Whole Coaching Cycle 4 Document

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Part 1: Observation Planning Tool – Beginning of Cycle

1. Step 1: Field/Intern Teacher Candidate completes and emails CC Part 1 to mentor/supervisor prior to conference
2. Step 2: Pre-observation conference held to discuss details presented in the planning tool and review lesson plan
3. Step 3: Observation Planning tool is revised based on collaborative conference and feedback from mentor/supervisor
4. Step 4: Email final copy prior to observation.
Name of Intern: Guillermo Santamaria

Name and Title of Mentor/Supervisor/Coach: Ms. Johnson

School: Oak Hill Academy

Content Area of Focus: Social Studies

Description of class: 7th and 8th Grade CSS Classroom

Date of Pre-Conference Planning: 03/06/2023

Key Components Evidence of Demonstration

Identify/review areas of focus linked to the instructional Strengths:

framework (FEAPs) and HLPs. 1. I feel way more confident teaching
2. I know the students and I feel like I have gotten better
1. Consider your strengths related to your with behavior management
teaching/classroom practice. What evidence 3. I feel much better at the amount of time I give students in
supports these strengths? (Factual and objective) order to answer
2. Consider your areas of needed Growth related to
your teaching/classroom practice. What evidence Areas of Growth:
supports these strengths? (Factual and objective) 1. I want to keep improving at sequencing my lessons
3. Review the FEAPs and HLPs and based on your 2. I want to improve on time management and making sure
areas of needed Growth, which FEAPs and HLPs I have activities for students that might take less time in
will you focus on that address your greatest priority completing certain things
for needed Growth? 3. I want to improve on deepening the student’s knowledge
4. Be sure to include the full FEAP and HLP language in each subject area by building up on past areas of
learning (For example: I have been teaching the continents
and the oceans, so for this lesson in particular how well do
I integrate knowing the United States and where we live?)

FEAPs to Address Areas of Growth:

1. FEAP 1b: Sequences lessons and concepts to ensure
coherence and required prior knowledge
2. FEAP 2a: Organizes, allocates, and manages the
resources of time, space, and attention
3. FEAP 3b: Deepen and enrich students’ understanding
through content area literacy strategies, verbalization
of thought, and application of the subject matter

Identify data that should be collected around the area of Data to Collect:
focus “look fors” linked to the instructional framework 1. How well does the Intern follow through with the lesson?
(FEAPs) and HLPs 2. Does the intern have enough activities for the students?
3. How well does the Intern broadens the knowledge of
1. Considering your areas of needed Growth

described above, what data should the continents?

mentor/supervisor/coach collect for EACH area of
Growth? How Data will be collected:
2. How will the data be collected? (e.g. Tally marks, 1. Anecdotal Notes
Transcripts, Response time, Charts, Student work) 2. Anecdotal Notes
3. What will it look like when the anticipated 3. Anecdotal Notes
outcome/progress is accomplished?
Description of anticipated outcome/progress:

Determine observation time and logistics Agreed upon date/time for observation: 03/07/2023

*Lesson plan will be submitted 2 days prior to observation Where is the scheduled observation going to take place?
(actual physical location details or Virtual details):

Other important information:

Application of Growth Mindset Evidence of Demonstration

List strategies for fostering a growth mindset

Growth Mindset Strategies: I want to improve my teaching

style and always be looking for ways to adapt to the
1. What are the strategies you will use to engage in a students
growth mindset throughout the cycle? (*Provide AT
LEAST ONE source and the link from the literature
(use APA style)
2. What evidence will the mentor/supervisor/coach Source and Link:
look for that shows you are engaging in a growth

Decades of scientific research that started a growth

Mindset Revolution. The Growth Mindset -
What is Growth Mindset - Mindset Works.
(n.d.). https://www.mindsetworks.com/science/

Evidence to Collect (Look Fors) during Observation:

How does the Intern adapt to the needs of the students?

Anecdotal notes on how the Intern follows through with the lesson
 Quickly questioning the students on the number of continents and oceans after
telling them we have 7 and 5, respectively.
 Quickly correcting/redirecting behaviors

o Why did you say “marker down”?

 Asking your para to help AJ.
o This is a tricky and indispensable skill.

