: The army must give • Part of Speech: Noun
power back to the legitimate. • Meaning: a form or version of something
that differs in some respect from other
1076. Word: Forge (ढालना)
forms of the same thing or from a standard.
• Pronunciation: fawrj/ िॉजि • Synonyms: alternative, version, variation
• Part of Speech: Verb, Noun • Antonyms: acquiesce, base, root
• Meaning: • Usage in a sentence: The simplest variant of
a. make or shape (a metal object) by the theory is to split the labour market into
heating it in a fire or furnace and two sectors.
hammering it. [Verb] 1081. Word: Antiquity (पुरावस्ट्तु)
b. a furnace for melting or refining metal.
• Pronunciation: an-tik-wi-tee/ ऐलन्टलक्वटी
• Synonyms: falsify, fabricate, shape, fake • Part of Speech: Noun
• Antonyms: destroy, abolish, recede • Meaning: the ancient past, especially the
• Usage in a sentence: The programme aims period of classical and other human
to forge links between higher education and civilizations before the Middle Ages.
small businesses. • Synonyms: relic, history, artefact
• Antonyms: modernity, novation, freshness
1077. Word: Daunting (चनु ौतीपूर्)ि
• Usage in a sentence: The museum contains
• Pronunciation: dawnt-ing/ िॉलन्टिं ग the remains of Chinese antiquity.
• Part of Speech: Adjective 1082. Word: Copious (प्रचुर)
• Meaning: seeming difficult to deal with in
• Pronunciation: koh-pee-uhs/ कोपीअस
prospect; intimidating.
• Synonyms: scary, intimidating, frightening • Part of Speech: Adjective
• Antonyms: encouraging, approachable, • Meaning: abundant in supply or quantity.
pleasant • Synonyms: abundant, plentiful, ample
• Usage in a sentence: They were faced with • Antonyms: scarce, insufficient, meagre
the daunting task of restoring the house. • Usage in a sentence: She supports her
theory with copious evidence.
1078. Word: Incentive (उकसाव)
1083. Word: Affinity (अपनापन)
• Pronunciation: in-sen-tiv/ इन्सेलन्टव
• Pronunciation: uh-fin-i-tee/ अफिननटी
• Part of Speech: Noun
• Meaning: a thing that motivates or • Part of Speech: Noun
encourages someone to do something. • Meaning: a natural liking for and
• Synonyms: stimulus, motivation, spur understanding of someone or something.
• Antonyms: discouragement, hindrance, • Synonyms: sympathy, attraction, connection
deterrent • Antonyms: dislike, distaste, disinclination
• Usage in a sentence: Workers need to be • Usage in a sentence: A house design should
given an incentive to improve their have some affinity with the surrounding
performance. architecture.
1079. Word: Roll-out (उद्घाटन) 1084. Word: Distinct (अलग)
• Pronunciation: rohl-out/ रोल आउट • Pronunciation: dih-stingkt / डिलस्ट्टिं गक्ट
• Part of Speech: Noun • Part of Speech: Adjective
• Meaning: the official launch or introduction • Meaning: recognizably different in nature
of a new product or service. from something else of a similar type.
• Synonyms: unfurl, present, uprise • Synonyms: clear, diverse, separate
• Antonyms: contort, fall down • Antonyms: similar, alike
• Usage in a sentence: The party is divided
into two distinct camps over the legislation.


1085. Word: Revere (सम्मान करना) 1089. Word: Enviable (लोभ्य)

• Pronunciation: ri-veer/ ररर्वर • Pronunciation: en-vee-uh-buhl/ एन्वीअबल
• Part of Speech: Verb • Part of Speech: Adjective
• Meaning: feel deep respect or admiration for • Meaning: arousing or likely to arouse envy.
(something). • Synonyms: desirable, fortunate, desired
• Synonyms: adore, respect, admire • Antonyms: undesirable, unwanted, obnoxious
• Antonyms: hate, abuse, despise • Usage in a sentence: She has built up an
• Usage in a sentence: Students revere the enviable reputation as a harpist.
old professors. 1090. Word: Meddling (छे डछाड)
1086. Word: Rapture (उमिंग) • Pronunciation: med-l-ing/ मेड्ललिंग
• Pronunciation: rap-cher / रै ्चर • Part of Speech: Noun, Verb
• Part of Speech: Noun • Meaning:
• Meaning: a feeling of intense pleasure or a. intrusive or unwarranted interference. [Noun]
joy. b. interfere in something that is not one's
• Synonyms: happiness, ecstasy, bliss, joy concern. [Verb]
• Antonyms: agony, depression, despair • Synonyms: interfering, intrusive, intruding
• Usage in a sentence: He listened to the • Antonyms: unintrusive, disregarding
music with an expression of pure rapture on • Usage in a sentence: I don't like other
his face. people meddling in the way I run this
1087. Word: Spearhead (भाले का लसरा/ नेतत्ृ व करना) business.
1091. Word: Metaphor (अन्योलक्त)
• Pronunciation: speer-hed/ स्ट्पीहे ि
• Part of Speech: Noun, Verb • Pronunciation: met-uh-fawr/ मेटिॉर
• Meaning: • Part of Speech: Noun
a. the point of a spear. [Noun] • Meaning: a figure of speech in which a word
b. lead (an attack or movement). [Verb] or phrase is applied to an object or action to
• Synonyms: lead, forefront, pioneer which it is not literally applicable.
• Antonyms: trail, follow • Synonyms: comparison, analogy, simile
• Usage in a sentence: The new managing • Antonyms: original, literality
director will act as the spearhead of the • Usage in a sentence: He uses the metaphor
campaign. of fire to represent hatred.
1088. Word: Ascent (चढ़ाई) 1092. Word: Harrowing (शोकजनक)
• Pronunciation: uh-sent/ असेन्ट • Pronunciation: har-oh-ing/ हे रोइिंग
• Part of Speech: Noun • Part of Speech: Adjective
• Meaning: a climb or walk to the summit of a • Meaning: acutely distressing.
mountain or hill. • Synonyms: agonizing, painful, excruciating
• Synonyms: rise, incline, climb • Antonyms: bearable, good, tolerable
• Antonyms: descent, decline, dip • Usage in a sentence: The court heard
• Usage in a sentence: The ascent from here harrowing testimony from survivors and
to the summit looks fairly fearsome but it is relatives of the victims.
not as bad as it seems. 1093. Word: Dispel (दरू करना)
1089. Word: Pertinent (उर्चत) • Pronunciation: dih-spel / डिस्ट्पेल
• Pronunciation: pur-tn-uhnt/ पटटि ननन्ट • Part of Speech: Verb
• Part of Speech: Adjective • Meaning: make (a doubt, feeling, or belief)
• Meaning: relevant or applicable to a disappear.
particular matter; apposite. • Synonyms: disperse, banish, disappear
• Synonyms: relevant, germane, apt • Antonyms: accumulate, assemble, gather
• Antonyms: irrelevant, unrelatable, • Usage in a sentence: The President is
inappropriate attempting to dispel the notion that he has
• Usage in a sentence: The expert made some neglected the economy.
pertinent comments on the scheme. 1094. Word: Unpalatable (अरुर्चकर/कडा)


• Pronunciation: uhn-pal-uh-tuh-buh l/ अन्पैलटबल • Usage in a sentence: There are reports that

• Part of Speech: Adjective Toyota will unveil a fuel cell car later this
• Meaning:
a. not pleasant to taste. 1099. Word: Rite (रस्ट्म)
b. difficult to put up with or accept. • Pronunciation: rahyt/ राइट
• Synonyms: distasteful, unpleasant, nasty • Part of Speech: Noun
• Antonyms: delicious, tasty, pleasant • Meaning: a religious or other solemn
• Usage in a sentence: The unpalatable truth ceremony or act.
is that the team isn't getting any better. • Synonyms: ritual, ceremony, custom
1095. Word: Espouse (अपनाना) • Antonyms: contravention, infringement
• Usage in a sentence: You have to go
• Pronunciation: ih-spouz/ इस्ट्पाउज़ through an initiation rite before you become
• Part of Speech: Verb a full member.
• Meaning: adopt or support (a cause, belief, 1100. Word: Certitude (ननलश्चतता)
or way of life).
• Pronunciation: sur-ti-tyood/ सटटि टूि
• Synonyms: adopt, embrace, support, advocate
• Part of Speech: Noun
• Antonyms: disown, discard, reject, divorce
• Meaning: absolute certainty or conviction
• Usage in a sentence: Even though you’re my
that something is the case.
best friend, I can’t espouse your radical
• Synonyms: conviction, confidence, sureness
views on the death sentence.
• Antonyms: incertitude, doubt, distrust
1096. Word: Reiterate (दोहराना) • Usage in a sentence: It is impossible to
• Pronunciation: ree-it-uh-reyt/ रीइटरै ट predict the outcome of the negotiations with
any degree of certitude.
• Part of Speech: Verb
1101. Word: Distortion (कुरूपता)
• Meaning: say something again or a number
of times, typically for emphasis or clarity. • Pronunciation: dih-stawr-shuh n/ डिस्ट्टॉशिन
• Synonyms: repeat, restate, renew • Part of Speech: Noun
• Antonyms: conceal, repudiate, contradict • Meaning: the action of distorting or the state
• Usage in a sentence: We would like to of being distorted.
reiterate that confirmation copy will be • Synonyms: deformity, deformation,
coming by mail soon. falsification
1097. Word: Pallid (अस्ट्वस्ट्थ) • Antonyms: perfection, clarity, correctness
• Usage in a sentence: Audio signals can be
• Pronunciation: pal-id/ पैललि transmitted along cables without distortion.
• Part of Speech: Adjective 1102. Word: Polarise (ध्रुवीकरर् करना)
• Meaning: (of a person's face) pale, typically • Pronunciation: poh-luh-rahyz / पोलराइज़
because of poor health.
• Part of Speech: Verb
• Synonyms: pale, ashen, pasty
• Meaning: divide or cause to divide into two
• Antonyms: strong, healthy sharply contrasting groups or sets of
• Usage in a sentence: Lilian Arkwright grew opinions or beliefs.
up into a pallid, spiritless child; there was • Synonyms: separate, divide, split, diverge
nothing notable about her except her curious • Antonyms: join, unite, connect
teeth. • Usage in a sentence: The current
1098. Word: Unveil (अनावरर् करना) architectural debate has served to polarise
• Pronunciation: uhn-veyl/ अन्वैल popular opinion on modern architecture.
• Part of Speech: Verb 1103. Word: Intrinsic (अिंतभूत
ि )
• Meaning: remove a veil or covering from, in • Pronunciation: in-trin-sik/ इलन्रलन्सक
particular uncover (a new monument or • Part of Speech: Adjective
work of art) as part of a public ceremony. • Meaning: belonging naturally; essential.
• Synonyms: reveal, uncover, expose • Synonyms: inherent, innate, essential
• Antonyms: hide, conceal, mask • Antonyms: acquired, external


• Usage in a sentence: The electoral system • Usage in a sentence: There is now

appeared to form an intrinsic part of a stable widespread cynicism about the political
polity. system.
1104. Word: Matrix (आर्वयह
ू ) 1109. Word: Trail (ननशान/खीिंचना)
• Pronunciation: mey-triks / मैटरक्स • Pronunciation: treyl/ रे ल
• Part of Speech: Noun • Part of Speech: Noun, Verb
• Meaning: the cultural, social, or political • Meaning:
environment in which something develops. a. a mark or a series of signs or objects left
• Synonyms: template, array, pattern behind by the passage of someone or
• Antonyms: disorganization, inhibition something. [Noun]
• Usage in a sentence: The fossils lie b. a long thin part or line stretching behind
embedded in a matrix of shale and or hanging down from something. [Noun]
sandstone. c. draw or be drawn along behind someone
1105. Word: Abrogation (अिंत-करर्) or something. [Verb]
d. walk or move slowly or wearily.
• Pronunciation: ab-ruh-gey-shuh n / ऐिगेशन
• Synonyms: track, trace, drag, pursue, path
• Part of Speech: Noun • Antonyms: lead, surpass
• Meaning: the repeal or abolition of a law, • Usage in a sentence: The hurricane left a
right, or agreement. trail of destruction behind it.
• Synonyms: repeal, abolition, annulment
1110. Word: Sceptic (शिंकाशील र्वयलक्त)
• Antonyms: collaboration, appointment,
mandate • Pronunciation: skep-tik/ स्ट्केल्टक
• Usage in a sentence: Measures for the • Part of Speech: Noun
abrogation shall be stipulated by the State • Meaning: a person inclined to question or
Council. doubt accepted opinions.
1106. Word: Expeditious (चुस्ट्त) • Synonyms: unbeliever, dissenter,
questioner, agnostic
• Pronunciation: ek-spi-dish-uhs/ एक्स्ट्पडिशस
• Antonyms: believer, disciple, promoter
• Part of Speech: Adjective • Usage in a sentence: The believer is not
• Meaning: done with speed and efficiency. required to establish his belief, but the
• Synonyms: swift, quick, speedy sceptic is required to prove his doubt.
• Antonyms: slow, dilatory, sluggish
1111. Word: Integrity (सम्पूर्त
ि ा)
• Usage in a sentence: This will assure
expeditious processing and reduce the • Pronunciation: in-teg-ri-tee/ इन्टे र्ग्रटी
possibility of unnecessary delays. • Part of Speech: Noun
1107. Word: Turmoil (उत्पात) • Meaning: the quality of being honest and
having strong moral principles.
• Pronunciation: tur-moil / टमॉिइल
• Synonyms: honesty, uprightness, morality
• Part of Speech: Noun • Antonyms: dishonesty, deception, unfairness
• Meaning: a state of great disturbance, • Usage in a sentence: A man of moral
confusion, or uncertainty. integrity does not fear any slanderous
• Synonyms: commotion, disturbance, attack.
1112. Word: Apex (चोटी)
• Antonyms: peace, calm, permanence
• Usage in a sentence: She felt much calmer • Pronunciation: ey-peks/ एपेक्स
after the turmoil of recent weeks. • Part of Speech: Noun
1108. Word: Cynicism (ननराशावाद) • Meaning: the top or highest part of
• Pronunciation: sin-uh-siz-uh m/ लसननलसज़म something, especially one forming a point.
• Synonyms: peak, acme, zenith
• Part of Speech: Noun
• Antonyms: nadir, bottom, base
• Meaning: an inclination to believe that
people are motivated purely by self-interest. • Usage in a sentence: He was at the apex of
• Synonyms: scepticism, doubt, suspicion, his career.
pessimism 1113. Word: Tamper (छे डना)
• Antonyms: faith, delight, optimism


• Pronunciation: tam-per/ टै म्पर • Usage in a sentence: The company proved

remarkably resilient during the recession.
• Part of Speech: Verb
• Meaning: interfere with (something) in order 1118. Word: Deploy (काम में तैनात करना)
to cause damage or make unauthorized • Pronunciation: dih-ploi/ डि्लॉइ
alterations. • Part of Speech: Verb
• Synonyms: meddle, interfere, mess, fiddle, • Meaning: bring into effective action.
disturb • Synonyms: use, utilize, employ
• Antonyms: repair, fix, improve • Antonyms: withdraw, withhold
• Usage in a sentence: Never tamper with • Usage in a sentence: The decision has been
safety devices in valves or cylinders. made to deploy extra troops.
1114. Word: Untenable (अपुष्ट) 1119. Word: Hasten (ज्दी करना)
• Pronunciation: uhn-ten-uh-buhl/ अन्टे नबल • Pronunciation: hey-suhn / हे सन
• Part of Speech: Adjective • Part of Speech: Verb
• Meaning: (especially of a position or view) • Meaning: be quick to do something.
not able to be maintained or defended • Synonyms: hurry, rush, accelerate
against attack or objection. • Antonyms: lag, delay, linger
• Synonyms: indefensible, unsustainable, • Usage in a sentence: The agency hoped to
unarguable hasten the approval process for new drugs.
• Antonyms: reasonable, arguable, defensible 1120. Word: Constraint (प्रनतबिंध)
• Usage in a sentence: His position had
• Pronunciation: kuhn-streynt/ कन्स्ट्रे न्ट
become untenable and he was forced to
resign. • Part of Speech: Noun
• Meaning: a limitation or restriction.
1115. Word: Proposition (कथन)
• Synonyms: restraint, pressure, control,
• Pronunciation: prop-uh-zish-uh n/ प्रापलज़शन limitation
• Part of Speech: Noun • Antonyms: permission, liberty
• Meaning: a statement or assertion that • Usage in a sentence: The children showed a
expresses a judgement or opinion. little constraint in the presence of the new
• Synonyms: proposal, suggestion, plan teacher.
• Antonyms: refusal, denial 1121. Word: Encounter (लमलना/ मठ ु भेड)
• Usage in a sentence: The young man gave a • Pronunciation: en-koun-ter/ एन्काउन्टर
clear proposition at the meeting. • Part of Speech: Verb, Noun
1116. Word: Glitch (र्वधारी) • Meaning:
• Pronunciation: glich/ लललच a. unexpectedly be faced with or experience
(something hostile or difficult). [Verb]
• Part of Speech: Noun
b. a confrontation or unpleasant struggle.
• Meaning: a sudden, usually temporary
malfunction or fault of equipment.
• Synonyms: meet, experience, find
• Synonyms: flaw, bug, malfunction
• Antonyms: avoid, elude, dodge
• Antonyms: advantage, perfection
• Usage in a sentence: His encounter with the
• Usage in a sentence: This minor glitch has
wild dog had completely unnerved him.
turned into a humungous problem for the
airline company. 1122. Phrase: Bog down (उलझना)
1117. Word: Resilient (प्रत्यास्ट्थी) • Pronunciation: bog doun / बाग िाउन
• Pronunciation: ri-zil-yuhnt/ ररलज़्यन्ट • Part of Speech: Verb
• Meaning: to be/become so involved in
• Part of Speech: Adjective
something difficult or complicated task that
• Meaning: (of a person or animal) able to
you cannot do anything else
withstand or recover quickly from difficult
• Synonyms: impede, mire, set back
• Antonyms: disentangle, unsnarl
• Synonyms: strong, flexible, stiff
• Usage in a sentence: Try not to get too
• Antonyms: fragile, brittle, breakable
bogged down in the details.


1123. Word: Hassle (परे शानी/तकलीफ़ दे ना) 1128. Word: Dissent (असम्मनत/ र्वरोध करना)
• Pronunciation: has-uhl/ है सल • Pronunciation: dih-sent/ डिसेन्ट
• Part of Speech: Noun, Verb • Part of Speech: Noun, Verb
• Meaning: • Meaning:
a. irritating inconvenience. [Noun] a. the holding or expression of opinions at
b. harass; pester. [Verb] variance with those commonly or officially
• Synonyms: struggle, bother, trouble, plague held. [Noun]
• Antonyms: convenience, support, agreement b. hold or express opinions that are at
• Usage in a sentence: She got the computer variance with those commonly or officially
set up with no hassle at all. held. [Verb]
1124. Word: Rebuff (अस्ट्वीकार) • Synonyms: conflict, disagree, protest
• Antonyms: agree, assent, agreement
• Pronunciation: ri-buhf/ रीबि
• Usage in a sentence: Voices of dissent
• Part of Speech: Noun, Verb began to rise against the established
• Meaning: authority in the 1950s.
a. an abrupt or ungracious rejection of an
1129. Word: Parley (बातचीत)
offer, request, or friendly gesture. [Noun]
b. reject (someone or something) in an • Pronunciation: pahr-lee/ पाली
abrupt or ungracious manner. [Verb] • Part of Speech: Noun, Verb
• Synonyms: repulse, reject, refuse • Meaning:
• Antonyms: accept, welcome, approve a. a conference between opposing sides in a
• Usage in a sentence: She suffered a rebuff dispute, especially a discussion of terms for
from her manager when she raised the an armistice. [Noun]
matter. b. hold a conference with the opposing side
1125. Word: Unanimous (अखिंि) to discuss terms. [Verb]
• Synonyms: talk, negotiate, discussion
• Pronunciation: yoo-nan-uh-muh s/ यूनैनमस
• Antonyms: ignore
• Part of Speech: Adjective • Usage in a sentence: The general manager
• Meaning: (of two or more people) fully in decided to hold a parley with the enemy.
1130. Word: Travesty (प्रहसन)
• Synonyms: united, agreed, accordant,
harmonious • Pronunciation: trav-uh-stee/ रै वस्ट्टी
• Antonyms: diversified, conflicting, opposing • Part of Speech: Noun, Verb
• Usage in a sentence: She was the • Meaning:
unanimous choice of the selection a. a false, absurd, or distorted
committee. representation of something.
1126. Word: Concur (सहमत होना) b. represent in a false, absurd, or distorted
• Pronunciation: kuh n-kur/ कन्कर
• Synonyms: parody, caricature, mockery,
• Part of Speech: Verb misinterpret, spoof
• Meaning: be of the same opinion; agree. • Antonyms: seriousness, actual, legitimate,
• Synonyms: agree, coincide, assent authentic
• Antonyms: disagree, dissent, squabble • Usage in a sentence: His claim is a travesty
• Usage in a sentence: She has expressed her of the facts.
opposition to the plan, and I fully concur.
1131. Word: Invoke (आर्ह्वान)
1127. Word: Provenance (उत्पर्ि)
• Pronunciation: in-vohk/ इन्वोक
• Pronunciation: prov-uh-nuh ns/ प्रावनन्स
• Part of Speech: Verb
• Part of Speech: Noun • Meaning: cite or appeal to (someone or
• Meaning: the place of origin or earliest something) as an authority for an action or
known history of something. in support of an argument.
• Synonyms: origin, source, birthplace • Synonyms: call forth, appeal, evoke,
• Antonyms: end, conclusion, demise summon
• Usage in a sentence: There's no proof about • Antonyms: dismiss, avert, avoid, abandon,
the provenance of the painting. banish


• Usage in a sentence: The UN threatened to • Synonyms: endow, lodge, entrust to

invoke economic sanctions if the talks were • Antonyms: disapprove, divest
broken off. • Usage in a sentence: The local planning
1132. Phrase: Tone down (मिंद करना) authorities are vested with powers to
regulate land use and development.
• Pronunciation: glich/ टोन िाउन
1137. Word: Murky (अिंधेरा)
• Part of Speech: Verb
• Meaning: make something written or said • Pronunciation: mur-kee/ मकी
less forceful, severe, or offensive. • Part of Speech: Adjective
• Synonyms: moderate, soften, reduce • Meaning:
• Antonyms: increase, aggravate a. dark and gloomy, especially due to thick
• Usage in a sentence: The fiery right-wing mist.
leader toned down his militant statements b. obscure or morally questionable.
after the meeting. • Synonyms: dark, cloudy, gloomy,
1133. Word: Adjudicate (ननर्िय दे ना) questionable
• Antonyms: clear, bright, luminous
• Pronunciation: uh-joo-di-keyt/ अजूडिकैट
• Usage in a sentence: The light was too
• Part of Speech: Verb murky to continue playing.
• Meaning: make a formal judgement on a
1138. Word: Rescind (उठाना/ रद्द करना)
disputed matter.
• Synonyms: judge, decide, arbitrate • Pronunciation: ri-sind/ ररलसन्ि
• Antonyms: defer, ignore, cede • Part of Speech: Verb
• Usage in a sentence: He was asked to • Meaning: revoke, cancel, or repeal (a law,
adjudicate on the dispute. order, or agreement).
1134. Word: Underscore (अधोरे खा/बल दे ना) • Synonyms: revoke, cancel, annul
• Antonyms: approve, allow, establish
• Pronunciation: uhn-der-skawr/ अन्िस्ट्कॉिर
• Usage in a sentence: The court has power to
• Part of Speech: Verb, Noun rescind a bankruptcy order under this
• Meaning: section.
a. underline or emphasize something. [Verb]
1139. Word: Convoy (रक्षक दल/बचाने के ललये सिंग जाना)
b. a line drawn under a word or phrase for
emphasis. [Noun] • Pronunciation: kon-voi/ कान्वॉइ
• Synonyms: stress, underline, emphasize, • Part of Speech: Noun, Verb
highlight • Meaning:
• Antonyms: ignore, underrate, muffle a. a group of ships or vehicles travelling
• Usage in a sentence: The data accumulated together, typically one accompanied by
by the Bureau of Labour Statistics armed troops, warships, or other vehicles for
underscores this phenomenon. protection. [Noun]
1135. Word: Consonance (आनुरू्य) b. (of a warship or armed troops)
accompany (a group of ships or vehicles) for
• Pronunciation: kon-suh-nuhns/ कान्सनन्स
protection. [Verb]
• Part of Speech: Noun • Synonyms: escort, accompany, guard
• Meaning: agreement or compatibility • Antonyms: neglect, desert, abandon
between opinions or actions. • Usage in a sentence: A convoy of trucks
• Synonyms: harmony, accord, agreement containing supplies was sent to the famine
• Antonyms: disagreement, dissonance, area.
1140. Word: Draconian (कठोर)
• Usage in a sentence: The literary
conceptions which prevailed were in • Pronunciation: drey-koh-nee-uh n/ ड्रैकोनीअन
consonance with the social structure. • Part of Speech: Adjective
1136. Word: Vest (अर्धकृत करना) • Meaning: (of laws or their application)
excessively harsh and severe.
• Pronunciation: vest/ वेस्ट्ट
• Synonyms: severe, harsh, strict
• Part of Speech: Verb • Antonyms: mild, lenient
• Meaning: confer or bestow (power,
authority, property, etc.) on someone.


• Usage in a sentence: He criticized the • Usage in a sentence: The strikers have

draconian measures taken by the police in thrown out of gear many of our important
controlling the demonstrators. industries.
1141. Word: Perishable (नश्वर/ खराब हो जाने वाली वस्ट्त)ु 1146. Word: Alienation (र्वराग)
• Pronunciation: per-i-shuh-buh l/ पेररशबल • Pronunciation: eyl-yuh-ney-shuh n/ ऐलीअनैशन
• Part of Speech: Adjective, Noun • Part of Speech: Noun
• Meaning: • Meaning: the state or experience of being
a. (especially of food) likely to decay or go alienated.
bad quickly. [Adjective] • Synonyms: estrangement, separation,
b. things, especially foodstuffs, likely to insanity
decay or go bad quickly. [Noun] • Antonyms: attachment, endearment
• Synonyms: spoilable, impermanent, • Usage in a sentence: Mental illness can
temporary create a sense of alienation from the real
• Antonyms: durable, imperishable world.
• Usage in a sentence: It's important to store 1147. Word: Protocol (सिंलेख)
perishable food in a cool place.
• Pronunciation: proh-tuh-kawl / प्रोटकाल
1142. Word: Unfettered (आज़ाद)
• Part of Speech: Noun
• Pronunciation: uhn-fet-er-ed/ अन्िेटिि • Meaning: the official procedure or system of
• Part of Speech: Adjective rules governing affairs of state or diplomatic
• Meaning: not confined or restricted. occasions.
• Synonyms: free, unchained, unrestricted • Synonyms: procedure, etiquette, convention
• Antonyms: restricted, confined • Antonyms: crudeness
• Usage in a sentence: In writing poetry, one • Usage in a sentence: The organizer was
is unfettered by the normal rules of sentence familiar with the protocol of royal visits.
coonstuction. 1148. Word: Clinch (जकडना)
1143. Word: Segregate (अलग करना)
• Pronunciation: klinch/ लक्लन्च
• Pronunciation: seg-ri-geyt/ सेग्रगेट
• Part of Speech: Verb, Noun
• Part of Speech: Verb • Meaning:
• Meaning: set apart from the rest or from a. confirm or settle (a contract or bargain).
each other; isolate or divide. [Verb]
• Synonyms: separate, isolate, dissociate b. a struggle or scuffle at close quarters.
• Antonyms: integrate, unite, combine [Noun]
• Usage in a sentence: Schools should not
• Synonyms: grip, clasp, settle
segregate children with disabilities.
• Antonyms: unlock, release
1144. Phrase: Wake-up call (चेतावनी) • Usage in a sentence: They are hoping to
• Pronunciation: weyk-uhp-kawl/ वेक-अप-कॉल clinch a major deal to supply computers to
• Meaning: a thing that alerts people to an the army
unsatisfactory situation and prompts them 1149. Word: Reign (राजत्व/शासन करना)
to remedy it.
• Pronunciation: reyn/ रे न
• Synonyms: alarm, warning, alert
• Antonyms: all clear • Part of Speech: Noun, Verb
• Usage in a sentence: Today's statistics will • Meaning:
be a wake-up call for the administration. a. the period of rule of a monarch. [Noun]
1145. Phrase: Throw out of gear b. hold royal office; rule as monarch. [Verb]
• Pronunciation: throh out ov geer/ थ्रो आउट अव • Synonyms: rule, control, command
• Antonyms: serve, submit
• Usage in a sentence: Archaeologists have
• Meaning: to stop something from working as dated the fort to the reign of Emperor
it should Antoninus Pius.
• Synonyms: disengage, disconnect
• Antonyms: engage, connect 1150. Word: Indictment (अलभयोग)
• Pronunciation: in-dahyt-muh nt/ इन्िाइट्मन्ट


• Part of Speech: Noun 1155. Word: Fringe (फकनारा)

• Meaning: a formal charge or accusation of a
• Pronunciation: frinj/ फफ्रन्ज
serious crime.
• Synonyms: charge, accusation, allegation • Part of Speech: Noun, Verb
• Meaning:
• Antonyms: justification, apology
a. the outer, marginal, or extreme part of an
• Usage in a sentence: This research is a
area, group, or sphere of activity. [Noun]
terrible indictment on the medical
b. form a border around (something). [Verb]
• Synonyms: edge, border, rim
1151. Word: Orthodox (शास्ट्िसम्मत) • Antonyms: centre, interior
• Pronunciation: awr-thuh-doks/ ऑथििाक्स • Usage in a sentence: The fringe benefits
include free health insurance.
• Part of Speech: Adjective
1156. Word: Annex (हडप लेना/ उपभवन)
• Meaning: following or conforming to the
traditional or generally accepted rules or • Pronunciation: an-eks/ ऐनेक्स
beliefs of a religion, philosophy, or practice. • Part of Speech: Verb, Noun
• Synonyms: traditional, conventional, • Meaning:
standard a. add as an extra or subordinate part,
• Antonyms: unconventional, irregular especially to a document. [Verb]
• Usage in a sentence: He challenged the b. a building joined to or associated with the
orthodox views on education. main building, providing additional space or
1152. Word: Potential (सिंभवनीय/ अन्तननिटहत शलक्त) accommodation. [Noun]
• Synonyms: attachment, add, append
• Pronunciation: puh-ten-shuh l/ अन्िेटिि • Antonyms: subtract, detach, separate
• Part of Speech: Adjective, Noun • Usage in a sentence: The annexe has been
• Meaning: built on to the main building.
a. having or showing the capacity to develop 1157. Word: Coup (आघात)
into something in the future. [Adjective]
• Pronunciation: koo/ कू
b. latent qualities or abilities that may be
developed and lead to future success or • Part of Speech: Noun
usefulness. [Verb] • Meaning: a sudden, violent, and illegal
• Synonyms: possible, ability, capacity seizure of power from a government.
• Antonyms: impossible, inability, doubtful • Synonyms: stroke, putsch, revolution
• Usage in a sentence: A number of potential • Antonyms: defeat, failure
buyers have expressed interest in the • Usage in a sentence: Some of the leaders of
company. the coup took their lives rather than face
1153. Word: Contentious (र्ववादपूर्)ि
1158. Word: Apartheid (रिं गभेद)
• Pronunciation: kuhn-ten-shuhs/ कन्टे न्शस
• Pronunciation: uh-pahrt-hahyt/ अपाटािइट
• Part of Speech: Adjective
• Meaning: causing or likely to cause an • Part of Speech: Noun
argument; controversial. • Meaning: segregation on grounds other than
• Synonyms: quarrelsome, combative, race.
belligerent • Synonyms: racism, segregation,
• Antonyms: peaceful, agreeable, friendly discrimination
• Usage in a sentence: Sanctions are expected • Antonyms: open-mindedness, equal rights
to be among the most contentious. • Usage in a sentence: Apartheid used
tribalism as the basis of its "divide-and-rule"
1154. Phrase: Drum up (खीिंचना)
homeland policies.
• Pronunciation: druhm up/ ड्रम-अप 1159. Word: Elude (बचना)
• Part of Speech: Verb
• Pronunciation: ih-lood/ इलि

• Meaning: to bring about by persistent effort.
• Synonyms: seek, locate, identify, gather • Part of Speech: Verb
• Antonyms: dissuade, repulse • Meaning: escape from or avoid (a danger,
• Usage in a sentence: The organization is enemy, or pursuer), typically in a skilful or
using the event to drum up the business. cunning way.


• Synonyms: evade, avoid, escape 1164. Word: Dissemination (प्रचार)

• Antonyms: confront, encounter • Pronunciation: dih-sem-uh-ney-shuh n/
• Usage in a sentence: The two men
managed to elude the police for six weeks.
• Part of Speech: Noun
1160. Word: Asylum (आश्रय)
• Meaning: the action or fact of spreading
• Pronunciation: uh-sahy-luhm/ असाइलम something, especially information, widely.
• Part of Speech: Noun • Synonyms: distribution, circulation
• Meaning: • Antonyms: gathering, collection
a. the protection granted by a state to • Usage in a sentence: The dissemination
someone who has left their home country as of music by radio and gramophone record
a political refugee. permeated the whole country and every
• b. an institution for the care of people who social stratum.
are mentally ill. 1165. Word: Rogue (कपटी)
• Synonyms: refuge, shelter, sanctuary
• Pronunciation: rohg/ रोग
• Antonyms: threat, hazard, evict
• Usage in a sentence: The number of • Part of Speech: Noun
people seeking asylum in the United • Meaning: a dishonest or unprincipled (man/
Kingdom has risen sharply. organisation).
• Synonyms: blackguard, villain, knave
1161. Word: Extradition (प्रत्यपशण)
• Antonyms: hero, angel, honest man
• Pronunciation: ek-struh-dish-uh n/ एक्स्ट्रडिशन • Usage in a sentence: Officials are
• Part of Speech: Noun concerned about rogue regimes that may
• Meaning: the action of extraditing (handing have nuclear weapons.
over) a person accused or convicted of a 1166. Word: Purloin (चराना)
• Synonyms: deportation, banishment, • Pronunciation: per-loin/ पलॉिइन
expatriation • Part of Speech: Verb
• Antonyms: repatriation • Meaning: steal (something).
• Usage in a sentence: The new government • Synonyms: pilfer, steal
will seek the extradition of the suspected • Antonyms: return, give
terrorists. • Usage in a sentence: Thieves purloined
1162. Word: Clamour (च़ीत्कार/ शोर मचाना) jewels worth of $4 millionfrom the mansion.
1167. Word: Tip (िका दे ना)
• Pronunciation: klam-er/ क्लैमर
• Part of Speech: Noun, Verb • Pronunciation: tip/ टटप
• Meaning: • Part of Speech: Verb
a. a loud and confused noise, especially that • Meaning: overbalance so as to fall or turn
of people shouting. over.
• b. (of a group of people) shout loudly and • Synonyms: overturn, overbalance, tumble
insistently. • Antonyms: level, right
• Synonyms: commotion, uproar, din • Usage in a sentence: The hay caught fire
• Antonyms: peace, silence when the candle tipped.
• Usage in a sentence: There was a 1168. Word: Flimsy (तनबशल)
clamour of voices outside the office.
• Pronunciation: flim-zee/ लफ्लम्ज़ी
1163. Word: Endanger (खतरे में डालना)
• Part of Speech: Adjective, Noun
• Pronunciation: en-deyn-jeyr/ एन्िेन्जेर • Meaning:
• Part of Speech: Verb a. insubstantial and easily damaged.
• Meaning: put (someone or something) at [Adjective]
risk or in danger. b. a document, especially a copy, made on
• Synonyms: jeopardize, threaten, very thin paper. [Noun]
• Antonyms: safeguard, protect, aid • Synonyms: weak, fragile, feeble
• Usage in a sentence: The debate could • Antonyms: strong, sturdy, tough
endanger the proposed peace talks.


• Usage in a sentence: The flimsy structure • Synonyms: decline, fall, drop

of the vehicle could not withstand even mild • Antonyms: surge, rise, ascent
impacts. • Usage in a sentence: There's been a
1169. Word: Resurgent (कफर से बढ़ने िाला/ पनरुत्र्ानश़ील) slump in the demand for new cars.
• Pronunciation: ri-sur-juh nt/ ररसजिन्ट 1173. Word: Amicably (मैत्ऱीपण
ू श ढां ि से)
• Part of Speech: Adjective • Pronunciation: am-i-kuh-buhl-ee/ ऐलमकब्ली
• Meaning: increasing or reviving after a • Part of Speech: Adverb
period of little activity, popularity, or • Meaning: in a friendly and peaceable
occurrence. manner.
• Synonyms: reborn, re-emergence • Synonyms: amiably, kindly, graciously
• Antonyms: unrevived, unrenewed • Antonyms: bitterly, excruciatingly
• Usage in a sentence: They lived together
• Usage in a sentence: Many people were
amicably for several years.
critical of the resurgent militarism in the
country. 1174. Word: Blasphemy (ईश-तनन्दा)
1170. Word: Mammoth (महाकाय) • Pronunciation: blas-fuh-mee/ ब्लैस्ट्िमी
• Pronunciation: mam-uh th/ मैमथ • Part of Speech: Noun
• Meaning: the action or offence of speaking
• Part of Speech: Noun, Adjective sacrilegiously about God or sacred things;
• Meaning: profane talk.
a. a large extinct elephant of the Pleistocene • Synonyms: sacrilege, profanity
epoch, typically hairy with a sloping back • Antonyms: safeguard, protect, aid
and long curved tusks. (Noun) • Usage in a sentence: He was found guilty
b. Huge (Adj) of blasphemy and sentenced to three years
• Synonyms: enormous, gigantic, giant in jail.
• Antonyms: tiny, little, small 1175. Word: Dent (खरोंच/ धांसाना)
• Usage in a sentence: Streets and
• Pronunciation: dent/ िेन्ट
sidewalks are blocked by mammoth
construction projects. • Part of Speech: Noun, Verb
• Meaning:
1171. Word: Moderation (अनततक्रम) a. a slight hollow in a hard even surface
• Pronunciation: mod-uh-rey-shuh n/ मािरे शन made by a blow or pressure. [Noun]
• Part of Speech: Noun • b. have an adverse effect on; diminish.
• Meaning:
• Synonyms: pit, hollow
a. the avoidance of excess or extremes,
• Antonyms: bulge, boost, lump
especially in one's behaviour or political
• Usage in a sentence: There was a large
dent in the passenger door.
b. the act of making something less
extreme, intense, or violent. 1176. Word: Heterodox (शास्त्र विरुद्ध)
• Synonyms: restraint, temperance, control • Pronunciation: het-er-uh-doks/ हे टरिाक्स
• Antonyms: excess • Part of Speech: Adjective
• Usage in a sentence: They showed a • Meaning: not conforming with accepted or
remarkable degree of moderation in not orthodox standards or beliefs.
quarrelling publicly on television. • Synonyms: dissident, heretical, unorthodox
1172. Word: Slump (गिरािट) • Antonyms: mainstream, orthodox
• Usage in a sentence: His opinions have
• Pronunciation: sluhmp/ स्ट्लम्प always been distinctly heterodox.
• Part of Speech: Verb, Noun 1177. Word: Intimidation (सांत्रास)
• Meaning: • Pronunciation: in-tim-i-dey-shuh n/
a. undergo a sudden severe or prolonged fall
in price, value, or amount. [Verb]
b. a sudden severe or prolonged fall in the • Part of Speech: Noun
price, value, or amount of something. • Meaning: the action of intimidating
[Noun] someone, or the state of being intimidated.


