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Repeat sentence 11

Answer Key Incorporating appealing graphics can be

paramount when it comes to creating a film’s
Speaking visual identity.

Personal introduction Repeat sentence 12

Model answer: Artificial intelligence enables schools to
I’m twenty-three years old and I like watching automate administrative tasks, allowing
movies and playing online games. I am teachers to focus on pedagogical matters.
studying to become a dentist. I want to go and
Repeat sentence 13
work abroad when I finish my studies, so that I
That particular pesticide has been proven to
have a chance to experience a new culture.
have adverse effects on crop yields.
That is why I need to take the Pearson
Academic test. I’m happy that I can do the Repeat sentence 14
whole test in one day and get my results very All doctoral candidates should convene in the
quickly. main lecture theatre for the plenary.
Repeat sentence 1 Repeat sentence 15
The reading list consists of both books and Tabloid journalism may well be the most
journal articles. commercially viable form of print news media.
Repeat sentence 2 Repeat sentence 16
Students are not allowed to write in library Psychologically safe corporate cultures with
books. flat hierarchies tend to encourage more
meaningful communication.
Repeat sentence 3
Please remind all visiting lecturers to sign in at Repeat sentence 17
reception. Maintaining concentration can be quite a feat
when you’re inundated with phone
Repeat sentence 4
A successful entrepreneur needs to have
ambition, determination and commitment. Repeat sentence 18
The cartographers of yesteryear used
Repeat sentence 5
traditional mapping techniques rather than
Active learning involves taking responsibility
satellite imaging and computer technology.
for your own studies and analysing what you
know. Repeat sentence 19
Enzymes can vary in terms of molecular
Repeat sentence 6
weight and chemical reaction.
Suburban sprawl is the outward expansion of
an urbanized area into its agricultural Repeat sentence 20
surroundings. It’s essential to specify all your sources and
provide a comprehensive reference list.
Repeat sentence 7
Not getting enough sleep has been associated Repeat sentence 21
with numerous health risks. Due to maintenance work in the lecture
theatre, tomorrow’s seminar will be online.
Repeat sentence 8
Artificial intelligence may soon replace social Repeat sentence 22
media bloggers with robotic alternatives. Moral philosophy focuses on analysing what is
right and wrong, and why.
Repeat sentence 9
An annotated bibliography summarises all Repeat sentence 23
citation sources referred to in an academic Companies are using increasingly
research paper. sophisticated software in an attempt to block
Repeat sentence 10
Plants convert carbon, light and water into Repeat sentence 24
food via a chemical process called Many educational researchers attempt to
photosynthesis. identify which type of classroom activity can
most enhance learning.

1 Answer Key © Pearson Education Limited 2020

Repeat sentence 25 Read aloud 1
According to research, age affects a person’s In many countries, learning a foreign language
capacity to learn a language. has been introduced as part of primary school
education. One reason for this is the common
Repeat sentence 26 idea that children are naturally better language
Internal migration within a country can have an learners. Another is that in today’s world, it’s
impact on regional language variations. important to make children interested in other
Repeat sentence 27 cultures.
Meeting customer demands in a timely manner Read aloud 2
can be a challenge for supply managers. Students write far less by hand today than they
Repeat sentence 28 used to in the past. Many universities allow the
In the Literature Department, we analyse use of laptops instead of pen and paper in
poetry with the help of established theories. lectures. However, it seems using them does
not always help the learning process. Some
Repeat sentence 29 research shows that most students remember
A liability can be a sum of money that a information better when they write notes by
company owes a supplier. hand.
Repeat sentence 30 Read aloud 3
Please talk to your tutor if you need more time A research study has concluded that
for your essay. physiological measurements taken from
wearable device sensors might actually be
Repeat sentence 31
able to indicate abnormal fluctuations relating
It’s important to think about your final year
to infections. It is also thought that this
project very carefully.
continuous surveillance of an individual’s
Repeat sentence 32 health may aid the prevention and containment
There is surely more than one way to solve of strains of influenza.
this problem.
Read aloud 4
Repeat sentence 33 Building the emotional strength and
Make sure you provide examples for all the independence of learners is believed to be as
points you include. important as the knowledge gained in
traditional lessons. While not wanting to create
Repeat sentence 34 an additional subject on the curriculum,
All Foundation students who pass the year will teachers are considering how to enable
gain a place on an undergraduate course. students to develop teamwork and leadership
Repeat sentence 35 skills. Activities outside the classroom are
The use of laptops or smartphones during thought to be essential to achieving this aim.
class is not allowed. Read aloud 5
Repeat sentence 36 The worldwide effort to cut global carbon
We will announce the winner of the design emissions is gaining momentum, infiltrating all
prize at the end of this semester. aspects of industry, including the growth in
electric cars and environmental goods and
Repeat sentence 37 services. This move towards building more
You should make a note of the topics the class sustainable economies encourages investment
will cover this term. and creates job opportunities. As a result,
many countries have crossed the threshold
Repeat sentence 38 into a new industrial era.
Changes in the economy can affect
international business relationships. Read aloud 6
Statistics is the practice of collecting and
Repeat sentence 39 analysing data. It involves taking a sample
Primary school pupils are encouraged to take from a small fraction of a wider population. The
an interest in the natural world. information gained from the sample allows
Repeat sentence 40 conclusions to be drawn about the population
Thousands of visitors use these coastal paths as a whole without having to gather data on a
every year. larger scale.

2 Answer Key © Pearson Education Limited 2020

Read aloud 7 Read aloud 12
The rules of geography often determine how a Selecting the right degree is an important
country develops. Countries with a decision, and it’s natural to consider how
mountainous border have, as a general rule, particular subjects affect future career
been much safer than ones with borders that opportunities. While business courses are
spread over vast flat lands. At some point, the obviously popular choices, creative subjects
size of a country becomes problematic, as like literature or philosophy can be just as
long supply chains can become unsustainable useful. Such courses encourage creative
over time. thinking skills, and companies value
employees who can solve problems by looking
Read aloud 8 at issues from different sides.
The development of football as a formal,
organised sport was hampered by a dispute Read aloud 13
between Scottish clubs, who wanted to This research study investigates the effects of
professionalise football, and English clubs, different types of music on wild monkeys. The
arguing to keep it amateur. Matches between aim of the study is to examine changes in
the two countries were prohibited, but this monkey behaviour when exposed to music,
quickly led to a shortage of competitive games. particularly in terms of social interaction levels.
Eventually, England caved in, clearing the way This paper reports several findings and
for a professional domestic league. identifies potential applications for the animal
conservation sector.
Read aloud 9
In many schools, pupils aren’t allowed to use Read aloud 14
their phones during lessons. After all, when As a new student at the university, you will
pupils spend too much time checking their receive a campus card when you enrol. It is
phones, it prevents them from giving their full important that you always carry this card with
attention to the lesson. However, the you when you’re on the campus because it is
educational possibilities of technology proof of your identity. You will also need it to
shouldn’t be forgotten, because smartphones borrow books from the library, access certain
offer access to a wide range of learning buildings, and pay for items in the cafeteria.
activities. Surely balance is the key.
Read aloud 15
Read aloud 10 It makes sense for experts in a subject to work
Spending time in nature can improve physical together in the same place. Universities are
and mental health. An activity known as the therefore organised into various departments.
‘forest bath’ takes this belief one step further. However, global problems are often extremely
The basic idea is that, to get the maximum complicated, and specialists from different
benefit from nature, it’s important to focus on areas should work together to solve them. In
the smells, sounds and general feel of the this article, it is argued that economists and
environment. Therefore, forest baths involve scientists benefit if they combine their skills on
far more than a simple walk outside. shared research projects.
Read aloud 11 Read aloud 16
When governments do not or cannot provide Traditionally, scientific research has been
the financial support needed to improve the undertaken by universities, government
country’s hospitals and schools, citizens laboratories, or companies in their research
themselves may decide to raise the necessary and development departments. Recently,
funds through community events. The hard however, professional scientists have
work of individuals can help bring essential sometimes asked ordinary members of the
services to local communities, but such public to help them, especially when they need
projects should be in addition to, not instead of to collect a huge amount of data and cannot
government spending. manage to do this on their own. Such activity
is known as citizen science.

3 Answer Key © Pearson Education Limited 2020

Read aloud 17 Read aloud 22
This report provides an overview of consumer You may sometimes notice a particular speech
trends in global agricultural markets. It is pattern where the speaker’s voice rises at the
subdivided into chapters covering the arable, end of a sentence. The rise occurs even when
dairy, and meat market sectors. For each it is unnecessary. The speaker, therefore,
sector, the drivers underlying consumer trends sounds as if they are asking a question. As a
are analysed. The most notable of these are result, they often sound less confident in what
the increasing demand for organic products they’re saying.
and heightened public concern regarding
environmental issues such as food system Read aloud 23
emissions. Proponents of hypnosis promote it as being a
heightened state of consciousness in which
Read aloud 18 the subject is more susceptible to suggestions.
Your thesis must be formatted and bound This mental state may enable the subject to
correctly before submission for assessment, more effectively work through something that
and this guidance document specifies how this is holding them back. Whether or not it actually
should be done. It is extremely important that works is a topic that is hotly debated.
these stipulations are accurately followed.
Failure to do so will result in the thesis being Read aloud 24
returned to you for amendment. You will only If you need to locate a title in the university
be eligible to graduate once these conditions library, start by accessing the library’s
are met. directory. This can be done from any computer
that’s connected to the university’s server. You
Read aloud 19 can search for the title’s name, author or
Artificial Intelligence has advanced publication date. Details of the title’s code and
dramatically as a field of study since the early directions to its location will then appear.
days of slow and cumbersome computers. It
can now be regarded as a mature discipline. Describe image 1
Unsurprisingly, many authors have aspired to Model answer:
produce the standard textbook on the subject. The pie charts show the blood types that are
Here we review a worthy contender for that present in two countries, Iceland and Norway.
title whose second edition has just been In Iceland, O is the most common blood type,
published. found in around sixty percent of the population.
About one third have type A blood. Type B is
Read aloud 20 rarer and type AB is rarer still. In Norway,
The purpose of this paper is to make company around half the population have type A blood
owners and managers aware of the impact of and type O is found in about forty percent. The
accounting software on business performance. figures for the other two types are similar to
Crucial to any company’s success is the Iceland.
availability of the very latest accurate
accounting information. Dealing with the Describe image 2
challenging nature of market uncertainty and Model answer:
the tendency towards increased economic The graph shows the dimensions of three
globalization places new demands on suspension bridges. The longest is the bridge
accounting information systems. in Japan. This is around one thousand nine
hundred metres long, just under two thousand
Read aloud 21 metres, and its towers are about two hundred
Some people believe that we can never really and eighty metres in height. The next longest
be sure if something is true. They say that we bridge is in Turkey and is only slightly shorter
make or invent knowledge instead of than the one in Japan. Its height is around two
discovering it. As a result, nobody can ever be hundred and fifty metres, while its length is
certain of anything. It’s all just someone’s around one thousand five hundred metres.
opinion. The bridge in the USA is the smallest and
shortest of the three.