Anecdotal notes on activities for the students and allocating time

 You moved from one student to another in questioning quickly, even if they had a
bit of trouble answering questions.
 Breaking up time appropriately, short time for questioning and a more engaging
activity (the states video).
o My question here, is more about what you want the students to know. Is the
point to know the USA or to know the states? Is this video taking them into
too much detail? Could you have shown a video about things that are
uniquely American to keep the focus on the country more broadly?
o I would love to see you telling the students what they need to be looking for
or listening for in when you played the video again.
 You taught for a reasonable amount of time for the attention spans of your
students. Then, you circulated to see if they were able to complete their assigned

Anecdotal notes on how the Intern broadens knowledge of past subjects

 Why did you use a drawing instead of a picture on the smart board?
 It is helpful to have students answer questions about what they know about the
USA or another country. You can give choice for students with limited original
communication skills.
o Have you ever seen the ocean?
o What do we see in the ocean?
o Where do you live?
o Which flag is the American/Canadian/Mexican flag?
o What foods do people eat in Mexico/Canada/USA?
o What kinds of animals do we see in the USA?
o Can you name another city?
o We live in the city of Jacksonville, is Jacksonville a city or a state?
 You did do this with Gregory.
 You asked “Where do we live” after the video (x2).
 You provided visual scaffolds when you asked where do we live?
o Drawing and writing paired with physical gesturing.
 “What state do we live in?”
o You asked the same student a few times and then told her the name of the

 You kept having her attempt to participate.

 You did lots to connect students to the current lesson. There were limited
references to previous lessons/learning.

Part 2: Observation Data Collection Tool – Evidence for targeted feedback

Completed by Mentor/Supervisor/Coach doing the observation

1. Step 1: Observation is held based on the parameters determined in pre-conference

2. Step 2: Mentor/Supervisor/Coach completes CC Part 2 using factual, non-judgmental, targeted observational feedback
3. Step 3: Completed Part 2 is emailed to Teacher Candidate prior to Post-conference

Name of Intern:

Name and Title of Mentor/Supervisor/Coach:

Date, Time and Location of Observation (School-based or Virtual):

Content Area:

Lesson Objective/Purpose:

Topic of Focus (From Pre-Observation Planning):

Key Components Evidence of Demonstration

Area of focus (as determined from the pre-observation Areas of Focus:
meeting) linked to the instructional framework (FEAPs)/HLP
1. I want to keep improving at sequencing my lessons
1. List the areas of focus for observation as 2. I want to improve on time management and making sure
determined by the pre-conference meeting in Part I have activities for students that might take less time in
1. completing certain things
3. I want to improve on deepening the student’s knowledge
in each subject area by building up on past areas of
learning (For example: I have been teaching the continents
and the oceans, so for this lesson in particular how well do
I integrate knowing the United States and where we live?)

Noticings/Observation Evidence: Noticings/Evidence for Data Collection:

1. Document your noticings/evidence around the 1. How well does the Intern follow through with the
identified area of focus during observation, as lesson?
determined by the “Look Fors” identified in Part 1. a. Doing well:
(Use factual, non-judgmental language) i. The lesson was effectively planned
2. Note what the Teacher Candidate is already doing ii. Pacing of the lesson was solid
well as it relates to the focus. iii. Using the other staff in the room
3. Note what the Teacher Candidate is on the verge
effectively to support the learning
of doing well as it relates to the focus.

4. Create Data display of the students.

b. On the verge:
i. Completing the lesson with a
2. Does the intern have enough activities for the
a. Doing well:
i. Most students seemed
appropriately engaged throughout
the lesson.
ii. Variety in activities to keep
students engaged
iii. Offering instructional blocks that
are appropriate to students’ needs
b. On the verge:
i. Ensuring that all activities align to
the lesson objective
ii. Offering students opportunities to
participate in the lesson through
activating prior knowledge and/or
3. How well does the Intern broadens the knowledge
of continents?
a. Doing well:
i. Using scaffolds and supports to
teach students content that is
aligned to standards
ii. Incorporating multiple modalities
for learning
b. On the verge:
i. Building on prior knowledge and
experiences to support learning

Data Display (Attach additional information if necessary):

See above

Application of Growth Mindset Evidence of Demonstration

Noticings/Observation Evidence: I want to improve my teaching style and always be looking

for ways to adapt to the students
1. Document your noticings/evidence around the
strategies the Teacher Candidate identified they  Doing well:
will use from the Pre-conference o Accepting feedback
2. Note what the Teacher Candidate is already doing o Applying feedback from mentor and
well as it relates to growth mindset. university supervisor
3. Note what the Teacher Candidate is on the verge o Being a reflective teacher
of doing well as it relates to growth mindset.  On the verge:
4. ADD to the Data Display o Continue growing these skills