• Synonyms: threat, bullying, menace b. a person who has broken the law,
• Antonyms: fearlessness, fillip especially one who remains at large or is a
• Usage in a sentence: The defendant fugitive. (Noun)
complained of political intimidation during • Synonyms: proscribe, prohibit, forbid
the investigation. • Antonyms: paragon, legalize, allow
1178. Word: Spectacular (असाधारण/ भव्य प्रदशशन) • Usage in a sentence: The new law will
outlaw smoking in public places.
• Pronunciation: spek-tak-yuh-ler/ स्ट्पेक्टै क्यलर
1183. Word: Endorsement (अनमोदन)
• Part of Speech: Adjective, Noun
• Meaning: • Pronunciation: en-dawrs-muh nt / एन्िॉस्ट्मिन्ट
a. beautiful in a dramatic and eye-catching • Part of Speech: Noun
way. [Adjective] • Meaning: the action of endorsing someone
b. an event such as a pageant or musical, or something.
produced on a large scale and with striking • Synonyms: approval, sanction, affirmation
effects. [Noun] • Antonyms: contempt, disapproval,
• Synonyms: splendid, marvellous, fabulous disfavour
• Antonyms: usual, regular • Usage in a sentence: His presidential
• Usage in a sentence: I was attracted by campaign won endorsement from several
the spectacular display of fireworks. celebrities.
1179. Word: Fortitude (ध़ीरता) 1184. Word: Wield (उपयोि करना)
• Pronunciation: fawr-ti-tood/ िॉटटि टूि • Pronunciation: weeld/ वी्ि
• Part of Speech: Noun • Part of Speech: Verb
• Meaning: courage in pain or adversity. • Meaning: have and be able to use (power
• Synonyms: courage, bravery, mettle or influence).
• Antonyms: cowardice, laziness • Synonyms: handle, exert, utilize
• Usage in a sentence: She endured her • Antonyms: conceal, flip
illness with great fortitude. • Usage in a sentence: Though the central
1180. Word: Antagonistic (प्रततरोध़ी) banks wield enormous power, we should
not overstate their ability to shape the
• Pronunciation: an-tag-uh-nis-tik / ऐन्टै गननलस्ट्टक
economy in the long run.
• Part of Speech: Adjective
1185. Word: Deter (डराना)
• Meaning: showing or feeling active
opposition or hostility towards someone or • Pronunciation: dih-tur/ डिटर
something. • Part of Speech: Verb
• Synonyms: hostile, unfriendly, contrary • Meaning: discourage (someone) from doing
• Antonyms: friendly, peaceful, kind something by instilling doubt or fear of the
• Usage in a sentence: He is always consequences.
antagonistic towards new ideas. • Synonyms: discourage, dissuade, hinder
1181. Phrase: Tip of the iceberg • Antonyms: encourage, support, persuade
• Pronunciation: टटप अव दी आइस्ट्बगि • Usage in a sentence: These measures are
• Meaning: a situation in which one sees only designed to deter an enemy attack.
a small part of a really big problem. 1186. Word: Distinction (अन्तर)
• Synonyms: small portion • Pronunciation: dih-stingk-shuhn / डिलस्ट्टिं गक्शन
• Antonyms: larger part, unknown part • Part of Speech: Noun
• Usage in a sentence: As with many • Meaning: a difference or contrast between
injuries, the damage we can see is only the similar things or people.
tip of the iceberg. • Synonyms: difference, dissimilarity,
1182. Word: Outlaw (गैरकानूऩी बनाना) discrepancy
• Pronunciation: out-law / आउट्लॉ • Antonyms: equality, conformity
• Part of Speech: Verb, Noun • Usage in a sentence: A distinction should
• Meaning: be made between the primary and
ban or make illegal. (Verb) secondary contradictions.
1187. Word: Pursuant (के आधार पर/ अनरूप)


• Pronunciation: per-soo-uh nt / पसअ ूि न्ट • Usage in a sentence: The government

• Part of Speech: Adverb, Adjective agreed not to sack any of the protesting
• Meaning: workers.
a. in accordance with (a law or a legal 1192. Word: Depose (हटा दे ना)
document or resolution). [Adverb] • Pronunciation: dih-pohz/ डिपोज़
b. following; going in pursuit. [Adjective] • Part of Speech: Verb
• Synonyms: according, by virtue of • Meaning: remove from office suddenly and
• Antonyms: conflicting, inconsistent forcefully.
• Usage in a sentence: A complaint was • Synonyms: oust, overthrow, displace
made pursuant to section 13 of the Act of • Antonyms: elect, appoint, empower
1987. • Usage in a sentence: He was deposed
1188. Word: Extrinsic (बाहरी) and replaced by a more pliant successor.
• Pronunciation: ik-strin-sik / इलक्स्ट्रलन्सक 1193. Word: Clique (क्लीक)
• Part of Speech: Adjective • Pronunciation: kleek/ गुट्ट
• Meaning: not part of the essential nature of • Part of Speech: Noun
someone or something; coming or operating • Meaning: a small close-knit group of people
from outside. who do not readily allow others to join them.
• Synonyms: external, extraneous, outer • Synonyms: group, gang, circle, coterie
• Antonyms: intrinsic, internal • Antonyms: individual
• Usage in a sentence: Staff who complete • Usage in a sentence: The club is
extra qualifications receive no extrinsic. dominated by a small clique of intellectuals.
1189. Word: Viable (साध्य) 1194. Word: Tactic (कायशऩीतत)
• Pronunciation: vahy-uh-buhl / वाइअबल • Pronunciation: tak-tik/ टै लक्टक
• Part of Speech: Adjective • Part of Speech: Noun
• Meaning: capable of working successfully; • Meaning: an action or strategy carefully
feasible. planned to achieve a specific end.
• Synonyms: strong, sound, feasible • Synonyms: plan, strategy, ploy
• Antonyms: unsustainable, unfeasible • Antonyms: chance, coincidence
• Usage in a sentence: The committee came • Usage in a sentence: The proposal was
forward with one viable solution. dismissed as a diversionary tactic intended
1190. Word: Quell (शाांत करना) to distract attention from the real problems.
• Pronunciation: kwel/ क्वेल 1195. Word: Unleash (उन्मक्त करना)
• Part of Speech: Verb • Pronunciation: uhn-leesh / अन्लीश
• Meaning: put an end to (a rebellion or other • Part of Speech: Verb
disorder), typically by the use of force. • Meaning: cause (a strong or violent force)
• Synonyms: suppress, subdue to be released or become unrestrained.
• Antonyms: encourage, provoke • Synonyms: release, free, liberate
• Usage in a sentence: The President took • Antonyms: restrain, control
immediate steps to quell the uprising. • Usage in a sentence: The officers were still
1191. Word: Sack (बरख़ास्त करना) reluctant to unleash their troops in pursuit
• Pronunciation: sak/ सैक of a defeated enemy
• Part of Speech: Noun, Verb 1196. Word: Defiant (उपेक्षापूण)श
• Meaning: • Pronunciation: dih-fahy-uhnt / डििाइअन्ट
a. a large bag made of a strong material • Part of Speech: Adjective
such as hessian, thick paper, or plastic, used • Meaning: showing defiance.
for storing and carrying goods. [Noun] • Synonyms: bold, insubordinate, disobedient
b. dismiss from employment. [Verb] • Antonyms: obedient, respectful, submissive
• Synonyms: dismiss, fire • Usage in a sentence: The sacked workers
• Antonyms: hire, employ were in defiant mood as they entered the


1197. Word: Wary (एहततयात़ी) • Pronunciation: trans-gresh-uh n/ रै न्ज़्ग्रेशन

• Pronunciation: wair-ee / वेरी • Part of Speech: Noun
• Part of Speech: Adjective • Meaning: an act that goes against a law,
• Meaning: feeling or showing caution about rule, or code of conduct; an offence.
possible dangers or problems. • Synonyms: violation, infraction,
• Synonyms: cautious, careful, vigilant infringement
• Antonyms: naive, reckless • Antonyms: obedience, adherence
• Usage in a sentence: All authors need to • Usage in a sentence: Their transgression
be wary of inadvertent copying of other was motivated by false consciousness.
people's ideas. 1203. Word: Flurry (हलचल/ हिा का िोंका)
1198. Word: Stalemate (िततरोध) • Pronunciation: flur-ee/ फ्लरी
• Pronunciation: steyl-meyt / स्ट्टे ्मेट • Part of Speech: Noun, Verb
• Part of Speech: Noun • Meaning:
• Meaning: a situation in which further action a. a sudden short period of activity or
or progress by opposing or competing excitement. [Noun]
parties seems impossible. b. (especially of snow or leaves) be moved
• Synonyms: deadlock, impasse, standstill in small swirling masses by sudden gusts of
• Antonyms: progress, advance wind. [Verb]
• Usage in a sentence: The discussions with • Synonyms: fluster, commotion, fuss
the miners' union ended in a stalemate. • Antonyms: calm, quiet, calmness
• Usage in a sentence: A flurry of
1199. Word: Oppressive (अत्याचारपूण)श
excitement went among the audience as the
• Pronunciation: uh-pres-iv/ अप्रेलसव popular singers arrived.
• Part of Speech: Adjective 1204. Word: Intemperate (अततभोज़ी)
• Meaning: inflicting harsh and authoritarian
• Pronunciation: in-tem-per-it / इन्टे म्पररट
• Synonyms: severe, burdensome, arduous • Part of Speech: Adjective
• Antonyms: royal, electable, mild • Meaning: having or showing a lack of self-
• Usage in a sentence: The political situation control; immoderate.
has grown increasingly oppressive. • Synonyms: unrestrained, unreasonable,
1200. Phrase: Rap on the knuckles (भत्सशना)
• Antonyms: peaceful, temperate, calm
• Pronunciation: रै प ऑन दी नक्ज़ • Usage in a sentence: His intemperate
• Meaning: the act of speaking to someone ambition will bring him a disastrous failure.
severely or angrily because of something 1205. Word: Brazenly (टढठाई से)
they have done or failed to do.
• Pronunciation: brey-zuhn-lee / िेज़न्ली
• Synonyms: criticize
• Antonyms: applaud, compliment • Part of Speech: Adverb
• Usage in a sentence: I got a rap on the • Meaning: in a bold and shameless way.
knuckles for not finishing my essay on • Synonyms: boldly, unashamedly,
time. audaciously
• Antonyms: meekly
1201. Word: Slumber (सोना)
• Usage in a sentence: Iran brazenly
• Pronunciation: sluhm-ber/ स्ट्लम्बर insisted on continuing its nuclear program
• Part of Speech: Verb, Noun despite international objections.
• Meaning: 1206. Word: Blatant (ऊधम़ी)
sleep. (Verb)
• Pronunciation: bleyt-nt/ ब्लेटन्ट
b. A sleep (Noun)
• Synonyms: snooze, doze, rest • Part of Speech: Adjective
• Antonyms: wake, awaken • Meaning: (of bad behaviour) done openly
• Usage in a sentence: She fell into a deep and unashamedly.
and peaceful slumber. • Synonyms: flagrant, shameless,
1202. Word: Transgression (आज्ञालांघन)
• Antonyms: subtle, quiet, unnoticeable


• Usage in a sentence: The whole episode 1211. Word: Gruelling (भयांकर)

was a blatant attempt to gain publicity.
• Pronunciation: groo-uh-ling/ ग्रअ
ू लीिंग
1207. Word: Partisan (पक्षपात़ी)
• Part of Speech: Adjective
• Pronunciation: pahr-tuh-zuhn/ पाटटि ज़न • Meaning: extremely tiring and demanding.
• Part of Speech: Noun, Adjective • Synonyms: laborious, strenuous,
• Meaning: exhausting
a. a strong supporter of a party, cause, or • Antonyms: hassle-free
person. [Noun] • Usage in a sentence: He had complained
b. prejudiced in favour of a particular cause. of exhaustion after his gruelling schedule
[Adjective] over the past week.
• Synonyms: supporter, biased, partial 1212. Word: Anonymous (अनाम)
• Antonyms: neutral, impartial
• Pronunciation: uh-non-uh-muh s/ अनानमस
• Usage in a sentence: The audience was
very partisan and refused to listen to the • Part of Speech: Adjective
points she was making in her speech. • Meaning: (of a person) not identified by
name; of unknown name.
1208. Word: Smack (र्तपड़/तमाचा मारना/ठीक)
• Synonyms: unknown, unidentified,
• Pronunciation: smak / स्ट्मैक nameless
• Part of Speech: Noun, Verb, Adverb • Antonyms: known, identified, named
• Meaning: • Usage in a sentence: An anonymous
a. a sharp slap or blow, typically one given businesswoman donated one million dollars
with the palm of the hand. [Noun] to the charity.
b. strike (someone or something), typically 1213. Word: Affinity (आकषशण)
with the palm of the hand and as a
• Pronunciation: uh-fin-i-tee/ अफिननटी
punishment. [Verb]
c. exactly; precisely. [Adverb] • Part of Speech: Noun
• Synonyms: slap, whack, bang, hit • Meaning: a natural liking for and
• Antonyms: off, indirectly, inexactly understanding of someone or something.
• Usage in a sentence: I think it's wrong to • Synonyms: sympathy, attraction, rapport,
smack. similarity
• Antonyms: dislike, dissimilarity, distaste
1209. Word: Incumbent (अिलांब़ी)
• Usage in a sentence: A house design
• Pronunciation: in-kuhm-buh nt/ इन्कम्बन्ट should have some affinity with the
• Part of Speech: Adjective, Noun surrounding architecture.
• Meaning: 1214. Word: Exhortation (प्रोत्साहन)
a. necessary for (someone) as a duty or
• Pronunciation: eg-zawr-tey-shuh n/ एलज़ॉटे शन
responsibility. [Adjective]
b. the holder of an office or post. [Noun] • Part of Speech: Noun
• Synonyms: necessary, tenured, • Meaning: an address or communication
compulsory, officeholder emphatically urging someone to do
• Antonyms: optional, unnecessary something.
• Usage in a sentence: It is incumbent • Synonyms: persuasion, encouragement,
upon all users of this equipment to urging
familiarize themselves with the safety • Antonyms: dissuasion, arbitration
procedure. • Usage in a sentence: After repeated
1210. Word: Drudgery (कटठन पररश्रम) exhortation by his comrades, he finally
straightened out his thinking.
• Pronunciation: druhj-uh-ree/ ड्रजरी
1215. Word: Platitude (पराऩी या अनर्शक बातें)
• Part of Speech: Noun
• Meaning: hard menial or dull work. • Pronunciation: plat-i-tyood / ्लैटटट्यूि
• Synonyms: toil, hard work, labour • Part of Speech: Noun
• Antonyms: relaxation, recreation • Meaning: a remark or statement, especially
• Usage in a sentence: Technological one with a moral content, that has been
advances have taken much of the drudgery
out of the assembly line and car plant.


used too often to be interesting or 1220. Word: Integrity (अखांडता)

• Pronunciation: in-teg-ri-tee/ इन्टे र्ग्रटी
• Synonyms: truism, cliché, commonplace
• Antonyms: profundity, coinage • Part of Speech: Noun
• Usage in a sentence: He was seen on TV • Meaning:
delivering platitudes about the crisis in a a. the quality of being honest and having
monotone voice. strong moral principles.
b. the state of being whole and undivided.
1216. Phrase: Hark back (याद टदलाना)
• Synonyms: honesty, uprightness, morality
• Pronunciation: hahrk bak/ हाकि बैक • Antonyms: dishonesty, deception,
• Part of Speech: Verb unfairness
• Meaning: mention or remember (something • Usage in a sentence: Separatist
from the past). movements are a threat to the integrity of
• Synonyms: recall, reminisce, remember the nation.
• Antonyms: forget, ignore 1221. Word: Unprecedented (अद्वित़ीय)
• Usage in a sentence: Some old people • Pronunciation: uhn-pres-i-den-tid/ अन्प्रेलसिेलन्टि
always hark back to how things were 30 • Part of Speech: Adjective
years ago. • Meaning: never done or known before.
1217. Word: Testimony (कर्न) • Synonyms: unparalleled, record breaking,
• Pronunciation: tes-tuh-moh-nee / टे स्ट्टमोनी
• Antonyms: traditional, familiar, typical
• Part of Speech: Noun • Usage in a sentence: Unprecedented
• Meaning: a formal written or spoken change has been the keynote of the
statement, especially one given in a court of electronic revolution.
1222. Word: Fortify (सशक्त करना)
• Synonyms: evidence, proof, statement
• Antonyms: denial, refutation, disproof • Pronunciation: fawr-tuh-fahy/ िॉटटि िाइ
• Usage in a sentence: The government • Part of Speech: Verb
decided that their testimony would be • Meaning: strengthen (someone) mentally
irrelevant to the case. or physically.
1218. Word: Harbinger (अग्रिाम़ी) • Synonyms: strengthen, brace, reinforce
• Antonyms: weaken, soften
• Pronunciation: hahr-bin-jer / हार्बिन्जर • Usage in a sentence: Concrete blocks were
• Part of Speech: Noun piled high to fortify the government centre.
• Meaning: a person or thing that announces 1223. Word: Indelicate (अभद्र)
or signals the approach of another.
• Synonyms: presage, portent, sign • Pronunciation: in-del-i-kit/ इन्िेललकट
• Antonyms: descendent • Part of Speech: Adjective
• Usage in a sentence: The increase in • Meaning: having or showing a lack of
homes prices may be a harbinger of better sensitive understanding or tact.
economic times. • Synonyms: improper, indecent, rude
1219. Word: Ironically (व्यांग्यपूिक
श ) • Antonyms: nice, decent, delicate
• Usage in a sentence: She really could not
• Pronunciation: ahy-ron-i-kuhl-ee/
touch upon such an indelicate.
1224. Word: Collegium (अगधशास़ी मांडल)
• Part of Speech: Adverb
• Meaning: used in reference to a • Pronunciation: kuh-lee-jee-uh m/ कलीजीअम
paradoxical, unexpected, or coincidental • Part of Speech: Noun
situation. • Meaning: an organization for people who
• Synonyms: wryly, paradoxically, have similar interests or who do similar
sarcastically work, especially in a university.
• Antonyms: actually, acutely • Synonyms: panel, bench
• Usage in a sentence: She ended up doing • Usage in a sentence: This collegium
commercials, which ironically revived her continued to exist till the time of Alaric.
acting career. 1225. Word: Glare (िस्से से घरू ना/ चमक)


• Pronunciation: glair/ ललेर • Pronunciation: mon-yuh-men-tl/ मान्यूमेन्टल

• Part of Speech: Verb, Noun • Part of Speech: Adjective
• Meaning: • Meaning: great in importance, extent, or size.
a. stare in an angry or fierce way. [Verb] • Synonyms: immense, huge, enormous
b. strong and dazzling light. [Noun] • Antonyms: tiny, little, insignificant
• Synonyms: shine, scowl, glow • Usage in a sentence: There have been
• Antonyms: grin, smile, dark monumental social and demographic
• Usage in a sentence: The walls were changes in the country.
whitewashed to reflect the glare of the sun. 1231. Word: Strife (सांघषश)
1226. Word: Frenetic (अततउिेस्जत) • Pronunciation: strahyf/ स्ट्राइि
• Pronunciation: fruh-net-ik /फ्रनेटटक • Part of Speech: Noun
• Part of Speech: Adjective • Meaning: angry or bitter disagreement over
• Meaning: fast and energetic in a rather wild fundamental issues; conflict.
and uncontrolled way. • Synonyms: conflict, struggle, contention
• Synonyms: frantic, wild, furious • Antonyms: peace, harmony, agreement
• Antonyms: calm, balanced • Usage in a sentence: They blamed the
• Usage in a sentence: After weeks of republic's nationalistic coalition government
frenetic activity, the job was finally for the slide into civil strife.
finished. 1232. Phrase: To go through a rough patch
1227. Word: Ominous (अतनष्टसूचक) • Pronunciation: ruhf pach/ रि पैच
• Pronunciation: om-uh-nuh s / आमनस • Meaning: to experience a lot of problems in
• Part of Speech: Adjective a period of your life.
• Meaning: giving the worrying impression • Synonyms: hard time, tough time,
that something bad is going to happen; challenging time
threateningly inauspicious. • Antonyms: good time
• Synonyms: threatening, menacing, sinister • Usage in a sentence: Small businesses are
• Antonyms: auspicious, promising, going through a rough patch under the
propitious present economic situations.
• Usage in a sentence: The collapse of the 1233. Word: Grapple (िर्ना)
bank is an ominous reminder of the fragility • Pronunciation: grap-uhl/ ग्रैपल
of the world's banking system. • Part of Speech: Verb
1228. Phrase: Brush Aside (उपेक्षा करना) • Meaning: engage in a close fight or struggle
• Pronunciation: bruhsh uh-sahyd/िश असाइि without weapons; wrestle.
• Part of Speech: Verb • Synonyms: grasp, wrestle, clutch
• Meaning: to treat (something) as unimportant
• Antonyms: release, free
• Synonyms: disregard, ignore, dismiss • Usage in a sentence: The new government
• Antonyms: regard, prudence is yet to grapple with the problem of air
• Usage in a sentence: He brushed aside pollution.
criticisms of his performance. 1234. Word: Aftermath (पररणाम)
1229. Word: Piety (धाममशकता) • Pronunciation: af-ter-math/ ऐफ्टमैथ
• Pronunciation: pahy-i-tee / पाइअटी • Part of Speech: Noun
• Part of Speech: Noun • Meaning: the consequences or after-effects
• Meaning: the quality of being religious or of a significant unpleasant event.
reverent. • Synonyms: effect, consequence, outcome
• Synonyms: devotion, devoutness, • Antonyms: antecedent, prologue, cause
godliness, reverence • Usage in a sentence: Recession in the
• Antonyms: irreverence, impiety, atheism country has run its course and left an
• Usage in a sentence: In a traditional aftermath of uncertainty.
Chinese family filial piety is rigidly 1235. Word: Spectre (वपशाच)
observed. • Pronunciation: spek-ter/ स्ट्पेक्टर
1230. Word: Monumental (स्मरणार्शक) • Part of Speech: Noun


• Meaning: • Meaning: make a military observation of (a

a. a ghost. region).
b. something widely feared as a possible • Synonyms: reconnaissance, scout, explore,
unpleasant or dangerous occurrence. survey
• Synonyms: ghost, phantom, apparition • Antonyms: overlook, ignore, neglect
• Antonyms: reality • Usage in a sentence: The platoon was sent
• Usage in a sentence: The country is to reconnoitre the village before the
haunted by the spectre of civil war. attack.
1236. Phrase: In the crosshairs 1241. Word: Slick (सतही/ गचकनाई की परत)
• Pronunciation: in th-ee kraws hair/ इन दी • Pronunciation: slik/ लस्ट्लक
रॉस हे यसि • Part of Speech: Adjective, Noun
• Part of Speech: Verb • Meaning:
• Meaning: in a position in which other a. done or operating in an impressively
people are eager to criticize or attack. smooth and efficient way. [Adjective]
• Usage in a sentence: The CEO has been in b. an application or amount of a glossy or
the cross hairs of politicians and oily substance. [Noun]
businesspeople alike for his recent c. a film or a layer of oil floating on an
comments on immigration. expanse of water. [Noun]
1237. Word: Acrimony (कटता) • Synonyms: smooth, slippery, glossy
• Antonyms: rough, dull
• Pronunciation: ak-ruh-moh-nee/ ऐफरमोनी
• Usage in a sentence: The dancers gave a
• Part of Speech: Noun very slick.
• Meaning: bitterness or ill feeling.
1242. Word: Sanction (स्ि़ीकृतत दे ना)
• Synonyms: bitterness, malice, acerbity
• Antonyms: helpfulness, benevolence, • Pronunciation: sangk-shuhn/ सैंगक्शन
kindness • Part of Speech: Noun, Verb
• Usage in a sentence: The council's first • Meaning:
meeting ended in acrimony. a. a threatened penalty for disobeying a law
1238. Word: Backlash (प्रततक्षेप) or rule. [Noun]
• Pronunciation: bak-lash / बैक्लैश b. give official permission or approval for (an
action). [Verb]
• Part of Speech: Noun
• Synonyms: approve, endorse, authorize,
• Meaning: a strong negative reaction by a
large number of people, especially to a
• Antonyms: disapprove, contempt, refusal,
social or political development.
• Synonyms: recoil, rebound, repercussion
• Antonyms: cause, reason • Usage in a sentence: The conference gave
• Usage in a sentence: The management its official sanction to the change of policy.
fears a backlash from angry fans over the 1243. Word: Intransigent (कट्टर)
team's recent poor performances. • Pronunciation: in-tran-si-juh nt/ इन्रै लन्सजन्ट
1239. Word: Putative (विख्यात) • Part of Speech: Adjective
• Pronunciation: pyoo-tuh-tiv/ ्यूटटटव • Meaning: unwilling or refusing to change
• Part of Speech: Adjective one's views or to agree about something.
• Meaning: generally considered or reputed • Synonyms: stubborn, uncompromising,
to be. inflexible
• Synonyms: reputed, acknowledged • Antonyms: accepting, flexible
• Antonyms: unacknowledged • Usage in a sentence: Owing to their
• Usage in a sentence: The putative leader intransigent attitude we were unable to
of the terrorist organization was arrested by reach to an agreement.
police in Birmingham yesterday. 1244. Phrase: Zero out (शून्याांकन करना)
1240. Word: Reconnoitre (पता लिाना) • Pronunciation: zeer-oh out/ ज़ीरो आउट
• Pronunciation: ree-kuh-noi-ter/ रीकनॉइटर • Part of Speech: Verb
• Part of Speech: Verb


• Meaning: to reduce the amount of • Usage in a sentence: They were

(something) to zero. persuaded to sign a waiver of claims
• Usage in a sentence: Be sure to zero out against the landlord.
the account before you switch banks. 1249. Word: Exemption (िटकारा)
1245. Word: Unviable (अलाभकारी) • Pronunciation: ig-zemp-shuhn/ इलज़ेम््शन
• Pronunciation: un-vahy-uh-buhl/ अनवाइअबल • Part of Speech: Noun
• Part of Speech: Adjective • Meaning: the action of freeing or state of
• Meaning: not capable of working being free from an obligation or liability
successfully; not feasible. imposed on others.
• Synonyms: infeasible, impracticable, • Synonyms: freedom, release, dispensation
unsustainable • Antonyms: responsibility, liability
• Antonyms: feasible, viable, possible • Usage in a sentence: This firm is assisting
• Usage in a sentence: The commission the organization in resolving problems
found the plan to be financially unviable. related to its tax exemption.
1246. Word: Pragmatic (यर्ातथ्य) 1250. Phrase: Cave in (ढहना)
• Pronunciation: prag-mat-ik/ प्रैलमैटटक • Pronunciation: keyv-in/ केव इन
• Part of Speech: Adjective • Part of Speech: Verb
• Meaning: dealing with things sensibly and • Meaning:
realistically in a way that is based on a. (of a roof or similar structure) subside or
practical rather than theoretical collapse.
considerations. b. capitulate or submit under pressure.
• Synonyms: practical, realistic, sensible, • Synonyms: collapse, fall, breakdown
logical • Antonyms: power through, rise
• Antonyms: impractical, idealistic, • Usage in a sentence: The President is
unrealistic unlikely to cave in to the demands for a
• Usage in a sentence: Williams took a more public inquiry.
pragmatic approach to manage the 1251. Word: Jeopardise (खतरे में डालना)
problems. • Pronunciation: jep-er-dahyz/ जेपिािइज़
1247. Word: Reprieve (दण्डविराम) • Part of Speech: Verb
• Pronunciation: ri-preev/ ररप्रीव • Meaning: put (someone or something) into
• Part of Speech: Verb, Noun a situation in which there is a danger of loss,
• Meaning: harm, or failure.
a. cancel or postpone the punishment of • Synonyms: endanger, hazard, risk
(someone, especially someone condemned • Antonyms: protect, caution, save
to death). [Verb] • Usage in a sentence: His foolish behaviour
b. a cancellation or postponement of a may jeopardize his future.
punishment. [Noun] 1252. Word: Replete (पररततृ त)
• Synonyms: pardon, release, respite • Pronunciation: ri-pleet/ रर्लीट
• Antonyms: punish, charge, blame
• Part of Speech: Adjective
• Usage in a sentence: The family has won a
• Meaning: filled or well-supplied with something.
temporary reprieve from eviction.
• Synonyms: abundant, overflowing, full
1248. Word: Waiver (अगधत्याि) • Antonyms: empty, famished
• Pronunciation: wey-ver/ वेवर • Usage in a sentence: Government
• Part of Speech: Noun documents and official statements
• Meaning: an act or instance of waiving a concerning integration are replete with ill-
right or claim. defined language.
• Synonyms: renunciation, abandonment, 1253. Word: Exemplary (अनकरण़ीय)
resignation • Pronunciation: sangk-shuhn/ इलज़ेम््लरी
• Antonyms: accept, claim
• Part of Speech: Adjective
• Meaning: serving as a desirable model;
very good.


• Synonyms: admirable, commendable • Part of Speech: Noun

• Antonyms: outrageous, sinful, unworthy • Meaning: a person who carries out a
• Usage in a sentence: His behaviour in the harmful, illegal, or immoral act.
aftermath of the Hillsborough disaster was • Synonyms: offender, culprit, criminal
exemplary. • Antonyms: law-abiding citizen
1254. Word: Conviction (अपराध़ी ठहराना) • Usage in a sentence: You will meet the
perpetrator in a special interview room.
• Pronunciation: kuhn-vik-shuhn / कलन्वक्शन
1259. Word: Unlettered (अमशक्षक्षत)
• Part of Speech: Noun
• Meaning: a formal declaration by the • Pronunciation: uhn-let-erd/ अन्लेटिि
verdict of a jury or the decision of a judge in • Part of Speech: Adjective
a court of law that someone is guilty of a • Meaning: (of a person) poorly educated or
criminal offence. illiterate.
• Synonyms: sentence, judgement • Synonyms: uneducated, ignorant, illiterate
• Antonyms: acquittal, amnesty • Antonyms: well-versed, multiskilled,
• Usage in a sentence: She appealed shrewd
unsuccessfully against her conviction for • Usage in a sentence: Most of these people
murder. are poor, live off the land in some manner,
1255. Word: Apprise (सूचना दे ना) use wood for fuel, and, are unlettered.
• Pronunciation: uh-prahyz/ अप्राइज़ 1260. Word: Pitch (फेंकना)
• Part of Speech: Verb • Pronunciation: pich/ र्पच
• Meaning: inform or tell (someone). • Part of Speech: Noun, Verb
• Synonyms: inform, advise, notify • Meaning:
• Antonyms: depreciate, devaluate a. a standard degree of highness or lowness
• Usage in a sentence: We must apprise used in performance. [Noun]
them of the dangers that may be involved. b. throw roughly or casually. [Verb]
1256. Word: Miscarriage (तनष्फलता) • Synonyms: toss, throw, fling, hurl
• Antonyms: dismantle, catch
• Pronunciation: mis-kar-ij/ लमस्ट्कैररज
• Usage in a sentence: He crumpled the
• Part of Speech: Noun page up and pitched it into the fireplace.
• Meaning:
1261. Word: Eloquent (िाक्पट)
a. an unsuccessful outcome of something
planned. • Pronunciation: el-uh-kwuh nt/ एलक्वन्ट
b. the spontaneous or unplanned expulsion • Part of Speech: Adjective
of a foetus from the womb before it is able • Meaning: fluent or persuasive in speaking
to survive independently. or writing.
• Synonyms: failure, abortion, error • Synonyms: articulate, expressive, fluent
• Antonyms: success, triumph • Antonyms: dull, inarticulate, voiceless
• Usage in a sentence: He spent twenty • Usage in a sentence: The defence lawyer
years in prison as a result of a miscarriage made an eloquent plea for his client's
of justice. acquittal.
1257. Word: Diligent (मेहनत़ी) 1262. Word: Gauge (नापना)
• Pronunciation: dil-i-juhnt/ डिललजन्ट • Pronunciation: geyj/ गेज
• Part of Speech: Adjective • Part of Speech: Noun, Verb
• Meaning: having or showing care and • Meaning:
conscientiousness in one's work or duties. a. a tool for checking whether something
• Synonyms: careful, hard-working, conforms to a desired dimension. [Noun]
industrious b. estimate or determine the amount, level,
• Antonyms: lazy, negligent or volume of. [Verb]
• Usage in a sentence: The discovery was • Synonyms: measure, estimate, assess
made after years of diligent. • Antonyms: guess
1258. Word: Perpetrator (अपराधकताश) • Usage in a sentence: Use a thermometer
to gauge the temperature.
• Pronunciation: pur-pi-trey-ter/पपिरैटर


1263. Word: Redress (सधारना) • Antonyms: incompetence, failure, inability

• Usage in a sentence: The students'
• Pronunciation: ree-dres/ ररड्रेस
proficiency in speaking English is also
• Part of Speech: Verb, Noun tested.
• Meaning:
1268. Word: Shortcoming (कमजोरी)
a. remedy or set right (an undesirable or
unfair situation). [Verb] • Pronunciation: shawrt-kuhm-ing/शॉट्िकलमिंग
b. remedy or compensation for a wrong or • Part of Speech: Noun
grievance. [Noun] • Meaning: a fault or failure to meet a certain
• Synonyms: remedy, correct, compensate standard, typically in a person's character, a
• Antonyms: wrong, worsen, blighted plan, or a system.
• Usage in a sentence: He is seeking • Synonyms: flaw, deficiency, fault
redress for what he alleges was an unfair • Antonyms: privilege, excellence, plethora
demotion. • Usage in a sentence: The principal
1264. Word: Secluded (एकाांत) shortcoming of the existing
communications infrastructure lies in its
• Pronunciation: si-kloo-did/ लसक्लूडिि
inability to provide integrated voice, data,
• Part of Speech: Adjective and video services.
• Meaning: (of a place) not seen or visited by
1269. Word: Inertial (जड़त्ि़ीय)
many people; sheltered and private.
• Synonyms: isolated, remote, lonely • Pronunciation: in-ur-shuh-ul/ इनशिल
• Antonyms: exposed, public, accessible • Part of Speech: Adjective
• Usage in a sentence: The monks • Meaning: relating to or arising from inertia.
secluded themselves from the rest of • Synonyms: inertial force, inactive
society. • Antonyms: active
1265. Word: Deception (कपट) • Usage in a sentence: The testing results in
two inertial guidance systems show that
• Pronunciation: dih-sep-shuhn/ डिसे्शन
the concept is practical and reliable.
• Part of Speech: Noun
1270. Word: Vintage (विमशष्ट)
• Meaning: the action of deceiving someone.
• Synonyms: trick, deceit, fraud • Pronunciation: vin-tij/ र्वलन्टज
• Antonyms: honesty, truthfulness, candour • Part of Speech: Noun, Adjective
• Usage in a sentence: He was convicted of • Meaning:
obtaining money by deception. a. the time that something of quality was
1266. Word: Decoy (िाांसा/ जाल में फाांसना) produced. [Noun]
b. denoting something from the past of high
• Pronunciation: dee-koi/ डिकॉइ
quality, especially something representing
• Part of Speech: Noun, Verb the best of its kind. [Adjective]
• Meaning: • Synonyms: old, antique, classic
a. a bird or mammal, or an imitation of one, • Antonyms: new, fresh, modern
used by hunters to attract other birds or • Usage in a sentence: This will be the last
mammals. [Noun] flight of the vintage aircraft before it is
b. lure or entice (a person or animal) away installed in the museum.
from their intended course, typically into a
1271. Word: Munition (शस्त्र)
trap. [Verb]
• Synonyms: lure, bait, trap • Pronunciation: myoo-nish-uh n/ म्यूननशन
• Antonyms: deter, rebel, admonish • Part of Speech: Noun
• Usage in a sentence: The police said that • Meaning: military weapons, ammunition,
the message was a decoy to distract equipment, and stores.
attention from the actual danger area. • Synonyms: weaponry, arms, bomb
1267. Word: Proficiency (तनपणता) • Usage in a sentence: The army used
precision-guided munitions to blow up the
• Pronunciation: pruh-fish-uh n-see/ प्रफिशन्सी
enemy targets.
• Part of Speech: Noun
1272. Word: Bratty (अमशष्ट)
• Meaning: a high degree of skill; expertise.
• Synonyms: skill, ability, adroitness • Pronunciation: brat-ee/ िैटी


• Part of Speech: Adjective • Usage in a sentence: The government

• Meaning: spoilt, self-centered, and badly enacted laws to protect women from
behaved. discriminatory employment practices.
• Synonyms: discourteous, insolent, 1277. Word: Ensconce (स्र्ावपत करना)
• Pronunciation: en-skons/ इन्स्ट्कान्स
• Antonyms: polite, well-behaved, courteous
• Usage in a sentence: A government • Part of Speech: Verb
official's bratty son ran over a student while • Meaning: establish or settle (someone) in a
drunk driving near Hebei University. comfortable, safe place.
• Synonyms: settle, establish, install
1273. Word: Petulance (गचड़गचड़ापन)
• Antonyms: uncover, unsettle
• Pronunciation: pech-uh-luh ns/ पेचलन्स • Usage in a sentence: We have ensconced
• Part of Speech: Noun ourselves in the most beautiful villa in the
• Meaning: the quality of being childishly South of France.
sulky or bad-tempered. 1278. Word: Agnostic (अऩीश्िरिादी)
• Synonyms: irritability, peevishness,
• Pronunciation: ag-nos-tik/ऐलनालस्ट्टक
• Antonyms: placidity, affability • Part of Speech: Noun
• Usage in a sentence: Zeus's pride and • Meaning: a person who believes that
petulance became more and more nothing is known or can be known of the
intolerable. existence or nature of God.
• Synonyms: heathen, infidel, atheist
1274. Word: Entitlement (अगधकार)
• Antonyms: believer, devout, theist
• Pronunciation: en-tahy-tl-muh nt/ • Usage in a sentence: Amelia was an
एन्टाइट्मन्ट agnostic and insatiable searcher for
• Part of Speech: Noun knowledge.
• Meaning: the fact of having a right to 1279. Word: Braggadocio (शेख़ी)
something. • Pronunciation: brag-uh-doh-shee-oh/
• Synonyms: right, privilege, authorization
• Antonyms: restriction, ban, prohibition
• Usage in a sentence: Leave entitlement • Part of Speech: Noun
is calculated on a pro rata basis, according • Meaning: boastful or arrogant behaviour.
to the length of service. • Synonyms: brag, boast, bluster
• Antonyms: kind, considerate
1275. Word: Emanate (उत्पन्न होना)
• Usage in a sentence: He was disliked
• Pronunciation: em-uh-neyt/ एमनेट because his manner was always full of
• Part of Speech: Verb braggadocio.
• Meaning: (of a feeling, quality, or 1280. Word: Unmediated (स़ीधा)
sensation) issue or spread out from (a • Pronunciation: un-mee-dee-yet-ed/
• Synonyms: issue, radiate, originate
• Antonyms: absorb, withdraw • Part of Speech: Adjective
• Usage in a sentence: The waves that • Meaning: without anyone or anything
emanate from the collision of two black intervening or acting as an intermediate;
holes should be detectable. direct.
• Synonyms: direct, close, free
1276. Word: Discriminatory (पक्षपात़ी)
• Antonyms: mediate, indirect
• Pronunciation: dih-skrim-uh-nuh-tawr-ee/ • Usage in a sentence: Emotional qualities,
डिलस्ट्रमनटॉरी powerful images and unmediated
• Part of Speech: Adjective expressiveness are the most prominent
• Meaning: making or showing an unfair or elements of contemporary architecture.
prejudicial distinction between different 1281. Word: Pesky (परे शान करने िाला)
categories of people or things, especially on
• Pronunciation: pes-kee / पेस्ट्की
the grounds of race, age, or sex.
• Synonyms: prejudiced, biased, unfair • Part of Speech: Adjective
• Antonyms: impartial, fair, unprejudiced • Meaning: causing trouble; annoying.


