Verbs 2

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Simple Past _ Simple Simple Past _ = Past’ parteele rt Past Participle ran run ‘springs sprang/sprung sprung said said stand stood stood ke saw oo steal stole stolen sought sought stick stuck stuck sold a | stings stung stung sent sent | stinks stank/stunk stunk set set strikes struck struck/stricken shook shaken - strives strove/strived _striven/strived shed shed | string strung strung shone/shined shone/shined swear swore sworn shot shot | sweep swept swept showed shown/showed swell swelled swelled/swollen shrank/shrunk shrunk swim swam swum shut shut swings swung swung sang sung take took taken sank sunk teach taught taught sat sat tear tore torn slept slept tel told told ler slid slid think thought thought slit silt throw threw thrown smelied/smelt _smelled/smelt thrusts thrust thrust sneaked/snuck sneaked/snuck understand understood understood spoke spoken undertake undertook undertaken sped/speeded sped/speeded upset upset upset spelled/spelt spelled/spelt wake woke/waked woken spent spent wear wore worn spilled/spilt spilled/spitt weaver wove woven spun spun weeps wept wept spit/spat spit/spat win won won split split winds ‘wound wound spoiled/spoilt spoiled/spoilt withdraw withdrew withdrawn spread spread write wrote written come of the less frequently used regula verbs: eDefinitions Fre io pay forecast ..... predict a future spring ..... jump or rise suddenly per. ++ WAT ey if one loses. occurrence from a still position m0 fer of MONEY, forsake... abandon or desert ~ cause pain with a sharp pid =< MAK a a publiesale grind... crush, reduce 10 small ‘object (€.8. pin) or bite usu or secure pieces (eg. by an insect) faste? Or emals together seek... look for stink... .have a bad or foul smell bind ing A ang shed... drop off or get rid of strike... hit something with force breed +++" "Pip produce JOCESS sy ain beeen sales cate end informal sink .....move downward, often i an Soa sadeast «1° gio Waves io swing... move back and forth on ounce te : . ++ +++ Push forcibly; shove ann slide... glide smoothlys sip or sos ‘break suddenly ip + «form by passing pieces explodes skid P of material over and pant ae sli... cut a marrow opening under each other (as ir ast old spin ..... turn rapidly around a mngeation ical : central point aks oiale

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