4 Answer Key © Pearson Education Limited 2020

Describe image 3 Describe image 7
Model answer: Model answer:
The bar graph shows the percentage of The table shows what gifts people plan to buy
consumer expenditure in the US between the for next Mother’s Day in the US. The majority
years of 2017 and 2018. By far the biggest said that they are going to buy a card, and this
expense was housing, taking thirty-three is followed by flowers, with over half of the
percent of an American’s income. In contrast, people choosing them as gifts. Clothing is less
the lowest amounts were spent on education, popular. The cost of the different items is very
consisting of just 2.4 percent. It is interesting to different. The most expensive are flowers, at
note that spending on transport accounts for twenty dollars thirty-one cents, a little over the
just under half of the housing budget, and this, average that people expect to spend on
according to the figures, accounts for more clothing. Greetings cards are a much cheaper
consumer spending than either food or option.
Describe image 8
Describe image 4 Model answer:
Model answer: The bar chart shows the participation of men
The graph shows the percentage of people and women in sports in the UK in 2008. The
who volunteered in the UK between 2013 and two most popular sporting activities for both
2018. It shows those who volunteered at least males and females were going to the gym or
once a month and compares this to those who fitness centre and swimming, with around
volunteered for at least once in twelve months. fifteen percent of the male and female
Both frequencies of volunteering follow a populations participating in each. More men
similar pattern. There has been a downward went cycling than women. Around fifteen
trend between 2013 and 2014, and then a percent of men cycled compared to just five
fairly stable amount of volunteering afterwards. percent of women, and it was a similar story
Around sixty percent of people volunteer once with football, with around fifteen percent of
a year, while around forty percent volunteer males and just one percent of females playing
around once a month. the sport. Women were more likely to enjoy
yoga, though.
Describe image 5
Model answer: Describe image 9
The graph shows the percentage of the Model answer:
Canadian population who drive between 2016 This chart shows the energy drink
and 2019, and the information for men and for consumption in the EU by 3- to 60-year-olds
women is shown. We can see that the between 2010 and 2020. The levels in 2010
percentages of men and women who drive are and 2017 were the same, at 500 million litres
both increasing, but the number of women consumed. It is interesting to note there was a
driving is increasing fastest. Whereas in 2016 peak in 2014 where they went up to 600
more men in Canada drove, at around thirty million litres, but the biggest jump, perhaps
percent compared to twenty-five percent, by most significantly, was in 2020 when it went up
2019 there were more women driving, at just by three hundred million litres in the space of
over fifty percent compared to fifty percent of three years.
Describe image 10
Describe image 6 Model answer:
Model answer: The two charts show the activities of students
The graph shows the average travel time to after leaving college with a first degree or a
work using various modes of transport, which postgraduate degree. Sixty-seven percent of
goes up to a maximum of sixty minutes. The the postgraduates got full-time jobs while only
longest commute on average was by rail, fifty-five percent of the first-degree students
which took just under sixty minutes. In found full-time employment. However, twenty
comparison, the shortest average commute percent of the first-degree students found part-
was on foot, where people spent an average of time jobs, compared with fourteen percent of
around fifteen minutes getting to work. the postgraduates. More students with a first
Commuting by car and bus took almost equal degree went on to do further studies and there
amounts of time, around forty minutes on was slightly more unemployment among those
average. Commuting by motorbike took slightly with a postgraduate degree.
longer than cycling, both taking between
twenty and twenty-five minutes.

5 Answer Key © Pearson Education Limited 2020

Describe image 11 Describe image 15
Model answer: Model answer:
The graph shows the use of mobile phone This bar chart shows the maths and science
apps by college students in two different years: subjects studied by male and female students
2019 and 2020. For both years, using apps for at a college. The largest number of male
social reasons and for listening to music students studied maths. The most popular
scored the highest percentages. From 2019 to subject among female students was medicine.
2020, the use of social apps decreased from The subjects studied by more men than
eighty-two percent to seventy-five percent, women were chemistry, maths, and physics.
while the use of music apps increased from By contrast, biology and medicine were
seventy-seven percent to eighty-one percent. studied by more women than men. The
Games and reference apps were used at biggest difference between the genders relates
similar levels. However, there was a decrease to medicine and physics. For example, about
in the use of both in 2020. one hundred men were studying physics,
compared to just fifty women.
Describe image 12
Model answer: Describe image 16
The graph shows the estimated numbers of Model answer:
five animal species in Kruger National Park The bar chart shows the results of a survey
over a period of three years. As we can see, about workers’ favourite types of office. The
there are more zebras in the park than any of most popular choice was a medium shared
the other animals. However, there has been a office with between four and nine people.
decrease in the number of zebras, giraffes and Eighty-five percent of the workers chose this
elephants since 2018. For example, in 2018 as their favourite option. The least selected
there were eight thousand giraffes, but this choice was an open-plan office. Eighty percent
dropped to about four thousand five hundred in of the workers disliked that kind of work space.
2020. It’s interesting to note that the number of Working in an individual office was also not
hippos and buffaloes has increased over these very popular. When talking about small shared
years. offices with two to three people, sixty-five
percent liked this option, but thirty-five percent
Describe image 13 didn’t.
Model answer:
The graph shows the percentages of global Describe image 17
goods imports for five countries, and how this Model answer:
changed from 1999 to 2019. In 1999, the US The bar chart shows the percentage of people
imported more goods than any other country. who shopped using online stores in five age
This was followed by Germany, the UK, Japan, groups over three years. With the exception of
and China. However, things had changed by the thirty-one to forty age group, where there
2019. The US was still the biggest importer, was a slight drop in 2019, an increasing
but almost all the countries had reduced their percentage of people of all ages shopped
percentage of imported goods. By contrast, online from 2017 t0 2019. People in the
China’s imports increased from about three eighteen to twenty-five age category used
percent to over ten percent. online shopping the most. Generally speaking,
the younger someone was, the more online
Describe image 14 shopping they did.
Model answer:
The graph shows the income which a football Describe image 18
club received from its club shops and the Model answer:
Internet store, TV and radio, and stadium sales The two bar charts show the diets of male and
over six seasons from 2013 to 2018. The female college students in 2018 and 2019. For
money from sales during the games fell from both men and women, eating healthy food
two hundred million to one hundred and fifty generally was the most common diet. For
million pounds. By contrast, the other two example, the percentage of men following this
income sources sharply increased. Incomes diet rose from sixty to sixty-five percent. Over
from club shops and the Internet store reached the two years, the percentage of those
just over three hundred and fifty million following a vegan and a vegetarian diet
pounds. The most dramatic rise was in radio increased for both males and females. During
and TV income. the same period, there was a fall in the
percentage of men and women following an
ordinary diet.

6 Answer Key © Pearson Education Limited 2020

Describe image 19 Describe image 22
Model answer: Model answer:
The risk of being replaced by a robot varies This chart illustrates mobile device usage for
considerably between different employment leisure purposes by age and gender. By far the
sectors. Office workers are the sector most at highest percentage of leisure time spent using
risk in the immediate future. Over the longer mobile devices is by the under twenty-fives. In
term, it’s factory workers who are most likely to all age groups males outnumber females, with
lose their jobs. It’s predicted that over sixty men and boys aged under twenty-five
percent of these jobs could be done by robotic spending over thirty-five percent of their leisure
automation by 2037. Craft workers face a time on their devices. Mobile device use for
similar fate with almost fifty percent of these leisure purposes declines gradually with age,
jobs being taken over by robots. There is a with both males and females over the age of
slower rise in automation for technicians and sixty spending less than half the amount of
service and sales workers. The sector time on mobile devices compared to the under
predicted to be least affected by automation twenty-fives.
are managers.
Describe image 23
Describe image 20 Model answer:
Model answer: This graph shows the ratio between
The data shows there are significant productivity and workers’ income growth in
demographic differences relating to the advanced economies between 1950 and 2000.
amount of physical activity that children take. Productivity and income growth were
Boys are more active than girls, with over half increasing rapidly at the same rate until the
of boys participating regularly in sports. mid-1960s. But while productivity rose steeply
Seventy-eight percent of children take part in in the following decades, income growth
physical exercise at school. In their free time, remained relatively static. In the mid-twentieth
this drops to just over fifty percent after school century, workers were paid according to how
and below fifty percent at weekends. If these much they produced. But as productivity
results represent all physical activity soared in the second half of the century, there
undertaken by children, then it seems that the was no longer a strong connection between
majority of them do not have active lifestyles. how much people were paid and how much
they produced.
Describe image 21
Model answer: Describe image 24
The annual survey into student satisfaction Model answer:
with university library services shows that This chart shows that the number of cars sold
there was a marked improvement in in Europe was slightly higher in 2020 than in
satisfaction rates between 2018 and 2019. 1991. During this period, the number of cars
Students were asked if they thought the library sold fluctuated considerably. It fell sharply at
was the best place for them to study. The least twice: at the start of the 1990s and after
percentage of students who strongly agreed 2007. It grew rapidly a few times as well: for
with the statement rose significantly by thirteen instance, from eleven million to about fifteen
percent in 2019. What’s more, there was a million between 1994 and 2000, or from almost
noticeable drop in the number of students who twelve million to fifteen and a half million from
strongly disagreed with the statement: from 2015 to 2018.
eight to four percent. The survey reveals that
most students are satisfied with the facilities Describe image 25
provided. Model answer:
The bar chart shows the total UK greenhouse
gas emissions in 2016 by sector. At twenty-
seven percent, transport was the most
significant producer of greenhouse gases. It
was closely followed by the energy-generating
sector. Business produced seventeen percent
of emissions and this was almost on a par with
the residential sector. Other sectors
responsible for emissions were agriculture and
forestry, which accounted for seven percent.
The rest of the greenhouse gases produced
were attributed to waste and other sectors.

7 Answer Key © Pearson Education Limited 2020

Re-tell lecture 1 Re-tell lecture 5
Model answer: Model answer:
The Shard is London’s tallest building and a Women have been under-represented in the
number of new engineering techniques were STEM subjects, which lead to prestigious
used in its construction. The foundations were careers and higher salaries, and while the
dug at the same time as the concrete centre of numbers of women in Science and
the building was put up, which had never been Engineering are growing steadily and meeting
done with a skyscraper before. Another targets, this is not true yet for Technology.
innovation was that the building’s lift shaft was Companies say they are willing to address the
used to take people and materials up and imbalance, but there are not enough women to
down during construction. Finally, the spire at take these professional positions. However,
the top was assembled over the building at a there is optimism that the situation is changing
height of 300 metres. and that the gap will be narrower in the future.
Re-tell lecture 2 Re-tell lecture 6
Model answer: Model answer:
Before the late 15th century, vocal music was Agricultural robots, or agribots, are being
far more important than instrumental music. developed to help farmers produce crops and
Instruments were mainly used to accompany take care of them. There are three types
singers and they played the same notes that currently being tested – one to help with the
were sung. From the late 15th century, growth of plants, another for fertilising plants
however, much more instrumental music was and the third to get rid of any weeds. Once
written. Two reasons for this were that they have been tested, it is hoped that they will
instruments, such as the organ, had be able to work significantly faster and more
undergone many improvements, and that new efficiently than humans. They are self-powered
dances became popular. and run independently, and will be able to tell
the difference between food, plants and crops.
Re-tell lecture 3 The agricultural robotics market is growing
Model answer: rapidly.
Companies used to primarily consider cost and
speed when deciding what method of transport Re-tell lecture 7
to use for shipping goods. Although these two Model answer:
factors are still very important, the Humans have wanted to go to Mars for many
environmental impact of transporting goods generations, and this may soon come true.
has now become another major factor in the There are good reasons to go to Mars. We
decision-making process, with some might learn more about our own planet and
companies choosing rail and sea ahead of air about what happens when the climate
due to the damaging effect of air travel on the changes. The innovations necessary for
environment. successfully making the journey to Mars, such
as the use of solar power, are also likely to
Re-tell lecture 4 provide lasting benefits.
Model answer:
Research has found that climate change can Re-tell lecture 8
have a negative impact on people’s health and Model answer:
wellbeing, as well as on the natural A car park needs a marketing and advertising
environment. People can suffer from a loss of strategy like any other business. Many car
livelihood as well as a loss of attachment to parks are hidden from view by buildings, and a
place due to the impacts of climate change. sign outside can generate interest in special
Unfortunately, the people most likely to rates, or just tell customers where to find the
experience these negative effects personally car park. There may be a chance of sharing
are also often the least likely to be able to marketing opportunities with other local
access healthcare. businesses to sell products or provide special
parking for special events. What is important is
to have a marketing plan.