• Synonyms: annoying, troublesome, 1286. Word: Stonewall (रुकािट डालना)

• Pronunciation: stohn-wawl/ स्ट्टोन्वॉल
• Antonyms: pleasing, amicable
• Usage in a sentence: Those pesky kids • Part of Speech: Noun, Verb
from next door have let down my car tyres • Meaning:
again! a. an act of delaying or obstructing a
person, request, or process. [Noun]
1282. Word: Leeway (िांजाइश)
b. delay or obstruct (a request, process, or
• Pronunciation: lee-wey/ लीवे person) by refusing to answer questions or
• Part of Speech: Noun by being evasive. [Verb]
• Meaning: the amount of freedom to move • Synonyms: obstruct, stall, fence
or act that is available. • Antonyms: support, promote
• Synonyms: scope, room, space, margin • Usage in a sentence: He did his best to
• Antonyms: inflexibility, bigotry stonewall questions and to block even the
• Usage in a sentence: The government most modest proposals.
does not have much leeway in foreign 1287. Word: Endanger (जोणखम में डालना)
• Pronunciation: en-deyn-jeyr/ एन्िैन्जर
1283. Word: Furnish (प्रस्तत करना)
• Part of Speech: Verb
• Pronunciation: fur-nish/ िननिश • Meaning: put (someone or something) at
• Part of Speech: Verb risk or in danger.
• Meaning: be a source of; provide. • Synonyms: jeopardize, threaten, imperil
• Synonyms: provide, supply, give • Antonyms: safeguard, protect, aid
• Antonyms: conceal, hide, bereave • Usage in a sentence: He would never do
• Usage in a sentence: No one in the class anything to endanger the lives of his
could furnish the right answer to the children.
question. 1288. Word: Viability (व्यािहाररकता)
1284. Word: Ambiguous (अनेकार्ी) • Pronunciation: vahy-uh-bil-i-tee/ वाइअर्बलटी
• Pronunciation: am-big-yoo-uhs/ ऐलम्बलयूअस • Part of Speech: Noun
• Part of Speech: Adjective • Meaning: ability to work successfully.
• Meaning: open to more than one • Synonyms: feasibility, survival,
interpretation; not having one obvious practicability
meaning. • Antonyms: unfeasibility, impracticability
• Synonyms: vague, uncertain, equivocal • Usage in a sentence: The company has
• Antonyms: definite, clear, explicit questioned the commercial viability of the
• Usage in a sentence: The government has mine.
been ambiguous on this issue. 1289. Word: Accountability (उिरदातयत्ि)
1285. Word: Exempt (मक्त करना) • Pronunciation: uh-koun-tuh-bil-i-tee/ अकाउन्टर्बललटी
• Pronunciation: ig-zempt/ इलज़ेम््ट • Part of Speech: Noun
• Part of Speech: Adjective, Verb, Noun • Meaning: the fact or condition of being
• Meaning: accountable; responsibility.
a. free from an obligation or liability • Synonyms: responsibility, liability,
imposed on others. [Adjective] obligation
b. free (a person or organization) from an • Antonyms: impunity
obligation or liability imposed on others. • Usage in a sentence: There is a need for
[Verb] increased professional accountability.
c. a person who is exempt from something, 1290. Word: Perplexing (है रान करनेिाला)
especially the payment of tax. [Noun] • Pronunciation: per-pleks-ing/ प्लेलक्सिंग
• Synonyms: free, release, absolve
• Part of Speech: Adjective, Verb
• Antonyms: accountable, answerable,
• Meaning:
a. completely baffling; very puzzling.
• Usage in a sentence: These goods are
exempted from import taxes.


b. making (someone) feel completely • Meaning: an act or instance of waiving a

baffled. [Verb] right or claim.
• Synonyms: puzzling, baffling, confusing • Synonyms: renunciation, abandonment
• Antonyms: clear, intelligible • Antonyms: accept, adoption
• Usage in a sentence: This might seem • Usage in a sentence: They were persuaded
very perplexing to those who know nothing to sign a waiver of claims against the
about it. landlord.
1291. Word: Withhold (रोकना) 1296. Word: Adversary (प्रततिादी)
• Pronunciation: with-hohld/ र्वथ्हो्ि
• Pronunciation: ad-ver-ser-ee/ ऐड्वसेरी
• Part of Speech: Verb
• Part of Speech: Noun
• Meaning: refuse to give (something that is
• Meaning: one's opponent in a contest,
due to or is desired by another).
conflict, or dispute.
• Synonyms: deny, refuse, retain
• Antonyms: provide, contribute • Synonyms: opponent, competitor, enemy
• Usage in a sentence: It was unscrupulous • Antonyms: ally, supporter, friend
of their lawyer to withhold. • Usage in a sentence: The British considered
1292. Word: Intransigence (कट्टरता) him a worthy adversary.
1297. Word: Comply (पालन करना)
• Pronunciation: in-tran-si-juh ns/ इन्रै न्सजन्स
• Part of Speech: Noun • Pronunciation: kuhm-plahy/ कम््लाइ
• Meaning: refusal to change one's views or • Part of Speech: Verb
to agree about something. • Meaning: act in accordance with a wish or
• Synonyms: inflexibility, rigidity command.
• Antonyms: flexibility, compliance • Synonyms: obey, conform, agree
• Usage in a sentence: The situation was • Antonyms: disobey, challenge, refuse
worsened by the ineptitude and • Usage in a sentence: Failure to comply
intransigence of the oil companies.
with the regulations will result in prosecution.
1293. Word: Brinkmanship (स़ीमाांतिततशता)
1298. Word: Conjure (शपर्पि
ू शक)
• Pronunciation: bringk-muh n-ship/ र्ििंगक्मलन्शप
• Pronunciation: kon-jer/ कान्जर
• Part of Speech: Noun
• Meaning: the art or practice of pursuing a • Part of Speech: Verb
dangerous policy to the limits of safety before • Meaning:
stopping, especially in politics. a. cause (a spirit or ghost) to appear by
• Usage in a sentence: There is a lot of means of a magic ritual.
political brinkmanship involved in this latest b. implore (someone) to do something.
development. • Synonyms: summon, implore, invoke
• Antonyms: repulse, repel
1294. Word: Topple (गिरा दे ना)
• Usage in a sentence: I had no idea that a
• Pronunciation: top-uhl/ टापल composer could conjure the sounds of
• Part of Speech: Verb trumpets, horns and trombones from a string
• Meaning: orchestra.
a. overbalance or cause to overbalance and 1299. Word: Ramp-up (बढ़ाना)
• Pronunciation: ramp up/ रै म्प अप
b. remove (a government or person in
authority) from power; overthrow. • Part of Speech: Verb
• Synonyms: tumble, fall, collapse, overthrow • Meaning: a large increase in activity or in the
• Antonyms: straighten, restore level of something
• Usage in a sentence: The tree is so badly • Synonyms: accelerate, increase, rise
damaged that people are worried it might • Antonyms: block, cease, decelerate
topple. • Usage in a sentence: The company
announced plans to ramp up production to
1295. Word: Waiver (अगधत्याि)
10,000 units per month.
• Pronunciation: wey-ver/ वेवर 1300. Word: Scramble (सांघषश/ चढ़ाना)
• Part of Speech: Noun


• Pronunciation: skram-buh l / अकाउन्टर्बललटी • Synonyms: abandon, resign, renounce

• Part of Speech: Noun, Verb • Antonyms: claim, assume
• Meaning: • Usage in a sentence: The king was forced to
a. a difficult or hurried clamber up or over abdicate the throne.
something. [Noun] 1305. Word: Cliché (वपष्टोस्क्त)
• b. make one's way quickly or awkwardly up a • Pronunciation: klee-shey/ क्लीशे
steep gradient or over rough ground by using • Part of Speech: Noun
one's hands as well as one's feet. [Verb] • Meaning: a phrase or opinion that is
• Synonyms: rush, struggle, jumble, muddle overused and betrays a lack of original
• Antonyms: order, unscramble, classify thought.
• Usage in a sentence: She managed to • Synonyms: platitude, banality
scramble out of the vehicle as it burst into • Antonyms: neologism
flames. • Usage in a sentence: A poignant but
1301. Word: Contingency (आकस्स्मक घटना) erroneous cliché has made its way into
• Pronunciation: kuhn-tin-juhn-see / कलन्टन्जन्सी journalism over the past few years.
• Part of Speech: Noun 1306. Word: Pliable (आसाऩी से मड़ सकने िाला)
• Meaning: a future event or circumstance • Pronunciation: plahy-uh-buh l / ्लाइअबल
which is possible but cannot be predicted with
• Part of Speech: Adjective
• Meaning:
• Synonyms: emergency, incident, chance
a. easily bent; flexible.
• Antonyms: certainty, reality, truth
b. easily influenced.
• Usage in a sentence: Mike had talked about
• Synonyms: flexible, pliant, malleable
contingency plans for the catastrophe.
• Antonyms: stiff, stubborn, rigid
1302. Word: Hawkish (यद्धकारी) • Usage in a sentence: Senior officials would
• Pronunciation: haw-kish / हॉफकश have preferred a more pliable.
• Part of Speech: Adjective 1307. Word: Commemorative (स्मरण़ीय)
• Meaning: • Pronunciation: kuh-mem-uh-rey-tiv/
a. resembling a hawk in nature or कमेमरे टटव
• Part of Speech: Adjective, Noun
b. advocating an aggressive or warlike policy,
• Meaning:
especially in foreign affairs.
a. acting as a memorial of an event or person.
• Synonyms: warlike, belligerent, aggressive
• Antonyms: pacifist, peaceful
b. an object such as a stamp or coin made to
• Usage in a sentence: He is one of the most
mark an event or honour a person. [Noun]
hawkish members of the new cabinet.
• Synonyms: memorial, titular, honorary
1303. Word: Infuriate (क्रोगधत करना) • Antonyms: dishonouring, forgetful
• Pronunciation: in-fyoor-ee-eyt/ इन्फ्युरीऐट • Usage in a sentence: The Post Office has
• Part of Speech: Verb issued a commemorative stamp to mark the
• Meaning: make (someone) extremely angry event.
and impatient. 1308. Word: Peddle (फेरी लिाकर सामान बेचना)
• Synonyms: enrage, exasperate, incense • Pronunciation: ped-l/ पेिल
• Antonyms: calm, ease, please
• Part of Speech: Verb
• Usage in a sentence: I was infuriated by
• Meaning: try to sell (something, especially
their constant criticism.
small goods) by going from place to place.
1304. Word: Abdicate (त्यािना) • Synonyms: sell, vend, market
• Pronunciation: ab-di-keyt/ ऐब्िकेट • Antonyms: buy, purchase
• Part of Speech: Verb • Usage in a sentence: His attempts to
• Meaning: peddle his paintings around London's tiny
a. (of a monarch) renounce one's throne. gallery scene proved unsuccessful.
b. fail to fulfil or undertake (a responsibility or 1309. Word: Credulity (आशविश्िास)
duty). • Pronunciation: kruh-doo-li-tee/ रिूललटी


• Part of Speech: Noun • Usage in a sentence: The charlatan

• Meaning: a tendency to be too ready to boasted that he could charm off any disease.
believe that something is real or true. 1315. Word: Trope (अलांकार)
• Synonyms: faith, naivety
• Pronunciation: trohp/ रोप
• Antonyms: disbelief
• Usage in a sentence: He tried to practice • Part of Speech: Noun
upon the imagination and credulity of the • Meaning: a figurative or metaphorical use of
public. a word or expression.
• Synonyms: figure of speech, imagery,
1310. Word: Deceit (िल-कपट)
• Pronunciation: dih-seet/ डिसीट • Usage in a sentence: He was acting on a
• Part of Speech: Noun common trope in literature: the collapse of
• Meaning: the action or practice of deceiving our technology and a return to old ways.
someone by concealing or misrepresenting 1316. Word: Riposte (प्रत्यिर/ जिाब़ी प्रहार)
the truth.
• Pronunciation: ri-pohst/ ररपोस्ट्ट
• Synonyms: deception, fraud, trickery
• Antonyms: honesty, truth, truthfulness • Part of Speech: Noun, Verb
• Usage in a sentence: They have been • Meaning:
involved in a campaign of deceit. a. a quick, clever reply to an insult or
criticism. [Noun]
1311. Word: Pang (कष्ट)
b. make a quick, clever reply to an insult or
• Pronunciation: pang / पैंग criticism. [Verb]
• Part of Speech: Noun • Synonyms: retort, answer, response, reply
• Meaning: a sudden sharp pain or painful • Antonyms: question, ask
emotion. • Usage in a sentence: The US delivered an
• Synonyms: pain, twinge, ache, anguish early riposte to the air attack.
• Antonyms: comfort, compose, joy 1317. Word: Discourse (तकश)
• Usage in a sentence: She experienced a
• Pronunciation: dis-kohrs/ डिस्ट्कोसि
sharp pang of disappointment.
• Part of Speech: Noun, Verb
1312. Word: Conspicuous (सस्पष्ट)
• Meaning:
• Pronunciation: kuhn-spik-yoo-uhs/ कलन्स्ट्पक्यूअस a. written or spoken communication or
• Part of Speech: Adjective debate. [Noun]
• Meaning: clearly visible. b. speak or write authoritatively about a topic.
• Synonyms: obvious, evident, clear [Verb]
• Antonyms: hidden, concealed • Synonyms: talk, lecture, speech, discussion
• Usage in a sentence: The notice must be • Antonyms: silence, quiet
displayed in a conspicuous. • Usage in a sentence: He was able to discourse
1313. Word: Lament (विलाप) at great length on the problems of education.

• Pronunciation: luh-ment/ लमेन्ट 1318. Word: Receptive (ग्रहणश़ील)

• Part of Speech: Noun • Pronunciation: ri-sep-tiv/ ररसेल्टव
• Meaning: a passionate expression of grief or • Part of Speech: Adjective
sorrow. • Meaning: willing to consider or accept new
• Synonyms: wail, regret suggestions and ideas.
• Antonyms: joy, praise • Synonyms: responsive, flexible, pliant
• Usage in a sentence: The children • Antonyms: adamant, unfriendly, stubborn
lamented the death of their mother. • Usage in a sentence: He is not very
1314. Word: Charlatan (कपटी) receptive to my suggestions.
• Pronunciation: shahr-luh-tn/ शालिटन 1319. Word: Psyche (गचि)
• Part of Speech: Noun • Pronunciation: sahyk/ साइकी
• Meaning: a person falsely claiming to have a • Part of Speech: Noun
piece of special knowledge or skill. • Meaning: the human soul, mind, or spirit.
• Synonyms: cheat, fraud, trickster • Synonyms: mind, soul, spirit
• Antonyms: an honest person


• Usage in a sentence: He has comforted the 1. move or cause to move slowly or rhythmically
national psyche without involving big new backwards and forwards or from side to side.
bureaucracies. [Verb]
1320. Word: Rhetoric (िाक्पटता) 2. rule; control. [Noun]
• Synonyms: influence, control, oscillate,
• Pronunciation: ret-er-ik / रे टररक
swing, dominion
• Part of Speech: Noun • Antonyms: stay, steady, dissuade
• Meaning: the art of effective or persuasive • Usage in a sentence: The boat suddenly
speaking or writing, especially the exploitation began to lurch and sway.
of figures of speech and other compositional
1325. Word: Emotive (भािनात्मक)
• Synonyms: oratory, eloquence, expression • Pronunciation: ih-moh-tiv / इमोटटव
• Antonyms: quiet • Part of Speech: Noun
• Usage in a sentence: His speech was • Meaning: arousing or able to arouse intense
dismissed as mere rhetoric by the feeling.
opposition. • Synonyms: emotional, effective, stirring
1321. Word: Plank (सहारा) • Antonyms: stoic, practical
• Usage in a sentence: He must be careful to
• Pronunciation: plangk / ्लैंगक
avoid emotive judgements or scornful abuse.
• Part of Speech: Noun, Verb
1326. Word: Unveil (अनािरण करना)
• Meaning:
a. a long, thin, flat piece of timber, used • Pronunciation: uhn-veyl/ अन्वेल
especially in building and flooring. [Noun] • Part of Speech: Verb
b. put or set (something) down forcefully or • Meaning: remove a veil or covering from, in
abruptly. [Verb] particular, uncover (a new monument or work
• Synonyms: board, beam, platform of art) as part of a public ceremony.
• Usage in a sentence: The plank over the • Synonyms: reveal, uncover, expose
brook sagged while we were walking on it. • Antonyms: hide, conceal, veil, cover
1322. Word: Grassroots (आरां मभक स्तर पर) • Usage in a sentence: The 14-member panel
will unveil its proposal on Tuesday.
• Pronunciation: gras-roots / ग्रैसरूट्स
1327. Word: Fanfare (तूयघ श ोष)
• Part of Speech: Noun
• Meaning: the most basic level of an activity • Pronunciation: fan-fair/ िैन्िेर
or organization. • Part of Speech: Noun
• Synonyms: basis, base • Meaning:
• Antonyms: top brass, high society a. a short ceremonial tune or flourish played
• Usage in a sentence: We are hoping for full on brass instruments, typically to introduce
participation at the grassroots. something or someone important.
1323. Word: Propaganda (प्रचार) b. media attention or elaborate ceremony.
• Synonyms: flourish, publicity, show
• Pronunciation: prop-uh-gan-duh / प्रापगैन्ि
• Antonyms: hiding, concealment
• Part of Speech: Noun • Usage in a sentence: The new building was
• Meaning: information, especially of a biased opened with great fanfare in January 1895.
or misleading nature, used to promote a
1328. Word: Pushback (पश्च-कषश)
political cause or point of view.
• Synonyms: publicity, advertisement, • Pronunciation: poo sh-bak/ पुशबैक
promotion • Part of Speech: Noun
• Antonyms: reality • Meaning: a negative or unfavourable reaction
• Usage in a sentence: The government or response.
keeps pumping out the same old • Synonyms: repel, repulse
propaganda. • Antonyms: support
1324. Word: Sway (टहलना-डलना) • Usage in a sentence: We got some
pushback on the new pricing from the
• Pronunciation: swey / स्ट्वे
• Part of Speech: Verb, Noun
1329. Word: Foray (आक्रमण)
• Meaning:


• Pronunciation: fawr-ey/ िॉरे • Meaning: an instance of something being

• Part of Speech: Noun encroached on or reduced by something else.
• Meaning: a sudden attack or incursion into • Synonyms: invasion, raid
enemy territory, especially to obtain • Antonyms: Retreat, surrender
something; a raid. • Usage in a sentence: Tax rises have made
• Synonyms: raid, attack, invasion some inroads into the country's national
• Antonyms: aid, guard debt.
• Usage in a sentence: The garrison made a 1335. Word: Sustainability (तनरां तरता)
foray against Richard's camp. • Pronunciation: suh-stey-nuh-bil-i-tee/
1330. Word: Unheeded (उपेक्षक्षत) सस्ट्टै नर्बललटी
• Pronunciation: un-heed-ed/ अन्हीडिि • Part of Speech: Verb, Noun
• Part of Speech: Adjective • Meaning: the ability to be maintained at a
• Meaning: heard or noticed but disregarded. certain rate or level.
• Synonyms: neglected, ignored, unnoticed • Synonyms: continuity, durability
• Antonyms: noticed, considered • Antonyms: unsustainability, instability
• Usage in a sentence: The advice of experts • Usage in a sentence: Some critics question
went unheeded. its sustainability and others view it as a sop
to pacify the poor.
1331. Word: Negotiate (बातच़ीत करना)
1336. Word: Promulgate (घोषणा करना)
• Pronunciation: ni-goh-shee-eyt/ ननगोलशएट
• Pronunciation: prom-uhl-geyt/ प्रोम्गैट
• Part of Speech: Verb
• Meaning: obtain or bring about by • Part of Speech: Verb
discussion. • Meaning: promote or make widely known (an
• Synonyms: bargain, deal, haggle idea or cause).
• Antonyms: disclaim, devolve • Synonyms: announce, publish, proclaim
• Usage in a sentence: I'd like to negotiate • Antonyms: hide, conceal
about the distributional plan with you. • Usage in a sentence: The new constitution
was promulgated in 1990.
1332. Word: Equitable (उगचत)
1337. Word: Directive (आदे श/टदशासूचक)
• Pronunciation: ek-wi-tuh-buhl /एलक्वटबल
• Pronunciation: dih-rek-tiv/ डिरे लक्टव
• Part of Speech: Adjective
• Meaning: fair and impartial. • Part of Speech: Noun, Adjective
• Synonyms: fair, just, impartial, • Meaning:
• Antonyms: unfair, unjust, biased, prejudiced a. an official or authoritative instruction.
• Usage in a sentence: It provides a [Noun]
reasonably equitable and comprehensive b. involving the management or guidance of
service to the whole population at remarkably operations. [Adjective]
low cost. • Synonyms: order, regulation, mandate
• Antonyms: deregulation
1333. Word: Transparency (पारदमशशता)
• Usage in a sentence: The directive
• Pronunciation: trans-pair-uh n-see/ रै न्स्ट्पेरन्सी requires member states to establish systems
• Part of Speech: Noun for the national regulation of releases.
• Meaning: the condition of being transparent. 1338. Word: Unwarranted (बेबतनयाद)
• Synonyms: lucidity, clarity, unambiguity
• Pronunciation: un- wawr-uh nt-ed/ अन्वॉरलन्टि
• Antonyms: obscurity, ambiguity
• Usage in a sentence: The Chancellor • Part of Speech: Adjective
emphasised his determination to promote • Meaning: not justified or authorized.
openness and transparency in the • Synonyms: unjustified, indefensible,
Government's economic decision-making. inexcusable
• Antonyms: justified, permitted
1334. Word: Inroad (अततक्रमण)
• Usage in a sentence: He accused the police
• Pronunciation: in-rohd/ इन्रोि of using unwarranted.
• Part of Speech: Noun 1339. Word: Implication (तात्पयश)
• Pronunciation: im-pli-key-shuhn/ इम््लकेशन


• Part of Speech: Noun 1344. Word: Inoculation (टीकाकरण)

• Meaning: the conclusion that can be drawn • Pronunciation: ih-nok-yuh-ley-shuh n/
from something although it is not explicitly
• Synonyms: significance, connotation • Part of Speech: Noun
• Antonyms: exception, frivolity, explicit • Meaning: the action of inoculating or of being
statement inoculated; vaccination.
• Usage in a sentence: The implication is • Synonyms: vaccination, injection,
that this battery lasts twice as long as other immunization
batteries. • Usage in a sentence: This may eventually
lead to routine inoculation of children.
1340. Word: Repercussion (प्रततकक्रया)
1345. Word: Dismantle (विघटटत करना)
• Pronunciation: ree-per-kuhsh-uh n/ रीपकिशन
• Pronunciation: dis-man-tl/ डिस्ट्मैन्टल
• Part of Speech: Noun
• Meaning: an unintended consequence of an • Part of Speech: Verb
event or action, especially an unwelcome one. • Meaning: take (a machine or structure) to
• Synonyms: rebound, reverberation, result, pieces.
consequence • Synonyms: disassemble, demolish,
• Antonyms: cause, reason deconstruct
• Usage in a sentence: The decrease in • Antonyms: assemble, build
tourism could have serious repercussions for • Usage in a sentence: They decided to
the local economy. dismantle the machine and construct it again
from scratch.
1341. Word: Credential (प्रत्यय-पत्र)
1346. Word: Oust (बेदखल करना)
• Pronunciation: kri-den-shuh l/ फरिेन्शल
• Pronunciation: oust/ आउस्ट्ट
• Part of Speech: Noun
• Meaning: a qualification, achievement, • Part of Speech: Verb
quality, or aspect of a person's background, • Meaning: drive out or expel (someone) from
especially when used to indicate their a position or place.
suitability for something. • Synonyms: dismiss, banish, depose
• Synonyms: certificate, legitimation, • Antonyms: appoint, promote, elevate
• Antonyms: derecognition • Usage in a Sentence: The party needs
• Usage in a sentence: The commissioner around 200 votes to oust the government
presented his credentials to the State and postpone the elections.
Department. 1347. Word: Topple (गिरा दे ना)
1342. Word: Apparel (िस्र) • Pronunciation: top-uhl/ टापल
• Pronunciation: uh-par-uhl/अपैरल • Part of Speech: Verb
• Part of Speech: Noun • Meaning:
• Meaning: clothing a. overbalance or cause to overbalance and
• Synonyms: attire, clothing, dress fall.
• Usage in a sentence: They were dressed in b. remove (a government or person in
bright apparels. authority) from power; overthrow.
• Synonyms: tumble, fall, collapse, overthrow
1343. Word: Radicalism (मूलमसद्धाांत)
• Antonyms: straighten, restore
• Pronunciation: rad-i-kuh-liz-uh m/ रै डिकललज़म • Usage in a sentence: The tree is so badly
• Part of Speech: Noun damaged that people are worried it might
• Meaning: the beliefs or actions of people who topple.
advocate thorough or complete political or 1348. Word: Regime (शासन)
social reform.
• Pronunciation: ruh-zheem/ रै श़ीम
• Synonyms: extremity, radicality
• Antonyms: conservatism • Part of Speech: Noun
• Usage in a sentence: The anarchist • Meaning:
movement and its radicalism provided a a. government, especially an authoritarian
crucial background for the introduction of one.
Marxist ideas. b. a system or ordered way of doing things.


• Synonyms: administration, jurisdiction 1353. Word: Durability (गचरस्र्ातयत्ि)

• Antonyms: disorder, confusion
• Pronunciation: door-uh-buhl-ity/ दरु र्बललटी
• Usage in a Sentence: The dictatorial
regime got rid of most of its opponents. • Part of Speech: Noun
• Meaning: the ability to withstand wear,
1349. Word: Rig (हे र-फेर करना)
pressure, or damage.
• Pronunciation: rig/ ररग • Synonyms: persistence, resilience, resistance
• Part of Speech: Verb • Antonyms: weakness, unreliability
• Meaning: • Usage in a sentence: Owners say they are
a. provide (a sailing boat) with sails and as proud of their cars' durability as their
rigging. (Verb) good looks.
b. manage or conduct (something) 1354. Word: Predecessor (पूििश ती)
fraudulently so as to gain an advantage.
• Pronunciation: pred-uh-ses-er/ प्रेडिसेसर
• Synonyms: manipulate, influence, distort • Part of Speech: Noun
• Antonyms: deprive, dispossess, divest, strip • Meaning: a person who held a job or office
• Usage in a sentence: They complained that before the current holder.
the election had been rigged. • Synonyms: precursor, forerunner, ancestor
• Antonyms: successor, descendant, heir
1350. Word: Sanction (अनमोदन)
• Usage in a sentence: Our new doctor is
• Pronunciation: sangk-shuhn/ सैंगक्शन much younger than his predecessor.
• Part of Speech: Noun, Verb 1355. Word: Pivotal (बतनयादी)
• Meaning:
• Pronunciation: piv-uh-tl/ र्पवटल
a. a threatened penalty for disobeying a law
or rule. (Noun) • Part of Speech: Adjective
b. official permission or approval for an • Meaning: of crucial importance in relation to
action. (Noun) the development or success of something
c. give official permission or approval for (an else.
action). (Verb) • Synonyms: crucial, important, central
• Synonyms: approve, endorse, support • Antonyms: unimportant, marginal, minor
• Antonyms: disapprove, refuse, forbid • Usage in a sentence: He has established
• Usage in a sentence: The church refused to himself as a pivotal figure in US politics.
sanction the king's second marriage. 1356. Word: Humongous (विशालकाय)
1351. Word: Battered (चकनाचूर) • िं
Pronunciation: hyoo-muhng-guh s/ र्ह्यूमॉगगस
• Pronunciation: bat-er-ed/ बैटिि • Part of Speech: Adjective
• Part of Speech: Adjective, Verb • Meaning: huge; enormous.
• Meaning: • Synonyms: gigantic, immense, gargantuan
a. injured by repeated blows or punishment. • Antonyms: small, little
(Adjective) • Usage in a sentence: The cars beside the
b. strike repeatedly with hard blows. (Verb) feet of this humongous tyrannosaurus look
• Synonyms: bruised, bruised, attacked, like small beetles.
pounded 1357. Word: Leniency (उदारता)
• Antonyms: undamaged, unabused • Pronunciation: lee-nee-uh n-see/ लीनीअन्सी
• Usage in a sentence: The armed police
• Part of Speech: Noun
battered his door down.
• Meaning: the fact or quality of being more
1352. Word: Render (बना दे ना) merciful or tolerant than expected.
• Pronunciation: ren-der/ रे न्िर • Synonyms: mercy, clemency
• Part of Speech: Verb • Antonyms: cruelty, atrocity, harshness
• Meaning: provide or give (a service, help, • Usage in a sentence: Judges are advised to
etc.); cause to be or become; make. show greater leniency towards first - time
• Synonyms: make, provide, deliver, furnish offenders.
• Antonyms: beg, fail 1358. Word: Controversial (वििादास्पद)
• Usage in a sentence: She needed him to • Pronunciation: kon-truh-vur-shuhl/ कान्रवशिल
hear her out and render advice.


• Part of Speech: Adjective • Pronunciation: dis-kuhn-surt/ डिस्ट्कन्सटि

• Meaning: giving rise or likely to give rise to • Part of Speech: Verb
controversy or public disagreement. • Meaning: disturb the composure of.
• Synonyms: disputable, contentious • Synonyms: upset, unsettle, fluster
• Antonyms: agreeable, peaceful • Antonyms: calm, comfort, soothe, reassure
• Usage in a sentence: The candidate tried to • Usage in a sentence: The abrupt change of
run away from controversial issues by subject disconcerted.
pretending to be unwell.
1364. Word: Astounding (विस्मयकारक)
1359. Word: Promptly (तरां त)
• Pronunciation: uh-stoun-ding/ अस्ट्टाउलन्ििंग
• Pronunciation: prompt-lee/ प्राम््ट्ली
• Part of Speech: Adjective
• Part of Speech: Adverb • Meaning: surprisingly impressive or notable.
• Meaning: with little or no delay; • Synonyms: astonishing, amazing, incredible
immediately. • Antonyms: boring, dull, unimpressive
• Synonyms: immediately, quickly, swiftly • Usage in a sentence: The Chairman's
• Antonyms: slowly, belatedly remarks were so astounding that the
• Usage in a sentence: She turned off the audience listened to him with bated breath.
alarm and promptly went back to sleep.
1365. Word: Retain (बनाये रखना)
1360. Word: Abrasive (अपघषी)
• Pronunciation: ri-teyn/ ररटे न
• Pronunciation: uh-brey-siv/ अिेलसव
• Part of Speech: Verb
• Part of Speech: Adjective • Meaning: continue to have (something);
• Meaning: keep possession of.
a. (of a substance or material) capable of • Synonyms: keep, hold, preserve
polishing or cleaning a hard surface by • Antonyms: abandon, release
rubbing or grinding. • Usage in a sentence: The union needs to
b. showing little concern for the feelings of retain the allegiance of all its members for
others; harsh. the strike to succeed.
• Synonyms: rough, mordant, caustic
1366. Word: Starkly (कठोरतापूिकश )
• Antonyms: kind, gentle
• Usage in a sentence: He is quite ready to • Pronunciation: stahrk-lee/ स्ट्टाक्ली
use his abrasive manner in an effort to get a • Part of Speech: Adverb
better life for the orphans. • Meaning: in a way that is severe or harsh in
1361. Word: Implicit (अांततनशटहत) appearance or outline.
• Synonyms: severely, austerely
• Pronunciation: im-plis-it/ इलम््ललसट
• Antonyms: gently, hospitably
• Part of Speech: Adjective • Usage in a sentence: This statement starkly
• Meaning: suggested though not directly contrasts with his previous statements.
1367. Word: Desperation (आशाहीनता)
• Synonyms: implied, unspoken, understood
• Antonyms: explicit, expressed • Pronunciation: des-puh-rey-shuh n/ िेस्ट्परे शन
• Usage in a sentence: He interpreted her • Part of Speech: Noun
comments as an implicit criticism of the • Meaning: a state of despair, typically one
government. which results in rash or extreme behaviour.
1362. Word: Underscore (बल दे ना) • Synonyms: despair, despondency, misery
• Antonyms: peace, confidence, hopelessness
• Pronunciation: uhn-der-skawr/ अन्िस्ट्कॉिर
• Usage in a sentence: The feeling of
• Part of Speech: Verb desperation and helplessness was common
• Meaning: emphasize(something). to most of the refugees.
• Synonyms: stress, highlight, accentuate
1368. Word: Exhaustion (र्कान)
• Antonyms: ignore
• Usage in a sentence: Data accumulated by • Pronunciation: ig-zaws-chuhn/ इलज़ॉस्ट्चन
the Bureau of Labour Statistics underscore • Part of Speech: Noun
this phenomenon. • Meaning:
1363. Word: Disconcert (बबिाड़ना) a. a state of extreme physical or mental


b. the action of using something up or the 1373. Word: Uncharitable (दयाहीन)

state of being used up.
• Pronunciation: uh-par-uhl/अपैरल
• Synonyms: fatigue, weariness, tiredness
• Antonyms: energy, liveliness, vigour • Part of Speech: Adjective
• Usage in a sentence: He had complained of • Meaning: (of a person's behaviour or attitude
exhaustion after his gruelling schedule over towards others) unkind; unsympathetic.
the past week. • Synonyms: unkind, inconsiderate,
1369. Word: Turnout (उत्पाद उपस्स्र्तत)
• Antonyms: charitable, benevolent
• Pronunciation: turn-out/ टनािउट • Usage in a sentence: I don't want to be
• Part of Speech: Noun uncharitable, but she's not a very good
• Meaning: the number of people attending or cook.
taking part in an event, especially the number 1374. Word: Pulpit (मांच)
of people voting in an election.
• Pronunciation: poo l-pit / पुल्पट
• Synonyms: attendance, perks, volume
• Usage in a sentence: The poor turnout for • Part of Speech: Noun
the election will hopefully be a wake-up call • Meaning: a raised enclosed platform in a
for the government. church or chapel from which the preacher
delivers a sermon.
1370. Word: Hinge (कब्जा/तनभशर होना)
• Synonyms: rostrum, podium, platform
• Pronunciation: hinj/ टहन्ज • Usage in a sentence: She also urged him to
• Part of Speech: Noun, Verb denounce the protest from the pulpit.
• Meaning: 1375. Word: Wedge (खूांटा/ अटका दे ना)
a. a movable joint or mechanism on which a
• Pronunciation: wej/ वेज
door, gate, or lid swings as it opens and
closes or which connects linked objects. • Part of Speech: Noun, Verb
[Noun] • Meaning:
b. depend entirely on. [Verb] a. a piece of wood, metal, etc. having one
• Synonyms: link, articulating, pivot, depend thick end and tapering to a thin edge, that is
• Antonyms: doubt, mistrust driven between two objects or parts of an
• Usage in a sentence: The hinge connecting object to secure or separate them.
the front and rear pieces sits under the instep b. force into a narrow space.
and lessens the chance of failure due to the • Synonyms: jam, chock, lodge
metal flexing. • Antonyms: dislodge, free
• Usage in a sentence: I don't want to drive a
1371. Word: Franchise (मतागधकार)
wedge between the two of you.
• Pronunciation: fran-chahyz/ फ्रैन्चाइज़ 1376. Word: Dismal (अप्रसन्न)
• Part of Speech: Noun
• Pronunciation: diz-muhl / डिज़्मल
• Meaning: an authorization granted by a
government or company to an individual or • Part of Speech: Adjective
group enabling them to carry out specified • Meaning: causing a mood of gloom or
commercial activities, for example acting as depression.
an agent for a company's products. • Synonyms: gloomy, dreary, sad, cheerless
• Synonyms: warrant, charter, licence, permit • Antonyms: bright, cheerful, pleasant
• Usage in a sentence: The diving school has • Usage in a sentence: He felt dismal after
acquired a franchise for scuba equipment. reading a piece of bad news in the newspaper.
1372. Word: Incumbency (पदग्रहण) 1377. Word: Rapacious (लालच़ी)
• Pronunciation: in-kuhm-buh n-see / इन्कम्बन्सी • Pronunciation: ruh-pey-shuhs/ रपेशस
• Part of Speech: Noun • Part of Speech: Adjective
• Meaning: the holding of an office or the • Meaning: aggressively greedy or grasping.
period during which one is held. • Synonyms: greedy, avaricious, voracious
• Synonyms: tenure, regime, occupancy • Antonyms: charitable, generous, selfless
• Usage in a sentence: During his • Usage in a sentence: Mr Brown said there
incumbency, he established an epidemic was also a global perspective to America's
warning system. rapaciousmodel of consumption.


