Business Plan

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Get A Grip

By: Mattingly Brennan

Block 3

Table of Contents:
Executive Summary…….1
Growth Highlights Graph…..2

Company Description…...3

Organization and Management…..4

Organization and Management…...5

Service and Product Line…...6

Marketing and Sales…...7



Extra Documentation….10

Executive Summary:
Mission Statement: Get A Grip is a company that makes water polo gloves. We
endeavor to make high quality gloves at a low price. We manufacture locally, making
just gloves and offer many jobs. The factory will open once a month for tours to be
taken. Our products will be customized by the customer or made based on which gloves
are selling.
Company Information: Get a Grip will be established on December 25TH,
2016. The founder is Mattingly Brennan. Mattingly will manage the store located on
Roswell Road in Marietta, Georgia. Excluding Mattingly Brennan, There will be 5 full
time workers. We also will offer part time to students and work with their school
schedule. We plan to have 4 part time workers.

Growth Highlight: Our company has received a lot of popularity recently. In

the past 6 weeks our selling rate went up 50 percent. We have had a huge increase in our
profit. After just a few months of this type of increase business will be steady.
Products/Services: The water polo gloves price will range between $20-$35
depending on customizing desires. The products will mostly look like what the customer
desires, but employees will also make which type of gloves are selling out. The second
Friday of each month the factory will open for tours. The tour starts at 6 and lasts about
two hours. Customers can pay an additional $15 while in the factory to be able to
customize a pair of gloves.

Financial Information: Get a Grip will be borrowing $100,000 from SunTrust

bank to begin this company.

Future Plans: Get a Grip will expand if we are successful. We will plan to set up
new stores and try to expand to Florida, due to the large water polo market. We will
begin more advertising across important sites like aquatic centers where water polo
competitions are held.

Sold Money
Week 1 300 6,000
Week 2 303 6,060
Week 3 298 5,960
Week 4 350 7,000
Week 5 409 8,180
Week 6 450 9,000

Company Description:
Marketplace of Needs: Water Polo gloves put an end to a bad grip. The
disadvantage of having gloves that do not work is unfair. Water Polo gloves are made for
use during a Water Polo match or practice. Tours of the factory show how much work we
apply to make this and make awareness for the sport of water polo.

How Needs Are Met: Water Polo gloves help customers by being able to make
the game better and more fair if the other team had nice expensive gloves. These are the
same quality but at a better price. Get a Grip gives people a good way to spend some
Friday nights at the factory tour for only $5.
Type of Customers: Get a Grip targets water polo players wanting a high
quality glove for a reasonable price. Our product reaches out to mostly middle class
people because it is not too expensive.

Competitive Advantage: Putting our store on Roswell Road is a great

advantage. It is a very popular street and gets a lot of attention. One of our city’s main
roads is Roswell Road and so that helps with popularity. There are a lot of people in
Marietta, which means people have money that they want to spend. We also will be
above other water polo glove companies because of our great price for great quality.

Organization and Management:

Mattingly Brennan

Assistant Cashier:
Manager: Christopher John
Teri Sclama

Full Time: Part Time:

5 People 4 People

Organization and Management:

CEO and Manager: Mattingly Brennan is the manager and CEO of Get a Grip.
Mattingly will start the business and run the local store in Marietta, Georgia. Mattingly
is in charge of all activities happening with Get a Grip. Ordering new supplies on a
reorder stock level, paying bills, paying workers, advertising, and making sure the
business is running smoothly. Mattingly owns 80% of the company.

Assistant Manager: The assistant manager helps the CEO run the business.
The assistant manager helps with the CEO’s duties and even opens and closes down the
store each day. The assistant manager also takes any questions, concerns, or complaints
customers may have. If the CEO ever happens to not be at work, the assistant manager
takes the role of the CEO for that day. The assistant manager owns 10% of the company.

Cashier: The cashier works behind the register at the store. The cashier is in
charge of selling our product, tickets for tours, or simply getting our mission out to
people who come to look around. The form in which is needed for customizing can be
found by the cashier. The cashier is responsible to collect money and have the correct
amount of money and not lose any. Since the cashier is located near the front we expect
them to make sure no shop-lifting or stealing happens. If the CEO and assistant
manager are absent the cashier takes over. The cashier owns 10% of the store.

Full Time Workers: The full time workers will be in the factory. We only need
about 2 workers in the store at a time. Which will be given to part time employees. The 5
full time workers will be located in the factory. Their job is to make the product we are
selling. These 5 full time workers are the most diligent. This is why they get to make the
product that we are selling.

Part Time Workers: Part time employees spread out between store and the
factory. 2 workers will be put in the store and the others will be put in the factory. This
can change based on the student’s schedule. The job of the store employees will be to
guide customers to certain gloves and help with any questions customers may have
while in the store.

Service and Product Line:

Description of product: These water polo gloves are sure to please the
customers. The customizable options are also sure to please any customer. Water Polo is
a unique and rare sport that can interest many people. These gloves are hard to compete
with because of how high the quality is for such a low price. Our employees are also the
best of the best. New ideas are already starting with the Get A Grip company. So I
guarantee a long life.

Life Cycle: Even though this is a young business, our expertise will let our
company start farther in the life cycle. In time. Get A Grip will continue to grow.

Research and Development: Get a Grip will continue to experiment with new
materials to constantly improve our gloves. Results are expected to improve sales
because we made the gloves an even better quality. If another company decided to copy,
Get a Grip will then further research to make the gloves better.
Material Research Income
2016 Increase 12% 5% better
2020 Increase 18% 7.5% better
2024 Increase 24% 10% better
2028 Increase 30% 12.5% better
2032 Increase 42% 15.5% better

Marketing and Sales:

Penetration Strategy: Once we get the business at a good point, we will use
some of the bank loan to start getting advertisements out around Marietta. A website
will be created to advertise our new store. We will also reach out to local sports
magazines and the Water Polo association monthly magazine.

Growth Strategy: As Get a Grip grows we will still advertise, even though our
profit is increasing, through ads and online. We won’t need to increase in size, because
we are increasing our variety and selection of products so that way we can keep our

Channels of Distribution: We will start shipping to places outside of Marietta,

Georgia. Also, if a customer is not able to pick it up, shipping is available. We may also
let places like Dick’s Sporting goods and Academy Sports carry our products so we are
able to gain popularity.

Communication Strategy: Many media outlets will contain our

advertisements. We are also able to communicate online or over the phone.
Sales Force Strategy: Get a Grip will use the shop workers as an internal force.
We will have a Sales force made up primarily of water polo players, as they know the
sport and how our gloves can help water polo athletes excel.

Sales Activity: Get a Grip salespeople can begin by making 10 sales calls a week.
Each call to an individual player is worth $5 in potential profit, however many of our
calls will be to water polo coaches, so our profit can increase by the number of players
on the team. Our Sales will continue to increase which makes sales call profitable and as
our salespeople are more successful, their productivity increases.

Come out and explore the new water polo
glove company, Get A Grip. Coming to
Marietta, Georgia soon! Tours can be taken
and customized gloves can be made. Don’t
miss out on a great opportunity to support
the water polo community and bring
awareness to this unique sport.


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