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3.​Imagine you are the captain of a pirate ship.

Write a diary entry for what your day was like.

The weak sun rays trespass the windows, hitting my shutted eyes.In this moment I know that a new
journey has begun.I pull myself together and after a few failed attempts, I wake up. As I don’t hear any
sounds, I realize that my crew is still sleeping, I’ll let them, they deserve it.I walk along the deck to
check everything is in order.And I stare the shallow turquoise water.The situation is not in our favor,
but we don’t have to lose hope.As the captain of the ship my job besides coordinate everybody is to
encourage them and be a true leader.

As the sunset is setting down, more people start waking up.And when the sun is finally settled down
it’s when the journey finally begins.A dozen men start hoisting the sails, so we can start sailing.
Day after day hope is banishing, I can't blame them, it’s been almost two months since we don't see
any sign of land.The provisions and steal water are running out, and I fear that in five days maxim
they will be over.The situation is critical, but I have to apparent serenity.

Lunch break is very pleasant, the boys sing and dance to the rhythm of the accordion.At first it was
deeply annoying, but just seeing the smiles draw in their faces is priceless.I can’t stop thinking about
their families, tiny faces is the only thing I can see in my restless nights.Guilt, guilt is what I feel. This
was supposed to be a chance to carry their families out of their poor state, and now they might not go
back to them.

The sailing day has nothing remarkable, a normal journey goes on.
But what I saw then changed everything.I was going to tell everybody to rest, that tomorrow would be
a new day.At first I thought it was some sort of an hallucination, a product of my imagination.But as
we got closer I could see how wrong I was I started shouting the so much wished and famous phrase:
Land ahoy!And twenty heads automatically turned to where my forefinger was pointing.The curious
thing is that I can’t recognize neither ubicate in my map what this land is.

One hour later we are embarking in this mysterious land, in this dark paradise.It seems unoccupied
with any kind of human life, and it’s strange, this land has loads of potential.What if we’ve made an
important discovery?We start exploring the territory, and it continues amazing me more and more.
And that’s what I love about my life, the excitement to discover this huge world by the waters of the
fierce ocean.

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