1378. Word: Gravely (िांभ़ीर भाि से) 1383. Word: Variants (प्रकार)
• Pronunciation: greyv-lee/ ग्रैर्वली • Pronunciation: vair-ee-uh nt/ वेररयेन्ट्स
• Part of Speech: Adverb • Part of Speech: Noun
• Meaning: • Meaning: a form or version of something that
a. to a degree that gives cause for alarm. differs in some respect from other forms of
b. in a serious or solemn manner. the same thing or from a standard.
• Synonyms: seriously, severely, intensely • Synonyms: alternatives, variations, versions,
• Antonyms: cheerfully, frivolously variables
• Usage in a sentence: We are gravely • Antonyms: bases, roots
concerned about these developments. • Usage in a sentence: There are four
1379. Word: Endow (प्रदान करना) variants of this system, all of which have
different shoot requirements.
• Pronunciation: en-dou/ एन्िाउ
1384. Phrase: Stave off (टालना)
• Part of Speech: Verb
• Meaning: give or bequeath an income or • Pronunciation: steyv off/ स्ट्टे व ऑि
property to (a person or institution). • Part of Speech: Verb
• Synonyms: give, furnish, provide, supply • Meaning: to stop something bad from
• Antonyms: receive, deprive, take, disinherit happening, or to keep an unwanted situation
• Usage in a sentence: The king endowed or person away, usually temporarily.
the Church with lands. • Synonyms: ward off, avert, prevent
1380. Word: Integrity (अखांडता/ सत्यतनष्ठा) • Antonyms: welcome
• Usage in a sentence: The company
• Pronunciation: in-teg-ri-tee/ इन्टे ग्रटी
managed to stave off bankruptcy for another
• Part of Speech: Noun few months.
• Meaning:
1385. Word: Incorporate (शाममल करना)
a. the quality of being honest and having
strong moral principles. • Pronunciation: in-kawr-puh-reyt/ इन्कॉपिरैट
b. the state of being whole and undivided. • Part of Speech: Verb, Adjective
• Synonyms: honesty, uprightness, unity • Meaning:
• Antonyms: dishonesty, deception, corruption a. take in or contain (something) as part of a
• Usage in a sentence: The country is fighting whole; include. (Verb)
to preserve its territorial integrity. b. having a bodily form; embodied.
1381. Word: Skewed (ततरिा) • Synonyms: include, integrate, combine,
• Pronunciation: skyood/ स्ट्क्यूि
• Antonyms: exclude, separate, divide
• Part of Speech: Adjective, Verb • Usage in a sentence: The party vowed to
• Meaning: incorporate environmental considerations
a. not accurate or exact (Adjective) into all its policies.
b. suddenly change direction or position.
1386. Word: Impoverish (दररद्र कर दे ना/ अशक्त कर
• Synonyms: slanted, inclined, asymmetric,
distorted दे ना)
• Antonyms: balanced, aligned, parallel • Pronunciation: im-pov-er-ish/ इम्पावररश
• Usage in a sentence: The media's coverage • Part of Speech: Verb
of the election has been skewed from the • Meaning:
very beginning. a. make (a person or area) poor.
1382. Word: Alarming (ख़तरनाक) b. exhaust the strength or vitality of.
• Pronunciation: uh-lahr-ming/ अलालमिंग • Synonyms: deplete, drain, exhaust, ruin
• Part of Speech: Adjective • Antonyms: enrich, energize, enrich
• Meaning: worrying or disturbing. • Usage in a sentence: These changes are
• Synonyms: scary, astonishing, shocking likely to impoverish single-parent families
• Antonyms: unalarming, calming, soothing even further.
• Usage in a sentence: I had a rather 1387. Word: Discord (असामन्जस्य/ असम्मत होना)
alarming encounter with a wild pig. • Pronunciation: dis-kawrd/ डिस्ट्कॉिि


• Part of Speech: Noun, Verb • Pronunciation: weyv / वेव

• Meaning: • Part of Speech: Verb
a. disagreement between people. [Noun] • Meaning: refrain from insisting on or using (a
b. disagree [Verb] right or claim).
• Synonyms: dissension, disagreement, • Synonyms: renounce, relinquish, abandon
conflict • Antonyms: claim, pursue, privilege
• Antonyms: peace, harmony, agreement • Usage in a sentence: They agreed to waive
• Usage in a sentence: The verdict has the cancellation charges.
increased racial discord in the country.
1393. Word: Accusation (आरोप)
1388. Phrase: Snap out of (सांभलना)
• Pronunciation: ak-yoo-zey-shuh n/ ऐक्युज़ेशन
• Pronunciation: snap-out-ov/ स्ट्नैप आउट अव
• Part of Speech: Noun
• Part of Speech: Verb • Meaning: a charge or claim that someone
• Meaning: get out of (a bad or unhappy has done something illegal or wrong.
mood) by a sudden effort. • Synonyms: charge, indictment, complaint
• Synonyms: leave, recover, get out of • Antonyms: apology, blessing
• Usage in a sentence: He's been in a terrible • Usage in a sentence: Lyndon was
mood all day. I hope he will snap out of it. exonerated from the accusation of cheating.
1389. Word: Scathing (हातनकारक) 1394. Phrase: Hammer out (हल तनकालना)
• Pronunciation: skey-th ing/ स्ट्केटदिंग • Pronunciation: ham-er-out/ है मर आउट
• Part of Speech: Adjective, Verb • Part of Speech: Verb
• Meaning: • Meaning: to arrive at an agreement or
witheringly scornful; severely critical. solution after a lot of argument or discussion.
(Adjective) • Synonyms: negotiate
b. harming; injuring (Verb) • Usage in a sentence: Eventually, a deal was
• Synonyms: devastating, withering, blistering hammered out between the government and
• Antonyms: mild, gentle the opposition to hold new elections.
• Usage in a sentence: Her speech was a
1395. Word: Comprehensive (विस्तत ृ )
scathing indictment of the government's
record on crime. • Pronunciation: kom-pri-hen-siv/ कालम्प्रहे लन्सव
1390. Phrase: Brush under the carpet • Part of Speech: Adjective
• Pronunciation: िश अिंिर द कारपेट • Meaning: including or dealing with all or
• Meaning: To ignore, deny, or conceal from nearly all elements or aspects of something.
public view or knowledge something that is • Synonyms: complete, full, extensive
embarrassing, unappealing, or damaging to • Antonyms: exclusive, partial, incomplete
one's reputation. • Usage in a sentence: We offer you
• Synonyms: keep a secret comprehensive training in all aspects of the
• Antonyms: tell a secret business.
• Usage in a sentence: You must refuse to 1396. Word: Elusive (दशप्रातय)
brush difficulties under the carpet but sort • Pronunciation: ih-loo-siv/ इलूलसव
things out even when it is painful.
• Part of Speech: Adjective
1391. Word: Revoke (रद्द करना) • Meaning: difficult to find, catch, or achieve.
• Pronunciation: ri-vohk/ ररवोक • Synonyms: evasive, slippery
• Part of Speech: Verb • Antonyms: easy, confronting
• Meaning: officially cancel (a decree, decision, • Usage in a sentence: The answers to these
or promise). questions remain as elusive as ever.
• Synonyms: cancel, repeal, rescind, annul 1397. Word: Coronary (चक्रीय)
• Antonyms: collaborate, approve, authorize • Pronunciation: kawr-uh-ner-ee/ कॉरनेरी
• Usage in a sentence: The Board has the
• Part of Speech: Adjective
power to revoke the licence of any bank to
• Meaning: relating to or denoting the arteries
take deposits.
which surround and supply the heart.
1392. Word: Waive (िोड़ना) • Synonyms: cardiac


• Usage in a sentence: A hundred years ago privileges granted by one country or

coronary heart disease was virtually organization to another.
unknown in Europe and America. • Synonyms: exchange, interchange
1398. Word: Stent (दशप्रातय) • Antonyms: isolation
• Usage in a sentence Reciprocity, the
• Pronunciation: stent/ स्ट्टे न्ट
favourite word of Netanyahu, requires
• Part of Speech: Noun consultation and compromise on both sides,
• Meaning: a splint placed temporarily inside a not unilateral moves by either.
duct, canal, or blood vessel to aid healing or
1403. Word: Fortify (सशक्त करना)
relieve an obstruction.
• Synonyms: extensor, extender • Pronunciation: fawr-tuh-fahy/ िॉटटि िाइ
• Usage in a sentence: Self-expandable • Part of Speech: Verb
biliary stents have been used for palliative • Meaning: strengthen (someone) mentally or
treatment of malignant biliary strictures. physically.
1399. Word: Ceasefire (यद्धविराम) • Synonyms: strengthen, brace, reinforce
• Antonyms: weaken, soften
• Pronunciation: sees-fahyuh r/ सीसिाइअर
• Usage in a sentence: Concrete blocks were
• Part of Speech: Noun piled high to fortify the government centre.
• Meaning: a temporary suspension of fighting.
1404. Word: Intransigence (कट्टरता)
• Synonyms: truce, armistice, peace
• Antonyms: struggle, war, conflict • Pronunciation: in-tran-si-juh ns/ इन्रै लन्सजन्स
• Usage in a sentence: Federal leaders • Part of Speech: Noun
continued their efforts to secure a ceasefire. • Meaning: refusal to change one's views or to
1400. Word: Insurgent (विद्रोही/बाि़ी) agree about something.
• Synonyms: inflexibility, rigidity, implacability
• Pronunciation: in-sur-juhnt/ इन्सजिन्ट
• Antonyms: flexibility
• Part of Speech: Noun, Adjective • Usage in a sentence: The situation was
• Meaning: worsened by the ineptitude and
a. a person fighting against a government or intransigence of the oil companies.
invading force; a rebel or revolutionary.
1405. Word: Transnational (अांतराशष्रीय)
b. rising in active revolt. [Adjective] • Pronunciation: trans-nash-uh-nl/ रै न्स्ट्नैशनल
• Synonyms: rebel, recusant, revolutionary • Part of Speech: Adjective, Noun
• Antonyms: obedient, loyal, loyalist • Meaning:
• Usage in a sentence: It was also a fight to a. extending or operating across national
consolidate his position within the insurgent. boundaries. [Adjective]
1401. Word: Clout (ताकत) b. a multinational company [Noun]
• Synonyms: international, multinational
• Pronunciation: klout/ क्लाउट
• Antonyms: national, internal
• Part of Speech: Noun, Verb • Usage in a sentence: Transnational
• Meaning: corporation production tends to be globally
a. a heavy blow with the hand or a hard integrated into vertically organized production
object. [Noun] processes.
b. influence or power, especially in politics or
1406. Word: Stalemate (िततरोध)
business. [Noun]
c. hit (someone or something) hard. [Verb] • Pronunciation: steyl-meyt/ स्ट्टे ्मेट
• Synonyms: punch, influence, whack • Part of Speech: Noun
• Antonyms: failure, ineptitude • Meaning: a situation in which further action
• Usage in a sentence: Few companies have or progress by opposing or competing parties
the clout to handle such large deals. seems impossible.
1402. Word: Reciprocity (पारस्पररकता) • Synonyms: deadlock, impasse
• Antonyms: progress, advance
• Pronunciation: res-uh-pros-i-tee/ रे लसप्रालसटी
• Usage in a sentence: The discussions with
• Part of Speech: Noun the miners' union ended in a stalemate.
• Meaning: the practice of exchanging things
1407. Word: Prolong (बढ़ाना)
with others for mutual benefit, especially


• Pronunciation: pruh-lawng/ प्रलॉगिं • Pronunciation: klinch/ लक्लन्च

• Part of Speech: Verb • Part of Speech: Verb, Noun
• Meaning: extend the duration of. • Meaning:
• Synonyms: extend, protract, lengthen a. confirm or settle (a contract or bargain).
• Antonyms: shorten, contract [Verb]
• Usage in a sentence: The operation could b. a knot used to fasten ropes or angling
prolong his life by two or three years. lines, using a half hitch with the end seized
1408. Word: Morale (मनोदशा) back on its own part. [Noun]
• Synonyms: grip, clasp, settle, clench
• Pronunciation: muh-ral/ मरै ल
• Antonyms: unlock, release
• Part of Speech: Noun • Usage in a sentence: They are hoping to
• Meaning: the confidence, enthusiasm, and clinch a major deal to supply computers to
discipline of a person or group at a particular the army.
1413. Word: Hardliner (कट्टरपांऱ्ी)
• Synonyms: spirit, confidence, mood
• Antonyms: purposelessness • Pronunciation: hahrd-lahy-ner/ हाड्िलाइनर
• Usage in a sentence: Recent changes have • Part of Speech: Noun
undermined the teachers' morale. • Meaning: a member of a group, typically a
1409. Word: Forge (बनाना) political group, who adheres
uncompromisingly to a set of ideas or policies.
• Pronunciation: fawrj/ िॉजि
• Synonyms: intransigence, resolute
• Part of Speech: Verb • Usage in a sentence: The Prime Minister has
• Meaning: been criticized by hardliners in his party for
a. create (something) strong, enduring, or giving away too much in the treaty.
1414. Word: Calibrate (जाांच करना)
b. produce a fraudulent copy or imitation of (a
document, signature, banknote, or work of • Pronunciation: kal-uh-breyt/ कैलिेट
art). • Part of Speech: Verb
• Synonyms: falsify, fabricate • Meaning:
• Antonyms: destroy, abolish a. mark (a gauge or instrument) with a
• Usage in a sentence: The signature on the standard scale of readings.
cheque was forged. b. carefully assess, set, or adjust (something
1410. Word: Curtail (घटाना) abstract).
• Synonyms: adjust, scale, tune
• Pronunciation: ker-teyl/ कटे ल
• Antonyms: unsettle, derange
• Part of Speech: Verb • Usage in a sentence: The radiocarbon
• Meaning: reduce in extent or quantity; results would need to be calibrated to
impose a restriction on. convert them to calendar ages.
• Synonyms: reduce, shorten, diminish
1415. Word: Compliant (आज्ञाकारी)
• Antonyms: extend, prolong, increase
• Usage in a sentence: Secondary prevention • Pronunciation: kuh m-plahy-uh nt/ कम््लाइअन्ट
attempts to curtail the spread of the disease • Part of Speech: Adjective
and interrupt its course. • Meaning: disposed to agree with others or
1411. Word: Amp up (पररिगधशत करना) obey rules, especially to an excessive degree;
• Pronunciation: amp-up/ ऐम्प अप • Synonyms: pliant, amenable, obedient
• Part of Speech: Verb • Antonyms: stubborn, adamant
• Meaning: to make something stronger, more • Usage in a sentence: Patients who are less
extreme, or more exciting. compliant may be forced to take medication
• Synonyms: amplify, increase, boost against their will.
• Antonyms: decrease 1416. Word: Unravel (सलिाना/ स्पष्ट करना)
• Usage in a sentence: If you're ready to
amp up the adventure, you can climb up via • Pronunciation: uhn-rav-uh l/ अन्रैवल
the waterfall. • Part of Speech: Verb
1412. Word: Clinch (पक्का करना)


• Meaning: • Antonyms: after, following, later

a. undo (twisted, knitted, or woven threads). • Usage in a sentence: The judgment on
b. investigate and solve or explain (something pension rights has established a precedent.
complicated or puzzling). 1421. Word: Prime (तैयार करना)
• Synonyms: disentangle, untangle
• Pronunciation: prahym / प्राइम
• Antonyms: entangle, tangle
• Usage in a sentence: Detectives are still • Part of Speech: Verb, Adjective
trying to unravel the mystery surrounding his • Meaning:
death. a. make (something) ready for use or action.
1417. Word: Circumvent (धोखा दे ना)
b. prepare (someone) for a situation, typically
• Pronunciation: sur-kuhm-vent/ सकिम्वेन्ट by supplying them with relevant information.
• Part of Speech: Verb [Verb]
• Meaning: c. of the first importance; demanding the
a. find a way around (an obstacle). fullest consideration. [Adjective]
b. overcome (a problem or difficulty), typically • Synonyms: prepare, brief, primary, chief
in a clever and surreptitious way. • Antonyms: secondary, inferior
c. deceive; outwit. • Usage in a sentence: He grabbed a gun
• Synonyms: evade, avoid, dodge from a nearby wall and primed.
• Antonyms: confront, aid, allow 1422. Word: High-handed (कठोर)
• Usage in a sentence: He has circumvented
• Pronunciation: hahy-han-did/ हाइ है लन्िि
her with some of his stories.
• Part of Speech: Adjective
1418. Word: Escalate (बढ़ाना)
• Meaning: using power or authority without
• Pronunciation: es-kuh-leyt/ एस्ट्कलेट considering the feelings of others.
• Part of Speech: Verb • Synonyms: imperious, arbitrary, peremptory,
• Meaning: arrogant
a. increase rapidly. • Antonyms: liberal
b. make or become more intense or serious. • Usage in a sentence: Their attitude towards
• Synonyms: increase, intensify, rise the masses was condescending, high-
• Antonyms: decrease, lower, lessen handed and ultimately dictatorial.
• Usage in a sentence: Observers have 1423. Word: Vitiate (नकसान पहां चाना)
warned that the violence could escalate into
• Pronunciation: vish-ee-eyt/ र्वशीएट
full-scale armed conflict.
• Part of Speech: Verb
1419. Word: Exacerbate (कट बनाना)
• Meaning: spoil or impair the quality or
• Pronunciation: ig-zas-er-beyt/ इलज़ैसबेट efficiency of.
• Part of Speech: Verb • Synonyms: debase, corrupt, debauch
• Meaning: make (a problem, bad situation, or • Antonyms: improve, assist, support
negative feeling) worse. • Usage in a sentence: He said that the
• Synonyms: aggravate, increase, worsen American military power should never again
• Antonyms: improve, alleviate be vitiated by political concerns.
• Usage in a sentence: The current cuts in 1424. Word: Condemn (तनांदा करना)
public expenditure will inevitably exacerbate
• Pronunciation: kuhn-dem/ कन्िेम
this situation.
• Part of Speech: Verb
1420. Word: Precedent (उदाहरण/ अग्रिाम़ी)
• Meaning: express complete disapproval of;
• Pronunciation: pres-i-duh nt/ प्रेलसिन्ट censure.
• Part of Speech: Noun, Adjective • Synonyms: denounce, blame, criticize
• Meaning: • Antonyms: acquit, praise, commend
a. an earlier event or action that is regarded • Usage in a sentence: Political leaders united
as an example or guide to be considered in yesterday to condemn the latest wave of
subsequent similar circumstances. [Noun] violence.
b. preceding in time, order, or importance. 1425. Word: Oversight (चूक)
• Pronunciation: oh-ver-sahyt / ओवसािइट
• Synonyms: model, example, preceding


• Part of Speech: Noun • Pronunciation: muh-teer-ee-uh-lahyz/

• Meaning: an unintentional failure to notice or मटीरीअलाइज़
do something. • Part of Speech: Verb
• Synonyms: mistake, error, fault • Meaning: become actual fact; happen.
• Antonyms: perfection, strength, excellence • Synonyms: happen, occur
• Usage in a sentence: You can never entirely • Antonyms: fail
eliminate human error and oversight. • Usage in a sentence: Workshops and
1426. Word: Let-up (ह्रास/कम करना) initiatives for the newly arrived civil
• Pronunciation: let up/ लेट अप engineers, tile-makers and labourers did not
• Part of Speech: Noun, Verb materialise.
• Meaning: 1431. Word: Welter (तनमग्न होना/घालमेल)
a. a pause or reduction in the intensity of • Pronunciation: wel-ter/ वे्टर
something dangerous, difficult, or tiring. • Part of Speech: Verb, Noun
[Noun] • Meaning:
b. (of something undesirable) become less a. move in a turbulent fashion. [Verb]
intense. [Verb] b. a large number of items in no order; a
• Synonyms: abatement, decrease, abate, confused mass. [Adjective]
lessen • Synonyms: jumble, clutter, muddle
• Antonyms: continuation, escalation, continue • Antonyms: order
• Usage in a sentence: Neil spent the entire
• Usage in a sentence: Individual
evening moaning about his job - he just
advertisements are swamped in the welter of
wouldn't let up.
political coverage.
1427. Word: Ferocity (क्रूरता)
1432. Word: Peter (ध़ीरे ध़ीरे समातत हो जाना)
• Pronunciation: fuh-ros-i-tee/ िरालसटी
• Pronunciation: pee-ter/ पीटर
• Part of Speech: Noun
• Part of Speech: Verb
• Meaning: the state or quality of being
• Meaning: decrease or fade gradually before
coming to an end.
• Synonyms: savagery, brutality, barbarity
• Synonyms: diminish, fade, decline
• Antonyms: gentleness, clemency
• Antonyms: grow, develop, increase
• Usage in a sentence: The police were
• Usage in a sentence: We believe inflationary
shocked by the ferocity of the attack.
pressures will peter out in the coming months.
1428. Word: Adversary (प्रततिादी)
1433. Word: Proxy (प्रतततनगध)
• Pronunciation: ad-ver-ser-ee / ऐड्वसेरी
• Pronunciation: prok-see/ प्राक्सी
• Part of Speech: Noun
• Part of Speech: Noun
• Meaning: one's opponent in a contest,
• Meaning: the authority to represent someone
conflict, or dispute.
else, especially in voting.
• Synonyms: opponent, competitor, enemy
• Synonyms: substitute, deputy, delegate
• Antonyms: friend, ally, supporter
• Usage in a sentence: Your proxy may attend
• Usage in a sentence: He saw her as his
the meeting if you are unable to be present.
main adversary within the company.
1434. Word: Ripple (तरां ि/ तरां गित करना)
1429. Word: Premature (अिगधपूि) श
• Pronunciation: rip-uhl/ ररपल
• Pronunciation: pree-muh-choo r/ प्रीमचुर
• Part of Speech: Noun, Verb
• Part of Speech: Adjective
• Meaning:
• Meaning: occurring or done before the usual
a. a small wave or series of waves on the
or proper time; too early.
surface of water, especially as caused by a
• Synonyms: early, soon, untimely
slight breeze or an object dropping into it.
• Antonyms: late, overdue
• Usage in a sentence: Premature disclosure
b. (of a sound or feeling) spread through a
of the test sites might lead to invalidation of
person, group, or place. [Verb]
the experiment.
• Synonyms: wave, corrugation, undulation
1430. Word: Materialise (कायाशस्न्ित होना)


• Usage in a sentence: The announcement sent • Antonyms: discourage, dissuade, hindrance

a ripple of excitement through the crowd. • Usage in a sentence: Lower taxes would spur
1435. Word: Protracted (दीघश/ विलांब करना) investment and help economic growth
• Pronunciation: proh-trakt-ed/ प्रोरै लक्टि 1440. Word: Reinvigorate (पनजीवित करना)
• Part of Speech: Adjective, Verb • Pronunciation: re-in-vig-uh-reyt/ रीइलन्वगरे ट
• Meaning: • Part of Speech: Verb
a. lasting for a long time or longer than • Meaning: give new energy or strength to.
expected or usual. [Adjective] • Synonyms: revitalise, revive, stimulate
b. prolonged. [Verb] • Antonyms: destroy, abolish
• Synonyms: extended, lengthy • Usage in a sentence: Buss believes his
• Antonyms: fast, abrupt project is the right way to reinvigorate a
• Usage in a sentence: Prolonged exposure to neighbourhood by reusing existing buildings.
the sun can cause skin cancer. 1441. Word: Coup (चातयशपूण)श
1436. Word: Underscore (बल दे ना) • Pronunciation: koo/ कू
• Pronunciation: uhn-der-skawr/ अन्िस्ट्कॉिर • Part of Speech: Noun
• Part of Speech: Verb • Meaning:
• Meaning: a. a sudden, violent, and illegal seizure of
• Synonyms: stress, accentuate, highlight power from a government
• Antonyms: ignore b. an instance of successfully achieving something
• Usage in a sentence: The data accumulated difficult
by the Bureau of Labour Statistics underscore • Synonyms: overthrow, takeover, success,
this phenomenon. triumph
1437. Word: Belie (ममथ्या मसद्ध करना) • Antonyms: failure, defeat
• Usage in a sentence: The president was
• Pronunciation: bih-lahy/ र्बलाइ
ousted in a military coup in January 1987.
• Part of Speech: Verb
1442. Word: Topple (गिरा दे ना)
• Meaning: (of an appearance) fail to give a true
impression of (something). • Pronunciation: top-uhl/ टापल
• Synonyms: contradict, misrepresent • Part of Speech: Verb
• Antonyms: prove, attest • Meaning:
• Usage in a sentence: The gentle lower slopes a. overbalance or cause to overbalance and fall.
belie the true nature of the mountain. b. remove (a government or person in
1438. Word: Contend (सांघषश करना) authority) from power; overthrow.
• Synonyms: tumble, fall, collapse
• Pronunciation: kuhn-tend/ कन्टे न्ि
• Antonyms: straighten, restore
• Part of Speech: Verb • Usage in a sentence: The action seemed a
• Meaning: clumsy attempt to topple the government.
a. struggle to surmount (a difficulty).
1443. Word: Dogged (स्जद्दी)
b. assert something as a position in an
argument. • Pronunciation: daw-gid/ िॉर्गि
• Synonyms: argue, fight, struggle, strive • Part of Speech: Adjective, Verb
• Antonyms: collaborate, agree • Meaning:
• Usage in a sentence: The firm is too small to a. having or showing tenacity and grim
contend against large international companies. persistence. [Adjective]
1439. Word: Spur (उत्साहन/ प्रेररत करना) b. follow (someone) closely and persistently. [Verb]
• Synonyms: stubborn, determined, tenacious
• Pronunciation: spur/ स्ट्पर
• Antonyms: irresolute, weak, undetermined
• Part of Speech: Noun, Verb • Usage in a sentence: Her ambition and
• Meaning: dogged determination ensured that she rose
a. a thing that prompts or encourages to the top of her profession.
someone; an incentive. [Noun]
1444. Word: Combat (मभड़न्त/सांग्राम करना)
b. give an incentive or encouragement to
(someone). [Verb] • Pronunciation: kuhm-bat/ कम्बैट
• Synonyms: urge, encourage, incite • Part of Speech: Noun, Verb


• Meaning: 1449. Word: Stark (तनताांत)

a. fighting between armed forces. [Noun]
• Pronunciation: stahrk/ स्ट्टाकि
b. take action to reduce or prevent (something
bad or undesirable). [Verb] • Part of Speech: Adjective
• Synonyms: fight, battle, struggle • Meaning:
• Antonyms: peace, accord, compromise a. severe or bare in appearance or outline.
• Usage in a sentence: The police are planning b. complete; sheer.
sterner measures to combat. • Synonyms: crisp, distinct, obvious
• Antonyms: fuzzy, indistinct, pleasant
1445. Word: Manifest (प्रत्यक्ष/ स्पष्ट करना) • Usage in a sentence: The remains of the
• Pronunciation: man-uh-fest/ मैनिेस्ट्ट building stand as a stark reminder of the fire.
• Part of Speech: Adjective, Verb 1450. Word: Incessant (अनिरत)
• Meaning: • Pronunciation: in-ses-uhnt/ इन्सेसन्ट
a. clear or obvious to the eye or mind.
• Part of Speech: Adjective
• Meaning: (of something regarded as
b. show (a quality or feeling) by one's acts or
unpleasant) continuing without pause or
appearance; demonstrate. [Verb]
• Synonyms: evident, clear, apparent
• Synonyms: ceaseless, unabating, interminable
• Antonyms: unclear, obscure • Antonyms: intermittent, occasional
• Usage in a sentence: The workers chose to • Usage in a sentence: The incessant buzzing
manifest their dissatisfaction in a series of of helicopters filled the evening.
1451. Word: Junk (अस्ि़ीकार कर दे ना)
1446. Word: Elude (दृस्ष्ट बचाकर चला जाना)
• Pronunciation: juhngk/ जिंगक
• Pronunciation: ih-lood/ इलूि
• Part of Speech: Verb
• Part of Speech: Verb • Meaning: discard or abandon
• Meaning: escape from or avoid (a danger, unceremoniously.
enemy, or pursuer), typically in a skilful or • Synonyms: discard, dump, ditch
cunning way. • Antonyms: keep, retain, embrace
• Synonyms: evade, avoid, escape • Usage in a sentence: Sort out what could be
• Antonyms: confront, encounter sold off and junk the rest.
• Usage in a sentence: The two men managed 1452. Word: Sporadic (तिट पट)
to elude the police for six weeks.
• Pronunciation: spuh-rad-ik/ स्ट्परै डिक
1447. Word: Recourse (अिलांब)
• Part of Speech: Adjective
• Pronunciation: ree-kawrs/ रीकॉसि • Meaning: occurring at irregular intervals or
• Part of Speech: Noun only in a few places; scattered or isolated.
• Meaning: a source of help in a difficult • Synonyms: occasional, irregular, random
situation. • Antonyms: frequent, constant, continuous
• Synonyms: resort, appeal, refuge • Usage in a sentence: Our advertising
• Antonyms: avoidance, hindrance campaigns have been too sporadic to have
• Usage in a sentence: An order was made, had a lot of success.
against which he sought recourse in the 1453. Word: Partisan (पक्षपातमूलक/ कट्टरपांऱ्ी)
Supreme Court. • Pronunciation: pahr-tuh-zuhn/ पाटि ज़न
1448. Word: Renege (त्यािना) • Part of Speech: Adjective, Noun
• Pronunciation: ri-nig/ ररननग • Meaning:
• Part of Speech: Verb a. prejudiced in favour of a particular cause.
• Meaning: go back on a promise, undertaking, [Adjective]
or contract. b. a strong supporter of a party, cause, or
person. [Noun]
• Synonyms: repudiate, revoke, deny
• Synonyms: supporter, biased, follower,
• Antonyms: fulfil
• Usage in a sentence: The government had
• Antonyms: neutral, impartial, unbiased
reneged on its election promises.


• Usage in a sentence: The audience was very • Usage in a sentence: Julie has a tendency to
partisan and refused to listen to the points she burst into tears at the slightest provocation.
was making in her speech. 1459. Word: Vandalization (बबशरता)
1454. Word: Slate (पटटया/कड़़ी आलोचना करना) • Pronunciation: van-dl-shuh n/ वैन्िलज़ैशन
• Pronunciation: sleyt/ स्ट्लेट • Part of Speech: Noun
• Part of Speech: Noun, Verb • Meaning: the act of deliberately destroying or
• Meaning: damaging public or private property.
a. a fine-grained grey, green, or bluish-purple • Synonyms: destruction, vandalism, sabotage
metamorphic rock easily split into smooth, flat • Antonyms: rejoice
plates. [Noun] • Usage in a sentence: Owing to
b. criticize severely. [Verb] vandalization in the past, a security system
• Synonyms: criticize, condemn, flay has been installed in the house.
• Antonyms: praise, commend, applaud 1460. Word: Stooge (कठपतली/ टहलआ बनना)
• Usage in a sentence: His work was slated by
• Pronunciation: stooj/ स्ट्टूज
the critics.
• Part of Speech: Noun, Verb
1455. Word: Curtailment (काट-िााँट)
• Meaning:
• Pronunciation: ker-teyl-ment/ कटै ्मन्ट a. a subordinate used by another to do
• Part of Speech: Noun unpleasant routine work. [Noun]
• Meaning: the action or fact of reducing or b. move about aimlessly; drift or cruise. [Verb]
restricting something. • Synonyms: puppet, pawn, flunky
• Synonyms: reduction, cutback, diminution • Antonyms: senior
• Antonyms: increase, expansion • Usage in a sentence: The latter had for
• Usage in a sentence: It is remarkable that decades acted largely as a stooge for the party
with the curtailment of deliveries in the leaders.
absolute expression, the market share 1461. Phrase: Slippery Slope
increased by 5%. • Part of Speech: Phrase
1456. Phrase: Under a cloud (कलांककत होकर) • Meaning: a course of action likely to lead to
something bad or disastrous.
• Pronunciation: uhn-der a kloud/ अन्िर अ क्लाउि
• Synonyms: hazardous, perilous, precarious
• Meaning: under suspicion or discredited. • Antonyms: harmless, safe
• Synonyms: disgraced, discredited • Usage in a sentence: He is on the slippery
• Antonyms: honoured, respected slope towards a life of crime.
• Usage in a sentence: The butcher is under a
1462. Word: Spectator (दशशक)
cloud because the inspectors found that his
scales were not honest. • Pronunciation: spek-tey-ter/ स्ट्पेक्टे टर
1457. Word: Ferocious (उग्र) • Part of Speech: Noun
• Meaning: a person who watches at a show,
• Pronunciation: fuh-roh-shuhs/ िरोशस
game, or other event.
• Part of Speech: Adjective • Synonyms: on-looker, watcher, viewer
• Meaning: savagely fierce, cruel, or violent. • Antonyms: participant, player
• Synonyms: savage, wild, fierce, brutal • Usage in a sentence: Around fifteen thousand
• Antonyms: calm, kind, benevolent spectators came to watch the thrills and spills.
• Usage in a sentence: The police had to deal
1463. Word: Outreach (पहाँ च/ बढ़ जाना)
with some of the most ferocious violence ever
seen on the streets of London. • Pronunciation: out-reech/ आउरीच
1458. Word: Provocation (उकसाहट) • Part of Speech: Noun, Verb
• Pronunciation: prov-uh-key-shuh n/ प्रावकेशन • Meaning:
a. the extent or length of reaching out. [Noun]
• Part of Speech: Noun
b. reach further than. [Verb]
• Meaning: action or speech that makes
• Synonyms: awareness, advocacy
someone angry, especially deliberately.
• Antonyms: disappear
• Synonyms: incitement, inducement, stimulus
• Usage in a sentence: The regents are also
• Antonyms: pacification, prevention, suppression
calling for greater outreach to increase the


diversity of the pool of applicants applying to • Usage in a sentence: The coach issued a
the system. diktat that all team members must attend
1464. Word: Designation (औहदा) early-morning practice.
• Pronunciation: dez-ig-ney-shuh n/ िेज़लनैशन 1469. Phrase: Zero out (शन्ू याांकन करना)
• Part of Speech: Noun • Pronunciation: zeer-oh out/ ज़ीरो आउट
• Meaning: the action of choosing someone to • Part of Speech: Verb
hold an office or post. • Meaning: to reduce the amount of
• Synonyms: appointment, appellation, (something) to zero.
nomination • Usage in a sentence: Be sure to zero out the
• Antonyms: dismissal, rejection account before you switch banks.
• Usage in a sentence: The designation of 1470. Word: Pile-up (इकट्ठा होना)
special marine reserves and marine sanctuaries
• Pronunciation: pahyl-uhp/ पाइल अप
shall be subject to the State Council for
approval. • Part of Speech: Noun
• Meaning:
1465. Word: Unrelenting (कठोर)
a. a crash involving several vehicles.
• Pronunciation: uhn-ri-len-ting/ अन्रीलेलन्टिं ग b. an accumulation of a specified thing.
• Part of Speech: Adjective • Synonyms: accumulate, amass, stack, hoard
• Meaning: • Antonyms: disperse, dwindle
a. not yielding in strength, severity, or • Usage in a sentence: Three people died in a
determination. multiple pile-up in freezing fog.
b. not giving way to kindness or compassion. 1471. Word: Head-on (आमने-सामने का/ सामने से)
• Synonyms: relentless, inexorable, inflexible
• Pronunciation: hed-on/ हे िान
• Antonyms: sympathetic, flexible
• Usage in a sentence: The relief efforts have • Part of Speech: Adjective, Adverb
been hindered by the unrelenting bad • Meaning:
weather. a. with or involving the front of a vehicle.
1466. Word: Escalation (तेज़ी)
b. with or involving direct confrontation.
• Pronunciation: es-kuh-ley-shuh n/ एस्ट्कलैशन [Adverb]
• Part of Speech: Noun • Synonyms: direct, frontal
• Meaning: a rapid increase; a rise. • Antonyms: indirect
• Synonyms: rise, hike, advance • Usage in a sentence: The leaders are
• Antonyms: decrease, reduction preparing for a head-on clash at the summit.
• Usage in a sentence: The reorganization has 1472. Word: Usher (उपमशक्षक/ सांचालन करना)
led to a dramatic escalation in costs.
• Pronunciation: uhsh-er/अशर
1467. Word: Compliance (सम्मतत)
• Part of Speech: Noun, Verb
• Pronunciation: kuh m-plahy-uh ns/ कम््लाइअन्स • Meaning: a person who shows people to their
• Part of Speech: Noun seats, especially in a cinema or theatre or at a
• Meaning: the action or fact of complying with wedding. [Noun]
a wish or command. a. show or guide (someone) somewhere. [Verb]
• Synonyms: observance, obedience, respect b. cause or mark the start of something new.
• Antonyms: refusal, noncompliance, defiance [Verb]
• Usage in a sentence: The staff involved • Synonyms: guide, lead, escort, attendant
should be monitored to ensure compliance • Antonyms: mislead, misguide
with the policy. • Usage in a sentence: He did part-time work
1468. Word: Diktat (अलोकवप्रय और कड़ा आदे श) as an usher in a theatre.
• Pronunciation: dik-that 1473. Word: Tangible (स्पशशिम्य)
• Part of Speech: Noun • Pronunciation: tan-juh-buhl/ टै न्जबल
• Meaning: an order or decree imposed by • Part of Speech: Adjective
someone in power without popular consent. • Meaning: perceptible by touch.
• Synonyms: dictation, imposition, enforcement • Synonyms: palpable, real, concrete,
• Antonyms: petition, appeal substantial


• Antonyms: abstract, intangible, imaginary • Usage in a sentence: His debts were

• Usage in a sentence: The policy has not yet reckoned at £300,000.
brought any tangible. 1479. Word: Redress (उपाय करना)
1474. Word: Reconciliation (ममलान) • Pronunciation: ree-dres/ररड्रेस
• Pronunciation: rek-uh n-sil-ee-ey-shuh n/ • Part of Speech: Verb
रे कलन्सलीऐशन • Meaning: remedy or set right (an undesirable
• Part of Speech: Noun or unfair situation).
• Meaning: the restoration of friendly relations. • Synonyms: remedy, correct, rectify
• Synonyms: reunion, accord, compromise • Antonyms: wrong, worsen, blighted
• Antonyms: conflict, breakup, feud, • Usage in a sentence: Attempts are being
estrangement made to redress the imbalance between our
• Usage in a sentence: There was little hope of import and export figures.
reconciliation between the two groups. 1480. Word: Fanatical (कट्टर)
1475. Word: Pervasive (प्रसाररत हो जानेिाला) • Pronunciation: fuh-nat-i-kuhl / िनैटटकल
• Pronunciation: per-vey-siv/ पवेलसव • Part of Speech: Adjective
• Part of Speech: Adjective • Meaning: filled with excessive and single-
• Meaning: (especially of an unwelcome minded zeal.
influence or physical effect) spreading widely • Synonyms: zealous, fanatic, rabid
throughout an area or a group of people. • Antonyms: dispassionate, unenthusiastic
• Synonyms: prevalent, penetrating, ubiquitous • Usage in a sentence: She is fanatical about
• Antonyms: limited, controlled, restricted keeping fit.
• Usage in a sentence: Alcohol is still a 1481. Word: Propel (उकसाना)
pervasive problem with high - school
• Pronunciation: pruh-pel / प्रपेल
• Part of Speech: Verb
1476. Word: Swathe (पट्टा)
• Meaning: drive or push something forwards.
• Pronunciation: sweyth / स्ट्वैद • Synonyms: thrust, drive, push
• Part of Speech: Noun • Antonyms: restrain, hold, keep
• Meaning: a broad strip or area of something. • Usage in a sentence: We must first calculate
• Synonyms: bandage, strip the horsepower needed to propel the ship.
• Usage in a sentence: Building the tunnel 1482. Word: Tip (र्पकना/ सांचालन करना)
would involve cutting a great swathe through
• Pronunciation: tip/ टटप
the forest.
• Part of Speech: Verb
1477. Phrase: Ward off (बचाि करना)
• Meaning:
• Pronunciation: wawrd ov/ वॉिि ऑि a. overbalance so as to fall or turn over.
• Part of Speech: Phrasal Verb b. attach to or cover the end or extremity of.
• Meaning: To ward off a danger or illness • Synonyms: overturn, overbalance, surmount,
means to prevent it from affecting you or crown
harming you. • Antonyms: level, right
• Synonyms: avert, prevent, avoid, repel • Usage in a sentence: The hay caught fire
• Antonyms: allow, intervene when the candle tipped.
• Usage in a sentence: In an attempt to ward 1483. Word: Truce (यद्धविराम)
off criticism, the government has made
• Pronunciation: troos/ ूस
education a priority.
• Part of Speech: Noun
1478. Word: Reckon (टहसाब करना)
• Meaning: an agreement between enemies or
• Pronunciation: rek-uhn/ रे कन opponents to stop fighting or arguing for a
• Part of Speech: Verb certain time.
• Meaning: establish by calculation. • Synonyms: peace, reconciliation, agreement,
• Synonyms: calculate, figure, estimate, ceasefire
compute • Antonyms: war, fight, struggle, battle
• Antonyms: ponder • Usage in a sentence: The priest helped to
negotiate a truce between the warring sides.


