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Section A
Reading Skill

Que.01 unseen passage. 10 marks

Read the following passage carefully.

1. The protests against police brutality and systemic racism have seen several American and international celebrities donate
to U.S. nonprofits and organizations dedicated to racial justice. On June 5, racial justice organization Black Lives Matter
confirmed it had received a $1 million donation from South Korean pop group BTS and its record label, Big Hit

2. Shortly after the news became public, BTS fans organized an online campaign to match the donation under the hash tag
#Match Million and reached their goal in just 25 hours.

3. K-pop fans are known for their prolific social media activity and have used their influence to support social justice issues.
On Instagram and Twitter, they have taken over white supremacist hash tags with fancams - short videos of their favourite
pop idols performing. When the Dallas Police Department asked the public to submit videos of "illegal activity" during
protests to its iWatch Dallas app, fans encouraged each other to submit fancams instead, and the app went temporarily

4. These fanbases are sometimes generalized as young and obsessive individuals who occasionally take collective action.
But they have a history of raising money for charity and breaking social media records, and BTS fans in particular are
enabled by the semi structured organization of the fanbase and the diversity within their ranks.

5. BTS is a seven-member K-pop group whose music draws from several genres, including hip-hop, pop and R&B.

Since their 2013 debut, they've become known for their meticulous choreography, elaborate music videos with connected
storylines and youth-focused lyrics that touch on themes such as self-confidence, mental health and societal norms.
(Source: Choose the correct option to answer the questions based on the above passage and graphics.
Do any ten.

Question.1 The racial justice organization Black Lives Matter confirmed that .

(a) It had received a $1 million donation from BTS Army

(b) It had received a $1 million donation from a celebrity

(c) It had received a $1 million donation from South Korean pop group BTS

(d) It had received a $3 million donation from South Korean pop group BTS

Question.2 Why have American celebrities donated to U.S. nonprofits and organizations dedicated to racial justice?

(a) due to systemic racism

(b) For George Floyd's death

(c) For the injustices in general

(d) For corona virus pandemic

Question.3 Based on your understanding of the passage, choose the option that lists the inherent qualities of fan bases.
(Img 6)

(a) 1 and 3

(b) 2 and 4

(c) 5 and 6

(d) 2 and 5

Question.4 What online campaign did the BTS fans launch?

(a) raise funds to match the donation

(b) raise funds to organize a concert

(c) get more BTS followers

(d) raise funds amounting to double the donation

Question.5 What did the fans encourage each other to submit fancams in place of?

(a) "any activity" during protests.

(b) "illegal activity" during police action.

(c) "illegal activity" during protests.

(d) the protests

Question.6 Which app went temporarily offline?

(a) iWatch Dallas app

(b) iWitness Dallas app

(c) iSee Dallas app

(d) iWent Dallas app

Question.7 Which Twitter account put up screenshots of the funds collect for #MatchAMillion initiative?

(a) BTS_History616

(b) BTS_History613

(c) BTSI_History613

(d) BTS-History613
Question.8 BTS army has a history of:

(a) raising money for events

(b) raising money for the band

(c) raising money for concerts

(d) raising money for charity

Question.9 Which word in the passage means "spread across or embedded in the whole group/body"?

(a) systemic

(b) obsessive

(c) genres

(d) meticulous

Question.10 The BTS band is known for

(a) music

(b) charity work

(c) choreography, elaborate music videos

(d) stage performances

Que.02 Note making & title.  04 marks

In the modern world women have come to perform varied roles. They are no longer confined to the four walls of their
homes. A number of them go out to workplaces to serve as teachers, doctors, nurses, officers, clerks, workers, soldiers etc.
There is hardly any field in which women have nothing to do. They work and earn extra money which provides financial
security to their families. Not only do they work efficiently at workplaces they manage their homes equally well.

There is no doubt that working women are sometimes left with little time for their husbands and children. Children fail to
do well in their studies. Husbands grumble for lack of attention. In such cases women need to cut down their working hours
or find out ways and means so that their families do not feel neglected.

Women, I feel, should work and earn money. Only then can they run their homes better in a competitive world. If their
families are co-operative, they also do their duties well, as homemakers.

Questions :-

(A) on the basis of your reading of the above passage make notes on it, using abbreviations, where necessary.

(B) Give a suitable title to it.

Section B
Writting Skill

Que.3 Write notice on debate competition. 04 marks


Make a poster on science exhibition.

Que.4 Write A Letter To The Collector Of Your District For Imposing A Restriction On The Use Of Loudspeaker.

Or 04 marks
Write A Letter To Your Sister Friend Advising Her/Him To Celebrate Diwali Without Crackers.

Que.5 Write An Essay On Wonder Of Science. 04 marks


You Are Kanchan, A Responsible Citizen. You Have Organized A Campaign On Say No To Polythene Bags.

Section C

Que.6 Fill In The Blanks:- 05 marks

I. He is ……………….. MBA. (a/an/the)
II. He has’t got …………… money in his pocket. (any/some/few)
III. He is poor…………… happy. (but/or/and)
IV. Every student……………….. wear school uniform. (must/should/need)
V. I don’t like…………. Of them. (either/neither)

Que.7 Do Does Direct. 05 marks

I. He Teaches English. (Change Into Negative)
II. He Makes Nice Tea. (Change Into Voice)
III. I Shall Do This Work. (Change Into Voice)
IV. Sita Does Not Sing She Does Not Dance. (Combine Using ‘ So That’)
V. The Boy Said,” Kavita Is Writing A Letter. (Change The Narratin)
Section D
Que.8 Extract from prose.

I. 5
II. 3
III. 4

Que.11 short answer type questions. 10 marks

I. Explain the concept of shanshui ?
II. Contract the Chinese view of art with the European view with examples.
III. What does the notice ‘ the world’s most dangerous animal’ at a cage in the zoo at Lusaka, Zambia, signigy ?
IV. What does the phrase “ strange to tell “ mean ?
V. Why are the last two lines put within brackets ?

Que. 12 Short answer type questions. 04 marks

I. Indian society has moved a long way from the way the marriage is arranged in the story.
II. Is drama a good medium for covefing a social message & discuss.

Que. 13 short answer type questions.(any 3) 12 marks

I. The emperor may rule over the territory he has conquered, but only the artist knows the way within.
II. The landscape is an inner one , a spiritual and conceptnal space.
III. How is the cyclic movement of rain brought out in the poem ?
IV. Locate the lines in the text that support the title ‘ the acling planet’.

Que. 14 short answer type questions. 06 marks

I. The school system often curbe individual talent. Discuss.
II. This play written in the 1950s, is a humorous and satirical depiction of the family. What are the issues it raises ?

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