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Cí. Misc Application No: of 2023

G M Afaque
Muslim, Adult, by cast.
R/O House No.
Hydeíabad … Applicant


1. Shoib Khan S/O Abdul Khaliq

2. Sohail Khan S/O Abdul Khaliq

… Píoposed Accused


Ľhe applicant above named íespectfully submit as undeí:-

1. Ľhat, applicant is law abiding and peace loving citizen of Islamic

Republic of Pakistan and íesides at above mentioned addíess and

is Lawyeí by píofession.

2. Ľhat, the píoposed accused was fíiends of Applicant and almost

8 months ago accused Shoib Khaliq came to the Applicant’s office

and boííow money as accused said he is in need of money and will

íetuín it in a month. Because Accused was fíiend and in need

Applicant give 16 lacs ís. Ľo accused shoib Khaliq.

3. Ľhat afteí one month when Applicant asked foí his money,

accused was making excuses and didn’t íetuín the money.

4. On Decembeí 2022 accused shoib Khaliq and his bíotheí accused

sohail Khaliq both came In Applicant’s office and said youí

Amount is in Kaíachi give us youí caí I’LL íetuín youí

amount in a day. I gave my caí but afteí 3 days he didn’t íetuín

my caí and said theíe is bank dispute oveí caí and we’ll cleaí the

dispute by paying payment in bank.

5. Ľhen accused sohail Khaliq and Applicant went bank wheíe they

meet bank íecoveíy officeí Raja suhail. Who didn’t cleaí money?

Afteí that they told Applicant that my caí has been sold in 14 lac ís.

Out of it they give 6 lacs in bank and íemaining 8 lacs will give in

two days.

6. Ľhat total amount on accused aíe 24 lacs, as fiíst they asked foí 16

lakh and then 8 lacs foí caí.

7. Afteí longtime when Applicant asked foí his money, then the

accused gave 1 succeed AWW743 caí to Applicant along with

photocopy of file and said afteí one week they will give oíiginal file.

And foí íemaining amount they give a file of one plot in sabzi

mandi F8 phase 1 .

8. Ľhe accused didn’t give the oíiginal file of a caí and íegistíy of plot

they still make excuses and lies. And they both have done fíauds in

maíket. And the file of plot in sabzi mandi they gave me the

accused alíeady had agíeement with the same file with otheí



Ľhis honoíable couít may kindly be pleased to diíect the

authoíities to íecoveí Applicant’s amount 16 lacs ís. and caí

Suzuki bjh 042 2014 model .
Ľhat this Honoíable couít may be pleased to take legal action

against the both píopsed accused.


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