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THOMAS P. TIFFANY Congress of the United States House of Representatives Washington, BC 20515 March 24, 2023 The Honorable Alejandro Mayorkas Secretary, Department of Homeland Security 245 Murray Lane SW Washington, DC 20528 Dear Secretary Mayorkas, On October 28, 2020, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) launched a mobile device application (app) called CBP One, to serve as a single portal to a variety of CBP services." Migrants seeking asylum and humanitarian parole to enter the United States are directed to use this app, prior to reaching a lawful port of entry. Once they are processed at the border both classes of migrants are released into the interior, in contravention of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) of the United States; specifically your Department's statutory responsibility to properly follow the protocols for asylum seekers as well as the automatic issuance of a two-year work permit to parolees, when generally temporary parole is granted for no more than one-year at time, with certain exceptions? Moreover, CBP One undermines the intent of the INA, by allowing millions of migrants to circumvent the normal visa requests, processing requirements and timelines, and bypassing inadmissibility waiver processing, As the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) website clearly states, “parole is not intended to be used solely to avoid normal visa processing procedures and timelines, to bypass inadmissibility waiver processing, or to replace established refugee processing channels,” yet this is exactly what you are doing. "US. Customs and Border Protection (2023, March 7) CBP One Mobile Application hitps:/ + USS. Citizenship and Immigration Services (2022, September 9) Humanitarian or Significant Public Benefit Parole for Individuals Outside the United States. hups:/www.uscis gov/humanitarian/human tarianpublicbenefitparoleindividualsoutsideUS 3 US. Citizenship and Immigration Services (2022, September 9) Humanitarian or Significant Public Benefit Parole for Individuals Outside the United States, Jbupsy/\ TIFFANY. HOUSE.GOV It is evident that you have departed from long-standing requirements to consider important factors prior to granting parole. Additionally, we are deeply concerned about the economic harm you have caused our country as you have changed, among other things, the factors your department considers when making a determination of whether « migrant qualifies as a public charge. Moreover, as we wait for the courts to continue to strike down your irresponsible interpretation of immigration laws, our country continues to endure the financial hardship caused by allowing millions of people in—a hardship that will be endured by every taxpayer in the United States. As you focus your energy on finding novel ways to undermine the laws of this country—instead of enforcing them—we continue to see unprecedented illegal immigration into our country, national security risks, and even migrants rushing the entry control point at our ports of entry’ This unmitigated disaster was preventable, through the enforcement of our laws. Instead of acknowledging the crisis you and this administration have ereated, you have demurred on every occasion, shifting blame everywhere other than where it belongs, Since your appointment as Secretary of Homeland Security, you have left much to be desired regarding assurances to our citizens that you are doing everything possible to secure our homeland. In furthering our congressional oversight responsibilities, please provide all data and/or statistics to the following questions: 1. The total number of foreign nationals who have applied for humanitarian parole using the online CBP-One system since that program’s inception as a pilot program in 2020, by month, through March 31, 2023, 2. The total number of approvals for humanitarian parole through the CBP-One system, by month, from pilot program inception through March 31, 2023. 3. A breakdown by nationality and demographics (ie. family unit member, single adult, ‘unaccompanied minor) of foreign nationals approved for humanitarian parole through the CBP- One system from inception through March 31, 2023. 4, The locations of all US airports, on a monthly basis, that received foreign nationals who were approved for humanitarian parole through CBP-One from program inception to March 31,2023. Please include the number of foreign nationals - by month - who arrived at these airports as well as nationalities. 5. The locations of all foreign airports from which recipients of CBP One humanitarian parole departed from program inception to March 31, 2023. Please include their numbers by nationality, monthly. + Brown, L. (2023, March 13). Video shows hundreds of migrants storm acrass US-Mexieo border bridge. The "New York Post. https/inypost. com/2023/03/13/video-shows-hundreds-of-migrants-rush-us-mexico-border-bridge 6. The locations of all land ports of entry through which CBP One humanitarian parole recipients passed, by month, from program inception to March 31, 2023. Please name the land ports and list the numbers of parole recipients by month who passed through each and their nationalities. 7. All records reflecting any posted criteria or directives issued to adjudicators that would determine approvals and denials for humanitarian parole application appointments made through CBP-One from program inception to March 31, 2023. 8. The ratio between approvals and denials of humanitarian parole requests made via CBP-One, by month, from inception to March 31, 2023. 9. A description of how CBP statistically classifies or accounts for CBP-One humanitarian parole issuances to includes the names of statistical categories. Your compliance to this request will further our oversight mission, as we determine budgetary requirements, and other matters. We hope to receive a detailed response to these questions no Jater than April 4, 2023. Thank you in advance. Sincerely, Darr P i es SPseas> Tom Tiffany Andy Biggs Member of Congress Member of Congress Jeff Duncan Tom McClintock Member of Congress Member of Congress MUR Laurel Lee ‘Troy E. Nehls Member of Congress Member of Congress fone be, Fo om Lance Gooden Eli Crane Member of Congress Member of Congress

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