8 Answer Key © Pearson Education Limited 2020

Re-tell lecture 9 Re-tell lecture 13
Model answer: Model answer:
Historically, mantelpieces and fireplaces have In the video, the woman is showing teachers
been a focal point within a family home, being how to play a game with children. The game is
places where people would congregate and to practise different sounds. The cards are for
where personal ornaments would be three different sounds, b, k and t. The cards
displayed, often to show off a family’s wealth have a picture of the sound or a picture of an
and status. Nowadays, people are more likely object that starts with that sound. The child
to meet around a television, but mantelpieces turns over two cards. If the sounds are the
remain fairly common and are often used for same, they keep the cards and have another
storage. turn. The child turns over a picture of a boat
and bicycle so he keeps the cards.
Re-tell lecture 10
Model answer: Answer short question 1
Nature was a clear source of inspiration for stethoscope
Shakespeare. Firstly, he used it as the actual
setting of many of his plays. He also used Answer short question 2
nature in an abstract way to convey emotions helmet
and social or psychological themes. The forest Answer short question 3
is the landscape Shakespeare is probably eight
most closely associated with. However, it
represents different concepts depending on Answer short question 4
the genre. In his comedies, the forest pentagon
represents fantasy and magic, and the ability
Answer short question 5
to transform oneself as a form of escapism. By
contrast, in his tragedies, the forest represents
a much more dangerous aspect of Answer short question 6
transformation. one hundred
Re-tell lecture 11 Answer short question 7
Model answer: monitor
The speaker is talking about technology you
wear which gives you information. It does this Answer short question 8
using some kind of electronic equipment which reservoir
is attached to your skin. Many people already Answer short question 9
use this technology when they do sport, for monolingual
example you can wear a special watch which
records the distance you’ve run. As for the Answer short question 10
future of this technology, there’s currently a acknowledgements / acknowledgement
gap between what the fashion industry would
like the technology to do and what it can do at Answer short question 11
the moment. To solve this problem, scientists asterisk
and engineers need to carry out research. Answer short question 12
Re-tell lecture 12 thesaurus / synonym finder
Model answer: Answer short question 13
The speaker is talking about when people who pie chart / pie
work for different companies or work for
themselves share an office to do their work in. Answer short question 14
It has the advantages of both working in a review
traditional office and of working at home.
Answer short question 15
Meeting new people gives you the chance to
weather forecast / weather report / weather
share ideas and knowledge, and maybe create
something new. It’s good for people who
usually work at home because they can feel Answer short question 16
lonely. Meeting like this might not happen if failure
people work in offices in different parts of
town. Answer short question 17

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Answer short question 18 Answer short question 40
vowel shortage / scarcity / dearth
Answer short question 19
Answer short question 20
Answer short question 21
Answer short question 22
Answer short question 23
bestseller / blockbuster
Answer short question 24
boot / trunk / luggage compartment
Answer short question 25
Answer short question 26
Answer short question 27
Answer short question 28
Answer short question 29
Answer short question 30
Answer short question 31
Answer short question 32
Answer short question 33
jet lag
Answer short question 34
Answer short question 35
Answer short question 36
Answer short question 37
Answer short question 38
Answer short question 39

10 Answer Key © Pearson Education Limited 2020

Writing Summarize written text 6
Model answer:
Summarize written text 1 The world is in the Fourth Industrial
Model answer: Revolution, which means that technological
The effect that working in a complex development has significantly changed our day
environment has on spatial memory and to day lives for the better in some ways – for
navigational skills appears to be reflected in example, with the economy and healthcare –
the different abilities of rural and urban but for the worse in terms of privacy and
dwellers, in that one study has shown that unemployment.
these skills are more developed among
country dwellers, and among urban dwellers, Summarize written text 7
more developed among residents of cities with Model answer:
an organic, unpredictable layout, which is Brain manipulation leading to the alteration of
something urban planners are encouraged to cognitive activity has now reached a point
bear in mind. where targeted interventions can achieve
specific, measurable outcomes due to
Summarize written text 2 advances in neurotechnology and science,
Model answer: which suggests that protective measures to
Advocates of ‘shared space’, a kind of street outlaw the exploitation of our brains are
design which does away with the normal needed.
separation between pedestrians, cyclists and
motorists, say that it reduces traffic speed and Summarize written text 8
results in fewer accidents, but these claims are Model answer:
doubtful and the public in general, especially Large numbers of tourists, although they
organisations which represent the blind or contribute to the economy, can have a
disabled, are not in favour. negative effect on small islands despite
bringing in money – for example, pollution – so
Summarize written text 3 one solution is to only allow them in in small
Model answer: groups.
In some countries, the safety of drinking water
is unsatisfactory due to pollution at water Summarize written text 9
sources or during the distribution process, but Model answer:
this problem can be solved by implementing The Internet is changing libraries because they
smart technology, and providing better are offering more books and information online
infrastructure for distributing water to as well as providing computers in library
communities. buildings, but libraries still have events and
services for communities and activities for
Summarize written text 4 children.
Model answer:
An affordability crisis in housing has led to an
increase in the residential separation of older
and younger adults, which not only reflects the
differing needs individuals have at different
stages of their life but also the fact that many
people – particularly the young – cannot afford
what they need, which has associated
implications for social cohesion policies.
Summarize written text 5
Model answer:
Many species of animals, including bears, are
increasing steadily in rural parts of Asia due to
the numbers of people moving to urban areas,
which means as the human population
decreases, wild animal populations rise, thus
as bear sightings increase and animals
interact more closely with people, future
coexistence between the two seems more

11 Answer Key © Pearson Education Limited 2020

Write essay 1 academic qualifications may not be enough to
Model answer: compensate for this.
When there is a shortage of schoolteachers, However, academic qualifications are
the government’s response is usually to still crucial. It is obvious that any person
encourage more graduates to enter the entering a professional field such as the law or
teaching profession. Targeting older people medicine will need to have the knowledge to
who have spent their working life in a different carry out their role effectively. These
profession is a more radical attempt to deal qualifications are definite proof of a person’s
with the problem. ability, whereas it is more difficult to obtain
Some people might doubt whether it proof of a person’s soft skills before the person
would work well. Teaching in a school can be is recruited.
a demanding activity requiring high levels of In general, I do not think employers
energy and so some people might find it should rely exclusively on formal qualifications
difficult if previously they worked in a quiet when making their choice. However, these
office. Moreover, if their previous profession qualifications still have to be the first thing that
involved working mainly with adults, they may an employer looks at. Once it is clear that a
have little understanding of young people. candidate has the basic academic
However, on the whole I feel that requirements, then other factors such as
schemes like this are positive and more likely personality can be taken into consideration.
to be beneficial than otherwise. An older
Write essay 3
person who has worked in another profession
Model answer:
will probably have a greater experience of life
The global population is still increasing at an
outside school than someone who has gone
incredible rate, and as such, it is inevitable that
into teaching straight from university. One of
there will be a rise in the numbers of people
the criticisms sometimes made of education
sharing living spaces. Some people may
systems is that they do not make enough
choose to live with friends or family, and I am
connections with the working life that pupils
of the opinion that both situations are equally
will enter. Older people will be better able to
make these links and may help pupils to see
Firstly, if people live with their family, it
the point of studying. It is true there may be a
is a kind of comfort. In some cultures, it is
lack of understanding between teachers and
expressly encouraged to live with family and
pupils in some cases, but perhaps an initiative
this can include the wider, extended family too.
like this could be part of the solution to the
In this kind of environment, people are
wider problem. It might increase understanding
exposed to a traditional way of living within the
on both sides through communication in the
boundaries of your family. It is a good way of
staying connected to your family and
In general, I feel that an initiative like
remaining a tightly bonded unit.
this is likely to be positive for education as long
On the other hand, if people choose to
as the professional people in question are truly
live with friends, there is still the chance to feel
committed to it and prepared for the new
part of a non-biological family. There are
demands that this career move will bring.
differences, though, and probably while living
Write essay 2 with friends, there is slightly more freedom to
Model answer: do what you want. In saying that, it is likely that
Choosing the right person for a job is a you will have much more responsibility if you
complex issue which involves weighing up live with friends, as bills and other
many different factors. It would obviously be commitments would be something you would
unwise not to consider both academic need to take care of.
qualifications and a candidate’s personality. In conclusion, I believe that whoever
Skills such as teamwork are very you choose to live with, there are both
important for the smooth running of any positives and negatives. It is important that you
workplace, and so it is quite right for choose to be in an environment in which you
employers to base their decision partly on feel comfortable and safe, and this can either
these. In some areas, they might be seen as be with your close friends or with your
more important than particularly high academic extended family.
qualifications. A person may be very highly
qualified, but if they create conflicts with
colleagues or do not appreciate the
importance of meeting deadlines, their

12 Answer Key © Pearson Education Limited 2020

Write essay 4 childhood, yet often in playgrounds parents
Model answer: display a reluctance to allow children to get
Healthcare can be defined as medical care hurt in any way, thus effectively restricting how
and services provided to citizens, individuals they play. Parents do not want their children to
or a community. It can be provided entirely get hurt and may worry a lot about even minor
free by governments or partially funded by injuries like bruises. But the importance of
national insurance contributions. Alternatively, children being afforded the opportunity to play
people may need to buy private medical naturally must be remembered. Children need
insurance plans, which can sometimes be to be given a chance to learn from their
expensive. This essay will argue that mistakes.
healthcare should be free for all citizens Another factor to consider is giving
regardless of their national insurance children some freedom to develop socially.
contributions or their ability to pay for private The social environment of a child today is
medical insurance. This is because healthcare often vastly different from how their parents
is a basic human right which all individuals grew up; take for example the influence of
should have access to and should be based modern technology, like computer games. Yet,
on need. children can be given some freedom about
Healthcare is a human right, hence what games to play with their peers and
there is a legal obligation for governments to parents can monitor their use and protect their
provide medical care and services to those safety online by using one of the many free
who require it. According to international parental control apps available. Therefore,
organisations such as the United Nations, personal choice is provided within a protected
citizens should be able to access food, framework.
clothing, shelter and medical services in order To conclude, although parents may
to ensure fundamental health needs are met. want to protect their offspring, children need to
Whilst other factors might be dependent upon be given some freedom to fail to learn to make
the amount of money a person has, their ability correct choices independently and this is
to pay should not be a means by which they achievable in a secure environment with a
are prevented from accessing medical balanced approach.
services when needed. Children and the
Write essay 6
elderly might not be earning money, but they
Model answer:
still have a right to access medication and see
Recent studies have shown that the obesity
a doctor when they are unwell. Also, illnesses
levels in many countries are on the rise. One
such as cancer and chronic conditions require
way for us to tackle this epidemic is to
advanced or regular treatment, which should
encourage schools to provide an increased
be available to everyone without having to pay
amount of exercise and to motivate children to
for it. These could affect anyone irrespective of
participate in more outdoor physical activities.
their lifestyle.
From my own personal experience,
In conclusion, healthcare should be
PE classes, or physical education classes,
free for all citizens and provided by the
were mandatory twice per week. However,
government. It is a human right and the ability
many of the students were able to simply
to pay should not determine whether a person
watch rather than participate due to a forgotten
can receive treatment for an illness or
kit or a forged note from a parent saying the
condition when they need it. The issue of how
child was injured. Children were uninterested
healthcare is funded, though, still necessitates
in exercise, mainly due to a lack of variety in
further study and research.
the activities offered. In cases such as this,
Write essay 5 students should be able to choose the
Model answer: exercises they would like to do. If students feel
In recent years, parents in some countries as though they have made their own choice
have tended to favour over-protecting their about their learning, they may be more likely to
children rather than giving them the freedom to participate. In turn, their friends will want to join
decide for themselves, because they see this in the activity, leading to more students trying
as a means of ensuring their safety. However, something new, and potentially finding a
I would argue that children need to be given physical activity they enjoy.
some degree of independence as part of their On the other hand, the responsibility of
physical and social development. providing exercise does not solely lie with the
In terms of the physical aspect, the school. It requires the parents and the
ability to play freely is a crucial part of institution to work together to not only

