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Convos we r afraid of having.

The demise of my dad tore me apart..

But I guess my mom was more affected…
N our last born suffered the most….
He was two n he had no clue what had just happened…
As he grew up thanks to Almighty coz he was sickly I remember…
One day he came n asked my mom where his dad was…
Coz everyone at school was talking about their dads..
My mom just went to her room n cried after lying to him that he will come..
Mom used to beg our uncle to come visit so that Steve could stop asking about his dad.
Poor kid used to think that our dads friend James Tendwa was his dad..
Till one day mom brought a pic of our late dad..
Asked the boy to sit down n showed him the pic…
N mom explained it to him that he is gone n he is now an angel up in heaven .
N that dad loved him so much n always wanted him to work hard in his studies.
The kid got relieved n stopped being moody n angry all the time…
He is still a quiet kid but not grumpy all the time…
This brief story is to show u the power that some convos hold…
Those convos that we r afraid to bring up…
We keep pretending just because we don’t want to have a talk..
Those questions that we bury deep inside coz we r afraid of the answers..
We notice something weird in a friend but still we keep quiet…
We assume it’s a new demeanor he or she picked….
A friend drinking excess but u think he is just letting loose.
That girl who begins to withdraw from people (hello Sarcastic)
The girl whose smile has faded n all she does is stay in her bubble…
The girl who starts partying randomly n drinking too much…
Yeah there is something bothering them…
Don’t be afraid to start that convo…
Don’t hesitate to question the change in behavior…
Let the questions out….
U remain quiet n it will affect that person…
Don’t offer to help unless u r sure of the problem.
At times all we need is just someone to listen…
Someone we can rant n that person will just listen…
That attention is something people crave for..
Be sure to listen without judgment.. some monsters in our heads r dark..
Keep questioning n offer the shoulder to lean on..
One day he or she will open up… or give u a clue of what is happening..
It wont be easy coz at first they also think they r fine…
Don’t ask once or twice n tire…
It will haunt u tomorrow. I know better coz my late champ Sam I tried once..
N didn’t bother to ask again.. yet I noticed something was wrong…
I tried the second time with my sister Ashley but still he didn’t open up…
All he said is that he was fine…
So there it is, I will never know what bothered him… he is quiet in his permanent residence the
If u ever read this, n u have a convo u wanna have with a person..
Please run n have it…
Ask the questions…
U may save a life or give a life hope…

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