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DATE: If Jj | ee aaa | Caleblate Are Hessian ae Piper piebe el estetiniait “point 1.0) of he eee neces [a wachion yi eg eer ere x%—9$—— | xe OF — ee “Seedy, | aE 3 7 aa ila aaa | ot = burb dx* [ye eS Ae Py oe Sed t puoy Om i “OES SE dy dae a | oe i Eloy) = 13a aD Fed tema, ol ta al ae i using steepest Ela) = Hot - Hey £2y* _ with indial point xo23) | | | 4 | y Pex.) = (a0 -hiyy y= tor) |_piaimize the oblt,)= gilas) = (ho) ors $ (= Fae (a O)= PQ he rus) — pwd: = 08 Creu 348) (a) i‘ = (ef -ux)- b (2- 44) b 3-43) - neal a - = = Cib=32F v2 snes a pdear li == (- tsa we)” Coad ee ee This eseictly conver, Vinetiod 4 as Srict Global __eainieue when o'fps oy = 32, or 5 ie oe ron a aan geen by ao Ming, aie —_$"CH = 6430. Ke tot ~ | DR Cre) =(2,9) = J C44) , 2 = t0,1) Continuing the Qrocess me have. getx,) = a elo = Ch) ood Soy ben tain | = Po pt (eu )= RCat, 1-44) we me BE) = {eta Oe wt) ACA) 4 Gua) Cart |_| = (yat-4, = 32> +4) P-4,4) | = 3204 -32 We have girs O_ when += Vio, and because b Wb) = 3 oO, this cetbiec ee) oO ee gi\obal ramp mizer we snevetore set | Maem 1 EC) 1 \0. = to) 4 fe) = 7/2 | lo. CS Repeating dbs sequence yie Ids se [0,2 ts 10/, | | We can sec that whe method of / | sreepead descent produces a Sed ueing, Ob therades. xn short. 15 LEAVES Bing bgp dhe ghrte4 global. Cast Zey ee oe Pea) at" = Cor.) |_tuhat is regula rixahton. dectintque 7 Yow ib heles- nN nevrat— detuuoarile Do. op Waa ee SS TP?) Regularization is a_technique sed. | 7 to“ prevent quecbitting in machine _ —____leaxning models ioeludin ge ive\ | networks. OuerPithing ‘eceurs’ when a | model learns ane dxnint Ormco | yn ‘ unseen Aald z a ii) Regu larization hele: erevent a erbitting- oe Adia a the \oss— —Bedisn g cee ee buwork 0 CY ALMLOAtZ rt deaininge— T's penalt YY beren mr oat fox . |_dhe _compleyity oP. tre model Sveb— dhat_aimoler cod els are: Orelerred— | Over more _eomPley ones. Qe evils —Ayeicalhy inue| es —odding. aterm +9 ee <<. thet \oss Poncdion large asia ov dinses pel _wseck 110 cevral Racluding EL equated at Hon and “Aybi}icto| 0 ictal neveo| oe Rasa _ network 1 — aa Qrediciton— Asks 01 [ gheuedune os wba canbe sted ton ‘ af _they oc in their aperoac ser dna penalizes 1 inthe model: iit) There axe several ee © ae alion techniques anal Cao pelwarks, ion, 4 isereee 7 oe “oh ta tuts a UBecsace sehweca i eB eho ‘Si ‘ancl © qivucde z: i) ANAL es oabalgs ale an 7 oman Droig-—— ANN cones Ft o' o_low Gt e dembe a [ inteseconedee eocetlog ea nacles hel tn alte 7 Bee iste tage eee Ea . go ‘ yo mm otney eur - | ; com, Nrocesses laa “aekworks oo (ext ne ne other thang - So ee ais Pliteal ed na Snot _«cepresent vel pa diSo sips | | betwee Vvawables ust gAixecked aE —_acyc| 1c. ay prs COA Crs)! © Carla _oode Ma. dhe Pb Ke Pre aoe a. ft wodes ve eQresent _0 yariable, “and = eeu a ee Wel ave Hiroe i. AI OID] e. aoa ABs that seg ANNs AN pled ly 0 mal Por asks that ae iavelue cae ers ane and [et a] mor commons vty ae Roe tas s what anualue Ansar ona n | fta Nu re i rly efu Ror tosks like image reeogmidion and — ——|—ashaa|_taoguag.e_ processing, usb le Als —___| ore _ofteq _wked™ in rmedica cages — acd rick ages essenent. y) Aoother difference is that AUN “are Typically — ——— black bev’ mod \s arng that ik egn bt ae tcesaod” tube non recive —— 4 BN. | i T f it echioty our Ce a — dronsporent represeniin din _of. dhe proba brite reladionshig s | between vartable, hroh © ——|_be_help exstanding he uncer Wine | { | mechanrs. OF syste. 09) _— ~__ pvedeedions bated on she lnpy t | y | I T { T m= es Explara_ Pott owtag. deco torre fly. pararce jer hy eevparamertefs, suPeruised and a “vasupecuised. \eaening _, weight — anc} — | places, eyed) ee pry yates ae Py Parameters: Parameters axe varioble - drat ave _\earnec) by a roachine_ _leacning algoeitann during the dxainrng Phase. These arable hele dhe algouitam™ 40 male 7 ote neueg\_Aetuorks, ter example »the Parameterc ave dhe wer tases “of the neurons, 2) Hyper pacameters: typerparameters are parables dhaf are set belere dhe svainiag ence and coat o| eve eravt \ q Sao. Gq: leacains vale, babe st and : req \ort Jon ie 4h. The value: of hyper para reeters ace Susuutlly tunech dhroug {oo syiotl_ and error process - __13) Supervised learning: rvise(| learning is_oa_tyee ot maachitn learning inhere the algo i drained on. _labelec\ dato, meaning enat dhe : input chator 15. eotred tmitio B 4.| c oo ing output . © Jo he i fan _1g_Ao-_jeara_o_ mapping —_ | dorm ane —(apul data to the evtput | Novels, a0 Snot ik can rake occury te predic yions.OMm New, vaseern clataq- Hy Unsupervised \earning: watupecuisel S$ -a_type | learn: of ML where dhe. algo ne pained on. valabeled dato, meaning ieee cee Are 00 corresponding _¢ Sut eut_ cae The. oe ofne “tlgonstn wy ie Bad patterns or structure in dhe \nput dota, witboot bes g explicitly Aol who _to_too aiid devalues assi do dhe connestr petween ae which determin _tne ae of the connection Se ee ——| du’ each _devure ns, whitch desecenin ee oree) roo 6 SS ane) biases axe adv bea) AProue dhe acer eae the ovvrel | ed wail prediction ; Ee cafe esse sees co ae

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