Determine time and logistics for targeted feedback Post- Date, Time and Location of Post-Observation conference:
observation conversation
3/22/23, 8 am, via Zoom

Part 3: Post-Observation Targeted Feedback Conference Tool

Completed by Teacher Candidate during conference

1. Step 1: Post-Conference is held and Teacher Candidate will take notes using Part 3 to document feedback
2. Step 2: Review areas of Focus during Observation
3. Step 3: Mentor/Supervisor/Coach reviews Part 2/Evidence collected during observation, using Data Displays
4. Step 4: Targeted feedback conversation related to the observation and Data Displays
4. Step 5: Teacher Candidate and Mentor/Supervisor/Coach discuss and reflect on the Data as it relates to teaching and learning
5. Step 6: Action Steps with Timelines are identified (Collaboratively or more directive depending on Teacher Candidate needs)
6. Step 7: Teacher Candidate Reflects in writing on the Coaching Cycle Process
Name of Intern: Guillermo Santamaria

Name and Title of Mentor/Supervisor/Coach: Ms. Johnson

Date, Time and Location of Post-Observation conference (School-based or Virtual): Zoom, @ 8:10am

Key Components Evidence of Demonstration

Review areas of focus during observation linked to the General Comments:
instructional framework (FEAPs) and HLPs
I feel like I followed the FEAPs, but also feel like I can
improve even further. I feel like my sequencing has gotten
better, especially for whole group lessons. I want to keep
improving on having activities for all of my students and
keep differentiating. And finally, I feel like I did well on
activating prior knowledge with the subjects that I had been
teaching leading up to it.

Review Data Displays from observation General Comments/Feedback:

I agree with everything that Dr. McMillan states in this part.

I feel like I have improved on planning my lessons, how I
am pacing the lessons, how to keep my students engaged,
and scaffolding my activities for my students. I also agree
with the comments Dr. McMillan had to make about being
on the verge of accomplishing things such as having a
better closing for the lessons, aligning activities more
closely to the lesson objective, and developing more prior
knowledge to support learning.

Targeting Feedback conversation about observation Teacher Candidate Responses to Targeted Feedback
1. Mentor/Supervisor/Coach share evidence using
targeted, non-judgmental feedback. Dr. McMillan and I had a good conversation about the
2. To TCs: What do you notice from the data? Coaching Cycle. We both feel like I have been improving a
3. To TCs What are the strengths from the lot throughout this semester, but that I still need more work
observation? in some curricular areas, which makes sense.
4. To TCs Did you successfully meet your goals
related to the planned areas of focus? If yes, what Mentor/Supervisor/Coach Responses to Targeted
steps led to this success? If not, what was the Feedback conversation:
reason for not meeting the anticipated progress?
5. TC and Mentor/Supervisor/Coach reflect on Data
as it relates to Teaching and Learning

Action Steps Action Steps with Timelines for completion:


1. What steps should be implemented based on the

target feedback conversation?
2. What are the timelines for completion associated
with the action steps?
Areas to add to PDP:
3. Include on PDP if needed

Teacher Candidate Completes Written Reflection: Reflection (Attach additional document)

1. Set the context. Describe your initial focus and why

that was selected.
2. Reflect on new learning/understanding about the
focus area as a result of implementing the action
steps in the targeting feedback conversation
3. Share evidence of impact to student learning and
teacher candidate performance
4. Reflect on the impact to the school goals

Discuss possible time and logistics for next coaching cycle Date, Time and Location of next Coaching Cycle:


I think this was a great lesson overall. I really enjoyed doing a social studies/geography lesson, which I have

never done before this day. I am really proud of myself, because of how comfortable I have been feeling with

teaching. This semester has been such an amazing experience with so much learning included. I was not

expecting to have learned this much before this semester. I was really anxious and scared of the thought of

taking over a whole class, but Ms. Johnson has made it so fluid to take over. I still get a little bit anxious when I

teach, especially when I am being observed, but I love receiving feedback and going over the lessons. Ms.

Johnson has been great about asking me questions after I have taught the lessons to see what I thought. She also

asks me questions when I am planning so that I figure out the decisions for myself. I am really excited for the

future and I am really thankful for the opportunity to learn from the students, the paraprofessionals, and Ms.


Name: Guillermo Santamaria Date: 03/07/2023


Class Description: 7th and 8th grade CSS Classroom

Content Area: Social Studies

IEP Connection and Relevant Florida Standards (include Access Points if applicable):

SS.7.G.1.In.0: Locate selected states, capitals, and the nation’s capital on a map.