13 Answer Key © Pearson Education Limited 2020

encourage participation in PE lessons, but to Write essay 8
show exercise in a positive light and not as a Model answer:
chore. Extracurricular activities are sports and
To summarise, I believe that schools hobbies that students pursue outside of their
should be required to provide physical academic studies. These are generally seen
exercise classes, provided that a range of as having a positive effect on the students who
activities are offered. This will help ensure that participate in them, yet some would contend
children are doing enough physical activity and that they don’t provide any tangible benefits.
push them towards leading an active life in the My experience has been that these activities
future. not only help students to develop valuable
skills – for example, the social skills such as
Write essay 7
collaboration which can be developed while
Model answer:
working together – they can also increase
Doctors becoming able to consult patients
students’ self-esteem and broaden their
remotely is an important recent development in
healthcare that has a variety of benefits all
Participating in extracurricular
across the globe. Video communication
activities might be viewed negatively by those
technologies have already had a significant
who believe that students’ sole focus should
impact and continue to revolutionize certain
be on succeeding academically so that they
aspects of healthcare. However, it is highly
can achieve success in their future careers.
unlikely that they will ever replace face-to-face
However, studies in this area suggest that
consultation entirely.
students who take part in extracurricular
A particular benefit of using this kind of
activities perform better academically than
technology is that it allows people in areas
those who don’t, because they gain useful
without ready access to healthcare, such as
skills and knowledge. Most high-flying adults
remote rural areas, to communicate with
are also aware of the importance of applying
doctors about everyday medical and
their minds to tasks outside of the world of
healthcare issues in the way that people in
work for their mental health and well-being.
built-up urban areas can do by just popping
The benefits of extracurricular
into their nearby doctor’s surgery. In this
activities for students, therefore, seem to
sense, video technology widens access to
outweigh any potential issues, principally
basic healthcare.
spending less time on school work. As a
A further benefit is that it facilitates
student, I spent significant amounts of time
specialist medical care in areas that may lack
playing tennis, but I didn’t fall behind with my
it. Certain regions may lack doctors with
school work as a result. On the contrary, my
specialist knowledge of certain subjects, for
energy levels increased due to the exercise I
example skin inflammation. In the past,
was doing and it was easier for me to
someone with a rash may have needed to
concentrate on my homework.
travel miles, or even across countries, in order
In conclusion, it can be said that critics
to see a specialist able to diagnose their
of extracurricular activities may have valid
condition. Nowadays, dermatologists, and
concerns that students spend less time on
other specialists, can offer online
their school work because of their participation
consultancies, thereby widening access to
in them. Nevertheless, the benefits of such
their medical expertise.
activities do, in fact, help students to succeed
However, we must not forget two kinds
at school, while also equipping them with
of people: those who have ailments that must
better social skills and broadening their
be touched to be identified. At present,
technologies do not exist that would, for
example, allow a doctor to press someone’s
skin to check whether a bone is broken. There
are also people who simply do not desire to
use video technologies for medical
consultations. Healthcare must be responsive
to people’s wants as well as needs, and it is
likely there will always be some people who
prefer face-to-face communication with their

14 Answer Key © Pearson Education Limited 2020

Write essay 9
Model answer:
In every school system, there is a specified
range of school subjects, some of which have
been designated compulsory and some of
which are optional from a certain age. Some
would argue that governments’ education
departments know better than young people
what should be on their curriculum, and a
grounding in certain subjects, such as maths,
is simply indispensable. On the other hand, the
personal experience of most school pupils
suggests they are able to learn more
effectively if they can fully engage with the
content they’re learning. My point of view is
that school systems need to strike a better
balance between teaching useful subjects and
allowing pupils to pursue their own interests.
Clearly everyone needs to study their
country’s first language in order to become
literate. However, one could argue that once
pupils have demonstrated that they are able to
do this, they should not be forced to study
works of fiction in that language but written
decades or centuries ago unless they have a
particular interest in literature. Similarly, all
pupils will need numeracy skills in order to
cope with everyday life as an adult, but my
personal experience suggests that advanced
algebra has very few, if any, practical
applications for the majority of people.
I would argue that allowing pupils to
spend more time on subjects they’re
passionate about, even if these are outside
their country’s specified range of subjects,
enables them to gain skills and knowledge so
they can develop real expertise in that area.
These pupils would be better equipped to
succeed in higher studies or build a career in
their chosen area of specialization. My
proposal would, therefore, be that
governments give all pupils a good grounding
in essential literacy and numeracy skills, but
pupils are then free to pursue their own

15 Answer Key © Pearson Education Limited 2020

Reading 2. Correct: This is the main idea of the text
and is outlined in the first paragraph then
Multiple choice, choose single answer reiterated in the last one.
1 3. Incorrect: This is not a main idea and it does
1. Incorrect: The writer refers to European not explicitly mention this in the text, it only
settlers, but does not criticise them for says that renewable energy production
destroying forests. requires more circuit breakers and switches.
2. Incorrect: It is a popular, romantic idea that 4. Incorrect: Although this may be true for
they had little or no effect on the landscape, sulphur hexafluoride, the text does not indicate
but the writer argues that this is not true since whether it is true for other greenhouse gases.
they carried out a form of forest management.
Multiple choice, choose single answer
3. Correct: The writer states in the last
sentence that the idea that they exerted no 5
control over their environment is wrong since 1. Incorrect: The text does not state face-to-
they carried out forest management by burning face communication is becoming less
trees. common.
4. Incorrect: The writer mentions wood 2. Correct: This is stated in the first two
pastures in Europe in passing, but to make the sentences.
point that neither North American nor 3. Incorrect: This contrasts with the text, which
European forests were really natural. describes a lack of social acceptance in face-
to-face communication.
Multiple choice, choose single answer 4. Incorrect: The text highlights that this ability
2 to be more empathetic in person ‘remains to
1. Incorrect: The writer states that people skim be seen’.
the text quickly, but nothing about how quickly
Multiple choice, choose single answer
they forget what they have read.
2. Incorrect: The writer says nothing about how 6
likely people are to check the accuracy of the 1. Incorrect: The development of trade
information in a text. increased the population size, but the text
3. Incorrect: The writer suggests we can in fact doesn’t suggest an influence of the style of
consciously control the way we read, but says buildings.
nothing about mental processes in general. 2. Incorrect: The text states that historical
4. Correct: The writer states that people are accounts contain ‘conflicting ideas’.
less able to understand the complexity of the 3. Correct: The gradual development of
argument in more difficult texts. Rome’s commerce and infrastructure led to an
increase in social activity.
Multiple choice, choose single answer 4. Incorrect: There have been conflicting ideas,
3 and parts of the city have been excavated, but
1. Incorrect: The passage states that residents these two ideas are not linked in the text.
were affected by the changes and doesn’t
Multiple choice, choose single answer
indicate that they led them.
2. Correct: Tower blocks were expected to 7
significantly improve people’s lives, but 1 Incorrect: The writer doesn’t mention being
ultimately had the opposite effect. worried about the number of emails increasing.
3. Incorrect: The passage mentions isolation 2 Incorrect: The text doesn’t compare writing
as a result of tower block living and the emails and traditional writing as a key point.
increase in population as a cause for new 3. Incorrect: Grammar is the main focus here.
tower blocks, but there is no link between the 4. Correct: Although the writer mentions the
two. things in the first three options, the question
4. Incorrect: Although the writer indicates the ‘Does this mean that the quality of written
tower blocks were not successful, there is no English is poorer because of email use?’
mention of resistance to them being built. shows that this is the main issue which he/she
is going to discuss.
Multiple choice, choose single answer
Multiple choice, choose single answer
1. Incorrect: There is only one use mentioned 8
in this paragraph so this conclusion cannot be 1. Correct: Although the statements in the last
drawn from this extract. three options are all mentioned in the text and
are all true, the second half of the paragraph
(beginning ‘However, the secret of the book’s

16 Answer Key © Pearson Education Limited 2020

success …’) explains why the first option is the 3. Incorrect: This is not mentioned directly in
main reason for the book’s popularity in the the text.
writer’s opinion. 4. Incorrect: This is implied, but not directly
2. Incorrect: The professor’s large amount of mentioned in the text.
teaching experience is not the main reason 5. Correct: The final sentence in the text
why his book is so popular. mentions the Vikings ‘expanding’ their trade
3. Incorrect: This is a true statement, but again beyond their borders.
not the main reason for the book’s success.
4. Incorrect: This is a true statement, but again Multiple choice, choose multiple
not the main reason for the book’s success. answers 3
1. Correct: ‘we’re expected to update the
Multiple choice, choose single answer software on them regularly, as well as
9 upgrading by purchasing completely new
1. Incorrect: Although the text mentions software.’
caricatures, it doesn’t talk about how these are 2. Incorrect: Older adults prefer to keep using
combined with realism. old-fashioned laptops.
2. Correct: The text mentions ‘Austen’s ability 3. Incorrect: This preference is not mentioned.
to perceive the subtle nuances of human 4. Incorrect: ‘around a fifth of adults now say
psychology ...’ and then the ‘insights’ her that a laptop is an essential device.’
works provide ‘into human frailty and its 5. Correct: There ‘are a lack of software
effects’. These references imply that Austen updates to older systems. Companies have
had a deep understanding of how people feel admitted to slowing down older models.’
(their ‘psychology’, ‘human frailty’) and how
they react to the ‘effects’ of how they feel. Multiple choice, choose multiple
3. Incorrect: The text mentions the influence of answers 4
Austen on the modern novel but doesn’t 1. Incorrect: The passage states that the
mention how Austen’s characters are thought universities have been ignoring communities
of now. closer to home.
4. Incorrect: The text doesn’t mention Austen 2. Correct: The passage states they could
criticising aspects of human behaviour. work together with local businesses to create
employment opportunities.
Multiple choice, choose multiple 3. Incorrect: The passage states that
answers 1 universities need to make sure they do this,
1. Incorrect: The writer refers to the increased but not that they do it.
cost of car ownership in the 1970s, but says 4. Incorrect: The passage states that
nothing about whether it has become more universities need to learn how to do this, but
expensive again now. not that they do it.
2. Correct: Online retail, telecommuting and 5. Correct: The passage states their quest to
online socializing have all meant that it is less increase equality could be damaged if they do
necessary to travel by car for shopping, work not succeed in engaging local people.
or meeting friends.
3. Incorrect: The writer refers to facilities in an Multiple choice, choose multiple
urban environment, but says nothing about answers 5
whether people in towns are more aware of 1. Incorrect: The text refers to ‘messaging
environmental issues. friends’ but does not say you can make new
4. Incorrect: The writer says that young people friends.
are less likely to see buying your first home as 2. Correct: The text says you can change the
a sign of success, but nothing about space for settings on your phone, and that phones
keeping cars. respond to questions. So you can talk to your
5. Correct: Young people today are less likely phone in a different language.
to see a car as a status symbol (=sign of 3. Correct: This happens when you are
success). listening to and singing a song.
4. Incorrect: The text says phones can help
Multiple choice, choose multiple people who aren’t confident.
answers 2 5. Incorrect: The text says ‘their phone …
1. Incorrect: This contrasts with the information won’t point out their mistakes’.
in the text – ‘a sharp rise in birth rates’.
2. Correct: ‘Exploited a moment of weakness’
– ‘lack of organised naval opposition’.

