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Balanced Diet
A diet which consists of all the essential food elements in proper quantity such as carbohydrates, fats, proteins,
vitamins, minerals, and water according to the requirement of the individual to maintain good health is called
balance diet.
Factors affecting diet
1. Age: 2. Gender : 3. Activity Level: 4. Climate: 5. State of health : 6. State of nutrition: 7. Economic Status: :
Functions of Balanced Diet / Importance of Balanced Diet and nutrition for body
1.Disease prevention : 2. Meeting Nutritional Needs: 3.Weight Control : 4. Immune System Health :5.Proper sleep :
6.Mental Health : 7.Quality of life :
Meaning of Nutrition
Nutrition is a dynamic process of taking in food and using it for growth, metabolism, and repair. Various
nutritional stages are ingestion, digestion absorption, transport, assimilation, and excretion.
Meaning of Nutrients:
Nutrients are components in food that an organism uses to survive and grow. Organic nutrients consists of
carbohydrates, fats, proteins and vitamins. Inorganic chemical compounds such as dietary minerals, water and
oxygen may also be considered nutrients.
Macro Nutrients:
The nutrients which are required by the human body in large quantities are referred to as macro nutrients.
The three macronutrients in nutrition are carbohydrates, fats, and proteins.
Micro Nutrients
The nutrients which are required by the human body in small quantities are referred to as micro nutrients.
The two micronutrients in nutrition are vitamins and minerals.
. They are actually organic compounds which contain carbon, hydrogen and oxygen usually with hydrogen and oxygen
atom in the ratio of 2:1. They provide quick energy to the body and are not stored in body for long time. They are
generally divided in two categories depending on their chemical structure:
Types of Carbohydrates
i. Simple carbohydrates (monosaccharides): ii. Disaccharides : iii. Complex carbohydrates (polysaccharides):
Sources of carbohydrates are rice,oats, potatoes, corn flour.Jawar, wheat flour, dry dates, honey, jaggery, etc.
1. They are necessary for energy generation,
2. For the breakdown of protein, and to protect the body from various toxins.
3. These are important for different digestive functions in our body.
Children and adults should consume 45 to 65% of their calorie intake as carbohydrates.
2.Fats :
Fats contains Carbon, Oxygen and Hydrogen in the percentage of 76, 12 and 12 respectively. Fats are composed of fatty
acids. They provide more calories as compared to carbohydrate and protein. They are essential for the absorption of
vitamins like A, D, E and K. They are good source stored energy in the body
Types of Fats
(A) Healthy fats (unsaturated):i. Monounsaturated fats/ Monounsaturated: ii. Polyunsaturated
fats/Polyunsaturated:iii.Omega-3 fat:
(B) Unhealthy fats:Saturated fats (b) Trans- Fat:
Animal sources: It consists of meat and dairy products such as milk, butter, cheese and egg yolk.
Vegetable sources: It consists of various edible oils of groundnut, mustard, cottonseed, sunflower and coconut.
1.It is vital source of stored energy in body. Fat generates more energy than carbohydrate and protein.
2. It also helps in the consumption of fat-soluble vitamins like vitamins A, D, E and K.
3. Fats help in keeping the body warm. It maintains skin and hair.
It should be consumed to 30 percent of total calorie intake whereas saturated fats should be consumed less
than 10 percent of the total calorie intake.
Proteins are the building blocks of the body. Proteins contain Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen, and
sometimes Sulphur. There are 23 amino acids found in proteins and out of these 9 amino acids are essential
for us. Proteins help in the growth and building of new cells and repair the present ones. A lack of proteins
Animal Sources: It consists of meat, fish, egg, milk, cheese etc.
Plant Sources: It consists of pulses, cereals, nuts, beans, peas etc.
Functions :
1.Repair and Maintenance: 2.Source of Energy: 3.Creation of some Hormones:
4.Transportation and Storage of Molecules : 5. Antibodies :
Water is very important element of food or diet. Water is made up of hydrogen and oxygen elements in 2:1
ratio. Our blood contains 90% of water. Water helps to regulate nutrients of food in the body cells.
Functions :
1.It helps to remove poisonous substances and waste products from the body.
2.It also helps prevent and relieve constipation.
3.It protects the bones to become dry and brittle.
We get some of the water in our bodies through the foods we eat. But drinking water is our main and best
source, of water.
Experts usually recommends drinking six to eight 8 glasses of water daily.
Vitamins are organic compounds which contain carbon. Vitamins are needed in small quantities to sustain life
and growth. Vitamins are essential to normal metabolism; insufficient amounts in the diet may cause
deficiency diseases such as night blindness, scurvy, Beri-Beri, rickets, etc. There are currently 13 recognized
Vitamins are divided into 2 groups:
1.Fat-soluble vitamins:
The vitamins which are soluble in fat are called fat soluble vitamins.Fat-soluble vitamins are absorbed through
the intestinal tract with the help of fats Fat-soluble vitamins are Vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin E and
vitamin K.
(i) Vitamin A:
It is fat soluble vitamin and plays a really big part in growth and eyesight . This vitamin keeps the skin in good
Sources: liver, milk, egg yolk, cod-liver oil, yellow vegetables, mango, etc.
Deficiency: may cause night-blindness and skin damage.
(ii)Vitamin D :
It is fat soluble vitamin .It helps to keep the teeth and bones strong.. It also helps in the utilization and
absorption of calcium and phosphoric acid.
Sources include: The sources of vitamin D are egg, liver , cod liver oil, pure milk, etc. A natural source of
vitamin D is sun rays.
Deficiency: Deficiency of vitamin D causes rickets, osteoporosis.
(iii) Vitamin E:
It is a fat-soluble vitamin. It keeps the sex organs in good condition. It helps during pregnancy and helps in
normal childbirth.
Sources include Nuts and seeds, Vegetable oils, wheat, leafy vegetables, carrot, cauliflower etc.
Deficiency: cause degeneration of muscles, paralysis, and slow growth.
(iv)Vitamin K
: It is Fat soluble vitamin also known as anti-bleeding vitamin. If you don't have enough vitamin K, you
may bleed too much.
Sources include: Include green leafy vegetables, avocado, kiwi fruit ,parsley etc.
Deficiency – Deficiency of vitamin K causes inability to clot blood and may cause bleeding diathesis.
2.Water-soluble vitamins:
The vitamins which are soluble in water are called water soluble vitamins. These do not get stored in the body
for long time. Water soluble vitamins are B &C
(v)Vitamin B :
It is water soluble vitamin there’s more than one B vitamin. It is very important for growth. It is very useful
for heart, liver and formation of red blood cells.
Sources include: Milk, wheat, grams, cashew nuts, , meat, eggs, fish, rice, bajra, maize, soya bean etc.
Deficiency: Deficiency of vitamin ‘B’ can cause diseases like Beriberi, diarrhea etc.
(vi) Vitamin C :
It is most important for growth and regeneration. It is also useful for gums & teeth, keeps them healthy, heals
wounds, maintains red cells in blood
Sources include: Good sources include citrus fruits, like oranges, lemons,
strawberries, tomatoes, broccoli, cabbage, Kiwi fruit,
Deficiency: Affects the gums, can cause scurvy, P.K.AHMAD.8360347981
Mineral Salts
: Mineral salts are called protective elements. These are very important for maintenance of the body.:
Non-Nutritive Components of Diet
1. Water 2. Roughage 3. Artificial Sweeteners 4. Preservatives 5. Food additives

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