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Dear Sophie,

I was reading your letter that you had send me on 15th of April. I think that watching football match
between two local teams are an entertaining activity, but don’t you think that teenage girls are not
as much into sports as teenage boys are. I do believe that it will certainly be entertaining and fun
experience for boys as not so much for girls. I would suggest you to think about activity that would
be fun and entertaining to both genders. For example, going too zoo, or visiting local museums. In
my opinion it would be interesting to both boys and girls. What do you think?

The other thing that sounded really boring to me was classical concert. It’s a good idea for 18 or 20
years old adults, but not to teenagers. In my opinion classical concert would be very boring for them
and they certainly wouldn’t enjoy it. Instead I would suggest you to think about rock concert
because it is now really popular around teenagers and that is what they like.

Horse-riding sounds really fun and a good activity for teenagers I think they would definitely enjoy it.
But what if they can’t ride? Or maybe they are scared of riding ahorse? Maybe you should consider
about another activity. For example feeding the horses or geta tour guide who would explain them
everything about horses I don’t think that the tour with a guide will be that expensive. Although if it
is expensive for you, you could ask the teenagers to raise money themselves it would be around 3 to
4 pounds not more.

I gave you a list of what they would like, but maybe giving them spare time would also be a good
entertainment maybe the girls would like to go shopping at your local store and the guys would
maybe play video games or go to game center, where they could play games. And it would be fun for
both girls and boys to go bowling. If you like my ideas and my opinion for this programme write me a
letter back and maybe I could help you with something.

Yours faithfully,


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