17 Answer Key © Pearson Education Limited 2020

Multiple choice, choose multiple Multiple choice, choose multiple
answers 6 answers 9
1. Correct: Doing kind things is ‘good for a 1. Incorrect: She says environmentalists’
person’s health’ and ‘makes the person scepticism is typical, i.e. she isn’t taken aback.
receiving the help feel happy too’. 2. Correct: This is shown by the sentence:
2. Incorrect: The text talks about the effect of ‘the infrastructure to support advanced battery
technology on communication, but not about technology would need to be scaled up far
whether it affects being social. beyond current capabilities’.
3. Correct: The writer says that an act of 3. Incorrect: She is describing the huge
kindness ‘doesn’t have to be a major thing’. challenges ahead, but doesn't say it is
4. Incorrect: The text doesn’t talk about how impossible.
useful kind actions are. 4. Incorrect: Her views about claims made by
5. Incorrect: The text says people ‘shouldn’t industry experts are not given.
ignore … offers’ when they come by text 5. Correct: This is shown by the sentence: ‘It
message. is naïve to dismiss the scale of the challenges
presented by the push to go electric as a mere
Multiple choice, choose multiple lack of collective will’.
answers 7
1. Correct: The writer says that the ‘many Re-order paragraphs 1
benefits’ include that gardening reduces Like many insects, termites display a fixed life
pollution and helps ‘the things that live in the cycle in which they live underground, fly and
soil’ by removing bacteria from water. Also, lay eggs at different stages of their existence.
‘This reduces the pollution produced by As they mature beneath the soil, they develop
vehicles’. wings in preparation for the time when they will
2. Incorrect: The text talks about plants emerge from their colony. Once out in the
growing in the wrong places, but not the wrong open air, mating takes place as they fly in
crops. swarms, usually for about forty minutes. After
3. Correct: The writer says that ‘having more this, the termites will land and lose their wings.
plants in your garden’ is ‘attractive to wildlife’, These wingless termites will then go on to
and that plants can reduce energy costs and become kings and queens of newly
create a more attractive place – a space where established colonies.
people can relax.
Re-order paragraphs 2
4. Incorrect: Pollution is mentioned, but it is the
It is well-known that a number of the world’s
fact that you reduce pollution levels if you grow
major lakes are decreasing in size as a result
plants in your garden.
of climate change. The surface area of one
5. Incorrect: The text says not to remove
recently researched lake in Asia has
plants, but doesn’t tell you how to care for
decreased by over sixty percent and it might
disappear altogether. In this case, the crisis is
Multiple choice, choose multiple caused not just by climate change but by new
answers 8 farming projects which need increased
1. Correct: ‘much of his early work, which quantities of water. If the lake is to be saved,
caught the attention of the art world, was an therefore, the authorities need to look at plans
expression of his own memories and to reduce the amount of water used in the
interpretations of the Canadian landscapes’. region. Hopefully, a greater awareness of
2. Correct: ‘Doig himself acknowledges music water management may help to achieve a
and film of the 1960s and 70s as providing as better balance between water supply and
much inspiration for his work’. demand.
3. Incorrect: The influences of other artists
such as Matisse are ‘clear’.
4. Incorrect: The writer is not ‘discussing the
role of film and music’ – she’s presenting the
role of music as one piece of new information.
5. Incorrect: There is no mention of Doig’s
originality in the text. It’s about the influences
on him.

18 Answer Key © Pearson Education Limited 2020

Re-order paragraphs 3 instantly reflect a culture of originality and help
Poverty was believed to be the biggest threat differentiate your network. As your network
to social stability until rising unemployment progresses, check in regularly with your
rates towards the end of the 19th century members to ensure they are working
started to ring alarm bells. It was initially collaboratively and liaising with each other in
thought that some workers' faulty character the way you want.
traits, such as a lack of drive or pure idleness,
Re-order paragraphs 7
had led to this increase. Therefore, the general
Traffic used to be a serious problem affecting
consensus was that unemployment was an
people living in and around the French town of
issue for individuals to deal with, rather than
Millau. Its location near one of the most
society as a whole, as the unemployed were
popular routes for motorists driving between
themselves to blame for their unfortunate
Paris and Spain meant that long lines of
position. It was not until later that researchers
vehicles were once a common sight in Millau.
started realising that it was actually negative
However, the construction of a huge bridge
conditions in the economy that had forced
over the River Tarn has made life easier by
unemployment on individuals.
creating multiple traffic lanes. In addition to the
Re-order paragraphs 4 effect it has had on traffic problems, the Millau
Every day, individuals in society engage in a Bridge should also be recognised as a great
number of exchanges of information which success in engineering. After all, it’s the
may take the form of actual conversations, text world’s tallest bridge and was even completed
messages, emails or chats on social media ahead of schedule!
platforms. When this exchange occurs
Re-order paragraphs 8
between two or more people, it is called the
During his time as American President,
‘communication process’. The sender or
Lyndon B. Johnson introduced a series of
source, receiver and message comprise the
important policies. Many of them focused on
most basic elements of this, whilst the medium
improving economic conditions for American
is the transmission mode. Once the message
people. For example, Johnson’s Economic
has been successfully conveyed, received and
Opportunity Act included steps like creating
comprehended, direct feedback (a written or
jobs, providing training, and helping local
spoken reply) or indirect feedback (an action
communities fight poverty, all of which helped
response) occurs.
to close the gap between the rich and poor in
Re-order paragraphs 5 society. However, there are other reasons why
The study of human prehistory suggests the the policies shouldn’t be forgotten, especially
mass extinction of dinosaurs was a direct the huge effects they had on many areas of
consequence of a giant asteroid crashing to American life. These include the benefits to the
Earth off the coast of Mexico. Within minutes nation from Johnson’s steps to improve access
of this collision a giant tsunami was triggered, to education and healthcare, support art and
resulting in marine animals being swept far culture, and deal with environmental issues.
inland. The force of the wave’s impact
Re-order paragraphs 9
travelled across every ocean range, from the
Most corporate websites have sections
Gulf of Mexico before spreading out to the
discussing the company’s ‘social responsibility
Atlantic. Models measuring the scale of
and values’. However, in the 1970s, the
destruction reveal catastrophic outcomes for
influential economist Milton Friedman had very
the planet, with the sun blocked out by
different views about what companies should
particles, and chemical reactions turning the
focus on. For him, the only obligation
oceans acidic.
companies needed to fulfil was to their
Re-order paragraphs 6 shareholders, so companies were discouraged
Network building is a continual process which from doing anything which could prevent them
helps you find support from people in your from maximising their financial gains. Putting
industry. To build your network, begin by aside the obvious moral criticisms of this view,
summarising what it aims to achieve in a clear even from an economic perspective,
and concise ‘mission statement’. Clearly ‘Shareholder Theory’ seems problematic. After
mention your targets within the statement, and all, research has shown that companies which
explain how you aim to achieve them in a are perceived to be socially responsible are
network roadmap. Once this is planned out, more likely to attract more consumers, proving
invite new members to join, particularly early that companies can increase their profits while
adopters of experimental ideas, who can also helping society.

19 Answer Key © Pearson Education Limited 2020

Fill in the blanks (reading & writing) 1 Fill in the blanks (reading & writing) 6
1. through: ‘through’ is the best of these 1. targeting: advertisers target different
prepositions to use with ‘processes’ consumer groups
2. being: after ‘result in’ we usually use a noun 2. are exposed to: passive sentence is
or gerund clause necessary here, because other people expose
3. major: ‘major sources’ is the most natural children to these adverts
collocation 3. despite: ‘despite’ is followed by noun and
4. despite: ‘despite’ is followed by a noun such gerund clauses
as ‘health risks’ 4. consumer: ‘consumer spending’ is a
common collocation
Fill in the blanks (reading & writing) 2
1. were revealed: this is a past event; they Fill in the blanks (reading & writing) 7
‘were revealed to be from an ancient fern tree’ 1. threat: ‘threat of extinction’ is a common
by somebody collocation
2. must: the evidence provides certainty 2. vulnerable: this is used with the preposition
3. support: an ‘idea’ can be given ‘support’ ‘to’
4. bear: ‘bear a … resemblance’ is a common 3. gets caught: ‘one partner’ is a singular
collocation subject for the verb
5. insights: studying something provides 4. otherwise: seahorses may become extinct if
insights into it researchers do not better understand how to
manage oceans
Fill in the blanks (reading & writing) 3 5. species: animals are divided into ‘species’
1. in: ‘in’ is the correct preposition to use with
‘resulted’ Fill in the blanks (reading & writing) 8
2. have not been met: the subject ‘standards’ 1. could have expected: this is something they
is plural and this is a past event with current were able to do in the past
importance, so present perfect is the most 2. leaving: ‘leaving’ is the appropriate verb to
appropriate tense use with ‘impression’
3. However: this is the best option 3. troubling: ‘troubling pattern’ is a common
grammatically and carries the right meaning collocation
for this type of contrast 4. name but a few: ‘to name but a few’ is an
4. address: ‘address’ is the best verb to use expression that commonly follows a list like
with ‘issues’ this
5. for: ‘for’ is the appropriate preposition to use
Fill in the blanks (reading & writing) 4 with ‘basis’ here
1. gathering: ‘gathering pace’ is a common
collocation Fill in the blanks (reading & writing) 9
2. despite: ‘despite’ is followed by nouns such 1. has lectured: this part of the paragraph is a
as ‘challenge’ description of his current life, so past tenses
3. faced: ‘faced’ has the correct meaning and would not be suitable
naturally collocates with ‘realities’ 2. inventing: ‘invention’ doesn’t follow the verb
4. beyond: ‘beyond’ has the correct meaning ‘do’; also, ‘do his inventing’ is correct because
here, because the women are already working the do + his + ing structure shows someone’s
and intend to continue work or task; the text isn’t about recording or
Fill in the blanks (reading & writing) 5 3. paid for: this means the money Mr Adler
1. fed: ‘to feed something into earnt from the product enabled him to buy
somewhere/something’ is a common phrase (‘paid for’) the Bentley and house; ‘purchased
that is often used, especially when putting from’ must be followed by the person/company
information into computers that sold the Bentley and house; ‘used for’ and
2. evidence: ‘to find evidence’ is a common ‘spent on’ are incorrect because they require a
collocation subject before the gap
3. evolved: simple past tense here describes 4. but: the structure ‘not … but …’ is used to
this finished action emphasise that the second part of the
4. from: we ‘split from’ or ‘split away from’ sentence (‘coffee-maker’) is true, rather than
something/someone the first part (‘electrical’); ‘in spite of’ and
‘instead’ also show contrasts, but are not used
with ‘not’; ‘actually’ doesn’t fit in the gap
because it requires ‘but’ before it