1484. Word: Retaliation (प्रततशोध) • Antonyms: access, opening

• Usage in a sentence: They attempted to
• Pronunciation: ri-tal-ee-ey-shuh n/ ररटै लीएशन
break the blockade by using submarines.
• Part of Speech: Noun
1489. Word: Brink (किार)
• Meaning: the action of returning a military
attack; counter-attack. • Pronunciation: bringk /र्ििंगक
• Synonyms: revenge, vengeance, reprisal • Part of Speech: Noun
• Antonyms: mercy, forgiveness, acceptance • Meaning: a point at which something, typically
• Usage in a sentence: He, in retaliation, has something unwelcome, is about to happen; the
launched against them the most concentrated verge.
onslaughts that he has been able to devise. • Synonyms: edge, verge, border, rim
1485. Word: Resumption (पनरारां भ) • Antonyms: centre, interior, middle
• Usage in a sentence: Extreme stress had
• Pronunciation: ri-zuhmp-shuh n/ ररज़म््शन
driven him to the brink of a nervous
• Part of Speech: Noun breakdown.
• Meaning: the action of beginning something
1490. Word: Replicate (दोहराया जाना)
again after a pause or interruption.
• Synonyms: restart, recommencement, • Pronunciation: rep-li-kit / रे ्लफकट
continuation, renewal • Part of Speech: Verb
• Antonyms: suspension, abandonment • Meaning: make an exact copy of; reproduce.
• Usage in a sentence: Both countries are now • Synonyms: duplicate, copy, reproduce
hoping for a quick resumption of diplomatic • Antonyms: manufacture
relations. • Usage in a sentence: Researchers tried many
1486. Word: Refute (खांडन करना) times to replicate the original experiment.
• Pronunciation: ri-fyoot/ ररफ्यूट 1491. Word: Deploy (असरदार तरीके से इस्तेमाल करना)
• Part of Speech: Verb • Pronunciation: dih-ploi / डि्लॉइ
• Meaning: prove (a statement or theory) to be • Part of Speech: Verb
wrong or false; disprove. • Meaning:
• Synonyms: disprove, confute, rebut, a. move (troops or equipment) into position for
contradict military action.
• Antonyms: confirm, accept b. bring into effective action.
• Usage in a sentence: Several scientists have • Synonyms: install, utilize, employ
attempted to refute Moore's theories. • Antonyms: uninstall, withdraw
1487. Word: Entangle (उलिाना) • Usage in a sentence: The decision has been
made to deploy extra troops.
• Pronunciation: wawrd ov/ एन्टैंगगल
1492. Word: Spurt (बह तनकलना/ फहार)
• Part of Speech: Verb
• Meaning: cause to become twisted together • Pronunciation: spurt/स्ट्पटि
with or caught in. • Part of Speech: Verb, Noun
• Synonyms: intertwine, entwine, tangle • Meaning:
• Antonyms: disentangle, release a. gush out in a sudden and forceful stream.
• Usage in a sentence: His tactics were to [Verb]
entangle the opposition in a web of b. a sudden gushing stream. [Noun]
parliamentary procedure. • Synonyms: gush, stream, spout, squirt
1488. Word: Blockade (नाकेबन्दी/ सांरोध करना) • Antonyms: drip, dribble
• Usage in a sentence: He cut his finger, and
• Pronunciation: blo-keyd/ ब्लाकेि
blood spurted over the sliced potatoes.
• Part of Speech: Noun, Verb
1493. Word: Bullish (आशािान)
• Meaning:
a. an act or means of sealing off a place to • Pronunciation: boo l-ish/ बुललश
prevent goods or people from entering or • Part of Speech: Adjective
leaving. [Noun] • Meaning: aggressively confident and self-
b. seal off (a place) to prevent goods or people assertive.
from entering or leaving. [Verb] • Synonyms: optimistic, hopeful, upbeat,
• Synonyms: block, barricade, siege cheerful


• Antonyms: pessimistic • Antonyms: flourish, prosper

• Usage in a sentence: He is bullish about the • Usage in a sentence: She floundered, not
prospects of his business. knowing what to say.
1494. Word: Haggle (मोल-भाि करना) 1499. Word: Trajectory (प्रक्षेपपर्)
• Pronunciation: hag-uh l/ है गल • Pronunciation: truh-jek-tuh-ree/रजेक्टरी
• Part of Speech: Verb • Part of Speech: Noun
• Meaning: dispute or bargain persistently, • Meaning: the path followed by a projectile
especially over the cost of something. flying or an object moving under the action of
• Synonyms: bargain, negotiate, deal, barter given forces.
• Antonyms: concur, agree • Synonyms: course, track, route, path
• Usage in a sentence: In many countries, you • Antonyms: off track, off route
have to haggle before you buy anything. • Usage in a sentence: The decision was
1495. Word: Circumspect (एहततयात़ी) certain to affect the trajectory of French
politics for some time to come.
• Pronunciation: sur-kuhm-spekt/ सकिम्स्ट्पेक्ट
1500. Word: Discretionary (वििेकित)
• Part of Speech: Adjective
• Meaning: wary and unwilling to take risks. • Pronunciation: dih-skresh-uh-ner-ee/ डिस्ट्रेशनेरी
• Synonyms: cautious, wary, careful • Part of Speech: Adjective
• Antonyms: unguarded, incautious, careless • Meaning: available for use at the discretion of
• Usage in a sentence: The governor was the user.
usually circumspect when dealing with the • Synonyms: optional, elective, voluntary
media. • Antonyms: compulsory, obligatory
1496. Word: Verdict (तनणशय) • Usage in a sentence: The company used to
give discretionary bonus payments.
• Pronunciation: vur-dikt/ वडििक्ट
1501. Word: Outlier (गैर)
• Part of Speech: Noun
• Meaning: a decision on an issue of fact in a • Pronunciation: out-lahy-er/ आउट्लाइअर
civil or criminal case or an inquest. • Part of Speech: Noun
• Synonyms: decision, sentence, judgement • Meaning: a person or thing situated away or
• Antonyms: accusation, suggestion detached from the main body or system.
• Usage in a sentence: In the case of an • Synonyms: aberration
adverse verdict, the company could stand to • Antonyms: inlier
lose millions. • Usage in a sentence: The method can be
1497. Word: Prosaic (िद्यित) used to filtrate the outlier data and discover
clusters of arbitrary shape.
• Pronunciation: proh-zey-ik/ प्रोज़ेइक
1502. Word: Dissent (असम्मत होना/ असम्मतत)
• Part of Speech: Adjective
• Meaning: having or using the style or diction • Pronunciation: dih-sent/डिसेन्ट
of prose as opposed to poetry; lacking • Part of Speech: Verb, Noun
imaginativeness or originality. • Meaning:
• Synonyms: unimaginative, uninspired, a. hold or express opinions that are at variance
mundane, dull with those commonly or officially held. [Verb]
• Antonyms: imaginative, inspired, interesting b. the holding or expression of opinions at
• Usage in a sentence: Reports are commonly variance with those commonly or officially held.
prosaic, dull, pompous and patronising and [Noun]
written with selfish disregard for the reader. • Synonyms: conflict, disagree, protest
1498. Word: Flounder (तड़पना) • Antonyms: agree, assent, agreement
• Usage in a sentence: Voices of dissent
• Pronunciation: floun-der/ फ्लाउन्िर began to rise against the bombing.
• Part of Speech: Verb 1503. Word: Unanimous (एकगचत)
• Meaning:
a. struggle or stagger clumsily in mud or water. • Pronunciation: yoo-nan-uh-muh s/ यूनैनमस
b. struggle mentally; show or feel great • Part of Speech: Adjective
confusion. • Meaning: (of two or more people) fully in
• Synonyms: stumble, blunder, stagger, fumble agreement.


• Synonyms: united, agreed, accordant • Usage in a sentence: We welcome the

• Antonyms: split, conflicting, dispatch of the peace-keeping force.
• Usage in a sentence: Editors were 1509. Word: Undermine (दबशल बना दे ना)
unanimous in their condemnation of the
• Pronunciation: uhn-der-mahyn/अन्िमािइन
• Part of Speech: Verb
1504. Word: Accede (स्ि़ीकार करना)
• Meaning:
• Pronunciation: ak-seed/ ऐक्सीि a. erode the base or foundation of (a rock
• Part of Speech: Verb formation).
• Meaning: agree to a demand, request, or b. lessen the effectiveness, power, or ability of,
treaty. especially gradually or insidiously.
• Synonyms: agree, join, acquiesce • Synonyms: weaken, impair, subvert
• Antonyms: deny, demur, refuse • Antonyms: strengthen, encourage
• Usage in a sentence: I recognize that • Usage in a sentence: The scandal threatened
publishers will not accede to all the details of to undermine the institution of the Presidency.
this plan. 1510. Word: Disclosure (पदाशफाश)
1505. Word: Solicit (प्रार्शना करना) • Pronunciation: dih-skloh-zher/ डिस्ट्क्लोश़र
• Pronunciation: suh-lis-it/ सलललसट • Part of Speech: Noun
• Part of Speech: Verb • Meaning: the action of making new or secret
• Meaning: ask for or try to obtain (something) information known.
from someone. • Synonyms: revelation, reporting, exposure,
• Synonyms: request, seek, beg declaration
• Antonyms: coerce, reply, compel, reply, reject • Antonyms: secret
• Usage in a sentence: They were planning to • Usage in a sentence: The court ruled to
solicit funds from a number of organizations. prevent public disclosure of the contents of
1506. Word: Abysmal (अिाध) the documents.
• Pronunciation: uh-biz-muh l/ अर्बज़्मल 1511. Word: Entitle (अगधकार दे ना)
• Part of Speech: Adjective • Pronunciation: en-tahyt-l/ एन्टाइटल
• Meaning: extremely bad; appalling. • Part of Speech: Verb
• Synonyms: appalling, awful, dreadful • Meaning: give (someone) a legal right or a
• Antonyms: beautiful, good, wonderful just claim to receive or do something.
• Usage in a sentence: The reunion was an • Synonyms: empower, title, authorize
abysmal failure. • Antonyms: ban, disempower
1507. Word: Absolve (पापमक्त करना) • Usage in a sentence: This ticket does not
entitle you to travel first class.
• Pronunciation: ab-zolv/ अब्ज़ा्व
1512. Word: Ethos (चररत्र)
• Part of Speech: Verb
• Meaning: declare (someone) free from guilt, • Pronunciation: ee-thos/ ईथास
obligation, or punishment. • Part of Speech: Noun
• Synonyms: exonerate, acquit, release • Meaning: the characteristic spirit of a culture,
• Antonyms: condemn, blame era, or community as manifested in its
• Usage in a sentence: The pardon absolved attitudes and aspirations.
them of any crimes. • Synonyms: spirit, character, culture
1508. Word: Dispatch (प्रेवषत करना/ भेजना) • Usage in a sentence: The ethos of the
traditional family firm is under threat.
• Pronunciation: dih-spach/ डिस्ट्पैच
1513. Word: Inflection (विभस्क्त)
• Part of Speech: Verb, Noun
• Meaning: • Pronunciation: in-flek-shuh n/ इन्फ्लेक्शन
a. deal with (a task or opponent) quickly and • Part of Speech: Noun
efficiently. [Verb] • Meaning: a change in the form of a word
b. the sending of someone or something to a (typically the ending) to express a grammatical
destination or for a purpose. [Noun] function or attribute such as tense, mood,
• Synonyms: send, transmit, forward person, number, case, and gender.
• Antonyms: keep, retain, delay


• Synonyms: conjugation, declension, • Antonyms: wisdom, understanding, prudence

modulation, intonation • Usage in a sentence: It's utter folly to go
• Antonyms: monotone swimming in this cold weather.
• Usage in a sentence: The standard deviation 1519. Word: Derision (उपहास)
can usefully be visualized as the distance from
the mean to the point of inflection of the bell- • Pronunciation: dih-rizh-uh n /डिररश़न
shaped curve. • Part of Speech: Noun
1514. Word: Catapult (फेक दे ना) • Meaning: contemptuous ridicule or mockery.
• Synonyms: mockery, scorn, sarcasm, scoffing
• Pronunciation: kat-uh-puhlt/ कैटप्ट
• Antonyms: respect, praise, compliment
• Part of Speech: Verb, Noun • Usage in a sentence: Her speech was greeted
• Meaning: with howls of derision.
hurl or launch (something) with or as if with a
1520. Word: Gobble (डकोसना/ हड़प जाना)
catapult. (Verb)
b. a forked stick with an elastic band fastened • Pronunciation: gob-uhl / गाबल
to the two prongs, used by children for • Part of Speech: Verb
shooting small stones. (Noun) • Meaning:
• Synonyms: sling, shoot, launch, hurl a. eat (something) hurriedly and noisily
• Usage in a sentence: The explosion b. use a large amount of (something) very
catapulted the car 30 yards along the road. quickly
1515. Word: Relegate (अपकषश) c. (of a large organization) incorporate or take
• Pronunciation: rel-i-geyt/ रे लगेट over (a smaller one)
• Synonyms: guzzle, gulp, devour
• Part of Speech: Verb
• Meaning: assign an inferior rank or position to. • Antonyms: nibble
• Synonyms: demote, downgrade, lower • Usage in a sentence: Housing costs gobble
• Antonyms: upgrade, promote up almost half of our budget.
• Usage in a sentence: He has been relegated 1521. Word: Usurp (हड़पना)
to the position of an assistant coach. • Pronunciation: yoo-surp / यस ू पि
1516. Word: Overarching (व्यापक) • Part of Speech: Verb
• Pronunciation: oh-ver-ahr-ching/ ओवरार्चिंग • Meaning: take (a position of power or
• Part of Speech: Adjective importance) illegally or by force.
• Meaning: comprehensive or all-embracing. • Synonyms: arrogate, seize, grab
• Synonyms: overall, general, underlying • Antonyms: acknowledge, abdicate
• Antonyms: insignificant, limited • Usage in a sentence: He attempted to usurp
• Usage in a sentence: The crisis gave an the principal's authority.
overarching justification to the government's 1522. Word: Fiefdom (जाि़ीर)
• Pronunciation: feef-duh m/ िीफ्िम
1517. Word: Hegemon (अगधनायक)
• Part of Speech: Noun
• Pronunciation: hej-uh-mon/ टहजमन • Meaning: a territory or sphere of operation
• Part of Speech: Noun controlled by a particular person or group.
• Meaning: a supreme leader. • Synonyms: fief, domain, mandate
• Synonyms: leader, master, commander • Usage in a sentence: She considers the office
• Antonyms: follower, helper as her own private fiefdom.
• Usage in a sentence: Sparta was the 1523. Word: Dovetail (परस्परानबांधन करना)
hegemon of the Confederacy, but the states
were autonomous. • Pronunciation: duhv-teyl/ िर्वटे ल
• Part of Speech: Verb
1518. Word: Folly (मूखत
श ा)
• Meaning:
• Pronunciation: fol-ee / िाली a. join together by means of a dovetail.
• Part of Speech: Noun b. fit or cause to fit together easily and
• Meaning: lack of good sense; foolishness. conveniently.
• Synonyms: craziness, madness, insanity • Synonyms: fit, coincide, join, accord


• Antonyms: disconnect, disunite, unlink, • Usage in a sentence: We had put our

separate house up as collateral for our bank loan.
• Usage in a sentence: The management of 1528. Phrase: Buck the trend (प्रिवृ ि का विरोध करना)
local affairs should dovetail regional interests
• Pronunciation: बक्क द रें ि
with those of the country as a whole.
• Meaning: to be obviously different from the
1524. Word: Tenet (तनयम)
way that a situation is developing generally,
• Pronunciation: ten-it/ टे नट especially in connection with financial
• Part of Speech: Noun matters
• Meaning: a principle or belief, especially one • Synonyms: go against the grain
of the main principles of a religion or • Antonyms: imitate, follow
philosophy. • Usage in a sentence: This company is the
• Synonyms: doctrine, philosophy, dogma only one to have bucked the trend of a
• Antonyms: disbelief declining industry.
• Usage in a sentence: It is a tenet of 1529. Word: Conventional (रूटढ़ित)
contemporary psychology that an individual's
• Pronunciation: kuh n-ven-shuh-nl/ कन्वेन्शनल
mental health is supported by having good
• Part of Speech: Adjective
social networks.
• Meaning: based on or in accordance with
1525. Word: Mar (दवू षत करना) what is generally done or believed.
• Pronunciation: mahr / मार • Synonyms: traditional, customary, usual,
• Part of Speech: Verb common
• Meaning: impair the quality or appearance of; • Antonyms: strange, unusual,
spoil. unconventional
• Synonyms: damage, ruin, disfigure • Usage in a sentence: He made a few
• Antonyms: beautify, improve, enhance conventional remarks about the weather.
• Usage in a sentence: Don't allow a minor 1530. Word: Unleash (उन्मक्त करना)
irritation at the workplace mar your ambitions. • Pronunciation: uhn-leesh / अन्लीश
1526. Word: Resounding (िांजायमान) • Part of Speech: Verb
• Pronunciation: ri-zoun-ding/ रीसाउलन्ििंग • Meaning: cause (a strong or violent force)
• Part of Speech: Adjective to be released or become unrestrained.
• Meaning: • Synonyms: release, free, liberate
a. unmistakable; emphatic • Antonyms: restrain, control
b. (of a sound) loud enough to reverberate. • Usage in a sentence: The officers were still
• Synonyms: resonant, echoing, vibrant reluctant to unleash their troops in pursuit
• Antonyms: faint, soft, muffled of a defeated enemy.
• Usage in a sentence: The resounding cry 1531. Word: Leeway (िांजाइश)
of emancipation from the tyranny of • Pronunciation: lee-wey/ लीवे
imitation was echoed well into the twentieth
• Part of Speech: Noun
• Meaning: the amount of freedom to move
1527. Word: Collateral (अततररक्त) or act that is available.
• Pronunciation: kuh-lat-er-uh l/ कलैटरल • Synonyms: scope, room, space, margin
• Part of Speech: Noun, Adjective • Antonyms: inflexibility, bigotry
• Meaning: • Usage in a sentence: The government
a. something pledged as security for does not have much leeway in foreign
repayment of a loan, to be forfeited in the policy.
event of a default. (Noun) 1532. Phrase: Hit the ground running
b. additional but subordinate; secondary. • Pronunciation: टहट द ग्राउिं ि रननिंग
(Adjective) • Meaning: start something and proceed at a
• Synonyms: security, deposit, warranty, fast pace with great enthusiasm.
subordinate • Synonyms: begin at full speed, kick off,
• Antonyms: primary, chief, principal swing into action
• Antonyms: procrastinate, postpone


• Usage in a sentence: They either hit the • Usage in a sentence: Their recent attempt
ground running, or the ground hits them to increase sales has been a dismal failure.
standing still. 1538. Phrase: Double-edged sword (दधारी तलिार)
1533. Word: Insolvency (टदिामलयापन) • Pronunciation: डबल एड्िेद सोडश/
• Pronunciation: in-sol-vuh n-see/ इन्सा्वन्सी • Meaning: If you say that something is a
• Part of Speech: Noun double-edged sword or a two-edged sword,
• Meaning: the state of being insolvent. you mean that it has negative effects as well
• Synonyms: bankruptcy, poverty, failure as positive effects.
• Antonyms: solvency, affluence • Synonyms: blessing and a curse
• Usage in a sentence: The company is close • Usage in a sentence: The economic
to insolvency. globalization also brings deep effluence to
1534. Word: Resonate (िाँूजना) China, which is like a "double-edged
sword", with opportunities and challenges
• Pronunciation: rez-uh-neyt/ रे ज़नेट
in it.
• Part of Speech: Verb
1539. Word: Formative (तनमाशणात्मक)
• Meaning:
a. produce or be filled with a deep, full, • Pronunciation: fawr-muh-tiv/ िॉमिटटव
reverberating sound. • Part of Speech: Adjective
b. evoke images, memories, and emotions. • Meaning: serving to form something,
• Synonyms: resound, echo especially having a profound influence on a
• Usage in a sentence: She makes a simple person's development. (Adjective)
story resonate with complex themes and • Synonyms: developmental, developing,
emotions. growing
1535. Word: Fallout (गिराि) • Antonyms: destructive, unproductive,
• Pronunciation: fawl-out/ िॉलाउट
• Usage in a sentence: He exposed his
• Part of Speech: Noun children to music throughout their
• Meaning: the adverse results of a situation formative years.
or action.
1540. Word: Unflinching (तनभीक)
• Synonyms: side effect, spillover, impact
• Antonyms: development • Pronunciation: uhn-flin-ching/ अलन्फ्ललन्चिंग
• Usage in a sentence: The political fallout • Part of Speech: Adjective
of the affair cost him his job. • Meaning: not showing fear or hesitation in
1536. Word: Debacle (असफलता) the face of danger or difficulty.
• Synonyms: resolute, firm, unwavering,
• Pronunciation: dey-bah-kuhl/ िेबाकल
• Part of Speech: Noun • Antonyms: shy, clairvoyant, coward,
• Meaning: a sudden and ignominious failure; spineless
a fiasco. • Usage in a sentence: I was again using
• Synonyms: fiasco, failure, disaster, the cold, unflinching eye of the camera to
collapse, defeat probe a sick society.
• Antonyms: success, triumph,
1541. Word: Disenchantment (तनराशा)
• Usage in a sentence: The Argentine • Pronunciation: dis-en-chant/ डिलसन्चैन्ट्मन्ट
debacle has important lessons to teach. • Part of Speech: Noun
1537. Word: Dismal (उदास) • Meaning: a feeling of disappointment about
someone or something you previously
• Pronunciation: diz-muhl/ डिज़्मल
respected or admired; disillusionment.
• Part of Speech: Adjective • Synonyms: disappointment,
• Meaning: disillusionment, frustration, discontent
a. causing a mood of gloom or depression. • Antonyms: lust, trust, satisfaction
b. (of a person or their mood) gloomy. • Usage in a sentence: This
• Synonyms: gloomy, dreary, cheerless disenchantment reflects an unpalatable
• Antonyms: bright, cheerful, pleasant truth about their country.


1542. Word: Wield (साँभालना) 1546. Word: Invigorate (मजबूत कर दे ना)

• Pronunciation: weeld/ वी्ि • Pronunciation: in-vig-uh-reyt/ इलन्वगरे ट
• Part of Speech: Verb • Part of Speech: Verb
• Meaning: • Meaning: give strength or energy to.
a. hold and use (a weapon or tool). • Synonyms: enliven, stimulate, energize,
b. have and be able to use (power or revive
influence). • Antonyms: depress, deaden, exhaust, drain
• Synonyms: handle, exert, utilize, operate, • Usage in a sentence: Younger talents can
manipulate invigorate a team and do wonders for the
• Antonyms: conceal, hide, suppress payrolls.
• Usage in a sentence: The men who wield 1547. Word: Sheen (चमक)
the power are certainly backing him to the
• Pronunciation: sheen/शीन
• Part of Speech: Noun
1543. Word: Nimble (कशल)
• Meaning: a soft lustre on a surface.
• Pronunciation: nim-buhl/ ननम्बल • Synonyms: shine, lustre, glaze, gloss
• Part of Speech: Adjective • Antonyms: dullness, darkness
• Meaning: • Usage in a sentence: The carpet had a silvery
a. quick and light in movement or action; sheen to it.
agile. 1548. Word: Garner (इकट्ठा करना)
b. (of the mind) able to think and
• Pronunciation: gahr-ner/ गानिर
understand quickly.
• Synonyms: agile, quick, swift, clever • Part of Speech: Verb
• Antonyms: clumsy, slow, awkward, • Meaning: gather or collect (something,
sluggish especially information or approval).
• Usage in a sentence: A nimble mind • Synonyms: gather, collect, amass, accumulate
backed by a degree in economics gave him a • Antonyms: disperse, dissipate, spread
firm grasp over financial matters. • Usage in a sentence: The police struggled to
garner sufficient evidence.
1544. Word: Rout (कोलाहल/ पराजय)
1549. Word: Requisite (माांि/ अपेक्षक्षत)
• Pronunciation: rout/ राउट
• Pronunciation: rek-wuh-zit/ रे लक्वलज़ट
• Part of Speech: Noun
• Meaning: • Part of Speech: Noun, Adjective
a. a disorderly retreat of defeated troops. • Meaning:
b. a decisive defeat. a. a thing that is necessary for the
c. a disorderly or tumultuous crowd of achievement of a specified end. [Noun]
people. b. made necessary by particular
• Synonyms: defeat, retreat, flight, circumstances or regulations. [Adjective]
annihilation • Synonyms: essential, necessary, required,
• Antonyms: victory, triumph indispensable
• Usage in a sentence: The game was a • Antonyms: non-essential, optional
rout, with the home team winning by 10 • Usage in a sentence: She lacks the
goals to nil. requisite experience for the job.
1545. Word: Enfeeble (दबशल करना) 1550. Word: Wean (विषय विमख करना)
• Pronunciation: en-fee-buhl/ एन्िीबल • Pronunciation: ween/ वीन
• Part of Speech: Verb • Part of Speech: Verb
• Meaning: make weak or feeble. • Meaning: accustom (someone) to managing
• Synonyms: weaken, debilitate, disable, without something which they have become
cripple dependent on.
• Antonyms: strengthen, encourage, • Synonyms: disengage, disunite, estrange
energize • Antonyms: cling, engage
• Usage in a sentence: This does not mean • Usage in a sentence: It's difficult to wean
that you will instantly become enfeebled, an addict off cocaine once they're hooked.
relying on others to do everything for you.


1551. Word: Faction (िट) • Meaning: the authority to represent

someone else, especially in voting.
• Pronunciation: fak-shuhn/ िैक्शन
• Synonyms: substitute, surrogate, deputy,
• Part of Speech: Noun representative
• Meaning: a small organized dissenting • Usage in a sentence: Your proxy will need
group within a larger one, especially in to sign the form on your behalf.
politics. 1556. Phrase: Win by a landslide
• Synonyms: party, group, set, clique • Meaning: winning by getting a lot more
• Usage in a sentence: The limits of votes than the other sides.
liberalisation were set by the faction within • Synonyms: overwhelming victory
the party which held power. • Antonyms: electoral wipe out
1552. Word: Ensue (पररणामस्िरूप होना) • Usage in a sentence: Aristide, a left-wing
• Pronunciation: en-soo/ इन्सू Roman Catholic priest, had won by a
landslide in the presidential elections on
• Part of Speech: Verb
Dec. 16.
• Meaning: happen or occur afterwards or as
a result. 1557. Word: Antipathy (अतनच्िा)
• Synonyms: result, follow, succeed • Pronunciation: an-tip-uh-thee/ऐलन्टपथी
• Antonyms: precede • Part of Speech: Noun
• Usage in a sentence: It was feared that a • Meaning: a deep-seated feeling of aversion.
severe liquidity crisis might ensue and that • Synonyms: hatred, hostility, animosity
the world economy would then be plunged • Antonyms: love, kindness, desire
into economic recession. • Usage in a sentence: There was a lot of
1553. Word: Defection (त्याि) antipathy between the two doctors.
• Pronunciation: dih-fek-shuhn/डििेक्शन 1558. Word: Dislodge (तनकाल दे ना)
• Part of Speech: Noun • Pronunciation: dis-loj/डिस्ट्लाज
• Meaning: the desertion of one's country or • Part of Speech: Verb
cause in favour of an opposing one. • Meaning: knock or force out of position.
• Synonyms: desertion, abandonment, • Synonyms: remove, displace, unseat
withdrawal • Antonyms: lodge, place
• Antonyms: loyalty, commitment • Usage in a sentence: They needed a
• Usage in a sentence: Recent changes in bulldozer to dislodge the rock.
policy have resulted in large-scale
1559. Word: Helm (मशरस्राण/ सांचालन करना)
defection from the party.
1554. Word: Demise (अांत/ प्रदान करना) • Pronunciation: helm/हे ्म
• Part of Speech: Noun, Verb
• Pronunciation: dih-mahyz/ डिमाइज़
• Meaning:
• Part of Speech: Noun, Verb a. a tiller or wheel for steering a ship or
• Meaning: boat. [Noun]
a. a person's death. [Noun] b. a position of leadership. [Noun]
b. the end or failure of an enterprise or c. manage (an organization). [Verb]
institution. [Noun] • Synonyms: control, leadership, command,
c. convey or grant (an estate) by will or tiller, wheel
lease. [Verb] • Antonyms: uncontrol, chaos
• Synonyms: death, end, expiration, • Usage in a sentence: He was determined
extinction to helm the exhibition.
• Antonyms: survival, birth, beginning
1560. Word: Chaotic (अस्त-व्यस्त)
• Usage in a sentence: The demise of the
industry has caused untold misery to • Pronunciation: key-ot-ik/ केआटटक
thousands of hard-working tradesmen. • Part of Speech: Adjective
1555. Word: Proxy (प्रतततनगध) • Meaning: in a state of complete confusion
and disorder.
• Pronunciation: prok-see/ प्राक्सी
• Synonyms: disordered, disorganized,
• Part of Speech: Noun messy
• Antonyms: ordered, organized, systematic


• Usage in a sentence: Things have been • Meaning: a particular mode in which

getting chaotic in the office recently. something exists or is experienced or
1561. Word: In the wake of (के पररणामस्िरूप) expressed.
• Part of Speech: Phrasal verb • Synonyms: mode, style, form
• Meaning: following (someone or • Usage in a sentence: The dynamic
something), especially as a consequence. characteristics of vibration system depend
• Synonyms: following, as a result of, after mainly on its modality.
• Antonyms: all along, prior to 1566. Word: Concede (स्ि़ीकार करना)
• Usage in a sentence: The breakthrough • Pronunciation: kuhn-seed/ कन्सीि
against the gang came in the wake of the • Part of Speech: Verb
murder of Mr Truesdale at Oldpark Road. • Meaning: admit or agree that something is
1562. Word: Step down (पदत्याि करना) true after first denying or resisting it.
• Pronunciation: step-doun/ स्ट्टे प िाउन • Synonyms: admit, allow, acknowledge
• Part of Speech: Phrasal verb • Antonyms: deny, refuse, contradict
• Meaning: withdraw or resign from an • Usage in a sentence: The organisers of the
important position or office. demonstration conceded that they hadn't
• Synonyms: resign, retire, quit sought permission for it.
• Antonyms: renew 1567. Word: Inevitable (अतनिायश)
• Usage in a sentence: She reluctantly • Pronunciation: in-ev-i-tuh-buh l/ इनेर्वटबल
agreed to step down from the position of • Part of Speech: Adjective, Noun
managing director of the company. • Meaning:
1563. Word: Termination (समापन) a. certain to happen; unavoidable.
• Pronunciation: tur-muh-ney-shuhn/ टमिनेशन [Adjective]
• Part of Speech: Noun b. a situation that is unavoidable. [Noun]
• Meaning: the action of terminating • Synonyms: unavoidable, necessary,
something or the fact of being terminated. ineluctable
• Synonyms: ending, conclusion, finish, • Antonyms: avoidable, preventable, evitable
completion • Usage in a sentence: Accidents are the
• Antonyms: beginning, start inevitable result of driving too fast.
• Usage in a sentence: The failure to comply 1568. Word: Psyche (मानमसकता)
with these conditions will result in the • Pronunciation: sahyk-ee/ साइकी
termination of the contract. • Part of Speech: Noun
1564. Word: Consolidate (सांघटटत करना) • Meaning: the human soul, mind, or spirit.
• Pronunciation: kuh n-sol-i-deyt/ कन्साललिेट • Synonyms: mind, soul, spirit
• Part of Speech: Verb • Antonyms: robot, body
• Meaning: • Usage in a sentence: She spent her life
a. make (something) physically stronger or plumbing the mysteries of the human
more solid. psyche.
b. combine (a number of things) into a 1569. Phrase: Sign off (समातत करना)
single more effective or coherent whole. • Pronunciation: sahyn-awf / साइन ऑि
• Synonyms: merge, unite, combine, • Meaning: conclude an activity.
strengthen • Synonyms: conclude, terminate
• Antonyms: separate, weaken, divide • Usage in a sentence: President Clinton
• Usage in a sentence: The company is also is expected to sign off on the plan.
planning to consolidate its business
1570. Word: Fancy (अनोखा/ कलपना करना)
activities at a new site in Arizona.
1565. Word: Modality (रूपात्मकता) • Pronunciation: fan-see/िैन्सी
• Part of Speech: Adjective, Verb, Noun
• Pronunciation: moh-dal-i-tee/ मोिैललटी
• Meaning:
• Part of Speech: Noun a. elaborate in structure or decoration.


