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Product Snow Inventory Data Exporter

Document date 2016-09-27

The Snow Inventory Data Exporter tool can be used to export data from a Snow Inventory Server
database. This is useful in a migration scenario where an existing Snow Inventory Server environment
is to be upgraded to Inventory Server 5.
The file to use is called snowdataexporter.exe and is included in the installation package/zip-file, but
not in the MSI package. During the export, one file (*.inv) will be created for each device that is


1. Run the snowdataexporter.exe file.
The Snow Inventory Data Exporter dialog box appears.

2. Type information on from where data is to be exported in the Server name and Database
name boxes.
3. Select one of the following authentication alternatives:
 Select the Windows authentication check box.
 Select the SQL Server login check box, and then type user credentials in the User
name and Password boxes.

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4. Use the Site name and Computer name boxes to filter the export on a specific site name
and/or computer name.
5. To change the default export filter, click Edit.
The Inventory Export Filter dialog box appears.

6. In the Data Categories list, clear the check boxes of the categories to be left out from the
7. In the Options section, set the period for the Metering history.
Metering history is by default is set to 90 days.
8. Click OK to save the changes and close the Inventory Export Filter dialog box.

9. Click and select Destination folder for the export files.
10. To change the site name of the exported devices, click the Change site name check box and
then type the new name in the New site name box.
11. To change the configuration name of the exported devices, click the Change configuration
name check box and then type the new name in the New configuration name box.
12. To start the export, click Start.
The export files are created in the selected destination folder.

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