20 Answer Key © Pearson Education Limited 2020

Fill in the blanks (reading & writing) 10 Fill in the blanks (reading & writing) 13
1. has shown: ‘recent’ means that the verb 1. superficial: the only option that fits due to
shouldn’t be in a past tense; ‘has been shown’ the gap requiring a word which refers to
is passive and needs to be followed by ‘to’ ‘simply … fashionable’
2. as important: ‘less useful’ and ‘not like’ 2. revive: the only option that fits due to the
cannot be followed with ‘as’; ‘as important’ is gap requiring a word which matches with
correct because it means that both computers ‘latest decision’ and refers to how the
and books have the same importance government plans to introduce wind power
3. aims: both ‘encourages’ and ‘allows’ should 3. beyond: the only word collocating with ‘go
be followed by a person/object, so they are far’ to mean ‘exceed’
incorrect; ‘has’ is incorrect because it is not an 4. need to be built: the only option that fits due
obligation; ‘aims’ is correct because it shows to the gap requiring a structure which can
the purpose of the event follow ‘would’ to describe a hypothetical
4. very few: ‘not much’ and ‘so much’ are (‘theoretical’) requirement in a passive form
incorrect because they should be followed by
uncountable nouns; ‘very few’ is correct Fill in the blanks (reading & writing) 14
because the next sentence (‘Unfortunately’) 1. fretting: the only option that fits due to the
shows that not many parents are reading with gap needing a verb which means ‘to worry’ to
their children support the idea in the previous clause
2. clueless: the only option that fits due to the
Fill in the blanks (reading & writing) 11 gap requiring a word which describes the
1. for: ‘opportunity for’ is correct because it writer’s view of the prediction made in the
describes who will get the opportunity (all previous sentence, given the factual
communities); the other options do not express information in the following sentence
this 3. vast outpouring of: the only option that fits
2. variety: ‘a variety’ means many different due to the need for a phrase that supports the
ways; ‘kind’ doesn’t mean this. ‘plenty’ doesn’t information before and after the gap regarding
follow ‘a’; ‘group of’ doesn’t match with ‘ways’ the high levels of public interest in the Beatles
3. identical: the sentence is about the 4. swollen into: the only option that fits with the
differences between the UK and the US; this preposition ‘into’
means they are ‘not identical’ 5. plundered: the only option that fits due to
4. place: the sentence is about the timing of the need for a word which can have a negative
the event (‘in October … in February’), so connotation to match ‘admission’, in order to
‘takes place’ is the phrase which means when express that the words were not originally
an event happens; the other phrases have written by the journalist
different meanings
Fill in the blanks (reading & writing) 15
Fill in the blanks (reading & writing) 12 1. tantamount: the only option that fits due to
1. are grown: present tense is needed when the fact that it collocates with ‘to’ and suggests
making general descriptions of things; the an analogy is being made in the sentence
other options are not present tenses 2. Such: the only option that fits due to the gap
2. not as: ‘not as’ goes with … ‘able … as requiring a word which can add emphasis to a
crops like wheat’ to make a comparison and previous idea while adding more information in
means that cocoa is less able to survive; ‘not the clause that follows
much’ doesn’t go with ‘able’; ‘more’ and ‘most’ 3. levelled: the only word collocating with
do not go with ‘able … as’ criticism
3. Since: this sentence explains why cocoa 4. nudges: the only option that fits due to the
farmers have a problem; ‘Although’ and ‘Also’ word ‘gentle’ before the gap and the need for a
are not used to explain reasons; ‘Due to’ must word which means incentive, relating to the
be followed by a noun example of the fruit given in the sentence
4. by purchasing: this sentence explains how
customers can do something about the issues; Fill in the blanks (reading & writing) 16
‘by …ing’ is the only option which can be used 1. on a par: the only option that fits due to the
to express a method of how something can be gap requiring a phrase that can be followed by
done; ‘in order to’ means why, and the other ‘with’ to make a comparison
options refer to times or people 2. ultimately: the only option that fits due to the
gap requiring a desirable outcome that will
collocate with ‘soil erosion’

21 Answer Key © Pearson Education Limited 2020

3. as they once did: the only option that fits 3. In: ‘in doing this’ is a phrase that means ‘as
due to the gap requiring a phrase that provides a result of doing this’
a reference and comparison to a previous time 4. synthesise: the only word which collocates
4. of: the only preposition which fits with ‘rob’ with the sentence and fits the meaning of the
to mean ‘deprive’ text
5. relentless: the only option that fits due to the
gap requiring a word which collocates with Fill in the blanks (reading) 1
‘processing of the land’ and refers to ‘over- 1. involved: areas of the brain are involved in
farming’ activities like memory and learning
2. release: chemicals are released when
Fill in the blanks (reading & writing) 17 certain things happen
1. boiled down: the only option that fits due to 3. impact: ‘direct impact on’ is a common
the gap requiring a verb which can be followed collocation
by ‘to’ and then a summary of companies’ 4. reducing: stress and anxiety are negative
expectations feelings that people want to reduce
2. more than equipped: the only option that fits
due to the gap requiring a positive professional Fill in the blanks (reading) 2
outcome for students who have critical thinking 1. theory: a ‘hypothesis’ is similar to a theory
skills 2. backed: experiments can back up, i.e.
3. to the same degree: the only option that fits support, a hypothesis
due to the gap requiring a phrase which 3. inference: inference and observation are
expresses the extent to which literature can two different ways to reach a conclusion
teach important skills when compared to other 4. provoked: ridicule is something that is
subjects provoked/stimulated
4. inserted: the only option with the appropriate 5. acceptance: this contrasts with the ridicule
register Fill in the blanks (reading) 3
Fill in the blanks (reading & writing) 18 1. prevention: soil erosion is a negative
1. compelled: the only word with the correct occurrence that people want to prevent
meaning to fit the text; ‘feeling compelled’ 2. shortages: it is important people do not
means you feel strongly that you should do experience water shortages
something 3. assessed: it is important to assess
2. mobilised: the only verb that fits the requirements during a planning process
meaning and style of the text Fill in the blanks (reading) 4
3. thereby: (meaning ‘in this way’) the only 1. undivided: this has a positive meaning and
answer that fits the meaning of the paragraph ‘undivided attention’ is a common collocation
4. Having proved: the only answer that fits the 2. nurturing: this makes sense in the context
meaning and tense of the paragraph and is often followed by the preposition
Fill in the blanks (reading & writing) 19 ‘towards’
1. worthy of: the only answer which fits the 3. observed: this is usually used in the context
meaning of the sentence, meaning ‘worth of studies to indicate what researchers have
doing’ witnessed
2 them: fits the grammar of the sentence, Fill in the blanks (reading) 5
referring to ‘the notes taken by an individual’ 1. relationship: ‘relationship’ is the right word to
3. reap the rewards: the only option which fits connect workers and machines in this text
the meaning of the sentence, meaning 2. replaced: machines may replace some
‘benefitting in the long term’ human jobs
4. warrant: the only option which fits the 3. created: the text is discussing ways to make
meaning of the sentence, meaning that the money without jobs being lost
high ranking of note taking is justified or
Fill in the blanks (reading & writing) 20
1. deduce: the only word which fits the
meaning of the sentence, meaning ‘work out’
or ‘come to a conclusion’
2. prudent: the only word which fits the
meaning of the text, ‘sensible’ in this context

22 Answer Key © Pearson Education Limited 2020

Fill in the blanks (reading) 6 3. recipient: ‘passive … of knowledge’ means
1. planet: ‘planets and stars can be seen in the the students receive the knowledge rather than
sky actively creating it
2. support: some planets, such as the Earth, 4. hard-wired: ‘hard-wired’ means something
are able to support human life which is natural or we are born with; ‘native’
3. development: technologies, such as has a similar meaning but refers to the place
cameras and computer software, are where we are from, or the language we grow
developed up speaking
4. universe: all of the stars and planets around
Fill in the blanks (reading) 12
us are referred to as our ‘universe’
1. widespread: the only option that fits due to
Fill in the blanks (reading) 7 the gap needing a word which links with the
1. inspire: we use this word to describe increasing popularity of shopping centres
engaging someone in something 2. needs: the only correct option due to the
2. sense: ‘sense of achievement’ is a common fact that it can be used with ‘basic human’ to
collocation describe ‘food and clothing’, which are basic
3. approach: having a ‘critical approach’ needs
means carefully thinking about something 3: economic: the only option that fits due to the
4. compose: ‘to compose music/songs’ means gap needing a word that can be used with
to create them ‘impact’ to describe the kind of effect jobs have
on the nation
Fill in the blanks (reading) 8 4: interaction: the only option that fits due to
1. case: we make a case for something the meaning of the sentence; human
2. ensure: we ensure that something happens interaction is something people usually need
3. overcome: ‘overcome hurdles’ is a common when they are ‘isolated from others’
Fill in the blanks (reading) 13
Fill in the blanks (reading) 9 1. outcome: the only option that fits due to the
1. public: public opinion is formed by a range gap needing a word which means the result of
of people an election
2. style: style is the type of interview being 2. favour: the only option that fits due to the
performed sentence describing the different cases where
3. prepare: although little preparation is big and small parties are likely to perform well,
needed, some research is necessary so the gap needs a verb meaning to offer an
4. topic: topic is the subject the journalists advantage
want people to discuss 3. distribution: the only option that fits due to
Fill in the blanks (reading) 10 the gap needing a word which goes before ‘of
1. aesthetic: ‘aesthetic’ is contrasted with seats’ to mean the statistical proportion of
‘user-friendly’ to exemplify ‘the … conflict seats for each party
between form and function’ Fill in the blanks (reading) 14
2. complicated: ‘complicated’ shows that 1. analysed: the only option that fits due to the
sustainable building design is another gap needing a verb which can be used before
consideration that architects need to think ‘cultures’
about, in addition to the ones previously 2. valued: the only option that fits due to the
mentioned gap needing a verb that means to support
3. incorporate: because the architects must 3. implications: the only option that fits due to
have ecological elements in their design the gap needing a noun which means possible
4. credentials: these are the qualities that consequences to show why Hofstede’s
make it suitable research was important for companies
5. baulk: ‘baulk’ at something means to be 4. extensively: the only option that fits due to
unwilling or reluctant to do it the gap needing an adverb which contrasts
Fill in the blanks (reading) 11 with ‘limited to’ to show that the research is
1. expose: ‘expose students to the … now widely used
concepts’ means they will see them for the first
2. grapple with: ‘grapple with’ means try hard
to understand, which is what the learner needs
to do before getting help in the class

23 Answer Key © Pearson Education Limited 2020

Fill in the blanks (reading) 15
1. public: the only option that fits because the
text is about personal savings not business
2. costs: the only option that fits as the
previous sentence talks about preparing for
this by putting money in a savings account
3. repairs: the only option that fits as car or
home repairs are something that people need
money for
4. borrowing: the only option that fits as it is a
way of spending on a ‘credit card’
Fill in the blanks (reading) 16
1. articles: the only option that fits because the
text is about the structure of a news article
2. briefly: the only option that fits because it
means only using a few words, and the title of
an article describes the story using only a few
3. summary: the only option that fits because a
summary is a short statement that gives the
main information about something
4. details: the only option that fits because it
means further information
Fill in the blanks (reading) 17
1. design: the only option that fits as people
design adverts
2. message: the only option that fits as an
advert communicates a message to its
3. main: the only option that fits as it is the
most important thing
4. brand: the only option that fits because it is
the name of a product

24 Answer Key © Pearson Education Limited 2020

Listening Summarize spoken text 6
Model Answer:
Summarize spoken text 1 Agriculture is responsible for pollution and a
Model Answer: number of environmental issues in the world.
The term ‘insomnia’ only came into common Traditionally, discussions around farming and
use in the 20th century, although sleep the environment have been split between
problems clearly existed before this. It is those who favour organic approaches and
sometimes thought that this is the result of a those who want a greater quantity of
more stressful lifestyle. However, the speaker production, but a choice between these two
attributes it to the tendency to define things may not have to be made because
conditions such as the inability to sleep as small organic farms have actually been found
single medical conditions, instead of part of a to create higher yields.
cluster of symptoms arising from a particular
situation. Summarize spoken text 7
Model Answer:
Summarize spoken text 2 A study has found that one type of garden bird
Model Answer: could be taught to avoid dangerous or
Offering too wide a choice of products to disgusting foods by showing them videos of
customers is not a good strategy. Although other birds eating. The birds in the study
displaying a big selection of products may learned to avoid foods that other birds
initially attract customers, fewer actually make rejected. As a result, the birds saved time and
a purchase because they find it too difficult to energy and were less likely to eat harmful
choose. It also suggests to customers that one food.
of the products must be exactly right and so
makes it more likely they will be disappointed. Summarize spoken text 8
Model Answer:
Summarize spoken text 3 A new study shows that the temperature in the
Model Answer: Arctic has increased by almost 0.8 degrees
Scientists studying fish that emit light Celsius over the last decade and this has had
previously believed that the fish made their a considerable effect on the landscape there.
own enzymes and molecules to do so. The temperature increase caused Arctic plants
However, new research shows that one to grow taller. However, because they then
species of fish actually takes the necessary covered less ground, more heat entered the
components from its prey. Scientists are ground causing an overall increase in
surprised that the components survive temperatures in the region.
digestion, but there is a lot more still unknown.
Summarize spoken text 9
Summarize spoken text 4 Model Answer:
Model Answer: The ancient Olympics are virtually
Employee well-being is created through unrecognisable when compared to the modern
effective communication, good management version of the games. The modern Olympic
and clear job design. Whilst communication is movement is far more inclusive, both in terms
important, so too is job security, opportunities of the format of the competition and also in
to use existing skills and develop others. terms of who can participate. More importantly,
Managers have a role to play and should look there is a fundamental distinction between the
at ways to promote employee well-being that extremely competitive nature of the ancient
focus on the long rather than short term. games and the modern Olympic ideals of
peace, friendship and fair play.
Summarize spoken text 5
Model Answer: Multiple choice, choose single answer
Business plans remain crucial, despite a 1
recent study showing that most millennial start- 1. Incorrect: The speaker indicates that social
ups have never written one. Companies may mobility really means occupational mobility.
write a plan for many different reasons, but the 2. Incorrect: The speaker states that we are
main purpose of a business plan is to attract not considered successful due to kindness.
an investor, or backer, and to prove that their 3. Correct: The speaker repeats that getting a
money is safe and secure when investing in better paid job shows our success.
you. The company needs to show they have 4. Incorrect: The speaker states that showing
assessed any potential financial risks. gratitude does not indicate success.