b. to want something or want to do important gait or manner. [Noun]

something. [Verb] c. denoting a coat or jacket cut with a loose
c. a superficial or transient feeling of liking flare from the shoulders. [Adjective]
or attraction. [Noun] • Synonyms: strut, bluster, prance
• Synonyms: desire, elegant, classy, • Antonyms: humility, cowardice
decorative • Usage in a sentence: Karlson is full of
• Antonyms: hate, frugal, simple swagger when it comes to talking about his
• Usage in a sentence: It was packaged in a team.
fancy plastic case with attractive graphics. 1575. Word: Fixture (स्स्र्र िस्त)
1571. Word: Hierarchy (अनक्रम) • Pronunciation: fiks-cher/ फिक्स्ट्चर
• Pronunciation: hahy-uh-rahr-kee/हाइअराकी • Part of Speech: Noun
• Part of Speech: Noun • Meaning: a piece of equipment or furniture
• Meaning: a system in which members of an which is fixed in position in a building or
organization or society are ranked according vehicle.
to relative status or authority. • Synonyms: attachment, installation, fitting
• Synonyms: rank, order • Antonyms: looseness, movable
• Antonyms: declassification, jumble • Usage in a sentence: The headmaster
• Usage in a sentence: A new management seems to be a fixture in the school for quite
hierarchy was created within the company. a long period.
1572. Word: Abridged (सांक्षक्षतत) 1576. Phrase: Bundle of nerves
• Pronunciation: uh-brij-ed/ अर्िज्ि • Pronunciation: बिंिल ऑफ़ नेवेस
• Part of Speech: Adjective, Verb • Meaning: someone who is extremely
• Meaning: anxious or tense.
a. (of a piece of writing) having been • Synonyms: anxious, nervous wreck
shortened. [Adjective] • Usage in a sentence: I was a bundle of
b. shorten (a piece of writing) without losing nerves before the driving test started.
the sense. [Verb] 1577. Word: Anomaly (ितत-विरोध)
• Synonyms: condensed, shortened, • Pronunciation: uh-nom-uh-lee / अनामली
abbreviated • Part of Speech: Noun
• Antonyms: long, uncut, extended • Meaning: something that deviates from
• Usage in a sentence: The abridged what is standard, normal, or expected.
edition was published in 1988. • Synonyms: irregularity, oddity, peculiarity
1573. Word: Brag (शेख़ी बघारना) • Antonyms: usual, standard, normality
• Pronunciation: brag/ िैग • Usage in a sentence: The anomaly of the
• Part of Speech: Verb, Noun, Adjective social security system is that you sometimes
• Meaning: have more money without a job.
a. say something in a boastful manner. 1578. Word: Tamper (कपट प्रबांध करना)
[Verb] • Pronunciation: tam-per/ टै म्पर
b. a gambling card game which is a • Part of Speech: Verb
simplified form of poker. [Noun] • Meaning: interfere with (something) in
c. excellent; first-rate. [Adjective] order to cause damage or make
• Synonyms: boast, vaunt, swank, gloat unauthorized alterations.
• Antonyms: modest, deprecate • Synonyms: meddle, interfere, fiddle
• Usage in a sentence: Julia used to brag • Antonyms: repair
that her family had a villa in Spain. • Usage in a sentence: Never tamper with
1574. Word: Swagger (इठलाना/अकड़) safety devices in valves or cylinders.
• Pronunciation: swag-er/ स्ट्वैगर 1579. Word: Combative (जांि़ी)
• Part of Speech: Verb, Noun, Adjective • Pronunciation: kuh m-bat-iv/ कम्बैटटव
• Meaning: • Part of Speech: Adjective
a. walk or behave in a very confident and • Meaning: ready or eager to fight or argue.
arrogant or self-important way. [Verb]
b. a very confident and arrogant or self-


• Synonyms: bellicose, belligerent, 1585. Word: Pervasive (व्यापक)

• Pronunciation: per-vey-siv / पवेलसव
• Antonyms: peaceful, pacifist, agreeable
• Usage in a sentence: He conducted the • Part of Speech: Adjective
meeting in his usual combative style, • Meaning: (especially of an unwelcome
refusing to admit any mistakes. influence or physical effect) spreading widely
1581. Word: Anthropocene throughout an area or a group of people.
• Synonyms: widespread, universal, prevalent
• Pronunciation: अन्थ्रोपोसीन
• Antonyms: limited, controlled, restricted
• Part of Speech: Adjective, Noun • Usage in a sentence: There is a pervasive
• Meaning:
belief that it is research in theoretical and
a. relating to or denoting the current
applied linguistics which provides the
geological age, viewed as the period during
which human activity has been the dominant
influence on climate and the environment. 1586. Word: Persistent (अनिरत)
[Adjective] • Pronunciation: per-sis-tuhnt/ पलसिस्ट्टन्ट
b. the current geological age, viewed as the • Part of Speech: Adjective
period during which human activity has been • Meaning: continuing firmly or obstinately in
the dominant influence on climate and the an opinion or course of action in spite of
environment. [Noun] difficulty or opposition.
• Usage in a sentence: We've become a • Synonyms: firm, persevering, resolute,
major force of nature in this new tenacious, determined, constant
Anthropocene. • Antonyms: inconstant, irresolute
1582. Word: Sobering (िम्भ़ीरता की ओर) • Usage in a sentence: Albert had a
• Pronunciation: soh-ber-ing/ सोबररिंग persistent headache that lasted for three
• Part of Speech: Adjective, Verb
• Meaning: 1587. Word: Facet (पक्ष)
a. creating a more serious, sensible, or • Pronunciation: fas-it/िैसट
solemn mood. [Adjective] • Part of Speech: Noun
b. make or become more serious, sensible, • Meaning:
and solemn. [Verb] a. one side of something many-sided,
• Synonyms: serious, calming especially of a cut gem.
• Antonyms: befuddling, frivolous b. a particular aspect or feature of something.
• Usage in a sentence: The bad news had a • Synonyms: quality, aspect, side
sobering effect on all of us. • Antonym: entirety
1583. Word: Irrevocable (अखण्डऩीय) • Usage in a sentence: The report examines
• Pronunciation: ih-rev-uh-kuh-buh l/ इरे वकबल every facet of the prison system.
• Part of Speech: Adjective 1588. Word: Detectable (पता लिाने योग्य)
• Meaning: not able to be changed, reversed, • Pronunciation: dih-tekt-ey-buhl/ डिटे क्टबल
or recovered. • Part of Speech: Adjective
• Synonyms: irreversible, unalterable, final • Meaning: able to be discovered or identified.
• Antonyms: changeable, reversible • Synonyms: discernible, perceptible,
• Usage in a sentence: We will arrange to noticeable
open an irrevocable credit in your favour. • Antonyms: unrelatable, invisible
1584. Word: Uninhabitable (अतनिास्य) • Usage in a sentence: There has been no
• Pronunciation: uhn-in-hab-it-ey-buhl/ detectable change in the patient's condition.
अननन्है र्बटबल 1589. Word: Detonation (विस्फोटन)
• Part of Speech: Adjective • Pronunciation: det-n-ey-shuh n/ िेटनेशन
• Meaning: (of a place) unsuitable for living in. • Part of Speech: Noun
• Synonyms: unliveable, unoccupiable • Meaning: the action of causing a bomb or
• Antonyms: Habitable, liveable explosive device to explode.
• Usage in a sentence: A nuclear accident • Synonyms: explosion, outbreak, burst
would make the whole region uninhabitable.


• Usage in a sentence: She was in a control • Meaning: a member of a group, typically a

building at the time of detonation. political group, who adheres
1590. Word: Spike (नकीली खाँट ू ी) uncompromisingly to a set of ideas or policies.
• Usage in a sentence: The Prime Minister has
• Pronunciation: spahyk/ स्ट्पाइक
been criticized by the hardliners in his party
• Part of Speech: Noun, Verb for giving away too much in the treaty.
• Meaning:
1595. Word: Prospective (प्रत्यामशत)
a. a thin, pointed piece of metal, wood, or
another rigid material. [Noun] • Pronunciation: pruh-spek-tiv/ प्रस्ट्पेलक्टव
b. impale on or pierce with a sharp point. • Part of Speech: Adjective
[Verb] • Meaning: expected or expecting to be the
• Synonyms: spear, impale, skewer specified thing in the future.
• Usage in a sentence: The murder weapon • Synonyms: forthcoming, expected, eventual
was a frozen spike and it melted in the steam • Antonyms: past, former, previous
room. • Usage in a sentence: Any prospective
1591. Word: Dubious (सांदेहात्मक) buyer will be turned off by the sight of rotting
• Pronunciation: doo-bee-uhs/ िूबीअस
1596. Word: Retain (पक्का करना)
• Part of Speech: Adjective
• Meaning: hesitating or doubting. • Pronunciation: per-sis-tuhnt/ ररटे न
• Synonyms: doubtful, questionable, • Part of Speech: Verb
uncertain, suspicious • Meaning: continue to have (something);
• Antonyms: certain, sure, confident keep possession of.
• Usage in a sentence: The firm was accused • Synonyms: keep, hold, maintain
of dubious accounting practices. • Antonyms: abandon, release
1592. Word: Distinction (अांतर) • Usage in a sentence: She has lost her battle
to retain control of the company.
• Pronunciation: dih-stingk-shuhn/ डिलस्ट्टिं गक्शन
1597. Word: Turnaround (कायापलट कर दे ना)
• Part of Speech: Noun
• Meaning: a difference or contrast between • Pronunciation: turn-uh-round/ टनिराउन्ि
similar things or people. • Part of Speech: Noun
• Synonyms: difference, dissimilarity, • Meaning: an abrupt or unexpected change,
discrepancy especially one that results in a more
• Antonyms: similarity, equality favourable situation.
• Usage in a sentence: A distinction should • Synonym: reversion
be made between the primary and secondary • Usage in a sentence: The chairman was
contradictions. responsible for the turnaround in the
1593. Word: Milestone (म़ील-पत्र्र) company's fortunes.
• Pronunciation: mahyl-stohn/ माइ्स्ट्टोन 1598. Word: Churn (मन्र्न करना)
• Part of Speech: Noun • Pronunciation: churn/ चनि
• Meaning: • Part of Speech: Verb
a stone set up beside a road to mark the • Meaning:
distance in miles to a particular place. a. (with reference to liquid) move or cause to
b. a significant stage or event in the move about vigorously.
development of something. b. break up the surface of (an area of
• Synonyms: landmark, stepping stone ground).
• Usage in a sentence: The invention of the • Synonyms: shake, stir, swirl, agitate
wheel was a milestone in the history of the • Antonym: freeze
world. • Usage in a sentence: We stood on the dock
1594. 1Word: Hardliner (कट्टरपांऱ्ी) and watched the ocean churn.
• Pronunciation: hahrd-lahy-ner/ हाड्िलाइनर 1599. Word: Status quo (यर्ापूिश स्स्र्तत)
• Part of Speech: Noun • Pronunciation: stey-tuh s- kwoh/ स्ट्टे टस क्वो
• Part of Speech: Noun


• Meaning: the existing state of affairs, • Part of Speech: Verb

especially regarding social or political issues. • Meaning: appoint (someone) to a specified
• Synonyms: existing situation, circumstance office or post.
• Usage in a sentence: He emphasized the • Synonyms: appoint, nominate, depute
need to maintain the status quo. • Antonyms: dethrone, displace
1600. Word: Siege (अिरोध) • Usage in a sentence: The directive requires
member states to designate sites of special
• Pronunciation: seej/ सीज
scientific interest.
• Part of Speech: Noun
1605. Word: Amend (ठीक करना)
• Meaning: a military operation in which
enemy forces surround a town or building, • Pronunciation: uh-mend/ अमेन्ि
cutting off essential supplies, with the aim of • Part of Speech: Verb
compelling those inside to surrender. • Meaning: make minor changes to (a text,
• Synonyms: blockade, beleaguerment piece of legislation, etc.) in order to make it
• Antonyms: relief fairer or more accurate, or to reflect changing
• Usage in a sentence: The judge said the circumstances.
police had mishandled the siege. • Synonyms: change, modify, alter
1601. Phrase: Kick off (प्रारम्भ करना) • Antonyms: worsen, degrade
• Usage in a sentence: A two-thirds majority
• Pronunciation: kik-awf/ फकक ऑि
is needed to amend the club's constitution.
• Part of Speech: Phrasal verb, Noun
1606. Word: Exempt (बरी/ िोड़ दे ना)
• Meaning:
a. begin or cause something to begin. • Pronunciation: ig-zempt/ इलज़ेम््ट
[Phrasal Verb] • Part of Speech: Adjective, Verb
b. the start of an event or activity. [Noun] • Meaning:
• Synonyms: begin, launch, commence, free from an obligation or liability imposed on
initiate others. [Adjective]
• Antonyms: end, finish b. free (a person or organization) from an
• Usage in a sentence: I'd like to kick off the obligation or liability imposed on others.
discussion with a few statistics. [Verb]
1602. Word: Crumble (टकड़े टकड़े करना) • Synonyms: free, release, absolve
• Antonyms: apply, enforce
• Pronunciation: kruhm-buhl/ रम्बल
• Usage in a sentence: Pensioners are
• Part of Speech: Verb automatically exempt from prescription
• Meaning: break or fall apart into small charges.
fragments, especially as part of a process of
1607. Word: Dent (धांसाना)
• Synonyms: collapse, disintegrate, decay • Pronunciation: dent-ed/ िेलन्टि
• Antonyms: build, integrate • Part of Speech: Verb, Noun
• Usage in a sentence: The external walls of • Meaning:
the castle are beginning to crumble. have an adverse effect on; diminish. (Verb)
1603. Word: Orthodox (धमशतनष्ठ) b. a slight hollow in a hard-even surface made
by a blow or pressure. (Noun)
• Pronunciation: awr-thuh-doks/ ऑथििाक्स
• Synonyms: diminish, reduce, lessen, shrink
• Part of Speech: Adjective • Antonyms: increase
• Meaning: following or conforming to the • Usage in a sentence: This neither deterred
traditional or generally accepted rules or him nor dented his enthusiasm.
beliefs of a religion, philosophy, or practice.
1608. Word: Rift (मनमटाि/ फाड़ना)
• Synonyms: traditional, conventional,
standard • Pronunciation: rift/ ररफ्ट
• Antonyms: unconventional, irregular • Part of Speech: Noun, Verb
• Usage in a sentence: We would prefer a • Meaning:
more orthodox approach to the problem. a crack, split, or break in something. [Noun]
1604. Word: Designate (प्रागधकृत करना) b. a serious break in friendly relations. [Noun]
• Pronunciation: dez-ig-neyt/ िेज़लनैट


c. form fissures or breaks, especially through • Pronunciation: uh-par-uhnt/ अपेरन्ट

large-scale faulting; move apart. [Verb] • Part of Speech: Adjective
• Synonyms: split, break, rupture, breach • Meaning: clearly visible or understood;
• Antonyms: closure, blend obvious.
• Usage in a sentence: Efforts to heal the rift • Synonyms: obvious, evident, clear
between the two countries have failed. • Antonyms: unclear, mysterious
1609. Word: Hawkish (यद्धकारी) • Usage in a sentence: It soon became
• Pronunciation: haw-kish/ हॉफकश apparent that the company was losing
• Part of Speech: Adjective money.
• Meaning: advocating an aggressive or 1614. Word: Embark (प्रारम्भ करना)
warlike policy, especially in foreign affairs. • Pronunciation: em-bahrk/ एम्बाकि
• Synonyms: warlike, belligerent, aggressive • Part of Speech: Verb
• Antonyms: pacifist, peaceful • Meaning: begin (a course of action).
• Usage in a sentence: He is one of the most • Synonyms: start, commence, launch
hawkish members of the new cabinet. • Antonyms: disembark, end, finish
1610. Word: Conscription (अतनिायश सैतनक सेिा) • Usage in a sentence: He is about to
• Pronunciation: kuh n-skrip-shuh n/ कलन्स्ट्र्शन embark on a new business venture.
• Part of Speech: Noun 1615. Word: Mandate (अगधकार-पत्र/ सौंपना)
• Meaning: compulsory enlistment for state • Pronunciation: man-deyt/ मैन्िेट
service, typically into the armed forces.
• Part of Speech: Noun, Verb
• Synonyms: recruitment, enlistment
• Meaning:
• Antonyms: dismissal
a. an official order or commission to do
• Usage in a sentence: He injured himself to
something. [Noun]
avoid conscription.
b. give (someone) authority to act in a certain
1611. Word: Defuse (शाांत करना) way. [Verb]
• Pronunciation: dee-fyooz/ डिफ्यूज़ • Synonyms: order, command, charge
• Part of Speech: Verb • Antonyms: denial, abolish
• Meaning: • Usage in a sentence: The government gave
a. make (a situation) less tense or dangerous. the police a mandate to reduce crime.
b. remove the fuse from (an explosive device) 1616. Word: Outcry (गचललाना/ कड़ा विरोध)
in order to prevent it from exploding. • Pronunciation: out-krahy/ आउट्राइ
• Synonyms: reduce, lessen, diminish,
• Part of Speech: Noun
• Meaning:
• Antonyms: heighten, intensify, activate
a. an exclamation or shout.
• Usage in a sentence: The peacekeepers are
b. a strong expression of public disapproval or
trained to defuse potentially explosive
• Synonyms: protest, cry, clamour, uproar
1612. Word: Imposition (अगधरोपण) • Antonyms: silence
• Pronunciation: im-puh-zish-uh n/ इम्पलज़शन • Usage in a sentence: There was a public
• Part of Speech: Noun outcry when the scandal broke.
• Meaning: 1617. Word: Ascent (उदय)
a. the action or process of imposing • Pronunciation: uh-sent/असेन्ट
something or of being imposed.
• Part of Speech: Noun
b. a thing that is imposed, in particular an
• Meaning:
unfair or unwelcome demand or burden.
a. a climb or walk to the summit of a
• Synonyms: imposing, burden, load, onus
mountain or hill.
• Antonyms: absolve, abdicate
b. an instance of rising or moving up through
• Usage in a sentence: Several reasons were
the air.
put forward to justify the imposition of
• Synonyms: rise, incline, climb
• Antonyms: descent, decline
1613. Word: Apparent (स्पष्ट)


• Usage in a sentence: His ascent to power breathing down my neck and checking up
was rapid and unexpected. on me.
1618. Word: Stoke (भड़काना/ भट्टी में कोयला िोंकना) 1623. Word: Scout (जासस
ू / खोजना)
• Pronunciation: stohk/ स्ट्टोक • Pronunciation: skout/ स्ट्काउट
• Part of Speech: Verb • Part of Speech: Noun, Verb
• Meaning: • Meaning:
a. encourage or incite (a strong emotion or a soldier or other person sent out ahead of a
tendency). main force so as to gather information about
b. add coal or other solid fuel to (a fire, the enemy's position, strength, or
furnace, boiler, etc.). movements. [Noun]
• Synonyms: fuel, feed, inflame, incite b. an instance of gathering information,
• Antonyms: extinguish especially by reconnoitring an area. [Noun]
• Usage in a sentence: He continued to stoke c. make a search for someone or something in
up hatred in his speeches. various places. [Verb]
1619. Word: Utilitarian (उपयोि़ी) • Synonyms: explorer, spy, patrol, investigate
• Antonyms: ignore
• Pronunciation: yoo-til-i-tair-ee-uhn/ युटटललटे रीअन
• Usage in a sentence: He was mistaken for
• Part of Speech: Adjective an enemy scout and badly wounded.
• Meaning: designed to be useful or practical
1624. Word: Hassle (तकलीफ)
rather than attractive.
• Synonyms: useful, realist, functional • Pronunciation: has-uhl/ है सल
• Antonyms: decorative, unnecessary • Part of Speech: Noun, Verb
• Usage in a sentence: My father was a • Meaning:
carpenter and held a passionate but a. irritating inconvenience. [Noun]
essentially utilitarianbelief in education. b. harass. [Verb]
1620. Word: Proficient (अनभि़ी) • Synonyms: squabble, trouble, annoy, pester,
• Pronunciation: kuh n-skrip-shuh n/ प्रफिशन्ट
• Antonyms: convenience, support
• Part of Speech: Adjective • Usage in a sentence: It was such a hassle
• Meaning: competent or skilled in doing or trying to get my bank account changed that I
using something. nearly gave up.
• Synonyms: expert, adept, skilled
1625. Word: Render (प्रस्तत करना)
• Antonyms: amateur, incompetent
• Usage in a sentence: It takes a couple of • Pronunciation: ren-der/ रे न्िर
years of regular driving before you become • Part of Speech: Verb
proficient at it. • Meaning:
1621. Word: Behemoth (विशालकाय) provide or give (a service, help, etc.).
b. cause to be or become; make.
• Pronunciation: bih-hee-muh th/ र्बहीमथ
• Synonyms: make, give, provide
• Part of Speech: Noun • Antonyms: beg, take
• Meaning: • Usage in a sentence: She needed him to
a. something enormous, especially a large hear her out and render.
and powerful organization.
1626. Word: Redundant (अनािश्यक)
b. a huge or monstrous creature.
• Synonyms: giant, monster, colossus • Pronunciation: ri-duhn-duhnt/ ररिन्िन्ट
• Antonyms: dwarf • Part of Speech: Adjective
• Usage in a sentence: Shoppers are now • Meaning: not or no longer needed or useful;
more loyal to their local shops than to faceless superfluous.
behemoths. • Synonyms: superfluous, unnecessary,
1622. Idiom: Breathing down someone’s neck surplus, excess
• Meaning: to follow or supervise someone too • Antonyms: concise, necessary, essential
closely, causing discomfort for that person • Usage in a sentence: The picture has too
• Usage in a sentence: My teacher never lets much redundant.
me get on with my class work. He's always 1627. Word: Interlude (मध्याांतर)


• Pronunciation: in-ter-lood/ इन्टलूिि 1632. Word: Perpetrate (पाप करना)

• Part of Speech: Noun • Pronunciation: pur-pi-treyt/ पर्पिरेट
• Meaning: an intervening period of time; an • Part of Speech: Verb
interval. • Meaning: carry out or commit (a harmful,
• Synonyms: interval, intermission, break illegal, or immoral action).
• Antonyms: continuation • Synonyms: commit, perform, execute
• Usage in a sentence: The dance provided a • Antonyms: abstain
delightful comic interlude. • Usage in a sentence: A crime has been
1628. Word: Reckon (माना जाना/ सस्म्ममलत करना/ perpetrated against a sovereign state.
सांख्या करना) 1633. Word: Fanatic (कट्टरपांऱ्ी/ कट्टर)
• Pronunciation: rek-uhn/ रे कन • Pronunciation: fuh-nat-ik/ िनैटटक
• Part of Speech: Verb • Part of Speech: Noun, Adjective
• Meaning: • Meaning:
establish by calculation. a person filled with excessive and single-
b. include someone or something in (a class minded zeal, especially for an extreme
or group). religious or political cause. [Noun]
• consider or regard in a specified way. b. filled with or expressing excessive zeal.
• Synonyms: calculate, figure, compute, [Adjective]
estimate • Synonyms: zealot, enthusiast, extremist
• Antonyms: ponder, know • Antonyms: cynic, apathetic, indifferent,
• Usage in a sentence: I wouldn't reckon him unenthusiastic
among my enemies though I dislike him. • Usage in a sentence: I liked him instantly,
1629. Word: Abrasive (अपघषी) especially as he was a fitness fanatic and his
body was solid and taut.
• Pronunciation: uh-brey-siv/ अिेलसव
1634. Word: Upheaval (वितलि)
• Part of Speech: Adjective
• Meaning: showing little concern for the • Pronunciation: uhp-hee-vuhl/ अ्हीवल
feelings of others. • Part of Speech: Noun
• Synonyms: harsh, cruel, insensitive, callous • Meaning: a violent or sudden change or
• Antonyms: kind, gentle disruption to something.
• Usage in a sentence: His abrasive manner • Synonyms: commotion, disturbance, turmoil,
has won him an unenviable notoriety. unrest
1630. Word: Heft (भार/ िजन) • Antonyms: peace, harmony
• Usage in a sentence: It would cause a
• Pronunciation: heft/ हे फ्ट
tremendous upheaval to install a different
• Part of Speech: Verb, Noun computer system.
• Meaning:
1635. Word: Backlash (प्रततक्षेप)
a. lift or carry (something heavy). [Verb]
b. the weight of someone or something. • Pronunciation: bak-lash/ बैक्लैश
[Noun] • Part of Speech: Noun
• Synonyms: heave, lift, weight • Meaning: a strong negative reaction by a
• Usage in a sentence: I watched him large number of people, especially to social or
hefting the heavy sack onto his shoulder. political development.
1631. Word: Demonize (राक्षस़ीकरण) • Synonyms: recoil, rebound, repercussion
• Usage in a sentence: The government is
• Pronunciation: dee-muh-nahyz/ िेमोनाइस
facing an angry backlash from voters over
• Part of Speech: Verb the new tax.
• Meaning: portray as wicked and threatening. 1636. Word: Intimidation (सांत्रास)
• Synonyms: vilify, smear, disparage
• Pronunciation: in-tim-i-dey-shuh n/
• Antonyms: idealize, glorify
• Usage in a sentence: I didn’t want to इलन्टलमिैशन
demonize Gingrich and his people as they • Part of Speech: Noun
had done to us. • Meaning: the action of intimidating someone,
or the state of being intimidated.


• Synonyms: threat, menace, duress • Meaning: jointly arranged or carried out;

• Antonyms: protection, shield coordinated.
• Usage in a sentence: Workers were • Synonyms: combined, harmonious,
subjected to intimidation as they crossed conjunctive
the picket line. • Antonyms: separate, unilateral
1637. Word: Dismantle (विघटटत करना) • Usage in a sentence: There has been a
concerted campaign against the proposals.
• Pronunciation: dis-man-tl/ डिस्ट्मैन्टल
1642. Word: Usher (प्रिेशक/ सांचालन करना)
• Part of Speech: Verb
• Meaning: take (a machine or structure) to • Pronunciation: uhsh-er/ अशर
pieces. • Part of Speech: Noun, Verb
• Synonyms: disassemble, destroy, demolish • Meaning:
• Antonyms: assemble, construct, build a. a person who shows people to their seats,
• Usage in a sentence: I had to dismantle especially in a cinema or theatre or at a
the engine in order to repair it. wedding. [Noun]
1638. Word: Intriguing (लभािना) b. show or guide (someone) somewhere.
• Pronunciation: in-treeg-ing/ इन्रीर्गिंग
• Synonyms: guide, lead, escort
• Part of Speech: Adjective • Antonyms: stop, cease
• Meaning: arousing one's curiosity or interest; • Usage in a sentence: He did part-time work
fascinating. as an usher in a theatre.
• Synonyms: charming, captivating, attractive
1643. Word: Egalitarian (समागधकारी)
• Antonyms: boring, dreary, dull
• Usage in a sentence: She has created an • Pronunciation: ih-gal-i-tair-ee-uh n/ इगैलटे रीअन
intriguing story by skilfully interweaving • Part of Speech: Adjective
fictional and historical events. • Meaning: believing in or based on the
1639. Word: Impulse (प्रभाि) principle that all people are equal and
deserve equal rights and opportunities.
• Pronunciation: im-puhls/ इम्प्स • Synonyms: moralist, equitable, impartial
• Part of Speech: Noun • Antonyms: snobbish, elitist
• Meaning: • Usage in a sentence: I still believe in the
a. a sudden strong and unreflective urge or notion of an egalitarian.
desire to act. 1644. Phrase: Back to the drawing board (नये
b. something that causes something to
happen or happen more quickly. मसरे से बनाना)
• Synonyms: urge, momentum, stimulus, • Pronunciation: बैक टू तह ड्रार्विंग बोिि
motivation • Meaning: an idea, scheme, or proposal has
• Antonyms: aversion, demotivation been unsuccessful and that a new one must
• Usage in a sentence: The plan will give an be devised.
impulse to industrial expansion. • Synonyms: back to the beginning, start
1640. Word: Mogul (बादशाह) again
• Pronunciation: moh-guh l/ मोगल • Usage in a sentence: Sometimes the best
way to proceed after a mistake is to start
• Part of Speech: Noun over and go back to the drawing board.
• Meaning: an important or powerful person,
1645. Word: Tactic (कायशऩीतत)
especially in the film or media industry.
• Synonyms: tycoon, king, notable, magnate, • Pronunciation: tak-tik/ टै लक्टक
personage • Part of Speech: Noun
• Usage in a sentence: In the words of old • Meaning: an action or strategy carefully
Hollywood mogul Samuel Goldwyn, they planned to achieve a specific end.
stayed away in droves. • Synonyms: plan, strategy, ploy
1641. Word: Concerted (अनकूल) • Antonyms: chance
• Usage in a sentence: The players were
• Pronunciation: kuhn-sur-tid/ कन्सटटि ि
upset when they failed to pull off their highly
• Part of Speech: Adjective strategic tactic.


1646. Word: Reconcile (समाधान करना/ मेल-ममलाप • Meaning: a critical observation or

• Synonyms: investigation, review
• Pronunciation: rek-uhn-sahyl/ रे कन्साइल • Antonyms: disregard, neglect
• Part of Speech: Verb • Usage in Sentence: Their enterprises have
• Meaning: come under police scrutiny.
a. restore friendly relations between. 1651. Word: Trigger (सकक्रय करना)
b. make (one account) consistent with
• Pronunciation: trig-er/ टरगर
another, especially by allowing for
transactions begun but not yet completed. • Part of Speech: Verb
• Synonyms: harmonize, settle, adjust • Meaning: cause (a device) to function.
• Antonyms: disturb, alienate, estrange • Synonyms: activate, spark, initiate
• Usage in a sentence: The film revolves • Antonyms: halt, block, deactivate
around the story of two formers friends who • Usage in a Sentence: Some people notice
are forced to reconcile and work together that certain foods trigger their headaches.
in order to save their families. 1652. Word: Rancour (अततद्िेष)
1647. Word: Drub (प़ीटना) • Pronunciation: rang-ker/ रैंगकर
• Pronunciation: druhb/ ड्रब • Part of Speech: Noun
• Part of Speech: Verb • Meaning: bitterness or resentfulness,
• Meaning: especially when long-standing
a. hit or beat (someone) repeatedly • Synonyms: bitterness, spite, hate,
b. defeat thoroughly in a match or contest. resentment
• Synonyms: beat, thrash, batter • Antonyms: benevolence, charity
• Antonyms: aid, help, give up, surrender • Usage in a Sentence: She learned to
• Usage in a sentence: Continuing to drub accept criticism without rancour.
the victim with his fist, the attacker didn’t 1653. Word: Unwittingly (अनजाने में)
stop until the police showed up. • Pronunciation: uhn-wit-ing/ अलन्वटटिंगली
1648. Word: Debacle (असफलता ) • Part of Speech: Adverb
• Pronunciation: dey-bah-kuhl/ िेबाकल • Meaning: without being aware;
• Part of Speech: Noun unintentionally.
• Meaning: a sudden and ignominious failure; • Synonyms: inadvertently, unknowingly,
a fiasco. unintentionally
• Synonyms: fiasco, disaster, failure, defeat • Antonyms: knowingly, consciously,
• Antonyms: success, triumph, deliberately
accomplishment • Usage in a sentence: They may, even
• Usage in a sentence: If you want to look unwittingly, favour their colleagues in
at the country’s problems, start with the determining guilt or innocence.
debacle of the healthcare system. 1654. Word: Monolithic (अखांड)
1649. Word: Introspect (आत्मतनरीक्षण करना) • Pronunciation: mon-uh-lith-ik/ मानललर्थक
• Pronunciation: in-truh-spekt/ इन्रस्ट्पेक्ट • Part of Speech: Adjective
• Part of Speech: Verb • Meaning:
• Meaning: examine one's own thoughts or a. formed of a single large block of stone.
feelings. b.(of an organization or system) large,
• Synonyms: ponder, meditate, reflect powerful, indivisible, and slow to change.
• Usage in a sentence: They must • Synonyms: uniform, homogeneous, solid,
introspect more about the quality of their massive
law enforcement work. • Antonym: diversified
• Usage in a sentence: Unfortunately, there
1650. Word: Scrutiny (िान-ब़ीन)
was no way to make the monolithic project
• Pronunciation: skroot-n-ee/ स्ट्रूटनी smaller.
• Part of Speech: Noun 1655. Word: Conservative (रुटढ़िादी)
• Pronunciation: kuh n-sur-vuh-tiv/ कन्सविटटव


• Part of Speech: Adjective, Noun •Meaning: the attitude of a person or

• Meaning: organization towards something; a
a. averse to change or innovation and standpoint.
holding traditional values. (Adjective) • Synonyms: position, posture, attitude,
b. a person who is averse to change and opinion
holds traditional values. (Noun) • Usage in a sentence: The doctor's stance
• Synonyms: conventional, traditional, on the issue of abortion is well known.
preservative 1660. Phrase: Loosen the purse strings (व्यय बढ़ा
• Antonyms: liberal, progressive
दे ना)
• Usage in a sentence: Most Conservative
MPs appear happy with the government's •Pronunciation: लूसेन द पसि लस्ट्रिं लस
reassurances. •Part of Speech:
1656. Word: Scholastic (विद्यामभमाऩी) •Meaning: To increase spending or allow
increased spending
• Pronunciation: skuh-las-tik/ स्ट्कलैलस्ट्टक
• Usage in a sentence: Is it time for Mr
• Part of Speech: Adjective, Noun Manuel to loosen the purse strings?
• Meaning:
1661. Word: Ambitious (महत्त्िाकाांक्ष़ी)
of or concerning schools and education.
(Adjective) • Pronunciation: am-bish-uhs/ ऐलम्बशस
an adherent of scholasticism; a schoolman. • Part of Speech: Adjective
(Noun) • Meaning: having or showing a strong desire
• Synonyms: academic, educational, and determination to succeed.
scholarly • Synonyms: aspiring, determined,
• Antonyms: unscholarly, nonacademic progressive
• Usage in a sentence: Mel received an • Antonyms: lazy, unambitious
award for outstanding scholastic • Usage in a sentence: The government has
achievement. announced an ambitious programme to
1657. Word: Benchmark (मानदण्ड) modernize the railway network.
• Pronunciation: bench-mahrk/ बेन््माकि 1662. Word: Leverage (उिोलन)
• Part of Speech: Noun, Verb • Pronunciation: lev-er-ij/ लेव्रज
• Meaning: • Part of Speech: Noun, Verb
a standard or point of reference against • Meaning:
which things may be compared. (Noun) a. the exertion of force by means of a lever.
evaluate (something) by comparison with a (Noun)
standard. (Verb) b. use borrowed capital for (an investment),
• Synonyms: standard, yardstick, baseline expecting the profits made to be greater
• Usage in a sentence: Her outstanding than the interest payable. (Verb)
performances set a new benchmark for • Synonyms: advantage, influence, benefit
singers across the world. • Antonyms: weakness
1658. Word: Slumber (अलप तनद्रा) • Usage in a sentence: They are determined
to gain more political leverage.
• Pronunciation: sluhm-ber/ स्ट्लम्बर
1663. Word: Onus (दातयत्ि)
• Part of Speech: Verb, Noun
• Meaning: • Pronunciation: oh-nuhs/ ओनस
a. sleep (Verb) • Part of Speech: Noun
b. a sleep (Noun) • Meaning: something that is one's duty or
• Synonyms: doze, nap, drowse responsibility.
• Antonyms: wake, arise • Synonyms: burden, load, responsibility
• Usage in a sentence: All the people in the • Antonyms: advantage, aid
hotels were wrapped in deep slumber. • Usage in a sentence: The law puts the
1659. Word: Stance (उद्दे श्य) onus on the lender to carry out necessary
• Pronunciation: stans/ स्ट्टै न्स
1664. Word: Transmission (सांचार)
• Part of Speech: Noun


• Pronunciation: trans-mish-uhn/ रै लन्स्ट्मशन • Usage in a sentence: Violence in

• Part of Speech: Noun Afghanistan is at its highest level since the
• Meaning: the action or process of Taliban ouster in late 2001.
transmitting something or the state of being 1669. Word: Helm (प्रबांध)
transmitted. • Pronunciation: helm/ हे ्म
• Synonyms: transfer, convey • Part of Speech: Noun, Verb
• Antonyms: stagnation • Meaning:
• Usage in a sentence: There will be a a. a position of leadership. (Noun)
simultaneous transmission of the concert b. manage (an organization). (Verb)
on TV and radio. • Synonyms: control, command, handle
1665. Word: Brink (किार) • Antonym: abandon
• Pronunciation: bringk/ र्ििंगक • Usage in a sentence: He was determined
• Part of Speech: Noun to helm the exhibition.
• Meaning: the extreme edge of land before a 1670. Word: Notorious (कख्यात)
steep slope or a body or water. • Pronunciation: noh-tawr-ee-uh s/ नोटोरीअस
• Synonyms: edge, verge, margin, rim • Part of Speech: Adjective
• Antonyms: center, interior, middle • Meaning: famous or well known, typically
• Usage in a sentence: Scientists are on the for some bad quality or deed.
brink of making a new discovery. • Synonyms: infamous, ill-famed,
1666. Word: Topple (गिर जाना) disreputable
• Pronunciation: top-uhl/ टापल • Antonyms: unknown, reputable,
• Part of Speech: Verb anonymous
• Meaning: • Usage in a sentence: He is notorious for
a. overbalance or cause to overbalance and making unexpected, often self-contradictory,
fall. comments.
b. remove (a government or person in 1671. Word: Impoverished (आगर्शक रूप से नष्ट)
authority) from power; overthrow. • Pronunciation: im-pov-er-isht/ इम्पावररश्ट
• Synonyms: tumble, overthrow, oust, • Part of Speech: Adjective, Verb
depose • Meaning:
• Antonyms: place, restore a. (of a person or area) made poor.
• Usage in a sentence: Political corruption (Adjective)
threatens to topple the regime. b. deprived of strength or vitality.
1667. Word: Uprising (विद्रोह) (Adjective)
• Pronunciation: uhp-rahy-zing/ अप्राइलज़िंग c. make (a person or area) poor. (Verb)
• Part of Speech: Noun d. exhaust the strength or vitality of. (Verb)
• Meaning: an act of resistance or rebellion; • Synonyms: poor, penniless, destitute,
a revolt. underprivileged
• Synonyms: rebellion, revolt, mutiny • Antonyms: rich, prosperous, affluent,
• Antonyms: agreement, complacency enriched, wealthy
• Usage in a sentence: The uprising was • Usage in a sentence: Falling coffee prices
put down with utmost ferocity. have impoverished many Third World
1668. Word: Ouster (तनिाशसन)
1672. Word: Upturn (बढ़त)
• Pronunciation: ou-ster/ आउस्ट्टर
• Pronunciation: uhp-turn/ अ्टनि
• Part of Speech: Noun
• Meaning: • Part of Speech: Noun, Verb
a. ejection from a property, especially • Meaning:
wrongful ejection. a. an improvement or upward trend,
b. dismissal or expulsion from a position. especially in economic conditions or
• Synonyms: expulsion, ejection, eviction, someone's fortunes. (Noun)
removal b. turn (something) upwards or upside
• Antonyms: absorb, addition, assimilation down. (Verb)
• Synonyms: recovery, increase


