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The practice of caring is central to nursing

MARGARET JEAN WATSON 7. Caring consists of carative factors that result in
 Southern West Virginia on June 10,1940 the satisfaction of certain human needs
 Education: BSN (1964) at Boulder campus in “carative” instead “curative” to distinguish between
Colorado nursing and medicine. Whereas curative factors aim at
 PhD in Educational Psychology and Counseling curing the patient’s disease, carative factors aim at the
(1973) at the Graduate School, Boulder Campus. caring process that helps the person attain (or maintain)
 Distinguished Professor of Nursing at the health or die a peaceful death”.
University of Colorado Health Sciences Center
 Widely published author and received several
1. Formation of Humanistic – Altruistic system of
awards, six Honorary Doctoral Degrees
Values – satisfaction through giving & extension
including 3 International Honorary Doctorates
of the sense of self. EMBRACE.
(Sweden, UK, Canada)
2. Instillation of Faith – Hope – INSPIRE.
WATSON’S THEORY AND THE FOUR MAJOR CONCEPTS 3. Cultivation of sensibility to one’s self and to
Person - Human being is viewed as greater than and 4. Development of a helping – trusting, human
different from the sum of his/ her parts caring relationship. NURTURE.
Health refers to unity and harmony within the mind, 5. Promotion and acceptance of the expression of
body and soul positive and negative feelings. – FORGIVE.
- High level of overall physical, mental and 6. Systematic use of creative problem – solving
social functioning; general adaptive caring process – DEEPEN.
maintenance level of daily functioning; the 7. Promotion of transpersonal teaching –
absence of illness learning. – Separates caring from curing.
Environment Caring and nursing has existed in every BALANCE.
society. It is not transmitted from generation to 8. Provision for a supportive, protective and
generation by genes but transmitted by the culture of corrective mental, physical, societal and
profession as a unique way of coping with its spiritual environment
environment 9. Assistance with gratification of human needs –
Nursing Concerned with promoting health, preventing patients must satisfy lower-orders before higher
illness and caring for the sick and restoring health. orders. MINISTER.
Holistic care being central 10. Allowance for existential – phenomenological-
- Watson’s Definition of Nursing: “A human spiritual forces – go beyond 10 carative factors.
science of persons and human’s health- OPEN.
illness experience that are mediated by APPLICATION OF WATSON’S THEORY IN NURSING
professional, personal, scientific, esthetic PRACTICE
human transaction”  Through love and caring, better care for the
The relationship between human caring and patient will be given
nursing, this initial work laid the foundation for what  Sharing something of yourself with your
was to become the Theory of Human Caring (1977) and patient will establish a connection, an
Nursing: Human Science and Human Care intimacy, which allow that person to relate
1. Caring can be effectively demonstrated and  Treat patients as holistic beings
practiced only interpersonally  Treat patients with positive regard
2. Effective caring promotes health and individual  Promote health through knowledge and
or family growth intervention
3. Caring responses accept the patient as he or she  Spend uninterrupted time with patient
is now, as well as what he or she may become
4. A caring environment is one that offers the Watson’s Theory of human caring is based on
development of potential while allowing the the values of kindness, concern, love of self and others
patient to choose the best action for him or and respect for the spiritual dimension of person.
herself at a given point in time
5. Caring is more healthogenic than is curing

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