25 Answer Key © Pearson Education Limited 2020

Multiple choice, choose single answer Multiple choice, choose single answer
2 5
1. Incorrect: The speaker describes the 1. Incorrect: There was no significant increase
relevance of skills developed in academia to in fears.
other areas, such as the workplace. 2. Correct: The speaker says that ‘it
2. Correct: The speaker emphasises the stimulated more trust in the work the police do.
transferable nature of the critical thinking, 3. Incorrect: They were aiming to improve
problem-solving and interpersonal policing, but there is no suggestion that the
competencies gained through research at data indicated it was ineffective.
university. 4. Incorrect: The findings were about trust in
3. Incorrect: Although the speaker does the police, not reducing crime.
mention these skills, she does not limit their
usefulness to academia. Multiple choice, choose single answer
4. Incorrect: The speaker does mention that 6
interpersonal competencies can be honed 1. Incorrect: The speaker says that there is an
through research but she does not specify that association between some flavours and
it has to happen in group work. colours, not necessarily a preference.
2. Incorrect: The speaker says that food items
Multiple choice, choose single answer often had a specific colour associated with
3 them, not that a surprising colour was more
1. Incorrect: Although the speaker says an attractive.
individual’s mood can sometimes match that of 3. Correct: The increase has appeared
others around them, there is no comparison because ‘it’s been estimated that up to seventy
between the extent of this influence and percent of the food in the average American
physiological influences. diet is made up of processed foods. This is a
2. Incorrect: This is not supported by the huge increase from the past’, and so the use
speaker, who describes rather than of colourings has increased in parallel.
undermines this theory. 4. Incorrect: The text only says that processed
3. Incorrect: This contrasts with the point made foods are an unexpected colour, and so the
by the speaker that interpretation and plain grey colour is off-putting. It does not say
physiological responses happen ‘at the same that naturally plain foods have lost their
time’. appeal.
4. Correct: The speaker says: ‘the nervous
system produces the degree to which the Multiple choice, choose single answer
emotion is felt’. 7
1. Incorrect: The speaker mentions that the
Multiple choice, choose single answer book is on students’ reading lists, but it is not
4 the most important reason given by the
1. Incorrect: The speaker refers to how we speaker for reading the book.
show dominance ourselves, not how we feel 2. Correct: The sentence ‘However, the main
when someone else does. reason I’d give is that it’s extremely readable’
2. Incorrect: The speaker is not giving advice, contains the information which tells you that
but stating facts from previous studies. the second option is correct.
3. Correct: ‘This can be seen in both humans 3. Incorrect: The speaker discusses an
and the animal kingdom … when birds spread important topic/question, but it is not the most
their wings or people lift their arms …’ important reason given by the speaker for
4. Incorrect: The talk does not suggest or point reading the book.
out ways to help us show dominance, only 4. Incorrect: The speaker mentions that the
discussing ‘spreading’ which is genetically book is a standard text, but it is not the most
ingrained in us, according to the speaker. important reason given by the speaker for
reading the book.

26 Answer Key © Pearson Education Limited 2020

Multiple choice, choose single answer Highlight correct summary 2
8 1. Incorrect: The speaker says that working
1. Incorrect: The speaker mentions ‘strong people could read classic novels because they
royal links’, but this is not the focus of the were published in instalments.
video. 2. Correct: This paragraph accurately
2. Incorrect: The speaker says that ‘The castle summarises what the lecturer says about
is Scotland’s most popular tourist attraction’, literacy rates and the kind of publications
but this is not the focus of the video. consumed during this period.
3. Correct: The speaker talks about the 3. Incorrect: The speaker does not say that
‘welcome financial boost’ that popular changes in taste meant that popular
locations for tourists bring the UK. In this sensationalist fiction was replaced by classic
context, the speaker then talks about the novels.
amount of money that tourists spend in the 4. Incorrect: The speaker says that there are
UK, suggesting that tourists bring economic similarities between the subject matter of
benefits to the country’s economy. popular sensationalist fiction and many classic
4. Incorrect: The speaker mentions historical novels.
sites, but not other reasons for visiting the UK.
Highlight correct summary 3
Multiple choice, choose single answer 1. Incorrect: Scientists are relatively sure of
9 when the Big Bang happened and that a
1. Incorrect: The speaker says that ‘usually pocket universe was formed as a result of the
citizens don’t have to vote if they choose not explosion.
to’, but doesn’t give an opinion on this. She 2. Correct: The paragraph summarises the
says that ‘some Australians have complained key information from the script.
about this system, however, saying that people 3. Incorrect: There is no evidence to suggest
should have the right to choose whether they the theory has been misunderstood and the
vote’. She doesn’t say whether she shares this Planck satellite has helped with dating the
opinion. explosion. In addition, particles expanded
2. Incorrect: The speaker doesn’t discuss evenly, not randomly.
whether countries should encourage voting or 4. Incorrect: The expansion of the universe
not. covered all areas evenly and pockets refers to
3. Correct: The speaker gives several a pocket universe, not areas of the universe.
different reasons why people have to vote in Highlight correct summary 4
elections. Then at the end of the recording, 1. Incorrect: The speaker doesn’t say that
she uses the phrase ‘In my opinion, ...’ to show entrepreneurs wish to help the elderly or those
that this is what she thinks about it. living in remote areas. Although autonomous
4. Incorrect: The speaker doesn’t say that cars may reduce people’s stress levels, there
other countries should follow Australia’s is no mention of how this is correlated with
example. road accidents.
Highlight correct summary 1 2. Correct: These are the main aims detailed
1. Incorrect: The speaker says that when the by the speaker during the lecture extract.
theory was tried in New York, it resulted in a 3. Incorrect: Although the speaker mentions
fall in both petty crime and serious crime. the reduction of accidents as one of the aims,
2. Incorrect: The speaker says that social he does not link accidents directly to the
scientists might find the theory inadequate as it elderly and people without access to public
does not examine social issues, not that they transport driving.
saw the theory was a way of lifting people out 4. Incorrect: The lecturer mentions both aims,
of poverty. but does not state that productivity is more
3. Correct: This paragraph accurately important to researchers than safety. He says
summarises the main points of the recording. that safety is the most important aspect of
4. Incorrect: The speaker says that it is difficult autonomous travel for him.
to establish the real cause, but nothing about
other changes in police numbers or policing

27 Answer Key © Pearson Education Limited 2020

Highlight correct summary 5 many Americans saw them and decided that
1. Incorrect: The speaker describes being they wanted ‘to learn how to do that’.
more exposed to rising energy costs and being 4. Incorrect. The speaker does not say that
more dependent on finite fossil fuels as ballet was an ‘elite cultural activity’, although
negatives. she does describe how it became more
2. Incorrect: This directly contradicts the popular with children. She does not mention
statements in the audio – ‘climate stabilization the size of the venues where ballet classes
and financial recovery are mutually beneficial’. were held.
3. Incorrect: The speaker does not say climate
Highlight correct summary 9
change can be prevented.
1. Incorrect: The recording doesn’t say that the
4. Correct: This paragraph effectively
young person probably won’t be as good at the
summarises the speaker’s main ideas.
Highlight correct summary 6 2. Correct: The speaker focuses on the
1. Incorrect: Although the recipes were found positive influences of a sporting hero and how
in Persia and India, there is nothing to say that a person may learn from them that it is difficult
those recipes were shared internationally. The to achieve goals.
text says that sweets became popular as 3. Incorrect: The passage doesn’t talk about
medicines, not because they enjoyed sugary being successful in life even if you are not
products. successful at sport.
2. Correct: The speaker says that Stone Age 4. Incorrect: The passage does not mention
man and Persians enjoyed honey, but sweets that a young person should want to be a
emerged in Europe and were intended for sporting hero.
medicinal purposes. Later, people decided to
Highlight incorrect words 1
manufacture just sweets and create a distinct
1. doubt (word in audio is: deny)
2. recollect (word in audio is: retrieve)
3. Incorrect: There is nothing about why Stone
3. compose (word in audio is: construct)
Age man collected honey. The text says that
4. accepted (word in audio is: admitted)
sweets were herbal and enjoyable, and
5. mentality (word in audio is: maturity)
that the confectionary business split from the
6. assess (word in audio is: ascertain)
apothecary business rather than created
medicine. Highlight incorrect words 2
4. Incorrect: There is nothing about why 1. cosmopolitan (word in audio is:
doctors started to introduce herbs into sweets, metropolitan)
or about whether the sweets of Persia were 2. embraced (word in audio is: encompassed)
considered to have health benefits. 3. inevitable (word in audio is: imperative)
4. enlightening (word in audio is: enriching)
Highlight correct summary 7
5. considering (word in audio is:
1. Correct: The focus is on how educators can
provide students with the technology.
2. Incorrect: The focus here is on the negative Highlight incorrect words 3
aspects of educators making an incorrect 1. contemplate (word in audio is: consider)
choice. 2. probability (word in audio is: possibility)
3. Incorrect: The focus here is on choosing 3. dedicated (word in audio is: devoted)
apps for creative purposes. 4. perception (word in audio is: impression)
4. Incorrect: This focuses on the technology 5. requisite (word in audio is: required)
becoming outdated.
Highlight incorrect words 4
Highlight correct summary 8 1. usage (word in audio is: rules)
1. Incorrect. The speaker says American 2. specifically (word in audio is: especially)
audiences watched ballet in the USA. There is 3. confirm (word in audio is: confirm)
no mention of developing a different dancing 4. familiar (word in audio is: informal)
style. 5. vary (word in audio is: improve)
2. Incorrect. The speaker does not talk about
differences between dance techniques at the Highlight incorrect words 5
start and end of the 20th century. 1. evolution (word in audio is: emergence)
3: Correct. The speaker says that one reason 2. belief (word in audio is: faith)
why ballet became popular was that one group 3. pronounced (word in audio is: proclaimed)
of Russian dancers performed ‘all over the 4. indicate (word in audio is: illustrate)
place’ in ‘large opera halls’ and ‘small venues’; 5. adapted (word in audio is: adopted)

