Adapa Taken To Nibiru

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Messages From Enki: Humanity's Father 

Created by

Sasha Lessin, Ph.D.

based on Zecharia Sitchin's 2002 epic

The LOST BOOK OF ENKI: Memoirs and Prophecies of an Extraterrestrial God

Essay 17 

The Story

 Enki secretly impregnated two of his Erectus/Nibiran

One of these bore a boy, Adapa; the other, a girl--
Titi.   Enki hid his  paternity of Adapa and Titi.  

Narrative Resumes


Adapa and Titi, Enki's son and daughter, mated.  Titi bore twins, Ka-in and Abael, the first
ADAPite humans [note the P in AdaPite; contrast it with the M in AdaMite], humans with far more–
due to Enki's genetic infusion--Nibiran genes relative to Erectus genes than their mothers, the
already hybrid ADAMite girls Enki impregnated.

Enki educated his (albeit clandestine) son Adapa. He ordered Adapa to teach the enhanced
slaves to run plantations, herds and estates. Then Enki brought more slaves from Africa to
Mesopotamia for Adapa to train to serve the Nibiran colonists.  Adapa worked, studied,

He learned Nibirans ate the Bread of Life and drank the Water of Life to live hundreds of
thousands of years.  Without those substances, he'd die in mere thousands of years.  He
begged Enki for the Bread and Water, for immortality.

Adapa, "a busybody in charge of the services for which the primitive workers were brought
over to the Edin, supervised bakers, assured water supplies, oversaw fishing for Eridu
estate on the Persian Gulf]
and tended offerings"
[Sitchin, Z., 1995, Divine Encounters, page 51].  

Enki sent Adapa on a secret mission down the Persian Gulf.  Adapa could sail south, against
the prevailing south-to-north wind when Enki stopped the wind with a device similar to the
U.S.’s HAARP laser batteries.  Enlil's observers, however, monitored the wind change and
Adapa's journey.


Enlil’s observers radioed Nibiru: Enki changed Gulf weather to blow Adapa south. Anu, the
Nibiran King, sent Ilabrat (his Visier) to Earth for Adapa.

On Earth, Enki yielded Adapa to Ilabrat.  Enki also sent his two unmarried Earth-born sons,
Ningishzidda and Dumuzi, with Adapa to Nibiru to meet their grandfather, King Anu, and
perhaps find Nibiran brides.   
On Nibiru, Anu asked Adapa about the seacraft he'd sailed down the Gulf. The king wanted
to know why Enki sent Adapa and even stopped the wind for him. Ningishziddha slipped Anu a
sealed tablet from Enki that answered for the Earthling. Enki wanted Adapa as a breeder.

On the tablet, Enki confessed fathering Adapa and Titi with Earthling hybrids descended
from Adamu and Ti-Amat. Ningishzidda already knew this from DNA samples he took from
Adapa. The tablet asked Anu to send Adapa back to Earth to generate more hybrids, to father
more Adapites--Civilized Humans.

Enki's tablet also asked Anu to deny Adapa food or elixir–the Bread of Life and the Water of
Life–that would make Adapa and his progeny immortalThe King realized that the Earthling
superslaves descended from both Adam and Adapa descended from Anu as well. Enki and
Ningishzidda--Anu’s son and son’s son–hybridized, via their own artificially and genitally
donated seed, Anu’s genetic heritage, mixed with DNA of Homo Erectus and created a new, and
highly illegal civilized species. Enki wanted Anu to deny the slaves immortality so they'd stay
long quarantined on Earth.

“To protect themselves against possible competition from a new species on Earth, the
Anunnaki gods ensured that the genome of the slave species was severely stunted. They
ensured that the new human species falls way short of a complete genome. They insured that
the new human species did not live too long, was prone to disease, did not use much of his
brain and had a finite memory. They did not count on evolution of our genome and our
intelligence because they truly did not expect to stay on this planet for so long.” [Tellinger, M., 2006,
Slave Species of god, page 131]



King Anu gave Ningishzidda grain seeds and told him to take them and Adapa back to
Earth.  The King told Ningishzidda to tutor Adapa, to work with Enki for the Earthlings' welfare
and development.  You and Enki, Ningishzidda, shall the teachers of Civilized Man be.

