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isbn=ISBN:1435705300&name=Look_Smarter_Than_You_Are_ with_Hyperion_Essbase yperion guide Look Smarter Than You Are with Hyperion Essbase - Google Books Result

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------There are scripting languages for Essbase. The older one is called Esscmd and has been a staple for old-timers like me. The newer one is called MaxL. I think "the writing is on the wall" and that MaxL is the way of the future. Maxl scripts are run in the MaxL shell. This can be started by running the program essmsh.exe. You can run a script from the prompt by passing the script name as a command line parameter to the MaxL shell. If you are familiar with Windows (DOS) batch file programming, it is relatively easy to automate Windows command scripts to run Maxl (essmsh). Then you need to simply schedule your batch file with your favorite scheduler such as the windows scheduler, and you are automated!

Essbase - Checking Error Log

If a data load or dimension build fails, the error log can be a valuable debugging tool. See Understanding and Viewing Dimension Build and Data Load Error Logs.

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Essbase - Data Load Essbase - Dimension/Outline Build

Log files

From EAS client, Hyperion_Home\products\Essbase\eas\client Using maxl, you should have an error file defined in the script. For Essbase, hyperion_Home\logs\essbase\essbase.log For an application, ex with sample application: hyperion_home\logs\essbase\app\Sample\Sample.log

No error log
If there is no error log, check whether the following conditions exist:

The person running the data load set up an error log.

By default, when using a rules file, Essbase creates an error log.

The data source and Essbase Servers are available.

See Verifying that Essbase Server Is Available and Verifying that the Data Source Is Available

Essbase Server crashed during the data load.

If so, you probably received a timeout error on the client. See Essbase - Stopping Data Loads or Dimension Builds / Recovering from a server crash.

The application log exists. See Essbase Server and Application Logs.

Empty error log

If the error log exists but is empty, Essbase does not think that an error occurred during loading. Check whether the following conditions exist:

The rules file contains selection or rejection criteria that rejected every record in the data source.

See Essbase - Loading a Subset of Records from a Data Source.

The rules file validates properly.

See Requirements for Valid Data Load Rules Files and Requirements for Valid Dimension Build Rules Files.

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