Antonyms: decline, decrease, descent • Meaning: Worth paying attention to;

Usage in a sentence: They do not expect interesting or significant.
an upturn in the economy until the end of • Synonyms: notable, important
the year. • Antonyms: insignificant, ordinary
1673. Word: Condemn (दां डऩीय घोवषत करना) • Usage in a sentence: It is noteworthy
that only 15% of senior managers are
• Pronunciation: kuhn-dem/ कन्िेम
• Part of Speech: Verb
1678. Word: setback (असफलता)
• Meaning:
a. express complete disapproval of; censure. • Pronunciation: setbæk / सेट्बैक्
b. sentence (someone) to a particular • Part of Speech: Noun
punishment, especially death. • Meaning: A reversal or check in progress.
• Synonyms: denounce, blame, criticize • Synonyms: blow, hitch, reversal
• Antonyms: approve, pardon, absolve • Antonyms: Perks, blessing, boost
• Usage in a sentence: Politicians were • Usage in a sentence: The team suffered a
quick to condemn the bombing. major setback when their best player was
1674. Word: Impunity (दण्ड से मस्क्त) injured.
Pronunciation: im-pyoo-ni-tee/ इम््यनू नटी
• 1679. Word: subvert (पलट दे ना)

Part of Speech: Noun • Pronunciation: suhb·vuht / सबˈव़अट्

Meaning: exemption from punishment or • Part of Speech: verb
freedom from the injurious consequences of • Meaning: To subvert something means to
an action. destroy its power and influence.
• Synonyms: exemption, immunity, • Synonyms: destabilize, unsettle, overthrow
emancipation • Antonyms: bolster, uphold, clean
• Antonyms: custody, correction • Usage in a sentence: It was an attempt to
• Usage in a sentence: A general sense of subvert democratic government
impunity has added greatly to this 1680. Word: truant (अनपस्स्र्त रहने)
• Pronunciation: truːənt / ूअन्ट्
1675. Word: ailing (ब़ीमार)
• Part of Speech: Noun, adjective, verb
• Pronunciation: eɪlɪŋ / एइललङ् • Meaning: a pupil who stays away from
• Part of Speech: adjective school without leave or explanation. (n);
• Meaning: If someone is ailing, they are ill wandering; straying. (adj); another way of
and not getting better, in poor health saying play truant (v) below
• Synonyms: ill, unwell, sick, • play truant — (of a pupil) stay away from
• Antonyms: healthy, strong, fit school without leave or explanation.
• Usage in a sentence: I am going home to • Synonyms: absentee, non-attender
meet my ailing grandmother. • Antonyms: present, attending, in order
1676. Word: nuance (अतत सूक्ष्म अांतर) • Usage in a sentence: He often played
truant and he usually wrote his own
• Pronunciation: ˈnjuːɑːns / ˈन्यूआन्स ्
absence notes
• Part of Speech: Noun, verb
1681. Word: bogged down (फांस िया)
• Meaning: A nuance is a small and subtle
difference in sound, feeling, appearance, or • Pronunciation: bɑɡˈdɑʊn
meaning; Give nuances to. • Part of Speech: adjective
• Synonyms: shade, subtlety, nicety • Meaning: to prevent someone or something
• Antonyms: directness, imprecision, from moving on or progressing:
blatancy • Synonyms: entangled, involved,
• Usage in a sentence: He was familiar with overwhelmed,
the nuances of the local dialect • Antonyms: clogged, stuck
• Usage in a sentence: Sometimes this fact
1677. Word: noteworthy (ध्यान दे ने योग्य)
is overshadowed because churches get so
• Pronunciation: nōtˌwərT͟Hē / नोट्वदी bogged down by unimportant rules.
• Part of Speech: Adjective 1682. Word: dissent (मतभेद)


• Pronunciation: dɪˈsent / डिˈसेन्ट् • Usage in a Sentence: Hitler's heinous

• Part of Speech: Noun, verb crimes will never be forgotten.
• Meaning: the holding or expression of 1686. Word: Implicate (अपराध में फांसना)
opinions at variance with those commonly or • Pronunciation: im-pli-keyt/ इम््लकेट
officially held. (n); hold or express opinions • Part of Speech: Verb
that are at variance with those commonly or • Meaning:
officially held.(v) a. show (someone) to be involved in a
• Synonyms: argument, dispute, demur; crime.
differ b. convey (a meaning) indirectly through
• Antonyms: agreement, acceptance, accept what one says, rather than stating it
• Usage in a sentence: When the time came explicitly.
to approve the proposal, there were one or c. bear some of the responsibility for (an
two voices of dissent. action or process, especially a criminal or
9. Word: uphold (कायम रखना) harmful one).
• Pronunciation: ʌpˈhəʊld / अपˈहअउ्ड् • Synonyms: imply, suggest, hint, signal
• Antonyms: pardon, absolve
• Part of Speech: verb
• Usage in a sentence: He didn't find
• Meaning: confirm or support (something
anything in the notebooks to implicate
which has been questioned).
• Synonyms: confirm, endorse, sustain
• Antonyms: overturn, oppose 1687. Phrase: Whip up (उिेस्जत होना)
• Usage in a sentence: The president took • Pronunciation: hwip up/ लर्वहप उप
an oath to uphold the Constitution. • Meaning:
1683. Word: sweep under the carpet a. to excite (someone or something)
• Pronunciation: swiːp ʌndə ðə ˈkɑːpɪt / स्ट्वीप ् b. to cause (someone or something) to feel
ˈअन्िअ द़्अ ˈकार्पट् strong emotions about something
• Synonyms: arouse, incite, provoke, excite
• Part of Speech: phrasal verb
• Antonyms: discourage, dissuade, suppress,
• Meaning: to try to avoid dealing with a
put down
• Usage in a sentence: He was trying to
• Synonyms: suppress, cover up
whip up some enthusiasm for the project.
• Antonyms: taken into account, show
• Usage in a sentence: You can’t just 1688. Word: Frenzy (उन्माद)
sweep these issues under the carpet. • Pronunciation: fren-zee/ फ्रेन्ज़ी
1684. Word: Interloper (हस्तक्षेप करने िाला) • Part of Speech: Noun
• Pronunciation: in-ter-loh-per/ इन्टलोपर • Meaning: a state or period of uncontrolled
excitement or wild behaviour.
• Part of Speech: Noun
• Synonyms: madness, mania, insanity,
• Meaning: a person who becomes involved
distraction, agitation
in a place or situation where they are not
• Antonyms: peacefulness, peace, calmness
wanted or are considered not to belong.
• Usage in a Sentence: The speaker worked
• Synonyms: intruder, trespasser, outsider,
the crowd up into a frenzy.
meddler, invader
• Antonyms: native, domestic, domestic 1689. Word: Commendable (प्रशांसऩीय)
• Usage in a sentence: She felt like an • Pronunciation: kuh-men-duh-buh l/
interloper in her own family. कमेन्िबल
1685. Word: Heinous (जघन्य) • Part of Speech: Adjective
• Pronunciation: hey-nuhs/ हे नस • Meaning: deserving praise.
• Synonyms: admirable, praiseworthy,
• Part of Speech: Adjective
• Meaning: (of a person or wrongful act,
• Antonyms: outrageous, disgraceful,
especially a crime) utterly odious or wicked.
• Synonyms: atrocious, abominable,
• Usage in a sentence: Your enthusiasm is
monstrous, evil
highly commendable.
• Antonyms: glorious, good, lovely, magnificent


1690. Word: Alibi ( अन्यत्रस्स्र्तत) b. extremely unwell

c. very objectionable, bad, or unpleasant
• Pronunciation: al-uh-bahy/ ऐलबाइ
• Synonyms: scary, gruesome, frightful,
• Part of Speech: Noun, Verb awful
• Meaning: • Antonyms: delightful, pleasant, charming
a. a claim or piece of evidence that one was • Usage in a Sentence: Today's newspaper
elsewhere when an act, typically a criminal gives all the ghastly details of the murder.
one, is alleged to have taken place. (Noun)
1695. Word: Revulsion (विकषशण)
b. an excuse or pretext. (Noun)
c. provide an alibi for. (Verb) • Pronunciation: ri-vuhl-shuhn/ ररव्शन
• Synonyms: excuse, explanation, plea • Part of Speech: Noun,
• Antonyms: interrogate, punish • Meaning: a sense of disgust and loathing.
• Usage in a sentence: The police broke her • Synonyms: disgust, repulsion, abhorrence,
alibi by proving she knew how to shoot a repugnance
pistol. • Antonyms: desire, passion, attraction
1691. Word: Dislodge (तनकाल दे ना) • Usage in a sentence: I turned away in
revulsion when they showed a close-up of
• Pronunciation: dis-loj/ डिस्ट्लाज
the operation.
• Part of Speech: Verb
1696. Word: Far-sighted (दरू दशी)
• Meaning: knock or force out of position.
• Synonyms: remove, displace, unseat • Pronunciation: fahr-sahy-tid/ िासािइटटि
• Antonyms: lodge, place • Part of Speech: Adjective
• Usage in a sentence: They needed a • Meaning:
bulldozer to dislodge the rock. unable to see things clearly, especially if
1692. Word: Cavil (िूठा इलजाम) they are relatively close to the eyes; long-
• Pronunciation: kav-uhl/ कैवल
o seeing or able to see for a great distance.
• Part of Speech: Verb, Noun o having or showing imagination or
• Meaning: foresight.
a. make petty or unnecessary objections. • Synonyms: prudent, judicious, prescient,
(Verb) insightful
b. a petty or unnecessary objection. (Noun) • Antonyms: crazy, rash, incautious
• Synonyms: complain, grumble, moan, • Usage in a sentence: As the prices fell,
whine, bleat, find fault far-sighted men started looking for
• Antonyms: accept, receive, recognize, something else to cultivate.
agree, appreciate
1697. Word: Mainstreaming (मख्य विचारधारा में
• Usage in a sentence: Anne, far from
wishing to cavil at the pleasure, replied, "I लाना)
can easily believe it." • Pronunciation: meyn-stree-ming/ मेन्स्ट्रीलमिंग
1693. Word: Diligent (मेहनत़ी) • Part of Speech: Verb
• Pronunciation: dil-i-juhnt/ डिललजन्ट • Meaning: bringing into the mainstream.
• Part of Speech: Adjective • Synonyms: integrating, including,
• Meaning: having or showing care and incorporating
conscientiousness in one's work or duties. • Antonyms: bordering, segregating, fringing
• Synonyms: careful, hard-working, • Usage in a sentence:The alert library
industrious media specialist will have recognized at once
• Antonyms: lazy, negligent that mainstreaming is, after all, a kind of
• Usage in a sentence: The discovery was integration.
made after years of diligent. 1698. Word: Equity (तनष्पक्षता)
1694. Word: Ghastly (भयािह) • Pronunciation: ek-wi-tee/ एलक्वटी
• Pronunciation: gast-lee/ गैस्ट्ट्ली • Part of Speech: Noun
• Part of Speech: Adjective • Meaning: the quality of being fair and
• Meaning: impartial.
a. causing great horror or fear • Synonyms: fairness, justice, equality


• Antonyms: injustice, partiality, 1703. Word: Recruit (नया सदस्य)

discrimination, dihonesty
• Pronunciation: ri-kroot/ रररूट
• Usage in a sentence: The rules of common
law and equity are both, in essence, • Part of Speech: Verb, Noun
systems of private law. • Meaning:
a. enlist (someone) in the armed forces.
1699. Word: Pedagogical (शैक्षणणक)
• Pronunciation: ped-uh-goj-i-kuh l/ b. a person newly enlisted in the armed
पेिगालजकल forces and not yet fully trained.
• Part of Speech: Adjective • Synonyms: beginner, trainee, hired, hire
• Meaning: relating to teaching. • Antonyms: veterans, fire
• Synonyms: educational, didactic, academic • Usage in a sentence: The new recruits
• Antonyms: nonacademic were drawn from a range of academic
• Usage in a sentence: Using a systematic disciplines.
and pedagogical approach, the reader is 1704. Word: Oriented (अमभविन्यस्त)
first presented with the problem.
• Pronunciation: awr-ee-uhnted/ ऑरीएन्टि
1700. Word: Stimulate (उकसाना)
• Part of Speech: Verb
• Pronunciation: stim-yuh-leyt/ लस्ट्टम्यलेट • Meaning:
• Part of Speech: Verb a. aligned or positioned (something) relative
• Meaning: to the points of a compass or other specified
a. raise levels of physiological or nervous positions.
activity in (the body or any biological b. tailored or adapted to specified
system)./ circumstances.
b. encourage or arouse interest or • Synonyms: directed, headed, aimed
enthusiasm in. • Antonyms: disoriented, confused
c. encourage the development of or • Usage in a sentence: Neither of them is
increased activity in (a state or process). politically oriented.
• Synonyms: encourage, excite, arouse, 1705. Word: Egalitarian (समागधकारी)
• Pronunciation: ih-gal-i-tair-ee-uh n/ इगैलटे रीअन
• Antonyms: discourage, depress,
discourage, dampen • Part of Speech: Adjective
• Usage in a sentence: The article can be • Meaning: believing in or based on the
used to stimulate discussion among principle that all people are equal and
students. deserve equal rights and opportunities.
• Synonyms: moralist, equitable, impartial
1701. Word: Infuse (भर दे ना)
• Antonyms: snobbish, elitist
• Pronunciation: in-fyooz/ इन्फ्यज़
ू • Usage in a sentence: I still believe in the
• Part of Speech: Verb notion of an egalitarian.
• Meaning: fill; pervade 1706. Word: Tentative (अतनस्श्चत)
• Synonyms: permeate, suffuse
• Pronunciation: ten-tuh-tiv/ टे न्टटटव
• Antonyms: remove, take away
• Usage in a Sentence: He infused • Part of Speech: Adjective
enthusiasm into his students. • Meaning:
a. not certain or fixed; provisional.
1702. Word: Devote (समवपशत होना)
b. done without confidence; hesitant.
• Pronunciation: dih-voht/ डिवोट • Synonyms: hesitant, provisional,
• Part of Speech: Verb undecided, uncertain, probationary
• Meaning: give all or most of one's time or • Antonyms: certain, definite, absolute,
resources to (a person or activity). confident
• Synonyms: give, dedicate, spend, assign, • Usage in a sentence: Political leaders have
allot reached a tentative agreement to hold a
• Antonyms: waste, accept, refrain preparatory conference next month.
• Usage in a sentence: He decided to 1707. Word: Prudent (चतर)
devote the rest of his life to scientific
• Pronunciation: prood-nt/ प्रूिन्ट


• Part of Speech: Adjective • Usage in a sentence: She had to keep

• Meaning: acting with or showing care and thinking up new ways to hold the attention
thought for the future. of her listlesspupils.
• Synonyms: careful, wise 1711. Word: Rebound (पलटाि)
• Antonyms: foolish, careless
• Pronunciation: ri-bound/ रीबाउन्ि
• Usage in a Sentence: It would be prudent
to save some of the money. • Part of Speech: Verb, Noun
• Meaning:
1708. Word: Buoy (उत्साह बढ़ाना)
a. bounce back through the air after hitting
• Pronunciation: boo-ee/ बूई something hard. (Verb)
• Part of Speech: Noun, Verb b. recover in value, amount, or strength
• Meaning: after a decrease or decline. (Verb)
a. an anchored float serving as a navigation c. an increase in value, amount, or strength
mark, to show reefs or other hazards, or for after a previous decline. (Noun)
mooring. (Noun) • Synonyms: recoil, bounce, ricochet,
b. keep (someone or something) afloat. backfire
(Verb) • Antonyms: languish, wither, fade, decline,
c. make (someone) cheerful and confident. weaken
(Verb) • Usage in a sentence: The recent rebound
d. cause (a price) to rise to or remain at a in mortgage rates could snuff out the
high level. (Verb) housing recovery.
• Synonyms: float, cheer, uplift, uphold, 1712. Word: Decelerate (ध़ीमा होना)
sustain, encourage
• Pronunciation: dee-sel-uh-reyt/ िीसेलरे ट
• Antonyms: dishearten, drown, discourage,
discourage, depress, demoralize • Part of Speech: Verb
• Usage in a sentence: Easier credit would • Meaning: reduce or cause to reduce in
help buoy economic growth. speed.
• Synonyms: slow down, retard, delay
1709. Word: Revival (पन:प्रितशन)
• Antonyms: accelerate, hasten, speed
• Pronunciation: ri-vahy-vuh l/ ररवाइवल • Usage in a sentence: The government has
• Part of Speech: Noun made every effort to decelerate inflation.
• Meaning: 1713. Word: Snap (टूटना)
a. an improvement in the condition,
• Pronunciation: snap/ स्ट्नैप
strength, or fortunes of someone or
something. • Part of Speech: Verb, Noun
b. an instance of something becoming • Meaning:
popular, active, or important again. a. break suddenly and completely, typically
• Synonyms: recovery, renewal, resurrection, with a sharp cracking sound. (Verb)
restoration, regeneration b. suddenly lose one's self-control. (Verb)
• Antonyms: suppression, destruction, c. a sudden, sharp cracking sound or
recession, annulment movement. (Noun)
• Usage in a sentence: The period saw a d. a hurried, irritable tone or manner.
great revival in the wine trade. (Noun)
• Synonyms: crack, break, rupture
1710. Word: Listless (बेपरिाह)
• Antonyms: bear, combine, liberate, loose
• Pronunciation: list-lis/ ललस्ट्ट्लस • Usage in a sentence: Every time we get a
• Part of Speech: Adjective new delivery of clothes, people are queuing
• Meaning: (of a person or their manner) to snap them up
lacking energy or enthusiasm. 1714. Phrase: Bump-up (बढ़ाना)
• Synonyms: sluggish, lethargic,
• Pronunciation: buhmp up/ बम्प उप
lackadaisical, unconcerned
• Antonyms: active, energetic, spirited, • Meaning: to move (something or someone)
enthusiastic to a higher level, position, rank, etc.
• Synonyms: improve, expand, boost,
• Antonym: decrease


• Usage in a sentence: You need more • Usage in a sentence: The new government
marks to bump- up your average. will seek the extradition of the suspected
1715. Word: Volatile (बदलने के योग्य) terrorists.
• Pronunciation: vol-uh-tl/ वालटल 1719. Word: Loophole (बचाव का रास्ट्ता)
• Part of Speech: Adjective, Noun • Pronunciation: loop-hohl/ लू्होल
• Meaning: • Part of Speech: Noun, Verb
a. liable to change rapidly and • Meaning:
unpredictably, especially for the worse. a. an ambiguity or inadequacy in the law or
(Adjective) a set of rules. (Noun)
b. a volatile substance. (Noun) b. an arrow slit in a wall. (Noun)
• Synonyms: erratic, unstable, fickle, c. make arrow slits in (a wall). (Verb)
changeable • Synonyms: hole, fault
• Antonyms: stable, steady, permanent, • Antonym: correctness
durable • Usage in a sentence: Owing to the lack of
• Usage in a sentence: The international oil information in a statute, many people could
markets have been highly volatile since the figure out a loophole to avoid paying a hefty
early 1970s. fine.
1716. Word: Spat (वििाद करना) 1720. Word: Refuge (आरय स्ट्थान)
• Pronunciation: spat/ स्ट्पैट • Pronunciation: ref-yooj/ रे फ्यज

• Part of Speech: Noun, Verb • Part of Speech: Noun
• Meaning: • Meaning:
a. a quarrel about an unimportant matter. a. the state of being safe or sheltered from
(Noun) pursuit, danger, or difficulty.
b. quarrel about an unimportant matter. b. a place or situation providing safety or
(Verb) shelter.
• Synonyms: squabble, tiff, dispute, • Synonyms: sanctuary, shelter, asylum
argument, fight • Antonyms: hazard, threat, harm
• Antonyms: agreement, confirmation, peace
• Usage in a sentence: A police station is a
• Usage in a sentence: It is often common
refuge for people who are in trouble.
for siblings to have a spat and start playing
again shortly after. 1721. Word: Abduction (अपहरर्)
1717. Word: Nascent (निजात/ अपररपक्ि) • Pronunciation: ab-duhk-shuh n/ अब्िक्शन
• Pronunciation: nas-uh nt/ नैसन्ट • Part of Speech: Noun
• Part of Speech: Adjective • Meaning: the action of forcibly taking
• Meaning: (especially of a process or someone away against their will.
organization) just coming into existence and • Synonyms: kidnapping, seizure
beginning to display signs of future • Antonyms: release, restore, liberation,
potential. rescue
• Synonyms: emerging, budding, primary • Usage in a sentence: Fortunately, her father
• Antonyms: dying, mature, advanced heard a car drive away so the time of
• Usage in a sentence: A nascent abduction was clearly set.
nationalist movement is emerging in 1722. Word: Expel (ननष्कालसत करना)
• Pronunciation: ik-spel/ इक्स्ट्पेल
1718. Word: Extradition (प्रत्यपिर्)
• Part of Speech: Verb
• Pronunciation: ek-struh-dish-uh n/ एक्स्ट्रडिशन
• Meaning: officially make (someone) leave a
• Part of Speech: Noun school or other organization.
• Meaning: the action of extraditing (handing • Synonyms: eject, banish, discharge, dismiss
over) a person accused or convicted of a
• Antonyms: absorb, welcome, admit, permit
• Usage in a Sentence: The government is
• Synonyms: deportation, banishment,
trying to expel all foreign journalists.
• Antonyms: repatriation 1723. Word: Erode (काटना)


• Pronunciation: ih-rohd/ इरोि • Use in a Sentence: The political repression in

• Part of Speech: Verb this country is enforced by terror.
• Meaning: 1728. Word: Induct (ननयुक्त करना)
a. (of wind, water, or other natural agents) • Pronunciation: in-duhkt/ इन्िक्ट
gradually wear away (soil, rock, or land).
b. gradually destroy or be gradually • Part of Speech: Verb
destroyed. • Meaning:
• Synonyms: corrode, diminish, wear away a. admit (someone) formally to a post or
• Antonyms: construct, fix, improve organization.
• Usage in a sentence: Over time, trivial b. introduce someone to (a difficult or
lawsuits will erode the significance of the obscure subject).
justice system. • Synonyms: install, introduce, enlist, instate,
1724. Word: Stringent (सख्त) induce
• Antonyms: reject, expel, uninstall
• Pronunciation: strin-juh nt/ लस्ट्रन्जन्ट • Usage in a sentence: He was formally
• Part of Speech: Adjective inducted into the office of governor.
• Meaning: (of regulations, requirements, or
1729. Word: Forum (सिंगोष्ठी)
conditions) strict, precise, and exacting
• Synonyms: harsh, rigorous, severe • Pronunciation: fawr-uh m/ िोरम
• Antonyms: tolerant, flexible, lenient • Part of Speech: Noun
• Usage in a Sentence: He failed to convene • Meaning: a meeting or medium where ideas
the stringent selection criteria. and views on a particular issue can be
1725. Word: Trigger (सफरय करना) exchanged.
• Pronunciation: trig-er/ टरगर • Synonyms: stage, platform, assembly,
• Part of Speech: Verb convention
• Meaning: cause (a device) to function. • Usage in a sentence: This is the only forum
• Synonyms: activate, spark, initiate where the East and the West can have a
• Antonyms: halt, block, deactivate peaceful dialogue.
• Usage in a Sentence: Some people notice 1730. Word: Riven (चीरना)
that certain foods trigger their headaches.
• Pronunciation: riv-uh n/ ररवन
1726. Word: Alleviate (घटाना)
• Part of Speech: Verb
• Pronunciation: uh-lee-vee-eyt/ अलीवीएट • Meaning: split or tear apart violently.
• Part of Speech: Verb • Synonyms: split, torn, ripped
• Meaning: make (suffering, deficiency, or a • Antonym: united
problem) less severe. • Usage in a sentence: The wood was riven
• Synonyms: mitigate, reduce, soothe, lessen with deep cracks.
• Antonyms: intensify, aggravate, worsen
1731. Word: Counterpart (प्रनतरूप)
• Usage in a sentence: He put on his
sunglasses, which did little to alleviate the • Pronunciation: koun-ter-pahrt/ काउनपािटि
headache sunlight gave him. • Part of Speech: Noun
1727. Word: Repression (ननयिंिर्) • Meaning: a person or thing that corresponds
• Pronunciation: ri-presh-uh n/ रीप्रेशन to or has the same function as another
• Part of Speech: Noun person or thing in a different place or
• Meaning: situation.
a. the restraint, prevention, or inhibition of a • Synonyms: colleagues, correspondents
feeling, quality, etc. • Antonyms: opposites
b. the action of subduing someone or • Usage in a Sentence: They look enviously at
something by force. the success of their counterparts.
• Synonyms: control, oppression, suppression, 1732. Word: Substantive (र्वशेष्य/ मूलभूत)
• Pronunciation: suhb-stuh n-tiv/ सब्स्ट्टलन्टव
• Antonyms: liberty, permission
• Part of Speech: Adjective, Noun


• Meaning: b. the most prominent position. (Noun)

a. having a separate and independent c. at or towards the middle of a stage.
existence. (Adjective) (Adverb)
b. a noun. (Noun) d. in or towards the most prominent
• Synonyms: substantial, material, significant, position. (Adverb)
essential • Synonyms: spotlight, focus
• Antonyms: wordly, inessential • Antonyms: sidelines
• Usage in a sentence: The report concluded • Usage in a sentence: Nuclear proliferation
that no substantive changes were necessary. has returned to centre stage in international
1733. Word: Pleasantries (प्रमोद) affairs.
• Pronunciation: plez-uh n-tree/ ्लेज़न्री 1737. Word: Straddle (बना रहना)
• Part of Speech: Noun • Pronunciation: strad-l/ स्ट्रै िल
• Meaning: • Part of Speech: Verb, Noun
a. an inconsequential remark made as part • Meaning:
of a polite conversation. a. sit or stand with one leg on either side of.
b. a mild joke. (Verb)
• Synonyms: jocularities, jests, jokes b. extend across or be situated on both sides
• Antonyms: tragedies, insults of. (Verb)
• Usage in a sentence: After exchanging c. an act of sitting or standing with one's
pleasantries, the delegation revealed the legs wide apart. (Noun)
purpose of their visit. d. take up or maintain an equivocal position
1734. Word: Sidelines (उप-वर्ृ ि) with regard to (a political issue). (Verb)
• Synonyms: bestride, on either side of
• Pronunciation: sahyd-lahyn/ साइड्लाइन
• Antonyms: brink, verge
• Part of Speech: Noun, Verb • Usage in a sentence: The mountains
• Meaning: straddle the French-Swiss border.
a. an activity done in addition to one's main
1738. Word: Retaliatory (प्रनतशोध का)
job, especially to earn extra income. (Noun)
b. a position where one is observing a • Pronunciation: ri-tal-ee-eyt-ory/ रीटै ्यटॉरी
situation rather than directly involved in it. • Part of Speech: Adjective
(Noun) • Meaning: (of an action) characterized by a
c. remove from the centre of activity or desire for revenge.
attention; place in a less influential position. • Synonyms: vengeful, avenging, retributive
(Verb) • Antonyms: forgiving, benevolent
• Synonyms: beaten track, fringes, side • Usage in a Sentence: He urged people not to
• Antonyms: centre of attention resort to retaliatory violence.
• Usage in a sentence: You can't stay on the 1739. Word: Unambiguous (अलमर्रत)
sidelines forever; it's time you got involved. • Pronunciation: uhn-am-big-yoo-uh s/
1735. Word: Impasse (गनतरोध) अनैलम्बलयवस
• Pronunciation: im-pas, im-pas/ इम्पैस • Part of Speech: Adjective
• Part of Speech: Noun • Meaning: not open to more than one
• Meaning: a situation in which no progress is interpretation.
possible, especially because of • Synonyms: clear, explicit, unmistakable,
disagreement; a deadlock. obvious, distinct, definite
• Synonyms: deadlock, stalemate, gridlock • Antonyms: ambiguous, dubious, indefinite,
• Antonyms: breakthrough, betterment obscure
• Usage in a sentence: Negotiations seemed • Usage in a sentence: He tended toward
to have reached an impasse. literal interpretations and preferred
1736. Word: Centrestage (अहम ् स्ट्थान) unambiguous answers.
• Pronunciation: सेंटरस्ट्टे ज 1740. Word: Proclaim (घोर्षत करना)
• Part of Speech: Noun, Adverb • Pronunciation: proh-kleym, pruh-/ प्रोक्लेम
• Meaning: • Part of Speech: Verb
a. the centre of a stage. (Noun)


• Meaning: • Part of Speech: Noun, Verb

a. announce officially or publicly. • Meaning:
b. indicate clearly. a. a small, sharp broad-headed nail.
• Synonyms: announce, declare, publish b. add or append something to something
• Antonyms: conceal, hide, retract, deny already existing.
• Usage in a sentence: Press and provincial • Synonyms: nail, pin, bind, affix
assemblies hastened to proclaim solidarity • Antonyms: disassemble, detach, separate,
with the Tsar. unfasten
1741. Word: Terminate (समा्त करना) • Usage in a sentence: They decided to tack
an amendment to the bill.
• Pronunciation: tur-muh-neyt/ टमिनेट
1746. Word: Conciliatory (मैिीपूर्)ि
• Part of Speech: Verb
• Meaning: bring to an end. • Pronunciation: kuh n-sil-ee-uh-tawr-ee/
• Synonyms: stop, end, cease, finish, कलन्स्यटॉरी
discontinue • Part of Speech: Adjective
• Antonyms: begin, continue, start, establish • Meaning: intended or likely to placate or
• Usage in a sentence: The customer also pacify.
threatened to terminate his business • Synonyms: appeasing, peacemaking, agreeable
relationship with the employer. • Antonyms: antagonistic, uncompromising
1742. Phrase: Make no bones (ज़रा भी नहीिं टहचफकचाना) • Usage in a sentence: The mediator made a
conciliatory statement which helped the two
• Pronunciation: मेक नो बोंस
parties find common ground.
• Meaning: To say clearly what you think or 1747. Word: Contend (सिंघषि करना)
feel about something, however unpleasant
or awkward it is. • Pronunciation: kuhn-tend/ कन्टे न्ि
• Usage in a sentence: She made no bones • Part of Speech: Verb
about telling him exactly what she thought • Meaning:
of him. a. struggle to surmount (a difficulty).
1743. Word: Perception (अनुभूनत) b. assert something as a position in an
• Pronunciation: per-sep-shuhn/ पसे्शन
• Synonyms: argue, fight, struggle, strive
• Part of Speech: Noun • Antonyms: collaborate, agree
• Meaning: • Usage in a sentence: The firm is too small to
a. the ability to see, hear, or become aware contend against large international
of something through the senses. companies.
b. the way in which something is regarded, 1748. Word: Founder (असिल हो जाना)
understood, or interpreted.
• Synonyms: understanding, impression, • Pronunciation: foun-der/ िाउन्िर
notion • Part of Speech: Verb
• Antonyms: misunderstanding, ignorance • Meaning: (of a plan or undertaking) fail or
• Usage in a sentence: The television has break down as a result of a particular
irreversibly changed our perception about problem.
the Royal Family. • Synonyms: fail, collapse, miscarry, break
1744. Word: Interlocutor (सिंभाषी) down
• Antonyms: succeed, achieve
• Pronunciation: in-ter-lok-yuh-ter/ इन्टलािक्यटर
• Usage in a sentence: The bilateral talks
• Part of Speech: Noun foundered on the issue of reform.
• Meaning: a person who takes part in a 1749. Word: Grapple (गुथना)
dialogue or conversation.
• Synonyms: speaker, interrogator, discussant • Pronunciation: grap-uhl/ ग्रैपल
• Usage in a sentence: Abraham was able to • Part of Speech: Verb
act as interpreter and interlocutor for our • Meaning: engage in a close fight or struggle
group. without weapons; wrestle.
1745. Word: Tack (जोडना) • Synonyms: grasp, wrestle, clutch
• Antonyms: release, free
• Pronunciation: tak/ टै क


• Usage in a sentence: The new government is • Antonym: mediocre

yet to grapple with the problem of air • Usage in a Sentence: Under optimal
pollution. circumstances, reorganizing can help a
1750. Word: Credible (र्वश्वास करने योलय) struggling organization achieve any of these
• Pronunciation: kred-uh-buhl/ रेिबल
1755. Word: Envisage (पररक्पना करना)
• Part of Speech: Adjective
• Meaning: • Pronunciation: en-viz-ij/ एलन्वलज़ज
a. able to be believed; convincing. • Part of Speech: Verb
b. capable of persuading people that • Meaning:
something will happen or be successful. a. contemplate or conceive of as a possibility
• Synonyms: believable, plausible, or a desirable future event.
trustworthy, reliable b. form a mental picture of (something not
• Antonyms: unbelievable, incredible, yet existing or known).
unreliable • Synonyms: imagine, envision, anticipate,
• Usage in a Sentence: The plot is credible but visualize
the characters lack individuality. • Antonym: withdraw
1751. Word: Reprisal (प्रनतशोध) • Usage in a Sentence: Nobody can envisage
the consequences of a nuclear war.
• Pronunciation: ri-prahy-zuhl/ ररप्राइज़ल
1756. Word: Perpetrator (अपराधकताि)
• Part of Speech: Noun
• Meaning: an act of retaliation. • Pronunciation: pur-pi-trey-ter/ पपिरैटर
• Synonyms: retaliation, revenge, retribution, • Part of Speech: Noun
vengeance • Meaning: a person who carries out a
• Antonyms: pardon, kindness, sympathy harmful, illegal, or immoral act.
• Usage in a Sentence: Alfred was shot in • Synonyms: offender, violator, culprit
reprisal for the killing of a rival gang • Antonym: victim
member. • Usage in a Sentence: The perpetrators of
1752. Word: Priority (प्रधानता) racially motivated violence must be
• Pronunciation: prahy-awr-i-tee/ प्राइऑरटी
1757. Word: Fraternity (भाईचारा)
• Part of Speech: Noun
• Meaning: the fact or condition of being • Pronunciation: fruh-tur-ni-tee/ फ्रटननिटी
regarded or treated as more important than • Part of Speech: Noun
others. • Meaning:
• Synonyms: preference, primacy, emphasis a. a group of people sharing a common
• Antonyms: unimportance, disfavour profession or interests.
• Usage in a Sentence: The daily newspaper b. friendship and mutual support within a
gives priority to national news over the group.
international ones. • Synonyms: brotherhood, fellowship, alliance
1753. Word: Reluctant (अनन्छुक) • Usage in a Sentence: There is a strong spirit
of fraternity among these isolated people.
• Pronunciation: ri-luhk-tuhnt/ ररलक्टन्ट
1758. Word: Epicentre (उपररकेंद्र)
• Part of Speech: Adjective
• Meaning: unwilling and hesitant; disinclined. • Pronunciation: ep-uh-sen-ter/ एर्पसेन्टर
• Synonyms: unwilling, hesitant, disinclined • Part of Speech: Noun
• Antonyms: eager, desirous, enthusiastic, • Meaning:
willing a. the central point of something, typically a
• Usage in a Sentence: She was reluctant to difficult or unpleasant situation.
admit that she was wrong. b. the point on the earth's surface vertically
1754. Word: Optimal (इष्टतम) above the focus of an earthquake.
• Synonyms: centre, hotbed, core, locus
• Pronunciation: op-tuh-muh l/ आ्टमल
• Antonyms: periphery, margin
• Part of Speech: Adjective • Usage in a Sentence: The earthquake had its
• Meaning: best or most favourable; optimum. epicentre two-hundred kilometres north-east
• Synonyms: optimum, ideal, perfect of the capital.