The King ordered Dumuzi to stay on Nibiru and learn animal husbandry till Nibiru next
approached Earth (in one shar--then 3,600 years).  When Nibiru neared the Inner Solar System
again, Dumuzi would return to Earth with female goats and sheep for his nephew Abael to
raise.  Dumuzi would bring as well a sperm bank for goats and sheep to Earth.
[Sitchin, Z., 1995, Divine
Encounters, pages 49 - 65; 2002,
The Lost Book of Enki: 173 -174]

Previous   Next: 
 Nibiru Nearing
Means Climate Crisis &
Ka-in & Abael 
Food Shortage on Earth,
Marsbase Closing
Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki, 1976, The 12th Planet;  1980, The Stairway to Heaven; 1985, The Wars of
Gods and Men; 1990,  Genesis Revisited; 1990, The Lost Realms; 1993, When Time Began;
1995, Divine Encounters; 1998, The Cosmic Code; 2004, The Earth Chronicles Expeditions; Freer, N., 2000, Breaking
the Godspell; Tellinger, M. 2006, Slave Species of god [sic] .  Enki/Ea is the Nibiran who (4,000 years ago) dictated his
autobiography to his scribe, Endubscar of Endu.

The Lost Book of Enki, Sitchin's translation of Enki's tale (augmented a bit by my imagination) is the source–with
many of Enki's slants--of most of the account in these essays. The Lost Book of Enki itself is
historical fiction, wherein Sitchin has woven information meticulously documented in his Earth Chronicles.
Essay  (Click on title to open)            
1 The Celestial Battle: Nibiru Meets Solaris and Tiamat ( Proto Earth)
2 Alalu Kills Nibiru's King Lahma, Gives Daughter to Ea for Feality From Anu
3 Alalu, Deposed by Anu, Nukes to Earth, Threatens Nibiru
4 Nibiru Council Sends Ea, Not Enlil, to Earth
5 Ea Blasts to Earth with Water, Hides Alalu's Nukes, Sends Anzu & Gold to Nibiru
6 Anu Sends Enlil to Rule Earth, Verify Gold
7 Anu, Enlil & Ea Draw Lots for Nibiru, Earth, Seas & Mining
8 Anu Defeats Alalu, Banishes Him & Anzu to Mars
9 Ea (Enki), Enlil & Ninmah, Three Incestuous Siblings
10 Enlil Banished for Rape; Abgal Betrays Enki
11 Enki & Ninmah Make Girls Till She Curses 
12 Anzu & Astronauts Rebel
13 Enki Instigates Goldmine Mutiny
14 Ninmah, Enki and Enki's Son, Ningizidda (Thoth) Create Adamu and Slave Species

15 Nibiru Nearing Means Climate Crisis & Food Shortage on Earth, Marsbase Closing
16 Enki Loves Hybrids Descended from Adamu & Ti-amat; Hybrids Bare Son Adapa & Girl Titi
Ningishzidda Takes Adapa to King Anu on Nibiru, Tells Anu That Enki's Fathered Adapa, Wants Adapa Denied
18 Adapa's Sons, Ka-in & Abael
19 Marduk & Astronaut Corps Seize Hybrid Brides, & Spaceport, Threaten Enlilites
 20 Enki Begats Noah (Ziusudra)
 21 Galzu Keeps Nibiran Leaders on Mission Earth
 22 Galzu Helps Enki Save Ziusudra & Earthlings
Mesopotamia & Nile Areas Reclaimed;
Ninurta Finds Abundant Gold and Ka-in Hybrid Deluge Survivors in Peru

24 Ningishzidda, Memorialized as Sphinx, Creates Pyramids to Lead Rockets to Sinai Spaceport

25 Marduk's Son Satu Kills Brother, Asar; Asar's Son Horon Defeats Satu, Unites Egypt

26 Enlilites Send Ninurta to Build Second Spaceport in South America

27 Marduk Foils Marriage of Enlillite Inanna & Enkiite Dumuzi

28  Inanna Revived Defeats Enkiites; Ninurta, Not Marduk to Next Rule Earth

    29 Enlil Deposes Marduk, Divies Earth, Gives Ningishzidda Egypt but No Realm for Inanna

Anu Uncovers Galzu's Ruses to Keep the Anunnaki Fostering Nibiran-Earthling Hybrids
Enlil, Enki, Inanna rule regions through kings, Ninharsag, Sinai for Nibirans & Their Families Only

Anu Takes Inanna as Lover; She Seduces Enki for Programs for Uruk

Anu Pardons Marduk, Departs Tiahuanacu for Nibiru

    34 Enlilites Bomb Marduk's Babylon Spaceport, Confound Earthling Languages

Marduk/Ra Deposes Ningzidda/Thoth in Egypt

36    Inanna Rules Indus & Uruk
Utu Revives Banda; Inanna Beds Banda As Dumuzi Ressurect;

   Banda & Ninsun Begat Gilgamish, Who Seeks Immortality
 38  Inanna & Marduk Again Fight, This Time, For All Earth

 Enlil Sends Abraham/Ibruum to Stop Marduk

Anunnaki Nuke Sinai Spaceport Before Leaving Earth to Marduk

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