SS.7.G.1.Su.0: Locate selected states and their capitals on a map.

SS.7.G.1.Pa.0: Locate the United States on a map.

SS.8.G.1.In.0: Use maps to identify physical and cultural attributes of major regions of the United States throughout American

SS.8.G.1.Su.0: Use maps to recognize physical or cultural attributes of major regions of the United States.

SS.8.G.1.Pa.0: Use a map to recognize a physical or cultural attribute of the United States.

Brief description of instruction: I will be reviewing the continents and the oceans, and then going into North America and the
state we live in

Rationale: I am teaching this lesson because it is what we have been leading up to and because my students need to know
what state they live in and more about the United States

Objective(s Lesson Sequence Assessme Materials Needed

) nt

1. I will begin by review the 5 oceans and For the  Markers

the 7 continents. Asking questions such assessme  Worksheets

as “How many oceans are there?” and nt I will  Highlighters
To “How many continents are there?” hand the  50 states song:
identify/loc 2. After the review of the oceans and the https://www.youtube.com/watch?
ate the continents, I will be going over that we v=luNbXJ5QoKY
live in North America. Then stating that
United North America is made up of Canada, workshe
States and the United States and Mexico. I will keep et of the
Florida in a emphasizing that we live in North United
map America. states. I
3. Thirdly, I will state that we live in the will ask
United States and that it has 50 states. I them to
will then play a song that goes through
color in
the 50
states-https://www.youtube.com/watch Florida.
?v=luNbXJ5QoKY And then
While the Video is playing I will be to
drawing the United Sates challeng
4. I will then emphasize that we live in the e my
state of Florida (The Sunshine State). students
5. For the assessment I will hand the I will ask
students a worksheet of the United them to
states. I will ask them to color in Florida.
draw a
And then to challenge my students I will
ask them to draw a star of where star of
Jacksonville is (This is just an extra where
assessment if we have time at the end). Jacksonvi
lle is
(This is
just an
nt if we
time at
the end).

Accommodations / Modifications: LIST ANY NEEDED BY THE STUDENTS NOTE: these should be over and above any universal
design strategies/differentiation you used in your lesson plan (e.g., text at student reading level).

1. Student G:
 Community-Based Instruction
 Very Small Group (3:1 Student:Staff) for all learning activities
 Intensive instruction in all subjects
 Modified State Standards Access Points: All subjects

 Visual Schedule
 Instruction in Social Skills
 Daily Home Notes

2. Student K:
 Community-Based Instruction
 Very Small Group (3:1 Student:Staff) for all learning activities
 Intensive instruction in all subjects
 Modified State Standards Access Points: All subjects
 Visual Schedule
 Instruction in Social Skills
 Daily Home Notes

3. Student Jo:
 Community-Based Instruction
 Very Small Group (3:1 Student:Staff) for all learning activities
 Intensive instruction in all subjects
 Modified State Standards Access Points: All subjects
 Visual Schedule
 Instruction in Social Skills
 Daily Home Notes

4. Student C:
 Community-Based Instruction
 Very Small Group (3:1 Student:Staff) for all learning activities
 Intensive instruction in all subjects
 Modified State Standards Access Points: All subjects
 Visual Schedule
 Instruction in Social Skills
 Daily Home Notes

5. Student A:
 Community-Based Instruction
 Very Small Group (3:1 Student:Staff) for all learning activities
 Intensive instruction in all subjects
 Modified State Standards Access Points: All subjects
 Visual Schedule
 Instruction in Social Skills
 Daily Home Notes

6. Student E:
 Community-Based Instruction
 Very Small Group (3:1 Student:Staff) for all learning activities
 Intensive instruction in all subjects
 Modified State Standards Access Points: All subjects
 Visual Schedule
 Instruction in Social Skills

 Daily Home Notes

7. Student Je:
 Community-Based Instruction
 Very Small Group (3:1 Student:Staff) for all learning activities
 Intensive instruction in all subjects
 Modified State Standards Access Points: All subjects
 Visual Schedule
 Instruction in Social Skills
 Daily Home Notes

8. Student Ja:
 Community-Based Instruction
 Very Small Group (3:1 Student:Staff) for all learning activities
 Intensive instruction in all subjects
 Modified State Standards Access Points: All subjects
 Visual Schedule
 Instruction in Social Skills
 Daily Home Notes

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