Player's Guide To Piety

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Odyssey of the

Player’s Guide to Piety
Notes about Piety
● Piety can increase at the end of any arc, and at every level up milestone.
● Your words, actions, and deeds during an arc determine whether or not your piety
increases or decreases.
● Each of you starts with 1 piety for the deity or entity you declared yourself a
champion of.
● When piety reaches: 3+, 10+, 25+, and 50+ you will be granted a permanent boon from
your Patron. You keep this boon as long as you maintain the piety score needed to
unlock it.
● Sacrifices are a great way to gain easy piety. Though as champions you are held to a
much higher standard. AKA just a few oxen ain’t gonna cut it.
How do I improve my piety?
Earning and Losing Piety
You increase your piety score to Versi when you expand their influence in the world in a
concrete way through acts such as these:
● Defeating a creature that has stepped out of its place or placed itself outside of Fate’s
grasp. (A great example would be a Lich)
● Repairing a significant wound dealt to destiny by the gods’ ambitions
● Teaching people about Versi and her potential
● Creating additional temples, art, and followers for Versi
Your piety score to Versi decreases if you diminish their influence in the world, contradict
their ideals, or threaten the integrity of destiny through acts such as these:
● Undoing a deserved punishment or curse suffered by another creature
● Willfully destroying a natural wonder
● Assisting a creature in undermining the natural order or exploiting destiny
● Increasing your piety with another

Earning and Losing Piety
You increase your piety score to Kyrah when you expand the god’s influence in the world in
a concrete way through acts such as these:
● Pulling a prank on a figure of high standing
● Telling a joke that makes a large crowd laugh or groan
● Passing yourself off as another person
● Beating someone in a foot race or any game of chance
● Creating art that inspires or entertains
Your piety score to Kyrah decreases if you diminish Kyrah’s influence in the world,
contradict her ideals, or make her look ridiculous or ineffectual through acts such as these:
● Bringing order in times of chaos
● Losing a foot race or any game of chance
● Telling the truth to someone you despise
● Taking too long to do something, any excessive indecisiveness
● Wanton acts of bloodshed and cruelty
Earning and Losing Piety
You increase your piety score to Pythor when you expand the god’s influence in the world in
a concrete way through acts such as these:
● Achieving a great victory
● Overcoming long odds honorably
● Defeating a skilled foe in single combat
● Winning a great feat of strength or skill
● Success at romance
Your piety score to Pythor decreases if you diminish Pythor’s influence in the world,
contradict his ideals, or make him look weak and cowardly through acts such as these:
● Showing cowardice in battle
● Besting an honorable foe through deceit
● Harming innocents or noncombatants
● Losing a loved one

Earning and Losing Piety
You increase your piety score to Thylea when you expand the titan’s influence in the world
in a concrete way through acts such as these:
● Caring for the natural world and maintaining a healthy balance between civilization
and the natural world.
● Feeding those who are starving.
● Caring for the young.
● Successful diplomacy between settlers and natives.
● Showing great patience and forgiveness.
Your piety score to Thylea decreases if you diminish her influence in the world, contradict
her ideals, or undermine her civilizing influence through acts such as these:
● Hurting the natural world and destroying the balance between civilization and the
natural world.
● Hoarding resources, especially food.
● Harming the young.
● Inciting unrest between settlers and natives.
● Losing your patience, and holding grudges.
Earning and Losing Piety
You increase your piety score Vallus when you expand the god’s influence in the world in a
concrete way through acts such as these:
● Supporting those who would reform or overturn institutions that oppress people, ideas,
or beliefs
● Solving a challenging riddle or puzzle
● Smiting the unwise and foolish in Vallus’name
● Using knowledge, wisdom, and adaptability to resolve conflicts and solve problems.
Your piety score to Vallus decreases if you diminish Vallus’ influence in the world,
contradict her ideal of gradual change, or attempt to impose artificial order through acts
such as these:
● Jeopardizing others through rash or foolish actions
● Abusing laws to control and oppress people, ideas, or beliefs
● Willingly subverting or impeding a wise course of action
● Failing to plan appropriately for a challenge
● Giving in to wanton fury and destruction, a loss of one’s senses.

Earning and Losing Piety
You increase your piety score to Volkan when you expand the god’s influence in the world
in a concrete way through acts such as these:
● Making discoveries, especially regarding machine life and constructs
● Taking decisive action on impulse
● Destroying or repairing and improving something that has outlived its usefulness
● Creating something wondrous in Volkan’s name
● Defeating opponents with your cunning and intelligence
Your piety score to Volkan decreases if you diminish Volkan’s influence in the world, work
against freedom or self-expression, or allow tyranny to take hold through acts such as these:
● Being lazy or lackadaisical
● Creating something shoddy or flawed
● Destroying something useful, especially something wondrous like clockwork or magical
● Backing down from a fight or a contest

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