1759. Word: Cognisable (सिंज्ञेय) • Synonyms: carry, bear, accept

• Antonyms: deny, resign, refuse
• Pronunciation: kog-nuh-zuh-buh l/ काललनज़बल
• Usage in a Sentence: Since the prince was
• Part of Speech: Adjective too young to shoulder the statutory
• Meaning: responsibility, the queen was vested with
a. perceptible; clearly identifiable. regulatory powers.
b. within the jurisdiction of a court.
1764. Word: Protract (बढ़ाना)
• Synonyms: perceptible, indicated, evident,
perceptible, likely • Pronunciation: proh-trakt/ प्रोरै क्ट
• Usage in a Sentence: A hieroglyph is an • Part of Speech: Verb
emblem of something not cognizable by the • Meaning: prolong
senses but which possesses qualities • Synonyms: extend, lengthen, stretch
resembling those of the symbol. • Antonyms: curtail, contract, abbreviate,
1760. Word: Beleaguer (अवरोध करना) shorten
• Usage in a Sentence: The oncologist was
• Pronunciation: bih-lee-ger/ र्बलीगर
excited when he discovered a remarkable
• Part of Speech: Verb new treatment that would protract his
• Meaning: put in a very difficult situation. patients’ lives.
• Synonyms: besiege, harass, pester
1765. Word: Clutch (जकडना)
• Antonyms: comfort, benefit, relax
• Usage in a Sentence: The beleaguered prime • Pronunciation: kluhch/ क्लच
minister is coming under yet more pressure. • Part of Speech: Verb, Noun, Adjective
1761. Word: Insolvency (टदवाललयापन) • Meaning:
a. grasp (something) tightly. (Verb)
• Pronunciation: in-sol-vuh n-see/ इन्सा्वन्सी
b. a tight grasp. (Noun)
• Part of Speech: Noun c. (in sport) denoting or occurring at a
• Meaning: the state of being insolvent. critical situation in which the outcome of a
• Synonyms: bankruptcy, poverty, failure game or competition is at stake. (Adjective)
• Antonyms: solvency, affluence • Synonyms: grasp, grip, hold, grab, seize
• Usage in a sentence: The company is close • Antonyms: unfasten, abandon, release
to insolvency. • Usage in a Sentence: The sudden sensation
1762. Word: Consortium (सहायता सिंघ) of falling made him clutch the door frame.
• Pronunciation: kuh n-sawr-shee-uh m/ कन्सॉश्यिम 1766. Word: Implosion (अन्तःस्ट्िोट)
• Part of Speech: Noun • Pronunciation: im-ploh-zhuh n/ इम््लोश़न
• Meaning: • Part of Speech: Noun
a. an association, typically of several • Meaning:
companies. a. an instance of something collapsing
b. the right of association and violently inwards.
companionship with one's husband or wife. b. a sudden failure or collapse of an
• Synonyms: syndicate, union, league, organization or system.
association • Synonyms: collapse, failure, breakdown
• Antonyms: isolation, detachment, • Antonyms: explosion, burst, blast
antagonism • Usage in a Sentence: Politicians tried to
• Usage in a Sentence: Acting as a calm the protesters in fear that the riots
consortium, the citizens in the poor district would implodeand destroy the city.
worked together to renovate their schools.
1767. Word: Stall (रोकना)
1763. Word: Shoulder (दानयत्व लेना/ भार लेना)
• Pronunciation: stawl/ स्ट्टॉल
• Pronunciation: shohl-der/ शो्िर
• Part of Speech: Verb
• Part of Speech: Verb • Meaning: stop or cause to stop making
• Meaning: progress.
a. put (something heavy) over one's • Synonyms: obstruct, impede
shoulder or shoulders to carry. • Antonyms: accelerate, actuate
b. push (someone or something) out of
one's way with one's shoulder.


• Usage in a Sentence: Fears are increasing c. coordinate; combine.

that a tax increase may stall the economic • Synonyms: match, accord, accommodate
recovery. • Antonyms: struggle, desynchronise
1768. Word: Viability (र्वयावहाररकता) • Usage in a Sentence: Chrome OS would also
allow users to work offline and synchronise
• Pronunciation: vahy-uh-bil-i-tee/ वाइअर्बलटी
changes later.
• Part of Speech: Noun
1773. Word: Convene (एकि करना)
• Meaning: ability to work successfully.
• Synonyms: feasibility, survival, practicability • Pronunciation: kuhn-veen/ कन्वीन
• Antonyms: unfeasibility, impracticability • Part of Speech: Verb
• Usage in a sentence: The company has • Meaning: come or bring together for a
questioned the commercial viability of the meeting or activity; assemble.
mine. • Synonyms: assemble, gather, collect,
1769. Word: Reappraise (पुनमू्
ि यािंकन करना) muster
• Antonyms: adjourn, cancel, disperse,
• Pronunciation: uh-preyz/ रीअप्रेज़
• Part of Speech: Verb • Usage in a Sentence: The supervisors may
• Meaning: appraise or assess again or in a propose to convene temporary meetings of
different way. the board of supervisors.
• Synonyms: review, reassess, reevaluate,
1774. Word: Stint (कायािवर्ध/ सीमा बािंधना)
• Usage in a Sentence: Western leaders need • Pronunciation: stint/ लस्ट्टन्ट
to reappraise what they actually wish to • Part of Speech: Verb, Noun
achieve in Syria. • Meaning:
1770. Word: Akin (सिंबिंधी) b. restrict (someone) in the amount of
something, especially money, given or
• Pronunciation: uh-kin/ अफकन
permitted. (Verb)
• Part of Speech: Adjective c. a person's fixed or allotted period of work.
• Meaning: (Noun)
a. of similar character. d. limitation of supply or effort (Noun)
b. related by blood. • Synonyms: job, work, limit, restrain
• Synonyms: cognate, similar, analogous • Antonyms: free, exuberant
• Antonyms: different, alien, unlike • Usage in a Sentence: He has changed his
• Usage in a Sentence: The Israelites appear schedule to a three-day stint, which starts
to have been originally a nomadic tribe akin this Friday.
to the Arabs, whom they resemble in their
1775. Word: Deploy (असरदार तरीके से इस्ट्तेमाल करना)
political instinct.
1771. Word: Haste (शीघ्रता) • Pronunciation: dih-ploi / डि्लॉइ
• Part of Speech: Verb
• Pronunciation: heyst/ हे स्ट्ट
• Meaning:
• Part of Speech: Noun, Verb a. move (troops or equipment) into position
• Meaning: excessive speed or urgency of for military action.
movement or action; hurry. b. bring into effective action.
• Synonyms: rush, hurry, hustle, bustle • Synonyms: install, utilize, employ
• Antonyms: delay, procrastination • Antonyms: uninstall, withdraw
• Usage in a Sentence: The contract says that • Usage in a sentence: The decision has been
the work must be completed with all made to deploy extra troops.
possible haste.
1776. Word: Impediment (अवरोध)
1772. Word: Synchronise (सिंकालन/ तालमेल बनाना)
• Pronunciation: im-ped-uh-muhnt/ इम्पेिमन्ट
• Pronunciation: sing-kruh-nahyz/ लसिंगरनाइज़
• Part of Speech: Noun
• Part of Speech: Verb • Meaning:
• Meaning: a. a hindrance or obstruction in doing
a. cause to occur or operate at the same something.
time or rate. b. a defect in a person's speech, such as a
b. agree with something else. lisp or stammer.


• Synonyms: hindrance. impediment, (Noun)

obstruction, barrier b. be situated or kept in a particular place.
• Antonyms: advantage, privilege, benefit (Verb)
• Usage in a Sentence: In a number of • Synonyms: rest, ease, relaxation, serenity
developing countries, war has been an • Antonyms: agitation, disturbance,
additional impedimentto progress. commotion
1777. Word: Feasibility (साध्यता) • Usage in a Sentence: It was a rare delight to
see her like this, in repose, her face relaxed
• Pronunciation: fee-zuh-buh lity/ िीज़र्बलटी
and expressionless.
• Part of Speech: Noun
1781. Word: Coincide (मेल खाना)
• Meaning: the state or degree of being easily
or conveniently done. • Pronunciation: koh-in-sahyd/ कोइन्साइि
• Synonyms: practicability, possibility, viability • Part of Speech: Verb
• Antonyms: impossibility, implausibility, • Meaning:
impracticality a. occur at the same time.
• Usage in a Sentence: The committee will b. correspond in nature; tally.
study the feasibility of setting up a national c. be in agreement.
computer network. • Synonyms: concur, match, overlap
1778. Word: Curtail (घटाना) • Antonyms: disagree, clash, counter
• Usage in a Sentence: The show is timed to
• Pronunciation: ker-teyl/ कटे ल
coincide with the launch of her new book.
• Part of Speech: Verb
1782. Word: Subsume (सलम्मललत करना)
• Meaning: reduce in extent or quantity;
impose a restriction on. • Pronunciation: suh b-soom/ सब्सूम
• Synonyms: reduce, shorten, diminish • Part of Speech: Verb
• Antonyms: extend, prolong, increase • Meaning: include or absorb (something) in
• Usage in a sentence: The government has something else.
taken significant attempts to curtail the • Synonyms: encompass, contain, include,
spread of the disease and interrupt its comprise, embody
course. • Antonyms: surrender, release
1779. Word: Moot (र्ववादास्ट्पद) • Usage in a Sentence: More than anything,
Dennis was interested in choosing people
• Pronunciation: moot/ मूट
who could subsume their egos.
• Part of Speech: Adjective, Verb, Noun
1783. Word: Accord (अनुबिंध/ प्रदान करना)
• Meaning:
a. subject to debate, dispute, or uncertainty. • Pronunciation: uh-kawrd/ अकॉिि
(Adjective) • Part of Speech: Verb, Noun
b. having little or no practical relevance, • Meaning:
typically because the subject is too uncertain a. give or grant someone (power, status, or
to allow a decision. (Adjective) recognition). (Verb)
c. raise (a question or topic) for discussion; b. an official agreement or treaty. (Noun)
suggest (an idea or possibility). (Verb) • Synonyms: agreement, grant
d. an assembly held for debate, especially in • Antonyms: disagreement, discord
Anglo-Saxon and medieval times. (Noun) • Usage in a Sentence: The army was accused
• Synonyms: disputable, debatable, of committing violations against the accord.
questionable, controversial 1784. Word: Dovish (शािंनतवादी)
• Antonyms: certain, definite, irrefutable
• Pronunciation: duhv- ish/ िर्वश
• Usage in a Sentence: By the time the order
took effect, the issue had already become • Part of Speech: Adjective
moot. • Meaning: preferring to use peaceful
discussion rather than military action in
1780. Word: Repose (र्वराम/ रख दे ना)
order to solve a political problem
• Pronunciation: ri-pohz/ रीपोज़ • Synonyms: pacifist, peaceful, conciliatory
• Part of Speech: Noun, Verb • Antonyms: hawkish, bloodthirsty, militarist
• Meaning: • Usage in a Sentence: Those with a more
a. a state of rest, sleep, or tranquillity. dovish or liberal attitude have supported


dialogue while hardliners are invariably • Meaning: the art of effective or persuasive
content to solve issues with force and speaking or writing, especially the
violence. exploitation of figures of speech and other
1785. Word: Tackle (सामना करना) compositional techniques.
• Synonyms: oratory, eloquence, expression
• Pronunciation: tak-uh l/ टै कल
• Antonyms: quiet
• Part of Speech: Noun, Verb • Usage in a sentence: His speech was
• Meaning: dismissed as mere rhetoric by the
a. the equipment required for a task or opposition.
sport. (Noun)
1789. Word: Yield ( उत्पाद/ हार मानना)
b. make determined efforts to deal with (a
problem or difficult task). (Verb) • Pronunciation: yeeld/ यी्ि
• Synonyms: combat, address, confront, • Part of Speech: Verb, Noun
handle, fight • Meaning:
• Antonyms: avoid, dodge, elude, evade, ignore a. produce or provide (a natural,
• Usage in a Sentence: We have to tackle the agricultural, or industrial product). (Verb)
fundamental cause of the problem. b. give way to arguments, demands, or
1786. Word: Hinge (कब्जा/ननभिर होना) pressure. (Verb)
c. an amount produced of an agricultural or
• Pronunciation: hinj/ टहन्ज
industrial product. (Noun)
• Part of Speech: Noun, Verb • Synonyms: surrender, cede, give up,
• Meaning: produce
a. a movable joint or mechanism on which a • Antonyms: deny, reject, oppose, disapprove,
door, gate, or lid swings as it opens and resist
closes or which connects linked objects. • Usage in a Sentence: Our research has only
[Noun] recently begun to yield important results.
b. depend entirely on. [Verb]
1790. Word: Exert (जोर लगाना)
• Synonyms: link, articulating, pivot, depend
• Antonyms: doubt, mistrust • Pronunciation: ig-zurt/ इलज़टि
• Usage in a sentence: The hinge connecting • Part of Speech: Verb
the front and rear pieces sits under the • Meaning:
instep and lessens the chance of failure due a. apply or bring to bear (a force, influence,
to the metal flexing. or quality)
1787. Word: Resort (सहारा लेना) b. make a physical or mental effort.
• Synonyms: exercise, apply, strain
• Pronunciation: ri-zawrt/ ररज़ॉटि
• Antonyms: careless, stay still
• Part of Speech: Noun, Verb • Usage in a Sentence: Christopher hoped to
• Meaning: exert his influence to make them change
a. a place that is frequented for holidays or their minds.
recreation or for a particular purpose.
1791. Word: Vocal (गायन, मौखखक, मख ु र)
b. a course of action that is resorted to. • Pronunciation: voh-kuhl/ वोकल
(Noun) • Part of Speech: Adjective
c. turn to and adopt (a course of action, • Meaning:
especially an extreme or undesirable one) so a. relating to the human voice. (Adjective)
as to resolve a difficult situation. (Verb) b. expressing opinions or feelings freely or
• Synonyms: hotel, refuge, fall back on loudly. (Adjective)
• Antonym: avoid c. a part of a piece of music that is sung.
• Usage in a Sentence: She would never (Noun)
resort to the law courts to resolve her • Synonyms: oral, outspoken, eloquent
marital problems. • Antonyms: quiet, silent, instrumental, mute,
1788. Word: Rhetoric (वाक्पटुता) modest
• Usage in a Sentence: He has been very
• Pronunciation: ret-er-ik / रे टररक
vocal in his displeasure over the results.
• Part of Speech: Noun
1792. Word: Boost (प्रोत्साहन)


• Pronunciation: boost/ बूस्ट्ट • Usage in a Sentence: I don't understand the

• Part of Speech: Verb, Noun rationale behind the council's housing policy.
• Meaning: 1797. Word: Militia (नागररक सेना)
a. help or encourage (something) to • Pronunciation: mi-lish-uh/ मललश
increase or improve. (Verb)' • Part of Speech: Noun
b. a source of help or encouragement • Meaning: a military force that is raised from
leading to increase or improvement. (Noun) the civil population to supplement a regular
c. an increase or improvement. (Noun) army in an emergency.
• Synonyms: increase, promote, enhance, • Synonyms: military, cavalry, army
encourage • Usage in a Sentence: The militia responded
• Antonyms: decrease, discourage, undermine by saying it would retaliate against any
• Usage in a Sentence: This new funding will attacks.
come as a welcome boost for the industry.
1798. Word: Compliant (आज्ञाकारी)
1793. Word: Inject (अिंतगित करना)
• Pronunciation: kuh m-plahy-uh nt/ कम््लाइअन्ट
• Pronunciation: in-jekt/ इन्जेक्ट
• Part of Speech: Adjective
• Part of Speech: Verb • Meaning: disposed to agree with others or
• Meaning: obey rules, especially to an excessive
a. administer a drug or medicine by syringe degree; acquiescent.
to (a person or animal). • Synonyms: pliant, amenable, obedient
b. introduce (something) under pressure • Antonyms: stubborn, adamant
into a passage, cavity, or solid material. • Usage in a sentence: Patients who are less
c. introduce (a new or different element) compliant, may be forced to take medication
into something. against their will.
• Synonyms: introduce, insert, infuse,
1799. Word: Breach (र्व्छे द/ दरार करना)
implant, insinuate
• Antonyms: remove, omit, miss out, ignore • Pronunciation: breech/ िीच
• Usage in a Sentence: We hope to inject new • Part of Speech: Noun, Verb
life into our business. • Meaning:
1794. Phrase: Dial down a. an act of breaking or failing to observe a
• Pronunciation: िायल िाउन law, agreement, or code of conduct. (Noun)
• Meaning: to make something less forceful or b. a gap in a wall, barrier, or defence,
extreme especially one made by an attacking army.
• Synonym: weaken (Noun)
• Antonym: improve c. make a gap in and break through (a wall,
• Usage in a Sentence: The event organizers barrier, or defence). (Verb)
took the hint and dialled down the d. break or fail to observe (a law,
background music. agreement, or code of conduct). (Verb)
• Synonyms: violate, break, infringe
1795. Word: Escalate (बढ़ाना)
• Antonyms: bridge, fulfil, warranty
• Pronunciation: es-kuh-leyt/ एस्ट्कलैट • Usage in a Sentence: A breach in the
• Part of Speech: Verb mountain wall permits warm sea air to
• Meaning: increase rapidly, make or become penetrate inland.
more intense or serious. 1800. Word: Stranglehold (ननरोधन)
• Synonyms: intensify, heighten • Pronunciation: strang-guh l-hohld/ स्ट्रैंगअ्हो्ि
• Antonyms: diminish, abbreviate
• Part of Speech: Noun
• Usage in a Sentence: The conflict could
• Meaning: complete or overwhelming control.
escalate rapidly into a full-scale war.
• Synonyms: grip, control
1796. Word: Rationale (और्चत्य) • Antonyms: pull out, free
• Pronunciation: rash-uh-nal/ रै शनैल • Usage in a Sentence: The two major
• Part of Speech: Noun companies have been tightening their
• Meaning: a set of reasons or a logical basis stranglehold on the beer market.
for a course of action or belief. 1801. Word: Warrant (अर्धपि/ आश्वासन दे ना)
• Synonyms: reason, justification, logic


• Pronunciation: wawr-uh nt/ वॉरन्ट • Pronunciation: flam-boi-uh nt/ फ्लैम्बॉइअन्ट

• Part of Speech: Noun, Verb • Part of Speech: Adjective
• Meaning: • Meaning:
a. a document that entitles the holder to a. (of a person or their behaviour) tending
receive goods, money, or services. (Noun) to attract attention because of their
b. officially affirm or guarantee. (Verb) exuberance, confidence, and stylishness.
• Synonyms: guarantee, justify, pledge, b.bright, colourful, and very noticeable.
assure • Synonyms: dazzling, flashy, glamorous,
• Antonyms: break, prohibition glitzy
• Usage in a Sentence: The case was • Antonyms: dull, quiet, restrained,
sufficiently serious to warrant investigation conservative
by the police. • Usage in a Sentence: Penny has red hair and
1802. Word: Calibration (अिंशशोधन) a rather flamboyant appearance.
• Pronunciation: kal-uh-brey shion/ कैलिैशन 1806. Word: Erroneous (ग़लत)
• Part of Speech: Noun • Pronunciation: uh-roh-nee-uhs/ एरोनीअस
• Meaning: the action or process of calibrating • Part of Speech: Adjective
(adjusting) something. • Meaning: wrong; incorrect.
• Synonyms: adjustment, gradation, • Synonyms: incorrect, false, inaccurate,
regulation, tuning invalid
• Antonyms: misalignment, vindication • Antonyms: correct, right, accurate, precise
• Usage in a Sentence: The satellite was only • Usage in a Sentence: I thought my answer
launched in April and spent time undergoing was correct, but it was erroneous.
commissioning and calibration. 1807. Word: Xenophobic (अज्ञातजनभीत)
1803. Word: Reprieve (अवकाश) • Pronunciation: zen-uh-foh-bik/ ज़ेनिार्बक
• Pronunciation: ri-preev/ ररप्रीव • Part of Speech: Adjective
• Part of Speech: Verb, Noun • Meaning: having or showing a dislike of or
• Meaning: prejudice against people from other
a. cancel or postpone the punishment of countries.
(someone, especially someone condemned • Synonyms: racist, chauvinistic, ethnocentric
to death). (Verb) • Antonyms: multicultural, tolerant
b. a cancellation or postponement of a • Usage in a Sentence: Xenophobic
punishment. (Noun) nationalism is on the rise in some West
• Synonyms: pardon, respite, release, European countries.
amnesty 1808. Word: Venture (उद्यम)
• Antonyms: punish, charge, blame
• Pronunciation: ven-cher/ वेन्चर
• Usage in a Sentence: Shoppers will get a
temporary reprieve from the new sales tax. • Part of Speech: Noun, Verb
• Meaning:
1804. Word: Whittle (छीलना)
a. a risky or daring journey or undertaking.
• Pronunciation: hwit-l/ लर्ह्वटल (Noun)
• Part of Speech: Verb b. undertake a risky or daring journey or
• Meaning: course of action. (Verb)
a. carve (wood) into an object by repeatedly c. dare to do or say something that may be
cutting small slices from it. considered audacious (often used as a polite
b. reduce something in size, amount, or expression of hesitation or apology). (Verb)
extent by a gradual series of steps. • Synonyms: risk, hazard, adventure,
• Synonyms: carve, cut, sculpt, reduce attempt, enterprise, project undertaking
• Antonyms: build, create, construct, • Antonyms: protect, abstain, guard
disintegrate • Usage in a Sentence: The joint venture
• Usage in a Sentence: Your article is too ended in a legal wrangle between the two
long, try to whittle it down to half its length. companies.
1805. Word: Flamboyant (अत्यलिंकृत) 1809. Word: Steer (पररचालन करना)


• Pronunciation: steer/ स्ट्टीर 1813. Word: Contentious (र्ववादपूर्)ि

• Part of Speech: Verb, Noun • Pronunciation: kuhn-ten-shuhs/ कन्टे न्शस
• Meaning: • Part of Speech: Adjective
a. guide or control the movement of (a • Meaning: causing or likely to cause an
vehicle, vessel, or aircraft), for example by argument; controversial.
turning a wheel or operating a rudder. • Synonyms: quarrelsome, combative,
(Verb) belligerent
b. follow (a course) in a specified direction. • Antonyms: peaceful, agreeable, friendly
(Verb) • Usage in a sentence: Sanctions are expected
c. the type of steering of a vehicle. (Noun) to be among the most contentious.
d. a piece of advice or information
1814. Word: Redux (पुन: स्ट्थार्पत)
concerning the development of a situation.
(Noun) • Pronunciation: ri-duhks/ ररिक्स
• Synonyms: guide, lead, control, direct, • Part of Speech: Adjective
conduct • Meaning: brought back; revived.
• Antonyms: abandon, follow, trail, obey • Synonyms: return, revived, reformed,
• Usage in a Sentence: It took Mary more recovered, reestablished
than a week to learn how to steer into the • Antonym: unrevived
garage. • Usage in a Sentence: To settle some of the
1810. Word: Dismal (उदास) doubts, Haynes led a team of researchers in
a modern redux of the experiment.
• Pronunciation: diz-muhl/ डिज़्मल
1815. Word: Vigilante (ननगरानी सलमनत सदस्ट्य)
• Part of Speech: Adjective
• Meaning: • Pronunciation: vij-uh-lan-tee/ र्वजलैन्टी
a. causing a mood of gloom or depression. • Part of Speech: Noun
b. (of a person or their mood) gloomy. • Meaning: a member of a self-appointed
• Synonyms: gloomy, dreary, cheerless group of citizens who undertake law
• Antonyms: bright, cheerful, pleasant enforcement in their community without
• Usage in a sentence: Their recent attempt to legal authority, typically because the legal
increase sales has been a dismal failure. agencies are thought to be inadequate.
1811. Word: Haemorrhage (रक्तस्राव/ हानन) • Synonyms: guard, watchmen, avenger
• Usage in a Sentence: The growth of such
• Pronunciation: हे मररज
vigilante gangs has worried community
• Part of Speech: Verb leaders, police and politicians.
• Meaning: lose or expend large amounts of
1816. Word: Sectarian (सम्प्रदायवादी)
(something valuable) in a seemingly
uncontrollable way. • Pronunciation: sek-tair-ee-uh n/ सेक्टे रीअन
• Synonyms: drain, rapid loss • Part of Speech: Adjective, Noun
• Antonyms: heal, nourish, treat, cure • Meaning:
• Usage in a Sentence: The higher salaries a. denoting or concerning a sect or sects.
paid overseas have caused a haemorrhage (Adjective)
of talent from this country. b. rigidly following the doctrines of a sect or
1812. Word: Resurrection (पुनरुत्थान) other group. (Adjective)
c. a member of a sect. (Noun)
• Pronunciation: rez-uh-rek-shuh n/ रे ज़रे क्शन
d. a person who rigidly follows the doctrines
• Part of Speech: Noun of a sect or other group. (Noun)
• Meaning: the action or fact of resurrecting or • Synonyms: partisan, bigot, fanatic
being resurrected. • Antonyms: liberal, nonsectarian, unbiased
• Synonyms: revival, rebirth, renewal, • Usage in a Sentence: The ferry was packed
resurgence with refugees fleeing sectarian violence in
• Antonyms: ruin, destruction, doom, the Moluccas.
1817. Word: Apathy (उदासीनता)
• Usage in a Sentence: They did not believe in
any form of resurrection, yet they asked a • Pronunciation: ap-uh-thee/ ऐपथी
question concerning this topic. • Part of Speech: Noun


• Meaning: lack of interest, enthusiasm, or • Usage in a Sentence: The government is

concern expected to take punitive steps against the
• Synonyms: indifference, unconcern, offenders.
unresponsiveness, detachment 1822. Word: Spate (अनतवलृ ष्ट)
• Antonyms: interest, sympathy, passion
• Pronunciation: speyt/ स्ट्पेट
• Usage in a Sentence: The campaign failed
because of public apathy. • Part of Speech: Noun
• Meaning:
1818. Word: Tacit (ननटहत)
a. a large number of similar things coming in
• Pronunciation: as-it/ टै लसट quick succession.
• Part of Speech: Adjective b. a sudden flood in a river.
• Meaning: understood or implied without • Synonyms: flood, surge, tide, deluge, wave
being stated. • Antonyms: drought, shortage, paucity
• Synonyms: unspoken, implicit, implied, • Usage in a Sentence: Police are investigating
unexpressed a spate of burglaries in the Kingsland Road
• Antonyms: spoken, explicit, blatant area.
• Usage in a Sentence: His answer depends on 1823. Word: Sinister (भयावह)
a distinction between tacit and explicit
• Pronunciation: sin-uh-ster/ लसननस्ट्टर
• Part of Speech: Adjective
1819. Word: Bigotry (कट्टरता)
• Meaning: giving the impression that
• Pronunciation: big-uh-tree/ र्बगरी something harmful or evil is happening or
• Part of Speech: Noun will happen.
• Meaning: intolerance towards those who • Synonyms: ominous, menacing, evil, wicked
hold different opinions from oneself. • Antonyms: benign, benevolent, auspicious,
• Synonyms: intolerance, prejudice, encouraging
fanaticism, discrimination • Usage in a Sentence: The sinister
• Antonyms: tolerance, fairness, forbearance, atmosphere of the place left a permanent
impartiality imprint on my memory.
• Usage in a Sentence: He once called 1824. Word: Profess (स्ट्वीकार करना)
liberalism a form of bigotry, but he did not
• Pronunciation: pruh-fes/ प्रिेस
particularly mind being called a bigot
himself. • Part of Speech: Verb
• Meaning:
1820. Word: Preponderance (प्रधानता)
a. claim that one has (a quality or feeling),
• Pronunciation: pri-pon-der-uhns/ / प्रीपान्ड्रन्स especially when this is not the case.
• Part of Speech: Noun b. affirm one's faith in or allegiance to (a
• Meaning: the quality or fact of being greater religion or set of beliefs).
in number, quantity, or importance. c. teach (a subject) as a professor.
• Synonyms: dominance, paramountcy, • Synonyms: declare, affirm, maintain,
prevalence, majority, supremacy confess
• Antonyms: disadvantage, inferiority, • Antonyms: deny, conceal, disavow, refute
subordination, weakness • Usage in a Sentence: Integrity is congruence
• Usage in a Sentence: The preponderance of between what you know, what you profess,
evidence suggests that he's guilty. and what you do.
1821. Word: Punitive (दिं िात्मक) 1825. Word: Nodal (केन्द्रीय)
• Pronunciation: pyoo-ni-tiv/ ्यूननटटव • Pronunciation: nohd-l/ नोिल
• Part of Speech: Adjective • Part of Speech: Adjective
• Meaning: • Meaning:
a. inflicting or intended as punishment. a. denoting a point in a network or diagram
b. (of a tax or other charge) extremely high. at which lines or pathways intersect or
• Synonyms: harsh, disciplinary, penal, branch.
corrective b. relating to the part of a plant stem from
• Antonyms: rewarding, beneficial, which one or more leaves emerge, often
compensatory forming a slight swelling.


• Synonyms: central, core, pivotal, focal b. be extremely distressed about something.

• Antonym: peripheral (Verb)
• Usage in a Sentence: Transportation must • Synonyms: distress, misery, agony,
fall under a single nodal agency, which may torment, suffering
even be the State Government. • Antonyms: joy, happiness, comfort, cheer
1826. Word: Heckle (सवालों से बात काटना) • Usage in a Sentence: He suffered the
anguish of watching his son go to prison.
• Pronunciation: hek-uhl/ हे कल
1830. Word: Grievous (कष्टदायक)
• Part of Speech: Verb, Noun
• Meaning: • Pronunciation: gree-vuhs/ ग्रीवस
a. interrupt (a public speaker) with derisive • Part of Speech: Adjective
or aggressive comments or abuse. (Verb) • Meaning: (of something bad) very severe or
b. a heckling comment. (Noun) serious.
• Synonyms: harass, bother, tease, torment • Synonyms: sad, painful, distressing
• Antonyms: encourage, promote, support • Antonyms: pleasant, happy, joyful, pleasing
• Usage in a Sentence: A small group of • Usage in a Sentence: Their loss would be a
youths stayed behind to heckle and shout grievous blow to our engineering industry.
abuse. 1831. Word: Implication (तात्पयि)
1827. Word: Echo (प्रनतध्वनन) • Pronunciation: im-pli-key-shuhn/ इम््लकेशन
• Pronunciation: ek-oh/ एको • Part of Speech: Noun
• Part of Speech: Noun, Verb • Meaning: the conclusion that can be drawn
• Meaning: from something although it is not explicitly
a. a sound or sounds caused by the stated.
reflection of sound waves from a surface • Synonyms: significance, connotation
back to the listener. (Noun) • Antonyms: exception, frivolity, explicit
b. a close parallel to an idea, feeling, or statement
event. (Noun) • Usage in a sentence: The implication is that
c. (of a sound) be repeated or reverberate this battery lasts twice as long as other
after the original sound has stopped. (Verb) batteries.
d. repeat (someone's words or opinions), 1832. Word: Taunt (अवमानना)
typically to express agreement. (Verb)
• Pronunciation: tawnt/ टॉन्ट
• Synonyms: reiterate, resound, repeat,
imitate, reverberate • Part of Speech: Noun, Verb
• Antonyms: silence, calmness • Meaning:
• Usage in a Sentence: Pinks and beiges were a. a remark made in order to anger, wound,
chosen to echo the colours of the ceiling. or provoke someone. (Noun)
b. provoke or challenge (someone) with
1828. Word: Barb (कााँटा)
insulting remarks. (Verb)
• Pronunciation: bahrb/ बाबि • Synonyms: tease, ridicule, gibe, insult
• Part of Speech: Noun • Antonyms: respect, compliment, praise, admire
• Meaning: • Usage in a Sentence: It's too cruel to taunt
a. a cluster of spikes on barbed wire. Jim with his failure in the examination
b. a deliberately hurtful remark. 1833. Word: Raucous (ककिश)
• Synonyms: spike, spine, prickle, thorn
• Pronunciation: raw-kuhs/ रॉकस
• Antonyms: blunt, compliment, praise
• Usage in a Sentence: A fish hook has a barb • Part of Speech: Adjective
to prevent the fish from escaping after being • Meaning: making or constituting a
hooked. disturbingly harsh and loud noise.
• Synonyms: harsh, rough, hoarse, cacophonous
1829. Word: Anguish (सिंताप)
• Antonyms: peaceful, soft, quiet, calm, tranquil
• Pronunciation: ang-gwish/ ऐिंगललवश • Usage in a Sentence: He burst into raucous
• Part of Speech: Noun, Verb laughter.
• Meaning: 1834. Word: Cue (अनुसिंकेत)
a. severe mental or physical pain or
• Pronunciation: kyoo/ क्यू
suffering. (Noun)


• Part of Speech: Noun, Verb • Usage in a Sentence: Much of the outrage

• Meaning: was directed at foreign nationals.
a. a thing said or done that serves as a 1838. Word: Unanimous (एक-मत)
signal to an actor or another performer to
• Pronunciation: yoo-nan-uh-muh s/ यूनैनमस
enter or to begin their speech or
performance. (Noun) • Part of Speech: Adjective
b. a signal for action. (Noun) • Meaning: (of two or more people) fully in
c. give a cue to or for. (Verb) agreement.
d. act as a prompt or reminder. (Verb) • Synonyms: united, solid, agreed, like-
• Synonyms: prompt, hint, signal, clue, minded
suggestion • Antonyms: divided, split, conflicting,
• Antonym: contraindication opposing
• Usage in a Sentence: Her husband took the • Usage in a Sentence: The jury returned a
cue, and said that it was time for them to unanimous verdict of guilty after a short
leave. deliberation.
1835. Word: Counterpart (प्रनतरूप) 1839. Word: Hurdle (अवरोध)
• Pronunciation: koun-ter-pahrt/ काउनपािटि • Pronunciation: hur-dl/ हििल
• Part of Speech: Noun • Part of Speech: Noun, Verb
• Meaning: a person or thing that corresponds • Meaning:
to or has the same function as another a. one of a series of upright frames over
person or thing in a different place or which athletes in a race must jump. (Noun)
situation. b. a problem or difficulty that must be
• Synonyms: colleagues, correspondents overcome. (Noun)
• Antonyms: opposites c. take part in a hurdle race. (Verb)
• Usage in a Sentence: They look enviously at d. enclose or fence off with hurdles. (Verb)
the success of their counterparts. • Synonyms: obstacle, hindrance, obstruction,
1836. Word: Partisan (कट्टर)
• Antonyms: advantage, assistance, promote
• Pronunciation: pahr-tuh-zuhn/पाटटि ज़न • Usage in a Sentence: You have already
• Part of Speech: Noun, Adjective overcome the first major hurdle by passing
• Meaning: the entrance exam.
a. a strong supporter of a party, cause, or 1840. Word: Pursue (अनुसरर्)
person. [Noun]
• Pronunciation: per-soo/ पसूि
b. prejudiced in favour of a particular cause.
[Adjective] • Part of Speech: Verb
• Synonyms: supporter, biased • Meaning:
• Antonyms: opponent, unbiased a. follow or chase (someone or something).
• Use in a Sentence: You must listen to both b. seek to attain or accomplish (a goal) over
points of view and try not to be partisan. a long period.
c. continue or proceed along (a path or
1837. Word: Outrage (उ्लिंघन)
• Pronunciation: out-reyj/ आउरे ज d. continue to investigate or explore (an
• Part of Speech: Noun, Verb idea or argument).
• Meaning: • Synonyms: follow, chase, hunt, search
a. an extremely strong reaction of anger, • Antonyms: ignore, give up, avoid, abandon
shock, or indignation. (Noun) • Usage in a Sentence: The representative
b. an action or event causing outrage. said that Japan would continue to pursue the
(Noun) policies laid down at the London summit.
c. arouse fierce anger, shock, or indignation 1841. Word: Polarisation (ध्रुवीकरर्)
in (someone). (Verb) • Pronunciation: poh-ler-uh-zey-shuh n/
d. flagrantly violate or infringe (a principle,
law, etc.). (Verb)
• Synonyms: fury, savagery, brutality • Part of Speech: Noun
• Antonyms: delight, flattery, remedy


• Meaning: division into two sharply • Synonyms: indecision, inconstancy,

contrasting groups or sets of opinions or instability
beliefs. • Antonym: alacrity, decisiveness
• Synonyms: division, discord, opposition • Usage in a Sentence: She was fence-sitting
• Antonyms: reunion, coexistence, on the union issue until recently.
• Usage in a Sentence: Political polarisation in 1845. Word: Abstain (परहे ज रखना)
industrialised countries has fuelled a • Pronunciation: ab-steyn/ ऐब्स्ट्टे न
resurgence of fiscal conservatism.
• Part of Speech: Verb
1842. Word: Consistent (लसललसलेवार)
• Meaning: restrain oneself from doing or
• Pronunciation: kuhn-sis-tuhnt/ कलन्सस्ट्टन्ट enjoying something.
• Part of Speech: Adjective • Synonyms: refrain, forbear, avoid, evade
• Meaning: • Antonyms: accept, consume, indulge
a. acting or done in the same way over time,
• Usage in a Sentence: Patrons are requested
especially so as to be fair or accurate.
to abstain from smoking in the restaurant.
b. compatible or in agreement with
something. 1846. Word: Recede (घटना)
c. (of an argument or set of ideas) not • Pronunciation: ri-seed/ ररसीि
containing any logical contradictions.
• Synonyms: persistent, stable, steady, • Part of Speech: Verb
constant • Meaning: go or move back or further away
• Antonyms: inconsistent, irregular, varying, from a previous position
erratic • Synonyms: retreat, withdraw, diminish,
• Usage in a Sentence: She's one of the lessen, retire, subside
team's most consistent players. • Antonyms: approach, advance, increase,
1843. Word: Gracious (दयाशील) emerge, rise
• Pronunciation: grey-shuhs/ ग्रेशस • Usage in a Sentence: After the waters
• Part of Speech: Adjective recede, extensive lagoons and marshes are
• Meaning: courteous, kind, and pleasant, formed as the ground gradually dries out.
especially towards someone of lower social 1847. Word: Nudge (टहोका मारना)
status. • Part of Speech: Verb, Noun
• Synonyms: kind, courteous, friendly, genial
• Pronunciation: nuhj/ नज
• Antonyms: ungracious, discourteous, unkind
• Usage in a Sentence: Lady Caroline was • Meaning:
gracious enough to accept our invitation. a. prod (someone) gently with one's elbow
in order to attract attention. [Verb]
1844. Idiom: Fence-sitting (असमिंजस की लस्ट्तर्थ) b. a light touch or push. [Noun]
• Pronunciation: fens-sit-ting/ िेंस लसटटिंग • Synonyms: push, poke
• Meaning: a person's lack of decisiveness, • Antonyms: discourage, dissuade
neutrality or hesitance to choose between • Usage in a Sentence: I gave him a nudge to
two sides in an argument or a competition, wake him up.
or inability to decide due to lack of courage




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