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M n r a1

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arovided in government institutions. But

that p
to the cost of
suchservices may put them out of the reach of the poor. Private
wherebusiness would be most
u s i n e s s

tend to work in the profitable and


interest of the
and powerful. The
he wealthy result be
rongthan extend, opportunities for those who aremay to deny,

relatively weak
Arguments can be put forward onboth sides of
the debate but
re's often exhibit a tendency to work in favour of the
ed. This is why many argue that to ensure social justice the
n should step in to see that basic facilities are made available to
Jthe members of a society.
ina democratic society disagreements about issues of distribution
ndjustice are inevitable and even healthy because they force us to
wamine different points of view and rationally defend our own views.
olitics is about the negotiation of such disagreements through
ehate. In our own country many kinds of social and economic
equalities exist and much remains to be done if they are to be
duced. Studying the different principles of justice should help us
discuss the issues involved and come to an agreement regarding
ae best way of pursuing justice.

Justice implies something which it is not only right to do and

wrong not to do; but which some individual person can claim
from us as his moral right.
-J. S. Ml


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