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Highlight incorrect words 6 Fill in the blanks (listening & writing) 6
1. common (word in audio is: conventional) 1. common
2. intention (word in audio is: attention) 2. discussion
3. build (word in audio is: boost) 3. valued
4. initial (word in audio is: original) 4. ability
5. supposed (word in audio is: suggested) 5. choice
Highlight incorrect words 7 Fill in the blanks (listening & writing) 7
1. totally (word in audio is: completely) 1. improved
2. traditional (word in audio is: cultural) 2. experienced
3. economic (word in audio is: practical) 3. survive
4. especially (word in audio is: particularly) 4. increased
5. fall (word in audio is: drop) 5. population
Highlight incorrect words 8 Fill in the blanks (listening & writing) 8
1. significant (word in audio is: serious) 1. behavioural/behavioral
2. nature (word in audio is: wildlife) 2. prevalent
3. policies (word in audio is: laws) 3. exemplifying
4. produce (word in audio is: manufacture) 4. settled
5. reduce (word in audio is: decrease)
Fill in the blanks (listening & writing) 9
Highlight incorrect words 9 1. safety
1. arguments (word in audio is: evidence) 2. reflect
2. so (word in audio is: say) 3. gold
3. really (word in audio is: actually) 4. created
4. idea (word in audio is: item)
5. amount (word in audio is: number) Select missing word 1
1. Correct: The speaker refers to grief and
Fill in the blanks (listening & writing) 1 jealousy to illustrate the fact that Shakespeare
1. phase portrays the pains and psychological traumas
2. merchandise of real life in the last plays.
3. artefacts 2. Incorrect: The speaker refers to
4. oblivion Shakespeare’s tragedies, but says nothing
about whether the last plays have happy
Fill in the blanks (listening & writing) 2 endings.
1. influential 3. Incorrect: The speaker refers to
2. distinguished Shakespeare’s history plays which deal with
3. represents political questions, but says nothing about
4. effectiveness political questions in the last plays.
5. reliable 4. Incorrect: The speaker refers to the plots of
Fill in the blanks (listening & writing) 3 the last plays as ‘dream-like’, but says nothing
1. merited about the joys of daydreaming.
2. engineers Select missing word 2
3. predict 1. Incorrect: They become less effective, not
4. impact less popular.
Fill in the blanks (listening & writing) 4 2. Correct: It is likely that these negative
1. compass influences will cause less effectiveness.
2. compromised 3. Incorrect: The importance of green
3. altered technology has become more widely
4. occur recognised.
5. surge Select missing word 3
Fill in the blanks (listening & writing) 5 1. Incorrect: The text mentions that the
1. container construction industry needs to be more
2. recycle resource-efficient, but this is not what the
3. pollution aforementioned measures in the sentence
4. difficult would necessarily lead to.
5. indicate 2. Correct: This point is made throughout the

29 Answer Key © Pearson Education Limited 2020

3. Incorrect: Although infrastructure is Select missing word 8
mentioned earlier in the text, it is to define 1. Incorrect: The speaker is talking about all of
construction and demolition waste and there is his experience as a psychologist, not one
no indication that it will be improved in future if particular event.
the aforementioned factors are implemented. 2. Correct: The speaker is describing the
variety of work that he has done, and he is
Select missing word 4
saying that his book is a result of what he has
1. Incorrect: Lovers of reading do not
learned from both teaching and research.
necessarily become librarians.
3. Incorrect: The speaker is talking about all of
2. Correct: The script is describing how this
his experience as a psychologist, not one
love of reading is fostered in children.
particular course.
3. Incorrect: This does not fit the overall
4. Incorrect: The speaker is talking about all of
meaning of the audio.
his experience as a psychologist, not about his
4. Incorrect: The aim is to encourage children
future plans.
to read, not write.
Select missing word 9
Select missing word 5
1. Correct: The use of ‘though’ shows that we
1. Incorrect: Interaction between children was
are listening for something positive despite the
not studied.
negative sides previously mentioned such as
2. Correct: This difference between bilingual
‘needs almost constant restoration …
and monolingual children is the main point of
undeniably crowded …’.
the recording.
2. Incorrect: The speaker has already shown
3. Incorrect: We are not told what the first
that the Parthenon is famous and has plenty of
language of monolingual children is.
4. Incorrect: They could respond to sounds of
3. Incorrect: This does not fit with the meaning
their first language.
of the text, which is about people’s attitudes
Select missing word 6 towards the Parthenon, rather than the
1. Incorrect: The speaker stresses that there building itself.
are many interpretations and that is the 4. Incorrect: The use of ‘though’ shows that we
problem. are listening for something positive.
2. Correct: The text implies strongly
Write from dictation 1
throughout that the number of different
One of the purposes of education is to
definitions is problematic.
encourage independent learning.
3. Incorrect: The speaker says that creativity is
an equally problematic term. Write from dictation 2
4. Incorrect: The hampering of development is Some successful managers do not have
not a desirable outcome, which ‘provided that’ academic qualifications.
would imply.
Write from dictation 3
Select missing word 7 Massive contributions have been made to the
1. Correct: The speaker explains there are genetics of heredity.
many poisonous substances that now have
health benefits, and that more are being Write from dictation 4
discovered all the time. Students are expected to maintain an excellent
2. Incorrect: The speaker says nothing to attendance record.
suggest that earlier generations had made any Write from dictation 5
mistakes. Engineering students should attend the lecture
3. Incorrect: The speaker says nothing that on product design.
there are any risks in using the poisons, and
that their applications are, in fact, increasing. Write from dictation 6
4. Incorrect: The speaker mentions that one Some doctors are encouraging patients to
poison has also been used by the beauty spend more time outside.
industry, but there is nothing to suggest that it
has prompted the changes – more that it has Write from dictation 7
benefited from them. Setting aside regular mealtimes/meal times
helps with time management.
Write from dictation 8
Most current smart devices routinely gather
location data.

30 Answer Key © Pearson Education Limited 2020

Write from dictation 9 Multiple choice, choose multiple
Subsistence farming aims to yield sufficient answers 3
produce to satisfy local requirements. 1. Incorrect: This contrasts with audio which
does not pinpoint exactly when the sketch was
Write from dictation 10
discovered, it is part of a collection from the
A hostile takeover can invigorate a company
15th and 16th centuries.
that is performing poorly.
2. Incorrect: The image was of a ‘wooden
Write from dictation 11 machine’, not drawn into wood.
Aesthetic/Esthetic design is the cornerstone of 3. Correct: It is surrounded by controversy.
many architectural projects. 4. Incorrect: It is the earliest image of a
bicycle, not da Vinci’s earliest image. The
Write from dictation 12 speaker suggests that it was not drawn by da
Frozen samples can be stored in the Vinci.
laboratory freezers. 5. Correct: It was labelled a forgery.
Multiple choice, choose multiple Multiple choice, choose multiple
answers 1 answers 4
1. Incorrect: The speaker says that the 1 Correct: The speaker says the technology
company needs to be flexible about timing and could help us move away from natural
deadlines will not work. resources that are currently being used at a
2. Incorrect: The speaker says the company rapid rate.
needs to analyse failures and understand why 2 Incorrect: The speaker says it could be
they occurred. lifesaving by recognising harmful chemicals in
3. Incorrect: The speaker says that focus food, and only mentions exercise by stating it
groups with customers will probably not be can tell you when you have bad body odour.
helpful because they will only suggest 3 Incorrect: The chip is still being developed
incremental innovations. and tested. 2035 is only mentioned to talk
4. Correct: The speaker says that feedback to about how many computers there are
other departments from the team working on estimated to be by this time.
the innovation is important. 4 Incorrect: The text says it can recognise
5. Correct: The speaker says that successful odourless and potentially harmful chemicals
radical innovations often occur when people from food production.
from diverse areas of business work alongside 5 Correct: The text says it is self-powering,
each other. which also links to the first correct answer of
Multiple choice, choose multiple not relying on natural resources for lithium
answers 2
1. Incorrect: The speaker says mathematicians Multiple choice, choose multiple
are ‘concerned with propositions that can be answers 5
proved’ – not that are hard to prove. 1. Incorrect: Although we know that
2. Correct: The speaker says: ‘Economists atmospheric data is complex and limited, this
really endorse maths … for generating realisation is not described as improving
provable propositions.’ things.
3. Incorrect: The speaker says: ‘they stand at 2. Correct: The speaker says that ‘we have
opposite poles in terms of epistemology’. more sensors in the atmosphere and on land,
4. Incorrect: The speaker says: ‘throughout the which have increased the amount of data from
history of economics, one can find economists which to make predictions, with positive
praising maths as the pathway to rigorous and results.’
elegant laws’. 3. Incorrect: The speaker says that being able
5. Correct: The speaker says: ‘the social to record and include long-term features in the
system to which they apply maths is so model has helped.
complex, too complex, to obtain reliable 4. Correct: The speaker says that improved
proofs’. techniques for modelling the relationship
between data and the subsequent weather will
definitely help.
5. Incorrect: The speaker says that the public’s
demand has always been higher than the
reality of forecasting possibilities, and does not
mention that this has changed.

31 Answer Key © Pearson Education Limited 2020

Multiple choice, choose multiple this because he also mentions several other
answers 6 things, e.g. ‘your family’, and what type of
1. Correct: Many people such as the elderly or person you are, e.g. ‘I’m outgoing, I’m shy,’
those who live in remote locations may be able etc.
to get medical treatment that they can 3. Correct: The speaker says: ‘sociology is
administer themselves directly much faster about the relationship between the individual
than it is possible to get a human medical and society. That is how our lives are shaped
team to them. by the social context in which we live.’ If
2. Incorrect: ‘With more and more drivers stuck there’s a ‘relationship’ between people and
in traffic jams, they waste billions of gallons of society and their lives are ‘shaped by’ it, then
fuel … we need to change this.’ people’s lives must be ‘influenced by society’.
3. Incorrect: The speaker mentions a number 4. Incorrect: The speaker says: ‘I’m going to
of benefits, but none of these are specifically give you a little activity. I’m going to ask you to
linked to growing the economy. write down … ten words to describe yourself.’
4. Incorrect: The speaker says that there are a He doesn’t mention anything about students
number of social benefits, but there is no doing this activity in small groups. What he
strong business model. does say suggests that they should do this
5. Correct: Switching to unmanned air activity on their own.
vehicles may go beyond simply taking drivers 5. Correct: The speaker says: ‘once you
off the road and bring additional benefits. understand this concept, you can bring it into
6. Incorrect: The speaker says that being stuck almost any question the examiners choose to
in a traffic jam is the least productive way to set.’ If sociology students can use a concept in
spend your working hours, but doesn’t say that most exams that they take, it can help them in
a potential benefit is greater productivity. their exam.

Multiple choice, choose multiple Multiple choice, choose multiple

answers 7 answers 9
1. Incorrect: The speaker does not mention the 1. Correct: The speaker says: ‘Unlike Monet,
number of expenses needed to require a they [Seurat and his group] decided to focus
budget and says budgets ‘are … crucial for on the science of painting.’ If Seurat focused
everyone’. on the science of painting, he was interested in
2. Incorrect: The text talks about how it.
everybody kept to a budget in the past; there’s 2. Incorrect: The speaker says: ‘In my opinion,
no mention of budgets being fashionable now. Seurat is equally important in the history of
3. Correct: The speaker says that budgets art,’ which means that the speaker doesn’t
can be ‘made relevant’ to schoolchildren and think that one artist is more important than the
gives the example of how a budget can apply other.
to their school dinners. 3. Incorrect: The speaker mentions how
4. Incorrect: The speaker talks about working famous Monet is (‘Most of you will have heard
out your income minus your biggest bills to find of Monet ...’), but then says that ‘many of you
out your budget; reducing your biggest bills is may not know the paintings of another French
not mentioned. artist, Georges Seurat.’ This suggests that
5. Correct: The speaker says that budgets Monet was more famous than Seurat and not
‘are still crucial for everyone’ and gives the other way round.
examples of budgets for both adults and 4. Correct: The speaker says: ‘The way these
children. artists painted also differed from the way
Monet did it.’ If Seurat painted in a different
Multiple choice, choose multiple way to Monet, he used different painting
answers 8 techniques to Monet.
1. Incorrect: The speaker says: ‘Identity has 5. Incorrect: The speaker says: ‘They [Seurat
many meanings, but in sociology it refers to an and his group] carefully studied where light fell
image we have of ourselves; literally who we and reproduced that ...’. He doesn’t mention
think we are,’ which means that the concept of anything about Seurat copying Monet.
identity only has one meaning in sociology and
not ‘several different meanings’.
2. Incorrect: If you ‘focus on’ something, you
concentrate on it or only do that thing. In this
case, the speaker doesn’t want the students to
just focus on these two things and we know

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